Cr1.7.106KD.7.98 And they that lyue thus her lyfe , may loth the tyme
W.7.107KD.7.98 And þei þat lyue þus hir lif . mowe loþe þe tyme W.7.107:nota
C.7.107KD.7.98 And thay þat lyue þus hir ly.f mow loþ þe tyme
G.8.107KD.7.98 & they that lyuve thuvs theyre lyuve / may lothe theyre tyme
In place of alpha's Þo or For þo (= F), beta reads And þei. Both Ax and Cx agree with
R's version of the entire a-verse. þat lyueth þus here lif mowe lothe þe tyme
F.5.1091KD.7.98For þo þat leede þus here lyf / euere-mowe þey loþe þe tyme.