<div1>fol. 121r (cont.)I</div1>
<head><handShift/><foreign><hi><hi>Passus tercius de visione · </hi></hi></foreign></head>
<l> <handShift/><hi><hi>N</hi></hi>Ow<del>e</del> is mede the mayde · and nomo of hem alle</l>
<l> wyth Bedelles and wyth <del>..</del><add>ba</add>ylyfs · brougth bifore the kynge</l>
<l> The kyng<del>e</del> callede a clerk<del>e</del> · <app><lem>ne can y</lem></app> nougth his name</l>
<l> To take mede the mayde · and make here at ese</l>
<l> I schall assaye here my<seg>-</seg>selfe  and so<del>...</del><add>þli</add> appose</l>
<l> what man <app><lem>vpon</lem></app> molde · that here were leueste</l>
<l> And ȝif <app><lem>sȝe</lem></app><note>Hm.3.7: Hm uniquely has the unusual form <hi>sȝe</hi> against <hi>she</hi> in most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> wurche by wytt<del>e</del><add>.</add> and my wyll folowe</l>
<l> y wol <app><lem>forȝyue</lem></app> hyre this gylt<del>.</del> <add>.</add> so me god helpe</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Curteysly the clerk<del>e</del> thanne · as the kynge hyȝte</l>
<l> Tooke mede by the myddel · and brougth hire into chambre</l>
<milestone>fol. 121vI</milestone>
<l> And there was merthe and menstralsye <note>Hm.3.11-14: The punctus elevatus in this and the following three lines has a horizontal bar between the bottom and top parts.</note> mede to plese</l>
<l> <hi></hi> They that wonen in westmynstre  wurschipeden here alle</l>
<l> Gentylyche wyth ioye  the iustyces somme · </l>
<l> buskeden hem to the boure  there the burde dwellede</l>
<l> To conforten hire kyndely · by clergyes leue</l>
<l> and seyden moorne thu <app><lem>nougth</lem></app> · ne make thu no sorowe</l>
<l> for we woll wysse the kynge · and thy weye schape</l>
<l> to be wedded at thy wylle · and where the leef lyketh · </l>
<l> for all consciences caste · or crafte as y trowe</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Myldely mede thanne · me<del>...?...</del><add>rcyde hem</add> <space>  </space> alle</l>
<l> of here grete goodnesse · and gafe hem echone</l>
<l> coupes of clene gold<del>e</del> <add>.</add> and cuppes of seluer · </l>
<l> rynges wyth rubies · and rycchesses manye · </l>
<l> the leste man of here meyne · a motou<expan>n</expan> of golde · </l>
<l> thanne laught they leue · these lordes at mede · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Wyth that comen clerkes · <app><lem>and conforteden</lem></app> <del>....</del><add>here</add> þe same</l>
<l> and beden hire be blythe · for we beth thyn owne</l>
<l> forto wurche thy wylle · the while <app><lem>thy lyfe</lem></app><note>Hm.3.28: HmHm<hi>2</hi> alone read <hi>thy lyfe</hi> against <hi>þow myȝte</hi> in most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts. The reading is taken from the <hi>A</hi> version which has a T-type line.</note> lasteth</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Hendely sche thanne · byhigth hem the same</l>
<l> to louen hem lely · and lordes to make</l>
<l> and in the concystorye at court<del>e</del> <add>.</add> do callen her names</l>
<l> schall no lewednesse lette · the lede that y louye</l>
<l> that he ne wurth ferste au<expan>au</expan>nced · for y am by<seg>-</seg>knowen</l>
<l> there connynge clerkes · schull clokke byhynde</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Thanne come there a confessour<del>e</del> · coped as <del>....</del><add>a frere</add></l>
<l> to mede the mayden · he <app><lem>menede</lem></app><note>Hm.3.36: The word could be either <hi>menede</hi> or <hi>meuede</hi>.</note> these woordes</l>
<l> and seyde full softly · in schryfte as <del>.......</del><add>it were</add></l>
<l> though lewed men and lered · hadden leye by the bothe</l>
<l> And <app><lem>fals</lem></app> hadde fowled the · all this fyfty wynt<expan>er</expan></l>
<l> y schall assoyle the my<seg>-</seg>self<del>e</del> <add>.</add> for a seem of whete</l>
<l> and <app><lem>be</lem></app> thy bedeman · and bere well thy message</l>
<l> amonge knyghtes and clerkes · conscience to turne</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Thanne mede for here mysdedes · to that man kneled<add>e</add></l>
<l> and <app><lem><sic>schorfe</sic><corr>sch[ro]fe</corr></lem></app> here of here schrewdnesse · schameles y trowe</l>
<l> tolde hym a tale · and toke hym a noble</l>
<l> forto ben here bedeman · and here brocour al<del>...</del><add>sse</add></l>
<l> <hi></hi> Thanne he <app><lem>soyled</lem></app> here sone · and seþþen he seyde</l>
<l> we haue a wyndow<del>e</del> in werchinge · woll sytten vs <orig>fulhiȝe</orig><reg>ful hiȝe</reg></l>
<l> woldest þu glase that gable · and graue þ<expan>er</expan>ynne þyn name</l>
<l> <app><lem>ful syker</lem></app> schulde þy soule be · heuene to haue</l>
<milestone>fol. 122rI</milestone>
<l> <hi></hi> Wyste y that q<expan>uo</expan>d that womman · y wolde nougth spare</l>
<l> forto be ȝoure frende frere · and fayle ȝow<del>e</del> neuere</l>
<l> while ȝe loue lordes · that lecchery hauntyn</l>
<l> and lakken nougth ladyes · that louen wel the same</l>
<l> yt ys a frealte of flesch · ȝe fynden yt in bookes · </l>
<l> <app><lem>A comyn</lem></app> cours of kynde · where<seg>-</seg>of we comyn alle</l>
<l> who may scapen <app><lem>that</lem></app> sclawndre · the scathe ys sone amended</l>
<l> yt <app><lem>ys a</lem></app> synne of the seuene · sonnest relessed</l>
<l> <hi></hi> <app><lem>God haue</lem></app> mercy q<expan>uo</expan>d mede · <app><lem>on</lem></app> men that yt hauntyn</l>
<l> and y schal couer ȝoure <app><lem>cherche</lem></app> · ȝoure cloyst<expan>er</expan> <app><lem>make</lem></app></l>
<l> <app><lem>and ȝoure wowes</lem></app> <app><lem>whyten</lem></app> · and wyndowes glasyn</l>
<l> do paynte and portraye · and paye for the makynge</l>
<l> that euery segge schal seye · y am suster of ȝoure hous · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> <app><lem><del>..</del><add>But</add></lem></app> god to alle good folk<del>e</del> <add>·</add> suche grauynge deffendith</l>
<l> to wryten in wyndowes · of here wel<seg>-</seg>dedys · </l>
<l> yn aduenture pryde be peynted þere · and pompe of the worlde</l>
<l> for cryst<del>e</del> knoweth thi conscyence · and þy kynde wylle</l>
<l> and þy coste and thy couetyse · and who the catel <del>...?...</del><add>owghte</add> · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> For<seg>-</seg>þy y lere ȝow lordes · leueþ suche werkes</l>
<l> to wryten in wyndowes · of ȝoure wel<seg>-</seg>dedys · </l>
<l> or to gredyn after goddes men · whan ȝe delen doles</l>
<l> yn aduenture ȝe haue ȝoure huyre here · and ȝoure heuene als<note>Hm.3.72: A modern librarian has written "- fragment ends here." in the right margin, referring to Hm<hi>2</hi>, which ends after the following Latin line.</note></l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Nesciat <app><lem>sinistra manus</lem></app>  quid faciat dextra · </hi></foreign> </l>
<l> late nougth thy lefte halfe · late ne rathe · </l>
<l> w<del>y</del><add>e</add>te what thu werchest · wyth thy rygth syde · </l>
<l> for thus byddeþ the gospel · good men do<del>ne</del> her<del>e</del> alm<del>....</del><add>esse</add> · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Meyres and <app><lem>m<del>......</del><add>ercers</add></lem></app> · that menes ben bytwene</l>
<l> the kyng<del>e</del> and the comune · to kepe the lawes</l>
<l> to punysche on pyloryes · and pynynge stoles</l>
<l> brewesters and baksters · bochers and cokes</l>
<l> for þese arne men <app><lem>of</lem></app> this molde · that moste harme wurcheth</l>
<l> to the poore peple · that p<expan>ar</expan>celmel <app><lem>beggen</lem></app><note>Hm.3.82: HmG read <hi>beggen</hi> to other <hi>B</hi> witnesses' <hi>buggen</hi>. Hm omits the following two lines because of eye-skip: <hi><lb/>
For they poysoun þe peple priueliche and oft<lb/>
Thei rychen þorw regraterye and rentes hem buggen</hi>
<l> wyth that the poore peple · schulde putten in here wombe</l>
<l> for tooke they on treuly · they tymbred nougth so hye</l>
<l> ne bouhten no burgages · be ȝe full certayn</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ac mede the mayde · the meyre haþ bysougth</l>
<l> of alle suche sullers · suluer to take</l>
<l> or p<expan>re</expan>sentes wyth<seg>-</seg>outen pans · <app><lem>or</lem></app> peces of seluer</l>
<l> rynges or other rycchesse · the regratours to ma<del>......</del><add>nteyne</add></l>
<l> <hi></hi> For my loue q<expan>uo</expan>d that lady · loue hem echone · </l>
<milestone>fol. 122vI</milestone>
<l> and suffre hem to selle · somdel aȝen reson</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Salamon the sage a sarmoun he made</l>
<l> forto amende m<del>.</del><add>e</add>yres · and men that kepen lawes</l>
<l> and tolde hem this teme · that y telle thenke</l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Ignis deuorabit tabernacula eor<expan>um</expan> · qui libent<expan>er</expan> accipiu<expan>n</expan>t mun<expan>er</expan>a · </hi></foreign> </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Amonge these lettred ledes · this latyn ys to mene</l>
<l> that fuyr schall falle · and brenne al to blo askes</l>
<l> the houses and homes · of hem that desyreth</l>
<l> ȝyftes or ȝeres<seg>-</seg>ȝyftys · by<seg>-</seg>caus<del>.</del><add>e</add> of here offyces</l>
<l> <hi></hi> The kynge <app><lem>fro the</lem></app> conseyl came · and called after mede</l>
<l> and of<seg>-</seg>sente hire <app><lem>also</lem></app> <app><lem>blythe</lem></app> · wyth sergeau<expan>n</expan>tes manye</l>
<l> that brougth here to boure · wyth blysse and <del>...</del><add>wiþ ioye</add></l>
<l> <hi></hi> Curteysly the kynge thanne · comsed to telle</l>
<l> to mede the <app><lem>mayden</lem></app> · <app><lem>and meneth</lem></app><note>Hm.3.104: Hm's reading is clearly related to W's <hi>he meneþ</hi> and H's <hi>menyd</hi>.</note> these woordes</l>
<l> vnwyttyly womman · wrougth haste thu ofte</l>
<l> ac <app><lem>wrouhtest thu neuere wurse</lem></app> · than <app><lem>whan</lem></app> thu fals tooke</l>
<l> but y <app><lem>furȝyue</lem></app> the that gylt<del>e</del> · and <app><lem>graunte</lem></app> m<del>.</del><add>y</add> grace</l>
<l> hennys to thy deth<seg>-</seg>day · do so namore</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Y haue a knygth conscyence · came late from byȝonde</l>
<l> ȝif he wylneth the to wyue · wylt<del>.</del> thu hym haue</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ȝe lord q<expan>uo</expan>d <app><lem>the</lem></app> lady · lord<del>e</del> furbede yt elles</l>
<l> but y be holly atte ȝoure heste · late hange me sone</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And thanne was conscyence called · to come and appere</l>
<l> byfore the kynge and his conseyl · as clerkes and othre</l>
<l> knelynge <app><lem>to the kynge · conscyence</lem></app> lowtede</l>
<l> to wyten what his wylle were · and what he do schulde</l>
<l> <hi></hi> <app><lem>Wolte</lem></app> wedde this womman quod the kynge · if <app><lem>sche</lem></app> woll assente</l>
<l> for sche is fayn of þy felauschipe · forto be thi make</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Quod conscyence to the kynge · cryste yt <app><lem>furbede</lem></app></l>
<l> ere y wedde suche a wyf · wo me bytyde</l>
<l> for sche is frele of here <del>....</del><add>feyþ</add> · <app><lem>and fykel</lem></app> of hure speche</l>
<l> and makeþ men mysdo · many score tyme</l>
<l> trust<del>e</del> of hure tresoure · trayeþ full manye</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Wyues and wydewes · wantownesse sche techeþ</l>
<l> and lereþ hem lechery · that louen here ȝiftes · </l>
<l> ȝoure fader sche felde · thorough fals byheste</l>
<l> and haþ puysound popes · and <app><lem>appeyred</lem></app><note>Hm.3.127: Hm and alpha read <hi>appeyred/appayreth</hi> against the apheretic form <hi>peired</hi> in most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> holy cherche</l>
<l> ys naugth a bettre bawde · by hym that me made</l>
<l> bytwene heuene and helle · in erthe thouh men sougth · </l>
<l> for sche is tykel of here tayl <add>.</add> tale<seg>-</seg>wys of here tunge</l>
<milestone>fol. 123rI</milestone>
<l> As comune as <app><lem>carteway</lem></app> · to eche<note>Hm.3.131: The ascender of the <h> has been flourished.</note> knaue that walketh</l>
<l> to monkes to menstralles · to meselles in hegges</l>
<l> Sysours and somnours · suche men hure preyseth</l>
<l> Scherreues <app><lem>and</lem></app> schyres · were schent if sche ne were</l>
<l> for sche dooþ men lese here londe · and here lyf<del>e</del> bothe</l>
<l> sche lateth passe prysoners · and <app><lem>for hem ofte payeth</lem></app></l>
<l> and <app><lem>ȝyueþ</lem></app> the gaylers golde · and grotes to<seg>-</seg>gydres</l>
<l> <app><lem><del>...?...</del><add>& vnfetreþ fals · to</add></lem></app> flee where hym lyketh</l>
<l> and taketh þe trewe by the top · and tyeth hym faste</l>
<l> and hangeth hym for haterede · that harme dede neuere</l>
<l> <hi></hi> To be cursyd in concystorye · sche counteþ nougth a bene</l>
<l> for sche copeþ the commissarye · and coteth his clerkes</l>
<l> sche ys asoyled <app><lem>also</lem></app> sone · as here<seg>-</seg>selfe lyketh</l>
<l> and may <app><lem>almost also</lem></app> muche do · in a moneth ones</l>
<l> as ȝoure secrete seal · in syxe score dayes · </l>
<l> for sche is pryue wyth the pope · p<expan>ro</expan>uysours yt knoweth</l>
<l> for syre symony and here<seg>-</seg>selfe · selen the bulles</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Sche blesseþ these buschopes · thouwh they <app><lem>seme</lem></app> lewed</l>
<l> prouendreth p<expan>ar</expan>souns · and preestes manteyneth</l>
<l> to haue lemmans and lotobyes · all here lyfe<seg>-</seg>dayes · </l>
<l> and bryngeth foorth barns · aȝen forbode lawes</l>
<l> there sche is wel wyth the kyng<del>e</del> · wo ys <app><lem>that</lem></app> rewme</l>
<l> for sche is fauourable to fals · and fouleþ trewthe ofte</l>
<l> <hi></hi> By <expan>ihesu</expan> wyth hure iewelles · ȝoure yustyces <app><lem>ofte sche</lem></app> schendeth</l>
<l> and lyeþ aȝen the lawe · and letteþ hym the gate</l>
<l> that feyth may nougth haue his foorþ · hure floreyns gone so þykke</l>
<l> sche ledeth the lawe as hure leste · and louedayes maketh · </l>
<l> and dooth men lese <app><lem>for</lem></app> hure loue<note>Hm.3.158: Kane and Donaldson took the scribe to have written <hi>iloue</hi>, with <il> smudged. There is damage or a stain, but the reading is clearly <hi>loue</hi>.</note> · that lawe mygth wynne</l>
<l> the mase for a mene man · þouȝ<del>.</del> he mote hure euere</l>
<l> lawe ys so lordlyche · and loth to make ende</l>
<l> wyth<seg>-</seg>oute p<expan>re</expan>sentes or pans · sche pleseth wel fewe · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Barouns <add>&</add> burgeys · sche bryngeþ in sorowe</l>
<l> and al the comune in care · that <app><lem>lyue wolde</lem></app> in trewthe</l>
<l> for <app><lem>clergyse</lem></app> and couetyse · sche cowpleþ to<seg>-</seg>gydres</l>
<l> <app><lem>that</lem></app> is þe lyf<del>e</del> of þat lady · <app><lem>lorde</lem></app> · ȝyue hure sorowe</l>
<l> and alle that ma<del>......</del><add>ynteyne</add> here men · <app><lem>schame</lem></app> hem bytyde</l>
<l> for poore men mowe haue · no power <app><lem>hem to pleyne</lem></app><note>Hm.3.167: Hm divides the line here, creating a new line to follow and thus demanding the creation of a b-verse for the newly made line. Hm.3.168 takes what may have been the last three words of its exemplar's 167 <hi>tyl þey sore smerte</hi> and fills the line out with the bland, unalliterating <hi>and lowe a<seg>-</seg>downe falle.</hi></note> · </l>
<l> tyl þey sore smerte · and lowe a<seg>-</seg>downe falle</l>
<l> suche a mayster is mede · a<seg>-</seg>monge men of goode</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Thanne mornyd mede · and menyd hure to the kynge</l>
<milestone>fol. 123vI</milestone>
<l> to haue space to speke · spede ȝif sȝe mygth<add>e</add></l>
<l> <hi></hi> The kynge grauntyd hure grace · wyth a good wylle</l>
<l> excuse the ȝif þu canst<del>e</del> · y can namore segge</l>
<l> for conscyence acuseþ the · to congeye the for<seg>-</seg>euere</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Nay lorde quod that lady · leueþ hym the wurse</l>
<l> whan ȝe wyten wytterly · where þe wronge lyggeþ</l>
<l> there <app><lem>the</lem></app> myschef<del>e</del> is gret<del>e</del> mede may helpe</l>
<l> and thu knowest conscyence · y cam<del>e</del> nougth to chyde</l>
<l> ne <app><lem>to praue</lem></app> thy p<expan>er</expan>sone · wyth a proude herte</l>
<l> wel thu wost<del>e</del> wernard · but ȝif thu wolt<del>e</del> gabbe</l>
<l> thu hast<del>e</del> hangyd on myn <app><lem>hals</lem></app> · enleue tymes · </l>
<l> and also gryped my gold<del>e</del> <add>.</add> <app><lem>ȝyue</lem></app> yt where the lyked</l>
<l> and why <app><lem>wratthest</lem></app> the now<del>e</del> <add>.</add> wondre me thynkeþ</l>
<l> ȝit y may as y mygth<add>e</add> · menske the wyth ȝiftes</l>
<l> and mant<del>....</del><add>eyne</add> thy manhode · more than thu knowest</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ac thu hast<del>e</del> <app><lem>defamed</lem></app> me foule · byfore the kyng<del>e</del> here</l>
<l> for kyllyd y neuere <app><lem>kyng<del>e</del></lem></app> <add>.</add> ne counseyled <app><lem>therto</lem></app></l>
<l> ne dude as <app><lem>thu now<del>e</del></lem></app> demeste · y do yt on the kynge · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> In normandy <app><lem>nas</lem></app> he nougth · noyhed for my sake</l>
<l> ac thu thy<seg>-</seg>self<del>e</del> soþly · schamedest hym ofte</l>
<l> crop<del>e</del> <app><lem>in</lem></app> a caban · for colde <app><lem>on</lem></app> thy nayles</l>
<l> wendeste that wynt<expan>er</expan> · wolde haue <app><lem>laste</lem></app> euere · </l>
<l> and dreddest to <app><lem>haue be</lem></app> ded<del>e</del> <add>.</add> for a dym clowde</l>
<l> and hyedest homward · for hungur of thyn wombe</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Wyþ<seg>-</seg>outyn pyte pylour · poore men thu robbe<del>....</del><add>dest</add></l>
<l> and b<del>or</del><add>er</add>e here bras at thy bakke · to caleys to sylle</l>
<l> there y lafte wyth my lord<del>e</del> · his lyfe forto saue</l>
<l> y made his men murye · and mornynge lette</l>
<l> y batred hem on the bakke <add>·</add> and bolded here hertes</l>
<l> and dede hem hoppe for hope · to haue me atte wylle</l>
<l> hadde y ben mareschal of his men · by marye of heuene · </l>
<l> y durste haue leyde my lyfe · and no lasse wedde</l>
<l> he schulde haue ben lorde of that londe · in lengþe and in brede</l>
<l> and also kyng<del>e</del> of that kyth · his <app><lem>kynrede</lem></app> <app><lem>to</lem></app> helpe</l>
<l> the leste brolle of his blood · a barouns pere</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Cowardly thu conscyence · conseyledest hym thennys</l>
<l> to leuyn his lordschipe · for a lytyl seluer · </l>
<l> that ys the ryccheste rewme · that reyn ou<expan>er</expan>houeth · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> yt bycomyþ to a kynge · that kepeth a rewme</l>
<l> to ȝyue mede to men · that mekely hym serueth · </l>
<milestone>fol. 124rI</milestone>
<l> to alyens and to alle men · to honoure hem wyth ȝyftes · </l>
<l> mede maketh hym bylouyd · and for a man holdyn · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Emp<expan>er</expan>oures and <app><lem>kynge<add>s /</add></lem></app><note>Hm.3.213: The virgule metacharacter replacing the punctus elevatus was inserted after <s> was added to <hi>kynge</hi> by hand3.</note> and alle manere lordes</l>
<l> for ȝyftes haue ȝonge men · to renne and to ryde</l>
<l> the pope <app><lem><sic>and and</sic><corr>and</corr> alle his</lem></app> p<expan>re</expan>lates · p<expan>re</expan>sentes vndyrfongyn</l>
<l> and meden men hem<seg>-</seg>selfe · to ma<del>......</del><add>yntene</add> here <app><lem>lawe</lem></app></l>
<l> sergeauntes for her seruyce · we seen wel the sothe</l>
<l> taken mede of here maystres · as they mowen acorde</l>
<l> beggers for here byddynge · <app><lem>asken</lem></app> men mede</l>
<l> menstralles for here <app><lem>merthes</lem></app> · mede they asken</l>
<l> the kynge hath mede of his men · to make pes in londe</l>
<l> men that techen chyldren · crauen of hem mede</l>
<l> p<expan>re</expan>stes that p<expan>re</expan>chen the peple · <app><lem>of god</lem></app> asken mede</l>
<l> and massepans and here mete · atte the mele<seg>-</seg>tyme</l>
<l> alkyn crafty men · crauen mede for here p<expan>re</expan>ntys</l>
<l> marchauntes and mede · mote nede go to<seg>-</seg>gydres</l>
<l> no wygth as y wene · wyth<seg>-</seg>oute mede may lybbe</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Quod the kyng<del>e</del> to conscyence · by cryste as me thynketh</l>
<l> mede is wel wurthy · the maystrye to haue</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Nay quod conscyence to the kyng<del>e</del> · and kneled · to the erthe · </l>
<l> there are two manere of medes · my lorde wyth ȝowre leue</l>
<l> that on god of his grace · graunteth in his blys</l>
<l> to tho that wel werkyn · <app><lem>while that</lem></app> they ben here</l>
<l> the p<expan>ro</expan>phete p<expan>re</expan>cheth <del>...e</del><add>þ<expan>er</expan>of · </add> and putte yt in the sawter · </l>
<l> <foreign><hi><app><lem>Quis</lem></app> habitabit in tabernaculo tuo · &c<expan>etera</expan> · </hi></foreign> </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Lorde who schall wonye in thy wones · <del>...</del> wyth thyn holy seyntes</l>
<l> or resten in thyn holy <app><lem>hul</lem></app> · this asketh dauid · </l>
<l> and dauid assoyleth it hym<seg>-</seg>selue · as the saut<expan>er</expan> telleth</l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Qui ingredit<del>o</del><add>u</add>r<note>Hm.3.239: The dot above the first <i> is unusually elaborate, almost an <s>.</note> sine macula & op<expan>er</expan>atur <app><lem>iusticiam &c<expan>etera</expan></lem></app> · </hi></foreign></l>
<l> <hi></hi> Tho that entren of one colour · and of one wylle</l>
<l> and haue wrougth werkes · wyth rygth and <app><lem>resou<expan>n</expan></lem></app> · </l>
<l> and he that vseth nougth · the lyfe of vsure</l>
<l> and enforme<add>þ</add> poore men · and pursueth trewthe · </l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Qui pecuniam suam non dedit ad vsuram & mun<expan>er</expan>a sup<expan>er</expan> innocentem <app><lem>non accepit</lem></app> · </hi></foreign> </l>
<l><hi></hi> And alle that helpen the innocent<del>e</del> · and holdyn wyth the rygthful</l>
<l> wyth<seg>-</seg>outen mede dooth hem good · and the trewthe helpeth · </l>
<l> suche manere men my lord<del>e</del> · schull haue the ferste mede</l>
<l> of god atte <app><lem>here</lem></app> grete nede · whan they gon hennys · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> There is an nothur mede mesurles · that maystres desyreth · </l>
<l> to maynteyne mysdoers · mede they take · </l>
<milestone>fol. 124vI</milestone>
<l> and <app><lem>there</lem></app> seyth the sawter · in a psalmes ende</l>
<l> <foreign><hi>In quor<expan>um</expan> manibus iniquitates sunt dextra eor<expan>um</expan> repleta est <app><lem>mun<expan>er</expan>ibus · &c<expan>etera</expan></lem></app></hi></foreign></l>
<l> <hi></hi> And he that grypeth hure gold<del>e</del> · so me god helpe</l>
<l> schall abuyen yt b<del>.</del><add>y</add>ttre · or the booke lyeth · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> p<expan>re</expan>stes and p<expan>ar</expan>souns · that plesynge desyreth</l>
<l> that take mede <app><lem>or</lem></app> moneye · for messes that they synge</l>
<l> take here mede here · as mathewe vs telleth · </l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Amen <app><lem>amen <del>...?...?...</del><add>dico vobis</add></lem></app> <add>receperunt mercedem suam</add> · </hi></foreign></l>
<l> <hi></hi> That laborers and lewed folk<del>e</del> taken of here maystres</l>
<l> yt is no <app><lem>manere of</lem></app> mede · but a mesurable huyre</l>
<l> <hi></hi> In marchaundyse ys no mede · y may it wel a<seg>-</seg>vowe</l>
<l> yt is a p<expan>er</expan>mutacyoun ap<expan>er</expan>tly · a <app><lem>peny</lem></app> for an nother</l>
<l> ac reddest thu neu<expan>er</expan>e · <foreign>regu<expan>m</expan> ·</foreign> thu recrayede mede</l>
<l> why the vengeaunce fel on saul · and on his chyldren</l>
<l> god sente to saul · by samuel the p<expan>ro</expan>phete</l>
<l> <app><lem>to</lem></app> agag of amalek<del>e</del> and al his peple aftyr · </l>
<l> schulde deyen for a dede · that done hadde here eldres</l>
<l> <hi></hi> For<seg>-</seg>thy seyde samuel to saul · god hym<seg>-</seg>self<del>e</del> hoteth</l>
<l> the <app><lem>to be</lem></app> buxum at his byddyng<del>e</del> · his wyll to fulfulle</l>
<l> wende to Amalek wyth thyn ost<del>e</del> · and <app><lem>al that</lem></app> thu <app><lem>fyndest</lem></app> <app><lem>sle</lem></app></l>
<l> <app><lem>burwes</lem></app> and bestes · brenne hem to dethe</l>
<l> wydewes and wyues · wommen and chyldren</l>
<l> mebles <del>...</del><add>& vnm</add>ebles · and al that thu mygth fynde</l>
<l> brenne yt bere yt nougth a<seg>-</seg>way · be yt neu<expan>er</expan>e so ryche</l>
<l> for mede nor for moneye · loke thu destruye yt · </l>
<l> spylle yt <app><lem>spare</lem></app> yt nougth · thu schalt spede the bettre</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And for he coueytede <app><lem>the</lem></app> catel · and the kyng<del>e</del> sparede</l>
<l> forbare hym and his bestes bothe · as the byble wytnesseth</l>
<l> oþerwyse than he was warnyd · of the p<expan>ro</expan>phete</l>
<l> god seyde to samuel · that saul · schulde dye · </l>
<l> and alle his seed for that synne · schendfullyche <app><lem>endede</lem></app></l>
<l> suche a myschef<del>e</del> mede made · saul the kynge to <del>....</del><add>haue</add></l>
<l> that god hated hym for euere · and alle his eyres after</l>
<l> <hi></hi> The <foreign>culoru<expan>m</expan></foreign> of this caas · kepe y nougth to telle</l>
<l> yn aduenture yt noyȝed men  none ende woll y make</l>
<l> for so is this worlde wente · wyth hem that hauen powere · </l>
<l> that who<seg>-</seg>so <app><lem>seye</lem></app> <app><lem>hym</lem></app> <app><lem>here sothes</lem></app> · ys sonnyste y<seg>-</seg>blamyd</l>
<l> <hi></hi> I conscyence knowe this · for kynde · wytte me yt taughte</l>
<l> that reson schal regne · and rewmes gouerne</l>
<l> and rygth as agag hadde · happe schulle summe · </l>
<milestone>fol. 125rI</milestone>
<l> samuel schall sle hym · and saul schal be blamyd</l>
<l> and dauid schall be dyademyd · and dawntyn hem alle</l>
<l> and one crystene kynge · kepyn hem alle</l>
<l> Schal namore mede be mayster · as sche ys nouthe</l>
<l> ac loue and lownesse · and leauute to<seg>-</seg>gydre</l>
<l> these schulle be maystres · on molde · trewthe to saue</l>
<l> and <app><lem>who</lem></app> trespaceþ aȝen treuthe · or takeþ aȝen his wylle</l>
<l> leaute schal done hym lawe · and no lyfe elles · </l>
<l> schall none sergeaunte for here seruyce · were a selken howue · </l>
<l> ne no pelure in his <app><lem>clooth</lem></app> · for pledynge atte barre</l>
<l> mede of mysdoers · maketh manye lordes · </l>
<l> and ouer lordes lawes · rewleþ the rewmes</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ac kynde loue schal come ȝette · and conscyence to<seg>-</seg>gydres</l>
<l> and make <app><lem>of the</lem></app> lawe a laborer · suche loue schal aryse</l>
<l> and suche a pes amonge the peple · and a p<expan>ar</expan>fyte trewþe</l>
<l> that iewes schul wene in here wytte · and wexen <app><lem>glade</lem></app></l>
<l> that moyses or <app><lem>messyas</lem></app> · be comen into this erthe</l>
<l> and haue wondre in here hertys · that men beth so trewe</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Alle that beren bazelard · brode swerd<del>e</del> or launce</l>
<l> axe other hachet · or eny wepne elles · </l>
<l> schall be demyd to the deeth · <app><lem>but</lem></app> he do yt smythye</l>
<l> ynto sykel or <app><lem>sythe</lem></app> · to schare or to cultur · </l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Conflabunt gladios suos · in vomeres · &c<expan>etera</expan> · </hi></foreign> </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Eche man to pleye wyth a plouwh · pykoyse or spade</l>
<l> spynne or sprede donge · or spylle hym<seg>-</seg>selfe wyth slowthe</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Preestes and p<expan>ar</expan>souns · wyth <foreign>placebo</foreign> to hunte · </l>
<l> and dynge vpon dauid · eche daye tyl eue · </l>
<l> Huntynge or haukynge · ȝif eny of hem <app><lem>yt vse</lem></app></l>
<l> his boste of his benefys · <app><lem>woll be</lem></app> bynomyn hym aftyr</l>
<l> schall <app><lem>neu<expan>er</expan>e</lem></app> kynge <app><lem>nor</lem></app> knygth · constable ne meyre</l>
<l> ouerlede the comune · <app><lem>ne</lem></app> the courte somne</l>
<l> ne putten hem in panel · to done hem plygth here trewthe</l>
<l> but after the dede that ys done · oo dome schall rewarde</l>
<l> mercy or no mercy · as trewthe woll accorde</l>
<l> <hi></hi> kynges court<del>e</del> and comune court<del>e</del> concystorye and chap<del>....</del><add>itle</add></l>
<l> al schall be but<del>te</del> oo court<del>e</del> · and oo <app><lem>baroun</lem></app> iustyce</l>
<l> than worth trewe tonge a tydy man · that tenyd me neuere</l>
<l> <hi></hi> batayles schull none ben · ne noman bere wepne</l>
<l> and what smy<del>...</del><add>th þ<expan>a</expan>t</add> <app><lem>smythieth eny</lem></app> · be smyten ther<seg>-</seg>wyth to dethe</l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Non leuabit gens contra gentem gladium · &c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign></l>
<milestone>fol. 125vI</milestone>
<l> <hi></hi> And ere this fortune falle · fynde men schal the wurste</l>
<l> by syxe sonnes and a schyppe · and halfe a schefe of Arwes</l>
<l> and the myddel of a moone · schall make the iewes to turne</l>
<l> and sarsyns for that sygth · schull synge <foreign>gl<expan>or</expan>ia in excelsis</foreign></l>
<l> for makameet and mede · myshappe schull that tyme</l>
<l> For <foreign><hi>melius est bonu<expan>m</expan> nomen q<expan>ua</expan>m diuicie multe · &c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign></l>
<l> <hi></hi> Als wroth as the wynde · wexe mede in a while</l>
<l> y kan no latyn quod sche · clerkes wytyn the sothe</l>
<l> see what salamon seyth · in sapyence bokes</l>
<l> <app><lem>they that</lem></app> ȝyuyn ȝiftes · the vyctory wynneth</l>
<l> and moste wurschipe haue þ<expan>er</expan>wyth · as holy wrytte telleth</l>
<l> <foreign><hi>honorem adquiret qui dat mun<expan>er</expan>a & c<expan>etera</expan> · </hi></foreign></l>
<l> <hi></hi> I leue wel lady quod conscience · that thy latyn be trewe</l>
<l> ac thu <app><lem>art<del>e</del></lem></app> a lady · that radde a lessoun ones</l>
<l> was <foreign>om<expan>n</expan>ia p<expan>ro</expan>bate ·</foreign> and that plesyd here herte</l>
<l> <hi></hi> For that lyne was no lengour · atte the leues ende</l>
<l> hadde sche loked that othur half<del>e</del> and the leef turnyd</l>
<l> sche schulde haue founde fele woordes · folowynge <app><lem>aftyr</lem></app> · </l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Quod bonu<expan>m</expan> est tenete</hi></foreign> · trewthe that texte made</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And so ferde ȝe madame · ȝe couthe nomore fynde</l>
<l> tho ȝe loked on sapience · syttynge in ȝoure studye · </l>
<l> this texte that ȝe haue told<del>e</del> · were good for lordes</l>
<l> Ac <app><lem><del>...</del><add>ȝe</add></lem></app> faylede a kunnynge clerk<del>e</del> that couthe the lef<del>e</del> haue turnyde</l>
<l> and ȝif ȝe sechyn sapyence efte · fynde <app><lem>ȝe schall</lem></app> that foloweth</l>
<l> a <orig>fulteneful</orig><reg>ful teneful</reg> texte · to hem that taketh mede · </l>
<l> <app><lem>That is</lem></app> <foreign><hi>a<expan>n</expan>i<expan>m</expan>am autem aufert accipienciu<expan>m</expan> · &c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign></l>
<l> <hi></hi> and that is the tayle of the texte · of <app><lem>that</lem></app> sche<note>Hm.3.357: Perhaps since <hi>Bx</hi> provided only the unfortunate <hi>þat þat</hi> where something like <hi>þat teme</hi> is required (see Kane's and Donaldson's introduction, p. 201), the scribe of Hm, thinking the doubling was wrong, omitted the second <hi>þat</hi>.</note> schewed · </l>
<l> that thow<del>e</del> we wynne wurschipe · and wyth mede haue victorye · </l>
<l> the sowle that the soude taketh · by so muche ys bounde · </l>