fol. 1rI
Assit principio Sanctafilius Mariae meoM.P.0: The heading is written in a similar ink to that of the text but in a much less formal style, and is probably later than the
main scribe. Though rubbed, it appears originally to have read Assit principio Sancta Maria meo with Sancta then deleted by way of underlining and replaced by filius, and Maria altered to Mariae. Christopher de Hamel notes that "invocations such as 'assit principio meo ihesus maria'" were typical pen-trials "written
in tiny script along the very upper margin of the first page" (Medieval Craftsmen: Scribes and Illuminators [London, 1992] p. 37).
I sho..op me intoM.P.2: M's original reading without to agreed with GYOC2CLH. shroudes as I a sheep were
AcM.P.5: Kane and Donaldson note that Ac is erased. But the word is simply worn—as are many places on this first leaf. on a may mornynge on maluerne hulles
That I was in a wildernesse wyste IM.P.12: M's original reading without I agreed with Cr. neuere where
...?...And as I bihelde in-toM.P.13: It may be that the original reading was As I bihelde into, but the corrector miscalculated the space and so had to put in above the line. þe est an heiȝgh to þe suonne
I sa..y a tour on a tofte .rielycheM.P.14: The erasure of what is probably a <t> is evidence of discomfort with the rare word trielyche. The same erasure is found in C, while H reads ryaly and HmCr12 read rychely. y-makede
And summe putten hem to pruyde apparailled hem ..þer-aft..rraft..erM.P.23: The scribe usually wrote aftur, and the corrector occasionally alters to after, e.g. at M.1.70. Here he miscorrects. .
AsM.P.35: The <s> on As has an extra blot of ink, but it is the same hand and ink as the rest of the word, pace Kane and Donaldson. iapers and iangelers Iudas chyldren
ÞatM.P.36: The addition of Þat brings M into agreement with YOC2. Faynen hem fantasies and fooles hem maketh
fol. 1vI
Qui loquitur turpiloquium & cetera. est seruus diaboliM.P.39: The abbreviated reading has been expanded by two different fifteenth-century hands. No other manuscript (in any version)
lacks the supplied loquitur. The second half-line is lacking also in LCr1C; other manuscripts have is luciferes hyne or variants upon it, of which the added est seruus diaboli in M is a translation. No direct source for the line has been found (see John Alford, Piers Plowman: A Guide to the Quotations [Binghamton, 1992] p. 33), so that the additions presumably derive from another text of the poem.
PilgriymesPilgri[r]ymesM.P.46: Pilgymes was formed inadvertently when the corrector combined the <r>and the <i> to form a <y>. and palmers pliȝted hem to-g.idre
To eche a tale that þei toolde here ...tongeM.P.51: The intent was to alter the <u> of tunge to <o>, but the result looks more like <a>. was tempred to lie
I fo..ond there offM.P.58: The addition of off brings M into agreement with H. alle the foure ordres
contra Glosers euaungeli
But holy churche and hijM.P.66: And hij has been crossed through. Kane and Donaldson erroneously read hir, combining the top of the punctus elevatus with the <j>. amend itM.P.66: This addition, along with the following and, is in a different hand and ink than the surrounding text. The alteration does not agree with any other B manuscripts. and holde bettur to-g.idres
The mooste meschief on molde is mountynge wel faste. vpwardis FastM.P.67: The alteration is not supported by any other B manuscript. The same scribe is probably responsible for drawing the hand in the left margin and for the underlining, and
perhaps also the alteration in M.P.66 above.
contra pardoners
a j
fol. 2rI
He bonched blessidM.P.74: The substitution of blessid for bonched is much later than the main hand. The altered reading blessid agrees with FH. hem with his breuet and blered hire e....yes
And leneth itM.P.77: M's original reading without it agreed with OC2CLH. such loselus þat lecherie haunten
That the pore .....poraileM.P.82: The original word was shorter than poraile. F has men but most A manuscripts have peple, which may well be M's original reading. of þe parissh haue if þei ...? were .
contra Episcopos & Curatos
And syngen þereM.P.86: M's original reading without þere was shared by H. for symonye for siluer is swete .
Þat han cure vndur Crist and crounedeM.P.88: M's reading is not shared by other B manuscripts, which vary, though most read crownynge. in tokene
Here messesM.P.97: M shares the form messes with Cr. Other B manuscripts have messe. and hire matynes and many of here houres
How he lefte .itM.P.102: The revised reading lefte it is shared with CrFH; OC2 have it self; other B manuscripts have it lefte. with loue as oure lord highte
mistice loquitur
a ijM.P.111: A mark resembling a large, drypoint <a> is found on the bottom of this leaf.
fol. 2vI
And þanne come kynde & M.P.114: It looks likely that the earlier reading was witte followed by and inserted above. The corrector makes the usual alteration to wit and that leaves space for &. No other manuscript omits and. clerkus he made .
To til.enM.P.120: In place of the revised form tilen all other B manuscripts read tilie. and to trauaille as trewe lif asketh
Crist kepe. þe sire kynge and þ.iM.P.125: All B manuscripts share M's revision þi, except for G which reads the. kynngryche
And lene þe to lede þi lond þatM.P.126: M's inclusion of þat is not shared by other B manuscripts. le.ute þe louye .
Iangle ne iuge þat iusticeM.P.130: M shares the reading iustice with C2. Other B manuscripts read Iustifie. hem shulde .
vox angeli
Sum rex . sum princeps neutrum fortasse deinceps .M.P.132: In addition to the underlining, these Latin verses are bracketed with a curly bracket in the left margin. The same marginal
hand, which is much later than the main text (perhaps 16th-17th century), has written vox angeli in the left margin.
O qui iura regis . .CristiM.P.133: The first graph of this abbreviation is written over an erasure. specialia regis .
A..nd to þe angel an heiȝh answere.dM.P.140: In place of M's revised form answered LR have the present tense. Hm also corrects. aftur .
Dum rex a regere . dicatur nomen habereM.P.141: Kane and Donaldson record this line as being written in the margin. This line, however, is written in the main text area,
although the following three are added in the margin.
Nomen habet sine re nisi studet iura tenereM.P.142: Underlining, in red ink, from the main text to the margin indicates the intended location of the inserted lines.
To þe kyng & hisM.P.144: M's reading of kyng & his is not shared by other B manuscripts, which read kynges. conseill construe whoso wolde
The route off Ratons
fol. 3rI
Cracche vs and clawesM.P.154: M's original reading clawes is shared by no other B manuscripts, most of which read clawe vs, though in the b-verse Cr has clawes instead of clochus. vs and in his clochus holde
And summe Colers of crafty werk vncouplede þei wendtenM.P.162: M's original reading agreed with YOC2CLR. The alteration brings M into agreement with WHmCrG.
Boþe in wareine and in waste where hem leue like.dM.P.163: M shares its revised form liked with WCr1GH. Other manuscripts have the present tense.
Were þere a belle on ...hireM.P.165: The original reading may have been his, as in G. beiȝe by Ihesu as me th..ynkeþ .
...?...M.P.166: Something no longer legible is erased in the right margin. Likely it was a guide for alteration to renne.
And knytten itM.P.169: M's original reading without it was shared by Cr23GOC2CL. The alteration brings M into agreement with all other B manuscripts. on a Coler for oure comune profite .
Þat durste haue bonden þe bieȝM.P.178: M shares bie with Hm. Other B manuscripts have belle. a-boute þe cattus nekke .
Ne hangen itM.P.179: M's original reading without it agreed with GL. aboute þe cattus hals al Englon...d — to wynne .
To craccheM.P.186: M's original reading cracche agreed with OYCLR. vs and alle oure kynde þouȝ we croupe vndur benches .
a iij
fol. 3vI
# Momming off Men off law For Mone
Masouns and mynours and many moM.P.222: M's reading of mo is not shared by other B manuscripts, which read oþer. craftes
And dryuen forþ þe ...longeM.P.225: M shares its revised adjective longe with the majority of B manuscripts, but L has dere and F fayre. day with dieu vous saue dame Emme .
fol. 4rI
Ius passus