Cr1.7.138KD.7.129 And but if Luke lye , he learneth vs by fowles
C.7.139KD.7.129 And but if luk lye he lereth vs by fowles
G.8.139KD.7.129 but yff luvkeG.8.139: The alteration of luke to lvke has been made in a different ink from that normally used for these corrections, i.e. black rather than brown, and the form
of the <v> is also different. lye he leyrethe vs by fouvles
¶¶ And but if luke lye orR.7.140:
Beta reads he. Ax agrees with the beta
reading. lereth vs be
Alpha has foles; all other B witnesses have some form of foules, "birds." .
F.5.1122KD.7.129/ [¶] & but if seynt Luk lyȝeþ / or lerneþ vs be foolys.F.5.1122: Most of the b-verse is owed to alpha. Beta's b-verse reads "he lereþ vs by foweles." A manuscripts have both folis and foules.