L.3.294KD.3.289 And one cristene Kynge · kepen hem alleL.3.294: A <+> in the right margin prompted the original scribe to insert hem before alle.
M.3.294KD.3.289And on cristen kynge . kepen ...?...hem echoneM.3.294: M's alteration to hem agrees with all B manuscripts except F. The alteration to echone is shared with Bm and agrees with Cr. Other B manuscripts read alle. In L, hem is added by a corrector, and its original reading was possibly the same as M's, where faint traces of alle appear to underlie the revision.
Cr1.3.295KD.3.289 And one christen kyng kepe hem eche one
C.3.294KD.3.289 And oon cristene kyng kepen hem alle
F.4.280KD.3.289& .o. cristene kyng / shal kepen al þe frape.F.4.280: Other B witnesses have the relatively pedestrian b-verse variants "kepen hem echone" or "kepen hem alle."