M.7.157KD.7.148Musinge on þis metles onM.7.157: M's reading of on is not shared by other B manuscripts, most of which read and. my wai.y ich ȝyede
Cr1.7.157KD.7.148 Musyng on thys metales , and my way eche yede .
C.7.158KD.7.148 ¶ Musyng on þise metels and my way I yede
R.7.159KD.7.148 Musyng on þis meteles aR.7.159:
A, "and." my weyR.7.159: Beta reads this phrase as and
my waye; F has as y my way. All three versions of the phrase are
likely to be corrupt, with R closest to the presumed original attested in Ax and Cx: a myle way. ich ȝede