Cr1.7.210KD.7.201 Therfore I counsell all christen to crye God mercy ,
C.7.212KD.7.201 ¶ For-thy I counseille alle cristen to crye god mercye
Forthi I conseile alle cristene to crie god mercy
.R.7.213: Although he left the job of ornamenting R far from complete, the rubricator
usually took care to alternate blue with red paraph markers. However, on this page the
pattern is broken (two red parasigns in a row), presumably through inadvertency. The verse
strophe preceding this one is fairly long, but there is no evidence that a paragraph division
was overlooked by the copyist. Only one of the older B manuscripts shows
any division between KD7.187 and KD7.201 (Hm, at KD7.193); the rest agree with R in marking