Cr1.14.44KD.14.39 For lent neuer was life , but liuelode were shapen
C.14.44KD.14.39 For lent neuere was lif · but liflod were schapen
R.14.45KD.14.39 For lente nere was þereR.14.45:
R's þere is a unique addition to the text witnessed by the other B manuscripts; however, R's reading has a substantial likelihood of being
original since at the same point the C manuscripts attest either here or, more commonly, þere. lif but
liflode were schape .
F.10.518KD.14.39For lewte was neuere so ryf / as lyflode is y-shape.F.10.518: F's nonsense is the product of confusing <n> with <u>, eventually producing lewte instead of lente, and <l> with anglicana <r> to make ryf in place of lyf. Bx reads "For lent neuere was lif but liflode were shapen." F omits the following archetypal line: "Wherof or wherfore or wherby
to libbe."