<div1>fol. 73r (cont.)I</div1>
<head><add><foreign><hi>Passus deci<expan>mus</expan> <lb/>
<note>O.18.000: The heading is divided after <foreign><hi><hi>deci<expan>mus</expan>,</hi></hi></foreign>, so that it appears as two lines.</note></head>
<l><hi><hi>W</hi></hi><hi>O</hi>lleward & wetschod  wente I forþ after</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd as<note>O.18.2: O alone lacks <hi>a</hi> before <hi>reccheles</hi>.</note> reccheles renke  þat of no wo reccheþ</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd ȝede forþ lijk a lorel  al my lijf<seg>-</seg>tyme</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>il I wexe wery of þe werld  & wilnede efte to slepe</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd lenede me to a lenten  & longe tyme I slepte</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd of c<expan>ri</expan>stis passiou<expan>n</expan> & penaunce  þe peple <sic>ofte</sic><corr>of</corr> tauȝte</l>
<l><hi>R</hi>este me þ<expan>er</expan>e & rutte faste  til <foreign><orig>ramyspalmaru<expan>m</expan></orig><reg>ramys palmaru<expan>m</expan></reg></foreign></l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f gyrles<note>O.18.8: O alone lacks <hi>and</hi> before <hi>of <foreign>gl<expan>or</expan>ia</foreign></hi>.</note> of <foreign>gl<expan>or</expan>ia laus</foreign>  gretli me dremede</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd how osanna bi orgonye  olde <del>men</del><add>folk<note>O.18.9: The subpunction of <hi>men</hi>, together with the addition of <hi>folk</hi> above the line, indicate that substitution was intended by the corrector.</note></add> sungen<note>O.18.9: A bracket in the right margin, with intersecting leftward-slanting rays emanating from it and red dots inside it, encompasses this line and the five following; to the right of the bracket are written, in a modern hand, the initials <hi>A-S</hi>, the <A> and the <S> about three lines in height. The left stroke of the <A> has a trailing flourish another four lines in length.</note></l>
<l><hi>O</hi>on semblable to þe samaritan  & su<expan>m</expan>del to peers plowman</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>arfoot & on an asse bak  boteles gan prykye</l>
<l><hi>W</hi><seg>-</seg>outen spores or spere  spakliche he lokede</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s is þe kynde of a knyȝt  þat comeþ to be dubbed</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o gete hy<expan>m</expan> gylt spores  & galaches ycouped</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan>ne was feiþ in a fenestre  & criede . <foreign>a fili dauid</foreign></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s doþ an heraud of armes  wha<expan>n</expan>ne auntrous comeþ to iustes</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>lde Iues of ierusale<expan>m</expan>  for ioye þei sungen</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Ben<expan>e</expan>d<expan>i</expan>ct<expan>u</expan>s q<expan>ui</expan> ven<expan>i</expan>t i<expan>n</expan> no<expan>m</expan>i<expan>n</expan>e d<expan>omi</expan>ni & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.18.18: This line is written in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan>ne I fraynede at feiþ  what al þat fare bemente</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd who schulde iuste i<expan>n</expan> ier<expan>usa</expan>l<expan>e</expan>m  <expan>Iesus</expan> he seyde</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd fecche þat þe feend cleymeþ  peers fruyt þe plowman</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>s peers in þis place quod I  & he preynte on me</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>is <expan>iesus</expan> of his gentrice  wole iuste in peers armes</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n his helm &<note>O.18.24: O alone lacks <hi>his</hi> before <hi>habouriou<expan>n</expan></hi>.</note>habouriou<expan>n</expan><foreign>humana natura</foreign></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t crist be not yknowen<note>O.18.25: O alone has the form <hi>yknowen</hi>; variants include <hi>yknowe</hi> (GC<hi>2</hi>CBm), <hi>knowe</hi> (YBoCot), <hi>knowen</hi> (HmCrM), and <hi>biknowe</hi> (WLRF).</note> heer  for <foreign>co<expan>n</expan>su<expan>m</expan>mat<expan>us</expan> est</foreign></l>
m<expan>emorandum</expan><note>O.17.26: A rubricated dot precedes <hi>m<expan>emorandum</expan></hi>, but at such a distance from it that it does not seem to punctuate it.</note>
<l><hi>I</hi>n peers paltok þe plowman  þis priker schal ride </l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or no dynt schal hym dere  as <foreign>in deitate p<expan>at</expan>ris</foreign></l>
<l><hi>W</hi>ho schal iuste wiþ <expan>iesus</expan> quod I  Iues or scribes</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>ay . quod he þe foule feend  & fals doom & deþ</l>
<l><hi>D</hi>eþ seiþ . he schal fordo  & adou<expan>n</expan> brynge</l>
<milestone>fol. 73vI</milestone>
<l><hi>A</hi>ll þat lyueþ or lokeþ  in loond or in water</l>
<l><hi>L</hi>ijf seiþ þ<expan>a</expan>t he lyeþ  & leiþ his lijf to wedde</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at for al þat deþ can do  wiþ<seg>-</seg>inne þre dayes</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o walke & fecche fro þe feend  peers fruyt þe plowman</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd legge it þ<expan>er</expan>e hym likeþ  & lucifer bynde</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd for to bete & adou<expan>n</expan> brynge  bale & deþ for eu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>O mors ero mors tua & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.18.37: This line is written in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan>ne cam pilat<expan>us</expan> wiþ peple  <foreign>sedens p<expan>ro</expan> t<expan>ri</expan>bunali</foreign></l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o see how douȝtilich deþ schulde do  & deme her boþ<expan>ere</expan>s myȝt<note>O.18.39: O alone has <hi>myȝt</hi> in place of <hi>right(ys)</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e Iues & þe iustises  aȝeyn <expan>iesu</expan> þei weren</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd al þe court on hym criede  <foreign>crucifige</foreign> scharpe</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>oo putte hym forþ a pilour  bifore pilat & seyde</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>is <expan>iesus</expan> of oure Iues temple  iapede & dispisede</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o fordo . it on a day  & in þre dayes after</l>
<l><hi>E</hi>difie it . eft newe  heer he stant þat seyde it</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd ȝit maken it as myche  in al man<expan>er</expan>e poyntis</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>oþe as longe & as large  bi lofte & bi grounde</l>
<l><foreign><hi>C</hi>rucifige</foreign> quod a cacchepool  I waraunte hy<expan>m</expan> a wycche</l>
<l><foreign><hi>T</hi>olle tolle</foreign> quod an<seg>-</seg><expan>er</expan>  & toke of kene þornes</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd bigan of kene þorn  a garlond to make</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd sette it sore on his hed  & seyde in envie</l>
<l><foreign><hi>A</hi>ue</foreign> raby quod þat ribaude  & þrew redes at hym</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>aylede hy<expan>m</expan> wiþ þre nayles  naked on þe rode</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd poysou<expan>n</expan> on a pole  þei putte vp to hise lippes</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd beden hym drynke his deþ yuel  hise dayes weren done</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd if þ<expan>a</expan>t þ<expan>o</expan>u sutile be  help now þi<seg>-</seg>seluen</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>f þ<expan>o</expan>u <add>be</add> crist & kyng<expan>ys</expan> sone  come dou<expan>n</expan> of þe rode</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan>ne schul we leue þ<expan>a</expan>t lijf þee loueþ  & wole not latte þee dye</l>
<l><foreign><hi>C</hi>onsu<expan>m</expan>matu<expan>m</expan> e<expan>st</expan></foreign> . quod crist  & comsede for to swowe</l>
<l><hi>P</hi>itousli & pale  as a prisou<expan>n</expan> þat deyeþ</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e lord of lijf & of liȝt  þoo leyde hise yen to<seg>-</seg>gyd<expan>er</expan>es</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e day for drede wiþdrow  & derke bigan<note>O.18.62: YOF alone have <hi>bigan</hi> in place of <hi>bicam</hi>.</note> þe sunne</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e wal waggede & cleef  & al þe wer<add>ld</add> quauede<note>O.18.63: The word <hi>werld</hi> has been added in the margin, in hand 3, apparently because of its poor legibility on the line. The <d> is very difficult to make out.</note></l>
<l><hi>D</hi>ede men for þat dene  comen out of depe graues</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd tolden why þat tempest  so longe tyme durede</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or a bitter batayle  þe deed body seyde<note>O.18.66: The first two letters of <hi>seyde</hi> are barely legible owing to scuffing.</note></l>
<l><hi>L</hi>ijf & deþ in þis derkenesse  her oon fordooþ her oþ<expan>er</expan></l>
<l><hi>S</hi>chal no wiȝt wite witterli  who schal haue þe maystrie</l>
<l><hi>E</hi>r sunday aboute þe<note>O.18.69: OB alone have <hi>aboute þe</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>aboute</hi>.</note> sunne risyng  & sanke wiþ þat til erþe</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>u<expan>m</expan>me seyden . þ<expan>a</expan>t he was goddis sone  þat so faire deyede</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>vere fili<expan>us</expan> d<expan>e</expan>i erat iste & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.18.71: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after <foreign><hi>dei</hi></foreign>, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.</note></add></l>
<hi><supplied>And su<expan>m</expan>me seyden</supplied></hi><note>The catchwords enclosed in a black box outlined inside with red, and with red touches at the single visible corner.</note>
<milestone>fol. 74rI</milestone>
<l><note>O.18.72: The corner of the top left page-frame contains a double heart design with rays emanating from the heart on the right. The hand responsible cannot be identified.</note><hi>A</hi>nd su<expan>m</expan>me seyden . he was a wicche  good is þ<expan>a</expan>t we assaye</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>her he be deed or not deed  dou<expan>n</expan> er he be taken</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>wo þeues also  þoleden deþ þat tyme</l>
<l><hi>V</hi>p<seg>-</seg>on a crosse biside c<expan>ri</expan>st  so was þe comune lawe</l>
<l><hi>A</hi> cacchepolle cam forþ  & crakede boþe her leggys</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd her armes after  of eiþ<expan>er</expan> of þoo þeues</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c was no boy so boold  goddis body to touche</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or he was knyȝt & kyng<expan>ys</expan> sone  kynde forȝaf þat tyme</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t no harlot were so hardy  to leye hand vp<seg>-</seg>on hym</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c þ<expan>er</expan> cam forþ a knyȝt  wiþ a kene spere ygrounden<note>O.18.81: O alone has the form <hi>ygrounden</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>ygrounde</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>H</hi>yȝte longeus as þe letter telleþ  & longe hadde lorn his siȝt</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ifore pilat & oþ<expan>er</expan> peple  in þe place he houede</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>augre hise many teeþ  he was maad þat tyme </l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o take þe spere in his hand  & iuste wiþ <expan>iesus</expan></l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or alle þei weren vnhardy<add>e</add>  þat houede<expan>n</expan> on hors & stoden<note>O.18.86: O alone has the form <hi>stoden</hi>; all other beta witnesses have <hi>stode</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o touche hym or taste hym  or take hym dou<expan>n</expan> of rode</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut þis blynde bacheler þa<expan>n</expan>ne  bare hym þoruȝ þe herte</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e blood spronge dou<expan>n</expan> bi þe spere  & vnsperede hise yen</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan>ne fel þe knyȝt vpon knees  & criede hym m<expan>er</expan>cy</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>ȝeyn my wille it was lord  to wounde ȝow so sore</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>e siȝhede & seyde  sore it me aþinkeþ</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or þe dede þat I haue doon  I do me in ȝoure grace</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>aue on me ruþe riȝtful <expan>iesu</expan>  & riȝt wiþ þat he wepte</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan>ne gan feiþ felly  þe false Iues dispise</l>
<l><hi>C</hi>allede hem caytyues  a<seg>-</seg>cursed for eu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or þis foule vilenye  veniaunce to ȝow alle</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o do þe blynde . bete hym bounden<note>O.18.98: O alone has <hi>hym bounden</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>hym ybounde</hi>.</note>  it was a boyes counceyl</l>
<l><hi>C</hi>ursede caytyues castyng<note>O.18.99: O alone includes <hi>castyng</hi>.</note>  knyȝthood was it neu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o mysdo a deed body  bi day or bi nyȝt</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e gree ȝit haþ he geten  for al his greet wounde</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or ȝoure champiou<expan>n</expan> chyualer  cheef knyȝt of ȝow alle</l>
<l><hi>Ȝ</hi>elte hym recreaunt rennynge  riȝt at iesues wille</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or be þis derkenesse ydo  his deþ worþ avenged</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þe lurdeynes han ylost  for lijf schal haue þe maystrie</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd ȝoure fraunchise þat free was  fallen is in þraldom</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd ȝe cherles & ȝoure children  cheue schul ȝe neu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e haue lordschip in honde<note>O.18.108: YOC<hi>2</hi>C alone have <hi>honde</hi> in place of <hi>londe</hi>.</note>  ne no loond tilye</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut al bareyn be  and vsurie vsen</l>
<l> Which is lijf þat oure lord  in alle lawes acurseþ</l>
<milestone>fol. 74vI</milestone>
<l><hi>N</hi>ow ȝoure goode dayes been doon  as danyel p<expan>ro</expan>phecyede</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>ha<expan>n</expan>ne crist cam . her kyngdam  & crowne schulde cece</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Cu<expan>m</expan> ve<expan>n</expan>iat s<expan>an</expan>c<expan>t</expan>us s<expan>an</expan>c<expan>t</expan>or<expan>rum</expan> cessab<expan>i</expan>t vnct<expan>i</expan>o v<expan>est</expan>ra</hi></foreign><note>O.18.113: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after <foreign><hi>sanctorum</hi></foreign>, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text, which appears above the first.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>W</hi>hat for feer of þis ferly  & of þe false Iues</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> drowe me in þat derkenesse  to <foreign>descendit ad inferna</foreign></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þ<expan>er</expan>e I sawe soþeli  <foreign>s<expan>e</expan>c<expan>un</expan>d<expan>u</expan>m sc<expan>ri</expan>pturas</foreign></l>
<l><hi>O</hi>ut of þe west cost  a wenche as me þouȝte</l>
<l><hi>C</hi>am walkynge in þe weye  to helleward sche lokede</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>ercy hiȝte þat mayde  a meke þing wiþ<seg>-</seg>al</l>
<l><hi>A</hi> ful benyngne beerde  & buxu<expan>m</expan> of speche</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>ir sister as it semede  cam softeli walkynge</l>
<l><hi>E</hi>uene out of þe est  & westward sche lokede</l>
<l><hi>A</hi> ful comeli creature  truþe sche hiȝte</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or þe v<expan>er</expan>tu þat hir folewede  a<seg>-</seg>feerd was sche neuere</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>ha<expan>n</expan>ne þeise maydens metten  mercy & truþe</l>
<l><hi>E</hi><expan>er</expan> axede oþ<expan>er</expan>  of þis greet wonder</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f þe dene & of þe derkenesse  & how þe day rowede</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd which a liȝt & a leem  lay bifore helle</l>
<foreign><hi>V<expan>er</expan>itas .</hi></foreign>
<l><hi>I</hi>ch haue ferli of þis fare  in feiþ seyde truþe </l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd am wendynge to wite  what þis wondre meneþ</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>aue no m<expan>er</expan>ueyle quod m<expan>er</expan>cy  myrþe it bitokeneþ </l>
<l><hi>A</hi> mayden þat hatte marie  & modir wiþ<seg>-</seg>outen felyng  </l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f any kyns creature  co<expan>n</expan>ceyuede þoruȝ speche</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd grace of þe holi goost  wexe greet wiþ childe</l>
<l><hi>W</hi><seg>-</seg>outen wemme i<expan>n</expan><seg>-</seg>to þis werld  sche brouȝte hym forþ<note>O.18.135: O alone includes <hi>forþ</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þ<expan>a</expan>t my tale be trewe  I take god to witnesse</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>iþ þis barn was born  been þritti wynter passed</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>hich deyede & þolede  þis day aboute mydday</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þat is cause of þis clipse  þat closeþ now þe sunne</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n menyng þ<expan>a</expan>t man schal  fro merkenesse be drawe</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e whyle þis liȝt & þis leem  schal lucifer ablende</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or pat<expan>ri</expan>arkes & p<expan>ro</expan>phetis  han p<expan>re</expan>ched her<seg>-</seg>on<note>O.18.142: O alone has <hi>on</hi> in place of <hi>of</hi> or omission.</note> often</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t man schal man saue  þoruȝ a maydenes helpe</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þat was tynt þoruȝ tree  tree schal it wynne</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þat deþ dou<expan>n</expan> brouȝte  deþ schal releue</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at þ<expan>o</expan>u tellest quod truþe  is but a tale of waltrot</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or adam & eue  and abraham wiþ oþere</l>
<l><hi>P</hi>at<expan>ri</expan>arkes & p<expan>ro</expan>phetis þat in peyne liggen</l>
<l><hi>L</hi>eue<note>O.18.149: O alone lacks <hi>þow</hi> before <hi>neu<expan>er</expan>e</hi>.</note> neu<expan>er</expan>e þ<expan>a</expan>t ȝon liȝt  a<seg>-</seg>lofte schal hem<note>O.18.149: O alone includes <hi>hem</hi>.</note> brynge</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e haue<note>O.18.150: O alone lacks <hi>hem</hi> or <hi>hym</hi> before <hi>out</hi>.</note> out of helle  holde þi tunge mercy</l>
<milestone>fol. 75rI</milestone>
<l><hi>I</hi>t is but a trufle þat þ<expan>o</expan>u tellest  I truþe woot þe soþe</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or þat is ones in helle  out comeþ it neu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>ob þe p<expan>ro</expan>pheet pat<expan>ri</expan>ark  rep<expan>ro</expan>ueþ þi sawes</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi><hi>Q</hi><expan>uia</expan> i<expan>n</expan> inf<expan>er</expan>no nulla e<expan>st</expan> rede<expan>m</expan>pc<expan>i</expan>o</hi></foreign><note>O.18.154: This line is written in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan>ne mercy ful myldeliche  mouþede þeise wordis</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>oruȝ exp<expan>er</expan>ience quod sche  I hope þei schul be saued</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or venym fordoþ venym  & þat I preue bi resou<expan>n</expan></l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or of al venym  foulest is þe scorpiou<expan>n</expan></l>
<l><hi>M</hi>ay no medicyne helpe  þe place þ<expan>er</expan>e it<note>O.18.159: O alone has <hi>it</hi> in place of <hi>he</hi>.</note> styngeþ</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>il he be deed & do þ<expan>er</expan>to  þe yuel he distruyeþ</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e first venym is moost<note>O.18.161: O alone has <hi>venym is moost</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>venymouste</hi>.</note>  þoruȝ venym of hym<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>o schal þis deþ fordo  I dar my lijf legge</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>l þat deþ dide first  þoruȝ þe deuelis entysyng</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd riȝt as þoruȝ gyle  man was bigyled</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>o schal grace þat bigan  make a good <del>seeþ</del><add>sighte<note>O.18.165: <hi>Sighte</hi> appears to the right of the marginalia. A caret/punctus beside it and a solidus punctus above <hi>seeþ</hi> indicate that substitution was intended. O alone has <hi>seeþ</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>sleighte</hi>. The phrase <hi>maken seth</hi> (with <hi>seeþ(e)</hi> as a variant spelling) is recorded by the <title>MED</title> as meaning "to be enough for," "to satisfy one's desire," especially with reference to Christ's atonement for the sins of mankind.</note></add></l>
<l><add><foreign><hi><hi>A</hi>rs vt arte<expan>m</expan> fall<expan>er</expan>et</hi></foreign><note>O.18.166: This line is written in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>N</hi>ow suffre we seyde truþe  I se as me þinkeþ</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>ut of þe nyppe of þe norþ  not ful fer hennys</l>
<foreign><hi><hi>I</hi>usticia</hi> .</foreign>
<l><hi>R</hi>iȝtwisenesse cam rennynge  reste we þe whyle </l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or he woot more þan we  he was er we boþe</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at is soþ seyde m<expan>er</expan>cy  & I see heer bi souþe</l>
<foreign><hi><hi>P</hi>ax</hi></foreign> .
<l><hi>W</hi>here pees comeþ pleyenge  in pacience ycloþed </l>
<l><hi>L</hi>oue haþ coueytid hir longe  leue I noon oþ<expan>er</expan></l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut he sente hir su<expan>m</expan> lettre  what þis liȝt bemeneþ</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at ou<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>houeþ helle þus  sche vs schal telle</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>ha<expan>n</expan>ne pees in pacience cloþed  approchede nyȝ hem tweyne</l>
<l><hi>R</hi>iȝtwisenesse hem reu<expan>er</expan>encede  for her riche cloþi<expan>n</expan>g</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd preyede pees to telle hir  to what place sche wolde</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd in hir gay garnement<expan>es</expan>  whom sche grete þouȝte</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>y wille is to wende quod sche  & welcomede<note>O.18.180: O alone has the preterite form in place of the infinitive.</note> hem alle</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at many day myȝte I not see  for merkenesse of synne</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>dam & eue  and oþere mo in helle</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>oyses & many moo  m<expan>er</expan>cy schul haue</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> schal daunce þ<expan>er</expan>to  do þow so sister</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or <expan>iesus</expan> iustede wel  Ioye bigynneþ to dawe</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Ad vesp<expan>er</expan>u<expan>m</expan> demorabit<expan>ur</expan> flet<expan>us</expan> & ad matutinu<expan>m</expan> leticia</hi></foreign><note>O.18.186: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after <foreign><hi>fletus</hi></foreign>, so that it appears as two lines, the second written above the first.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>L</hi>oue þat is my lemman  swiche lettres me sente</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t m<expan>er</expan>cy<note>O.18.188: ORF alone lack the word <hi>my</hi> before <hi>sister</hi>, and thus lack the second alliterating stave.</note> sister & I  mankynde schulde saue</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þ<expan>a</expan>t god haþ forgyuen  & g<expan>ra</expan>untede me pees & m<expan>er</expan>cy</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o be mannes meynp<expan>er</expan>no<expan>ur</expan>  for eu<expan>er</expan>e<seg>-</seg>more after</l>
<l><hi>L</hi>o heer þe patent quod pees  <foreign><hi>In pace in id<seg>-</seg>ip<expan>su</expan>m</hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þ<expan>a</expan>t þis dede schal dure  <foreign><hi>dormiam & requiescam</hi></foreign></l>
<milestone>fol. 75vI</milestone>
<l> What rauest þ<expan>o</expan>u quod riȝtwisenesse  or þ<expan>o</expan>u art riȝt drunken</l>
<l> Leuest þ<expan>o</expan>u þ<expan>a</expan>t ȝonder liȝt  vnlouke myȝte helle</l>
<l> And saue mannes soule  sister wene it neu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l> At þe bygynnyng god  gaaf . þe doom hym<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
<l> Þ<expan>a</expan>t adam & eue  & alle þat hem sueden<note>O.18.197: O alone has <hi>sueden</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>suwede</hi>.</note></l>
<l> Schulden deye dou<expan>n</expan><seg>-</seg>riȝt  & dwelle in pyne after</l>
<l> If þ<expan>a</expan>t þei toucheden<note>O.18.199: O alone has <hi>toucheden</hi> in place of <hi>touchede</hi>.</note> a tree  & þe fruyt eeten</l>
<l> Adam afterward  aȝens his defense</l>
<l> Freete of þat fruyt  & forsoke as it were </l>
<l> Þe loue of oure lord  & his lore boþe</l>
<l> And folewede þat þe feend tauȝte  & his felawes wille</l>
<l> Aȝens resou<expan>n</expan> & riȝtwisenesse  recorde þus wiþ truþe</l>
<l> Þ<expan>a</expan>t her peyne be p<expan>er</expan>petuel  & no preyere hem helpe</l>
<l> For<seg>-</seg>þi . latte hem chewe as þei chosen  & chide we not sister</l>
<l> For it is bootles bale  þe bite þat þei eeten</l>
<l> And I schal preue quod pees  her peyne muste haue eende</l>
<l> And woo in<seg>-</seg>to wele . mowe  wende at þe laste</l>
<l><note>O.18.210: A cross composed of dots with a flourish at the bottom, probably in the main scribal hand, appears in the left margin.</note> For hadde þei wist of no woo  wele . hadde þei not knowen</l>
<l> For no wiȝt woot what wele is  þat neu<expan>er</expan>e woo suffrede</l>
<l> Ne what is hoot hungre  þat hadde neu<expan>er</expan>e defaute</l>
<l> If no nyȝt ne were  no man as I leue </l>
<l> Schulde wite witterli  what day is to mene</l>
<l> Schulde neu<expan>er</expan>e riȝte riche man  þat lyueþ in reste & ese</l>
<l> Wite what woo is  ne were þe deþ of kynde</l>
<l> So god þat bigan al  of his good wille</l>
<l> Bicam man of a mayden<note>O.18.218: OC alone have <hi>mayden</hi> in place of <hi>mayde</hi>.</note>  mankynde to saue</l>
<l> And suffrede to be sold  to see þe sorwe of deyeng</l>
<l> Þe which vnknyttiþ al care  & comsyng is of reste</l>
<l> For til <foreign>modicu<expan>m</expan></foreign> mette wiþ hym<note>O.18.221: OCr<hi>23</hi> alone have <hi>hym</hi> in place of <hi>vs</hi>.</note>  I may it wel auowe</l>
<l> Woot no wiȝt as I wene  what is . ynow . to mene</l>
<l> For<seg>-</seg>þi god of his goodnesse  þe first goom adam </l>
<l> Sette hym <del>o?</del><add>I</add>n<note>O.18.224: The <I> of <hi>In</hi> is written over another partially formed character, apparently an <o>.</note> solace  & in sou<expan>er</expan>eyn myrþe</l>
<l> And siþ he suffrede hym synne  sorwe to fele</l>
<l> To wite what wele was  kyndelich to knowe it</l>
<l> And after god g<expan>ra</expan>untede hymself & toke adams kynde</l>
<l> To wite what he haþ suffred  in þre sundri places</l>
<l> Boþe in heuene & in erþe  & now to helle he þinkeþ</l>
<l> To wite what al woo is  þat woot of al ioye</l>
<l> So it schal fare bi þis folk  her folye & her synne </l>
<milestone>fol. 76rI</milestone>
<l><hi>S</hi>chal lere hem what lango<expan>ur</expan> is  & lisse wiþ<seg>-</seg>outen eende</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>oot no wiȝt what werre is  þ<expan>er</expan>e þat pees regneþ</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e what is wittirli wele  til welawey hym teche</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan>ne was þ<expan>er</expan> a wiȝt  wiþ two brode yen</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ook hiȝte þat bewpeer  a boold man of speche</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>i goddis body quod þis book  I wole bere witnesse</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t þoo þis barn was born  þ<expan>er</expan> blasede a sterre</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t alle þe wise of þis world  in oo witt acordeden</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t swich a barn was born  in bethelem citee</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at mannes soule <add>schulde</add> saue  & synne distruye</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd alle þe elementis quod þe book  her<seg>-</seg>of beren witnesse</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t he was god þat al wrouȝte  þe walkene first schewede</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>oo þat weren in heuene  token <foreign><hi>stella comata</hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd tendeden hir<note>O.18.245: O alone lacks <hi>as</hi> before <hi>a torche</hi>.</note> a torche  to reu<expan>er</expan>ence his birþe</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e liȝt folewede þe lord  in<seg>-</seg>to þe lowe erþe</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e water witnessiþ þ<expan>a</expan>t he was god  for he wente on it</l>
<l><hi>P</hi>eter þe apostle  p<expan>ar</expan>ceyuede his gate</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd as he wente on þe water  wel hy<expan>m</expan> knewe & seyde</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Iube me ve<expan>n</expan>ire ad te sup<expan>er</expan> aquas</hi></foreign><note>O.18.250: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after <foreign><hi>super</hi></foreign> and a red parasign precedes the second line of text, which appears above the first.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd lo how þe sunne gan louke  hir liȝt in hir<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>ha<expan>n</expan>ne sche seyȝ hy<expan>m</expan> suffre  þat sunne & see made</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e erþe for heuynesse  þat he wolde suffre</l>
<l><hi>Q</hi>uakede as quyk þing  & al biquaschte þe roche</l>
<l><hi>L</hi>o helle myȝte not holde  but openede þoo . god þoolede</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd lete out symou<expan>n</expan>dis sones  to see hym hange on rode</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd now schal lucifer leue it  þouȝ hym loþ þinke</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or gigas þe ieaunt  wiþ a gynne engynede </l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o breke & to bete adou<expan>n</expan>  þat been aȝeyns <expan>iesus</expan></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd I book wole be brent  but <hi><expan>iesus</expan></hi> rise to lyue</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n alle myȝtes of man  & his modir gladye</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd cou<expan>n</expan>forte alle hise kyn  & out of care brynge</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd al þe Iuen ioye  vnioyne & vnlouke</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd but þei reu<expan>er</expan>ence his rode  & his resurrecc<expan>i</expan>ou<expan>n</expan></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd leue<note>O.18.265: O alone has the form <hi>leue</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>bileue</hi>.</note> on a newe lawe  be lost lijf & soule</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þis I book witnesse  & ȝit myche more<note>O.18.266: Kane and Donaldson (223) exclude this line, which occurs only in GYOC<hi>2</hi>CBHt, on the grounds that it is scribal.</note></l>
<l><hi>S</hi>uffre we seyde truþe  I here & se boþe</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>ow a spirit spekeþ to helle  & bit vnspere þe ȝates</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi><hi>A</hi>ttollite portas & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.18.269: This line is written in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>A</hi> voyce loude in þat liȝt  to lucifer criede<note>O.18.270: GOC alone have the preterite form <hi>criede</hi> in place of the present tense, although CR<hi>23</hi> have <hi>sayd</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>P</hi>rynces of þis place  oppeneþ<note>O.18.271: O alone has <hi>oppeneþ</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>vnpynneþ</hi>.</note> & vnloukeþ</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or heer comeþ wiþ crowne  þat kyng is of glorie</l>
<milestone>fol. 76vI</milestone>
<l> Þa<expan>n</expan>ne siȝkede sathan  & seyde to hem alle</l>
<l> Swich a liȝt aȝens oure leue  lazar it fette</l>
<l> Care & cumbraunce  is comen to vs alle</l>
<l> If þis kyng kome in  man<seg>-</seg>kynde wole he fecche</l>
<l> And do<note>O.18.277: O alone has <hi>do</hi> in place of <hi>lede</hi>, and thus lacks the first alliterating stave.</note> it þ<expan>er</expan>e hym likeþ  & liȝtliche me bynde</l>
<l> Pat<expan>ri</expan>arkes & p<expan>ro</expan>phetis  han p<expan>ar</expan>led her<seg>-</seg>of longe</l>
<l> Þ<expan>a</expan>t swich a lord & a liȝt  schulde lede hem alle hennys</l>
<l> Listeneþ quod lucifer  for I þis lord knowe</l>
<l> Boþe þis lord & þis liȝt  is longe a<seg>-</seg>goo I knewe hym</l>
<l> May no deþ hym dere  ne no deuelis quentise</l>
<l> And where he wole . is his weye  ac war hy<expan>m</expan> of þe p<expan>er</expan>eles</l>
<l> If he reue me my riȝt  he robbeþ me bi maystrie</l>
<l> For bi riȝt & resou<expan>n</expan>  þoo renkes þat ich haue<note>O.18.285: O alone has <hi>ich haue</hi> in place of <hi>ben here</hi>.</note></l>
<l> Body & soule been myne  boþe goode & ille</l>
<l> If adam eete þe appel  alle schulden<note>O.18.287: O alone has <hi>schulden</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>sholde</hi>.</note> deye</l>
<l> And dwelle wiþ vs deuelis  þis þretyng he made</l>
<l> And he þat soþenesse is  seyde þeise wordis</l>
<l> And siþen is<note>O.18.290: YGOC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>is</hi>; variants include <hi>y was</hi> (F), <hi>I</hi> (WHmLMR), and <hi>he</hi> (CrCB).</note> ysesid<note>O.18.290: O alone has the form <hi>ysesid</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>seised</hi>.</note>  many<note>O.18.290: YO alone have <hi>many</hi>, and thus lack the third alliterating stave; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>seuene</hi>.</note> hundrid wynter</l>
<l> I leue þ<expan>a</expan>t lawe wole not  late hym þe leest</l>
<l> Þat is soþ seyde sathan  but I me sore drede</l>
<l> For þ<expan>o</expan>u gete hem wiþ gyle  & his gardeyn breke</l>
<l> And in semulaunt of a s<expan>er</expan>pent  satte on þe appeltre</l>
<l> And eggedest hem to ete  eue bi hir<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
<l> And toldest hir a tale  of tresou<expan>n</expan> weren<note>O.18.296: O alone has <hi>weren</hi> in place of <hi>were</hi>.</note> þe wordis</l>
<l> And so þ<expan>o</expan>u haddist hem oute  & hidir at þe laste</l>
<l> It is not grayþeli geten  þ<expan>er</expan>e gyle is þe rote</l>
<l> For god wole not be bigylid  quod goblyn ne byiaped</l>
<l> We han no trewe title to he<expan>m</expan>  for þoruȝ tresou<expan>n</expan> were<expan>n</expan> þei dampned</l>
<l> Certis I drede me quod þis deuel  lest truþe wole he<expan>m</expan> fecche</l>
<l> Out of oure pouste  & leden hem hennys<note>O.18.302: Kane and Donaldson (224) exclude this line, which occurs only in Cr<hi>23</hi>GYOC<hi>2</hi>CBHt, on the grounds that it is scribal.</note></l>
<l> Þis þritti wynter as I wene  haþ he goon & p<expan>re</expan>ched</l>
<l> I haue assayled hy<expan>m</expan> wiþ synne  & su<expan>m</expan><seg>-</seg>tyme I<seg>-</seg>askede</l>
<l> Wher he were god or goddis sone  he ȝaf me schort answere</l>
<l> And þus haþ he trolled forþ  þis two & þritti wynter</l>
<l> And wha<expan>n</expan>ne I seyȝ it was so  slepynge I wente</l>
Of a dreem .
<l> To warne pilatis wijf  what dones<note>O.18.308: GOL alone have the form <hi>dones</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>done</hi>.</note> man was <expan>iesus</expan></l>
<l> For Iues hateden hym  & han doon hym to deþe</l>
<l> I wolde haue lengþed his lijf  for I leuede ȝif he deyede</l>
<l> Þ<expan>a</expan>t his soule wolde suffre  no synne in his siȝt</l>
<milestone>fol. 77rI</milestone>
<l><hi>F</hi>or þe body . while it on bones ȝede  abouten<note>O.18.312: OF alone have <hi>abouten</hi> in place of <hi>aboute</hi>.</note> was eu<expan>er</expan>e </l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o saue men fro synne  if hem<seg>-</seg>self<del>ien</del> wolden<note>O.18.313: O alone has <hi>wolden</hi> in place of <hi>wolde</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd now I se where a soule comeþ  hidirward saylynge</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>iþ glorie &<note>O.18.315: ORF alone lack <hi>with</hi> before <hi>greet</hi>.</note> greet liȝt  god it is I woot wel</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> rede . we flee . quod he  faste alle hennys</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or vs were better . not be  þan biden his siȝt</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or þi lesyng<expan>ys</expan> lucifer  lost is al oure pray</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>irst þoruȝ þee we fellen  fro heuene so hye</l>
O.18.320KD.18.313, 314
<l><hi>F</hi>or we leueden<note>O.18.320: O alone has <hi>leueden</hi>; variants include <hi>beleued</hi> (Cr), <hi>belevedyn</hi> (F), <hi>lyuyden</hi> (Hm), <hi>loueden</hi> (B), and <hi>leued</hi> (WGYC<hi>2</hi>CLMR).</note> þi lesyng<expan>ys</expan>  ylore we han adam</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd al oure lordschip I leue  a loond & on water</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Nu<expan>n</expan>c p<expan>ri</expan>nceps h<expan>uius</expan> mu<expan>n</expan>di eiciet<expan>ur</expan> foras</hi></foreign><note>O.18.322: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after <foreign><hi>m<expan>un</expan>di</hi></foreign>, so that it appears as two lines.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>E</hi>fte þe liȝt bade . vnlouke  & lucifer answerede</l>
O.18.324KD.18.317, 316α
<l><hi>W</hi>hat lord art þ<expan>o</expan>u . quod lucifer  <foreign>quis est iste</foreign></l>
<l><foreign><hi>R</hi>ex gl<expan>or</expan>ie</foreign>  þe liȝt soone seyde</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd lord of myȝt &<note>O.18.326: O alone lacks <hi>of</hi> before <hi>mayn</hi>.</note> mayn  & alle mane<expan>er</expan>e v<expan>er</expan>tues</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>D<expan>omi</expan>n<expan>u</expan>s v<expan>ir</expan>tutu<expan>m</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.18.327: This line is written in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>D</hi>ukes of þis dymme place  anoon vndo <sic>ȝeise</sic><corr>[þ]eise</corr> ȝates</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t c<expan>ri</expan>st may come in  þe kyng<expan>ys</expan> sone of heuene</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd wiþ þat breþ helle brake  wiþ belial<note>O.18.330: YOC alone have <hi>belial</hi> in place of <hi>Belialles</hi>.</note> barres</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or any wye or warde  wyde open þe ȝates</l>
<l><hi>P</hi>at<expan>ri</expan>arkes & p<expan>ro</expan>phetis  <foreign>populus in tenebris</foreign></l>
<l><hi>S</hi>ungen seynt iones song  <foreign>ecce agnus d<expan>e</expan>i</foreign></l>
<l><hi>L</hi>ucifer loke ne myȝte  so liȝt hym ablente</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þoo þat oure lord louede  in<seg>-</seg>to his liȝt he lauȝte</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd seyde to sathan lo heer  my soule to amendes</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or alle synful soulis to saue  þoo þat been worþi</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>yne þei been & of me  I may þe bette hem cleyme</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>l<seg>-</seg>þouȝ resou<expan>n</expan> recorde  & riȝt of my<seg>-</seg>seluen<note>O.18.339: O alone has <hi>seluen</hi> in place of <hi>selue</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t if þei eeten þe appel  alle schulden deye</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> bihiȝte hem not heer  helle for eu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or þe dede þat þei diden  þi deceyt it made</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>iþ gyle þ<expan>o</expan>u hem gete  aȝeyn al resou<expan>n</expan></l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or in<note>O.18.344: O alone lacks <hi>my</hi> before <hi>place</hi>.</note> place p<expan>ar</expan>adice  in p<expan>er</expan>soone of an addre</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>alsli þ<expan>o</expan>u <del>fettest</del><add>feccest<note>O.18.345: A solidus/punctus above <hi>fettest</hi> and above marginal <hi>feccest</hi> indicate intended substitution.</note></add>  þing þat I louede </l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>us iliche a lusard  wiþ a lady visage</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>eeflich þ<expan>o</expan>u me robbedest  þe olde lawe g<expan>ra</expan>unteþ</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t gylouris be bigylid  & þat is good resou<expan>n</expan></l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Dente<expan>m</expan> p<expan>ro</expan> dente & oc<expan>u</expan>l<expan>u</expan>m p<expan>ro</expan> oc<expan>u</expan>lo</hi></foreign><note>O.18.349: This line is written in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<l><foreign><hi>E</hi>rgo</foreign> soule schal soule quyte  & synne to synne wende</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd al þat man haþ mysdo  I may wel<note>O.18.351: OCr<hi>23</hi> alone have <hi>may wel</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>man wole</hi>.</note> amende</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>embre for <sic>menbre</sic><corr>me[m]bre</corr> bi þe olde  lawe . was amendes</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd lijf for lijf also  & bi þe<note>O.18.353: YO alone have <hi>þe</hi> in place of <hi>þat</hi>.</note> lawe I cleyme it<note>O.18.353: Traces of a quire signature, almost entirely lost to cropping, appear at the bottom of this leaf.</note></l>
<milestone>fol. 77vI</milestone>
<l><hi>A</hi>dam & al his issu  at my wille her<seg>-</seg>after</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þat deþ in hem fordide  my deþ schal releue</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd boþe quyke & quyte  þat queynt was þoruȝ synne</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þ<expan>a</expan>t g<expan>ra</expan>ce gyle distruye  good feiþ it askeþ</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>o leue I not lucifer  aȝeyn þe lawe I fecche hem</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd<note>O.18.359: O alone has introductory <hi>And</hi> in place of <hi>But</hi>.</note> bi riȝt & resou<expan>n</expan>  raunsome heer my leges</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>No<expan>n</expan> ve<expan>n</expan>i solu<expan>er</expan>e lege<expan>m</expan> s<expan>et</expan> adimplere</hi></foreign><note>O.18.360: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after <foreign><hi>adim-</hi></foreign> and a red parasign precedes the second line of text, which appears above the first.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>o</expan>u fettest myne in my place  aȝeyns al resou<expan>n</expan></l>
<l><hi>F</hi>alslich & felou<expan>n</expan>lich  good feiþ me it tauȝte</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o <sic>recorue</sic><corr>reco[uere]</corr> hem þoruȝ raunsom  & bi no resou<expan>n</expan> ellis</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>o þat þoruȝ gyle þ<expan>o</expan>u gete  þoruȝ g<expan>ra</expan>ce is it<note>O.18.364: O alone has <hi>is it</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>it is</hi>.</note> wonne</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>o</expan>u lucifer þoruȝ<note>O.18.365: O alone has <hi>þoruȝ</hi> in place of <hi>in</hi>.</note> liknesse  of a liþer addre</l>
<l><hi>G</hi>etest bi gyle  þoo þat god louede</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd in liknesse of a lede  þat lord am of heuene</l>
<l><hi>G</hi>raciousli þi gyle haue quyt  go gyle aȝeyn gyle</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd as adam & alle  þoruȝ a tre deyeden</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>dam & alle þoruȝ a tre  schul turne aȝeyn to lyue</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd gyle is bigyled  & in his gyle fallen</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Et cecid<expan>i</expan>t in fouea<expan>m</expan> qua<expan>m</expan> fecit</hi></foreign><note>O.18.372: This line is written in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>N</hi>ow bigynneþ þi gyle  aȝeyn þee to turne</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd my g<expan>ra</expan>ce to growe  ay gretter & widder</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e bitternesse þat þ<expan>o</expan>u brewe  brouke it in<note>O.18.375: O alone includes <hi>in</hi>.</note> þi<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at art doctour of deþ  drynke þat þ<expan>o</expan>u madest</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or I þat am lord of lijf  loue is my drynk</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd for þat drynk to<seg>-</seg>day  I deyede vp<seg>-</seg>on erþe</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> fauȝte so me þristeþ ȝit  for mannes soule sake</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>ay no drynk me moyste  ne my þrist slake</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>il þe vendage falle  in þe vale of Iosaphath</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t I drynke riȝt ripe must  <foreign>resurrecc<expan>i</expan>o mortuo<expan>rum</expan></foreign></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þa<expan>n</expan>ne schal I come as a kyng  crowned wiþ aungelis</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd haue out <add>of</add> helle  alle mannys<note>O.18.384: YOC<hi>2</hi> alone have <hi>mannys</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>mennes</hi>.</note> soulis</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>endis & feendkyns  bifore me schul stande</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd be at my biddyng  where<seg>-</seg>so<seg>-</seg>eu<expan>er</expan>e me likeþ</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd to be m<expan>er</expan>cyable to man  þa<expan>n</expan>ne my kynde<note>O.18.387: WO alone lack a word or phrase between <hi>kynde</hi> and <hi>askeþ</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>it</hi>.</note> askeþ</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or we been breþeren of blood  but not in baptisme alle</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c alle þat been myne hole breþ<expan>er</expan>en  in blood & i<expan>n</expan> baptisme</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>chul not be da<expan>m</expan>pned to þe deþ  þat is wiþ<seg>-</seg>oute<expan>n</expan> eende</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Tibi soli p<expan>ec</expan>caui & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.18.391: This line is written in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>I</hi>t is not vsed in erþe  to hangen a felou<expan>n</expan></l>
<l><hi>O</hi>ftener<note>O.18.393: O alone has the form <hi>Oftener</hi> in place of <hi>Ofter</hi>.</note> þan ones  þouȝ he were a traytour</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd if þe kyng of þat kyngdom  come in þat tyme</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>er</expan>e þe felou<expan>n</expan> schulde þole<note>O.18.395: O alone transposes <hi>þole schulde</hi>.</note> deþ  ouþ<expan>er</expan><note>O.18.395: O alone has <hi>ouþer</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>or</hi>.</note> oþer wise</l>
<milestone>fol. 78rI</milestone>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e<note>O.18.396: Cr<hi>23</hi>O alone include <hi>Þe</hi>.</note> lawe wolde he ȝaue hym lijf  If he lokede on hym</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd I þat am kyng of kyng<expan>ys</expan>  schal come swich a tyme</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>here þe<note>O.18.398: O alone includes <hi>þe</hi> before <hi>doom</hi>.</note> doom to þe deþ  dampneþ alle wikkede</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd if lawe wole . I on hym loke<note>O.18.399: O alone transposes <hi>loke on hem</hi>; the form <hi>hym</hi> is shared only with Cot.</note>  it lijþ in my grace</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>heþ<expan>er</expan> he<note>O.18.400: O alone has <hi>he</hi> in place of <hi>þei</hi>.</note> deye or deye not  for þat þei diden ille</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>e<note>O.18.401: O alone lacks <hi>it</hi> before <hi>any</hi>.</note> any þing<note>O.18.401: GYOC<hi>2</hi> alone lack a word between <hi>þing</hi> and <hi>þe</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>abouȝt</hi>.</note> . þe boldenesse of her synnes</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> do m<expan>er</expan>cy þoruȝ riȝtwisenesse  & alle my wordis been<note>O.18.402: OC<hi>2</hi> alone include <hi>been</hi>.</note> trewe</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þouȝ holi writ wole . þ<expan>a</expan>t I be wroke<expan>n</expan><note>O.18.403: O alone has <hi>wroke<expan>n</expan></hi> in place of <hi>wroke</hi>.</note>  of he<expan>m</expan> þat dide<expan>n</expan> ille</l>
<l><add><hi>For<note>O.18.404: O alone includes introductory <hi>For</hi>.</note> <foreign>nullu<expan>m</expan> malu<expan>m</expan> i<expan>m</expan>punitu<expan>m</expan> & c<expan>etera</expan></foreign></hi><note>O.18.404: This line is written in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ei schul be clensid clerlich  & wasschen of her synnes</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n my p<expan>ri</expan>sou<expan>n</expan> p<expan>ur</expan>gatorie  til <foreign>parce</foreign> it hote</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd my m<expan>er</expan>cy schal be schewed  to many of my breþ<expan>er</expan>en</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or blood may suffre blood  boþe hungry & a<seg>-</seg>cale</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c blood may not see blood  blede . but hym rue</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Audiui archana v<expan>er</expan>ba q<expan>ue</expan> no<expan>n</expan> licet ho<expan>min</expan>i loq<expan>ui</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.18.410: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after <foreign><hi>licet</hi></foreign>, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>c my riȝtwisenesse & riȝt  schul rulen al helle</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd m<expan>er</expan>cy . al mankynde  bifore me in heuene</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or I were an vnkynde kyng  but I my kynde helpe</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd namelich at swich a nede  þ<expan>er</expan>e nedes help bihoueþ</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>No<expan>n</expan> int<expan>re</expan>s i<expan>n</expan> iudiciu<expan>m</expan> cu<expan>m</expan> s<expan>er</expan>uo tuo d<expan>omi</expan>ne</hi></foreign><note>O.18.415: OF alone include <foreign><hi>d<expan>omi</expan>ne</hi></foreign>.</note><note>O.18.415: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after <foreign><hi>s<expan>er</expan>uo</hi></foreign> and a red parasign precedes the second line of text, which is written above the first.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>us bi lawe quod oure lord  lede I wole from hennys</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>oo þat me louede  & leuede in my comyng</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd for þi lesyng lucifer  þat þ<expan>o</expan>u leyȝ til eue</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>o</expan>u schalt abye it bitterli<note>O.18.419: GOF alone have <hi>bitterli</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>bittre</hi>.</note>  & bonde hym wiþ cheynes</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>staroth & al þe route  hidden hem in hirnes</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ei dursten not loke on oure lord  þe boldest of hem alle</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut lete hym lede forþ what hym likede  & leete what hym liste</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>any hundred of aungelis  harpeden & sungen</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Culpat caro p<expan>ur</expan>gat caro reg<expan>na</expan>t d<expan>eu</expan>s d<expan>e</expan>i caro</hi></foreign><note>O.18.424: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after <foreign><hi>regnat</hi></foreign>, so that it appears as two lines.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan>ne pipede pees  of poysie a note</l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Clarior e<expan>st</expan> solito p<expan>ost</expan> maxi<expan>m</expan>a nebula pheb<expan>us</expan></hi></foreign></add></l>
<l><add><foreign><hi><hi>P</hi>ost i<expan>n</expan>imicicias clarior e<expan>st</expan> & amor <hi>.</hi></hi></foreign><note>O.18.426: This line and the preceding one are written in the right margin. They are divided after <foreign><hi>post</hi></foreign> by two solidi, one red and one black, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>ft<expan>er</expan> scharp schoures q<expan>uo</expan>d pees  most schene is þe sunne</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>t is no weder warmer  þa<expan>n</expan> after watry cloudis</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e no loue leuer  ne more better<note>O.18.430: O alone includes <hi>more</hi>. The reading <hi>better</hi> is shared only with Cr<hi>23</hi>; most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>leuer</hi>.</note> freendis</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>an after werre & woo  wha<expan>n</expan>ne loue & pees been maystres</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>as neu<expan>er</expan>e werre in þis werld  ne wickednesse so kene</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t ne loue & hym liste  to lawȝhyng ne brouȝte</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd pees þoruȝ pacience  alle p<expan>er</expan>eles stoppede</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>rews quod truþe  þ<expan>o</expan>u tellest vs soþ bi <expan>iesus</expan></l>
<l><hi>C</hi>lippe we in couenaunt  & iche of vs kisse oþ<expan>er</expan></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd latte no peple quod pees  p<expan>ar</expan>ceyue þ<expan>a</expan>t we chiden</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or impossible is no þing  to hym þat is almyȝti</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>o</expan>u seist soþ quod riȝtwisenesse  & reu<expan>er</expan>enlich hir kiste</l>
<l> Pees & pees heer  <foreign>p<expan>er</expan> s<expan>e</expan>c<expan>u</expan>la s<expan>e</expan>c<expan>u</expan>lo<expan>rum</expan></foreign></l>
<l><add><foreign><hi>Mi<expan>sericordi</expan>a & v<expan>er</expan>itas obuiau<expan>er</expan>u<expan>n</expan>t sibi . Iusticia & pax oscu<expan>la</expan>te su<expan>n</expan>t & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign><note>O.18.440: This line is written in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<milestone>fol. 78vI</milestone>
<l><hi>T</hi>ruþe trumpede þoo  & songe . <foreign>te d<expan>eu</expan>m laudam<expan>us</expan></foreign></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd þa<expan>n</expan>ne lutede loue  in a loude note</l>
<l><add><foreign>Ecce q<expan>uam</expan> bonu<expan>m</expan> & q<expan>uam</expan> iocu<expan>n</expan>d<expan>um</expan> & c<expan>etera</expan></foreign><note>O.18.443: This line is written in the right margin.</note></add></l>
<l><hi>T</hi>il þe day dawede  þeise damyselis daunceden<note>O.18.445: O alone has <hi>daunceden</hi>; all other beta witnesses have <hi>dauncede</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t men rongen to þe resurecc<expan>i</expan>ou<expan>n</expan>  & riȝt wiþ þat I wakede</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd callede kitte my wijf  & calot my douȝter</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>riseþ & reu<expan>er</expan>enceþ  goddis resurecc<expan>i</expan>ou<expan>n</expan></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd crepeþ to þe crosse on knees  & kisseþ it for a Iuel</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or goddis blessid body  it bare for oure bote</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>nd it afereþ þe feend  for swich is þe myȝt</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>ay no griseli goost  glide . þ<expan>er</expan>e it schadewiþ</l>