fol. 81r (cont.)I
Passus xvijus

passus xvijusdecimo septimus

IM.17.1: A 3-4 line capital has been outlined in text ink, but the scribe has only left space for a one-line passus initial. This has been painted in roughly and in a red ink different from that of the passus heading. am Spes quod þatM.17.1: M's þat is not shared by other B manuscripts, most of which read he a. spye . and spire aftur a knyȝt
That took me a maundement . vpon the mounte of Synay 
To rule alle reaumes with . I bere þe writte here .
¶Is it aseled I saide . may men see the lettres
Nay he saide ȜI seke hym . þat hath þe seel to kepe
And þat is cros and cristendome . and crist þereon to honge
And whan it is asseled so . I woot wel þe sothe
That Luciferes lordship . last shal no lenger
Lat se þi lettres quod I . we miȝte þe lawe knowe
Thanne plukkud he forth . a patente . a pece of an harde roche
Wher-on were wryten two wordes . on þis wise y-glosed .
Dilige deum & proximum tuum & cetera
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This was the tixte truly . I took ful gode ȝyeme
The glose was gloriousliche . writen . with a gilte penne
In hijs duobus mandatis . tota lex pendet & prophete .
Ben here alle þi lordus lawes I seidequod IM.17.16: M's original reading I seide is not attested in other B manuscripts. . ȝye leue me wel he saide .
And whoso w.ercheþ after þis writ . I wol vndertaken
Shal neuere deuel hym dere . ne deth in soule greue
For ...þogh I sey it my-seluen . I haue saued with þis charme
Of men and wymmen . many score thousandes
He soþ saiþ þis hereaud I haue it foundeM.17.21: M shares the reading it founde with Cr. Other B manuscripts reverse the order. ofte
Loo here in my lappe . þat leued on þat charme
Iosue and Iudith . and Iudas Macabeus
ȜYe and sixti þousand biside forth . þat ben not seien here
ȜYoure wordes arn wond.erful . quod I tho . .....which of ȝow is truwest .
In quem
And lelest to leue on . for lif and for soule
Tres vidit vnum adorauit
Abraham seiþ þat he seiȝ . ...?...lyhoolly the Trinite
Thre persones in parcelles . departable from other
And alle þre but o god . þus Abraham me tauȝte
And haþ saued þat bileued so . and sory for hire synnes
He kan nouȝt segge þe somme . and somme arn in his lappe .
What neded it þanne . a newe lawe to bigynne
Sith þe furste suffiseþ . to sauacion and to blisse
And now comeþ . Spes . & spekeþ . þat haþ aspied þe lawe
And telleþ nouȝt of þe Trinite . þat took hym hise lettres
To bileue and louye . in o lord almyȝti
And sith riȝt as my-selue . so louye alle þe p.eple
The gome þat goþ with ao staf . he semeþ in gretter hele
Thanne he þat goþ with two staues . to siȝte of vs alle
And riȝt so by þe Rode . resoun me sheweþ.M.17.40: In the left margin by this line is what looks like an erased large <S>.
It is liȝter to lewed men . ao lessoun to knowe
Þan for to techen hem two . and to hard to lerne þe leste
It is ful hard for Abrahamany man . on Abraham bileue
And worse ȝyet . for to loue a shrewe
It is liȝter to l.eue in thre louely persones
Than for to loue and leue . as wel lorelles as lele
Go þi gate quod I to Spes . forM.17.47: M shares the reading for with Cr. Other B manuscripts omit it. so me god helpe .
Tho þat lerneþ þi lawe . wel litel while vsen it .
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passuuspassus xvijus
And as we wenten þusM.17.49: M alone among B manuscripts here lacks a word which in most B manuscripts is in. þe wey . wordynge to-gidres
Thanne seiȝe we a Samaritan sittynge on a mMule
Rydynge welM.17.51: Only MCr have wel; other B manuscripts have ful. raply þe riȝte way we ȝyeden .
Comynge from a countre . þat men called Ierico
To a Iustes in Iherusalem . he chaced a-way faste
.id est. CristusM.17.54: The same marginal gloss is found in L.
Boþe þe heraud and hope . and he mette at onoes
Where a man was wounded . and with theues taken
He miȝte neiþer steppe ne stonde . ne stere foot ne handes .
Ne helpe him-self sothly . for semyuyf he semed .
And as naked as a ne..dle . and noon helpe aboute hym .
Faithe hadde furste siȝte of hym . ac he fleiȝe a-side
And nolde nouȝt neighen hym . by nine londes lengþe cam hippinge aftur . þat hadde so y-boosted
How he with Moyses maundement hadde many men y-holpen
Ac whanne he hadde sighte of þat segge . a-side he gan hym drawe
Dredfully by þis day . as doke doth fromM.17.64: All other B manuscripts except Cr read from þe. faucoun
Ac so soone so þisM.17.65: All other B manuscripts except Cr read þe. Samaritane . hadde siȝte of þis lede
He liȝte adoun of liȝard . and heeldM.17.66: M's original reading without a word here was shared by CB. M's addition, which Kane and Donaldson erroneously record as held, is not attested in other B manuscripts, most of which read ladde. hym in his honde .
And to þe wye he wente . hise woundes to biholde
And parceiued by his pous . he was in perille to deȝye
And but ȝif he hadde recouerier þe rather þat rise shulde he neuere
With wyn and with oyle . hise woundes he wasshed
Enbaumed hym and bonde his hed . and in his lappe hym layde
And ladde hym so forth on liȝard . to lex Cristi a graunge
Wel sex myle or seuene . biside þe newe Market
Herbererwed hym at an hostrye . . & to þe host.yler called .
And seide haue kepe þis man . til I come from þe Iustes
And loo hireM.17.76: M's reading hire is shared with C2; other B manuscripts read here. siluer he saide . for salue to hise woundes
And he took hym two pans . to liflode as it were
And saide what-soM.17.78: M's what-so is not shared by other B manuscripts, most of which read what, except for Cr which has whoso for what-so he. he spendeþ moore . I make itM.17.78: For it all other B manuscripts except Cr read þee. good here-aftur
For I may not lette quod þat leode . and lyȝard he bystrydeþ
And raped hym to Iherusalem-ward . þe riȝte ..wey to ryde
Faithe folwed aftur faste . and fonded to mete hym .
And Spes spakliche hym spedde . spede ȝif he miȝte
To ouertake hym and talke to hym . er þei to toune come .
And whanne I seiȝe þis I soiourned not . but shoop me to renne
And suwed þat samaritan . þat was so ful of pitee
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And graunted hym to ben his grome . gramercy he seide .
Ac þi freend and þi felawe . þou fyndeste me at nede .
And I thanked him tho . and sith I hym tolde
How þat feithe fleiȝe a-way . and Spes and hisM.17.89: M's reading and his is shared with Cr1; other B manuscripts read his. felawe bothe
For siȝte of þe sorewful man . þat robbed was with þeues
Haue hem excused quod he . hire helpe may litel auaille
May no medcyne on moolde . þe man to hele bringe
Neither feith ne fyne hope / so feestred ben hise woundes
With-oute þe blood of a barn . borne of a mayden
And he be baþed in þat blood . baptised as it were
And þanne plastred with penaunce . and passion of þat baby
He shulde stonde and steppe . ac stalworth worth he neuere
Til he haue eten al þe barn . and his blood ydronken .
For wente neuere wie in þis world . þoruȝ þat wildernesse
That he ne was robbed or rifled . rode he þere or ȝyede
Saue feithe and his felawe . Spes and my-seluen .
And þi-selue now . and suche as suwen h..oure werkes
For outlawes in þe wode . and vndur bank.esM.17.103: M's altered reading bankes is not shared by other B manuscripts, which read bank except for F's balkis. lotyeþ
And mowe eche man see and godeod marke take
Who is bihynde . and who bifore . and who ben on horse .
For he halte hym hardier on horse þan he þat is on foote
For he seiȝe me þat am Samaritan . suwen faithe and his felawe
On my capul þat hiȝte Caro . of mankynde I took it .
He was vnhardy þat herlot . and hudde hym in inferno .
Ac er þis day thre daies . I dar vndurtaken
That he worth fettred þat feloun . faste with cheynes
And neuere efte greue gome . þat goþ þis ilke gate
And þanne shal feiþ be Forestier here  and in þis .....Fryth walke
And kennen out comune men . þat knoweth nouȝt þe Cuntre .
W..hich is þe wey þat I wente . and wherforth to Ierusalem .
And hope þe host.yllers man shal be . þere þe man lith atM.17.116: M's at is unique among B manuscripts, which read an, in, or to. helynge
And all þat feble and feinte be . þat feith may nouȝt teche
Hope shal lede hem forM.17.118: M's for agrees with Cr1; other B manuscripts read forþ with. loue . as his lettre tell..eth
And host.ellen hem and hele . þoruȝ holy churchesM.17.119: The altered form agrees with CB. Other B manuscripts have genitive chirche. bileue
Til I haue salue for alle sike . and þanne shal I reteurne
A...?...?...nd come ayeyn by thys contree . and conforte alle seke
Þat craueth it or coue......iteþ it . an.d crieth þere-after
For þe barn was born in Bedleem . þat with his blood shal saue .
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passus xxviijusxxvvijus
Alle þat lyueþ in feithe and folweth hise felawes techinge
A swete sire I saide þo . wh..ere shal I bileue
As feithe and his felawe . enfourmed me bothe
In thre persones departable  þat perpetuel were euere
And alle þre but o god . þus Abraham me tauȝte
And hope afterwarde he bad me to louye
O god with alle my good / and alle gomes after
Loue hem li.k my-selue . ac oure lord a-bouen alle
After abraham quod he . þat heraud of armes .
Sette faste þi feithe . and ferme bileue
And as hope hiȝte þe . I hote þe þat þou louye
Thyne euene-cristen euen-forth...rmore euen forth with þi-seluen
And ȝif conscience carpe þere aȝein / or kynde wit eyther
Ostende manum quia deus assimulatur ad manum
Or heretikes with argumentes . þin hond þou hym shewe
For god is after an hand . y-here now and knowe it
The fadir was furst as a fust / with on fynger foldynge
Til hym loued and luste . to vnlosen his fynger
And profre it forth as with a paume . to what place it sholde
The paume is purely þe hand . and profreth forth þe fyngres
To mynistre and to make . þat miȝte of hand knoweth
And bitokeneþ truly . telle who-so likeþ
The holy goost of heuene he is as þe paume
The fyngres þat fre ben . to foolde and to serue
Bitokeneþ sotlysot[h]ly þe sone / þat sent was til erþe
That touched and tasted . at techynge of þe ofM.17.148: The corrector first misplaced of after þe and then erased it, placing it correctly. paume
Seinte Marie a Maide / and mankynde lauȝte
Qui conceptus est de spiritu sancto & cetera
The fader is þanne as a fust . with fynger to touche
Quia omnia traham ad me ipsum . & cetera
Al þat þe paume parceyueth . profitable to feele
Thus arn þei alle but on . as it an hond were
And thre sundry siȝtes . in oon shewynge
Þe paume for he putteþ forth . fyngres and fust bothe
Riȝt so redly / reson it sheweþ .
þatM.17.158: Most B manuscripts begin this line with How. This addition brings M into agreement with Cr1. He þat is holygoost . sire and sone preueth
And as þe hand halt harde . and alle þinge f.aste
Thoruȝ foure fyngres and a thombe . for withth withM.17.160: M's original reading for with agreed with Cot. þe paume
Right so þe fadur . and þe sone . and seint spirit. þe þridde .
...?...?...With-Inne hem thre . the wyde world holdenM.17.162: This entire line is written over an erasure. M and Cr agree in giving the a- and b-verses of this line in an order reversed from the rest of the B manuscripts. L reads Halt al the wyde worlde within hem thre. It is probably the tail of <H> that is still visible at the start of the line.
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Bothe welkyne and þe wynd . water and erthe
Heuene and helle / and al þat þere-inne is .
Thus it is nedeþ no man / trowe noon other
That thre þinges bilongeth . in oure lord of heuene
And arn serelepes by hem-selue . a-sundry were þai neuere
NomoreNo more þanne myn hand . may moeue with-oute my fyngres
And as my fust is ful hand . yfoolde to-gedres
So is þe fadur a ful god . fourmeour and shepper
Tu fabricator omnium & cetera .
And al þatM.17.172: All other B manuscripts except Cr1 read þe. miȝt midde hym / is in makynge of þinges
The fyngres fourmen a ful hand . to purtrey or to peinte .
Keruynge and compassynge . as crafte of þe fyngres
Right so is þe . þe science of þe fadur
And ful god as is þe fader . no febler ne non bettre
# discripcionem trinitatis ad similitudinem manus
The paume þatM.17.177: M's addition of þat brings it into agreement with Cr. is pureliche þe hand . haþ power by hym-seluen
Other-wyse þanne þe wrythen fust or werkemanshippe of fyngres .
For þe paume haþ power . to putte out alle þe ...iointes
M.17.180KD.17.179, 181
And to vnfolde þe foolden fust . at þe fyngres wille
So is þe holigoost god / neyther gretter ne lesse
Þanne is þe sire and þe sone / and in þe same miȝte
And alle ar þei but o god / as is myn hand and my fyngres
Vnfolden andM.17.184: M's and agrees with Cr1; other B manuscripts read or. foolden . my fust and my paume
Al is but on hand . ...?...? I tourne itM.17.185-186: The scribe omitted M.17.185b and M.17.186a, an omission shared with WHmGYC2CB, caused by eyeskip on hand. The corrector has erased euene in þe myddes after 185a, replaced it with the lost b-verse, writing 186 in the margin with a red line to indicate its insertion. The additional material brings M into agreement with CrLRF. For Ac F has But and Cr And; whoso is shared only with Cr, LRF reading who. All other B manuscripts read in þe middes for the correction amyddes, and the spacing of the partly legible erasure under 185b shows that in þe myddes was the original reading in M.
Ac whoso is hurt in þe hond . euene amyddes
He may resceyue riȝt nouȝt . resoun it sheweth
For þe fyngres þat foolde shuolde / and þe fust make .
For peyne of þe paume . power hem failleth
To cluche or to clawe . to clippe or to hoolde
.h..Were þe myddel of myn hand . ymaymed or perisshed
I shulde resceiue riȝt nouȝt . of þat I reche miȝte
Ac þouȝ my þombe and my fyngres . boþe were to-...swollenM.17.193: Most B manuscripts here read shullen. The alteration brings M into agreement with Cr23HmRF. .
And þe myddel of myn hand . with-outen malese
In many kynnes maners . I miȝte my-selue helpe
Boþe moeue and amende . ...?...?...thogh all my fyngres oke .
# de peccato contra spiritum sanctum
By þis skille me þinkeþ . I see an euidence
Þat whoso s.inneþ in þe seint spirit / assoilled worth he neuere
Neiþer heere ne elles-where / as I here telle 
Qui peccatM.17.200: Kane and Donaldson record this as pectat but <c> and <t> are not always clearly distinguishable, and the scribe presumably intended peccat. in spiritu sancto & cetera
For he p...rykkeþ god as in þe paume . quiM.17.201: All other B manuscripts except Cr read þat for M's qui. peccat in spiritu sancto .
fol. 84rI
passus xvijus
¶ For god þe fadur is as a fust . þe sone . is as a fynger .
The holygoost of heuene is as it were þe paume
So whoso sinneþ in þe seint spirit / it semeþ þat he greueþ
AndGod þat he gripeþ with . and wolde his grace quenche
# Aliam discripcionem trinitatis ad similitudinem Candeli
And to a torche or a tapur . þe trinite is likkened
As wex and a weke . were twyned to-geidre
And þanne a fyr flam......mynge . forþ out of bothe .
And as wex and weke . and hoot fyr to-gidre.s .
Fostren forth a flaumbe . and a feir leye
So doþ þe sire and þe sone . and also Spiritus sanctus
Fostren forth amonges folk . loue and bileue
That alle kynne cristene . clenseþ of synnes .
And as þou seest somme-tyme . ...?...?...sodeynly a torche
The blase þere-of yblowen out . ȝyit brenneþ þe weke .
With-oute leye or liȝt . þat þe macche brennneþbrenneþ
So is þe holygoost god . and grace with-oute mercy
To alle vnkynde creatures . þat coueite to destruye .
Lele loue oþer lif . þat oure lord shapte 
And as gloynge gledes . gladieþ nouȝt þise werkemen
That worchen and waken in wyntres niȝtes
As do.þ a kex or a candele þat cauȝt haþ fyr and blaseþ
NomoreNo more doþ sire ne sone . ne seint spirit to-g.ydres
Graunte no grace . ne forȝyifnesse of synnes
Til þe holy goost gynne . to glowe and to blase
So þat þe holy goost . glooeth but as a glede
Til þat lele loue ligge on hym and blowe .
And þanne flaumbeþ he as fyr / on fader and on filius .
And melteþ hire miȝte in-to mercy . as men may in wyntre
......Yshekeles in eueses . þoruȝ hete of þe s.onne
Melteþ in a mynut-while . to myst and to watre
So grace of þe holy goost . þe grete miȝte of þe Trinite
Melteþ to mercy . to mercyable . and to noon othere
And as wax with-outen moore . on a warme glede
Wol burrennen . and blasen alleM.17.235: M shares all with Cr; other B manuscripts read be þei. to-gedres
And solacen hem þat ..mowe se . þat sitten in derkenesse
So wol þe fadur forȝyeue. . folk of mylde hertes
That rufulliche repenten . and restitucion maken
In as .....muche as þei mowen . amenden and paien .
And ȝif it suff...ise not for assetz þat in suche a wille deyeth
Mercy for his mekenesse . wol make good þe rem.enaunt
l iiij
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And as þe weyke and þeM.17.242: M's addition of þe is not attested by other B manuscripts. fyr . wol make a warme fla.....wmeM.17.242: The corrector has converted three minims to a <w> and written a minim followed by <e> at the end of the word. The original spelling was probably flaumbe as at M.17.250.
For to murthe men with . þat in merke sitten .
# de gratitudine Cristi bene loquitur
So wol crist of his curtesye . and men crien hym mercy
Boþe forȝyeue and forȝyete . and ȝyet bidde for vs
To þe fadur of heuene forȝyeuesse to hauenesse to haue
Ac hewe fyr at þeM.17.247: M's reading þe agrees with Cr. All other B manuscripts read a, except R, which omits the word. flynt . foure hundred wyntur
But þow haue tow to take it with . tundur or broches
Al þi labour is lost . andM.17.249: M's and agrees with Cr; other B manuscripts read and al. þi longe trauaille
For may no fyr flaumbe make . faille it his kynde
So is þe holy goost god . and grace with-outen mercy
To alle vnkynde creatures . crist hym-self witytnesseþ .
Amen dico vobis . nescio vos & cetera .
# de Ingratidtudine bene loquitur
Be vnkynde to þine euenecristen . and al þat þou kanst bidde
Delen and do penaunce . day and nyȝt euere
And purchace al þe pardoun . of Pampiloun and Rome
And indulgences y-nowe and be vnkyndeingratusM.17.257: M's original vnkynde was not attested in other B manuscripts, though several have some difficulty with the reading. to þi kynde
The holy goost hereþ þe nouȝt . ne helpe may þe by resoun .
For vnkyndenesse quencheþ hym . þat he kan not shyne
Ne brenne ne blase clere . for brennyngeM.17.260: M's brennynge agrees with Cr1; other B manuscripts read blowynge. of vnkyndnesse
Poule þe appostel . proueþ wher I lye
Si linguis hominum Loquar & cetera
WherFforeM.17.263: M's original reading of ffor (i.e. For) was shared by Cr1. All other B manuscripts read Forþi. A later hand has altered ffor to fore and added Wher in the margin. Further to the left is a large erasure. beþ war ȝye wisemen . þat with þe world deleth
Þat riche ben and resoun knoweþ . ruleth wel ȝyoure soule
Beth nouȝt vnkynde I conseille ȝyow . to ȝyoure euene-cristen .
For many of ȝyow riche men . by my soule men telleth
ȜYe brenne but ȝye blasen nouȝt . þat is a blynd bekene .
Non omnis qui dicit domine domine intrabit & cetera .
Diues deyed dampned . for his vnkyndnesse
Of his mete and his money . to men þat it neded .
notate divites
Eche a riche I rede . reward at hym take
And ȝyif ȝyoure godeood to ȝyoureM.17.272: M's youre agrees with Cr1; other B manuscripts read þat. god . þat grace of ariseþ .
For þat ben vnkynde to hise . hope I noon other
But þei dwelle þere Diues is . dayes with-outen ende
Thus is vnkyn.denesse þe contrarie þat quencheþ as it were
The grace of þe holy goost . goddes owne kynde
For þat kynde doþ . vnkyndnesse doþfordoþ . as donM.17.277: M shares the reading don with Cr. Other B manuscripts omit the word, though F supplies ben above the line. þise courrsed þeues .
Vnkynde cristen men . for couetise and enuye 
Sleth a man for hise moebles . with mouþe or with handes .
For þat þe holygoost haþ to kepe . tho harlotes destruȝyeth
The w....hich is l...yf and loue . þe leye of body .
fol. 85rI
passus xvijus
For euery manere gode man . may be likkened to a torche
Or ellus to a tapre . to reuerence þe Trinite
And who þatM.17.284: M's reading þat agrees with Cr. All other B manuscripts read so, except WL, which omit the word. murþereþ a good man . meM.17.284: There is apparently an erased abbreviation for er after the first two minims. thinkeþ by myn Inwit
He fordoþ þe leuest liȝt . þat oure lord loueth
Nota hic bene
Ac ȝyit in many moo maners . men offenden þe holy goost
Ac þis is þe worste wyse . þat any wiȝt miȝte
Synnen aȝein þe seint spirit . assenten to destruyen
For coueitise of any kynnes þing . þat crist deere bouȝte
How miȝte he axen mercy . or any mercy hym helpe
That wikkedlich and willefulliche . wolde mercy anynte
I......nnocence is next god . and nyȝt . and day it cryethe
Vengeaunce vengeaunce forȝyeue be it neuere
That shent vs and shadde oure blood . forshappte vs as it were .
Vindica sanguinem iustorum
Thus vengeaunce vengeance . verrey charite askeþ
And sith holy churche and charite chargeþ þis so soore
Leue I neuere þat oure lord . wol loue þat charite lakkeþ
Ne haue pitee for any praiere . þer þat he pleyneþ
# questionem de peccato contra spiritum sanctum
I pose I hadde synned so and shuolde now deiȝeye
M.17.301: M alone lacks the word And here.Now am I sory þat I so . þe seint spirit agulte
Confesse me and crye his grace . god þat al made
And myldliche his mercy axe . miȝte I nouȝt be saued 
ȜYus saide þe samaritan so wel þou miȝte repente
Þat riȝtwisnesse þoruȝ repentaunce . to ruþe miȝte tourne
Ac it is but selden y-seiȝe . þere soþnesse bereþ wittnesse
Any creature þat is coupable . bifore a kynges Iustice
Be raunsomed for his repentaunce . þere alle reson hym dampneþ
For þere þat partie pursueþ . þe p...leeM.17.309: M's altered reading here agrees only with Cr. RLF read peel; WHmGYC2CB read peple. is so huge
Þat þere kynge may do no mercy . til boþe men accorde
And eyþer haue equite . as holy writte telleþ
M.17.312: A very faint mark, not unlike a squat arabic numeral <2>, is in the left margin.
Numquam dimittitur peccatum & cetera
Thus it fareþ by suche folk . þat falsly al hire lyues
Yuele l.yuen and leten nouȝt . til lif hem forsake
# terribile
Gode hope þat helpe shulde . to wanhope tourneþ
Nouȝt of þe nounpower of god . þat he ne is miȝtful .
To amende al þat amys is . and his mercy gretter
Thanne alle oure wikkede werkes . as holy writte telleþ
Misericordia eius super omnia opera eius & cetera .
fol. 85vI
Ac er his riȝtwysnesse to ruthe tourne . somme restitucion byhoueþ
SHis sorwe is satisfaccioun . for hym þat may not paie
# a wikkyd wyff
Thre þinges þer ben þat don a man by strengþe
For to fleen his owne hous / as holy sheweþ .
That oon is a wikked wif . þat wil nouȝt be chastised
Here feere fleeth f.rom hire . for fere of hire tonge
And ȝif his hous be vnheled . and reyne on his bedde
He sekeþ and sekeþ . til he slepe drye
And whanne smoke and smoldre . in his siȝte
It doþ hym worse þan his wif or wete to slepe
For smoke and smolder . smyteþM.17.330: An extra minim has been erased from the <m>. inM.17.330: M's original reading without in agreed with GCLRF. hise eiȝen
Til he be blereed or blind / and hoors in þe þrote
Cougheþ and curseþ . þat Crist ȝyeue hym sorwe
Þat shulde bringe in bettre wode . or blowe it til it brende
Thise þre þat I telle of . ben þus to vndurstonde
Þe wif is oure wikked Flessh . þat wol not be chasted
For kynde clyueþ on hym euere . to contrarie þe soule
And þouȝ it falle it fynt skylles . þat freelte it made
And þat is liȝtly forȝyeuen . and forȝyeten boþe
To man þat mercy askeþ . and amende þenkeþ
The rayn þat reyneþ . þere we reste shulde
Ben sekenesses and sorwes þat we suffren ofte .
As poule þappostel . to þe poeple tauȝte
Virtus in infirmitate perficitur & cetera
And þouȝ þat men make muche doel in hire angre
And inpacient in hire penaunce . pure resoun knoweþ
# pro hijs qui male possunt pati
Þat þei han cause to contrarien . by kynde of hire sekenesse
And liȝtlich oure lord . at here lyues ende
Haþ mercy on suche men . þat so eyuele may suffre .
Ac þe smoke and þe smoldre . þat smyt in oure eiȝen
Þat is coueitise and vnkyndnesse . þat quencheþ godes mercy .
For vnkyndenesse is þe contrarie of alle kynnes resoun
For þer nys seek ne sory . ne noon so muche wrecche
Þat he ne may louye and hym like . and leue of his herte
Good wille and good word / boþe wysshen and willen .
Alle manere ofM.17.355: M's reading manere of agrees with Cr. All other B manuscripts read manere men, except F, which reads manere of men boþe. mercy and forȝefnesse
And louye hymM.17.356: M shares the reading hym with Cr1; other B manuscripts read hem. lich hym-self . and his lif amende
fol. 86rI
liber xviijus
I may no .lenger lette quod he . and lyȝard he prikede
And wente a-way as wynd . and þerwith I waked .