fol. 41rI
Passus .vijus.septimus de visione vt supra
fol. 41vI
fol. 42rI
¶ Alle libbynge laborers . þat lyuen wiþ hir hondesW.7.66-69: A vertical pen mark appears at the end of this line and the three following lines, which we take to represent nota. W.7.66:nota
Sit elemosina tua in manu tua donec studes cui des W.7.80: The nota appears inside the box to the right of the line.
Non eligas cui miseriaris nefortene forte pretereas illum qui meretur accipereW.7.83: The end of the box is cropped in the right margin, though no text appears to have been lost.
fol. 42vI
¶ Iunior fui etenim senui & non vidi iustum derelictum nene[c]W.7.98: W alone reads ne. Other B manuscripts have nec. semen eius &c
fol. 43rI
fol. 43vI
fol. 44vI