fol. 41rI
passus xus

Passus decimus de Visione & ijussecundus de Dowel .

Thanne hadde witte a wyf  was hoten dame studie
Þat lene was of lere  and of liche bothe
She was wondurly wroþ  þat witte me þus tauȝte
And al staringe dame sstudiestudie  sturneliche seide
Wel art þow wys quod she to witte  any wysdomes to tellen
To flaterers or to folis  þat frantik ben of wittes
# quod perlis non debent mitteri Coram porcis
And blamede him and bannede him  & bad him be stille
With suche wyse wordus  to wyssen any sottus
And saide Noli mittere man  margerie perles
Amonges hogges þat han  hawes at wille
Þei doon but drauelen þere-on  draff were hem leuere
Þanne alle þe preciouse perre.e  in paradys þat wexeþM.10.12: M's b-verse reverses the syntax of other B manuscripts, which read þat in paradis wexeþ.
I saie it b.y suche quod she  þat sheweþ byM.10.13: All other B manuscripts read hir at this place. An insertion line has been drawn between by and werkes, and a line drawn out to something, illegible even under ultraviolet light, erased in the margin, where there is also an erased <X>. werkes
Þat hem were leuere londe  & lordshipe on erthe
Or richessesM.10.15: Other B manuscripts read richesse. For the same variation, see M.15.183. or rentus  and reste at hire wille
Þanne alle þe sothe sawes  ...þat sal.omon saide euere
Wisdome and witte is nowM.10.17: M's reading of is now is not shared by other B manuscripts, which read now is. not worth a carse
But it be cardede with couetise  as clothers kemben here wolle
Whoso can contreue desceitus  and conspiren wronges
And lede forth a loueday  to l..ette with truthe
He þat suche craftus can  to conseill is clepud
Þei leden lordus with lesinges  and bilien truþe
Iob þe gentil  in his gestus wittnesseþ
Þat wikkud men þai welden  þe welthe of þis world .
# quare impij bene viuunt
And þat þei ben lordus of iche a londe  þat oute of lawe libbeth
Quare impij viuunt . &M.10.26: M's reading of & is not shared by other B manuscripts. bene est omnibus qui preuaricantur & inique agunt .
Þe sauter þe same  by suche þat don ille
Ecce ipsi peccatores habundantes in seculo obtinuerunt diuicias .
Lo saiþ holy lettrure . whiche lordus beþ þes shrewes
Þilke þat mooste goode god ȝyeueþM.10.30: M's a-verse is unique among B manuscripts. All others begin Thilke þat god; WHmCr continue gyueþ moost while OC2 have most good gyueþ.  leest good þei deleþ
And mooste vnkynde benM.10.31: This insertion brings M into agreement with Cr. to þe comune  þat mooste catel weldeþ
Que perf.ecisti destruxerunt . iustus autem & cetera .
Harlotus for here herlotrie  may hauen of hire godus
And Iapers and iogelours  & Ianglers of gestus .
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Ac he þat haþ holi writ.. ay in his mouthe
And can telle of Tobye  & of þeM.10.36: M's original reading without þe agreed with WY. twelue apposteles
Or prechen of þe penaunce  þat Pilate wrouȝte
To Ihesu þe gentil  þat Iewes to-drowe
Lytul is he louede  þat suche a lesson sheweþ
Or dauntede or drawen forth  I do it on god him-seluen
But þo þat fainen hem folus  and with faitinge libbeþ
A.yein þe lawe of oure lord  and lien on hem-seluen
# contra Ribaldis
Spitten and spuwen  and speken foule wordus
Drinken and driuyelin  and doon men for to gapen
Likkene men and lien on hem  þat leneth hem none ȝyiftus
Þei conn..e no more mynstraulcie  ne musyke men to glade
Þanne Munde þe Meller  of multa fecit deus .
Ne were here vile harlotrie  haue god my truthe
Shulde neyþurM.10.49: For neyþur all B manuscripts except F read neuere. kynge ne kniȝte  ne chanoun of seint. Poules
ȜYif hem to here ȝyeresȝyeue  þe ȝyifte of a grote
Ac murthe and mynstraulcie  amonges men is nouthe
Leccherie and losel...rieM.10.52: M's altered reading of loselrie is unique among B manuscripts, the rest of which read losengerye.  &M.10.52: The <&> is either rewritten or touched up. loselles tales
Glotonye & grete othus  þis gleeM.10.53: M's glee is not shared by other B manuscripts, most of which read murþe. A manuscripts read gamys. þei lou....yeth
Ac ȝif þei carpen of Crist  þise clerkus and þis lewede
# quod non laudatur disputare doctor in convijc convivijs #
Atte mete in here murthus  whanne Minstralles ben stille
Þanne telleþ þei of þe trinitee  a tale oþur tweyne
And bringen forth a balled resoun  & taken Bernarde to w.ytnesse
And putten forth a presumpcioun  to preuen þe soþe
Þus þei dryuelen at hire de..ys  þe deite to knowe .
And gnawen god with þe gorge  whanne ..hirM.10.60: M's alteration to hir may conceal þe, the reading of Hm. guttes ..beM.10.60: Before alteration, M may have agreed with YLR: gutte is. B manuscript readings vary between be (is, er, been) fulle and fullen. fulle
Ac þe careful may crie  and carpen atte ȝyate
Bothe afyngrede and a-thurst  and for chele quake
Is non to nymen him InM.10.63: The addition of In is an A text reading not attested in other B manuscripts.  no...r his no.y to amende
But ......huntenM.10.64: M's altered hunten agrees with WHmCr. Other B manuscripts have heon on and variants upon it. him as onM.10.64: M's original inclusion of on agreed with Cot. an hounde . & hoten him go þ
Litul loueþ he þat lord  þat lente him al þat blisse
Þat þus parteth with þe pore  a parcel whanne him nedeþ
Ne were mercy . in mene men  more þanne in Riche
Mendinauntz meteles  miȝte go to bedde
God is muche in þe gorge  of þis grete maistres
Ac amonges mene men  his mercy and his werkes
And so saiþ þe sauter  I haue seen it ofte 
fol. 42rI
passus xus
Ecce audiuimus eam in effrata inuenimus eam in campis silue 
Clerkus and oþer kynness men  carpen of god faste
And haue him muche in moutheM.10.74: M shares the reading mouthe with B; other B manuscripts have þe mouþ or here mouþ.  but mene men in herte .
Frerus and fauytours han  founden suche questionus
To plese with proude men  siþ þe pestelence tyme .
And prechen at seint Poules  for pure enuye of Clerkus
Þat folk nysM.10.78: M's nys is not shared by other B manuscripts, most of which read is. nouȝt fermed inM.10.78: M alone among B manuscripts here lacks þe. feith  ne free of hire goodes
Ne sori ofM.10.79: M's of is not shared by other B manuscripts, which read for. hire synnus  so is pride waxen
In religioun and in alle þe Reume  amonges riche and pore
Þat praiers haue none power  þe pestilence to lette
And .yit þe wrecches of þis world  is none y-war by oþur .
Ne for drede of deth  withdrawe nouȝt here pride
Ne beth plentiuous to þe pore  as pure charite wolde
But in gaynesse & glotonye  for-gluttun here godeod hem-seluen
And breken nouȝt to þe  as þe bok techeþ
Frange esurienti panem tuum . & ceteraM.10.87: The underlining and & cetera are later additions. M's original reading without the & cetera agreed with C2F.
& weldeþ
And þe more he wynneth ...?...?...and weldeth  welthes & richesseM.10.88: The omission of & weldeþ was noted in the margin and then erased when incorporated into the text, an alteration which resulted in the entire b-verse being rewritten.
And lordeþ in londes /  þe lasse goode he deleth
Thobie telleth ȝyow not so  take heede ȝye Riche
How þe boke bible  of him bereth witytnesse
Si tibi sit copia habundanter tribue  si autem exiguum illud impertireM.10.92: M alone among B manuscripts here lacks stude, though RF transpose its position with libenter. libenter
Whoso haþ muche spene manliche  so meneth Thobie
And whoso litul weldeþ  rule hym þere-aftur .
For we haue no lettre of oure lif /  how longe it shal dure .
Suche lessouns lordus  shulde loue to here /
And how he miȝte mooste meyne  manlyche fynde .
Nouȝt to fare as a Frere or a fythelerM.10.98: M's Frere or a fytheler is not shared by other B manuscripts, which read fiþeler or a frere.  for to seke feestus
Homeliche at oþer mennus houses  and haten her owen
El.engeM.10.100: M's original reading perhaps agreed with CotLR, which have Elynge. is þe halle  eche day in þe wyke /
M.10.101-106: A bracket begins here in the left margin and continues for rest of the paragraph. The last four lines are also bracketed on the right.Ther þe lorde ne þe lady  lykeþ nouȝt to sitte
# quomodo laudat hospitalitatem
Now haþ iche Riche a rule  to eten by him-seluen
In a priue parlour  for pore mennus sake
Or in a chambre with a Chimyne  and leue þe chief halle
Þat was made for meles  men to eten inne /
And alle to spare to spille  þat spende shulde on oþurM.10.106: M's shulde on oþur is not shared by other B manuscripts, which read shal anoþer.
I haue herde heigh men  etyng / at þe table
Carpen as þei Clerkes were  of Crist & hisM.10.108: For his all B manuscripts except F read of his. miȝtes .
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And le..yd fautes vpon þe fadur  þat fourmede vs alle
And carpen aȝyein Clerkus /  crabbede wordus
Whi wolde oure saueoure suffre  suche a worme ...? blisseM.10.111: M's altered in blisse agrees with F. Other B manuscripts read in his blisse. Here begins a series of altered readings agreeing with F: M.10.178, M.10.241, and M.10.295.
That bigiled þe womman  and þe man aftur whiche wiles and wordus  þei wenten to helle
And al hire seed for hire synne  þe same deth suffred
         .id est. mentiturM.10.115: This gloss is not attested in other B manuscripts.
Here lieþ ȝyoure lore  þise lordus gynneth dispute
Of þat ȝye clerkes vs kenneth  of crist by þe gospell
Filius non portabit iniquitatem patris & cetera
# why men perissh For Adams syn
Whi shulde we þat now ben  for þe werkes of Adam .
Roten and rende  reson wold it neuere
Vnusquisque portabit onus suum & cetera
Swiche mo.......tyues þei moeue  þise maistres in hire glorie
And make men in mys bileue . þat muse  muche on hire wordus
Ymagynatyf here afturward  shal onswere to ȝyoure purpos
Augustyn to swiche arguers  he telleth hem þis teme
Non plus sapere quam oportet .
Wilneþ neuere to wite  whi þat god wolde
Suffre Sathan  his seed to bigile
Ac bileueþ lelly . in þe lore  of alM.10.128: M's insertion of al is not attested by other B manuscripts. holy churche
And praie hym of pardoun  and penaunce in þi liue
And for his muche mercy  to amende ȝyow here .
non sunt omnes cause querende
For alle þat wilneth to wite  þe whyes of god almyghty
I wolde his eiȝe were in his ers  and his fynger after
# quia talibus vellet oculum in ano
That euere wilneth to wite  whi þat god wolde
Suffre sathan . his seed to bigile
Or Iudas to þe Iuwes  Ihesu bitraye
Al was as þow woldest  lord y-worshiped be þow .
And al worth as þow wolt  what so we dispute .
And þo þat vsen þise hauelons  to blende mennus wittes
What is dowel fro do-bet  now deef mote he worthe
Sithe he wilneth to wite  w.hiche þei ben bothe
But ȝif he lyue in þe lif  þat longeth to dowell
bene loquitur
For I dar ben his bolde borgh  þat do-bet wol he neuere
Theiȝ do-best drawe on hym . day aftur oþur .
And whan þat wit was ywar  what dame studie tolde
He bicome so confus  he couthe nouȝt loke
And as doumbe as deth  and drowe hym arere .
fol. 43rI
passus xusM.10.147a: Below the running header in the upper right is a very faint Sanctus written in very formal script. Examination under ultraviolet light reveals nothing more.
And for no carpynge I couthe after  ne knelynge to þe grounde
I miȝte gete no greyn  of his grete wittes
But al laughynge he louted  and loked vp-on studye
In signe þat I shulde  biseche hire of grace .
And whan I was war of his wille  to his wif gan I loute
And saide mercy ma-dame  ȝowre man shal I worthe
As longe as I liue  bothe late and rathe
For to wurche ȝyowre wille  þe while my lif dureth
With þat ȝye kenne me kyndely  to knowe what is do-wel
For thi mekenesse man quod she  and for þi mylde speche
I shal kenne þe to my cosyn  þat clergie is hoten
noticia ad scripturam
He hath wedded a wif  with-Inne þis sex monthes
Is sibbe to þe seuene artz  scripture is hire name
Thei two as I hope  aftur my techynge
Shullen wissen þe to dowel  I dar it vndurtake .
Than was I als fayn  as fow..l of faire morwe
And gladdere þan þe gleman  þat gold haþ to ȝyifte
And axede hire þe heie wa..y  where þat clergie dwelte
...?...M.10.165: Something, no longer legible, has been erased from the right margin.
And telle me summe tokunne quod I  for tyme is þat I wende .
nota de paciencia
Axe þe heiȝe w...ey quod she  hennus to suffre
Bothe wele and wo  ȝif þat þou wolt l.erne .
And ride forth by richesse  ac reste þow not þere-Inne .
For ȝif þow couplest þe þere-wiþ  to clergie comest þow neuere .
# qui claricare velit neque deuicijs neque luxurijs Frequentet
And also þe likerouse launde  þat leccherie hatte
Leue hym on þeM.10.171: M's þe is not attested in other B manuscripts, which read þi. lifte half  a large myle or more .
Til þow come to a courte  kepe wel þi tonge
Fro lesynges and lithere speche  and likerouse drynkes .
Thanne shalt þow se sobrete  and synnpletesy[m]plete of speche
Þat ech wight be in wille  his wit þe to shewe .
And þus shalt þow come to clergie  þat can many þinges .
Seie hym þis signe  I sette hym to scole
...?...M.10.178: The erasure of a note in the right margin has affected the final six letters of the line. As a result, bokes has been re-inked. Probably there is no alteration to the text.
And þat I grette wel his wif  for I wrote hire bokesM.10.178: M's reading bokes agrees with F. Other B manuscripts read manye bokes.
And sette hire to Sapience  and to þe sauter glose .
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Loghyke I lerned hire  and many oþ.er lawes
And alle þe musons in musike  I made hire to knowe
Plato þe poete  I putte hym furste to boke
Aristotle . and oþur moo  I tauȝte to argueM.10.183: M and Hm reverse the syntax of all other B manuscripts, which read to argue I tauȝte. .
Gramere for gerls  I gerte firste to write
And bette hem with a baleys  but ȝif þei wolde l.erne
Of alle craftus  I contreuede toles
Of carpentrie of keruers  and compassed masons
And lerned hem hem leuel and lyne  þowgh I loke dymme .
Ac theologie haþ tened me  ten score tymesM.10.189-197: This paragraph is marked by a curly bracket on the right side.
Þe more I muse þere-inne  þe mistier it semeþ
And þe depper I dyuyne  þe derker me it þinkeþ
It is no science for-soþe  for to sotile inne .
A ful lethy þing it were  if þat loue nere .
Ac for it ....stantM.10.194: M's reading stant is unattested among other B manuscripts, most of which read let best, although F also omits best. bi loue  I loue it þe bettre .
# quia vbi amor ibi gratia
For þere as loue is ledere  ne lakked neuere grace .
Loke þow loue lelly  if þe liketh dowel .
For do-bet and do-best  ben of loues kynne
In other science it seith  I seiȝ it in Catoun
Qui simulat verbis velnecM.10.199: M's original reading agreed with WLR. M's altered reading nec agrees with most B manuscripts. corde est fidus amicus
Tu quoque fac simile  sic ars deluditur arte .
# quia non solum amicis sed eciam inimicis bona operemur
Whoso gloseþ as gylours don  go me to þe same
And so shalt þow fals folk  and faitheles bigile
This is Catons kennyng  to clerkus þat he lereth
Ac Theologie techeþ nouȝt so  whoso taketh ȝyeme .
He kenneth vs þe contrarie  aȝein catons wordus
For he bit vs be as bretheren  and bidde for oure enemys
And loue hem þat lien on vs  and lene hem whan hem nedeth
And do good aȝeins .yuel  god hym-self it hotehhote[t]hM.10.208: For similar instances of a dropped <t> see M.11.98, M.13.157, and M.14.307.
Dum tempus habemus . operemur bonum ad omnes / maxime autem ad domesticos fidei .
Poule preched þe poeple  þat parfitnesse louede
To do good for godes loue  and ȝyeuen men þat askede .
And nameliche to suche  þat suweth oure bileue
And al þat lakkeþ vs and lieþ on vsM.10.213: M's original reading of lieþ vs was shared by YOC2CLR. In the B manuscripts the addition of on is attested only in F, which reads lyȝe on vs, though is is the reading of A manuscripts.  oure lord techeþ vs to
And nouȝt to greuen hem þat greueþ vs  god hym-self forbad it .
# quia amor maxime profficit ad salutem anime
Michi vindictam & ego retribuam 
For-þi loke þou louye  as longe as þou l.yuestM.10.216: M's lyuest is not shared by other B manuscripts, most of which read durest.
For is no science vndur suonne  so souerain for þi soule .
fol. 44rI
passus xus
Ac astronomye is an harde þing  and .yuel for to knowe
# contra Astronomiam
Geometrie and geomesye  is gynful of speche
Whoso þenkeþ worche with þo two  thryueþ ful late
For sorcerye is þe souerein book  þat to þe science longeth
# Fybicchis
ȜYet ar þere fybicches in Forcers  of felelM.10.222: For M's altered reading fell, C reads fell but all other B manuscripts have fele which seems to be M's original reading. mennus makyng
Experimentz of Alkenamye  þe p.eple to desceiue .
ȜifIf þow þ to do wel  dele þere-with neuere
Alle þise sciences I my-self  sotiled and ordeinede
And founded hem formest  folk to desceiue
Telle clergye þise  and scripture aftur
To counseille þe kyndly  to knowe what is dowel
I saide graunt mercy ma-dame  and mekelyche hire grette
And wente wiȝthliche a-waye  with-outen more lettynge
And til I come to clergye  I couthe neuere stente .
And grette þe godeman  as studie me tauȝte
And aft..erwardus þe wif  and worshepede hem boþe .
And tolde hem þe tokenes  þat me tauȝt were .
Was neuere gome vpon þis grounde  siþ god ...?...?...the world madeM.10.235: The syntax of M's reading of the world made agrees with F's þis world made; other B manuscripts read made þe world. .
Fairer vndurfoungen  ne frendeloker at ese
Than my-self soþely  soone so he wiste
That I was of wittus hous  and with his wif dame Studye .
I saide to hym soþely  þat sente was I thider .
Do-wel and dobet  and dobest to lurne .
It is a comune lif quod clergie  on holychurche toM.10.241: The erasure of to brings M into agreement with F. bileue .
# de trinitate
Wiþ alle þe articles of þe feithe  þat falleþ beM.10.242: The insertion appears to be misplaced. All other B manuscripts place this word after to. to knowe
And þat is to bileue lelly  boþe lerede and lewede
On þe grete god  þat gynnynge hadde neuere .
And on þe soþefaste sone  þat sauede mankynde
From þe dedly de.þ  and þe deueles powere
Thoruȝgh þe helpe of þe holy goost  þe w....hich goost is of boþe
Thre persones  ac nouȝt in plurel nombre
For al is but oon god  and eche is god hym-seluen .
Deus pater . deus filius . deus spiritus . sanctus .
God þe fadur . god þe sone  god holy goost of boþe .
Makere of mankynde  and of bestus boþe .
Austyn the olde  here-of made bookes .
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And hym-self ordeynede  to sadde vs in bileue
Who was his auctour  alle þe foure euaungelistes
And Crist cleped hym-self so  þe Euaungelistes bereth wittnesse .
Ego in Patre & pater in me est . et qui videt me videt & patrem meum
# de Fide autem noli disputare
Alle þe Clerkes vndur Crist  ne couthe þis assoille
But þus it bilongeth to bileue  to lewed þat wolen dowel
# Sexta discripcio de dowell
For hadde neuere fr.eke fyn wit  þe feithe to dispute .
Ne man hadde no merite  myȝte it be yM.10.261: The erasure of <y> brings M into agreement with GBRF. proued
Fides non habet meritum . vbi humana racio prebet experimentum .
Thanne is dobet to suffre  for þi soules helthe
Al þat þe book bit  bi holychurche techynge .
And þat is man by þi miȝt  for mercies sake
Loke þow worche it in werk  þat þi worde sheweþ .
Swiche as þow semest in sighte  be in assay yfounde
Appare quod es . vel esto quod appares
And lat no-body be  by þi beryng bigiled
But be suche in þi soule  as þow semest withoute
Thanne is do-best to be bold  to blame þe gulty
Sithenes þow seest þi-self  as in soule clene
Ac blame þow neuere body  and þow be blame-worthy .
Si culpare velis . culpabilis esse cauebis
Dogma tuum sordet . cum te tua culpa remordet .
God in þe gospel  grymly reproueth
Al þat lakken any lif  and lakkes han hem-seluen .
Quid consideras festucam in oculo fratris tui . trabem in oculo tuo & ceteraM.10.278: Kane and Donaldson erroneously record M as omitting & cetera.
Whi meuestow þi mode for a mote  in þi broþeres eiȝe
Sith a beem in þin owne  ablyndeth þi-selue
Eice primo trabem de oculo tuo & cetera
W....hich letteþ þe to loke  lasse oþur more
# to abbottis and priours
I rede ich a blynde bosard  do betM.10.283: M shares the reading bet with C2; other B manuscripts have boote. to hym-selue
For abbotes . and for priours  and for alle manere prelatus
As persons and parisshe preestus  þat preche shulde & teche
Alle manere ofM.10.286: The addition of of brings M into agreement with HmYOC2CBF. men  to amenden by hire miȝte
Þis tixte was told ȝyow  beM.10.287: For be all B manuscripts except F read to be(n). war er ȝye tauȝte
Þat ȝye were suche as ȝye saide  to saluen with oþere
For godes word wol.M.10.289: The erasure, perhaps of <-d> attested in other B manuscripts, brings M into agreement with Bm. not be loste  for þat wercheþ euere .
ȜiIf it auailled nouȝt þe comune  it miȝte auaille ȝyow-seluen .
fol. 45rI
passus xus
Ac it semeþ nowM.10.291: The <w> is written over a <t>; F's reading is not. sothely  to þe worldus sighte
That godes word w.ercheþ nouȝt  on lered ne on lewede
But in suche a manere as . Marck  meneth in þe gospell
Dum cecus ducit cecum ambo in foueam cadunt
Lewede men may likkne ȝyow þus  þatM.10.295: M's original reading agreed with most B manuscripts; the deletion of þat brings M into agreement with GF. þe beem lith in ȝyoure eighen
And þe festu is fallen  for ȝyowre defaute
# contra mansid prestis
In alle manere men þorugh  mansede prestus
Þe bible bereth wittnesse  þat alle þe folke of Israel
Bittre abouȝte þe gultes  of two badde preestus
# Offny and Fynes
OffunnyM.10.300: M's original Offun agreed with Bm and probably Hm, which have also been altered to Offny, agreeing with BoCot and with C2. C2 originally had Offyn, which is the reading of other B manuscripts. and fynes  for hire couetise
Archa dei mishapped . and Ely brake his nekke
For-þi ȝye corectours claweth here-on  & corecteþ furst ȝyow-seluen
And þanne mowe ȝye saufly seie  as dauid made þe sauter
Existimasti inique quod ero tui similis . arguam te & statuam contra faciem tuam .
And þanne shul borel clerkes ben abasshed  to blame ȝyow or to greue
And carpen nouȝt as þei carpen now  and calle ȝyow doumbe houndes .
Canes non valentes latrare .
And drede to wratthe ȝyow in any word  ȝyowre werkemanship to lette
And be at ȝyowre praiere  þan.. for a pound of nobles .
And al for ȝyowre holinesse  haue ȝye þis in herte
# Contra Religiosos extra vagantes
In scole þere is scorne  but ȝif a clerk wol lerne
And grete loue and likyng  for ech of hem loueþ oþur
Ac now is Religion a ridere  a Romere by stretes
A leder of louedays  and a lond-bugger
A priker on a palfray  fro manoir to manoir
An.M.10.316: C here reads And, which may be M's original reading. Bo shows a similar alteration. hep of houndes at his ers  as he a lord were .
# contra kneling off the knave
And but ȝif his knaue knele  þat shal his cuppe bringe
He loureth on hym and axeth hym  who tauȝte hym curtesie .
Litel hadde lordes to done  to ȝyeue lond from hire heires
To Religious þat haue no reuthe  thouȝ it reyne on hire auteres
In many places þere hij persones ben  be hem-self ateseat ese .
Of þe pore haue þei no pitee  and þat is hire charitee
Ac þei leten hem as lordus  here lond lith. so brode
Ac þere shal come a kynge  and confesse ȝyow religiouses
And bete ȝyow as þe bible telleþ  for brekyng of yowreM.10.325: M's addition of <y> brings it into agreement with all other B manuscripts. rule .
fol. 45vI
And amende monyales  Monkes and Chanouns .
And puten hem to hire penaunce Ad pristinum statum ire .
And Barons with Erles beten hem  þoruȝ Beatus Virres techyng
That hire barnes claymen  and blame ȝyow foule .
Hij in curribus hijM.10.330: M shares the reading hij with L; other B manuscripts have & hij. in equis . ipsi obligati sunt & cetera .
And þanne Freres in hire Fraitour  shul fynden a keye
Off Costantynes cofres  in w....hich is þe catel
That Gregories godchildren  han .yuele despendede .
Thabbot of
AbyndounM.10.334: Abyndoun is in a different ink, but there does not seem to be an erasure here.
And þan shal þe Abbot of Abyndon  and al his issue for euere
Haue a knok of a kyng  and incurable þe wounde
That þis worth soth seke ȝye  þat ofte ouersee þe bible 
Quomodo cessauit exactor . quieuit tributum contriuit dominus baculum
impiorum & virgam dominancium . credencium plaga insanabili & cetera
Ac er þat kyng come  Cayme shal awake
Ac dowel shal dynge hym doun  and destruyen his miȝte
Thanne is dowel and dobette quod I  dominus and knyȝthode .
I nel not scorne quod scripture  but ȝif scryueyns lye
# quod kynghod helpith not to heuenward
Kynghode ne knyȝthode  by auȝt I can awayte
Helpeþ nouȝt to heuenward  one heres ende
Ne richesse riȝt nouȝt  ne reaullte of lordes .
Poule preueth it impossible  riche men haue heuen
Sal.omon saith also  þat siluer is worste to louye .
Nichil iniquius quam amare pecuniam
And Caton kenneth vs to coueite it nauȝt  but as nede techeth
Dilige denarium . set parce dilige formam .
And patriarches and prophetes  .. and poetes boþe
Wryten to wissen vs  to wilne no richesse
And praiseden pouerte wiþ pacience  þapostoeles bereþ witytnesse
That þai han heritage in heuene  and by trwe riȝte
There riche men no riȝt may clayme  but of ruthe and grace .
Contra quod I by Crist  þat can I reproue
And proue it by Petre  and by Poule bothe .
That ben baptised . ben sauede  be þei riche or pouere .
That is in extremis quod Scripture  amonges Sar.syns & Iewes
Þei mowe be saued so  and þat is oure bileue .
fol. 46rI
passus xus
# quod inffidelis in casu potest Baptizare inffedelis
That an vncristen . in þat cas  may cristen an heþen .
And for his lele bileue  whan he þe lif tyneþ
Haue þe heritage of heuene  as any man cristen .
Ac Cristen men with-outen more  may not come to heuene
For þat Crist . for Cristen men deide  and confermed þe lawe
That whoso wolde and wilneth  with Crist to arise
Si cum Cristo surexistis . & cetera
He shulde louye and lene  and þe lawe fulfulle
That is loue þi lord god  leuest abouen alle
And aftur alle cristene creatures  in comune eche man other
And þus bilongeth to louye  þat leueth to be sauede
And bote we do þus in dede  er þe day of dome .
It shal bi-sitten vs ful soure  þe siluer þat we kepen .
               .id est. vestes clothisM.10.373: The gloss vestes is the same ink and hand as the main text. The hand of the later gloss clothis resembles that of the Latin note at the top of fol 104v, as well as that of the verses about the mace at the foot of that leaf. The sidenote fiat voluntas on fol. 64v may also be compared. A gloss on bakkes in L reads id est panni.
And oure bakkes þat motheten ben  . & seen beggers go nakede
Or delite in wyn and wildfoule  and wot any in defaute
For euereryy cristen creature  shulde be kynde til other
And sithen . hethen to helpe  in hope of amendement
God hoteth boþe heighe and lowe  þat no man hurte oþer
And saith sle nouȝt þat semblable is  to myn owne likkenesse
But if I sende þe som token  and saith . non ...?...occidesM.10.379: M's occides, written over a longer erasure, is unique. This word is attested variously among B manuscripts: mecaberis, necaberis, necabis. The corrector recognized Langland's error, as does one A text scribe. See Luke 18.20, and Skeat's explanation of the readings (2.160). John Alford provides further comment (Piers Plowman: A Guide to the Quotations (Binghamton, 1992) pp. 68-69).
I .M.10.380: M's altered reading I agrees with Cr23YOC2CB. Most other B manuscripts read Is. sle nouȝt but suffre  and al for þe beste
For I shal punisshe hem in purgatorie  or in þe put of helle .
Eche man for his mysdedes  but mercy it lette .
This is a longe lesson quod I  and litel am I þe wyser
Where dowel is or dobet  derkeliche ȝye shewen
Many tales ȝye tellen  þat theologye lerneth
And þat I man made was  and my name y-entrede
In þe legende of lif  longe er I were .
Or elles writen for som wikkednesse  as holy writ w.ytnesseth
Nemo ascendit in celum nisi qui de celo descendit .
I leue it welM.10.390: Most B manuscripts include either here or after quod I the phrase, by oure lord. quod I  and on no lettrure bettre
For sal.omon þe sage  þat sapience tauȝte
God gaf hym grace of witte  and alle his godes aftur
He demed wel and wisely  as holy writ telleth
# opinionem quomodo Salamoun et Aristotill dampnantur
Aristotle and he  who wissud men bettre .
Maistres þat of godes mercy  techen men and prechen
Of hire wordus þei wissen vs  for wisest in hire tyme
And al holy churche  holdeþ hem bothe ydampned .
fol. 46vI
And ȝif I shulde werke bi here werkes  to wynnen me heuene
That for hire werkes and wit  now woneth in pyne
Thanne wrouȝt I vnwisely  what so euere ȝye preche
Ac of fel.e witty in feith  litel ferly I haue
Thouȝ hire goost be vngracious  god for to plese .
For many menM.10.403: M's addition of men is attested in most B manuscripts. on þis molde  more sette hire hertes
In good þan in god  for-þi hem grace failleth
At hire moost meschief  whan þei shul lif lete
As sal.omon d.ide and suche oþ..ere  þat s.hewede grete wittus .
Ac hire werkes as holy writ seith  was euere þe contrarie .
For-þi wise witted men  and wel y-lettred clerkes
As þei saien hem-self  selden don þere-aftur
Super cathedra moysy . & cetera .
Ac I wene it worthe of many  as was in Noe.s tyme .
Tho he shop þat sh.ipp  of shides and bordus
Was neuere wriȝte saued þat wrouȝte þere-on  ne oþur werkeman elles .
# archam Noe
But briddes and bestes  and þe blessud Noe
And his wif with his sones  and also hire wifes
AndM.10.416: M alone among B manuscripts begins the line with And. of wr.yghtes þat it wrouȝt  was non of hem y-saued .M.10.416: This line was added in a darker ink, but probably by the main hand, in a space dividing paragraphs. In this omission, M originally agreed with GYOC2CB, which also omit this line.
God lene it fare not so bi folk  þat þe feith techen
Of holy churche þat herberwe is  and godes hous to saue .
And shilde vs fram shame þere-Inne  as Noes shipp dede bestes
And men þat maden it  ...?... ——M.10.420: The corrector most likely erased an extra amydde. amydde þe flood adreynten
The culorum of þis c..lauseM.10.421: M's original reading may have agreed with OC2, which read cause.  is Curatours to mene
That ben carpentiers holy kyrke to make  for cristus owne bestus
Homines & iumenta saluabis domine & cetera
On gode friday I fynde  a feloun was y-sauede
Þat hadde y-l.iued al his lif  with lesynges and with thefte
# Felon on Good Fryday
And for he by-knew on þe cros  and to Crist shrof hym
He was suonner saued  þanne seint Iohan þe baptiste
And er Adam or ysaie  or any of þe prophetes
That hadde y-layn with lucifer .  many longe ȝyeres
A robbere was y-raunceoned  .rather þanne þei alle
With-owten any penaunce of purgatorie  to perpetuel blisse
Than Marie Magdaleyne  what womman dede worse
Or who worse þan dauid  þat vries deth conspirede
Or Poul.e . þe appostele  þat no pite hadde 
fol. 47rI
passus xus
M.10.435: The scribe begins by writing to the right of the box as he had done in the first quire; then, realizing his misplacement, writes the next initials in their correct position.Muche Cristene kynde  to kille to dethe
And now ben þes as souereins  with saintes in heuene
Tho þat wrouȝten wikkedlieste  in world þo þei were
And þo þat wysely wordeden  and wryten many bookes
Of wit and of wisdome  with dampnede soules wonye .
That Salamon seith I trowe be soth  and certeyn of vs alle
Sine iusti atque sapientes . & opera eorum in manu dei sunt & cetera
Ther aren witti and wel libbynge  ac hire werkes ben yhudde
In þe hondes of almiȝty god  and he wot þe sothe .
Wher for loue a man worth allowede þere  and his lele werkes
OrellesOr elles for his yuel wil  and enuie of herte
And be allowed as he liuede so  for by lither men knoweth the goode
And wherby w.....isteM.10.447: This alteration occurs at a place where B manuscripts attest a wide variety of readings. Bm also has the last three letters of wist over an erasure; many other manuscripts have a form of witen. men ...whiche is white  if alle þinge blak were
And who were a gode man  but ȝif þere were sum shrewe
For-þi lyue we forth wiþ liþereM.10.449: M alone among B manuscripts here lacks the word men.  I leue fewe ben goode .
For quant oportet vient en place  il ny ad que pati .
And he þat al mayM.10.451: M shares the reading al may with Y; other B manuscripts have may al. amende  haue mercy on vs alle .
Nemo bonus
For soþest word þat euere god seide  was þo he saide nemo bonus
Clergye tho of Cristes mouthe  comended was it litel .
For he saide to saint petre  and to suche as he louede
Dum steteritis ante Reges & ceteraM.10.455: M's version of this Latin tag is the shortest among B manuscripts. Most other B manuscripts continue with & presides after reges.
Though ȝye come kynges  and clerkes of þe lawe .
Beth nouȝt abasshed . for I shal  be in ȝyowre mouthes
And ȝyeue ȝyow wit and wille  and konnynge to conclude
Hem alle þat aȝeins ȝyow  of cristendome disputen
Dauyd maketh mencion  he spake amonge kynges
And miȝte no kyng ouercome hym  as bi konynge of speche
But wit ne wisdome  ne wan neuere þe maistrie
Whan man was at meschief  with-oute þe more grace
The doughtieste doctour  and diuinour of þe Trinitee .
Was Augustyn þe olde  and heiȝest of þe foure
Saide þus in a sermon  I seigh it writen ones
Ecce ipsi ydioti rapiunt celum . vbi nos sapientes in inferno mergimur
And is to mene to englessh men  more ne lasse
Aren none rather rauysshed  fro þe riȝte bileue
......M.10.470: There is a word of five or six letters written faintly in the lower right corner of the leaf.
Than aren þise konynge clerkes  þat kuonnen many bokes .
fol. 47vI
Ne none sonner saued  ne sadder of bileue
Than plowmen and pastours  and pore comune laborers
Sout..ers and shepherdes  and suche lewede iottes
Percen with a pater-noster  þe paleys of heuene
And passen purgatorie penaunceles  at hire hennus partynge
Into þe blisse of paradys  for hire pure bileue
That inparfitelyM.10.477: Other B manuscripts share M's original reading inparfitely, except for BF with in parfit lif. h.ere  .....knewe and eke lyueden .
...?...Men haue knowenM.10.478: All B manuscripts except F read Ye men knowe(n), which was perhaps M's original reading. F has Men knowe cunne. clerkes  þat han cursed þe tyme
That euere þei couthe or knewe moore  þan Credo in deum patrem
And principaly hire pater noster . many a persone haþ wysshede
I se emsamplese[n]samples my-self  and so mayM.10.481: M's original ending of the line was probably as in Hm so many an oþer. The altered reading is in line with most B manuscripts. many .. othur
That seruauntz þat seruen lordus  selden falle in arrerage
But tho þat kepen þe lordes catel  clerkes and reues .
Right so lewede men  and of litel knowynge
Selden fallen þei so foule  and so fer in synne
As clerkes of holykyrke  þat kepen cristes tresore
The w....hich is soule to saue  as god saith in þe gospell .
Ite vos in vineam meam. & cetera .