M.3.353KD.3.346Þis tixte þat ȝeM.3.353: M alone among B manuscripts lacks the word han here. tolde . were gode for lord.es
Cr1.3.355KD.3.346 Thys texte that ye haue tolde were good for lordes ,
C.3.353KD.3.346 this texte þat ye han tolde · were good for lordes
R.3.343KD.3.346 Þis tixt þat ȝe haue Itolde were goed for lordes . The tenth leaf of Rawlinson is slit (part
of the same act as the cropping of leaves 1-7) at the right edge of the writing area for a
space of some 4 cm, from R4.12-18.
F.4.339KD.3.346But þis tyxt þat ȝee have told / ȝee takyn nout þe ende.F.4.339: The b-verse is unique to F. Bx reads "were good for lordes."