Readings for line KD.14.198

But owre spences and spendyng sprynge · of a trewe welle
But oure spenses and spendynge . springe . of a trwe welle
But our spenses and spending sprynge of true wyl
But oure spences and spendynge . sprynge of a trewe wille
but our spenses and spendynge · spryngen of a trewe welle
Bot oure spence and spendyng · sprynge of a trewe wylle
but our spenses & spendyng spryng off a trew wyell
But oure spences & spendyng  sprynge of a trewe wille
AndR.14.210: Cf. beta's But, which agrees with the opening of the line in Cx; on the other hand, at the end of the a-verse, Cx agrees with R, which uniquely reiterates the possessive, reading oure spendynge where beta merely has spendyng. F completely rewrites the a-verse: With oure spendyng of spekynge. oure spenses and oure spendynge springe  of a trewe welle .
With oure spendyng of spekynge / springe of a trewe welle. F's revisions of this passage fail in sense. Bx reads as follows:
But oure spences and spendynge sprynge of a trewe welle
Ellis is al oure labour lost lo how men writeþ
In fenestres at þe freres if fals be þe foundement
Forþi cristene sholde be in commune riche noon coueitous for hymselue.
F omits the last of these lines entirely.