fol. 51r (cont.)I
Passus .xus.decimus de visione . et ijussecundus de Dowel

Thanne hadde wit a wif . was hote dame Studie
That lene was of lere . and of liche boþe
She was wonderly wroþ . þat wit me þus tauȝte
And al starynge dame Studie . sterneliche lokedW.10.4: W alone reads loked; other B manuscripts have seide.

Wel artow wis quod she to wit . any wisdomes to telle
To flatereres or to fooles . þat frenetike ben of wittes
And blamed hym and banned hym . and bad hym be stille
Wiþ swiche wise wordes . to wissen any sottes
And seide noli mittere man . margery perles
Among hogges þat han . hawes at wille
Thei doon but dryuele þer-on . draf were hem leuere
Than al þe precious perree . þat in paradis wexeþ
I seye it by swiche quod she . þat sheweþ by hir werkes
That hem were leuere lond . and lordshipe on erþe
Or richesse or rentes . and reste at hir wille
Than alle þe sooþ sawes . þat Salomon seide euere
fol. 51vI
Wisdom and wit now . is noȝt worþ a kerse           W.10.17:nota
But if it be carded wiþ coueitise . as cloþeres kemben hir wolle           W.10.18:nota
Who-so kan contreue deceites . and conspire wronges           W.10.19:nota
And lede forþ a loue-day . to lette wiþ truþe           W.10.20:nota
He þat swiche craftes kan . to counseil is cleped           W.10.21:nota
Thei lede lordes wiþ lesynges . and bilieþ truþe           W.10.22:nota

Iob þe gentile . in hise gestes witnesseþ           W.10.23:nota
That wikked men þei welden . þe welþe of þis worlde           W.10.24:nota
And þat þei ben lordes of ech a lond . þat out of lawe libbeþ           W.10.25:nota

Quare impij viuunt bene est omnibus qui preuaricantur & inique agunt

The Sauter seiþ þe same . by swiche þat doon ille

Ecce ipsi peccatores habundantes in seculo obtinuerunt diuicias

Lo seiþ holy lettrure . whiche beþ þise sherewes           W.10.29:nota
Thilke þat god gyueþ moost . leest good þei deleþ           W.10.30:nota
And moost vnkynde to þe commune . þat moost catel weldeþ           W.10.31:nota

Que perfecisti destruxerunt . iustus autem &c

Harlotes for hir harlotrie . may haue of hir goodes           W.10.33:nota
And Iaperis and Iogelours . and Iangleris of gestes           W.10.34:nota

Ac he þat haþ holy writ . ay in his mouþe           W.10.35:nota
And kan telle of Tobye . and of twelue Apostles           W.10.36:nota
Or prechen of þe penaunce . þat Pilat wikkedlyW.10.37: The first letters of wikkedly appear to be written over an erasure. W alone reads wikkedly; Cr reads falsely; other B manuscripts omit. wroȝte           W.10.37:nota
To Iesu þe gentile . þat Iewes todrowe           W.10.38:nota
Litel is he loued . þat swich a lesson sheweþ           W.10.39:nota
Or daunted or drawe forþ . I do it on god hym-selue           W.10.40:nota

But þoo þat feynen hem foolis . and wiþ faityng libbeþ           W.10.41:nota
fol. 52rI
Ayein þe lawe of oure lord . and lyen on hem-selue           W.10.42:nota
Spitten and spuen . and speke foule wordes           W.10.43:nota
Drynken and dreuelen . and do men for to gape           W.10.44:nota
Likne men and lye on hem . þat leneþ hem no ȝiftes           W.10.45:nota
Thei konne namoore mynstralcie . ne Musik men to glade           W.10.46:nota
Than Munde þe Millere . of Multa fecit deus
Ne were hir vile harlotrye . haue god my trouþe
Sholde neuere kyng ne knyȝt . ne Chanon of Seint Poules
Ȝyue hem to hir yeresȝyue . þe ȝifte of a grote

Ac murþe and mynstralcie . amonges men is nouþe           W.10.51:nota
Lecherie . losengerye . and losels tales           W.10.52:nota
Glotonye and grete oþes . þis murþe þei louyeþ           W.10.53:nota

Ac if þei carpen of crist . þise clerkes and þise lewed           W.10.54:nota
At mete in hir murþe . whan Mynstrals beþ stille           W.10.55:nota
Thanne telleþ þei of þe Trinite . a tale ouþer tweye           W.10.56:nota
And bryngen forþ a balled reson . and taken Bernard to witnesse           W.10.57:nota
And puten forþ a presumpcion . to preue þe soþe           W.10.58:nota
Thus þei dryuele at hir deys . þe deitee to knowe           W.10.59:nota
And gnawen god wiþ þe gorge . whanne hir guttes fullen           W.10.60:nota

Ac þe carefulle may crie . and carpen at þe yate           W.10.61:nota
Boþe afyngred and a-furst . and for chele quake           W.10.62:nota
Is þer noon to nyme hym neer . his anoyW.10.63: W alone reads anoy; other B manuscripts have noy. to amende           W.10.63:nota
But hunten hym as an hound . and hoten hym go þennes           W.10.64:nota
Litel loueþ he þat lord . þat lent hym al þat blisse           W.10.65:nota
That þus parteþ wiþ þe pouere a parcelle whan hym nedeþ           W.10.66:nota
Ne were mercy in meene men . moore þan in riche           W.10.67:nota
Mendinauntz metelees . myȝte go to bedde           W.10.68:nota
God is muche in þe gorge . of þise grete maistres           W.10.69:nota
Ac amonges meene men . his mercy and hise werkes           W.10.70:nota
And so seiþ þe Sauter . I haue seiȝen it ofte           W.10.71:nota
Ecce audiuimus eam in effrata inuenimus eam in campis silueW.10.72: There is evidence of a letter cropped at the end, perhaps &c as in Hm.
fol. 52vI
Clerkes and oþere kynnes men . carpen of god faste
And haue hym muche in þe mouþ . ac meene men in herte

Freres and faitours . han founde swiche questions           W.10.75:nota
To plese wiþ proude men . syn þe pestilence tyme           W.10.76:nota
And prechen at Seint Poules . for pure enuye of clerkes           W.10.77:nota
That folk is noȝt fermed in þe feiþ . ne free of hire goodes           W.10.78:nota
Ne sory for hire synnes . so is pride woxen           W.10.79:nota
In Religion and in al þe Reme . amonges riche and pouere           W.10.80:nota
That preieres haue no power . þe pestilence to lette           W.10.81:nota
And yet þe wrecches of þis world . is noon ywar by ooþer           W.10.82:nota
Ne for drede of þe deeþ . wiþ-drawe noȝt hir pride           W.10.83:nota
Ne beþ plenteuouse to þe pouere . as pure charite wolde           W.10.84:nota
But in gaynesse and in glotonye . forglutten hir good hem-selue           W.10.85:nota
And brekeþ noȝt to þe beggere . as þe book techeþ           W.10.86:nota
Frange esurienti panem tuum &c           W.10.87:nota
And þe moore he wynneþ and welt . welþes and richesse           W.10.88:nota
And lordeþ in londes . þe lasse good he deleþ           W.10.89:nota

Tobye telleþ yow noȝt so . takeþ hede ye riche
How þe book bible . of hym bereþ witnesse

Si tibi sit copia habundanter tribue
Si autem exiguum illud impertiri stude libenter

Who-so haþ muche spende manliche . so seiþ Tobye           W.10.94:nota
And who-so litel weldeþ . rule hym þer-after           W.10.95:nota
For we haue no lettre of oure lif . how longe it shal dure           W.10.96:nota
Swiche lessons lordes sholde . louye to here           W.10.97:nota
And how he myȝte moost meynee . manliche fynde           W.10.98:nota

Nouȝt to fare as a fiþelere or a frere . for to seke festes
Homliche at oþere mennes houses . and hatien hir owene
Elenge is þe halle . ech day in þe wike
fol. 53rI
Ther þe lord ne þe lady . likeþ noȝt to sitte
Now haþ ech riche a rule . to eten by hym-selue           W.10.103:nota
In a pryuee parlour . for pouere mennes sake           W.10.104:nota
Or in a chambre wiþ a chymenee . and leue þe chief halle           W.10.105:nota
That was maad for meles . men to eten Inne           W.10.106:nota
And al to spare to spende . þat spille shal anoþer           W.10.107:nota

I haue yherd heiȝe men . etynge at þe table
Carpen as þei clerkes were . of crist and of hise myȝtes
And leyden fautes vp-on þe fader . þat formede vs alle
And carpen ayein clerkes . crabbede wordes
Why wolde oure Saueour suffre . swich a worm in his blisse
That bigiled þe womman . and þe man after
Thoruȝ whiche wiles and wordes . þei wente to helle
And al hir seed for hir synne . þe same deeþ suffrede

Here lyeþ youre lore . þise lordes gynneþ dispute
Of þat þe clerkes vs kenneþ . of crist by þe gospel
Filius non portabit iniquitatem patris &c

Why sholde we þat now ben . for þe werkes of Adam
Roten and to-rende . Reson wolde it neuere
Vnusquisque portabit onus suum &c

Swiche motyues þei meueW.10.122: The reading could as well be mene. . þise maistres in hir glorie
And maken men in mysbileue . þat muse muche on hire wordes
Ymaginatif her-afterward . shal answere to hirW.10.124: W alone reads hir; other B manuscripts have youre. purpos

Austyn to swiche Argueres . telleþ þis teme
Non plus sapere quam oportet

Wilneþ neuere to wite . why þat god wolde
Suffre Sathan . his seed to bigile
Ac bileueþ lelly . in þe loore of holy chirche
fol. 53vI
And preie hym of pardon . and penaunce in þi lyue
And for his muche mercy . to amende yow here
For alle þat wilneþ to wite . þe weyes of god almyȝty
I wolde his eiȝe were in his ers . and his fynger after
That euere wilneþ to wite . why þat god wolde
Suffre Sathan . his seed to bigile
Or Iudas to þe Iewes . Iesu bitraye
Al was as þow woldest . lord yworshiped be þeW.10.137: W alone reads þe; other B manuscripts have þow.
And al worþ as þow wolt . what-so we dispute

And þo þat vseþ þise hauylons . to blende mennes wittes
What is dowel fro dobet . þatW.10.140: W alone reads þat; other B manuscripts have now. deef mote he worþe
Siþþe he wilneþ to wite . whiche þei ben boþe
But if he lyue in þe lif . þat longeþ to dowel
For I dar ben his bolde borgh . þat dobet wole he neuere
Theiȝ dobest drawe on hym . day after ooþer

And whan þat wit was ywar . what dame Studie tolde
He bicom so confus . he kouþe noȝt loke
And as doumb as deeþ . and drouȝ hym arere
And for no carpyng I . kouþe after . ne knelyng to þe grounde
I myȝte gete no greyn . of his grete wittes
But al lauȝynge he louted . and loked vp-on Studie
In signe þat I sholde . bisechen hire of grace

And whan I was war of his wille . to his wif gan I loute
And seide mercy madame . youre man shal I worþe
As longe as I lyue . boþe late and raþe
For to werche youre wille . þe while my lif dureþ
Wiþ þat ye kenne me kyndely . to knowe what is dowel

For þi mekenesse man quod she . and for þi mylde speche
I shal kenne þee to my Cosyn . þat Clergie is hoten
He haþ wedded a wif . wiþ-Inne þise sixe monþes
fol. 54rI
Is sib toW.10.160: W alone reads to; other B manuscripts have to þe. seuen artz . Scripture is hir name
They two as I hope . after my techyng
Shullen wissen þee to dowel . I dar it vnder-take

Thanne was he al-so fayn . as fowel of fair morwe
And gladder þan þe gleman . þat gold haþ to ȝifte
And asked hire þe heighe wey . where þat Clergie dwelte
And tel me som tokene quod I . for tyme is þat I wende

Aske þe heighe wey quod she . hennes to Suffre
Boþe wele and wo . if þat þow wolt lerne
And ryd forþ by richesse . ac rest þow noȝt þer-Inne
For if þow couplest þee þer-wiþ . to clergie comestow neuere

And also þe likerouse launde . þat lecherie hatte
Leue it on þi left half . a large myle or moore
Til þow come to a court . kepe wel þi tunge
Fro lesynges and liþer speche . and likerouse drynkes

Thanne shaltow se Sobretee . and Sympletee of speche
That ech wight be in wille . his wit þee to shewe
And þus shaltow come to Clergie . þat kan manye þynges

Seye hym þis signe . I sette hym to Scole
And þat I grete wel his wif . for I wroot hire manye bokes
And sette hire to Sapience . and to þe Sauter glose
Logyk I lerned hire . and manye oþere lawes
And alleW.10.182: W alone reads alle; other B manuscripts have alle þe. Musons in Musik . I made hire to knowe

Plato þe poete . I putteW.10.183: W alone reads putte; other B manuscripts have putte hym. first to boke
Aristotle and oþere mo to argue I tauȝte

Grammer for girles . I garte first to write
And bette hem wiþ a baleys . but if þei wolde lerne
fol. 54vI
Of alle kynne craftes . I contreued tooles
Of Carpentrie of kerueres . and compased Masons
And lerned hem leuel and lyne . þouȝ I loke dymme

Ac Theologie haþ tened me . ten score tymes
The moore I muse þer-Inne . þe mystier it semeþ           W.10.191:nota
And þe depper I deuyne . þe derker me it þynkeþ           W.10.192:nota
It is no Science for-soþe . for to sotile Inne
A ful leþi þyng it were . if þat loue nere
Ac for it leteþW.10.195: W alone reads leteþ; most other B manuscripts have let. best bi loue . I loue it þe bettre
For þere þat loue is ledere . þer lakked neuere grace           W.10.196:nota
Loke þow loue lelly . if þee likeþ dowel           W.10.197:nota
For do-bet and do-best . ben of loues kynne

In ooþer Science it seiþ . I seiȝ it in Catoun
Qui simulat verbis vel corde est fidus amicus
Tu quoque fac simile . sic ars deluditur arte

Who-so gloseþ as gylours doon . go me to þe same           W.10.202:nota
And so shaltow fals folk . and feiþlees bigile           W.10.203:nota
This is Catons kennyng . to clerkes þat he lereþ

Ac Theologie techeþ noȝt so . who-so takeþ yeme
He kenneþ vs þe contrarie . ayein Catons wordes
For he biddeþ vs be as breþeren . and bidde for oure enemys           W.10.207:nota
And louen hem þat lyen on vs . and lene hem whan hem nedeþ           W.10.208:nota
And do good ayein yuel . god hym-self it hoteþ           W.10.209:nota

Dum tempus habemus operemur bonum ad omnes . maxime autem ad domesticos fidei

Poul preched þe peple . þat parfitnesse louede
To do good for goddes loue . and gyuen men þat asked           W.10.212:nota
And namely to swiche . as suwen oure bileue
And alle þat lakkeþ vs or lyeþ . oure lord techeþ vs to louye           W.10.214:nota
fol. 55rI
And noȝt to greuen hem þat greueþ vs . god hym-self forbad it           W.10.215:nota
Michi vindictam & ego retribuam

For-þi loke þow louye . as longe as þow durest           W.10.217:nota
For is no science vnder sonne . so souereyn for þe soule           W.10.218:nota

Ac Astronomye is an hard þyng . and yuel for to knowe
Geometrie and Geomesie . so gynful of speche           W.10.220:nota
Who-so þynkeþ werche with þo two . þryueþ ful late           W.10.221:nota
For sorcerie is þe Souereyn book . þat to þo Sciences bilongeþ

Yet ar þer fibicches in forceres . of fele mennes makyng
Experimentz of Alkenamye . þe peple to deceyue
If þow þynke to dowel . deel þer-wiþ neuere

Alle þise Sciences I my-self . sotilede and ordeynede
And founded hem formest . folk to deceyue
Tel Clergie þis tokene . and Scripture after
To counseille þee kyndely . to knowe what is dowel

I seide grant mercy madame . and mekely hir grette
And wente wightly awey . wiþ-oute moore lettyng
And til I com to clergie . I koude neuere stynte
And grette þe goode man . as Studie me tauȝte
And afterwardes þe wif . and worshiped hem boþe
And tolde hem þe tokenes . þat me tauȝt were
Was neuere gome vp-on þis ground . siþ god made þe worlde
Fairer vnderfongen . ne frendlier ateseat ese
Than my-self sooþly . soone so he wiste
That I was of wittes hous . and wiþ his wif dame Studie

I seide to hem sooþly . þat sent was I þider
Do-wel and dobet . and dobest to lerne
fol. 55vI
It is a commune lyf quod Clergie . on holy chirche to bileue
Wiþ alle þe articles of þe feiþ . þat falleþ to be knowe
And þat is to bileue lelly . boþe lered and lewed
On þe grete god . þat gynnyng hadde neuere
And on þe sooþfast sone . þat saued man-kynde
Fro þe dedly deeþ . andW.10.247: W alone reads and; other B manuscripts have and þe. deueles power
Thoruȝ þe help of þe holy goost . þe which goost is of boþe
Thre persones . ac noȝt in plurel nombre
For al is but oon god . and ech is god hym-selue
Deus pater / deus filius / deus spiritus sanctus
God þe fader / god þe sone . god holy goost of boþe
Makere of man-kynde . and of beestes boþe

Austyn þe olde . her-of made bokes
And hym-self ordeyned . to sadde vs in bileue
Who was his Auctour . alle þe foure Euaungelistes
And Crist cleped hym-self so . þe Euaungelistes bereþ witnesseW.10.257: After this line WHmCr omit the line Ego in patre & pater in me est & qui videt me . videt et patrem meum (as in L).

Alle þe clerkes vnder crist . ne koude þis assoille
But þus it bilongeþ to bileue . to lewed þat willen dowel
For hadde neuere freke fyn wit . þe feiþ to dispute
Ne man hadde no merite . myȝte it ben ypreued

Fides non habet meritum vbi humana racio prebet experimentum

Thanne is dobet to suffre . for þe soules helþe
Al þat þe book bit . bi holi cherches techyng .
And þat is man bi þy myȝt . for mercies sake
Loke þow werche it in werk . þat þi word sheweþ           W.10.266:nota
Swich as þow semest in siȝte . be in assay y-founde
Appare quod es vel esto quod appares

And lat no-body be . by þi beryng bigiled           W.10.269:nota
But be swich in þi soule . as þow semest wiþ-oute           W.10.270:nota
fol. 56rI
Thanne is dobest to be boold . to blame þe gilty
Syþenes þow seest þi-self . as in soule clene           W.10.272:nota
Ac blame þow neuere body . and þow be blame-worþy           W.10.273:nota

Si culpare velis . culpabilis esto cauebisW.10.274: A fifteenth-century hand has added nota.
Dogma tuum sordet . cum te tua culpa remordet

God in þe gospel . greuously repreueþ
Alle þat lakkeþ any lif . and lakkes han hem-selue

Qui consideras festucam in oculo fratris tui . trabem in oculo tuo &c

Why meuestow þi mood for a mote . in þi broþeres eiȝe           W.10.279:nota
Siþen a beem in þyn owene . ablyndeþ þi-selueW.10.280: As at line 10.274, a fifteenth-century hand has added nota and has drawn a line linking 10.279 and 10.280.           W.10.280:nota
Eice primo trabem in oculo tuo &c
Which letteþ þee to loke . lasse ouþer moore           W.10.282:nota

I rede ech a blynd bosard . do boote to hym-selue
For Abbotes and for Priours . and for alle manere prelates
As persons and parissh preestes . þat preche sholde and teche
Alle maner men to amenden . bi hire myȝtes

This text was told yow . to ben ywarW.10.287: W alone reads ywar; other B manuscripts have war. er ye tauȝte
That ye were swiche as ye seyeW.10.288: W alone reads seye; most other B manuscripts have seyde. . to salue wiþ oþere
For goddes word wolde noȝt be lost . for þat wercheþ euere
If it auailled noȝt þe commune . it myȝte auaille yow-selue

Ac it semeþ now sooþly . to þe worldes siȝte
That goddes word wercheþ noȝt . on lered ne on lewed
But in swich a manere . as Marc meneþ in þe gospel
Dum cecus ducit cecum ambo in foueam cadunt           W.10.294:nota

Lewed men may likne yow þus . þat þe beem liþ in youre eiȝen
And þe festu is fallen . for youre defaute
fol. 56vI
In alle maner men . þoruȝ mansede preestes
The bible bereþ witnesse . þat al þe folk of Israel
Bittre abouȝte þe giltes . of two badde preestes
Offyn and Fynes . for hir coueitise
Archa dei myshapped . and Ely brak his nekke

For-þi ye Correctours claweþ her-on . and correcteþ first yow-selue
And þanne mowe ye safly seye . as Dauid made in þe Sauter

Existimasti inique quod ero tui similis arguam te & statuam contra faciem tuam

And thanne shul burel clerkes ben abasshed . to blame yow or to greue
And carpen noȝt as þei carpe now . neW.10.306: W alone reads ne; F reads to; other B manuscripts have and. calle yow doumbe houndes
Canes non valentes latrare
And drede to wraþe yow in any word . youre werkmanship to lette
And be prester at youre preiere . þan for a pound of nobles
And al for youre holynesse . haue ye þis in herte

In scole þere is scorn . but if a clerk wol lerne           W.10.311:nota
And gret loue and likyng . for ech of hem loueþ ooþer           W.10.312:nota

Ac now is Religion a rydere . a Romere abouteW.10.313: W alone reads aboute; other B manuscripts have by stretes.           W.10.313:nota
A ledere of louedayes . and a lond buggere           W.10.314:nota
A prikere on a palfrey . fro Manere to Manere           W.10.315:nota
AnheepAn heep of houndes at his ers . as he a lord were           W.10.316:nota
And but if his knaue knele . þat shal his coppe brynge           W.10.317:nota
He loureþ on hym and askeþ hym . who tauȝte hym curteisie           W.10.318:nota

Litel hadde lordes to doon . to ȝyue lond from hire heires
To Religiouse þat han no rouþe . þouȝ it reyne on hir Auters           W.10.320:nota

In many places þer þei ben personsW.10.321: W alone reads ben persons; other B manuscripts have persouns ben. . be hem-self ateseat ese           W.10.321:nota
Of þe pouere haue þei no pite . and þat is hir charite           W.10.322:nota
Ac þei leten hem as lordes . hire londes lyen so brode           W.10.323:nota
Ac þer shal come
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Ac þer shal come a kyng . and confesse yow ReligiousesW.10.324: This is the line which Skeat called "this famous prediction, so curiously fulfilled in the time of Henry the Eighth" (Rev. Walter W. Skeat, ed., The Vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman, in Three Parallel Texts (London: Oxford University Press, 1886), p. 69. The second nota may be in the hand of a sixteenth-century reader excited by the accuracy of Langland's "prediction."           W.10.324:nota
And bete yow as þe bible telleþ . for brekynge of youre rule           W.10.325:nota
And amende Monyals . Monkes and Chanons           W.10.326:nota
And puten toW.10.327: W alone reads to; other B manuscripts have hem to. hir penaunce . Ad pristinum statum ire           W.10.327:nota
And Barons wiþ Erles beten hem . þoruȝ Beatus virres techyng           W.10.328:nota
That hir barnes claymen . and blame yow foule           W.10.329:nota

Hij in curribus & hij in equis ipsi obligati sunt &c

And þanne Freres in hir fraytour . shul fynden a keye           W.10.331:nota
Of Costantyns cofres . in which is þe catel           W.10.332:nota
That Gregories godchildren . han yuele despended           W.10.333:nota

And þanne shal þe Abbot of Abyngdoun . and al his issue for euereW.10.334: There is a scribble (possibly a <d>) to the right of this line.           W.10.334:nota
Haue a knok of a kyng . and incurable þe wounde           W.10.335:nota

That þis worþ sooþ seke ye . þat ofte ouer-se þe bible
Quomodo cessauit exactor quieuit tributum . contriuit dominus
baculum impiorum . et virgam dominancium cedencium plaga insanabili

Ac er þat kyng come . Caym shal awake
But dowel shal dyngen hym adoun . and destruye his myȝte

Thanne is dowel and do-bet . quod I . dominus and knyȝthode

I nel noȝt scorne quod Scripture . but if scryueynes lye
Kynghod ne knyȝthod . by noȝt I kan awayte
Helpeþ noȝt to heueneward . oone heris ende
Ne richesse riȝt noȝt . ne Reautee of lordes
Poul preueþ it impossible . riche men to haue heuene           W.10.345:nota
Salomon seiþ also . þat siluer is worst to louye           W.10.346:nota
Nichil iniquius quam amare pecuniam
And Caton kenneþ vs to coueiten it . nauȝt but as nede techeþ
Dilige denarium set parce dilige formam
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And Patriarkes and prophetes . and Poetes boþe
Writen to wissen vs . to wilne no richesse
And preiseden pouerte with pacience . þe Apostles bereþ witnesse
That þei han Eritage in heuene . and by trewe riȝte
Ther riche men no riȝt may cleyme . but of ruþe and grace

Contra quod I by crist . þat kan I repreue
And preuen it by Peter . and by Poul boþe
That is baptized beþ saaf . be he riche or pouere

That is in extremis quod Scripture . amonges Sarzens & Iewes
They mowen be saued so . and þat is oure bileue
That an vncristene in þat caas . may cristen an heþen
And for his lele bileue . whan he þe lif tyneþ
Haue þe heritage of heuene . as any man cristene

Ac cristene men wiþ-oute moore . maye noȝt come to heuene
For þat crist for cristene men . deide and confermed þe lawe
That who-so wolde and wilneþ . wiþ crist to arise
Si cum Christo surexistis &c

He sholde louye and lene . and þe lawe fulfille
That is loue þi lord god . leuest abouen alle
And after alle cristene creatures . in commune ech man ooþer
And þus bilongeþ to louye . þat leueþ beW.10.370: W alone reads be; other B manuscripts have to be. saued
And but we do þus in dede . atW.10.371: W alone reads at; other B manuscripts have er, ar, or. þe day of dome
It shal bisitten vs ful soure . þe siluer þat we kepen
And oure bakkes þat moþe-eten be . and seen beggeris go naked
Or delit in wyn and wilde fowel . and wite any in defaute
For euery cristene creature . sholde be kynde til ooþer           W.10.375:nota
And siþen heþen to helpe . in hope of amendement

God hoteþ heiȝe and lowe . þat no man hurte ooþer
And seiþ slee noȝt þat semblable is . to myn owene liknesse
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But if I sende þee som tokene . and seiþ Non mecaberisW.10.379: The scribe has written the more obvious necaberis and then altered this to mecaberis by adding a minim in the red ink used for the box. Other B manuscripts reading necaberis or necabis are CrYLOC2 and G (altered). See John Alford's discussion of the textual variations in Piers Plowman: A Guide to the Quotations (Binghamton: MRTS, 1992): 68-69.
Is slee noȝt but suffre . and al for þe beste           W.10.380:nota
For I shal punysshe hem in purgatorie . or in þe put of helle
Ech man for hise mysdedes . but mercy it lette

This is a long lesson quod I . and litel am I þe wiser
Where dowel is or dobet . derkliche ye shewen
Manye tales ye tellen . þat Theologie lerneþ
And þat I man maad was . and my name yentred
In þe legende of lif . longe er I were
Or ellis vnwriten for som wikkednesse . as holy writ witnesseþ

Nemo ascendit ad celum . nisi qui de celo descendit

I leue it wel quod I by oure lord . and on no lettrure bettre
For Salomon þe sage . þat Sapience tauȝte
God gaf hym grace of wit . and alle hise goodes after
He demed wel and wisely . as holy writ telleþ
Aristotle and he . who wissed men bettre
Maistres þat of goddes mercy . techen men and prechen
Of hir wordes þei wissen vs . for wisest as in hir tyme
And al holy chirche . holdeþ hem boþe ydampned

And if I sholde werche by hir werkes . to wynne me heuene
That for hir werkes and wit . now wonyeþ in pyne
Thanne wrouȝte I vnwisly . what-so-euere ye preche

Ac of fele witty in feiþ . litel ferly I haue
Thouȝ hir goost be vngracious . god for to plese
For many men on þis moolde . moore setten hir hertes           W.10.403:nota
In good þan in god . for-þi hem grace failleþ           W.10.404:nota
At hir mooste meschief . whan þei shal lif lete
As Salomon dide and swiche oþere . þat shewed grete wittes
Ac hir werkes as holy writ seiþ . were euere þe contrarie
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For-þi wise witted men . and wel ylettrede clerkes
As þei seyen hem-self . selde doon þer-after
Super cathedra Moysi &c

Ac I wene it worþ of manye . as was in Noes tyme
Tho he shoop þat ship . of shides and of bordes
Was neuere wrighte saued þat wroȝte þer-on . ne ooþer werkman ellis
But briddes and beestes . and þe blissed Noe
And his wif wiþ hise sones . and also hire wyues
Of wightes þat it wroȝte . was noon of hem ysaued

God leneW.10.417: The reading could as well be leue. it fare noȝt so bi folk . þat þe feiþ techeþ
Of holi chirche þat herberwe is . and goddes hous to saueW.10.418: We have not offered an interpretation of the mark at the end of this line. It could represent a flourish, the top of a punctus elevatus, or a move toward writing the "nota" abbreviation.
And shilden vs from shame þer-inne . as Noes ship dide beestes
And men þat maden it . amydde þe flood adreynten
The culorum of þis clause . curatours is to mene
That ben Carpenters holy kirk to make . for cristes owene beestes
Homines & iumenta saluabis domine &c

On good Friday I fynde . a felon was ysaued
That hadde lyued al his lif . wiþ lesynges and with þefte
And for he beknede to þe cros . and to crist shrof hym
He was sonner ysaued . þan Seint Iohan þe Baptist
And or Adam or Ysaye . or any of þe prophetes
That hadde yleyen wiþ lucifer . many longe yeres
A Robbere was y-raunsoned . raþer þan þei alle
Wiþ-outen any penaunce of purgatorie . to perpetuel blisse

Than Marie Maudeleyne . what womman dide werse
Or who worse þan Dauid . þat vries deeþ conspired
Or Poul þe Apostle . þat no pite hadde
Muche cristene kynde . to kille to deþe
And now ben þise as Souereyns . wiþ Seintes in heuene
Tho þat wrouȝte wikkedlokest . in world þo þei were
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And þo þat wisely wordeden . and writen manye bokes
Of wit and of wisedom . wiþ dampned soules wonye
That Salomon seiþ I trowe be sooþ . and certein of vs alle

SineW.10.441: The reading could as well be Siue. iusti atque sapientes . & opera eorum in manu dei sunt &c

Ther are witty and wel libbynge . ac hire werkes ben yhudde
In þe hondes of almyȝty god . and he woot þe soþe
Wher-fore a man worþ allowed þere . and hise lele werkes
Or ellis for his yuel wille . and for enuye of herte
And be allowed as he lyued so . for by þeW.10.446: W alone reads þe luþere; other B manuscripts omit þe. luþere men knoweþ þe goode

And wher-by wiste men which wereW.10.447: W alone reads were; other B manuscripts have is. whit . if alle þyng blak were
And who were a good man . but if þer were som sherewe
For-þi lyue we forþ wiþ oþere men . I leue fewe ben goode
For quant / oportet / vient en place . il nyad que / patiW.10.450: The virgules that separate oportet and pati from the rest of the line show that the scribe recognised these two words as Latin. Skeat comments on the mixture of Latin and French, and modernises as "quand oportet vient en place, il n'y a que pati" (Rev. Walter W. Skeat, ed., The Vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman, in Three Parallel Texts (London: Oxford University Press, 1886), 2.162-3). For further parallels see John A. Alford, Piers Plowman: A Guide to the Quotations (Binghamton, 1992), pp. 69-70. In a private communication, Professor Robert Cook writes: "A case could be made for the entire thing being Anglo-Norman except oportet. That might even make sense, in that the one Latin word designates an outside force. The weakening of final /r/ in the infinitive patir is Eastern in origin (M. K. Pope, From Latin to Modern French with Especial Consideration of Anglo-Norman: Phonology and Morphology (Manchester University Press, 1934), § 401, note **) but spread pretty widely (she finds it in Paris in the 13th c but I have noticed it in Picard texts of the 14th also). Pope ascribes this weakening to Anglo-Norman in § 1193 but does not discuss it or give examples of -ir class infinitives or other cases where the /r/ is absolute final. The retention of final unsupported /t, θ, d, ð/ in AN forms of avoir is probably best presented in her § 1210, where she discusses ad specifically."
And he þat may al amende . haue mercy on vs alle
For soþest word þat euer god seide . was þo he seide Nemo bonus

Clergie þo of cristes mouþ . comended was it litel
For he seide to Seint Peter . and to swiche as he louede
Cum steteritis ante Reges & presides &c
Thouȝ ye come bifore kynges . and clerkes of þe lawe
Beþ noȝt abasshed . for I shal be in youre mouþes
And ȝyue yow wit and wille . and konnyng to conclude
Hem alle þat ayeins yow . of cristendom disputen

Dauid makeþ mencion . he spak amonges kynges
And myȝte no kyng ouercomen hym . as by konnynge of speche
But wit and wisedom . wan neuere þe maistrie
Whan man was at meschief . wiþ-oute þe moore grace

The douȝtieste doctour . and deuinour of þe trinitee
Was Austyn þe olde . and heiȝest of þe foure
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Seide þus in a sermon . I seigh it writen ones

Ecce ipsi ydioti rapiunt celum vbi nos sapientes in inferno mergimur

W.10.468: A later hand (probably different from that beside 10.274 and 10.280) has written nota in the left margin. And is to mene to menW.10.468: W alone reads men; most other B manuscripts have Englissh men. . moore ne lesse
Arn none raþer yrauysshed . fro þe riȝte bileue           W.10.469:nota
Than are þise konnynge clerkes . þat konne manye bokes           W.10.470:nota

Ne none sonner saued . ne sadder of bileue           W.10.471:nota
Than Plowmen and pastours . and oþere commune laborers           W.10.472:nota
Souteres and shepherdes . and oþereW.10.473: W alone reads oþere; other B manuscripts have suche. lewed Iuttes           W.10.473:nota
Percen wiþ a Pater noster . þe paleys of heuene           W.10.474:nota
And passen Purgatorie penauncelees . at hir hennes partyng
In-to þe blisse of Paradis . for hir pure bileue
That inparfitly here knewe . and ek lyuede

Ye men knowe clerkes . þat han corsed þe tyme
That euere þeþe[i] kouþe or knewe moore . þan Credo in deum patrem
And principally hir pater noster . many a persone haþ wisshed

I se ensamples my-self . and so may manye oþere           W.10.481:nota
That seruauntz þat seruen lordes . selde fallen in arerage           W.10.482:nota
But þo þat kepen þe lordes catel . clerkes and Reues           W.10.483:nota

Right so lewed men . and of litel knowyng           W.10.484:nota
Selden falle þei so foule . and so fer in synne           W.10.485:nota
As clerkes of holy chirche . þat kepen cristes tresor           W.10.486:nota
The which is mannes soule to saue . as god seiþ in þe gospel
W.10.488: The line is written as two lines in the right margin and boxed in red.Ite vos in vineam meam