L.3.31KD.3.31 And in þe consistorie atte courte · do calle ȝowre names
M.3.31KD.3.31And in þe consistorie atte courte do calle ȝyowre names
Cr1.3.31KD.3.30.1 To begge hem benifices , pluralities to haue
Cr1.3.32KD.3.31 And in consistorie at courte do calle her names
W.3.31KD.3.31 And in þe Consistorie at þe court . do callen hire names
C.3.31KD.3.31 And in the consistorie atte Courte · do calle youre names
G.4.31KD.3.31 and In constorye at the couvrte do call theyre names
O.3.31KD.3.31O.3.31: OC2F alone lack a conjunction at the beginning of this line; most B manuscripts have And.In þe consistorie at court do calle ȝoure nameO.3.31: OC2F alone have the singular form.
And in þe constorie at courte do calle
ȝoure names .
F.4.32KD.3.31For in þe constorie in þe court / I shal do cowþe ȝour name.