fol. 56v (cont.)I
Passus quarto-
decimus .
O.14.000: The heading is divided after quarto-, so that it appears as two lines.
I haue but an hool hater quod haukyn  I am þe lesse to blame
Þouȝ it be suyled & foule  I slepe þer-inne on nyȝtis
And also I haue a wijf  huen & children
Vxorem duxi & ideo non possum venireO.14.4: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after possum, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
Þat wolden bemolen it many tyme  maugre my chekis
It haþ been laued in lenten  & out of lenten boþe
Wiþ þe sope of sekenesse  þat sekeþ wondir depe
And wiþ þe losse of catel  loþ for to a-gylte 
God or any good man  bi ouȝt þat I wiste
And was schryuen of þe preest  þat gaue me for my synnes
To penaunce pacience  & pore men to fede
Al for coueytise of my cristendom  in clennesse to kepe it
And kouþe I neuere bi crist  kepe it clene an oure
Þat I ne suylede it wiþ siȝt  or sum ydel speche
Or þoruȝ werk or word  or wille of myn herte
But I ne floboure it foule  fro morwenO.14.16: OC2 alone have the form morwen in place of morwe. til euen
And I schal kenne þee quod concience  of contricioun to make
Þat schal clawe þi cote  of al kyns synnesO.14.18: OC2 alone have synnes in place of some variant of fylthe.
Cordis contricio & ceteraO.14.19: This line is written in the right margin.
Do-wel schal wasschen it & wryngen it  þoruȝ a wise confessour
Oris confessio & ceteraO.14.21: This line is written in the right margin.
Do-bette schal beten it & bouken it  as briȝt as any scarlet
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And engreynen it wiþ good wille  & goddis grace to amende þee
And siþen sende þee satisfaccioun  for to seweO.14.24: OC2 alone have sewe; most B manuscripts have sowen. OC2 alone among beta witnesses lack it before after. after
Satisfaccio & ceteraO.14.25: This line is written in the right margin.
Do-best schal neuere myst bymolen it  ne moþþe after biten it
Ne feend ne fals man  defoulen it in þi lyue
Schal no heraud ne harpour  haue a fayrer garnement
Þan haukyn þe actijf man  & þou do bi my techyng
Ne no mynystral be more worþ  amongys pore & riche
Þan haukyns wijf þe waferer  wiþ his actiua vita
And I schal purueye þee paast quod pacience  þouȝ no plow erie
And flour to fede folk wiþ  as best be for þi soule
Þouȝ neuere greyn growede  ne grape vp-on vyne
Alle þat lyuen & loken  lijflode . wolde I fynde
And þat ynow . schal noon fayle  of þing þat hem nedeþ
We schuldenO.14.37: OC2 alone have the form schulden in place of sholde. not be to bisy  abouten oure lijflodeO.14.37: Kane and Donaldson (193) conjecturally exclude this line on the basis of "prosiness and verbosity."
Ne solliciti sitis & cetera volucres celi deus pascit & cetera Pacientes vincunt & cetera
Þanne lowȝO.14.39: OC2 alone have the form lowȝ in place of laughed. haukyn a litil  & liȝtli gan swere
Who-so leueþ ȝow bi oure lord  I leue not he be blessid
No quod pacience pacientli  & out of his poke hente 
Vitayles of grete vertues  for alle manere beestis
And seyde . lo heer lijflode ynow  if oure beleue be trewe
For lent neuere was lijf  but lijflode were schapen
Wher-of or wherfore  &O.14.45: OC2R alone have & in place of or. wher-by to libbe
First þe wylde worm  vndir wete erþe
Fisch to lyue in þe flood  & in þe fijr þe criket
Þe curlu bi kynde of þe eir  moost clennest flesch of briddis
And beestis bi grasse & greyn  & bi grene rotes
In menyng þat alle men  myȝten do þe same
Lyue þoruȝ lele bileue  & loue . as god witnesseþ
Quodcumque pecieritis a patre in nomine meo & cetera / Et alibi / Non in solo pane viuit homo set in omni verbo quod procedit de ore dei .O.14.52: This line begins in the right margin of l. 51, breaks after the first occurrence of in, and wraps around to occupy the next full line space, ending in the right margin.
But I lokede . what lijflode it was  þat pacience so preysede
And þanne was it a pece of þe pater nosterfiat voluntas tua
Haue haukyn quod pacience  & ete þis whanne þee hungreþ
Or whanne þou clomsest for coold  or chillistO.14.56: OC2 alone have chillist in place of clyngest. for drie
SchuldenO.14.57: O alone has the form Schulden; most B manuscripts have Shul. neuere gomesO.14.57: OC2 alone have gomes; most B manuscripts have gyues. þee greue  ne grete lordis wraþþe
Prisoun ne peyne  for pacientes vincunt
Bi so þat þou be sobre  of siȝt & of tunge
In etyng & in handelyng  & alle þi fyue wittis
Þarst þou neuere care for corn  ne lynnen cloþ ne wollen
Ne for drynk ne deþ drede  but deye as god likiþ
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Or þoruȝ hungre or þoruȝ hete  at his wille be it
For if þou lyuest after his lore  þe schorter lijf þe better
Si quis amat christum mundum non diligit istumO.14.65: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after non, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
For þoruȝ his breþ beestis wexen  & abrode ȝeden
Dixit & facta suntO.14.67: This line is written in the right margin.
Ergo þoruȝ his breþ  mowen men & beestis lyueO.14.68: OC2 alone have the form lyue in place of lyuen.
As holy writ witnessiþ  whanne men seggen her graces
Aperis tu manum tuam & imples omne
animal benediccione
O.14.70: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after omne, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
It is founden þat fourty wynter  folk lyueden wiþ-outen tiliyng
And out of þe flynt spronge þe flood  þat folk & beestis drunken
And in elies tyme  heuene was y-closed
Þat no reyn ne roon  þus redenO.14.74: O alone has the form reden; most B manuscripts have rede. men in bokis
Þat many wyntres men lyueden  & no mete ne tiliden
Seuene slepen . as seyþ þe book  seuene hundrid wynter
And lyueden wiþ-outen lijflode  & at þe laste þei woken
And if men lyueden as mesure wolde  schulde neuere be defaute
Amongys cristen creaturis  if cristis wordO.14.79: O alone has the singular form. be trewe
Ac vnkyndenesse . caristia makeþ  amongys cristen peple
And ouerplente makiþ pride  amonge pore & riche
Ac mesure is so myche worþ  it may not be to dere
Of Sodom .
& gomor .
O.14.83: The rubric is divided after Sodom ., so that it appears as two lines.
For þe mescheef &O.14.83: OC2F alone lack þe before meschaunce. meschaunce  among men of sodom
Wexe þoruȝ plente of payn  & of pure sleuþe
Ociositas & habundancia panis
peccatum turpissimum nutriuit .
O.14.85: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after panis, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
For þei mesureden not hemself  of þat þei eten & drunkenO.14.86: OC2 alone have the form drunken; most B manuscripts have dronke.
Diden delyde[d]ly synne  þat þe deuel likede
So veniaunce fel vp-on hem  for her vile synnes
Þei sunken in-to helle  þe citees ichone
For-þi mesure we vs wel  & make oure feiþ oure scheltroun
And þoruȝ feiþ comeþ contricioun  concience woot itO.14.91: HmOC2 alone include it. wel
Which dryueþ awey dedli synne  & dooþ it to be venyal
And þouȝ a man myȝte not speke  contricioun myȝte hym saue
And brynge his soule to blisse  so þat feiþ heerO.14.94: OC2 alone have heer; most B manuscripts have bere(þ). witnesse 
Þat whyles he lyuede he beleuede  þe lore of holy chirche
Ergo contricioun . feiþ & concience  is kyndeli . do-wel
And surgien   O.14.97: OC2 alone have the singular form. In O, there is evidence that an <s> may have been erased. for dedli synnes  whan schrift of mouþ fayledeO.14.97: OC2 alone have the preterite form.
Ac schrift of mouþe more worþi is  if man be inlich contrijt
For schrift of mouþe sleeþ synne  be it neuere so dedli
Par confessionem to a preest  peccata occiduntur
Þer contricioun dooþ . but dryueþ it doun  in-to a venyal synne
And dauid seiþ in þe sauter  & quorum tecta sunt peccata
Ac satisfaccioun sekeþ out þe rote  & boþe sleeþ & voydeþ
And as it neuere hadde be . to nouȝt  bryngeþ dedli synne
Þat it is neuere eft sene ne sore  but semeþ a wounde heled
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Where is
O.14.106: The rubric is divided after is, so that it appears as two lines. Four ticks follow it.
Where woneþ charite quod haukyn  I wiste neuere in my lyue 
Man þat wiþ hym spake  as wyde as I haue passed
Þere parfiȝt truþe & pore herte is  & þanneO.14.108: OC2 alone include þanne. pacience of tunge
Þere is charite þe cheef chaumbrer  for god hym-selue
Wheþer paciente pouerte quod haukyn  be more plesaunt to oure driȝtenO.14.110: O alone has the form driȝten; variants include d (cropped, W), sight (CB), lorde (GR), saueoure (C2), and driȝte (LHmCrYM).
Þan richesse riȝtfulli wonnen  & resounablich spendid
Ȝhe . quis est ille quod pacience  quyk laudabimus eum
Þouȝ men reddenO.14.113: OC2 alone have the form redden; most B manuscripts have rede. of richesse  riȝt to þe werldis ende
I wiste neuere renke þat riche was  þat whanne he rekene schulde
Whanne he drowȝ to his deþ-day  þat he ne dredde hym sore
And þat at þe rekkenyng in arerage fel  raþer þan out of dette
Þere þe pore dar plede  & preue bi pure resoun
To haue a-lowaunce of his lord  bi þe lawe . he it cleymeþ 
Ioye þat neuere ioye hadde  of riȝtful Iuge he axeþ
And seiþ . lo briddis & beestis  þat no blisse ne kouþe
And wylde wormes in wodes  þoruȝ wyntres þou hem greuest
And makest hem welny meke  & mylde fordefautefor defaute
And after þou sendest hem somer  þat is her souereyn ioye
And blisse to alle þat been  boþe wylde & tame
Þanne may beggers & biddersbeestisO.14.125: A solidus/punctus above bidders and above marginal beestis indicate that substitution was intended. O alone has bidders; all other B manuscripts have beestes, except C2 which has breddis.  after bote wayten
Þat al her lijf han lyued  in langour & in defaute
But god sente hem sum-tyme  sum manere ioye
Oer heer or ellis-where  kynde wolde it neuere
For to ouer-myche woo . was he wrouȝt  þat neuere was ioye schaped
Aungelis þat in helle now been  hadden ioye sum-tyme
And dyues in deyntees lyuede  & in douceO.14.131: A supralinear <d> was added, apparently because the <d> in douce is spoiled by a blot. vie
Riȝt so resoun schewiþ  þat þoo men þat weren riche
And her makes also  lyueden her lijf in myrþe
Ac god is of a wonder wille  bi þat kynde witt schewiþ
To ȝyue many men his mercymonye  er he it haue deserued
Riȝt so fareþ god bi summe riche  ruþe me it þinkeþ
For þei han her hyre heer  & heuene as it were
And ekeO.14.138: YOC2 alone read And eke; variants include and ys (GCBmLR), And his (BoCot), and And (WHmCrMF). greet likyng to lyue wiþ-oute labour of body
And whanne he deyeþ be disalowed  as dauid seiþ in þe sauter
Dormierunt & nichil inueneruntO.14.140: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after nichil, so that it appears as two lines.
And in an-er stede also . velut sompnum surgencium domine in ciuitate tuaO.14.141: OC2RF alone lack et before ad. ad nichilum rediges
Allas þat richesse schal reue  & robbe mannes soule
From þe loue of oure lord  at his laste ende
Huen þat han her hyre a-fore  arn euere-more nedy
And selden dyeþ he out of dette  þat dyneþ er he deserue it
fol. 58vI
And til he haue doon his deuoyr  & his dayes iourne
For whanne a werkeman haþ wrouȝt  þanne mowen menO.14.147: OC2 alone have mowen men; variants include men may (HmBoCotF), men (Cr), and may men (WGYCBmLMR). see þe soþe
What he were worþi for his werk  & what he haþ deserued
And not to fonge bifore  for drede of disalowyng
So I segge bi ȝow riche  it semeþ not þat ȝe schul 
Haue heuene in ȝoure heer beyng  & heuene her-after
Riȝt as a seruaunt takiþ his salerie bifore  & siþ wolde cleyme more
As he þat noon hadde  & haþ hyre at þe laste
It may not be . ȝe riche men  or Matheu on god lyeþ
De delicijs ad delicias difficile est transireO.14.155: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after delicias, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
Ac if ȝe riche menO.14.156: OC2F alone include men or man. haue ruþe  & rewarde wel þe pore
And lyuen as lawe techeþ  doon lewte to hem alle
Crist of his curtesye . schal  counforte ȝow at þe laste
And rewarde alle . double richesse  þat ruful hertes habben
And as an hyneO.14.160: OC2F alone lack þat before hadde. hadde  his hire . er he bigunne
And whanne he haþ doon his deuoyr wel  men doon hymer bounte
Ȝyuen hym a cote aboue his couenaunt  riȝt so crist ȝyueþ heuene
Boþe to riche & to not riche  þat rufullich libben
And alle þat doon her deuoir wel  han double hyre for her trauayle
Heer forȝyuenesse of her synnes  & heuene blisse after
Ac it nys but selden seen  as bi holi seyntis lyuesO.14.166: YOC2M alone have lyues in place of bokes.
Þat god rewarded double reste  to any riche wye
For myche myrþe is among riche  as in mete & cloþing
And myche myrþe in may is  amonge wylde beestis
And so forþ whyle somer lasteþ  her solace dureþ
Ac beggers aboute mydsomer  breedles þei soupenO.14.171: OC2 alone have the form soupen; most B manuscripts have soupe.
And ȝit is wynter for hem wers  for wete-schod þei gangenO.14.172: OC2 alone have the form gangen; most B manuscripts have gange.
A-first sore & a-fyngred  & fouliche rebuked
And a-rated of richeO.14.174: OC2 alone lack men before þat.  þat ruþe is to here
Now lord sende hem somer  & sum manere ioye
Heuene after her hennys goyng  þat heer han swich defaute
For alle myȝtist þou haue maad  noon mener þan oþer
And yliche witti & wise  if þi wille hadde liked
And haue ruþe of þeise riche men  þat rewarden not þi prisouneris
Of þe good þat þou hem gyuest  vnkyndeO.14.180: OC2 alone have vnkynde in place of ingrati, thus spoiling the alliteration. been many
Ac god of þi goodnesse  gyue vsO.14.181: OC2 alone have vs in place of hem. grace to amende
For may no derþeO.14.182: OCr23C2 alone among beta witnesses lack be before hem. hem dere  drouȝþe ne wete
Ne neiþer hete ne hayle  haue þei her hele
Of þat þei wilnen & woldenO.14.184: OC2 alone have the form wolden; all other beta witnesses have wolde.  wanteþ hem not heere
Ac pore peple þi prisouneris  lord in þe pitte of mescheef
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Counforte þoo creaturis  þat myche care suffren
Þoruȝ derþe & drouȝþe  alle her dayes heere
Woo in wynter tymes for wantyng of cloþis
And in somer-tyme selden  soupen to þe fulle
Counforte þi careful  crist in þi riche
For how þou counfortist alle creaturis  clerkis beren witnesse
Conuertimini ad me & salui eritisO.14.192: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after me, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
Þus in genere of gentrice  iesu crist seide
To robbers & to reueris  to riche & to pore
Þou tauȝtiste hem in þe trinite  toO.14.195: A supralinear <o> is added, apparently because the <o> in to is spoiled by a blot. take baptisme
And be clene þoruȝ þat cristynyng  of alle kyns synnes
And vs fel þoruȝ folye  to falle in synne after
Confessioun & knowlechyng  & crauynge þi mercy
Schulde amende vs as many siþes  as man wolde desire
Ac if þe pope wolde plede her-aȝeyn  & punysche vs in concience
He schulde take þe acquytaunce as quyk  & to þe quede schewe it
Pateat & cetera per passionem domini & ceteraO.14.202: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after & cetera, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
And putten of þe pouke  & preuen vs vndir borwe
Ac þe parchemyn of þis patent  of pouertee be . muste
And of pure pacience  and parfiȝt beleue
Of pompe & of pride  þe parchemyn decorreþ
And principali of alle peple  but þei be pore of herte
Elles is al on ydel  al þat euere we writen
Pater- noster & penaunce  & pilgrimage to rome
But oure spences & spendyng  sprynge of a trewe wille
Ellis is al oure labour lost  lo how men writen
In fenestres at þe freris  if fals be þe foundement
For-þi cristen schuldeO.14.213: OC2 alone lack be before in. in comune riche  noon coueyte for hym-selue
For seuene synnes þer been  assaylen þeeO.14.214: OC2 alone have þee in place of vs. euere
Þe feend folewiþ hem alle  & fondeþ hem to helpe
Ac wiþ richesse þat ribaude  raþest men bigylyþ
For þere þat richesse regnet  reuerence folewiþ
And þat is plesaunt to pride  in pore & in riche
And þe riche is reuerenced  bi resoun of his richesse
Þere þe pore is put bihynde  & paraunter can more
Of witt & of wisdam  þat fer awey is better
Þan richesse or realte  & raþer herd in heuene
For þe riche haþ myche to rekkene  & riȝt softe walkeþ
Þe hye weye to heuene-ward  oftenO.14.224: OC2 alone have often; most B manuscripts have ofte. richesse letteþ
Ita possibile diuiti & ceteraO.14.225: This line is written in the right margin.
Þere þe pore preseþ biforn þe riche  with a pak at his rigge
Opera enim illorum sequntur illosO.14.227: This line is written in the right margin.
Batauntliche as beggers doon  & boldliche he craueþ
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For his pouerte & pacience  a perpetual blisse
Beati pauperes quoniam ipsorum est regnum celorumO.14.230: This line begins above l. 229. It is divided after est, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
And pride in richesse regneþ  raþer þan in pouerte
Arst in þe mayster þan inO.14.232: O alone among beta witnesses lacks þe before man. man  sum mansioun he haþ
Ac in pouerte þere pacience is  pride haþ no myȝte
Ne noon of þe seuene synnes  sitte ne mowen þere longe
Ne haue power in pouerte  if pacience it folewe
For þe pore is ay prest  to plese þe riche
And buxum at his biddyng  for hise broken looues
And buxumnesse & boost  arn euere-more at werre
And eiþer hateþ oþer  in al manere werkis
If wraþþe wrastele wiþ þe pore  he haþ þe wers ende
For if þei boþe pleyne  þe pore is but feble
And if he chide or chatre  hym cheueþ þe wers
And if coueytise cacche þe pore  þei mowen not come to-gyderes
And bi þe nekke nameli  her noon may hente oþer
For men knowenO.14.245: HmOC2 alone lack wel before þat. þat coueytise  is of a kene wille
And haþ hondes & armes  of a longe lengþe
And pouerte is butO.14.247: OC2 alone lack a before petit. petit þing  appereþ not to his nauele
And louelich layk was neuere  bitwene þe longe & þe schorte
And þouȝ auarice wolde angre þe pore  he haþ but litil myȝt
For pouerte haþ but pokis  to putten in . hise goodes
Þere auarice haþ almaries  & iren-bounden cofres
And wheþer be liȝter to breke  lesse boost it makeþ
A beggers bagge  þan an iren-bounden cofre
Leccherie loueþ hym not  for he ȝyueþ but litil syluer
Ne doþ hym not dyne delicatli  ne drynke wiyn ofte
A straw for þe stuwes  it stode not I trowe
HaddenO.14.257: O alone has the form Hadden in place of Hadde. þei no þing butO.14.257: OC2 alone lack of (a) before pore. pore men  her housis stoden vnhiledO.14.257: OC2 alone have vnhiled in place of vntyled.O.14.257: Three small slashes, stacked vertically, appear in the right margin; the hand responsible cannot be identified with certainty. Although they may point to the error of vnhiled, no such device appears elsewhere in this manuscript.
And þouȝ sleuþe sue pouerte  & serue not god to paye
Mischeef is his mayster  & makeþ hym to þenke 
Þat god is his grettest helpe  & noo goom ellis
And his seruaunt as he seiþ  & of his sute boþe
And wheþer he be or be not  he bereþ þe signe of pouerte
And in þat secte . oure saueour  sauede al man-kynde
For-þi al pouerte þat pacient is  may cleymen & asken 
After her endyng heer  heuene-riche blisse
Michel hardier may he axen  þat heer myȝte haue his wille
In lond & in lordschip  & likyng of body
And for goddis loue leueþ al  & lyueþ as a begger
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And as a mayde for mannys loue  hir modir forsakiþ
AndO.14.270: OC2Cot alone have And; most B manuscripts have Hir. fadir & alle hir frendis  & folewiþ hir make
Myche is swich a maydenO.14.271: OM alone have mayden; most B manuscripts have mayde. to loue  of hym þat swich oon takiþ
More þan a mayden is þat is  maried þoruȝ brocage
And bi assent of sundry parties  & syluer to bote
More for coueytise of good  þan kynde loue of boþe
So it fareþ bi iche a persoone  þat possessioun forsakeþ
And puttiþ hym to be pacient  & pouerte weddeþ
Paupertas .O.14.277: This word is preceded by a parasign two lines in height, touched in red, and decorated with a flourish at the right and vertical slashes beneath. It may have been intended as a heading for l. 280, since it appears over that portion of the line that extends into the right margin.
Þe which is sibbe to god hym-self  & so to hise seyntis
Haue god my truþe quod haukyn  ȝe preysen fast pouerte
What is pouerte wiþ pacienceO.14.279: OC2 alone lack quod he before propreli.  propreli to mene
Paupertas quod pacience est odibile bonum . remocio curarum . possessio sine calumpnia . donum dei . sanitatis . mater . absque solitudine semita . sapiencie temperatrix . negocium sine dampno . incerta fortuna . absque sollicitudine felicitasO.14.280: This line begins in the right margin of l. 279 and breaks after est, mater, and sollicitu-, wrapping around to occupy the next two full line spaces and ending in the right margin of l. 281. A red parasign precedes the final line of text.
I can not construe þis quod haukyn  ȝe musten seye it on englisch
In englisch quod pacience . it is wel hard  wel to expoune
Ac sumdel I schal seyen it  bi so þow vnderstonde
Pouerte is þe first poynt  þat pride moost hateþ
Þanne is it good bi good skile  al þat agasteþ pride
Riȝt as contricioun is counfortable þing  concience itO.14.286: OC2 alone include it before woot, although Cr include it after. woot wel
And a sorwe of hym-self  & solace to þe soule
So pouerte propreliche  penaunce & ioye 
Is to þe body  pure perpetuelO.14.289: OC2 alone have perpetuel in place of spiritual. helþe
Ergo paupertas est odibile bonumO.14.290: This line is written in the right margin.
And contricioun counfort  & cura animarum þe secounde
Selde sitte pouerte  þe soþe to declare
Or as iustise to iugge men  enioyned is no pore
Ne to be a meyr abouen men  ne mynystre vndir kyngO.14.294: OC2 alone have the singular form.
Selden is any pore put  to punysche any peple
Remocio curarum .O.14.296: This line is written in the right margin.
Ergo pouerte & pore men  perfornen þe comaundement
Nolite iudicare quemquam þe þridde
Selden is any pore . riche  but of riȝtful heritage
WynneþO.14.300: OC2 alone lack he before not. not wiþ weyȝtis false  ne vnselid mesures
Ne borweþ of hise neiȝboris  but þat he may wel paye
Possessio sine calumpnia .O.14.302: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after ca- in calumpnia, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
Þe ferþe is a fortune  þat florischeþ þe soule
Wiþ sobrete from alle synnesO.14.304: YOC2 alone have the plural form.  & also ȝit more
It affaytiþ þe flesch  from folies ful manye
A collateral counfort  cristis owne ȝifte
Donum deiO.14.307: This line is written in the right margin.
Þe fifte is moder of helþe  a freend in alle fondyngys
And for þe lewede euere a leche  a lemman of al clennesse
Sanitatis mater .O.14.310: This line is written in the right margin.
Þe sixte is a paþþe of pees  ȝhe þoruȝ þe pace of aultoun
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Pouerte myȝte passe  wiþ-oute perele of robbyng
For þere þat pouerte passeþ  pees foleweþ after
And euere þe lasseO.14.314: OC2 alone lack þat before the first occurrence of he. he bereþ  þe hardier he is of herte
For-þi seiþ seneca  paupertas est absque sollicitudine semitaO.14.315: The form solitudine is shared by C2BRF. OC2 alone copy this line before l. 316.
And an hardy man of herte  among an heep of þeues
Cantabit pauperO.14.317: OC2Cot alone have pauper in place of paupertas. coram latrone viatorO.14.317: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after latrone, so that it appears as two lines.
Þe seuente is welle of wisdom  & fewe wordis schewiþ
For lordis alowen hym litil  or listenen to his resoun
He tempereþ þe tunge to truþe-ward  & noo tresore coueytiþ
Sapiencie temperatrix .O.14.321: This line is written in the right margin.
Þe eyȝtiþ is alelea lele labour  & loþ to take more 
Þan he may wel deserue  in somer or in wynter
And if he chaffare . he chargiþ no losse  mowe he charite wynne
Negocium sine dampno .O.14.325: This line is written in the right margin. It is divided after Negocium, so that it appears as two lines.
Þe nyneþe is swete forO.14.326: OC2 alone have for in place of to. þe soule  no sugre swetter
For pacience is payn  for pouerte hym-selfeselue
And sobrete swete drynke  & good leche in sekenesse
Þus lerede me a lettered man  for oure lordis loue
Seynt austyn a blissid lijf  wiþ-outen bisynesse
For body & soule absque sollicitudine felicitas
Now god þat al good gyueþ  graunte his soule reste
Þat þus first wrote to wissen men  what pouerte was to mene
Allas quod haukyn þe actijf man þoo  þat after my cristendoom
I ne hadde be deed & doluen  for do-welis sake
So hard it is quod haukyn . to lyue & to do synne
Synne sueþ vs euere quod he  & sory gan waxe
And wepte water wiþ hise yen  & weylede þe tyme
Þat euere he dide dede  þat dere god displesede
SwowedeO.14.340: OLMR alone have the form Swowede; most B manuscripts have Swouned. & sobbede  & sykede ful ofte
Þat euere he hadde londe or lardelordO.14.341: A solidus/punctus above larde and above marginal lord indicate that substitution was intended. C2 shares the erroneous reading. Other B manuscripts have lordshipe.  lesse oþer more
Or maystrie ouer any man  moo þan of hym-selue
I wererewere not worþi quod haukyn  to were any cloþis
Ne neiþer schirte ne schoone  saue for schame one
To couere my careyn quod he  & cryede fast mercy
And wepte & weylede  & þer-wiþ I a-wakede