Passus nonus de visione vt supra & primus de Dowel

Sire dowel dwelleth quod witte · nouȝt a day hennes
In a castel þat kynde made · of foure kynnesBx.9.2: kynnes: Alpha's non-alliterative maner is not supported by AC (K.10.2, RK.10.219) þinges
Of erthe and eyre is itBx.9.3: is it: The order is reversed in HmOF. AC also vary. made · medled togideres
With wynde and with water · witterly enioyned
Kynde hath closed þere-Inne · craftily with-alle
A lemman þat he loueth · like to hym-selue
Anima she hatte · ac enuye hir hateth
A proude pryker of Fraunce · prynceps huius mundi
And wolde winne hir awey · with wyles and he myȝte
AcAndBx.9.10: Ac / And: The beta reading is Ac, supported by Ax. Alteration to And in CrC is characteristic (cf. Bx.9.17, 57 etc.). But here the alpha reading is also And, and it is in turn the reading of Cx. kynde knoweth þis wel · and kepeth hir þe bettere
And hath doBx.9.11: hath do: So LMR and GO, as in Ax and most C mss.; beta2 and CF have the simple present tense, as in some of the P family of C. hir with sireBx.9.11: sire: So AC, though omitted by alpha. dowel · isBx.9.11: is: Certainly Bx, though omitted by GOF and AC. duke of þisBx.9.11: þis: So AC. R has þe and F þat. marches
Dobet is hir damoisele · sire doweles douȝter
To serue þis lady lelly · bothe late and rathe
Dobest is aboue bothe · a bisschopes pere
Þat he bit mote be do · he reuleth hem alle
Anima þat lady · is ladde bi his leryngeBx.9.16: lerynge: The beta reading (though M is a correction), with the late texts CrG altering as usual to lerneing. But alpha also has lernyng. The better C mss. have leryng.
¶ Ac þe constable of þat castel · þat kepeth al þe wacche
Is a wys kniȝte with-al · sire Inwitte he hatte
And hath fyue feyre sones · bi his first wyf
Sire sewel and saywel · and herewelsire herewelBx.9.20: herewel / sire herewel: Beta is supported by Ax, but alpha's addition of sire is also in Cx. Beta alliterates aaa/bb, alpha aaa/abb. þe hende
Sire worche wel wyth þine hande · a wiȝte man of strengthe
And sire godfrey gowel · gret lordesBx.9.22: gret lordes: Beta's plural is supported by AC against the sg. in alpha. for-sothe
Þise fyueBx.9.23: fyue: F's sixe is from A; it includes the constable. Cx has five. ben sette · to saue þis ladyBx.9.23: þis lady: Alpha drops lady, with F rewriting the b-verse. Cx for to saue Anima may offer slight support for R's reading. (Ax reads to saue þe castel.) anima
Tyl kynde come or sende [·] to saue hir for euereBx.9.24: saue hir for euere: Agreement of beta and R confirms this as the Bx reading even if corrupt. F's kepen hire hym-selue is the AC reading, taken by F from his A ms.
¶ What kynnes thyng is kynde quod I · canstow me telle
¶ Kynde quod witte is aBx.9.26: a: Clearly established for Bx, though omitted by Cx and most A mss. KD record it as omitted in MR, but in both it is erased. Misunderstanding in Bx may have been caused, or further compounded, by reading creatour as creature (as in HmCO), though the spelling of the two words is often confused; see MED creatour and creature. creatour · of alle kynnes þinges
Fader and fourmour · of al þat euere was maked
AndBx.9.26: And: Beta1 reads And þat is, supported by Ax. M reads And þis is. But L originally agreed with R before correcting to the beta1 reading. F rewrites the a-verse. Cx rewrites as The which is. þe gret god [·] þat gynnynge had neuere
Lorde of lyf and of lyȝte · of lysseBx.9.29: lysse: Alpha spoils alliteration with blisse, as does the corrector in M. The two late texts CrG adopt the easier reading to avoid the obsolete synonym. and of peyne
Angeles and al þing [·] aren at his wille
Ac man is hym mosteBx.9.31: hym moste: Alpha reverses, but beta's order is supported by AC. From here to the end of the passus C is rewritten or heavily revised. lyke · of marke and of schafte
For þorugh þe worde þat he spake · wexen forth bestesBx.9.32: F follows with three unique lines, the third of which is based on K.10.34, and omits Bx.9.33.
Dixit & facta sunt
id est adamBx.9.34: id est adam: This gloss appears above the line in LM, and was incorporated into the text in CrHmF. It was therefore presumably a feature of the archetypal text. In R man is a correction in a second hand, perhaps indicating the scribe's confusion.
¶ And made man likkest · to hym-self one
And Eue of his ribbe-bon · with-outen eny mene
For he was synguler hym-self · andBx.9.36: and: R (= alpha?) omits, and F has he. The passage is not in AC. seyde faciamus
As who seithBx.9.37: seith: CrCGR have subjunctive sey. The line is not in AC. more mote here-to · þan my worde one
My myȝte mote helpe · now with my speche
Riȝte as a lorde sholde make lettres · and hym lakked parchemyn
Þough he couth write neuere so wel · ȝif he had no penne
Þe lettre for al þe lordship · I leue were neuere ymaked
¶ And so it semeth bi hym · as þe bibleBx.9.42: bible: Beta4 has book. telleth
Þere he seyde [·] dixit & facta suntBx.9.43: dixit & facta sunt: (Psalm 148.5), repeating l. 33. L punctuates after dixit, but the punctuation after seyde in other mss. is more appropriate. F's faciamus hominem ad ymaginem &c (Gen.1.26), is from A (K.10.41a), where it follows the line equivalent to Bx.9.53. Cf. also Bx.9.36.
He moste worche with his worde · and his witte shewe
And in þis manere was man made · þorugh myȝte of god almiȝti
With his worde and werkemanschip · and with lyf to laste
And þus god gaf hym a goost · of þe godhed of heuene
And of his grete grace [·] graunted hym blisse
And þat is lyf þat ay shal last · to al [his]Bx.9.49: his: Lost in beta though independently restored by W on grounds of sense (Cr adds our instead). Alpha is supported by Ax. lynage after
And þat is þe castel þat kynde made · caro it hatte
And is as moche to mene · as man with a soule
And þat he wrouȝt with werke · and with wordeBx.9.52: worde: Alpha's his word(es) is not supported by Ax. bothe
Þorugh myȝte of þe maieste · man was ymaked
¶ Inwit and alle wittes [·] closed ben þer-inne
For loue of þe lady anima · þat lyf is ynempned
Ouer-al in mannes body · heBx.9.56: he: "she". See Introduction IV.1. walketh and wandreth
AcBx.9.57: Ac: Supported by LO and alpha (since F alters to his usual But), and by Ax (K.10.45). After this line AC offer only sporadic correspondences with Bx until l. 191. in þe herte is hir home · and hir moste reste
Ac Inwitte is in þe hed · and to the herte heBx.9.58: he: Omitted by CrR. loketh
What anima is lief or loth · he latBx.9.59: lat: The variants confirm this as a form of "leads". hir at his wille
For after þe grace of god · þe grettest is Inwitte
¶ Moche wo worth þat [wiȝte]Bx.9.61: wiȝte: Though not an unusual word, wiȝte is sporadically replaced by man (e.g. Bx.P.208 (R), 5.118 (F), 8.53 (Hm), 8.73 (O)). Alpha's alliterative pattern is aaa/xa (on /w/); beta's man gives the standard alliterative pattern aa/ax (on /m/). Cx does not help to establish the reading, but indicates dissatisfaction with whatever it was, reversing the b-verse: "And moche wo worth hym þat inwit myspeneth" (RK.10.175). · þat mys-reuleth his Inwitte
And þat be glotouns globbares · her god is her wombe
Quorum deus venter est
For þei seruen sathan · her souleBx.9.64: soule: The reading of LMR is enough to establish Bx against the more obvious plural in other mss. Cf. the distributive sg. again in the next line. shal he haue
Þat liueth synful lyf here · her soule is liche þe deuel
And alle þat lyuen good lyf · aren likeBx.9.66: like: The agreement of LR supports this against like to in beta1. Both locutions are used elsewhere. M originally read vnto, corrected to to, and F has lyk after. god almiȝti
Qui manet in caritate in deo manet &c
¶ Allas þat drynke shal for-do · þat god dere bouȝte
And doth god forsaken hem · þat shope [hem]Bx.9.69: shope hem: Beta's he shope gives an unmetrical b-verse (x x / x x / x), and the alpha reading is syntactically difficult enough to have generated it. However, KD, p. 143, ascribe the alpha reading to "parallelism induced by preceding forsaken hem". to his liknesse
Amen dico vobis nescio vos · & alibi et dimisi eos secundum desideria eorumBx.9.70: & alibi et dimisi eos secundum desideria eorum: This (Psalm 80.13) is not in alpha: in fact F drops both quotations. It finds it way into Cx at this point (RK.10.165a).
¶ Foles þat fauten Inwitte · I fynde þat holicherche
Shulde fynden hem þat hemBx.9.72: hem (2): Not in R (F is different). faute[th]Bx.9.72: fauteth: So CGO and R. LMW have the past tense, but the present seems required by sense. · and faderelees children
And wydwes þat han nouȝte wher-with · to wynnen hem her fode
Madde men and maydenes · þat helplees were
Alle þise lakken Inwitte · and lore bihoueth
¶ Of þis matere I myȝte · make a longe tale
And fynde fele witnessesBx.9.77: witnesses: The form in alpha and CGO is also plural. See note to Bx.2.150. · amonges þe foure doctours
And þat I lye nouȝt of þatBx.9.78: of þat: Lost in alpha, and F further abbreviates to make sense of the omission. I lere þe · luke bereth witnesse
¶ Godfader and godmoder · þat sen her godchildren
AtBx.9.80: At (1): The alpha reading is uncertain. myseise and atBx.9.80: at (2): Not in MCGOF. mischief · and mowe hem amende
Shal haue penaunce in purgatorie · but ȝif þei hem helpe
For more bilongeth to þe litel barne · ar he þe lawe knowe
Þan nempnyng of a name · and he neuere þe wiser
Bx.9.84: CO and alpha have a paraph.Shulde no crystene creature · crien atte ȝate
Ne faille payn neBx.9.85: Ne ... ne: Alpha has And ... and. potage · and prelates did as þei shulden
A Iuwe wolde nouȝte se a Iuwe · go iangelyng for defaute
For alle þe moeblesBx.9.87: moebles: HmR nobles is a good example of coincidental error. on þis molde · and he amende it miȝte
¶ Allas þat a crestene creature · shal be vnkynde tilBx.9.88: til: So LWHmR against to in others. an other
Sitthen Iuwes þat we iugge · Iudas felawes
AytherBx.9.90: Ayther: Alpha's reading was evidently that of R, with F making a typical attempt to repair the line. See KD p. 142. of hem helpeth other · of þat þat hymBx.9.90: hym: Beta2, G and F repeat hem from the a-verse. nedeth
Bx.9.91: Alpha has a paraph.Whi nel we cristene · of cristes good be as kyndeBx.9.91: kynde: The M corrector uniquely adds willed at the end of the line, perhaps to correct the alliterative pattern. See Duggan, YLS 1 (1987), 66.
As Iuwes þat ben owre lores-men · shameBx.9.92: shame: R (= alpha?) has to schame, with F altering to It is shame. to vs alle
Þe comune for her vnkyndenesse · I drede me shul abye
¶ Bisschopes shul be blamed · for beggeres sake
He is worse þan Iudas · þat ȝiueth a iaper siluer
And biddeth þe begger go · for his broke clothes
Proditor est prelatus cum Iuda · qui patrimonium cristi minus distribuit // & alibi
Perniciosus dispensator est · qui res pauperum cristi inutiliter consumit
He doth nouȝt wel þat doth þus · ne drat nouȝt god almiȝty
NeBx.9.100: Ne: Beta2 and F repeat He from the previous line. loueth nouȝt salamones sawes · þat sapience tauȝte
Inicium sapiencie timor domini ·
¶ Þat dredeth god he doth wel · þat dredeth hym for loueBx.9.102-03: Beta4 abbreviates these two lines and runs them together.
And nouȝt for dredeBx.9.103: And nouȝt for drede: Alpha is derived from the previous b-verse. of veniaunce · doth þer-foreBx.9.103: doth þer-fore: Following on from its error in the a-verse, alpha reads to do. þe bettere
He doth best þat with-draweth hym · by day and bi nyȝte
To spille any speche [·] or any space of tyme
Qui offendit in verboBx.9.106: verbo: This is probably Bx since it is the reading of LR and probably original M, corrected to vno in conformity with James 2.10. Beta1 also has vno, while F includes both words, vno verbo. The reading verbo is presumably Langland's adaptation of the quotation for the context, with some scribes reverting to the biblical text. (The line in L is marked for correction, perhaps significantly.) The quotation also occurs at Bx.11.326, where no ms. has verbo. While verbo must have been present in Bx, it may alternatively have been in the form of an interlinear gloss to vno. See Donaldson (1955), 198-9; Schmidt (1995), 379-80; Burrow (2003), 191-2. in omnibus est reus
¶ Lesyng of tyme · treuthe wote þe sothe
Is moste yhated vpBx.9.108: vp: Supported by LCR and original M. For prepositional vp, cf. Bx.5.425. erthe · of hem þat beth in heuene
And sitthe to spille speche · þat spyreBx.9.109: spyre: "offspring", as in L, beta4 and R, evidently puzzled other scribes. is of grace
And goddes gleman · and a game of heuene
Wolde neuere þe faithful fader · his fithel were vntempred
Ne his gleman a gedelyng · a goer to tauernes
¶ To alle trew tidy men · þat trauaille desyren
Owre lorde loueth hem and lent · loude other stille
Grace to go to hemBx.9.115: to hem: R has to hem tille and F has hem to. The reversal could be right. · and agonBx.9.115: agon: "earn". W restores the more "correct" form ofgon (OE ofgan). her lyflode
Inquirentes autem dominum non minuentur omni bono
¶ Trewe wedded libbing folk · in þis worlde is dowel
For þei mote worche & wynne · and þe worlde susteyne
For of her kynde þeiBx.9.119: þei: Alpha has the form he. See Introduction IV.1. come · þat confessoures ben nempned
Kynges and kniȝtes · kayseres and cherlesBx.9.120: cherles: F's clerkys is the A reading (K.10.137).
Maydenes and martires · out of o man come
Þe wyf was made þe weyeBx.9.122: weye, "man, husband". Perhaps only F understood the word, for the usual spelling in L and elsewhere is wye. However C mss. regularly spell it wey(e). · for to help worche
And þus was wedloke ywrouȝt · with a mene personeBx.9.123b-26a: Alpha omits as a result of homoarchy (And þus was wedloke ywrouȝt 123a, 126a).
First bi þe faderes wille · and þe frendes conseille
And sytthenes bi assent of hem-self · as þei two myȝte acorde
And thus was wedloke ywrouȝte · and god hym-self it made
In erthe þe heuene isBx.9.127: þe heuene is: The syntax of the a-verse, "the heaven (of wedlock) is on earth", puzzled alpha (þere / here heuen is) and CrW (and in heuene). M is altered to CrW's reading. · hym-self was þeBx.9.127: was þe: WCF have bereþ, attracted to the common collocation (Bx.2.39, 7.53, 7.93, etc.). witnesse
¶ Ac fals folke [and]Bx.9.128: and: Alpha is supported by Ax (K.10.139). faithlees · theues and lieres
Wastoures and wrecches · out of wedloke I trowe
Conceyued ben in yuelBx.9.130: yuel: Certainly the Bx reading, though Ax has alliterating cursid. tyme · as caym was on Eue
Of such synful shrewes · þe sauter maketh mynde
Concepit in doloreBx.9.132: in dolore: The beta reading is that of Cx (RK.10.212a) while alpha (and Hm by correction) have dolorem, as do some A mss. (K.10.150). The adaptation of scriptural dolorem (Job 15.35, Psalms 7.15) on the model of l. 130 in yuel tyme suggests scribal hypercorrection in alpha, as demonstrated directly in Hm. See Alford (1992), 61-2. et peperit iniquitatem &c
And alle þat come of þat caym [·] come to yuel ende
For god sent to seem · and seyde bi an angel
Þyne issue in þyne issue · I wil þat þei be wedded
And nouȝt þi kynde with caymesBx.9.136: caymes: Alpha has caym, but the possessive is supported by Ax (K.10.158). · ycoupled ne yspoused
¶ Ȝet someBx.9.137: some: The reading of Bx; Cr has Sem on the basis of l. 134, and M is corrected to that reading. aȝein þe sonde [·] of owre saueoure of heuene
Caymes kynde & his kynde · coupled togideres
Tyl god wratthed forBx.9.139: for: The reading of L, beta2 and R; it is perhaps harder than MGOF with, which however has some support from Ax was wroþ wiþ (K.10.161). her werkis · and suche a worde seyde
Þat I maked man · now it me athynkethBx.9.140: athynketh: LMCO. It may have given rise to R's þinketh and the commoner forþynkeþ as in WHmCrGF. The form is secure at Bx.18.92. Yet Ax has forþinkeþ (K.10.164). We follow copy-text.
Penitet me fecisse hominem
¶ And come to Noe anon · and bad hym nouȝt lette
Swithe go shape a shippe · of shides and of bordes
Þiself and þi sones three · and sithen ȝowre wyues
Buske ȝow to þat bote · and bideth ȝe þer-inne
Tyl fourty dayes be fulfilde · þat flode haue ywasshenBx.9.146: ywasshen: Beta is supported by AC against alpha's Iwasted.
Clene awey þe cursed blode · þat caym hath ymaked
¶ Bestes þat now ben · shulle banne þe tyme
Þat euere þat cursed caym · come on þis erthe
Alle shal deye for his dedes · bi dales andBx.9.150: and: So M and R (=alpha?), supported by Ax and most C mss. against and bi in L and beta1. F drops the line. hulles
And þe foules þat fleeghen · for[th]Bx.9.151: forth: L has for. with other bestes
Excepte oneliche [·] of eche kynde a couple
Þat in þiBx.9.153: þi: R has þis (F omits the line). Ax has þe; Cx supports beta. shyngled shippe · shul ben ysaued
Here abouȝt þe barne · þe belsyres gultes
And alle for her forfadres · þei ferden þe worse
Þe gospel is here-ageine · in o degre I fynde
Filius non portabit iniquitatem patris & pater non portabit iniquitatem filij &cBx.9.157: & pater non portabit iniquitatem filij &c: Ezek. 18.20. Alpha abbreviates. We follow copy-text, though it is quite likely that Bx ended the quotation at patris, as Cx does, and as at Bx.10.119. ·
¶ Ac I fynde if þe fader [·] be false and a shrewe
Þat somdel þe sone · shal haue þe sires tacches
¶ Impe onBx.9.160: on: So beta, though Hm has vpon, C in and G off. Alpha has vp-on. The line is not in AC. an ellerne · and if þine apple be swete
Mochel merueile me þynketh · & more of a schrewe
Þat bryngeth forth any barne · but if he be þe same
And haue a sauoure after þe sire · selde seestow other
Numquam colligitur de spinis vuasBx.9.164: colligitur de spinis vuas: So LM and R, therefore Bx. F has the Vulgate reading "colligunt de spinis uvas" (Matt. 7.19). Other scribes correct to a grammatical reading in which vua is subject of colligitur (beta2 and corrected M), or vuas object of colligimus (CGO). · nec de tribulis fycus
[¶]Bx.9.165: : There is no paraph in L, but the line appears at the top of the leaf and the rubricator probably missed it. WHmR have a paraph and M a line break. And þus þourw cursed caym · cam care vppon erthe
And al for þei wrouȝt wedlokes · aȝein goddis wille
For-þi haue þei maugre forBx.9.167: for: Supported by LMR. Other mss. have of. here mariages · þat marye soBx.9.167: þat marye so: R has as men maryen now; F rewrites. her childeren
For some as I se now · soth forto telle
For coueitise of catel [·] vnkyndeliche ben wedded
As careful concepcioun [·] cometh of suche mariagesBx.9.170: of such mariages: R's to þat mariages presumably represents alpha, with F altering for sense.
As bifel of þeBx.9.171: þe: Beta is supported by Ax (K.10.185) against alpha's þat. folke · þat I bifore of tolde
id est boni
id est bonas
Bx.9.172-3: Both lines are omitted in alpha skipping from paraph to paraph (though R has an erased line after l. 171). They are not present in Ax but are transmitted to Cx (RK.10.254-5). See Hanna (1996), 217.Bx.9.172: : The paraph, in L alone, is perhaps not archetypal, yet eyeskip from paraph to paraph would account for the loss of ll. 172-3 in alpha. See Burrow (2010), 24-6. For goode shulde wedde goodeBx.9.172: goode (1) and (2): Glossed id est boni and id est bonas above the line in LM in the main hand, suggesting that this was a feature of beta. Although the line is not in alpha, we take this to be derived from Bx and include the glosses in the text. Cf. the gloss above l. 34. · þough hij no good hadde
I am via & veritas seith cryst · I may auaunce alle
¶ It is an oncomelyBx.9.174: an oncomely: L originally wrote an comely, but the line is noted for correction and then corrected. F also has an komely. M omitted the adjective altogether, then correcting a to an vncomely above the line. couple · bi crystBx.9.174: cryst: Alpha has Ihesus, but beta is supported by Ax and by the alliteration. as me þinketh
To ȝyuen a ȝonge wenche · to an olde feble
Or wedden any widwe · for welth of hir goodis
Þat neuere shal barne bere · but ifBx.9.177: if: As in LCrWCOR, though omitted by MHmG (F rewrites) and Ax. it be in armes
Many a peire sithen þe pestilence · han pliȝt h[e]mBx.9.178: hem: L's form hom is perhaps a miswriting; the scribe uses it nowhere else. togideres
Þe fruit þat þei brynge forth · aren foule wordes
In ialousye ioyeles · and ianglyng on beddeBx.9.180: The line is omitted by alpha, but is in AC.
Haue þei no children but chesteBx.9.181: cheste: "strife". Beta is supported by AC and alliteration against alpha's synonym iangelynge. · anBx.9.181: an: "and". choppyngBx.9.181: choppyng: "striking". So LCGO. CrW read clappyng and Hm carpynge. M is revised to chidynge, Alpha was probably even more confused, since R has gaying (sic), and F omits altogether. AC have choppes. hem bitwene
Bx.9.182-4: Beta's readings of these lines on the Dunmow flitch are supported by AC. Lines 182b-4 in RF are clearly scribal replacements. Perhaps they were damaged in alpha and were invented independently by R and F, but this is unprecedented behaviour for R. Furthermore, although they are independent, there are enough similarities to suggest a common original. 182b to fecche hom here bakon (R), & fecche þere bakoun (F) must be alpha, and it signals the disruption. 183 is quite different in the two mss., but similarities in 184 are þus þei lyuen in (R), lyven þus in (F), and þe deuel (R), þe develys (F). Bx.9.182: The paraph, in LC only (with a new line-group in M), interrupts the argument. And þough þei don hem to donmowe · but if þe deuel help
To folwen after þe flicche · fecche þei it neuere
And but þei bothe be forsworne · þat bacoun þei tyne
¶ For-þi I conseille alle crystene · coueite nouȝt beBx.9.185: be: MCrR read to be. AC mss. vary similarly, but while Ax is perhaps the latter, Cx is certainly the former. wedded
For coueitise of catel · ne of kynrede riche
Ac maydenes and maydenes · maccheBx.9.187: macche: Beta, supported by Ax. F's marye probably reflects dissatisfaction with alpha's synonym make (as in R), yet it is the reading of Cx. ȝow togideres
Widwe[r]s and widw[e]sBx.9.188: Widwers and widwes: Alpha's word-order has the support of Ax and the P family of C, though the X family has beta's order. · worcheth þe same
For no londes but for loue · loke ȝe be wedded
And þanne gete ȝe þe graceBx.9.190: þe grace: Alpha has grace. In the absence of a parallel in AC, this could be right, but þe is easily lost after ȝe. of god · and good ynogh to lyue with
Bx.9.191-9: These nine lines are omitted in alpha. They are not in Ax, but are transmitted to Cx. The cause of the omission is not obvious. KD, p. 68, suggest eyeskip from maner ... man 191 to man and womman 200, but this is unconvincing, especially as man 191 is their emendation and not Bx. More probably alpha jumped from the paraph at 191, since at the point of resumption alpha (but not beta) has a paraph. ¶ And euery maner seculer [·] þat may nouȝt continue
Wysly go wedde · and war hym fro synne
For leccherye in likyng · is lymeȝerde of helle
Whiles þow art ȝonge · and þi wepne kene
Wreke þe with wyuynge · ȝif þow wilBx.9.195: wil: For this subjunctive form in L, cf. Bx.6.232. The other beta witnesses have the indicative. The line is not in A, and the b-verse is revised in C. ben excused
Dum sis vir fortis · ne des tua robora scortis
Scribitur in portis · meretrix est ianua mortis
¶ Whan ȝe haue wyued bewar · and worcheth in tyme
Nouȝt as Adam & Eue · whan caym was engendred
Bx.9.200: Alpha has a paraph.For in vntyme trewli · bitwene man & womman
Ne shulde no bourde on beddeBx.9.201: bourde on bedde: "fun in bed". Beta's reading is the basis of the RF variants, and is supported by AC bedbourd (K.10.203; RK.10.290). be · but if þei bothe were clene
Bothe of lyf andBx.9.202: and (1): L has & and in error. of soule · and in parfyte charitee
Þat ilke derne dede [·] do noman sholdeBx.9.203: sholde: Beta has ne sholde, but Cx supports alpha (though F is revised) without ne. A mss. are divided. Beta needs to lengthen the b-verse as a result of placing the punctuation after do rather than before it. See Smith (2008), 90-1.
And if þei leden þus her lyf · it likedBx.9.204: liked: The LR reading, supported by F's wold lyke against the present tense of other mss. The line is not in AC. god almiȝti
For he made wedloke firste · and him-self it seide
Bonum est vt vnusquisque vxorem suam habeat propter fornicacionemBx.9.206: propter fornicacionem: Omitted in alpha, but beta is supported by Cx.
Bx.9.207: : The paraph is in LWHm, with a new line-group in M. In R the line is at the foot of the page. And þei þat oþergatis ben geten · for gedelynges ben holden
A[nd]Bx.9.208: And: Alpha is supported by AC against beta's As. false folke fondelynges · faitoures and lyars
Vngracious to gete goode · or loue of þe poeple
Wandren and wasten · what þei cacche mowe
Aȝeines dowel þei don yuel · and þe deuel serue
And after her deth-day · shulle dwelle with þe sameBx.9.212: þe same: Beta is supported by Ax. R (= alpha?) repeats þe deuel from the previous line, with F, here Mayster, varying the expression. Cx has instead dwellen shollen in helle.
But god gyue hem grace here · hem-self to amende
Bx.9.214-17: Lines omitted in alpha, skipping from Dowel to dowel and from paraph to paraph. Once again they are not in Ax, but are transmitted to Cx. Compare the same situation in Bx.9.172-3 and 191-9. In all three instances skipped paraphs are involved. ¶ Dowel my frende is ·Bx.9.214: Scribes have understandable uncertainty about the placing of the mid-line punctus. to don as lawe techeth
To loue þi frende and þi foo · leue me þat is dobet
To ȝiuen and to ȝemen · bothe ȝonge and olde
To helen and to helpen · is dobest of alle
¶ And [þus is] dowelBx.9.218: And þus is dowel: Alpha's word-order is supported by Cx. Ax has Þanne is dowel. to drede god · and dobet to suffre
And so cometh dobest of bothe · and bryngeth adoun þe mody
And þat is wikked wille · þat many werkeBx.9.220: werke: Beta's distributive sg. is supported by Ax. shendeth
And dryueth away dowel · þorugh dedliche synnes