fol. 23r (cont.)I
ra Passus quintus de visione vt sup
fol. 23vI
W.5.31: is in a darker ink though in the scribal hand, and perhaps written later. worþ a grote
For hire heed was worþ half marc . & his hood noȝt worþ a grote And siþen he p ¶chede reW.5.43: W alone reads . Other prechede manuscripts have B. prayed plates . and preestes togideres re
fol. 24rI
comunes apeire eW.5.48: A ota n to the right of this line appears to be in the text ink.
Lest þe kyng and his conseil . yourW.5.51: W alone reads . Other trewe tresor manuscripts have B. tresore if treson ne were . and tryacle at þy nede
It is þi trewe tresorW.5.65: The scribe has written bia er sup in the left margin inside a red box. Pernele proudherte . platte hire to þe erþe ¶
e heiȝ herte me hente . but holde I wole erW.5.70: W alone reads , which is omitted by other I wole manuscripts. B me lowe
Shal neu fol. 24vI
W.5.72: W alone reads . Other I wole manuscripts have B. woll y meke me . and mcy biseche er
But now I woleW.5.74: The scribe wrote Luxuria inside a red box in the left margin. The page is cropped, so the first letters are lost. Thanne lechour seide allas . and on oure lady he cryde ¶
W.5.78: The scribe wrote Inu idia inside a red box in the left margin. The page is cropped, so the first letters are lost. Enuye wiþ heuy herte . asked after shrifte ¶
. and berynge of fals witnesse eW.5.91: W alone omits the following line which appears in all the other witnesses except F (which has an entirely different line): B
(spelling of L). Þis was al his curteisye . where þat euere he shewed hym
Wiþ bakbitynge and bismer(spelling of L). Þis was al his curteisye . where þat euere he shewed hym
Bitwene manye
fol. 25rI
W.5.109: W alone reads . Other beren manuscripts have B. bar awey my bolle . and my broke shete
That berenW.5.111: W alone reads . Other biholde manuscripts have B. biholde how Eleyne . haþ a newe cote
And biholde And of mennes lesynge ¶W.5.113: The scribe wrote dic er ere p above the line. I lauȝe . þat likeþ myn herte
fol. 25vI
fol. 26rI
er hite hit[t]eW.5.165: W alone reads ; most other hite manuscripts have B. hitte ooþer . vnder þe cheke
And eiþ Infamis þe firste day . þei kan so yuele hele co unseilW.5.169: The right margin is cropped after <co> plus one minim, losing the rest of the word. Other witnesses read B. conseil
They hadde þanne ben Among Monkes I myȝte be . ac many tyme I shonye it ¶W.5.170: W alone reads , which is omitted by other it witnesses. B
while whan wyn comeþ . þanne erW.5.179: W alone reads . LGMR have þanne. Other whan manuscripts have B. and I drynke wyn at eue
Ac ouþW.5.180KD.5.179
W.5.180: W alone reads . Other And manuscripts have B. I haue a flux of a foul mouþ . wel fyue dayes after
And fol. 26vI
W.5.189: The scribe wrote Aua ricia inside a red box in the left margin. The page is cropped, so the first letters are lost. And þanne cam Coueitise . kan I hym naȝt discryue ¶
W.5.213: W alone reads (infin.), while HmCr playte have 2 which is perhaps merely a spelling variant. However, the majority of plyte manuscripts unambiguously have the past tense B or playted. plytid hem togideres
To broche hem wiþ a paknedle . and playtesse . and pyne reW.5.214: W reads , while Cr pyne have 23. Other pynnen manuscripts have the past tense B. pynned hem þ er- Inne
And putte hem in a p fol. 27rI
W.5.237: W alone reads , which is omitted by other þe witnesses. B bettre worþi . ben hanged þ er- fore
Thow haddest be þe fol. 27vI
W.5.260: ota n
That wolde kille hem if he cacche hem myȝte . for coueitise of hir skynnes fol. 28rI
W.5.271: W alone reads . GHmCr have so god my soule saue for helpe. Other saue manuscripts have B. of þyne bi my soule hele
Ne haue a peny to my pitaunce . so god my soule saue ¶ius . dum erW.5.274: W alone reads dum; all other manuscripts have B cum. fercula pinguia queris Seruus es alt
Thanne weex þat sherewe in wanhope . & wolde han hanged hym ¶- selfeW.5.288: The manuscript is cropped after . Other hym manuscripts have B. hym-self
¶is iniquitas q mnntu ua ad mi mam dei . est quasi sintilla in medio ma sericordi risW.5.294: The right margin is cropped with the lobes of the <a> just visible after an <m>. Other manuscripts have B maris. OW.5.294: The first two words of W.5.290, cy er haue m, are repeated at the foot of the page in another hand.
fol. 28vI
W.5.307: The scribe has written Gula in a red box in the left margin. Its graphies are ornamented with touches of red ink. Now bigynneþ Gloton . for to go to shrifte ¶
W.5.310: W alone reads . Other at manuscripts have B. of hym wiþ þat . whiderward he wolde
And asked at fol. 29rI
W.5.335: W alone reads , omitted by other That manuscripts. B who- so hadde þe hood . sholde han amendes of þe cloke
That fol. 29vI
Wiþ al þe wo of þis world . his wif and his wenche ¶W.5.366: The red ink partially obscuring is transferred from wenche Accidia on the opposite page.
W.5.378: W alone reads . Most other me god helpe witnesses have B with minor variation. god me helpe & (þe) holidome
Sworen goddes soule . and so me god helpe fol. 30rI
nes . and for erW.5.385: W alone reads . Other and for manuscripts have B. to drynke . þe moore I dyned
For loue of tales in TauW.5.394: The scribe wrote Accidia inside a red box in the left margin. Thanne cam Sleuþe al bislabered . wiþ two slymy eiȝen ¶
- endeW.5.397: The spacing is ambiguous, and this could be read as two words. Cf. W.8.82 (fol. 46r) where the word is clearly written as
one word, in the sense "tallying" but with a pun on . tail-ende it made
Were I brouȝt abedde . but if my tail fol. 30vI
W.5.416: W alone has singular . Other lesynge manuscripts have B. lesynges to lauȝen at . and bilye my neȝebores
Or lesynge fol. 31rI
fol. 31vI
Now god quod he þat of þi goodnesse . bigonne ¶W.5.490: W alone reads . Other bigonne manuscripts read B. gonne þe world to make
fol. 32rI
felix culpa . o necessarium peccatum Ade &c O W.5.494: A second hand has inserted just below the original Latin line the following: o felex Culpa o necessarium peccatum ade &c
And siþþe wiþ þi selue sone . in oure secte ¶W.5.500: W alone reads . Other secte witnesses read B. sute deidest
The sonne for sorwe þ ¶ er- of . lees liȝt ofW.5.505: W alone reads . Other of manuscripts have B. for a tyme
W.5.516: W alone reads . Other was witnesses have B. were doon in oure armes
Of þyne douȝty dedes . was fol. 32vI
W.5.535: W alone reads . HmGLRM read wiþwynde. YOC wythewyndesC have 2. swithe wyndes wise . ywounden aboute
In a wiþwynde fol. 33vI
W.5.578: WCr alone read 1, where other yow witnesses have B. There are no examples in W of nominative ȝe, so perhaps yow is here uniquely treated as an impersonal verb. Cf. 5.571 above. wilneþ wilneþ to wende wel . þis is þe wey þider
Ac if yow fol. 34rI
W.5.603: W alone reads . Other good witnesses have B. no manere ellis noȝt . for no mannes biddyng
In good fol. 34vI
fol. 35rI