L.3.7KD.3.7 And if she worche bi my witte · and my wille folwe
M.3.7KD.3.7And ȝif she worche by my witte and my wille folwe
Cr1.3.7KD.3.7 And if she worke by wyt , and my wyl followe
W.3.7KD.3.7 And if she werche bi wit . and my wil folwe
Hm.3.7KD.3.7 And ȝif sȝeHm.3.7: Hm uniquely has the unusual form sȝe against she in most B manuscripts. wurche by wytte. and my wyll folowe
C.3.7KD.3.7 And if sho worche by my wit · and my wille folwe
G.4.7KD.3.7 and yff she worche by my wytt & my wyll folowe
O.3.7KD.3.7 And if sche worche bi my witt & my wille folewe
R.3.7KD.3.7 And if heo wurche be my witte and my wille folwe .
F.4.7KD.3.7& if she wirche be my wit / & my wille folwe.F.4.7: IIIIus with red flourishes is written in the top right margin to indicate the passus.