<head><foreign>Passus secundus de visione vt supra</foreign></head>
<l> Ȝet I courbed on my knees · and cryed hir of grace</l>
<l> And seide mercy Madame · for Marie loue of heuene</l>
<l> That bar þat blisful barne · þat bouȝte vs on þe Rode</l>
<l> Kenne me bi somme crafte · to knowe þe fals</l>
<l> ¶ Loke vppon<note>Bx.2.5: <hi>vppon</hi>: Beta shares the <hi>C</hi> reading. F's <hi>on</hi> is the <hi>A</hi> reading.</note> þi left half · and lo where he<note>Bx.2.5: <hi>he</hi>: O anticipates the appearance of Mede in l. <ref>8</ref>; hence <hi>sche</hi>, so that <hi>her</hi> in l. <ref>6</ref> is perhaps feminine in O, whereas it is plural in other mss. <hi>A</hi> mss. vary, with masc., fem. and pl.</note> standeth</l>
<l> Bothe fals and fauel · and here<note>Bx.2.6: <hi>here</hi>: "their"; clearly <hi>Bx</hi>. <hi>Ax</hi> has <hi>hise</hi>, referring to <hi>fals</hi>. <hi><hi>C</hi>x</hi> rewrites the b-verse, but has <hi>here</hi> in its following line.</note> feres manye</l>
<l> ¶ I loked on my left half · as þe lady me taughte</l>
<l> And was war of a womman · wortheli<note>Bx.2.8: <hi>wortheli</hi>: G's <hi>wonderslyche</hi> is from <hi>A</hi> or <hi>C</hi>.</note> yclothed</l>
<l> Purfiled with pelure · þe [purest on]<note>Bx.2.9: <hi>purest on</hi>: F shares this reading with <hi>Ax</hi>, whereas <hi><hi>C</hi>x</hi> revises to <hi>non puyrere on</hi>. The non-alliterating beta reading <hi>fynest vpon</hi> may of course be a <hi>Bx</hi> error.</note> erthe</l>
<l> Ycrounede<note>Bx.2.10: <hi>Ycrounede</hi>: Beta has support from <hi>Ax</hi>; F's addition of <hi>And</hi> is supported by <hi><hi>C</hi>x</hi> and may represent alpha.</note> with a corone · þe kyng hath non better</l>
<l> Fetislich hir fyngres · were fretted with golde wyre<note>Bx.2.11: <hi>golde wyre</hi>: G's <hi>rynges</hi> is from <hi>A</hi>. <hi><hi>C</hi>x</hi> rewrites. F omits the line.</note></l>
<l> And þere-on red rubyes · as red as any glede</l>
<l> And diamantz of derrest pris · and double manere safferes</l>
<l> Orientales and ewages · enuenymes to destroye</l>
<l> ¶ Hire robe was ful riche · of red scarlet engreyned</l>
<l> With ribanes of red golde · and of riche stones</l>
<l> Hire arraye me rauysshed · suche ricchesse saw I neuere</l>
<l> I had wondre what she was · and whas wyf she were</l>
<l> ¶ What is þis womman · quod I so worthily atired</l>
<l> ¶ That is Mede þe Mayde quod she · hath noyed me ful oft</l>
<l> And ylakked my lemman · þat lewte is hoten</l>
<l> And bilowen hire<note>Bx.2.22: <hi>bilowen hire</hi>: "made herself pleasing to" (<title>MED</title> <hi>biloven</hi>); cf. <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.6.233</ref> where LMR have the -w- form. Both KD and Schmidt emend to <hi>bilowen h[ym]</hi>, "slandered him" (<title>MED</title> <hi>bilien</hi> v.(2)). <hi>A</hi> has <hi>And lakkide my lore to lordis aboute</hi> (K.2.17); <hi><hi>C</hi>x</hi> has <hi>And lakked hym to lordes þat lawes han to kepe</hi> (RK.2.21, who emend), with <hi>ylow on my lemman</hi> in the previous line.</note> to lordes · þat lawes han to kepe</l>
<l> In þe popis paleys · she is pryue as my-self</l>
<l> But sothenesse wolde nouȝt so · for she is a bastarde</l>
<l> ¶ For fals was hire fader · þat hath a fykel tonge</l>
<l> And neuere sothe seide · sithen he come to erthe</l>
<l><note>Bx.2.27: <hi></hi>: Only LM indicate a new paragraph here. WHmCF have a paraph in the line above.</note> And Mede is manered after hym · riȝte as kynde axeth</l>
<l> <foreign>Qualis pater talis filius · bonus<note>Bx.2.28: <hi><foreign>bonus</foreign></hi>: LMWF treat <hi>arbor</hi> as masc.; the others alter to the more usual feminine. At RK.10.244b the X family of <hi>C</hi> similarly have <hi>bonus</hi>. F's expansion of the Latin is not supported.</note> arbor · bonum fructum facit</foreign></l>
<l> I auȝte ben herre þan she · I cam of a better</l>
<l><note>Bx.2.30: <hi></hi>: L's paraph is supported by a new line-group in M.</note> Mi fader þe grete god is · and grounde of alle graces</l>
<l> O god with-oute gynnynge · & I<note>Bx.2.31: <hi>& I</hi>: F has <hi>& y am</hi>, as does <hi><hi>C</hi>x</hi> but in the a-verse.</note> his gode douȝter</l>
<l> And hath ȝoue me mercy · to marye with my-self</l>
<l> And what man be merciful · and lelly me loue</l>
<l> Shal be my lorde and I his leef · in þe heiȝe heuene</l>
<l> ¶ And what man taketh Mede · myne hed<note>Bx.2.35: <hi>hed</hi>: MO read <hi>lif</hi>. Presumably this is coincident error in a common phrase. Nevertheless, <hi><hi>C</hi>x</hi> reads <hi>my lif y dar</hi> (or <hi>dar y</hi>) <hi>wedde</hi>. Cf. <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.18.162</ref>, <hi>I dar my lyf legge</hi>.</note> dar I legge</l>
<l> That he shal lese for hir loue · a lappe<note>Bx.2.36: <hi>lappe</hi>: This must be the <hi>Bx</hi> reading, with Cr taking <hi>lippe</hi> from a <hi>C</hi> text. The P group of <hi>C</hi> have <hi>lappe</hi>, the X group <hi>lippe</hi>. <title>MED</title> cites <hi>lippe</hi> n.(2), "a little bit", only from Langland. Probably <hi>lappe</hi> is a scribal substitution of an easier word, as again at RK.11.224 where two mss. read <hi>lappe</hi> in the same context. It is likely enough that the word developed the sense "small piece"; see <title>MED</title> <hi>lap(pe</hi>, 3.</note> of <foreign>caritatis</foreign></l>
<l> How construeth dauid þe kynge · of men þat taketh Mede<note>Bx.2.37: F has revised the line to improve the alliteration, though the reversal in the b-verse might represent alpha. The line has no parallel in <hi>A</hi><hi>C</hi>.</note></l>
<l> And men of þis molde · þat meynteneth treuthe</l>
<l> And how ȝe shal saue ȝow-self · þe Sauter bereth witnesse</l>
<l> <foreign>Domine quis habitabit in tabernac[u]lo tuo &c</foreign></l>
<l> ¶ And now worth þis Mede ymaried · to<note>Bx.2.41: <hi>to</hi>: F's reading probably represents alpha, and is supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. Beta must be <hi>al to</hi> since it has the support of LMCO, though <hi>al</hi> is subsequently erased in M. Beta2 reads <hi>vnto</hi>.</note> a mansed schrewe</l>
<l> <note>Bx.2.42: Here R resumes.</note> To one fals fikel tonge<note>Bx.2.42: <hi>tonge</hi>: The beta reading has support from RK.2.6 over alpha's <hi>of tonge</hi>.</note> · a fendes biȝete</l>
<l> Fauel þorw his faire speche · hath þis folke enchaunted</l>
<l> And al is lyeres ledyng · þat she is þus ywedded</l>
<l> ¶ To-morwe worth ymade · þe maydenes bruydale</l>
<l> And þere miȝte þow wite if þow wolt · which þei ben alle</l>
<l> That longeth to þat lordeship · þe lasse and þe more</l>
<l> Knowe hem þere if þow canst · and kepe þi<note>Bx.2.48: <hi>þi</hi>: So LCR, and probably M before correction. It seems likely that other scribes filled out a short line with <hi>þou þi</hi> or <hi>wel þi</hi>. <hi>AC</hi> read <hi>kepe the fro hem alle</hi>.</note> tonge</l>
<l> And lakke hem nouȝt but lat hem worth · til lewte be iustice</l>
<l> And haue powere to punyschen hem · þanne put forth þi resoun</l>
<l> ¶ Now I bikenne þe criste quod she · and his clene moder</l>
<l> And lat<note>Bx.2.52: <hi>lat</hi>: Probably R's <hi>at</hi> represents alpha, interpreted by F as <hi>that</hi>. <hi>C</hi> mss. have <hi>Acombre neuere thy Conscience</hi> or <hi>And acombre thow</hi> ....</note> no conscience acombre þe · for coueitise of Mede</l>
<l> ¶ Thus left me þat lady · liggyng aslepe</l>
<l> And how Mede was ymaried · in meteles me þouȝte</l>
<l> Þat alle þe riche retenauns · þat regneth with þe false</l>
<l> Were boden to þe<note>Bx.2.56: <hi>þe</hi>: Beta is supported by <hi>Ax</hi> and the X family of <hi>C</hi>, while R's <hi>þis</hi> (F has <hi>his</hi>) is supported by the P family.</note> bridale · on bothe two sydes</l>
<l> Of alle maner of men · þe mene and þe riche</l>
<l> To marie þis maydene<note>Bx.2.58: <hi>maydene</hi>: The form varies with <hi>mayde</hi> throughout; there is no equivalent line in <hi>AC</hi>. Although <title>MED</title> has separate entries, they are different forms of the same word and are listed together by Wittig (2001).</note> · was many man assembled</l>
<l> As of kniȝtes and of clerkis · and other comune poeple</l>
<l> As sysours and sompnours · Shireues and here clerkes</l>
<l> Bedelles and Bailliues · and brokoures of chaffre</l>
<l> Forgoeres and vitaillers · and vokates of þe arches<note>Bx.2.62: After this F adds a line that is obviously scribal.</note></l>
<l> I can nouȝt rekene þe route · þat ran aboute mede</l>
<l> ¶ Ac symonye and cyuile · and sisoures of courtes</l>
<l> Were moste pryue with Mede · of any men me þouȝte</l>
<l> <note>Bx.2.66: Alpha has a paraph here.</note>Ac fauel was þe first · þat fette hire out of boure</l>
<l> And as a brokour brouȝte hir [·] to be with fals enioigned</l>
<l> <note>Bx.2.68: Beta2 has a paraph (a paragraph in Cr), as does R.</note>Whan symonye and cyuile · seiȝ here beire<note>Bx.2.68: <hi>beire</hi>: Genitive of <hi>bo</hi>, synonymous with <hi>boþere</hi> in MWO and <hi>bethere</hi> in R.</note> wille</l>
<l> Thei<note>Bx.2.69: <hi>Thei</hi>: Alpha has <hi>And</hi>, continuing the subordinate clause, but contradicting this syntax with a paraph before the following line. <hi>Cx</hi> has <hi>Thei</hi>.</note> assented for siluer · to se[i]<note>Bx.2.69: <hi>sei</hi>: Falsely corrected to <hi>se</hi> in L.</note> as bothe wolde</l>
<l> <note>Bx.2.70: Here and at l. <ref>73</ref> WHm and alpha have a paraph.</note>Thanne lepe lyer forth · and seide lo here a chartre</l>
<l> That gyle with his gret othes · gaf hem togidere</l>
<l> And preide cyuile to se · and symonye to rede it</l>
<l> Thanne symonye and cyuile · stonden<note>Bx.2.73: <hi>stonden</hi>: The past tense as in MF is also a minority form in <hi>AC</hi>.</note> forth bothe</l>
<l> And vnfoldeth þe feffement · þat fals hath ymaked<note>Bx.2.74: F omits the line.</note></l>
<l> And þus bigynneth þes gomes · to greden ful heiȝ</l>
<l> <foreign>Sciant presentes & futuri &c ·</foreign></l>
<l> ¶ Witeth and witnesseth · þat wonieth vpon þis erthe</l>
<l> Þat Mede is ymaried · more for here goodis</l>
<l> Þan for ani vertue or<note>Bx.2.79: <hi>or</hi> (1): HmCGO read <hi>of</hi>. The line is not paralleled in <hi>AC</hi>, though <hi>C</hi> alters to a line with the same structure, <hi>Then for holynesse oþer hendenesse oþer for hey kynde</hi> (RK.2.84).</note> fairenesse · or<note>Bx.2.79: <hi>or</hi> (2): LCrWCG and alpha. The parallel line in <hi>Cx</hi> would give some support to MO <hi>or for</hi>.</note> any free kynde</l>
<l> Falsenesse is faine of hire · for he wote hire riche</l>
<l> And fauel with his fikel speche · feffeth bi þis chartre</l>
<l> To be prynces in pryde · and pouerte to dispise</l>
<l> To bakbite and to bosten · and bere fals witnesse</l>
<l> To scorne and to scolde · and sclaundere to make</l>
<l> Vnboxome and bolde<note>Bx.2.85: <hi>Vnboxome and bolde</hi>: Beta's order is supported by <hi>Cx</hi> against alpha's reversal.</note> · to breke þe ten hestes</l>
<l> ¶ And þe Erldome of enuye · and wratthe togideres</l>
<l> With þe chastelet of chest<note>Bx.2.87: <hi>chest</hi>: i.e. "strife". Supported by <hi>Cx</hi> against alpha's non-alliterating <hi>gestes</hi>.</note> · and chateryng oute of resoun<note>Bx.2.87: <hi>resoun</hi>: Again supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. Alpha's reading is probably R's <hi>tyme</hi>. F rewrites the b-verse to alliterate on /j/ in a-verse.</note></l>
<l> Þe counte of coueitise · and alle þe costes aboute</l>
<l> That is vsure and auarice · alle I hem graunte</l>
<l> In bargaines and in<note>Bx.2.90: <hi>in</hi> (2): The key witnesses LMR are supported by CrWCO. It is omitted by most <hi>C</hi> mss.</note> brokages · with al þe borg[h]e<note>Bx.2.90: <hi>borghe</hi>: L writes <hi>borgthe</hi>.</note> of theft</l>
<l> ¶ And al þe lordeship of lecherye · in lenthe and in brede</l>
<l> As in werkes and in wordes · and<note>Bx.2.92: <hi>and</hi> (2): So LMCGOR. Yet CrWHm have <hi>and in</hi> as the X family of <hi>C</hi>; F has <hi>in</hi> as the P family.</note> waitynges with eies</l>
<l> And in wedes<note>Bx.2.93: <hi>wedes</hi>: The reading of beta; <hi>C</hi> mss. divide between <hi>wedes</hi> and <hi>woldes</hi>. R's <hi>wedynges</hi> is probably alpha's misreading influenced by the general context, although F offers the attractive and appropriate variant <hi>wenyngis</hi>, glossed "hopes" by Schmidt (1995).</note> and in wisshynges · and with ydel thouȝtes</l>
<l> There as wille wolde<note>Bx.2.94: <hi>and</hi>: The line is marked for correction in L. Original <hi>wolde and</hi> has been revised by the addition of <hi>ne</hi> before <hi>wolde</hi> and the subpunction of <hi>and</hi>, giving the reading of C. A couple of <hi>C</hi> mss. have the same reading. Possibly the supervisor intended the correction of <hi>wermanship</hi> instead, though it is not an uncommon spelling and is repeated at this point in the <hi>C</hi> text by X.</note> · [and] wermanship failleth</l>
<l> ¶ Glotonye he gaf hem eke · and grete othes togydere</l>
<l> And alday to drynke · at dyuerse tauernes</l>
<l> And there to iangle and to<note>Bx.2.97: <hi>to</hi> (2): Supported by <hi>Cx</hi> against omission in WHmG.</note> iape · and iugge here euene-cristene</l>
<l> And in fastyngdayes to frete · ar ful tyme were</l>
<l> And þanne to sitten and soupen · til slepe hem assaille</l>
<l> <note>Bx.2.100-03: There is disagreement about number in this passage. Alpha switches to the sg. in l. 100 with <hi>a burgh swyne</hi> and <hi>hym</hi>. In l. 101 alpha is joined by LWCGO in <hi>his</hi>, against <hi>hyr</hi> in CrHm and corrected M. In 102 alpha + LMCO have <hi>hym</hi> against pl. <hi>hem</hi> in CrWHmG. In the a-verse of 103 all mss. except CrHm have sg. <hi>he</hi>, while in the b-verse beta has pl. <hi>here</hi> while R has <hi>his</hi> and F <hi>þe</hi>. Meanwhile, in the parallel but rewritten passage in <hi>Cx</hi>, there is also a switch in number, with pl. pronouns throughout except in RK.2.108 (=<hi>Bx</hi>.2.103), <hi>For a leueth be lost when he his lyf leteth</hi>. It looks as though scribes made rather ineffective attempts to rationalise number. We follow copy-text, partly on the grounds that it is the least consistent.</note> And bredun as burgh-swyn · and bedden hem esily</l>
<l> Tyl sleuth and slepe · slyken his sides</l>
<l> And þanne wanhope to awake hym so · with no wille to amende</l>
<l> For he leueth be lost · þis is here last ende</l>
<l> ¶ And þei to haue and to holde · and here eyres after</l>
<l> A dwellyng with þe deuel · and dampned be for eure</l>
<l> Wiþ al þe purtenaunces<note>Bx.2.106: <hi>purtenaunces</hi>: L and alpha have the aphetic form (initial <hi>a</hi>- is deleted in R). Other beta mss. vary, as do <hi>C</hi> mss.</note> of purgatorie · in-to þe pyne of helle</l>
<l> Ȝeldyng for þis þinge · at one ȝeres ende</l>
<l> Here soules to sathan · to suffre with hym peynes</l>
<l> And with him to wonye with<note>Bx.2.109: <hi>with</hi> (2): Alpha has <hi>in</hi>; beta probably has <hi>with</hi>, though MCO read <hi>in</hi>. Probably this is reversion to the commoner phrase, as in <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.19.203</ref>, though of course this parallel could also be cited in support of <hi>in</hi>. <hi>Ax</hi> has "Þere to wone wiþ wrong" (K.2.71).</note> wo · whil god is in heuene</l>
<l> ¶ In witnesse of <app><rdg>which</rdg><rdg>þis</rdg></app><note>Bx.2.110: <hi>which / þis</hi>: Beta is supported by <hi>Ax</hi> and by the alliteration, but alpha's non-alliterating <hi>þis</hi> is undoubtedly also the <hi>Cx</hi> reading.</note> þing · wronge was þe first</l>
<l> And Pieres þe pardonere · of paulynes doctrine</l>
<l> Bette þe bedel · of Bokyngham-shire</l>
<l> Rainalde þe Reue · of Rotland<note>Bx.2.113: <hi>Rotland</hi>: Rutland, according to beta. Alpha's <hi>Rokeland</hi>, also a variant in a few <hi>A</hi> mss., is Rockland in Norfolk.</note> sokene</l>
<l> Munde þe Mellere · and many moo other</l>
<l> In þe date of þe deuel [·] þis dede I assele<note>Bx.2.115: <hi>I assele</hi>: This must be <hi>Bx</hi>, though HmC <hi>ys aseled</hi> is the <hi>AC</hi> reading.</note></l>
<l> Bi siȝte of sire symonye · and cyuyles leue</l>
<l> ¶ Þenne tened hym theologye · whan he þis tale herde</l>
<l> And seide to cyuile · now sorwe mot þow haue</l>
<l> Such we[d]dynges<note>Bx.2.119: <hi>weddynges</hi>: LC have <hi>wendynges</hi>, but the line is marked for correction in L.</note> to worche [·] to wratthe with treuthe</l>
<l> And ar þis weddyng be wrouȝte · wo þe bityde</l>
<l> ¶ For Mede is moylere · of amendes engendreth<note>Bx.2.121: <hi>engendreth</hi>: Agreement of LR (together with C) indicates that this is an error in <hi>Bx</hi>, with the obvious correction made by other scribes. A spelling such as <hi>engendrit</hi> as in some <hi>A</hi> mss. could have caused the error in <hi>Bx</hi>.</note></l>
<l> And god graunteth<note>Bx.2.122: <hi>graunteth</hi>: COF have past tense. There is the same variation in <hi>A</hi>.</note> to gyf · Mede to treuthe</l>
<l> And þow hast gyuen hire to a gyloure · now god gyf þe sorwe</l>
<l> Th[e]<note>Bx.2.124: <hi>The</hi>: Alpha is supported by <hi>Ax</hi> against beta's <hi>Thi</hi>.</note> tixt telleth þe nouȝt so · treuthe wote þe sothe</l>
<l> For <foreign>dignus est operarius</foreign> · his hyre to haue</l>
<l> And þow hast fest hire to fals · fy on þi lawe</l>
<l> For al by lesynges þow lyuest · and lecherouse werkes</l>
<l> <note>Bx.2.128: Alpha has a paraph.</note>Symonye and þi-self · schenden holicherche</l>
<l> Þe notaries and ȝee · noyeth þe peple</l>
<l> Ȝe shul abiggen it bothe · bi god þat me made</l>
<l> Wel ȝe witen wernardes · but if ȝowre witte faille</l>
<l> That fals is faithlees · and fikel in his werkes</l>
<l> And [as]<note>Bx.2.133: <hi>as</hi>: Alpha is supported by <hi>AC</hi> against beta's <hi>was</hi>.</note> a bastarde ybore · of belsabubbes kynne</l>
<l> And Mede is moylere · a mayden of gode</l>
<l> And myȝte kisse þe kynge · for cosyn an she wolde</l>
<l> ¶ For-þi worcheth bi wisdome · and bi witt also</l>
<l> And ledeth hire to londoun · þere lawe is yshewed</l>
<l> If any lawe wil loke · þei ligge togederes</l>
<l> And þouȝ Iustices iugge hir · to be ioigned with<note>Bx.2.139: <hi>with</hi>: Supported by <hi>Ax</hi> against CrWHmG <hi>to</hi>. <hi>Cx</hi> rewrites.</note> fals</l>
<l> Ȝet beth war of [þe]<note>Bx.2.140: <hi>þe</hi>: Alpha's article is supported by <hi>AC</hi>. The line in L is an addition by another scribe.</note> weddyng · for witty is truthe</l>
<l> And conscience is of his conseille · and knoweth ȝow vchone</l>
<l> And if he fynde ȝow in defaute · and with þe fals holde</l>
<l> It shal bisitte ȝowre soules · ful soure atte laste</l>
<l> ¶ Here-to assenteth cyuile · ac symonye ne wolde</l>
<l> Tyl he had siluer for his seruise · and also þe notaries</l>
<l> ¶ Thanne fette fauel forth · floreynes ynowe</l>
<l> And bad gyle to<note>Bx.2.147: <hi>to</hi>: So LMCrWCR, hence <hi>Bx</hi>. HmGOF have <hi>go</hi>, the reading of <hi>Ax</hi> and the P group of <hi>C</hi>, presumably by coincident variation or contamination. Crowley "improves" with <hi>go</hi> in Cr<hi>3</hi>.</note> gyue · golde al aboute</l>
<l> And namelich to þe notaries · þat hem none ne<note>Bx.2.148: <hi>ne</hi>: Supported by LWCR, but dropped in others. It is not in most <hi>AC</hi> mss.</note> faille</l>
<l> And feffe false witnes · with floreines ynowe</l>
<l> For he<note>Bx.2.150: <hi>he</hi>: Established for <hi>Bx</hi> by LRF and probably original M, as well as <hi>AC</hi>. The referent is unambiguously plural in MW (<hi>witnesses</hi>), sg. in L (contrast <hi>witnesses</hi> <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.9.77</ref>), and ambiguous in other mss.</note> may mede amaistrye · and maken at my wille</l>
<l> ¶ Tho þis golde was gyue · grete was þe þonkynge</l>
<l> To fals and to fauel · for her faire ȝiftes</l>
<l> And comen to conforte [·] fram care þe fals</l>
<l> And seiden certis sire · cesse shal we neuere</l>
<l> Til Mede be þi wedded wyf · þorw wittis of vs alle</l>
<l> For we haue Mede amaistried · <app><rdg>with</rdg><rdg>þorw</rdg></app><note>Bx.2.156: <hi>with / þorw</hi>: The beta reading is supported by most <hi>A</hi> mss.; alpha's <hi>thorȝ</hi>, though it may have been picked up from the previous line, is also the reading of <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> owre mery speche</l>
<l> That she graunteth to gon [·] with a gode wille</l>
<l> To Londoun to loke · ȝif þat þe<note>Bx.2.158: <hi>ȝif þat þe</hi>: So LMCOF. Beta2 and G drop <hi>þat</hi>, R drops <hi>þe</hi>. <hi>A</hi> mss. vary similarly; <hi>Cx</hi> has <hi>if</hi>.</note> lawe wolde</l>
<l> Iugge ȝow ioyntly · in ioye for euere</l>
<l> ¶ Thanne was falsenesse fayne · and fauel as blithe</l>
<l> And leten sompne alle segges · in schires aboute</l>
<l> And bad hem alle be bown · beggeres and othere</l>
<l> To wenden wyth hem<note>Bx.2.163: <hi>hem</hi>: Referring to Fals and Favel. Beta's reading is shared with <hi>Ax</hi> and the P family of <hi>C</hi>. Alpha and the X family have <hi>hym</hi>. Beta seems more appropriate.</note> to westmynstre · to witnesse þis<note>Bx.2.163: <hi>þis</hi>: <hi>A</hi> mss. similarly split between <hi>þis</hi> and <hi>þe</hi>. The line is not in <hi>C</hi>.</note> dede</l>
<l> ¶ Ac þanne cared þei for caplus · to kairen<note>Bx.1.165: <hi>kairen</hi>: So LM + alpha; other scribes substitute the easier <hi>carien</hi>, as also at <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.P.29</ref>, <ref>4.23</ref>, <ref>5.310</ref>. Note, however, that <hi>Ax</hi> also has <hi>carien</hi>.</note> hem þider</l>
<l> And fauel fette forth þanne · folus ynowe</l>
<l> And sette Mede vpon<note>Bx.2.166: <hi>vpon</hi>: GF read <hi>on</hi>, as does <hi>Ax</hi>; R has <hi>vppe</hi>.</note> a schyreue · shodde al newe</l>
<l> And fals sat on a sisoure · þat softlich trotted</l>
<l> And fauel on a flatere<note>Bx.2.168: <hi>flatere</hi>: So LF. <title>MED</title> distinguishes between <hi>flatour</hi> (OF <hi>flatour</hi>) and <hi>flaterer</hi> (from the verb).</note> · fetislich atired</l>
<l> ¶ Tho haued notaries none · annoyed þei were</l>
<l> For symonye and cyuile · shulde on hire fete gange</l>
<l> ¶ Ac þanne swore symonye · and cyuile bothe</l>
<l> That sompnoures shulde be sadled [·] and serue hem vchone</l>
<l> And lat apparaille þis<note>Bx.2.173: <hi>þis</hi>: FG omit, and R reads <hi>þe</hi>. <hi>A</hi> mss. also vary, but most support beta.</note> prouisoures · in palfreis wyse</l>
<l> Sire symonye hym-seluen · shal sitte vpon here bakkes</l>
<l> ¶ Denes and suddenes · drawe ȝow togideres</l>
<l> Erchdekenes and officiales · and alle ȝowre Regystreres</l>
<l> Lat sadel hem with siluer · owre synne to suffre</l>
<l> As [de]uoutrie<note>Bx.2.178: <hi>deuoutrie</hi>: The alliterating alpha synonym for beta's easier <hi>auoutrie</hi>. There is no parallel line in <hi>AC</hi>, although <hi>Cx</hi> has <hi>deuoutours</hi> at RK.2.187. R again has <hi>deuoutrie</hi> at <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.12.86</ref>. <title>MED</title> does not record either <hi>de</hi>- form otherwise, but note <title>OED</title> <hi>devoterer</hi>, with an instance from 1550.</note> and deuoses · and derne vsurye</l>
<l> To bere bischopes aboute · abrode in visytynge</l>
<l> ¶ Paulynes pryues<note>Bx.2.180: <hi>pryues</hi>: "parties to suits" (Alford (1988), 120-1). GF's <hi>peple</hi> is an <hi>A</hi> reading.</note> · for pleyntes in þe consistorie</l>
<l> Shul serue my-self · þat cyuile is nempned</l>
<l> And cartesadel þe comissarie · owre carte shal he lede</l>
<l> And fecchen vs vytailles · at <foreign>fornicatores</foreign></l>
<l> ¶ And maketh of lyer a l[a]nge carte<note>Bx.2.184: <hi>lange carte</hi>: Wittig (2001) lists the spelling <hi>lange</hi> once in each of the three versions, for this line only. WR always elsewhere have <hi>longe</hi>, and presumably the archetypal scribes recognised this as a technical expression for the <hi>longa caretta</hi>, a "four-wheeled military cart" (Galloway (2006), 278).</note> · to lede alle þese othere</l>
<l> As [fobberes]<note>Bx.2.185: <hi>fobberes</hi>: "cheats". Alpha's reading has support from <hi>Cx</hi> <hi>fobbes</hi> (related to <hi>fobben</hi> vb.). Beta's <hi>Freres</hi> is much easier; most <hi>A</hi> mss. have <hi>folis</hi>.</note> and faitours · þat on here fete rennen</l>
<l> <note>Bx.2.186: W and alpha have a paraph here.</note>And thus fals and fauel · fareth forth togideres</l>
<l> And Mede in þe myddes · and alle þise men<note>Bx.2.187: <hi>men</hi>: LCrWHmR supported by <hi>Cx</hi>. G has the <hi>Ax</hi> reading <hi>meyny</hi>. Oddly, the disparate group MCOF have <hi>oþere</hi>.</note> after</l>
<l> ¶ I haue no tome to telle [·] þe taille þat hem folweth</l>
<l> Of many maner man · þat on þis molde libbeth<note>Bx.2.189: The line is lost in beta2 and G.</note></l>
<l> Ac gyle was forgoer · and gyed hem alle</l>
<l><note>Bx.2.191: <hi></hi>: The paraph is in beta and F. The line is at the bottom of the page in R.</note> Sothenesse seiȝ h[e]m<note>Bx.2.191: <hi>hem</hi>: The beta reading is probably <hi>hym</hi>, though CrWG and alpha have the plural, supported by <hi>AC</hi>.</note> wel · and seide but a litel<note>Bx.2.191: <hi>a litel</hi>: Apparently <hi>Bx</hi>, though omission of <hi>a</hi> in MCrWG is shared with <hi>Cx</hi> and most <hi>A</hi> mss.</note></l>
<l> And priked his palfrey · and passed hem alle</l>
<l> And come to þe kynges courte · and conscience it tolde</l>
<l> And conscience to þe kynge · carped it after</l>
<l> ¶ Now by cryst quod þe kynge · and I cacche myȝte</l>
<l> Fals or<note>Bx.2.196: <hi>or</hi> (1): Alpha reads <hi>other / eyþir</hi>, with R alone reading <hi>other</hi> for the second <hi>or</hi>. <hi>AC</hi> mss. vary in both instances.</note> fauel · or any of his feres</l>
<l> I wolde be wroke of þo wrecches · þat worcheth so ille</l>
<l> And don hem hange by þe hals · and alle þat hem meynteneth</l>
<l> Shal neure man of<note>Bx.2.199: <hi>of</hi>: Secure for <hi>Bx</hi>, in L, original M, C and R. The variants <hi>of þis</hi> (corrected M, CrW), <hi>on</hi> (OF), <hi>on thys</hi> (G) and <hi>vpon</hi> (Hm) may be prompted by the oddity of the phrase <hi>man of molde</hi>, as well as by l. <ref>189</ref> above. <hi>A</hi> mss. vary, but <hi>Cx</hi> has <hi>on þys</hi>.</note> molde · meynprise þe leste</l>
<l> But riȝte as þe lawe wil loke · late falle on hem alle</l>
<l> ¶ And comanded a constable · þat come atte furst</l>
<l> <app><rdg>To</rdg><rdg>Goo</rdg></app><note>Bx.2.202: <hi>To / Goo</hi>: Beta shares <hi>To</hi> with <hi>Ax</hi>; alpha's <hi>Goo</hi> is also <hi>Cx</hi>. Cf. the variants in <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.2.147</ref> above. The direct speech of "Goo atache ... I hote" is attractive; perhaps it suggested itself as an authorial or scribal improvement.</note> attache þo tyrauntz · for eny thynge<note>Bx.2.202: <hi>thynge</hi>: Presumably an error, but undoubtedly <hi>Bx</hi>. <hi>AC</hi> have <hi>tresour</hi>.</note> I hote</l>
<l> And fettereth fast falsenesse · for enykynnes ȝiftes</l>
<l> And gurdeth of gyles hed · and lat hym go no furthere</l>
<l> And ȝif ȝe lacche lyer · late hym nouȝt ascapen</l>
<l> Er he be put on þe pilorye · for eny preyere I hote</l>
<l> And bryngeth Mede to me · maugre hem alle</l>
<l> ¶ Drede atte dore stode · and þe dome herde</l>
<l> And how þe kynge comaunded · constables and seriantz</l>
<l> Falsenesse and his felawschip · to fettren an to bynden</l>
<l> Þanne drede went wiȝtliche · and warned þe fals</l>
<l> And bad hym flee for fere · and his felawes<note>Bx.2.212: <hi>felawes</hi>: F's <hi>feerys</hi> is probably from <hi>A</hi>. It is also the reading of <hi>Cx</hi> which however avoids the pun on <hi>fere</hi> by altering the a-verse to <hi>And bad falsenesse to fle</hi> (RK.2.222).</note> alle</l>
<l> ¶ Falsenesse for fere þanne · fleiȝ to þe freres</l>
<l> And gyle doþ hym to go · agast for to dye</l>
<l> Ac marchantz mette with hym · and made hym abide</l>
<l> And bishetten hym in here shope<note>Bx.2.216: <hi>shope</hi>: The distributive sg. is supported by LMCOR. <hi>Ax</hi> has the plural; <hi>C</hi> mss. vary.</note> · to shewen here ware</l>
<l> And<note>Bx.2.217: <hi>And</hi>: <hi>Ax</hi> is without it, as are CrWHmG; it is the reading of <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> apparailled hym as a prentice · þe poeple to serue</l>
<l> ¶ Liȝtlich lyer · lepe awey þanne<note>Bx.2.218: <hi>þanne</hi>: i.e. "from there". Both beta and alpha forms represent <title>MED</title> <hi>thenne</hi> adv.; cf. <title>LALME</title> 4.262.</note></l>
<l> Lorkynge thorw lanes · to-lugged of manye</l>
<l> He was nawhere welcome · for his manye tales</l>
<l> Ouer al yhowted<note>Bx.2.221: <hi>yhowted</hi>: "shouted at". Beta2 has <hi>yhonted</hi>, an easy error, though supported by <hi>AC</hi>. On Crowley's revisions here, see Hailey (2007), 152-4.</note> · and yhote trusse</l>
<l> Tyl pardoneres haued pite · and pulled hym in-to<note>Bx.2.222: <hi>in-to</hi>: This must be <hi>Bx</hi>, supported by the X family of <hi>C</hi>, despite MHmF support for the <hi>Ax</hi> reading <hi>to</hi>.</note> house</l>
<l> They wesshen hym and wyped hym · and wonden hym in cloutes<note>Bx.2.223: <hi>cloutes</hi>: Hm and alpha have <hi>clothes</hi>. <hi>A</hi> mss. vary; <hi>Cx</hi> has <hi>cloutes</hi>, though five C mss. read <hi>clothes</hi>.</note></l>
<l> And sente hym with seles · on sondayes to cherches</l>
<l> And gaf pardoun for pens · poundmel aboute</l>
<l> ¶ Thanne loured leches · and lettres þei sent</l>
<l> Þat he sholde wonye with hem · wateres to loke</l>
<l> <note>Bx.2.228: W and alpha have a paraph.</note>Spiceres spoke<note>Bx.2.228: <hi>spoke</hi>: The form <hi>speken</hi> in CrWGR is also past plural; cf. <ref><hi>Bx</hi>.15.285</ref> for a clear instance, where L also has <hi>speken</hi>.</note> [to]<note>Bx.2.228: <hi>to</hi> (1): The alpha reading is also that of <hi>Cx</hi>; <hi>A</hi> mss. divide. The beta reading <hi>with</hi> is likely to have been influenced by the line above.</note> hym · to spien here ware</l>
<l> For he couth o[n]<note>Bx.2.229: <hi>on</hi>: Both <hi>Ax</hi> and <hi>Cx</hi> agree with alpha here against beta's <hi>of</hi>.</note> here craft · and knewe many gommes</l>
<l> ¶ Ac mynst[r]alles and messageres · mette with hym ones</l>
<l> And helden hym an halfȝere<note>Bx.2.231: <hi>an half</hi>: Beta is challenged by alpha <hi>half a</hi>. <hi>Cx</hi> has no article; <hi>A</hi> mss. vary between all three possibilities.</note> · and elleuene dayes</l>
<l> ¶ Freres with faire speche · fetten hym þennes</l>
<l> And for knowyng of comeres · coped hym as a frere</l>
<l> Ac he hath leue to lepe out · as oft as hym liketh</l>
<l> And is welcome whan he wil · and woneth wyth hem oft</l>
<l> ¶ Alle fledden for fere · and flowen in-to hernes</l>
<l> Saue Mede þe Mayde · na mo<note>Bx.2.237: <hi>mo</hi>: R has <hi>man</hi>, as do four <hi>A</hi> mss.</note> durst abide</l>
<l> Ac trewli to telle · she trembled for [fere]<note>Bx.2.238: <hi>fere</hi>: Beta's reading <hi>drede</hi> is also that of four <hi>A</hi> mss., but the others have <hi>fere</hi>, as do alpha and <hi>Cx</hi>.</note></l>
<l> And ek<note>Bx.2.239: <hi>ek</hi>: The beta reading is supported by <hi>Ax</hi> against alpha's <hi>also</hi>. <hi>Cx</hi> has <hi>bothe</hi>.</note> wept and wronge · whan she was attached</l>