M.14.107KD.14.97That it neuere efte is sene ne sore . but semeth a wounde yheled .
Cr1.14.106KD.14.97 That eft it is not sene ne sore , but semith a wound helid
W.14.105KD.14.97 That it neuere eft is sene ne soor . but semeþ a wounde yheeled
C.14.104KD.14.97 That it is neuere eft seen sore · but semees a wounde heled
G.15.105KD.14.97 that ytt ys neuer efte seene ne soore but semethe a wouvnd heyled
R.14.107KD.14.97 Þat it neuere eft is sene ne
sore but semeth a wounde I-heled .