<head><foreign>Passus vicesimus de visione & primus de</foreign> dobest</head>
<l> [And]<note>Bx.20.1: <hi>And</hi>: F is supported by <hi>Cx</hi> (though otherwise F rewrites the line). Beta has <hi>Thanne</hi> as a more appropriate opening for a passus (as <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.10.1</ref>, <ref>11.1</ref>), but Langland often plunges <hi>in medias res</hi>; see especially <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.13.1</ref>.</note> as I went by þe way · whan I was þus awaked</l>
<l> Heuy-chered I ȝede · and elynge in herte</l>
<l> I<note>Bx.20.3: <hi>I</hi>: So beta, but F and <hi>Cx</hi> begin <hi>For I</hi>. RK, p. 123, reject the F + <hi>Cx</hi> readings of ll. <ref>3</ref>, <ref>7</ref> and <ref>9</ref> as coincidental error, describing <hi>For</hi> here as a "more explicit substitution". See also l. <ref>11</ref>.</note> ne wiste where to ete · ne at what place</l>
<l> And it neighed nyeghe þe none · & with nede I mette</l>
<l> That afronted me foule · and faitour me called</l>
<l> Coudestow<note>Bx.20.6: <hi>Coudestow</hi>: L is supported by F and <hi>Cx</hi> against <hi>Kanstow</hi> in other beta witnesses.</note> nouȝte excuse þe · as dede þe Kynge & other</l>
<l> Þat þow toke to þi bylyf<note>Bx.20.7: <hi>þi bylyf</hi>: So beta, though F's <hi>lyve by</hi> is also the reading of <hi>Cx</hi>. Athough the noun is a favourite of Langland's, it appears to have been obsolescent, and <title>MED</title> has no citations after c. 1300 apart from <title>Piers Plowman</title>. Scribes of <hi>C</hi> are particularly prone to avoid it; e.g. at RK.16.338 substitutions are <hi>liflode</hi>, <hi>lyvyng</hi> and <hi>breed</hi>. See note to <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.19.241</ref> (= RK.21.235), where <hi>bylyf</hi> is altered by MCrHmF to <hi>lyflode</hi>. See RK, p. 123.</note> · to clothes and to sustenance</l>
<l> As by<note>Bx.20.8: <hi>As by</hi>: "according to". LMCr are supported by the P family of <hi>C</hi>. WHmCGO read <hi>And</hi>, which makes poor sense.The construction is "excuse yourself that you took according to the teaching of <hi>spiritus temperancie</hi>". F has <hi>& þat was</hi>; the X family of <hi>C</hi> has <hi>Was</hi>, meaning "excuse yourself that what you took ... was by the teaching ...".</note> techynge & by<note>Bx.20.8: <hi>by</hi> (2): Omitted by beta4, F and the P family of <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> tellynge · of <foreign>spiritus temperancie</foreign></l>
<l> And<note>Bx.20.9: <hi>And</hi>: "provided that" (so RK, p. 123). F and <hi>Cx</hi> also make good sense with <hi>& þat</hi>.</note> þow nome namore · þan nede þe tauȝte</l>
<l> And<note>Bx.20.10: <hi>And</hi>: Supported by the X family of <hi>C</hi>; the P family omits. F's <hi>For</hi> has no support.</note> nede ne<note>Bx.20.10: <hi>ne</hi> (1): LWHmCG are supported by some of the X family of <hi>C</hi>. Other scribes omit.</note> hath no lawe · ne neure shal falle in dette</l>
<l> For þre thynges he<note>Bx.20.11: <hi>he</hi>: The reading of beta, though F and <hi>Cx</hi> read <hi>þat he</hi>.</note> taketh · his lyf forto saue</l>
<l> That is mete whan men hym werneth · & he no moneye weldeth</l>
<l> <note>Bx.20.13: L has an inappropriate paraph (the line is at the top of the page).</note>Ne wyght none wil ben<note>Bx.20.13: <hi>none wil ben</hi>: The beta reading, against F's <hi>þat wille ben</hi>. In <hi>C</hi>, ms. X reads <hi>þat now wol be</hi>, though others in the X family have <hi>none</hi> for <hi>now</hi>. The P family begins the line <hi>And wot that non wol be</hi>.</note> his borwe · ne wedde hath none<note>Bx.20.13: <hi>ne wedde hath none</hi>: Beta reading is preferable since alliteration is on /w/ not /n/. Yet F's <hi>ne no wed haþ</hi> is that of the X family of <hi>C</hi>; the P family reads <hi>noþer haþ wed</hi>.</note> to legge</l>
<l> And he cauȝte<note>Bx.20.14: <hi>cauȝte</hi>: i.e. "stole". <hi>Cx</hi> has present tense; F has <hi>caste</hi>.</note> in þat cas · & come þere-to by sleighte</l>
<l> He synneth nouȝte sothelich · þat so wynneth his fode</l>
<l> And þough he come so to a clothe · and can no better cheuysaunce</l>
<l> Nede anon-riȝte · nymeth hym vnder meynpryse</l>
<l> And if hym lyst for to lape · þe lawe of kynde wolde</l>
<l> That he dronke at eche diche · ar he for thurste deyde</l>
<l> So nede at grete nede · may nymen as for his owne</l>
<l> Wyth-oute conseille of conscience · or cardynale vertues</l>
<l> So þat he suwe & saue · <foreign>spiritus temperancie</foreign></l>
<l> ¶ For is no vertue by fer [·] to<note>Bx.20.23: <hi>by fer to</hi>: F has <hi>by-fore</hi>, as do a few <hi>C</hi> mss.</note> <foreign>spiritus temperancie</foreign></l>
<l> Neither <foreign>spiritus iusticie</foreign> · ne <foreign>spiritus fortitudinis</foreign></l>
<l> For <foreign>spiritus fortitudinis</foreign> · forfaiteth ful oft</l>
<l> He shal do more þan mesure · many tyme<note>Bx.20.26: <hi>tyme</hi>: F has <hi>tymes</hi>, with similar variation among <hi>C</hi> mss. See note to <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.11.387</ref> for alpha's tendency to prefer <hi>tymes</hi>.</note> & ofte</l>
<l> And bete men ouer bitter · and somme [body]<note>Bx.20.27: <hi>body</hi>: Here R resumes, to provide this reading, supported by <hi>Cx</hi> and alliteration. F has the plural. Beta reads <hi>of hem</hi>.</note> to litel</l>
<l> And greue men gretter · þan goode faith it<note>Bx.20.28: <hi>it</hi>: Dropped by HmCGO, as by the P family of <hi>C</hi>.</note> wolde</l>
<l> ¶ And <foreign>spiritus iusticie</foreign> · shal iuggen wol he nol he</l>
<l> After þe kynges conseille · & þe comune lyke</l>
<l> And <foreign>spiritus prudencie</foreign> · in many a poynte shal faille</l>
<l> Of þat he weneth wolde falle · if his wytte ne were</l>
<l> Wenynge is no wysdome · ne wyse ymagynacioun</l>
<l> <foreign>Homo proponit & deus disponit</foreign> · & gouerneth alle<note>Bx.20.34: <hi>& gouerneth alle</hi>: In alpha the line-break occurs after <hi>alle</hi>; in beta it is after <hi>good vertues</hi>. Alpha's arrangement is supported as <hi>Bx</hi> and <hi>Cx</hi> by the P family of <hi>C</hi>, which has <hi>god gouerneth alle</hi>. The X family sets the Latin on its own, but then breaks the lines after <hi>hym</hi> and <hi>lombe</hi>. KD and Schmidt break after <hi>disponit</hi>, <hi>vertues</hi>, <hi>meketh</hi>. The problem is caused by the short line <hi>God gouerneth all good vertues</hi>, compounded by the replacement in <hi>Bx</hi> of <hi>God</hi> by <hi>&</hi>.</note></l>
<l> Good vertues [and]<note>Bx.20.35: <hi>and</hi>: R is supported by the X family of <hi>C</hi> against beta's <hi>Ac</hi>. F and the P family rearrange in different ways.</note> nede is next hym · for anon he meketh</l>
<l> And as low as a lombe · for lakkyng þat<note>Bx.20.36: <hi>þat</hi>: Alpha is supported by most <hi>C</hi> mss., though some have <hi>of þat</hi>, as in beta.</note> hym nedeth</l>
<l> [¶ For nede maketh nede · fele nedes lowe-herted]<note>Bx.20.37: Beta omits the line, which Barney (2006), 202, suggests may be a late addition. R's form of the line is supported by the X family of <hi>C</hi>.</note></l>
<l> [Philosophres]<note>Bx.20.38: <hi>Philosophres</hi>: Though alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>, beta has a good line, with <hi>Wyse men</hi> alliterating on /w/. Perhaps this is a case of revision, or alpha contamination from <hi>C</hi>. See notes to ll. 37 and 39.</note> forsoke wel[th]e<note>Bx.20.38: <hi>welthe</hi>: Alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi> against <hi>wele</hi> in beta.</note> · for þey wolde be nedy</l>
<l> And woneden [wel elengly]<note>Bx.20.39: <hi>wel elengly</hi>: Alpha's reading, supported by <hi>Cx</hi>, may be a revision of beta's <hi>in wilderness</hi>.</note> · & wolde nouȝte be riche</l>
<l> ¶ And god al his grete ioye · gostliche he left</l>
<l> And cam & toke mankynde · and bycam nedy</l>
<l> So [he was nedy]<note>Bx.20.42: <hi>So he was nedy</hi>: R's order is supported by the X family of <hi>C</hi>; F's prose order, <hi>He was so needy</hi>, by the P family. Beta has <hi>So nedy he was</hi>.</note> as seyth þe boke · in many sondry places</l>
<l> Þat he seyde in his sorwe · on þe selue Rode</l>
<l> Bothe fox & foule · may fleighe to hole & crepe</l>
<l> And þe fisshe hath fyn · to flete with to<note>Bx.20.45: <hi>to</hi> (2): Alpha has <hi>or to</hi>, taking <hi>reste</hi> as a verb, but it is not supported by <hi>Cx</hi> or by sense: Kane (2005) glosses <hi>reste</hi> as "safety".</note> reste</l>
<l> Þere nede hath ynome me · þat I mote nede abyde</l>
<l> And suffre sorwes ful sowre · þat shal to ioye tourne</l>
<l> For-þi be nouȝte abasshed · to byde<note>Bx.20.48: <hi>byde</hi>: Beta4 and R have <hi>bidde</hi>, as does the P family of <hi>C</hi>. The X family supports <hi>bide</hi>, which follows on from l. <ref>46</ref>.</note> and to be nedy</l>
<l> Syth he þat wrouȝte al þe worlde · was wilfullich nedy</l>
<l> Ne neuer none so nedy · ne pouerere deyde</l>
<l> ¶ Whan nede had vndernome<note>Bx.20.51: <hi>vndernome</hi>: All except OR have the object <hi>me</hi>, though it is inserted in M. In <hi>C</hi> it is in all mss. except XYU, the three most authoritative of the X family. Cf. l. <ref>46</ref>, which probably prompted the addition.</note> þus · anon I felle aslepe</l>
<l> And mette ful merueillously · þat in mannes forme</l>
<l> Antecryst cam þanne · and al þe croppe of treuthe</l>
<l> Torned it vp-so-doune · and ouertilte þe rote</l>
<l> And [made]<note>Bx.20.55: <hi>made</hi>: Alpha supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. Beta omits.</note> fals sprynge & sprede · & spede mennes nedes</l>
<l> In eche a contre þere he cam · he cutte awey treuthe</l>
<l> And gert gyle growe þere · as he a god were</l>
<l> [¶]<note>Bx.20.58: <hi></hi>: The paraph is in WHm and alpha. In L the line is at the top of the page.</note> Freres folwed þat fende · for he ȝaf hem copes</l>
<l> And religiouse reuerenced hym · and rongen here belles</l>
<l> And al þe couent cam<note>Bx.20.60: <hi>cam</hi>: Beta has <hi>forth cam</hi>, F has <hi>cam holly</hi>. Neither has support from <hi>C</hi>. R is supported by the X family of <hi>C</hi>; the P family has <hi>þo cam</hi>.</note> · to welcome [a]<note>Bx.20.60: <hi>a</hi>: R is supported by the most reliable of the X family of <hi>C</hi>. The reading is a little more difficult than <hi>þat</hi>, as in beta and F, as well as the P family of <hi>C</hi>.</note> tyraunt</l>
<l> And alle hise as wel as hym · saue onlich folis</l>
<l> Which folis were wel<note>Bx.20.62: <hi>wel</hi>: Omitted by alpha and the P family of <hi>C</hi>, but supported by the X family.</note> [gladd]er<note>Bx.20.62: <hi>gladder</hi>: Alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi> against beta's <hi>leuer</hi>.</note> [·] to deye þan to lyue</l>
<l> Lengore sith le[ute]<note>Bx.20.63: <hi>leute</hi>: Alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. Beta read <hi>lenten</hi>, with the obvious error corrected in Cr, and visibly corrected in Hm by the revising hand.</note> · was so rebuked</l>
<l> And a fals fende antecriste · ouer alle folke regned</l>
<l> And þat were<note>Bx.20.65: <hi>were</hi>: Beta is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. Alpha's <hi>we</hi> is an obvious error.</note> mylde men & holy · þat no myschief dredden</l>
<l> Defyed al falsenesse · and folke þat it vsed</l>
<l> And what Kynge þat hem conforted · knowynge hem [gy]le<note>Bx.20.67: <hi>hem gyle</hi>: "them to deceive"? R probably preserves the <hi>Bx</hi> reading, where <hi>Cx</hi> has <hi>here gyle</hi>. Beta revises to <hi>hem any while</hi> to make better sense.</note></l>
<l> They cursed and her conseille · were it clerke or lewed</l>
<l> ¶ Antecriste hadde thus sone · hundredes at his banere</l>
<l> And Pryde it bare<note>Bx.20.70: <hi>it bare</hi>: Clearly the reading of <hi>Bx</hi> as well as <hi>Cx</hi>. Hm, F and the P family of <hi>C</hi> all expand in different ways. See RK, p. 130 and n. 50.</note> · boldely aboute</l>
<l> With a lorde þat lyueth · after lykynge of body</l>
<l> That cam aȝein conscience · þat kepere was & gyoure</l>
<l> Ouer kynde crystene · and cardynale vertues</l>
<l> ¶ I conseille quod conscience þo · cometh with me ȝe foles</l>
<l> In-to vnyte holy cherche · and holde we vs there</l>
<l> And crye we to kynde · þat he come & defende vs</l>
<l> Foles ·<note>Bx.20.77: The punctuation after <hi>Foles</hi> is in LWOF, and so is perhaps archetypal.</note> fro þis fendes lymes · for Piers loue þe plowman</l>
<l> And crye we [on]<note>Bx.20.78: <hi>on</hi>: Alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi> against beta's <hi>to</hi>.</note> alle þe comune · þat þei come to vnite</l>
<l> And þere abide and bikere · aȝein beliales children</l>
<l> ¶ Kynd conscience þo herde · and cam out of þe planetes</l>
<l> And sent forth his foreioures [·] feures and fluxes</l>
<l> Coughes and cardiacles · crampes and tothaches</l>
<l> Rewmes & radegoundes · and roynouse scalles<note>Bx.20.83: <hi>scalles</hi>: "skin diseases". W has <hi>scabbes</hi>, an easier reading, but it is also the reading of <hi>Cx</hi>. See RK, p. 121.</note></l>
<l> Byles and bocches · and brennyng agues</l>
<l> Frenesyes & foule yueles · forageres of kynde</l>
<l> Hadde yprykked and prayed [·] polles of peple<note>Bx.20.86: <hi>peple</hi>: MCrCGOF add the definite article, but it is not in <hi>Cx</hi>.</note></l>
<l> Largelich<note>Bx.20.87: <hi>Largelich</hi>: Beta's <hi>Þat largelich</hi> is not supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> a legioun · lese<note>Bx.20.87: <hi>lese</hi>: Probably past, though R's <hi>lose</hi> is present. <hi>Cx</hi> has <hi>lees</hi>.</note> her lyf sone</l>
<l> ¶ There was harrow and help · here cometh kynde</l>
<l> With deth þat is dredful · to vndone vs alle</l>
<l> ¶ The lorde that lyued after lust · tho alowde cryde</l>
<l> After conforte a<note>Bx.20.91: <hi>conforte a</hi>: R (= alpha) omits; F expands speculatively to make up the loss.</note> knyghte · to come and bere his banere</l>
<l> Alarme alarme quod þat lorde [·] eche lyf kepe his owne</l>
<l> ¶ Þanne<note>Bx.20.93: <hi>Þanne</hi>: So alpha, supported by <hi>Cx</hi>; beta has <hi>And þanne</hi>.</note> mette þis men · ar mynstralles myȝte pipe</l>
<l> And ar heraudes of armes · hadden descreued lordes</l>
<l> <note>Bx.20.95-6: Beta4 omits these two lines.</note> ¶ Elde þe hore<note>Bx.20.95: <hi>hore</hi>: Beta is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. F reads the rare <hi>horel</hi>, "fornicator", and R is apparently corrected to that reading.</note> · he was in þe vauntwarde</l>
<l> And bare þe banere bifor deth · by riȝte he it claymed</l>
<l> Kynde come after [hym]<note>Bx.20.97: <hi>hym</hi>: Alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>; beta omits.</note> · with many kene sores</l>
<l> As pokkes and pestilences · and moche poeple shente</l>
<l> So kynde þorw corupciouns · kulled ful manye</l>
<l> ¶ Deth cam dryuende<note>Bx.20.100: <hi>dryuende</hi>: Note that L and alpha have this form of the present participle. See note to <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.17.50</ref>.</note> after · and al to doust passhed<note>Bx.20.100: <hi>passhed</hi>: Beta is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. F has <hi>daschede</hi>, and in R <hi>paschte</hi> is corrected to <hi>daschte</hi>.</note></l>
<l> Kynges & Knyȝtes · kayseres and popes</l>
<l> Lered ne lewed · he le[f]t<note>Bx.20.102: <hi>left</hi>: Alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi> against beta's <hi>let</hi>.</note> no man stonde</l>
<l> That he hitte euene · þat euere stired<note>Bx.20.103: <hi>þat euere stired</hi>: The wording of LWR is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> after</l>
<l> Many a louely lady · and lemmanes knyghtes<note>Bx.20.104: <hi>lemmanes knyghtes</hi>: "lover-knights". So R. Beta misunderstands and adds <hi>of</hi>. F rewrites, but its inclusion of <hi>hire</hi> could perhaps indicate that <hi>Bx</hi> read as <hi>Cx</hi>, which reads <hi>here lemmanes knyhtes</hi>.</note></l>
<l> Swouned and swelted · for sorwe of dethes dyntes</l>
<l> ¶ Conscience of his curteisye · to kynde he bisouȝte</l>
<l> To cesse & suffre · and see where þei wolde</l>
<l> Leue pryde pryuely · and be parfite cristene</l>
<l> ¶ And kynde cessed tho · to se þe peple amende</l>
<l> Fortune gan flateren thenne · þo fewe þat were alyue</l>
<l> And byhight hem longe lyf · and lecherye he sent</l>
<l> Amonges al manere men · wedded & vnwedded</l>
<l> And gadered a gret hoste · al agayne conscience</l>
<l><note>Bx.20.114: <hi></hi>: The paraph is in beta and F.</note> This lecherye leyde on · with<note>Bx.20.114: <hi>with</hi>: Beta has <hi>with a</hi>, but alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> laughyng chiere</l>
<l> And with pryue speche · and peynted wordes</l>
<l> And armed hym in ydelnesse · and in hiegh berynge</l>
<l> He bare a bowe in his hande · and manye blody<note>Bx.20.117: <hi>blody</hi>: With support from LMCr, beta4 and R, this is presumably the reading of <hi>Bx</hi>. However, WHmF <hi>brode</hi> is also the reading of <hi>Cx</hi>, and is better in context. Schmidt (1995), 409, conjectures that <hi>Bx</hi> had the form <hi>blode</hi>, independently corrected by beta3 and F.</note> arwes</l>
<l> Weren fethered with faire biheste · and many a false truthe</l>
<l> Wit[h]<note>Bx.20.119: <hi>With</hi>: L's <hi>Wit</hi> is marked for correction, as at <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.5.612</ref>. Beta has <hi>With his</hi>, but alpha without <hi>his</hi> is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> vntydy tales · he tened ful ofte</l>
<l> Conscience and his compaignye · of holi[kirke]<note>Bx.20.120: <hi>kirke</hi>: Cr and alpha. Beta and <hi>Cx</hi> read non-alliterating <hi>cherche</hi>. See Introduction <xref>IV.1</xref>.</note> þe techeres</l>
<l> ¶ Thanne cam coueityse · and caste how he myȝte</l>
<l> Ouercome conscience · and cardynal vertues</l>
<l> And armed hym in auaryce · and hungriliche<note>Bx.20.123: <hi>hungriliche</hi>: <title>MED</title> records R's <hi>vngriseliche</hi> as a unique instance. Presumably alpha had F's form <hi>vngryly</hi>, "hungrily", misread by R.</note> lyued</l>
<l> His wepne was al wiles · to wynnen & to hyden</l>
<l> With glosynges and<note>Bx.20.125: <hi>and</hi>: Beta must have had <hi>and with</hi> (though beta4 drops <hi>with</hi>). Alpha presumably had <hi>and</hi>, as in R, supported by <hi>Cx</hi>, with F adding <hi>with</hi>.</note> gabbynges · he gyled þe peple</l>
<l> Symonye hym se[ude]<note>Bx.20.126: <hi>seude</hi>: "followed" (<title>MED</title> <hi>seuen</hi> v.(1)). R is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. The form was easily misread as <hi>sende</hi> (pa.t.) by both beta and F. See Schmidt (1995), 409.</note> · to assaille conscience</l>
<l> And preched to þe peple · and prelates þei hem<note>Bx.20.127: <hi>hem</hi>: Omitted by MCr. <hi>Cx</hi> is without it, following a different a-verse <hi>And presed on þe pope</hi>. See Barney (2006), 214, for discussion of the versions.</note> maden</l>
<l> To holden with antecryste · her temperaltes to saue</l>
<l> And come to þe kynges conseille · as a kene baroun</l>
<l> And kneled to<note>Bx.20.130: <hi>kneled to</hi>: <hi>Cx</hi> reads <hi>knokked</hi>.</note> conscience [·] in courte afor<note>Bx.20.130: <hi>afor</hi>: Beta4 and alpha have <hi>before</hi>, as does <hi>Cx</hi>. For discussion of these variants, see note to <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.5.12</ref>.</note> hem alle</l>
<l> And gart gode feith flee · and fals to abide</l>
<l> And boldeliche bar adown · with many a briȝte<note>Bx.20.132: <hi>briȝte</hi>: Beta is supported by alliteration and <hi>Cx</hi>. Alpha has <hi>rede</hi>.</note> noble</l>
<l> Moche of þe witte and wisdome · of westmynster halle</l>
<l> He iugged til<note>Bx.20.134: <hi>iugged til</hi>: W has <hi>Iogged to</hi>, as does <hi>Cx</hi>. The sense of the verb is uncertain: see <title>OED</title> <hi>jug</hi> v.4, <hi>jag</hi> v., <hi>jog</hi> v; Kane (2005) <hi>s.v.</hi> <hi>iogged</hi> glosses "thrust his way". <hi>Bx</hi> may have misunderstood it as "judged", i.e. "condemned".</note> a iustice · and iusted in his ere</l>
<l> And ouertilte al his treuthe · with take þis vp<note>Bx.20.135: <hi>vp</hi>: <hi>Cx</hi> has <hi>on</hi>.</note> amendement</l>
<l> And [in-]to<note>Bx.20.136: <hi>in-to</hi>: Alpha and Hm; perhaps a little more appropriate than beta's <hi>to</hi>. <hi>C</hi> mss. are similarly divided: the P family agrees with beta.</note> þe arches in haste · he ȝede anone after</l>
<l> And torned Ciuile in-to symonye · and sitthe he toke þe official</l>
<l> For a [menyuere mentel]<note>Bx.20.138: <hi>menyuere mentel</hi>: Alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. Beta has <hi>mentel of menyuere</hi>.</note> · he made lele matrimonye</l>
<l> Departen ar deth cam · & [a]<note>Bx.20.139: <hi>a</hi>: Dropped by beta, but alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> deuos shupte</l>
<l> ¶ Allas quod conscience & cried þo<note>Bx.20.140: <hi>þo</hi>: Dropped by F and the P family of <hi>C</hi>.</note> · wolde criste of his<note>Bx.20.140: <hi>his</hi>: In <hi>Cx</hi>; dropped in R.</note> grace</l>
<l> That coueityse were cristene · þat is so kene [to fiȝte]<note>Bx.20.141: <hi>to fiȝte</hi>: Alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi> against beta's <hi>a fiȝter</hi>.</note></l>
<l> And bolde and [a]bidyng<note>Bx.20.142: <hi>abidyng</hi>: So alpha and CrHmO, against <hi>bidyng</hi> in the others. <hi>C</hi> mss. are also split, with the X family and some of the P family reading <hi>abidyng</hi>. There is support for <hi>abidyng</hi> from the same a-verse in <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.19.302</ref>.</note> · [þe]<note>Bx.20.142: <hi>þe</hi>: Not in beta, and <hi>Cx</hi> is also split, but alpha is supported by the best of both families of <hi>C</hi>.</note> while his bagge lasteth</l>
<l> ¶ And þanne lowgh lyf · and leet dagge his clothes</l>
<l> And armed hym in haste · in harlotes wordes</l>
<l> And helde holynesse a iape · and hendenesse a wastour</l>
<l> And lete leute a cherle · and lyer a fre man</l>
<l> Conscience and conseille · he counted it folye<note>Bx.20.147: <hi>folye</hi>: Beta4 and R, supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. LMHm (hence beta?) have <hi>a folye</hi>, Cr <hi>at foly</hi>, W <hi>at a flye</hi>; F has <hi>but folye</hi>.</note></l>
<l> ¶ Thus relyed lyf · for a litel fortune</l>
<l> And pryked<note>Bx.20.149: <hi>pryked</hi>: <hi>Bx</hi> clearly has past tense, though W has the present, as do the most reliable <hi>C</hi> mss.</note> forth with pryde [·] preyseth he no vertue</l>
<l> [Ne]<note>Bx.20.150: <hi>Ne</hi>: Beta has <hi>He</hi> (<hi>A</hi> in L), though Hm has <hi>and</hi>, and W has <hi>Ne</hi>, agreeing with alpha and <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> careth nouȝte how kynde slow · and shal come atte laste</l>
<l> And culle<note>Bx.20.151: <hi>culle</hi>: Supported by <hi>Cx</hi> against alpha's <hi>calle</hi>.</note> alle erthely creature<note>Bx.20.151: <hi>creature</hi>: LR and original M have the distributive sg. against the plural in others. <hi>Cx</hi> is also split.</note> · saue conscience one</l>
<l> Lyf leep asyde<note>Bx.20.152: <hi>leep asyde</hi>: Beta is supported by <hi>Cx</hi> against alpha's curious reading <hi>seith occide</hi>.</note> · and lauȝte hym a lemman</l>
<l> Heel & I quod he · and hieghnesse of herte</l>
<l> Shal do þe nouȝte drede · noyther deth ne elde</l>
<l> And to forȝete sorwe<note>Bx.20.155: <hi>sorwe</hi>: MCr read <hi>deþ</hi> from the line above. <hi>Cx</hi> has instead <hi>ȝowthe</hi>.</note> · and ȝyue nouȝte of synne</l>
<l> ¶ This lyked lyf · and his lemman fortune</l>
<l> And geten in her glorie · a gadelyng atte laste</l>
<l> One þat moche wo<note>Bx.20.158: <hi>wo</hi>: Omitted by alpha.</note> wrouȝte · sleuthe was his name</l>
<l> Sleuthe wex wonder ȝerne · and sone was of age</l>
<l> And wedded one wanhope · a wenche of þe stuwes</l>
<l> Her syre was a sysour · þat neure swore treuthe</l>
<l> One Thomme two tonge · ateynte at vch a queste</l>
<l> ¶ This<note>Bx.20.163: <hi>This</hi>: Beta is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. R has <hi>Þus</hi> and F omits.</note> sleuthe was<note>Bx.20.163: <hi>was</hi>: Beta4 has <hi>wex</hi>, but this is not supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> war<note>Bx.20.163: <hi>war</hi>: <hi>Cx</hi> has <hi>sley</hi>.</note> of werre · and a slynge made</l>
<l> And threwe drede of dyspayre · a dozein myle aboute</l>
<l> For care conscience þo · cryed vpon elde</l>
<l> And bad hym<note>Bx.20.166: <hi>hym</hi>: Omitted by alpha, but beta is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> fonde to fyȝte · and afere wanhope</l>
<l> ¶ And elde hent good hope · and hastilich he shifte<note>Bx.20.167: <hi>shifte</hi>: "got moving" (refl.). <hi>Cx</hi> has instead <hi>shroef</hi>.</note> hym</l>
<l> And wayued awey wanhope · and with lyf he fyȝteth</l>
<l> And lyf fleigh for fere [·] to fysyke after helpe</l>
<l> And bisouȝte hym of socoure · and of his salue hadde</l>
<l> And gaf hym golde good woon · þat gladded h[er] herte[s]<note>Bx.20.171: <hi>her hertes</hi>: Beta has <hi>his herte</hi>, following the sg. in the a-verse. R alone has the plural, but is supported by the best <hi>C</hi> mss., six of which also have <hi>here</hi> for <hi>his</hi> in l. <ref>170</ref>. See next note.</note></l>
<l> And þei<note>Bx.20.172: <hi>þei</hi>: F alters to <hi>he</hi>, following the sg. pronouns of ll. <ref>170-1</ref>. Schmidt (2008), 467, explains that the distinction is between the art of Fysyke and its practitioners. See previous note.</note> gyuen hym agayne [·] a glasen houve</l>
<l> Lyf leued þat lechecrafte · lette shulde elde</l>
<l> And dryuen<note>Bx.20.174: <hi>dryuen</hi>: Alpha has <hi>to driue</hi>, as do some of the P family of <hi>C</hi>, but the rest omit <hi>to</hi>.</note> awey deth · with dyas<note>Bx.20.174: <hi>dyas</hi>: "remedies". Beta is supported by <hi>Cx</hi> against alpha's <hi>dayes</hi>.</note> and dragges</l>
<l> ¶ And elde auntred hym on lyf · and atte laste he hitte</l>
<l> A Fisicien with a forred hood · þat he fel in a<note>Bx.20.176: <hi>a</hi> (3): As in <hi>Cx</hi>. MCrC have <hi>þe</hi> (inserted in M). O omits.</note> palsye</l>
<l> And þere deyed þat doctour · ar thre dayes after</l>
<l> Now I see seyde lyf · þat surgerye ne Fisyke</l>
<l> May nouȝte a myte auaille · to medle aȝein elde</l>
<l> And in hope of his hele · gode herte he<note>Bx.20.180: <hi>he</hi>: Omitted by R, but <hi>Cx</hi> has it.</note> hente</l>
<l> And rode so to reuel · a ryche place and a merye</l>
<l> The companye of conforte<note>Bx.20.182: <hi>conforte</hi>: Beta4 corrupts to <hi>court</hi>.</note> · men cleped it sumtyme</l>
<l> And elde anone after [hym]<note>Bx.20.183: <hi>hym</hi>: Alpha supported by <hi>Cx</hi> against beta's <hi>me</hi>. Beta fails to understand that the reference is to <hi>Lyf</hi>.</note> · and ouer myne heed ȝede</l>
<l> And made me balled bifore · and bare on þe croune</l>
<l> So harde he ȝede ouer myn hed · it wil be seen eure</l>
<l> ¶ Sire euel ytauȝte elde quod I · vnhende go with the</l>
<l> Sith whanne was þe way · ouer men<note>Bx.20.187: <hi>men</hi>: L alone has the uninflected gen., but RK record the <hi>C</hi> reading as <hi>menne</hi>.</note> hedes</l>
<l> Haddestow be hende quod I · þow woldest haue asked leue</l>
<l> ¶ Ȝe leue lordeyne quod he · and leyde on me with age</l>
<l> And hitte me vnder þe ere · vnethe may ich here</l>
<l> He buffeted me aboute þe mouthe · & bett out my [wange-]tethe<note>Bx.20.191: <hi>wange-tethe</hi>: Beta drops <hi>wange</hi>, though it is included in <hi>Cx</hi>, which has the b-verse as in R. Beta must have had <hi>& bett out my tethe</hi> as in LMCr, with variations in WHm and beta4.</note></l>
<l> And gyued me in goutes · I may nouȝte go at large</l>
<l> And of þe wo þat I was in · my wyf had reuthe</l>
<l> And wisshed [wel]<note>Bx.20.194: <hi>wel</hi>: R alone, but supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. Beta has <hi>ful</hi>, F has <hi>often</hi>.</note> witterly · þat I were in heuene</l>
<l> For þe lyme þat she loued me fore · and leef was to fele</l>
<l> On nyȝtes namely · whan we naked were</l>
<l> I ne myght in no manere · maken it at hir wille</l>
<l> So elde and [he]<note>Bx.20.198: <hi>he</hi>: "she". Only R has the <hi>h-</hi> form, but it is necessary for the alliteration and is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. See Introduction <xref>IV.1</xref>. Beta reads <hi>she sothly</hi>, lengthening a short a-verse, but neither R or <hi>Cx</hi> has the adverb. F rewrites the a-verse.</note> · [it hadden]<note>Bx.20.198: <hi>it hadden</hi>: R's order is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>, altered to prose order in all other <hi>B</hi> mss.</note> forbeten</l>
<l> ¶ And as<note>Bx.20.199: <hi>as</hi>: Beta is supported by <hi>Cx</hi> against alpha's <hi>was</hi>.</note> I seet in þis sorwe · I say how kynde passed</l>
<l> And deth drowgh niegh<note>Bx.20.200: <hi>niegh</hi>: MCrF have <hi>neer</hi> (from OE comparative), but it is not supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> me · for drede gan I quake</l>
<l> And cried to kynde · out of care me brynge</l>
<l> Loo elde þe hoore · hath me<note>Bx.20.202: <hi>me</hi>: Beta is supported by <hi>Cx</hi> against alpha's <hi>my lif</hi>.</note> biseye<note>Bx.20.202: <hi>biseye</hi>: 'dealt with'; <hi>MED</hi> <hi>bisen</hi> 4(b). Supported by <hi>Cx</hi> against variants in CrGR.</note></l>
<l> Awreke me if ȝowre wille be · for I wolde ben hennes</l>
<l> ¶ Ȝif þow wilt ben ywroken · wende in-to vnite</l>
<l> And holde þe þere eure · tyl I sende for þe</l>
<l> And loke þow conne somme crafte [·] ar þow come þennes</l>
<l> [¶]<note>Bx.20.207: <hi></hi>: The paraph to mark the dreamer's words is in WHmC and alpha, with a line-space in M.</note> Conseille me kynde quod I · what crafte [be]<note>Bx.20.207: <hi>be</hi>: R's subjunctive is supported by <hi>Cx</hi> against <hi>is</hi> in beta. F rephrases.</note> best to lerne</l>
<l> [¶]<note>Bx.20.208: <hi></hi>: In L the scribe left a line-space but the rubricator did not supply the paraph to mark Kynde's words. It is in WHmC and alpha, with a line-space in M.</note> Lerne to loue quod kynde · & leue<note>Bx.20.208: <hi>leue</hi>: Alpha and Cr are supported by <hi>Cx</hi> in omitting <hi>of</hi>. Beta perhaps avoids the x / x / x rhythm of the b-verse, as F does by adding <hi>craftys</hi>.</note> alle othre</l>
<l> ¶ How shal I come to catel so · to clothe me and to<note>Bx.20.209: <hi>to</hi> (3): Supported by <hi>Cx</hi>, though dropped by HmGF and erased in M.</note> fede</l>
<l> [¶]<note>Bx.20.210: <hi></hi>: Though lacking in LR and therefore somewhat doubtful, the paraph to mark Kynde's words is in WHmCF, with a line-space in M.</note> And þow loue lelly<note>Bx.20.210: <hi>lelly</hi>: Beta adds <hi>quod he</hi>, but it is not in alpha or <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> · lakke shal þe neure</l>
<l> [Wede] ne wordly [mete]<note>Bx.20.211: <hi>Wede ... mete</hi>: Alpha's order is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. Note the spelling <hi>wordly</hi> for "worldly" in LR, perhaps archetypal.</note> · whil þi lyf lasteth</l>
<l> ¶ And þere by conseille of kynde · comsed<note>Bx.20.212: <hi>comsed</hi>: So R. Beta has <hi>I comsed</hi>, F has <hi>he comsede</hi>. In <hi>Cx</hi> the line reads: <hi>And y bi conseil of kynde comsed to Rome</hi>, though eight mss. move the pronoun to the b-verse. Evidently <hi>þere </hi>is a <hi>Bx</hi> error for <hi>I</hi>, the omission of which is supplied in the b-verse by all scribes except R.</note> to rowme</l>
<l> Thorw contricioun & confessioun · tyl I cam to vnite</l>
<l> And þere was conscience<note>Bx.20.214: <hi>conscience</hi>: Dropped in alpha; F patches.</note> constable · cristene to saue</l>
<l> And biseged sothly · with seuene grete gyauntz</l>
<l> Þat with Antecrist helden · hard aȝein conscience</l>
<l> ¶ Sleuth with his slynge · an[d]<note>Bx.20.217: <hi>and</hi>: Probably an archetypal error for <hi>an</hi>. MCrCR have <hi>and</hi>, as do five <hi>C</hi> mss. including X (misreported by RK). All other scribes in both versions make the necessary and obvious correction to <hi>an</hi>; M is corrected by adding <hi>an</hi>.</note> hard saut<note>Bx.20.217: <hi>saut</hi>: LHm and alpha are supported by <hi>Cx</hi> against <hi>assaut</hi>. Cf. variants at l. <ref>301</ref>.</note> he<note>Bx.20.217: <hi>he</hi>: LWHm and alpha supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. Other mss. omit.</note> made</l>
<l> Proude prestes come with hym [· passyng an hundreth]<note>Bx.20.218: <hi>passyng an hundreth</hi>: Alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi> and alliteration against beta's <hi>moo þan a thousand</hi>.</note></l>
<l> In paltokes & pyked shoes · & pisseres longe knyues</l>
<l> Comen aȝein conscience · with coueityse þei helden</l>
<l> ¶ By [þe]<note>Bx.20.221: <hi>þe</hi> (1): In R only, but supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. <title>MED</title> cites no other examples of this form of the oath, though cf. <hi>by þe holy Marie</hi> etc.</note> Marie quod a mansed preste · [was]<note>Bx.20.221: <hi>was</hi>: Omitted by beta. Alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> of þe marche of yrlonde</l>
<l> I counte namore conscience · bi so I cacche syluer</l>
<l> Than I do to drynke · a drauȝte of good ale</l>
<l> And so seide sexty [·] of þe same contreye</l>
<l> And shoten aȝein with shotte · many a shef of othes</l>
<l> And brode hoked arwes · goddes herte & his nayles</l>
<l> And hadden almost vnyte · and holynesse adowne</l>
<l> ¶ Conscience cryed helpe · clergye or ellis I falle</l>
<l> Thorw inparfit prestes · and prelates of holicherche</l>
<l> Freres herden hym crye · and comen hym to helpe</l>
<l> Ac for þei couth nouȝte wel her craft · conscience forsoke hem</l>
<l> ¶ Nede neghed tho nere · and conscience he tolde</l>
<l> That þei come for coueityse<note>Bx.20.233: <hi>coueityse</hi>: Alpha misunderstands Nede's advice and adds <hi>no</hi>.</note> · to haue cure of soules</l>
<l> And for þei arn poure par-auenture · for patrimoigne hem failleth</l>
<l> Thei wil flatre to fare wel · folke þat ben riche</l>
<l> And sithen þei chosen chele · and cheytifte<note>Bx.20.236: <hi>cheytifte</hi>: As in LWR and <hi>Cx</hi>, though other beta mss. alter the noun to the adj. <hi>cheitif</hi>, and F reads <hi>chastite &</hi>. For the suggestion that <hi>poverte</hi> was a marginal gloss incorporated into the text in <hi>Bx</hi> and <hi>Cx</hi>, see RK, p. 136.</note> pouerte</l>
<l> Lat hem chewe as þei chese · and charge hem with no cure</l>
<l> <note>Bx.20.238-9: Two lines omitted by alpha but attested by <hi>Cx</hi>. The likely explanation for the omission is eyeskip from <hi>For</hi> (238) to <hi>For</hi> (240), suggesting that alpha's exemplar began l. <ref>240</ref> with <hi>For</hi> rather than <hi>Bx</hi> <hi>And</hi> (see note).</note> For lomer he lyeth · þat lyflode mote begge</l>
<l> Þan he þat laboureth for lyflode · & leneth it beggeres</l>
<l> And<note>Bx.20.240: <hi>And</hi>: Supported by <hi>Cx</hi> against alpha's <hi>For</hi>.</note> sithen Freres forsoke · þe<note>Bx.20.240: <hi>þe</hi>: Beta is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>, though it is dropped by G and alpha.</note> felicite of erthe</l>
<l> Lat hem be as beggeres · or lyue by angeles fode</l>
<l> ¶ Conscience of þis conseille þo<note>Bx.20.242: <hi>þo</hi>: Dropped by alpha and by some of the P family of <hi>C</hi>.</note> · comsed for to laughe</l>
<l> And curtei[s]lich<note>Bx.20.243: <hi>curteisliche</hi>: The line in L is marked for correction.</note> conforted hem · and called in alle freres</l>
<l> And seide sires sothly · welcome be ȝe alle</l>
<l> To vnite and holicherche · ac on thyng I ȝow preye</l>
<l> Holdeth ȝow in vnyte · and haueth none envye</l>
<l> To lered ne to lewed · but lyueth after ȝowre rewle</l>
<l> And I wil be ȝowre borghe · ȝe shal haue bred and clothes</l>
<l> And other necessaries anowe · ȝow shal no thyng [lakke]<note>Bx.20.249: <hi>lakke</hi>: Alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi> against beta's <hi>faille</hi>, which is perhaps picked up from l. <ref>234</ref>. For <hi>ȝow</hi>, F has <hi>ȝee</hi> as subject, as do a few <hi>C</hi> mss. R's <hi>þow</hi> is odd in context.</note></l>
<l> With þat ȝe leue logyk · and lerneth for to louye</l>
<l> For loue laft þei lordship · bothe londe and scole</l>
<l> Frere Fraunceys and Dominyk · for loue to ben holy</l>
<l> ¶ And if ȝe coueyteth cure · kynde wil ȝow te[ll]e<note>Bx.20.253: <hi>telle</hi>: Alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi> against beta's <hi>teche</hi>.</note></l>
<l> That in mesure god made · alle manere thynges</l>
<l> And sette it<note>Bx.20.255: <hi>it</hi>: Supported by <hi>Cx</hi> against <hi>hem</hi> in CrWF.</note> at a certeyne · and at a syker noumbre</l>
<l> And nempned [hem]<note>Bx.20.256: <hi>hem</hi>: Omitted by beta, but alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. See next note.</note> names newe<note>Bx.20.256: <hi>newe</hi>: Not in <hi>Cx</hi> at all, and presumably a <hi>Bx</hi> error, since it makes poor sense in either position in the line. In <hi>Bx</hi> it was probably in the a-verse, prompting beta to drop <hi>hem</hi> to lighten a heavy verse, and alpha to move it into the b-verse to qualify <hi>numbred</hi>, with no better sense.</note> · and noumbred þe sterres</l>
<l> <foreign>Qui numerat multitudinem stellarum<note>Bx.20.257: <hi><foreign>stellarum</foreign></hi>: Alpha evidently agreed with <hi>Cx</hi> in omitting <hi>& omnibus eis &c</hi>, and F struggles to complete the familiar quotation.</note></foreign></l>
<l><note>Bx.20.258: <hi></hi>: The paraph is in beta and F, following the Latin line.</note> Kynges & knyghtes [·] þat kepen<note>Bx.20.258: <hi>kepen</hi>: Oddly, R's illogical past tense is supported by three of the best of the X family of <hi>C</hi>. It could therefore be archetypal error.</note> and defenden</l>
<l> Han officers vnder hem · and vch of hem certeyne<note>Bx.20.259: <hi>certeyne</hi>: WHmOF have <hi>a certein</hi> as in <hi>Cx</hi>, but LR and CrCG omit the article. This is evidently a <hi>Bx</hi> error, with scribes making an obvious correction, as the M scribe does visibly.</note></l>
<l> And if þei wage men to werre · þei write hem in noumbre</l>
<l> Wil no tresorere [taken] hem [wages]<note>Bx.20.261: <hi>taken hem wages</hi>: Beta alters to <hi>hem paye</hi>, shortening a long a-verse but losing the alliteration. Alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. For <hi>hem</hi> R uniquely reads <hi>hym</hi> as in l. <ref>259</ref>. In <hi>Cx</hi> this line is followed by <hi>Bote hy ben nempned in þe nombre of hem þat been ywaged</hi> (RK.21.261), necessary to complete the sense. Its loss in <hi>Bx</hi> causes WHm to move l. <ref>261</ref> to the end of the paragraph to follow l. <ref>263</ref>, and C<hi>2</hi> to invent a new line: <hi>but he kunne rekene ariȝt her names in his rollis</hi>. Cr, followed by revised M, more simply begins the line <hi>Or they wil</hi>, and F has <hi>Ellys wille</hi>.</note> · trauaille þei neure so sore</l>
<l> Alle other in bataille · ben yholde bribours</l>
<l> Pilours and pykehernois · in eche a p[arisch]<note>Bx.20.263: <hi>parisch</hi>: Beta has <hi>place</hi>, but alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> [a]cursed<note>Bx.20.263: <hi>acursed</hi>: MCrCGO and alpha are supported by <hi>Cx</hi> against <hi>ycursed</hi> in LWHm.</note></l>
<l><note>Bx.20.264: <hi></hi>: The paraph is in beta and F.</note> Monkes and monyals · and alle men of Religioun</l>
<l> Her ordre and<note>Bx.20.265: <hi>Her ordre and</hi>: Presumably alpha dropped <hi>ordre</hi>, with R faithfully copying <hi>Her and</hi> as <hi>heraude</hi>, and F characteristically revising to make sense.</note> her reule wil · to han a certeyne noumbre</l>
<l> Of lewed and of lered · þe lawe wol and axeth</l>
<l> A certeyn for a certeyne · saue onelich of freres</l>
<l> For-þi quod conscience by cryst · kynde witte me telleth</l>
<l> It is wikked to wage ȝow · ȝe wexeth out of<note>Bx.20.269: <hi>out of</hi>: Beta and <hi>Cx</hi>. R's <hi>of on</hi> is probably the alpha reading, revised by F to <hi>ouer ony</hi> for sense.</note> noumbre</l>
<l> Heuene hath euene noumbre · and helle is with-out noumbre</l>
<l> For-þi I wolde witterly · þat ȝe were in þe Registre</l>
<l> And ȝowre noumbre vndre notarie<note>Bx.20.272: <hi>notarie</hi>: MCrWCO's gen. is not supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> sygne · & noyther mo ne lasse</l>
<l><note>Bx.20.273: <hi></hi>: The paraph is in beta and F.</note> Enuye herd þis · and heet freres go<note>Bx.20.273: <hi>go</hi>: LWC have <hi>to go</hi>, not supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> to scole</l>
<l> And lerne logyk and lawe · and eke contemplacioun</l>
<l> And preche men of plato · and preue it by seneca</l>
<l> Þat alle þinges vnder heuene · ouȝte to ben in comune</l>
<l> ¶ [H]e<note>Bx.20.277: <hi>He</hi>: So alpha and <hi>Cx</hi>. Beta begins <hi>And ȝit he</hi>.</note> lyeth as I leue · þat to þe lewed so precheth</l>
<l> For god made to men a lawe · and Moyses it tauȝte</l>
<l> <foreign>Non concupisces rem proximi tui</foreign></l>
<l> And euele is þis yholde · in parisches of engelonde</l>
<l> For parsones and parish prestes [·] þat shulde þe peple shryue</l>
<l> Ben curatoures called · to knowe and to hele</l>
<l> Alle þat ben her parisshiens · penaunce<note>Bx.20.283: <hi>penaunce</hi>: Probably plural; alpha has <hi>penaunces</hi>. For variation with and without <-s>, see note to <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.14.211</ref>. There is similar variation in <hi>C</hi> mss.</note> enioigne<note>Bx.20.283: <hi>enioigne</hi>: All except R read <hi>to enioigne</hi>, which has minority support from <hi>C</hi> mss.</note></l>
<l> And be[n]<note>Bx.20.284: <hi>ben</hi>: For once F probably represents alpha and is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. R takes infin. <hi>ben</hi> as pres. pl. Beta clarifies with <hi>shulden be(n)</hi>.</note> ashamed in her shrifte · ac shame maketh hem wende</l>
<l> And fleen to þe freres · as fals folke to westmynstre</l>
<l> That borweth and bereth it þider · and þanne biddeth frendes</l>
<l> Ȝerne of forȝifnesse · or lenger ȝeres leue<note>Bx.20.287: <hi>leue</hi>: The reading of LR and probably alpha (F's rewrite includes <hi>bleve</hi>), supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. Beta1 has <hi>loone</hi>, adopted by RK, p. 128, who explain the financial arrangement. For <hi>leue</hi>, "dispensation", see Alford (1988), 88.</note></l>
<l> ¶ Ac whil he is in westmynstre · he wil be bifore</l>
<l> And make<note>Bx.20.289: <hi>make</hi>: Beta's infinitive is supported by <hi>Cx</hi> against alpha's <hi>maketh</hi>.</note> hym merye [·] with other mennes<note>Bx.20.289: <hi>mennes</hi>: For R's gen. pl. <hi>men</hi>, cf. l. <ref>187</ref> and note. Some <hi>C</hi> scribes have the same form.</note> goodis</l>
<l> And so it fareth with moche folke · þat to<note>Bx.20.290: <hi>to</hi>: Alpha supported by <hi>Cx</hi> against beta's <hi>to þe</hi> (though Cr also has <hi>to</hi>).</note> freres shryueth<note>Bx.20.290: <hi>shryueth</hi>: WOF have <hi>hem shryueþ</hi>, as do some of the P family of <hi>C</hi>.</note></l>
<l> As sysours and excecutours · þei [shul<note>Bx.20.291: <hi>shul</hi>: Alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi> against beta's <hi>wil</hi>.</note> ȝeue] þe<note>Bx.20.291: <hi>ȝeue þe</hi>: The L scribe omitted the verb, and the omission was subsequently miscorrected.</note> freres</l>
<l> A parcel to preye for hem · & make hem<note>Bx.20.292: <hi>hem</hi> (2): R is supported by <hi>Cx</hi> against <hi>hem-self</hi> in beta. F rewrites the b-verse to pad it out, but that then involves rewriting the next line to avoid repetition.</note> myrye</l>
<l> With þe residue and þe<note>Bx.20.293: <hi>þe</hi> (1 & 2): The definite article is omitted by R in both cases, and the first of them is added by the corrector in M. F has both in a rewritten line. <hi>Cx</hi> drops <hi>þe residue and</hi>.</note> remenaunt · þat other men biswonke</l>
<l> And suffre þe ded in dette · to þe day of dome</l>
<l> ¶ Enuye herfore · hated conscience</l>
<l> And freres to philosofye · he fonde hem to scole</l>
<l> The while coueytise and vnkyndenesse · conscience assailled</l>
<l> In vnite holycherche · conscience helde hym</l>
<l> And made pees porter · to pynne þe ȝates</l>
<l> Of alle taletellers · and tyterers [a]n<note>Bx.20.300: <hi>an</hi>: So R, supported by the X family of <hi>C</hi>. Beta has <hi>in</hi>, F has <hi>of ydelte</hi>. In L the phrase is elsewhere always <hi>an ydel</hi> (<ref><hi>Bx</hi>.5.592</ref>, <ref>14.210</ref>, <ref>19.415</ref>).</note> ydel</l>
<l> Ypocrisye and he<note>Bx.20.301: <hi>he</hi>: The <hi>h-</hi> form is necessary for the alliteration. Presumably <hi>Bx</hi> took it to be sg., but <hi>Cx</hi> understands that it must be plural and alters to <hi>they</hi>.</note> · an hard saut<note>Bx.20.301: <hi>saut</hi>: LHmOR supported by <hi>Cx</hi> against <hi>assaut</hi> in MCrWCG. Cf. l. <ref>217</ref>. F omits the line.</note> þei made</l>
<l> Ypocrysie atte ȝate · hard gan fiȝte</l>
<l> And wounded wel wykkedly · many [a]<note>Bx.20.303: <hi>a</hi>: CrW and alpha are supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. Most beta scribes omit it.</note> wise techer</l>
<l> Þat with conscience acorded · and cardinale vertues</l>
<l> [¶]<note>Bx.20.305: <hi></hi>: The paraph is in WHmC and alpha. In L the line is at the top of the page.</note> Conscience called a leche · þat coude wel shryue</l>
<l> Go<note>Bx.20.306: <hi>Go</hi>: The reading of LCrHmGOR and original M, supported by the X family of <hi>C</hi>, against <hi>To</hi> in CF and revised M, supported by the P family, and <hi>To go</hi> in W. See next note.</note> salue þo þat syke [were]<note>Bx.20.306: <hi>were</hi>: Alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi> against <hi>ben</hi> in beta, who takes <hi>Go</hi> as an indication of direct speech.</note> · [and]<note>Bx.20.306: <hi>and</hi>: CrWHm and alpha are supported by <hi>Cx</hi>, against omission in others. It is added in M.</note> þorw synne ywounded</l>
<l> Shrifte shope sharpe salue · and made men do penaunce</l>
<l> For her mysdedes [·] þat þei wrouȝte hadden</l>
<l> And þat piers<note>Bx.20.309: <hi>piers</hi>: So <hi>Bx</hi>. <hi>Cx</hi> has <hi>Peres pardon</hi>.</note> were payed · <foreign>redde quod debes</foreign></l>
<l> ¶ Somme lyked nouȝte þis leche · and lettres þei sent</l>
<l> Ȝif any surgien were [in] þe sege<note>Bx.20.311: <hi>in þe sege</hi>: "among the besiegers". Alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi> against beta's <hi>þe segge</hi>, "the man". (L is apparently corrected to <hi>þe sege</hi>.)</note> · þat softer couth plastre</l>
<l> Sire l[i]f<note>Bx.20.312: <hi>lif</hi>: Alpha (and CrHm) supported by <hi>Cx</hi> against beta's <hi>lief</hi>. However, beta's reading is attractive ("Sir Happy-to-Live-in-Lechery"), and is adopted by KD.</note> to lyue in leccherye · lay þere and groned</l>
<l> For fastyng of a fryday · he ferde as he wolde deye</l>
<l> <note>Bx.20.314: Only LR are without a paraph at this point. It aptly marks the start of Conscience's speech, otherwise unmarked. Perhaps <hi>Bx</hi> lacked it.</note>Ther is a surgiene in þis sege · þat soft can handle</l>
<l> And more of phisyke bi fer · and fairer he plastreth</l>
<l> One frere flaterere [·] is phisiciene and surgiene</l>
<l> Quod contricioun to conscience · do hym come to vnyte</l>
<l> For here is many a man herte ·<note>Bx.20.318: The punctuation is after <hi>herte</hi> in LHmORF, before it in MWC, and in both positions in G. Alliteration is on /h/ and the vowel.</note> þorw ypocrisie</l>
<l> ¶ We han no nede quod conscience · I wote no better leche</l>
<l> Than persoun or parissh prest · penytancere or bisshop</l>
<l> Saue Piers þe plowman · þat hath powere ouer alle<note>Bx.20.321: <hi>alle</hi>: G and alpha are supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. Beta has <hi>hem alle</hi>.</note></l>
<l> And indulgence may do · but if dette lette it</l>
<l> I may wel suffre seyde<note>Bx.20.323: <hi>seyde</hi>: CrHmF have <hi>quod</hi>, as does the P family of <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> conscience · syn ȝe desiren</l>
<l> That frere flaterer be fette · and phisike ȝow syke</l>
<l> ¶ The Frere her-of herde · and hyed faste<note>Bx.20.325: <hi>faste</hi>: MCrF add <hi>full</hi> to lengthen the b-verse. It is not in <hi>Cx</hi>.</note></l>
<l> To a lorde for a lettre · leue to haue to curen</l>
<l> As a curatour he were · and cam with his lettres<note>Bx.20.327: <hi>lettres</hi>: Beta's plural is supported by the P family of <hi>C</hi>, alpha's sg. by the X family. The sg. seems more logical in view of the sg. in the previous line; however that might have been a motive for altering the plural. We follow copy-text.</note></l>
<l> Baldly to þe bisshop · & his brief hadde</l>
<l> In contrees þere he come<note>Bx.20.239: <hi>come</hi>: Beta has <hi>come in</hi>, but alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> · confessiouns to here</l>
<l> And cam þere conscience was · and knokked atte ȝate</l>
<l> ¶ Pees vnpynned it · was porter of vnyte</l>
<l> And in haste asked · what his wille were</l>
<l> In faith quod þis frere · for profit and for helthe</l>
<l> Carpe I wolde with contricioun · & þerfore come I hider</l>
<l> ¶ He is sike seide pees · and so ar many other</l>
<l> Ypocrisie hath herte hem · ful harde is if þei keure</l>
<l> [¶]<note>Bx.20.237: <hi></hi>: The paraph to mark the surgeon's words is in WHmC and alpha, with a line-space in M.</note> I am a surgien seide þe [frere]<note>Bx.20.337: <hi>frere</hi>: Beta's <hi>segge</hi> increases the alliteration, but alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> · and salues can make</l>
<l> Conscience knoweth me wel · and what I can do bothe</l>
<l> I preye þe quod pees þo · ar þow passe ferther</l>
<l> What hattestow I preye þe · hele nouȝte þi name</l>
<l> ¶ Certes seyde his felow [·] sire <foreign>penetrans domos</foreign></l>
<l> [¶]<note>Bx.20.342: <hi></hi>: The paraph to mark Pees's reply is in WHmCR, with line-spaces in MF.</note> Ȝe go þi gate quod pees · bi god for al þi phisyk</l>
<l> But þow conne [any]<note>Bx.20.343: <hi>any</hi>: R is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. Beta has <hi>somme</hi>, F has <hi>more</hi>.</note> crafte · þow comest nouȝt her-Inne</l>
<l> I knewe such one ones · nouȝte eighte wynter passed</l>
<l> Come in þus ycoped · at a courte þere I dwelt</l>
<l> And was my lordes leche · & my ladyes bothe</l>
<l> And at þe last þis limitour · þo my lorde was out</l>
<l> He salued so owre wommen · til somme were with childe</l>
<l> [¶]<note>Bx.20.349: <hi></hi>: The paraph is in WHm and alpha, with a line-space in M.</note> Hende speche het pees [þo]<note>Bx.20.349: <hi>þo</hi>: Omitted by beta, but alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> · opene þe ȝates</l>
<l> Late in þe frere and his felawe · and make hem faire chere</l>
<l> He may se and here [here] · so<note>Bx.20.351: <hi>here here so</hi>: F has <hi>er so</hi> after a revised a-verse; Beta has <hi>here so it</hi>. R is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> may bifalle</l>
<l> That lyf þorw his lore [·] shal leue coueityse</l>
<l> And be adradde of deth · and with-drawe hym fram pryde</l>
<l> And acorde with conscience · and kisse her either other</l>
<l> [¶]<note>Bx.20.355: <hi></hi>: The paraph is in WHmR, with line-spaces in MF.</note> Thus thorw hende speche [·] entred þe frere</l>
<l> And cam in to conscience · and curteisly hym grette</l>
<l> Þow art welcome quod conscience [·] canstow hele syke<note>Bx.20.357: <hi>syke</hi>: Alpha supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. Beta has <hi>þe syke</hi>.</note></l>
<l> Here is contricioun quod conscience · my cosyn ywounded</l>
<l> Conforte hym quod conscience [·] and take kepe to his sores</l>
<l> The plastres of þe persoun · and poudres [ben]<note>Bx.20.360: <hi>ben</hi>: So R, supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. However, beta and F read <hi>biten</hi>. This is attractive, though too emphatic for an unstressed position. It is probably picked up from l. <ref>362</ref>.</note> to sore</l>
<l> [And]<note>Bx.20.361: <hi>And</hi>: Again R alone is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. Beta and F substitute the subject <hi>He</hi>, otherwise unexpressed.</note> lat hem ligge ouerlonge · and loth is to chaunge hem</l>
<l> Fro lenten to lenten · he lat his plastres bite</l>
<l> ¶ That is ouerlonge quod this limitour · I leue I shal amende it</l>
<l> And goth<note>Bx.20.364: <hi>goth</hi>: Beta and F read the easier <hi>goth and</hi>, as do a few <hi>C</hi> mss. mainly of the P family, but R agrees with <hi>Cx</hi> in omitting <hi>and</hi>.</note> gropeth contricioun · and gaf hym a plastre</l>
<l> Of a pryue payement · and I shal praye for ȝow</l>
<l> For alle<note>Bx.20.366: <hi>For alle</hi>: <hi>Cx</hi> reads instead <hi>And for hem</hi>. Cr, beta4 and F agree on <hi>And</hi>, but <hi>Bx</hi> is clearly without it.</note> þat ȝe ben holde to · al my lyf-tyme</l>
<l> And make ȝow my lady<note>Bx.20.367: <hi>make ȝow my lady</hi>: The reading is also that of <hi>Cx</hi>. For discussion of the crux see RK, p. 136; Barney (2006), 244, Schmidt (2008), 469.</note> · in masse and in matynes</l>
<l> As freres<note>Bx.20.368: <hi>freres</hi>: WHmO alter to the singular, to refer to <hi>my lady</hi> above.</note> of owre fraternite · for a litel syluer</l>
<l> ¶ Thus he goth and gadereth · and gloseth þere he shryueth</l>
<l> Tyl contricioun hadde clene forȝeten · to crye & to wepe</l>
<l> And wake for his wykked werkes · as he was wont to done<note>Bx.20.371: <hi>to done</hi>: <hi>Cx</hi> has instead <hi>bifore</hi>. From here to the end of the poem there are significant differences between <hi>Bx</hi> and <hi>Cx</hi>.</note></l>
<l> For confort of his confessour · contricioun he lafte</l>
<l> Þat is þe souereynest salue · for alkyn synnes</l>
<l> ¶ Sleuth seigh þat · and so did pryde</l>
<l> And come with a kene wille · conscience to assaille</l>
<l> Conscience cryde eft · and bad clergye<note>Bx.20.376: <hi>and bad clergye</hi>: <hi>Cx</hi> has instead <hi>Clergie come</hi>.</note> help hym</l>
<l> And also contricioun · forto<note>Bx.20.377: <hi>also ... forto</hi>: <hi>Cx</hi> has instead <hi>baed Contricioun to come to helpe</hi>.</note> kepe þe ȝate</l>
<l> [¶]<note>Bx.20.378: <hi></hi>: The paraph is in HmCR, with line-spaces in WMF.</note> He lith and dremeth<note>Bx.20.378: <hi>and dremeth</hi>: <hi>Cx</hi> has instead <hi>adreint</hi>.</note> seyde pees · and so do many other</l>
<l> The Frere with his phisik · þis folke hath<note>Bx.20.379: <hi>hath</hi>: Alpha reads <hi>hath so</hi>, but beta is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> enchaunted</l>
<l> And plastred hem so esyly · þei<note>Bx.20.380: <hi>plastred ... þei</hi>: In <hi>Cx</hi> this reads <hi>doth men drynke dwale þat men</hi>.</note> drede no synne</l>
<l> ¶ Bi cryste quod conscience þo · I wil bicome a pilgryme</l>
<l> And walken as wyde · as al<note>Bx.20.382: <hi>al</hi>: Omitted by CrWOF, but apparently in <hi>Bx</hi>. <hi>Cx</hi> instead reads <hi>as þe world regneth</hi>.</note> þe wordle<note>Bx.20.382: <hi>wordle</hi>: Not an error but a recognised spelling of "world". See note to l. <ref>211</ref>.</note> lasteth</l>
<l> To seke Piers þe plowman · þat pryde m[yȝte]<note>Bx.20.383: <hi>myȝte</hi>: Beta has <hi>may</hi>, but alpha is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> destruye</l>
<l> And þat freres hadde a fyndyng · þat for nede flateren</l>
<l> And contrepleteth me conscience · now kynde me auenge</l>
<l> And sende me happe and hele · til I haue piers þe plowman</l>
<l> And sitthe he gradde after grace · til I gan awake</l>
<foreign>[pass]us ijus de</foreign> Dobest<note>Bx.20.387: <hi><foreign>[pass]us ijus de Dobest</foreign></hi>: Written in the margin in LR, and so presumably <hi>Bx</hi>. See Introduction <xref>IV.2</xref>.</note>
<trailer><foreign>Explicit hic dialogus petri</foreign> plowman<note>Bx.20.387: <hi><foreign>Explicit hic dialogus petri plowman</foreign></hi>: Supported by LMWGOC. See Introduction <xref>IV.2</xref>.</note></trailer>