Passus quartus decimus
Bx.14.1: : L and alpha. Other mss. (including M) add one, which KD (but not Schmidt) adopt on the basis that this is Haukyn's hool ( best cote.13.329 Bx ). With the exception of the b-verse of l. 32 , lines 1-42 have no parallel in . C hatere quod haukyn · I am þe lasse to blame
I Haue but oneBx.14.5: : G and alpha have tyme. See note to tymes.11.387 Bx where there is the same variation. · maugre my chekes
Þat wolen bymolen it many tymeBx.14.15: : CGO omit þorugh worde, but it motivates alpha's non-alliterating þorugh. F has thouȝt in the b-verse. þoruh · or wille of myn herte
Or þorugh werke or þorugh wordeBx.14.24KD.14.21
Bx.14.24: : "dry in the sun" after dyeing it, rather than beta's much easier sonnen, "sew". Alpha's verb is sparsely cited in sowen, but it is more appropriate for the process of cleaning. MED it after
And sithen sende þe to satisfaccioun · for to so[nn]en dobest SatisfaccioBx.14.25: Following this F has two extra lines. KD adopt the first on the grounds that it is "pre-archetypal" (p. 172).
Bx.14.31: : KD accept that alpha's reading is archetypal, but argue that "from the poor sense of which is (why should her clothes be compared with those of heralds and harpers?) this is unoriginal" (p. 187), and so emend wif to wif. Like beta, which reads wil, KD miss the significance of ll. with his3-4 , where Hawkin's wife is an aspect of . activa vita actiua vita
Þan Haukynnes wyf þe wafrere · w[hic]h isBx.14.32KD.14.29
Bx.14.32: : Alpha reads þough, but beta is supported by the b-verse in þouȝ þow (RK.15.234). Cx no plow erie
¶ And I shal purueye þe paste quod pacyence · þoughBx.14.35: : Indirect object of Alle; WF supply prepositions. fynde þat lyueth and loketh · lyflode wolde I fynde
AlleBx.14.38: We separate the three quotations by punctuation. MR separate the first two by punctuation and the second and third by a line-break,
but L runs the line on without punctuation. F ends with . scitis Ne solliciti sitis &c [·] volucres celi deus pascit &c [·] pacientes vincunt &c
Bx.14.40: : R has ȝow; F in a revised line has ȝow noþer. Perhaps alpha had eyþir of ȝow, i.e. either Conscience or Patience. Schmidt (1995) adopts ȝow either from alpha as "more precise" (p. 393). We retain copy-text. yow either by owre lorde · I leue nouȝte he be blissed
Who-so leueth ȝowBx.14.44KD.14.39
Bx.14.44: : Supported by R alone, since F rewrites the line and beta drops the word, but þere mss. have either C or more commonly here (RK.15.238). þere lyf · but lyflode were shapen
For lente neuere was [þere]Bx.14.45: : Beta has and, though O reads or. F loses the line, but R's & is supported by and. Cx where-by to lybbe
Wher-of or wherfore · [and]Bx.14.50: : Misunderstanding the syntax ( myȝte, "similarly"), scribes add þe same (MCrGOF) or do (C), but LWHmR are supported by se. Cx þe same
In menynge þat alle men · myȝteBx.14.52KD.14.46α
Bx.14.52: pecieritis: Beta adds . The P family of a patre reads C, the X family omits as does alpha. Biblical texts vary; see Alford (1992), 87. patrem in nomine meo &c & alibi Quodcumque pecieritis
Bx.14.54: : Beta is supported by lyflode it (though in a b-verse) against alpha's Cx. þat liflode was · þat pacience so preysed
¶ But I loked what lyflode itBx.14.55: : LWCG read was, as in was it, supplying a Cx omission preserved in MO before correction and in alpha. Cr has Bx and Hm it was. þat was a pece of þe pater noster · fiat voluntas tua
And þanne wasBx.14.58: : R (=alpha?) is supported by And, though beta omits and F has Cx. Þere shal neuere gyuesBx.14.58: : "shackles". gyues supports beta. Alpha substitutes non-alliterating Cx, "deceivers"; presumably this was a misreading of a gloss feytoures, "fetters" in feteres. For another case of a gloss being included in the text, cf. note to Bx.15.25 Bx . þe greue · ne grete lordes wrath
Bx.14.60: L's paraph is unsupported except for the line-space in M.Bi so þat þow be sobre · of syȝte and of tonge
Bx.14.65: : Alpha has better, perhaps by alliterative attraction; beta is supported by leuere. Cx
For if þow lyuest after his lore · þe sho[r]ter lyf þe betterBx.14.67: : L's forms are inf. wexen, pr. 3 sg. wax(en), wexeth, pr. pl. waxeth, pa. sg. wexeth, pa. pl. wex, wexen, ppl. woxen, waxen. The readings of other beta mss. confirm that woxen is here past tense, as is wexen. R has the present; the most authoritative ȝeden mss. have the past. C · and abrode ȝeden
¶ For þorw his breth bestes wexenBx.14.70: : Beta's plural is supported by graces. Cx
As holywrit witnesseth · whan men segge her gracesBx.14.76KD.14.68
Bx.14.76: : There is the usual variation between the marked and unmarked forms of the plural. Here wynter supports CrR. Cx men lyueden · and no mete ne tulyeden
Þat many wynt[er]Bx.14.77: : WHmR have a paraph here which in L has slipped to the next line. ¶ Seuene slepe as seith þe boke · seuene hundreth wynter
[¶]Bx.14.79: : Although in alliterative position, this is omitted by all more mss. as well as by beta4 and F presumably by coincidence in a revised b-verse. C be defaute
And if men lyued as mesure wolde · shulde neuere-moreBx.14.86: R ends the quotation at , and F omits altogether. Lines 81-110 have no parallel in panis. C Ociositas & habundancia panis peccatum turpissimum nutriuit
Bx.14.90: : So LM and F, but R joins the others with þo. Either could be a substitution for the other. þe citees vchone
Þei sonken in-to helle · þoBx.14.98: : Apparently beta, though CrHm agree with alpha on the sg. We follow copy-text. synnes · whan shrifte of mouth failleth
And surgienes for dedly synnesBx.14.99: : R reproduces alpha, as shown by F's error inliche (for with). MO also have within, presumably a scribal restoration since other beta mss. have ynlich. iliche contrit
¶ Ac shrifte of mouth more worthy is · if man be i[n]licheBx.14.107: : Alpha only, but an opening discourse-marker that is characteristically Langlandian; cf. l. Ȝe113 below, .11.145 Bx etc. where woneth charite quod haukyn · I wiste neuere in my lyue
¶ [Ȝe]Bx.14.109: : The paraph at the start of the speech is in beta and F. Cf. l. ¶107 above, and l. 111 below. Þere parfit treuthe and pouere herte is · and pacience of tonge
¶Bx.14.110: : The form chaumbrere in MHmCG and alpha could represent chambre, corrected by other scribes. See note to Bx in l. laborere338 . [·] for god hym-selue
Þere is charitee þe chief chaumbrereBx.14.111: : This, rather than pacience pouerte in LCrWO, is likely to be the beta reading, as in CG and MHm before correction. Scribes were understandably puzzled, not
realising that Pacience is a term of address (as in l. paciente pouerte292 ). Evidence that W's exemplar may have read is that W nowhere else spells pacience with final /e/. On this analysis, alpha, equally puzzled, added paciente, to read and. Yet alpha's reading has support from pacience and pouerte, Cx (RK.15.277). pouerte and pacience quod haukyn · be more plesaunte to owre driȝteBx.14.111: : The difficult word is misread by C and glossed by G and alpha. driȝte has instead "plese more god almyhty". Cx
¶ Whether pacien[c]e pouerteBx.14.112KD.14.103
Bx.14.112: : Beta2 alters to yspended. dispended
Þan ricchesse riȝtfulliche ywonne · and resonablelich yspendedBx.14.116KD.14.107
Bx.14.116: : L's agreement with R against the easily adopted it (as in the b-verse) in the other beta mss. would be secure for he except that Bx reads Cx. F omits the pronoun. See Introduction he drow to þe deth. V.3.2 drow to his deth-day · þat he ne dred hym sore
Whan itBx.14.117: : The beta reading, but easily lost as in MGR. þat atte rekenyng in arrerage fel · rather þan oute of dette
And þatBx.14.126: : So L, corrected M, CrW. Certainly a more meaningful reading than as in beta4 and alpha, and supported by the X family of and, though some of the P family also have C. and bestes · after bote waiten
Þanne may beggeres asBx.14.130: : The word-order is supported by alliteration and was ioye, against the reversal in Hm and alpha. Cx shaped
For to wrotherhele was he wrouȝte · þat neuere was ioyeBx.14.133: : Beta2 has, less appropriately, þo. Lines 133-40 are not in þe. C men þat were richeBx.14.133: : The phrase is lost in alpha. F repairs. þat were riche
Riȝte so resoun sheweth · þat þoBx.14.138: : "and". The fact that the form is also in M may indicate that it is beta's. an heuene as it were
For þei han her hyre here · anBx.14.139: : "it is". Dropped by beta2 and F, and erased in M. is gret lykyng to lyue · with-oute laboure of body
And isBx.14.142: & ad: Scribes have corrected this familiar quotation (Psalm 72.20). F reads , "dream", in place of sompnium, "sleep", and adds sompnum, both as in the Vulgate. Alpha's ymaginem for beta's ad is probably a similar correction. & ad ends the quotation at Cx. surgencium nichilum rediges velud sompnum surgencium domine in ciuitate tua & ad
And in an other stede also · Bx.14.145: : Alpha has afore and to-fore Cx. See note to byfore.5.12 Bx . · aren euermore nedy
¶ Hewen þat han her hyre aforeBx.14.146: : Beta adds the pronoun deieth, but R (F rewrites) is supported by he in postponing the subject until the b-verse. Cx out of dette · þat dyneth ar heBx.14.146: : Beta supported by the X group of he, while alpha's plural has support from the P group. The plural is probably prompted by the previous line. C deserue it
And selden deiethBx.14.151: : Lost by alpha making nonsense; F rewrites the b-verse to improve the sense. nouȝt þat ȝe shulle
¶ So I segge by ȝow riche · it semeth nouȝtBx.14.152KD.14.141
Bx.14.152: : Alpha is supported by two heuenes. Probably beta misunderstood the sense of a line which causes scribes problems in other respects also. It involves an unusual
disjuncture after the first stress: "(You shall not) have two heavens: (one) in your present existence and (another) in heaven
afterwards". In Cx the line is simplified by dropping the b-verse: "(You shall not) have two heavens in return for your present existence" (RK.16.9). Cx inBx.14.152: : Though R's in is shared with for, it makes no sense in the context of the line as in Cx. Bx ȝowre here-beyngBx.14.152: : Only recorded here and in here-beyng by C, MED adv. 7(a). Beta2 and G corrupt to her (? here beryng OED), prompting W to guess at harbouring. here dwellyng · and heuene her-afterBx.14.152: : This is perhaps her-after, though it could have been prompted by Bx in the a-verse. WGR have here. þere-after
Haue [two] heuene[s]Bx.14.153: R (reproducing alpha) divides the line at the end of the unusually heavy a-verse, but is left with an impossibly short line.
F therefore expands freely. Hm divides at the same point as alpha, and then fills out the following line independently. Alpha's
for beta's huire anticipates more Bx in l. huyre154 . The passage up to l. 169 is dropped in . C
Riȝt as a seruaunt taketh his salarye bifore · & sitth wolde clayme moreBx.14.154: : Alpha's huyre is a consequence of its muddle in the previous line. heuene atte laste
As he þat none hadde · and hath huyreBx.14.156KD.14.144α
Bx.14.156: transire: Alford (1992), 89, quotes Jerome in support of this reading rather than in alpha, who still has his eye on ascendere. heuene De delicijs ad delicias · deficile est transire
Bx.14.157: : The paraph, following the Latin line, is in beta and F. ¶ Ac if [ȝ]eBx.14.157: : LMCrGF ȝe is an easy misreading. It may, however, represent þe, with WHmCOR making an obvious correction. Bx riche haue reuthe · and rewarde wel þe pore
¶Bx.14.158: : All beta mss. except L have alle (referring to the poor) but hem alle is probably the alpha reading, as in R, with F expanding a short b-verse to alle. On M's agreement with beta1, see Introduction his brothir. III.2
And lyuen as lawe techeth · done leute to alleBx.14.164KD.14.152
Bx.14.164: : Cf. l. rewfullich160 . Alpha adopts the easier reading . riȝtfullich lybbeth
Bothe to riche and to nouȝte riche · þat rewfullichBx.14.167-71: These five lines are lost in alpha, jumping from to Ac and paraph to paraph. Ac ¶ Ac it nys but selde yseyn · as by holy seyntes bokesBx.14.167: : M shares the error bokes with O. liues
Bx.14.172: : An appropriate paraph, recorded by WHm and alpha. ¶ AcBx.14.172: : Alpha must have had this reading, though R omits it. F has (as usual) Ac. But beggeres aboute Midsomer · bredlees þei soupe
[¶]Bx.14.179: : In L the scribe has first written þe wel followed by five letters; the /i/ has been altered to /e/ followed by þi and a punctus. There can be little question that L's original reading was wel as in MCGOF. Rather doubtfully we follow L's corrected reading, supported by beta2 (CrWHm) and R, on the grounds that þi wille was more likely to have been mistaken for þe wel than vice versa. þi wille revises the b-verse and offers no guide. Cx hadde lyked
And yliche witty & wyse · if þe welBx.14.180KD.14.168
Bx.14.180: Alpha's paraph is not appropriate.And haue reuthe on þise riche men · þat rewarde nouȝte þi prisoneresBx.14.180: : For R's form prisoneres, see note to prisones.3.138 Bx and l. 186 below. Here and elsewhere we follow copy-text. Lines 180-209 are not in . C
Bx.14.186: : R has lorde, either as a spelling of lore as at lorde.5.407 Bx , 18.61 , or as the ppl. "lost". Perhaps the form represents alpha, since F supposes it to be a verb, reading , "lie". Note also the addition of final /d/ in O's lyȝn. lord in þe put of myschief
¶ Ac pore peple þi prisoneres · lordeBx.14.189: : Alpha has wynter tymes. In the same a-verse in wyntres tyme at RK.9.78, the X family has beta's reading, the P family has C. Cf. wynter tyme in the next line. somer tyme · for wantyng of clothes
Wo in wynter tymesBx.14.191: : Beta2 corrupts to ryche, and M is altered to that reading. rychesse
Conforte þi careful [·] cryst in þi ryche of his genitrice in genereBx.14.194: of his genitrice in genere: "by the very nature of his nobility". Alpha must have had , as R, but beta copies apart from L have neither word. alle his · Ihesu cryst seyde
¶ Þus Bx.14.196KD.14.183
Bx.14.196: The line is in alpha only, beta missing the second line beginning . For To (2) F has to, possibly correctly, since R uniquely drops & to in the parallel position in the line above. F's b-verse is, however, rather meaninglessly inclusive. &
[To hores to harlotes . to alle maner poeple]Bx.14.198: : Dropped by L after synnes. W alone has the sg. kynnes
And be clene þorw þat crystennynge · of alle kynnes [synnes]Bx.14.199: : "if". Alpha underlines the sense with And, adopted also by CrW. In M a word is first inserted and then erased. And if vs fel þorw folye · to falle in synne after
Bx.14.200: : Reversed in alpha. Confessioun and knewlechyng [·] & crauyng þi mercy
Confessioun and kne[w]lechyngBx.14.202: : Beta2, C and alpha have Ac. And if þe p[ouke]Bx.14.202: : Beta's pouke is an odd error, especially in view of l. pope205 . KD, p. 147 suggest "a preferred villain substituted". wolde plede here-aȝeineBx.14.202: : Alpha has here-aȝeine, adopted also by G. þere-aȝeine · and punyssh vs in conscience
AcBx.14.203: : Either Christ, or more probably "the one affected". R's He is perhaps an alpha error, altered by F to Ho for the sense. We shulde take þe acquitance as quik · and to þe qued schewe it
Bx.14.208: The paraph in W and alpha is not adopted.Of pompe and of pruyde · þe parchemyn decorreth
Bx.14.211: : CrCGOR have the singular. Pater nostres has Cx (RK.16.38). preyeres and penaunceBx.14.211: : Here and elsewhere, romance loans ending in a sibilant may be unchanged in the plural, hence frequent variations between
penaunce and penaunce, e.g. penaunces.P.25 Bx , 7.132 , 15.153 , 16.39 . Here Hm and alpha have the marked plural, as does the X family of . It is worth observing that of 44 instances of C from the penaunce text in Wittig's C, 16 are emendations of Concordance in the X family. penaunces · and pilgrimageBx.14.211: : CrWG have the plural, as do most pilgrimage mss. See C.15.189 Bx and 19.387 for a similar situation. to Rome
Pater nostresBx.14.212KD.14.198
Bx.14.212: : "unless". Beta is supported by But. R has Cx; F begins And in a rewritten a-verse. With owre spences and spendyngBx.14.212: : R has spendyng, as the X family of oure spendynge. C sprynge ·Bx.14.212: The punctuation follows (aaa/xx) in LR and probably in original M, though there another punctus appears before sprynge, as in other mss. (aa/ax). springe of a trewe welleBx.14.212: : The obviously superior reading is supported by welle over Cx in CrWCO (G corrects). wille
Bx.14.216: : Dropped in CO, and postponed to the b-verse in WGF. þat has Cx in both positions. þat þere ben · assaillen vs euere
¶ For seuene synnes þatBx.14.218: : Alpha, supported by þo ribaudes, referring to the sins. Beta has Cx referring to the devil. þat Ribaude · rathest men bigyleth
Ac wiþ ricchesse þ[o] ribaude[s]Bx.14.219: : i.e. expressions of deference. Alpha has the plural, as do the best reuerences mss. Beta's form might be construed as plural without ending, as often with romance loans ending in a sibilant. See note
to l. C211 . folweth
For þere þat richesse regneth · reuerence[s]Bx.14.221: : Beta supported by the X family of And against alpha's C. The P family has no conjunction. Ac/But þe riche is reuerenced · by resoun of his richchesse
AndBx.14.223: : R only, since the line is lost in F, but supported by fer wey against beta's Cx. Neither phrase occurs elsewhere in the poem. fer awey is better
Of witte and of wysdom · þat fer [w]eyBx.14.225: : Corruption in beta2 leads CrW to invent and Hm to correct. Perhaps beta2 read riȝte softe, and lost the word in the next line. ofte walketh
For þe riche hath moche to rekene · and riȝte softeBx.14.226: : Alpha and G repeat heigh from the previous line. Beta's a-verse is as in riȝt. Cx waye to heuene-ward · oft ricchesseBx.14.226: : Beta against alpha's ricchesse. The b-verse is rewritten in riche. C letteth
Þe heighBx.14.227: possibile: "It is as () possible for a rich man etc." Quoted in this form also in RK.11.201a. MW alter to ita, in view of Matt. 19.23 which has "quia dives difficile ...". impossibile diuiti &c Ita possibile
Bx.14.228: : Beta is supported by preseth. Alpha has Cx (R) or precheth (in both cases <p> with abbreviation). procheth bifor þe richeBx.14.228: : Certainly þe riche, though Bx omits, as does F by contamination or coincidence. Cx · with a pakke at his rugge
¶ Þere þe pore presethBx.14.231: (2): Omitted by MCGO, as in the P family of his. (F loses ll. 229-31). C pacience · a perpetuel blisse
For his pouerte and hisBx.14.233: : Alpha has And (F Ac); But mss. have C or And. Cf. l. Also221 . pryde in ricchesse regneth · rather þan in pouerte
¶ AndBx.14.234: : Beta has Or ... or, but alpha is supported by Arst ... þan. Beta supposes that the master would have more pride than his man, but Skeat (1886), ii, 211 explains that by Cx Langland refers to "the arrogant manners of the retainers in a great household". man in þe man · some mansioun heBx.14.234: : Omitted by R, but supported by he. Cx hath
[Or] in þe Maister [or]Bx.14.242: A paraph might be expected here, as for the other sins, but only WCF have one.If wratthe wrastel with þe pore · he hath þe worse ende
Bx.14.245-55: These eleven lines are lost in beta, probably by eyeskip from 244 to And if (in beta only) 256. ¶ And if is closely parallel except for the last two lines, and generally supports R over F. Cx [For lowelich he loketh · and loueliche is his speche
Bx.14.247: The paraph in F marks the introduction of gluttony.And if glotonye greue pouerte · he gadereth þe lasse
Bx.14.248: : R has wol. ne wol has neither Cx in the a-verse nor ne in the b-verse. no nauȝte reche · no riche metes to bugge
For his rentes wolBx.14.251: : shetes supports R's plural. Cx
For whan he streyneth hym to strecche · þe strawe is his shetesBx.14.255: : The b-verse in mischief, "so meschief hym folleweth" (RK.16.78) offers no support to F's Cx. myche myschef to bote]
Withoute mornynge amonge · and mischiefBx.14.256KD.14.239
Bx.14.256: : Alpha is supported by þouȝ against Cx in beta. if coueitise woldeBx.14.256: : Only L + alpha, but supported by wolde "wolde with þe pore wrastle". Cx cacche þe pore · þei may nouȝt come togideres
¶ And [þouȝ]Bx.14.265: : M alters its reading to agree with CrW; lasse boste it supports the other mss. Cx maketh
And whether be liȝter to breke · lasse boste itBx.14.269-70: The lines are in beta only, but supported by . Perhaps alpha censored them, though KD, p. 68, suggest eyeskip from Cx 269 to A...stuwes 271. And...suwe A strawe for þe stuwes · it stode nouȝt I trowe
Bx.14.270: : none has alliterating Cx. We suppose that noen haunt or beta lost Bx, with L preserving the reading haunt, beta1 altering to none for sense, and G further altering to no þing. If so, then M is perhaps dependent on beta1. noght but of pore men · her houses wereBx.14.270: : All beta mss. except L read were, perhaps repeated from the previous line. stoode loses the b-verse. Cx vntyled
Had þei noneBx.14.273: : Omitted by R and misplaced by F, but supported by his. Cx grettest helpe · and no gome elles
Þat god is hisBx.14.274: : The reading of R alone, but supported by he is (RK.16.97). The beta reading, as in L, original M, and HmGOC, appears to have been Cx. CrWF make an obvious correction to his, and this is followed by the M corrector. The sense is that Poverty is a servant in God's retinue. he his seruaunt as he seith · and of his sute bothe
And [he is]Bx.14.275: : "whether", the spelling of LR. where he be or be nouȝte · he bereth þe signe of pouerte
And whereBx.14.277: : CrCGO have pore, influenced by l. pouertie275 . supports Cx. pore þat paciente is · may claymen and askenBx.14.277: : The b-verse does not alliterate. may claymen and asken has instead Cx. of puyr rihte may claymen
For-thi al poreBx.14.280KD.14.263
Bx.14.277: : F's reading suggests that R's In londe is an alpha error. In lorde and in lordship · and likynge of bodye
In londeBx.14.282: (2): R is supported by a against omission in all other Cx mss. B mannes loue · her moder forsaketh
And as a mayde for [a]Bx.14.284KD.14.267
Bx.14.284: : LMHmCO are supported by suche a mayde (RK.16.107). Alpha reads Cx, G drops þat mayde, and CrW reflect a corrupt exemplar anticipating suche in the following line. more to louie · of hymBx.14.284: : hym has Cx to carry the alliteration. a man þat such one taketh
Moche is suche a maydeBx.14.290: : Supported by Þe which against R Cx and Cr Which. Such is sybbe to god hym-self · and so [neighe is pouerte]Bx.14.290: : This is the reading of R and presumably of alpha, which F attempts to clarify by altering so neighe is pouerte to pouerte. Beta is quite different, þat persone, which makes superficial but inappropriate sense and can hardly have given rise to alpha. The readings of this b-verse and
that of the next line suggest that so to his seyntes was damaged or unclear. Bx has a rather feeble repair: "The whiche is syb to Crist sulue and semblable bothe" (RK.16.113), and drops the next line. Cx
Þe whichBx.14.291: : Beta's b-verse at least makes sense but it lacks alliteration. R, presumably representing alpha, is nonsense, and F skilfully
rewrites. It may be that ȝe preyse faste pouerte read Bx, with ȝe herie faste pouerte as a gloss to avoid confusion with "hear", a gloss then incorporated by the scribes. It may be also that preyse was only partly legible; see previous note. Bx
¶ Haue god my trouthe quod Haukyn · ȝe preyse faste pouerteBx.14.292KD.14.275
Bx.14.292: : R only, but supported by pacience, where Actyf is addressing Patience. F drops the word and beta has Cx. with pacience quod he · proprely to mene
What is pouerte pacienceBx.14.293: : The paraph in LWHm introduces four Latin lines. ¶ quod pacience · Paupertas est odibile bonum
¶Bx.14.294: sanitatis: CrWC and original M have erroneous , as again at l. sanitas326 ; R anticipates . semita mater Remocio curarum · possessio sine calumpnia · donum dei · sanitatis
Bx.14.295: solicitudine: O and Alpha have the error , as again at l. solitudine331 . Many manuscripts have the same error. C semita · sapiencie temperatrix · negocium sine dampno Absque solicitudine
Bx.14.297: : Dropped by Hm and beta4, but supported by al. Cx þis quod haukyn · ȝe moste kenneBx.14.297: : Scribes add kenne (WR) or alter to me (Hm) or telle (beta4). say þis on englisch
¶ I can nouȝt construe alBx.14.298: MWHmCF mark the start of Patience's speech with a paraph or line-space.In englisch quod pacyence it is wel harde · welBx.14.298: (2): Lost by CrHmG who move the punctuation to follow wel. F also loses the word and expands the b-verse. pacyence to expounen
Bx.14.307: Alpha has a paraph which beta more logically postpones to l. 308 .And contricioun confort [·] & cura animarumBx.14.307: CGO add , no doubt incorporated from a marginal note. But cf. l. þe second314 .
Bx.14.309: : CrW read Or, and M is altered to that reading. Hm takes For to be Latin, so writes Or as in display script. Many horas justicie scribes are puzzled by the syntax at this point. C as iustyce to iugge men · enioigned is no poreBx.14.309: : The b-verse has been lost in alpha, with F patching. enioigned is no pore
OrBx.14.310: : Dropped by beta2 and G, as by some a scribes. C Maire [ouer]Bx.14.310: : Probably alpha as in R, misread as ouer in F. It has support from on against beta's Cx. aboue men · ne mynystre vnder kynges
Ne to be aBx.14.311: (1): Beta supported by any. R's nonsensical Cx presumably reproduces alpha, revised to enemye by F. þe pore yput · to punysshen any peple
Selden is any þe þridde Nolite iudicare quemquamBx.14.314: : Supported by all þe þridde mss., though not in B and quite possibly incorporated from a marginal note. Cf. l. Cx307 .
Bx.14.315: : Alpha is supported by pore riȝt and alliteration over beta's Cx, picked up from l. any pore311 . riche · but of [his]Bx.14.294: : Omitted by all except R (rephrased in F), but supported by his. Cx riȝtful heritage
¶ Selde is pore [riȝt]Bx.14.316KD.14.295
Bx.14.316: : Alpha must have had weghtes as in R but revised in F. wittes mss. show some confusion, the majority reading C, "weights", but with variants including wihtes, wittes and whittus (RK.16.130). whites fals · ne with vnseled mesures
Wynneth he nauȝt with weghtesBx.14.324KD.14.301-302
Bx.14.324: : Omitted by all except R; cf. note to l. it319 . mss. have instead C or Ȝut is hit. Ȝut hit is is moder of helthe [·] a frende in alle fondynges
¶ Þe fyfte [it]Bx.14.325: : The range of variants suggests that this spelling (as in CR) or possibly lawde was the reading of laude. Schmidt (1995), 394, plausibly proposes that it was an error for Bx, "humble people". Most beta scribes suppose the intended reading to be lowe, but GO take it as the northern spelling of lande. F's lewde presumably means "law" rather than "low", which is lawe. lowe, lowh, lowhȝ rewrites (RK.16.138) Cx euere a lecheBx.14.325: : Alpha's a leche, though adopted by KD, is an obvious error. In its rewritten line a-liche / y-lyche has Cx. of foule eueles leche · a lemman of al clennesse
And for þe la[w]d[e]Bx.14.326: Sanitatis: For the error in CrWC and uncorrected M and G, cf. l. Sanitas294 . mater Sanitatis
Bx.14.327: : Omitted by all except R; cf. note to l. it319 . Most mss. have it. C is a path of pees · ȝe þorw þe pas of altoun
¶ Þe sexte [it]Bx.14.330: (2): R drops and he rewrites. The line is lost in F. Cx is of herte
And euere þe lasse þat he bereth · þe hardyer heBx.14.331: solicitudine: See note to l. 295 . semita · paupertas est absque solicitudine
For-þi seith seneca Bx.14.333: Cantabit: Cr and alpha have the imperfect in error. (KD and Schmidt wrongly record as F's reading). Cantabit paupertas coram latrone viator Cantabit
Bx.14.334: : Omitted by all except R; cf. note to l. it319 . Most mss. have it. C is welle of wisdome · and fewe wordes sheweth
¶ Þe seueneth [it]Bx.14.336KD.14.312
Bx.14.336: : Alpha is supported by þat against beta's easier Cx. and no tresore coueiteth
He tempreth þe tonge to treuthe-ward · [þat]Bx.14.337: The Latin tag (from l. 295 ) is recorded only in beta and is not in . C Sapiencie temperatrix
Bx.14.338: : Omitted by all except R; cf. note to l. it319 . Most mss. have it. C is a lele laborereBx.14.338: : The form has strong support for laborere from LCr and alpha, though Bx has Cx. labour MED 6 gives the sense "laborer", with examples almost entirely from labour mss, and it is quite a frequent variant in all three versions. Cf. A for flateres in flatererers.13.450 Bx and 477 , and MHmCG + alpha for chambre in chaumbrere.14.110 Bx . · and loth to take more
¶ The eigteth [it]Bx.14.340KD.14.315
Bx.14.340: (1): Omitted in L, where the line is marked for correction. he chaffareth he chargeth no losse · mowe he charite wynne
And if [he]Bx.14.342: : Omitted by all except R; cf. note to l. it319 . Most mss. have it. C is swete to þe soule · no sugre is swettere
¶ The nyneth [it]Bx.14.345: (2): Alpha supported by lered. To avoid the repetition, beta adopts Cx, while a number of lettred mss. have, oddly, C. lewid man · for owre lordes loueBx.14.345: : Supposing an omission, WCr and F add loue on the model of of heuene.6.19 Bx , 13.151 , etc. ends Cx (RK.16.153), taking up the first words of the following line. lordes loue seynt Austyn
Þus lered me a le[r]edBx.14.346: : CrW add bysynesse to complete the b-verse, and M is corrected to that reading. ladde redivides ll. 345-7, so that this line becomes "A blessed lyf withoute bisinesse bote onelyche for þe soule" (RK.16.155). Cx
Seynt austyn a blissed lyf · with-outen bysynesseBx.14.349: : Beta2 has þus, but þis reads Cx. þus fyrst wrote to wyssen men · what pouerte was to mene
Þat þusBx.14.350: : Lost in alpha. These lines to the end of the passus are not in þe actyf man þo. Cx · þat after my crystendome
¶ Allas quod haukyn þe actyf man þoBx.14.353: : Alpha's error suweth prompts F to rewrite. scheweth vs euere quod he · and sori gan wexe
Synne suweth