fol. 3v (cont.)I
Passus Primus de Visione
...?...?...Passus primus de visioneL.P.000: The passus heading is written over an erasure.
WhatL.1.1: The five-line ornamental capital is in blue on red fill. this montaigne bymeneth · and þe merke dale
And þe felde ful of folke · I shal ȝow faire schewe
A loueli ladi of lere · in lynnen yclothed
Come down fram a castel · andL.1.4: The corrector marked an for correction with a <+> in the right margin. It has been partially erased. called me faire
And seide sone slepestow · sestow þis poeple
How bisi þei ben · abouten þe mase
Þe moste partie of þis poeple · þat passeth on þis erthe
Haue þei worschip in þis worlde · þei wilne no better
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Of other heuene þan here · holde þei no tale
I was aferd of her face · þeiȝ she faire were
And seide mercy Madame · what is þis to mene
Þe toure vp þe toft quod she · treuthe is þere-Inne
And wolde þat ȝe wrouȝte · as his worde techeth
For he is fader of feith · fourmed ȝow alle
Bothe with fel and with face · and ȝaf ȝow fyue wittis
Forto worschip hym þer-with · þe while þat ȝe ben here
And þerfore he hyȝte þe erthe · to help ȝow vchone
Of wollen of lynnen · of lyflode at nede
In mesurable manere · to make ȝow at ese
And comaunded of his curteisye in comune þree þinges
Arne none nedful but þo · and nempne hem I thinke
the iij þinges requisite
And rekne hem bi resoun · reherce þow hem after
That one is vesture · from chele þe to saue
And mete atteL.1.24: LCMR alone read atte or at þe. Other B manuscripts omit þe. mele · for myseise of þi-selue
And drynke whan þow dryest · ac do nouȝt out of resoun
That þow worth þe werse · whan þow worche shuldest
For loth in his lifdayes · for likyng of drynke
Dede bi his douȝtres · þat þe deuel lyked
Delited hym in drynke · as þe deuel wolde
And lecherye hym lauȝt · and lay bi hem boþe
And al he witt it wyn · þat wikked dede
Inebriamus eum vino · dormiamus-que cum eo
Vt seruare possimus de patre nostro semen ·
wyne and wemen
Thorw wyn and þorw · women · þere was loth acombredL.1.34: A hand of s. xvi med. has written in the right margin wyne and wemen.
And þere gat in glotonye · gerlis þat were cherlis
For-þi drede delitable drynke · and þow shalt do þe bettere
mesure ys medicyne
Mesure is medcyne · þouȝ þow moche ȝerneL.1.37: A hand of s. xvi med. has written in the right margin mesure ys medicyne.
It is nauȝt al gode to þe goste · þat þe gutte axeþ
Ne liflode to þi likam · for a lyer him techethL.1.39: LCHmW alone divide the line as here; most other B manuscripts read as follows:
Ne liflode to þi likame þat leef is to þi soule
Lef nauȝt þi likame for a liere hym techeþ.
That is þe wrecched worlde · wolde þe bitraye
For þe fende and þi flesch · folweth þe to-gidere
This and þat seest þi soule · and seith it in þin herte
And for þow sholdest ben ywar · I wisse þe þe beste
Madame mercy quod I · me liketh wel ȝowre wordes
Ac þe moneye of þis molde · þat men so faste holdeth
Telle me to whom Madame · þat tresore appendeth
Go to þe gospel quod she · þat god seide hym-seluen
Tho þe poeple hym apposed · wiþ a peny in þe temple
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Whether þei shulde þer-with · worschip þe kyng Sesar
And god axed of hem · of whome spake þe lettre
And þe ymage ilyke þat þere-inne stondeth
Cesaris þei seide we sen hym wel vchone
Reddite cesari quod god · þat ces.ari bifalleth
Et que sunt dei deo · or elles ȝe done ille
For riȝtful reson · shulde rewle ȝow alle
And kynde witte be wardeyne · ȝowre welthe to kepe
And tutour of ȝoure tresore · and take it ȝow at nede
For housbonderye & hij · holden togideres
Þanne I frained hir faire · for hym þat hir made
That dongeoun in þe dale þat dredful is of siȝte
What may it be to mene · ma-dame I ȝow biseche
the meninge of the
L.1.62: A hand of the s. xvi med. has written the meninge of the
in the left margin.
Þat is þe castel of care · who-so cometh þerinne
May banne þat he borne was · to body or to soule
Þerinne wonieth a wiȝte · þat wronge is yhote
Fader of falshed · and founded it hym-selue
Adam and Eue · he egged to ille
Conseilled caym · to kullen his brother
Iudas he iaped · with iuwen siluerL.1.68: A hand of the s. xvi med. has written in the right margin tempted as a gloss on iaped. The same hand is responsible for the underlining.
And sithen on an eller honged hym after
He is letter of loue · and lyeth hem alle
That trusten on his tresor · bitrayeth he sonnest
Thanne had I wonder in my witt · what womman it were
Þat such wise wordes · of holywrit shewed
And asked hir on þe hieȝe name · ar heoL.1.74: LMR alone retain original heo, meaning "she"; all other manuscripts have a form of she. þennes ȝeode
What she were witterli · þat wissed me so faire
Holicherche I am quod she · þow ouȝtest me to knowe
I vnderfonge þe firste · and þe feyth tauȝte
And brouȝtest me borwes · my biddyng to fulfille
And to loue me lelly · þe while þi lyf dureth
Thanne I courbed on my knees · and cryed hir of grace
And preyed hir pitousely · prey for my synnes
And also kendeken[n]eL.1.82: A corrector marked the line with a <+> in the left margin, but the correction of kende to ken[n]e was not made. me kyndeli · on criste to bileue
That I miȝte worchen his wille · þat wrouȝte me to man
Teche me to no tresore · but telle me þis ilke
How I may saue my soule · þat seynt art yholden
Whan alle tresores aren tried quod she · trewthe is þe best
I do it on deus caritas · to deme þe soþe
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It is as derworth a drewery · as dere god hym-seluen
Who-so is trewe of his tonge · & telleth none other
And doth þe werkis þer-with · and wilneth no man ille
He is a god bi þe gospel · agrounde and aloft
And ylike to owre lorde · bi seynte lukes wordes
Þe clerkes þat knoweþ þis · shulde kenne it aboute
For cristene and vncristne · clameþ it vchone
Kynges & kniȝtes · shulde kepe it bi resoun
Riden and rappe down · in reumes aboute
And taken trangressorestran[s]gressores · and tyen hem faste
Til treuthe had ytermyned · her trespas to þe ende
And þat is þe professioun appertly · þat appendeth forL.1.99: LCR alone read for; all other B manuscripts have to. knyȝtes
And nouȝt to fasten a fryday · in fyue score wynter
But holden wiþ him & with hir · þat wolden al treuthe
And neuer leue hem for loue · ne for lacchyng of syluer
For dauid in his dayes · dubbed kniȝtes
And did hem swere on here swerde · to serue trewthe euere
And who-so passed þat poynte · was apostata in þe ordreL.1.105: A later hand (s. xvi) has written apostata in the right margin.
But criste kingene kynge · kniȝted ten
Cherubyn and seraphin · suche seuene and an othre
And ȝaf hem myȝte in his maieste · þe murger hem þouȝte
And ouer his mene meyne · made hem archangeles
Tauȝte hem bi þe Trinitee · treuthe to knowe
To be buxome at his biddyng · he bad hem nouȝte ellesL.1.111: A s. xvi hand has underlined buxome and glossed it in the right margin as obedient.
Lucifer wiþ legiounes · lerned it in heuene
But for he brake buxumnesse · his blisse gan he tyne
And fel fro þat felawship · in a fendes liknes
In-to a depe derke helle · to dwelle þere for eure
And mo þowsandes wiþ him · þan man couthe noumbre
Lopen out wiþ Lucifer · in lothelich forme
For þei leueden vpon hym · þat lyed in þis manere
Ponam pedem in aquilone · et similis ero altissimo ·
And alle þat hoped it miȝte be so · none heuene miȝte hem holde
But fellen out in fendes liknesse · nyne dayes togideres
Til god of his goodnesse · gan stable and stynte
And garte þe heuene to stekye · and stonden in quiete
Whan thise wikked went out · wonderwise þei fellen
Somme in eyre somme in erthe · & somme in helle depe
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Ac lucifer lowest lith of hem alle ·
For pryde þat he pultL.1.127: The west midlands form pult appears only in Cr and L, but R has the same word spelled pelt. MED, s.v. pilten v.3.(b) glosses the phrase pult out as "exhibit (pride), display." Note that LR read pulte/pelte against most other B witnesses in L.8.97 and L.15.67. In the latter, pulte out means "thrust out, expelled." out · his peyne hath none ende
And alle þat worche with wronge · wenden hij shulle
After her deth-day · and dwelle wiþ þat shrewe
Ac þo þat worche wel · as holiwritt telleth
And enden as I ere seide · in treuthe þat is þe bestL.1.131: The <e> of best is possibly altered from <i> in response to the corrector's marginal <+>.
Mowe be siker þat her soule · shal wende to heuene
Þer treuthe is in Trinitee · and troneth hem alle
For-þi I sey as I seide ere · bi siȝte of þise textis
Whan alle tresores arne ytried · treuthe is þe beste
Lereth it þis lewde men · for lettred men it knowen
Þat treuthe is tresore · þe triest on erþe
Ȝet haue I no kynde knowing quod I · ȝet mote ȝe kenne me better
By what craft in my corps · it comseth and where
Þow doted daffe quod she · dulle arne þi wittes
To litel latyn þow lernedest · lede in þi ȝouthe
Heu michi quia sterilem duxi vitam iuuenilem
diliges dominum
super omnia
It is a kynde knowyng quod heL.1.143: LCCrM (M before alteration) read he, meaning "she"; all other B manuscripts have a form of she. · þat kenneth in þine herteL.1.143: A s. xvi scribe has written diliges dominum
super omnia
in the left margin.
For to louye þi lorde · leuer þan þi-selue
No dedly synne to do · dey þouȝ þow sholdest
This I trowe be treuthe · who can teche þe better
Loke þow suffre hym to sey · and sithen lere it after
For thus witnesseth his worde · worchethL.1.148: L uniquely has the -eth inflection for the imperative plural here. þow þere-after
For trewthe telleþ þat loue · is triacle of heuene
May no synne be on him sene · þat vseth þat spise
And alle his werkes he wrouȝte · with loue as him liste
And lered it Moises for þe leuest þing and moste like to heuene
And also þe plente of pees · moste precious of vertues
For heuene myȝte nouȝte holden it · it was so heuy of hym-self
Tyl it hadde of þe erthe · yetenL.1.155: LG alone read yeten. Other manuscripts have variously eten (C2HmMOWY), yoten (Cr), yheten al (F), and heten (C). his fylle
And whan it haued of þis folde flessh & blode taken
Was neuere leef vpon lynde · liȝter þer-after
And portatyf and persant · as þe poynt of a nedle
That myȝte non armure it lette · ne none heiȝ walles
For-þi is loue leder of þe lordes folke of heuene
And a mene as þe Maire is · bitwene þe kyng and þe comune
Riȝt so is loue a ledere · and þe lawe shapeth
Vpon man for his mysdedes · þe merciment he taxeth
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And for to knowe it kyndely · it comseth bi myght
And in þe herte þere is þe heuede · and þe heiȝ welle
For in kynde knowynge in herte · þere a myȝte bigynneth
And þat falleth to þe fader · þat formed vs alle
Loked on vs with loue · and lete his sone deye
Mekely for owre mysdedes · to amende vs alle
And ȝet wolde he hem no woo · þat wrouȝte hym þat peyne
But mekelich with mouthe · mercy he bisouȝte
christ iesus
To haue pite of þat poeple · þat peyned hym to deth
Here myȝtow see ensamples · in hym-selue one
That he was miȝtful & meke · and mercy gan graunte
To hem þat heongen him an heiȝ · and his herte þirled
For-thi I rede ȝow riche · haueth reuthe of þe pouere
Thouȝ ȝe be myȝtful to mote · beth meke in ȝowre werkes
in qua mensura metioritis
For þe same mesures þat ȝe mete · amys other ellesL.1.178: A s. xvi hand has written in qua mensura metioritis in the right margin over a bracket written by the earlier scribe we have called "hand16b."
Ȝe shullen ben weyen þer-wyth · whan ȝe wende hennes
Eadem mensura qua mensi fueritis · remecietur vobis ·
For þouȝ ȝe be trewe of ȝowre tonge · and trewliche wynne
And asL.1.182: A partially erased <+> appears in the left margin, reflecting the scribe's correction of a to as. The same error was marked and corrected in L.4.138. chaste as a childe · þat in cherche wepeth
But if ȝe louen lelliche · and lene þe poure
Such goed as god ȝow sent godelich parteth
Ȝe ne haue na more meryte · in masse ne in houres
Þan Malkyn of hire maydenhode · þat no man desireth
For Iames þe gentil · iugged in his bokesL.1.187: A s. xvi hand has written Iacobus in the right margin.
That faith with-oute þe faite · is riȝte no-þinge worthi
And as ded as a dore-tre · but ȝif þe dedes folwe
Fides sine operibus mortua est &c
nihill prodest castitas
sine charitate.
For-thi chastite with-oute charite · worth cheyned in helleL.1.191: A s. xvi hand has written in the right margin nihill prodest castitas
sine charitate.
It is as lewed as a laumpe · þat no liȝte is Inne
Many chapeleynes arne chaste · ac charite is awey
Aren no men auarousere þan hij · whan þei ben auaunced
Vnkynde to her kyn · and to alle cristene
Chewen here charite · and chiden after more
Such chastite wiþ-outen charite · worth cheyned in helle
Many curatoures kepen hem · clene of here bodies
Thei ben acombred wiþ coueitise · þei konne nouȝt don it fram hem
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So harde hath auarice · yhasped hem togideres
And þat is no treuthe of þe trinite · but treccherye of helle
And lernyng to lewde men · þe latter for to dele
For-þi þis wordes ben · wryten in þe gospel
Date & dabitur vobis · for I dele ȝow alle
And þat is þe lokke of loue · and lateth oute my grace
To conforte þe careful · acombred wiþ synne
Loue is leche of lyf · and nexte owre lorde selue
And also þe graith gate · þat goth in-to heuene
For-þi I sey as I seide · ere by þe textis
Whan alle tresores ben ytryed · treuthe is þe beste
Now haue I tolde þe what treuthe is · þat no tresore is bettere
I may no lenger lenge þe with · now loke þe owre lorde