<div1>fol. 33r (cont.)I</div1>
<foreign>P<expan>assus</expan> viij<expan>us</expan> de visione & hic exp<expan>li</expan>cit & in<damage><supplied>cipit</supplied></damage> <lb/>
inq<expan>ui</expan>sic<expan>i</expan>o p<expan>ri</expan>ma de</foreign>
Dowel .<note>L.8.000: Note that the rubricating scribe did not follow the guide letters literally.</note>
<head><foreign><hi>Passus octauus de visione & p<expan>ri</expan>m<expan>us</expan> de</hi></foreign> <hi>dowel</hi></head>
<l> <hi><hi>T</hi></hi>hus<note>L.8.1: The ornamental capital is eight lines high and done in blue ink with red flourishes. A small guide letter <t> is just visible in the ornamentation to the left of the capital.</note> yrobed in russet · I rowmed aboute<note>L.8.1: A corrector's <+> appears in the right margin, but no error is apparent.</note></l>
<l> Al a somer sesou<expan>n</expan> · for to seke dowel</l>
<l> And frayned ful oft · of folke þat I mette</l>
<l> If ani wiȝte wiste · where dowel was at Inne</l>
<l> And what man he miȝte be · of many man I axed</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Was neuere wiȝte as I went · þat me wisse couthe</l>
<l> Where þis lede lenged · lasse ne more</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Tyl it bifel on a fryday · two freres I mette</l>
<l> Maistres of þe Menoures · men of grete witte</l>
<l> I hailsed hem hendely as I hadde lerned</l>
<l> And preyed hem <foreign>p<expan>ar</expan> charitee</foreign> · ar þei passed forther</l>
<l> I<add>f</add><note>L.8.12: The second letter of <hi>If</hi> appears to have been added later, probably in response to the corrector's <+> appearing in the left margin.</note> þei knewe any contre · or costes as þei went</l>
<l> Where þat dowel dwelleth · doth me to wytene</l>
<l> <hi></hi> For þei ben men on þis molde · þat moste wyde walken</l>
<l> And knowen contrees · and courtes · and many kynnes places</l>
<l> Bothe prynces paleyses · and pore mennes cotes</l>
<l> And dowel and doyuel · where þei dwelle bothe</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Amonges vs q<expan>uo</expan>d þe Menours · þat man is dwellyng</l>
<l> And euere hath as I hope · and euere shal her<expan>e</expan><seg>-</seg>after</l>
<l> <hi></hi> <foreign><hi>Contra</hi></foreign> q<expan>uo</expan>d I as a clerke · and comsed to disputen</l>
<milestone>fol. 33vI</milestone>
<l> And seide sothli<note>L.8.21: LM alone among <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>And seide sothli</hi>. Most other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts insert <hi>hem</hi> after <hi>seide</hi> or eliminate the English introduction to the Latin quotation. However, LM's reading is matched by most <hi>C</hi> manuscripts.</note> <foreign><hi>sepcies · in die cadit iustus</hi></foreign></l>
<l> Seuene sythes seith þe boke · synneth þe riȝtful .</l>
<l> And who<seg>-</seg>so synneth I seyde · doth yuel as me þinketh</l>
<l> And dowel and do yuel · mow nouȝt dwelle togideres</l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Ergo</hi></foreign> he nys nauȝt alway · amonge ȝow freres</l>
<l> He is otherwhile ellis<seg>-</seg>where · to wisse þe peple</l>
<l> <hi></hi> I shal sey þe my sone · seide þe frere þanne</l>
<l> How seuene sithes þe <orig>sadman</orig><reg>sad man</reg> · on þe<note>L.8.28: LMR alone have <hi>þe</hi>. Most other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>a</hi>.</note> day synneth</l>
<l> By a forbisene q<expan>uo</expan>d þe frere · I shal þe faire shewe</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Lat brynge a man in a bote · amydde a<note>L.8.30: LR alone have <hi>a</hi>. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>þe</hi>.</note> brode water</l>
<l> Þe wynde and þe water · and þe bote waggynge</l>
<l> Maketh þe man many a tyme · to falle and to stonde</l>
<l> For stonde he neuere so styf · he stombleth ȝif he moeue</l>
<l> Ac ȝit is he sauf and sounde · and so hym bihoueth</l>
<l> For ȝif he ne arise þe rather · and rauȝte to þe stiere</l>
<l> Þe wynde wolde wyth þe wat<expan>er</expan> · þe bote ou<expan>er</expan>throwe</l>
<l> And þanne were his lyf loste · þourgh lacchesse of hym<seg>-</seg>self</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And þus it falleth q<expan>uo</expan>d þe frere · bi folke here on erthe</l>
<l> Þe water is likned to þe worlde · þat wanyeth and wexeth</l>
<l> Þe godis of þis grounde aren like · to þe grete wawes</l>
<l> Þat as wyndes and wederes · walweth<note>L.8.41: LM alone have <hi>walweth</hi>. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>walkeþ</hi>.</note> aboute</l>
<l> Þe bote is likned to owre body · þat brutel is of kynde</l>
<l> Þat þorugh þe fende and þi<note>L.8.43: LR alone have <hi>þi</hi>, which explains the corrector's <+> in the left margin. Most other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>þe</hi>.</note> flessh · and þe frele worlde</l>
<l> Synneth þe sadman · a day seuene sythes</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ac dedly synne doth he nouȝt · for dowel hym kepith</l>
<l> And þat is charite þe champiou<expan>n</expan> · chief help aȝein synne</l>
<l> For he strengtheth man to stonde · and stereth mannes soule</l>
<l> And þowgh þi body bow · as bote doth in þe water</l>
<l> Ay is þi soule sauf · but<note>L.8.49: LMR alone have <hi>but</hi>. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>but if</hi>.</note> þi<seg>-</seg>self wole</l>
<l> Do a dedly synne · and drenche so þi soule</l>
<l> God wole suffre wel þi sleuthe · ȝif þi<seg>-</seg>self lyketh</l>
<l> For he ȝaf þe to ȝeresȝyue · to ȝeme wel þi<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
<l> And þat is witte a<note>L.8.53: The corrector has noted the scribe's <hi>a</hi> for <hi>and</hi> with a <+> in the left margin both here and at L.7.104. The same form appears at this point in M as well.</note> fre wille · to eu<expan>er</expan>y wyȝte a porciou<expan>n</expan></l>
<l> To fleghyng foules · to fissches & to bestes</l>
<l> Ac man hath moste þerof · and moste is to blame<note>L.8.55: A corrector's <+> appears in the left margin. His exemplar may have had initial <hi>And</hi> as do CC<hi>2</hi>CrG; all other beta family manuscripts agree in reading <hi>Ac</hi>.</note></l>
<l> But if he worche wel þer<seg>-</seg>with · as dowel hym techeth</l>
<l> <hi></hi> I haue no kynde knowyng q<expan>uo</expan>d I · to conceyue alle ȝowre wordes</l>
<l> Ac if I may lyue and loke · I shal go lerne bettere</l>
<l> I bikenne þe cryst · þat on þe crosse deyde</l>
<l> And I seyde þe same · saue ȝow fro myschaunce</l>
<milestone>fol. 34rI</milestone>
<l> And ȝiue ȝow g<expan>ra</expan>ce on þis grounde · good men to worthe</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And þus I went wide<seg>-</seg>where walkyng myne one</l>
<l> By a wilde wildernesse · and bi a wode<seg>-</seg>syde</l>
<l> Blisse of þo<note>L.8.64: LHmR alone read <hi>þo</hi>; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>þe</hi>.</note> briddes · brouȝte me aslepe</l>
<l> And vnder a lynde vppon a launde · lened I a stou<expan>n</expan>de</l>
<l> To lythe þe layes · þo louely foules made</l>
<l> Murthe of her mouthes · made <add>me</add><note>L.8.67: The supralinear addition of <hi>me</hi> is by a later hand. A <+> in the left margin notes the omission.</note> þere to slepe</l>
<l> Þe merueillousest meteles · mette me þanne</l>
<l> Þat euer <sic>dremed dremed</sic><corr>[dremed]</corr><note>L.8.69: This line has a <+> in the left margin, but the dittographic error was never corrected.</note> wyȝte · in worlde as I wene</l>
<l> <hi></hi> A moche man as me þouȝte · and lyke to my<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
<l> Come and called me · by my kynde name</l>
<l> What artow q<expan>uo</expan>d I þo · þat þow my name knowest</l>
<l> Þat þow wost wel q<expan>uo</expan>d he · and no wyȝte bettere</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Wote I what þow art  þought · seyde he þanne</l>
<l> I haue suwed þe þis seuene ȝere · sey þow me no rather</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Art þow thought q<expan>uo</expan>d I þo · þow couthest me wisse</l>
<l> Where þat dowel dwelleth · and do me þat to knowe</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Dowel and dobet · and dobest þe thridde q<expan>uo</expan>d he</l>
<l> Aren three faire vertues · and beth nauȝte fer to fynde</l>
<l> Who<seg>-</seg>so is trewe of his tonge · and of his two handes</l>
<l> And þorugh his laboure or þorugh his londe · his lyflode wynneth</l>
<l> And is trusti of his tailende · taketh but his owne</l>
<l> And is nouȝt dronkenlew ne dedeignous · dowel hym folweth</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Dobet doth ryȝt þus · ac he doth moche more</l>
<l> He is as low as a lombe · and loueliche of speche</l>
<l> And helpeth alle men · after þat hem nedeth</l>
<l> Þe bagges and þe bigurdeles · he hath to<seg>-</seg>broken<note>L.8.87: LCr<hi>1</hi>MR alone read <hi>to-broken</hi>; most other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>tobroke</hi>, uncovering the final <-e> and enabling the elision that makes the b-verse metrical.</note> hem alle</l>
<l> Þat þe Erl auarous · helde and his heires</l>
<l> And þus with Ma<expan>m</expan>monaes mone · he hath made hym frendes</l>
<l> And is ronne in<seg>-</seg>to<note>L.8.90: LMRF alone have <hi>in-to</hi>. Other <hi>B</hi> witnesses have <hi>to</hi>.</note> Religiou<expan>n</expan> · and hath rendred þe bible</l>
<l> And precheth to þe poeple · seynt Poules wordes</l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Libenter suffertis insipientes · cum sitis ip<expan>s</expan>i sapientes</hi></foreign></l>
<l> And suffreth þe vnwise · with ȝow forto libbe</l>
<l> And with gladde wille doth hem gode · for so god ȝow hoteth</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Dobest is aboue bothe · and bereth a bisschopes crosse</l>
<l> Is hoked on þat one ende · to halie men fro helle</l>
<l> A pyke is on þat potente · to pulte adown þe wikked</l>
<l> Þat wayten any wikkednesse · dowel to tene</l>
<milestone>fol. 34vI</milestone>
<l> And dowel and dobet amonges hem ordeigned</l>
<l> To croune one to be kynge to reule<note>L.8.100: LCr alone have <hi>reule</hi>. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>rulen</hi>, covering the <hi>-e</hi> and thus assuring a metrically regular b-verse.</note> hem bothe</l>
<l> Þat ȝif dowel or dobet did aȝein dobest</l>
<l> Þanne shal þe kynge come · and casten hem in yrens</l>
<l> And but if dobest bede for hem · þei to be þere for euere</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Thus dowel and dobet · and dobest þe thridde</l>
<l> Crouned one to be kynge · to kepin hem alle</l>
<l> And to reule þe Reume · bi her thre wittes</l>
<l> And none other wise · but as þei thre assented</l>
<l> <hi></hi> I thonked thouȝt þo · þat he me þus tauȝte</l>
<l> Ac ȝete sauoureth me nouȝt þi seggyng · I coueite to lerne</l>
<l> How dowel dobet and dobest · don amonges þe peple</l>
<l> <hi></hi> But witte conne wisse þe q<expan>uo</expan>d þouȝt · where þo thre dwelle</l>
<l> Ellis wote I none þat can · þat now is alyue</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Þouȝte and I thus · thre days we ȝeden</l>
<l> Disputyng vppon dowel · day after other</l>
<l> And ar we were ywar · with witte gan we mete</l>
<l> He was longe and lene · liche to none other</l>
<l> Was no pruyde on his apparaille · ne pouerte noyther</l>
<l> Sadde of his semblaunt · and of soft chiere</l>
<l> I dorste meue no matere · to make hym to iangle</l>
<l> But as I bad þouȝt þo · be mene bitwene</l>
<l> And put forth so<expan>m</expan>me p<expan>ur</expan>pos · to prouen his wittes</l>
<l> What was dowel · fro dobet · and dobest fram hem bothe</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Þanne þouȝt in þat tyme seide þise wordes</l>
<l> Where dowel dobet<note>L.8.124: The initial <d> of <hi>dobet</hi> is re-inked.</note> and dobest ben in londe</l>
<l> Here is will<expan>e</expan> wolde ywyte<note>L.8.125: LMR alone have <hi>ywyte</hi>. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>wite</hi>.</note> · ȝif witte couthe teche hym</l>
<l> And whether he be man · or man<note>L.8.126: L alone reads <hi>man</hi>. Most other <hi>B</hi> witnesses have <hi>womman</hi>, though BCR have <hi>no man</hi>. The corrector's <+> in the left margin may be for a correction here, or may refer to a mistake subsequently corrected, since <hi>wolde</hi> later in this line is written over an erasure.</note> · þis man fayne <del>.....</del><add>wolde</add> aspye</l>
<l> And worchen as þei thre wolde · þis is his entente ·</l>