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Passus xiiijusquartodecimus.M.14.0: Unlike most other Passus headings in M, the text follows immediately afterwards, with no skipped line. The erased guide for the rubricator is visible above the passus heading.
That wolen .....bymolenM.14.5: In place of M's altered reading bymolen, C reads bifoule and B read defoule. it many tyme . maugre my chekes .
# quia difficile est sane viuere
And couthe I neuere by crist kepen itM.14.13: M's original reading without it agreed with G. clene an houre
decima[vn]decima discripcio de dowell
Dowel shalM.14.20: M's original reading without shal agreed with GYCBLRF. wasshen it . and wryngen it . þoruȝ a wys confessour .
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# prouicio paciencie
# vitells off paciens
And beestes by gras . and by greyne . and by greteM.14.50: M's grete is not shared by other B manuscripts, which read grene. Rotes
fiat voluntas
And þan was itM.14.56: M's original reading without it agreed with OHmCrRF. O shares M's alteration. a pece of þe pater-noster Fiat voluntas tua .
# et iterum #
That no rein roon . þus men redeM.14.76: M shares the reading men rede with F; other B manuscripts reverse the order. in bokes .
# de septem dormientibus
Diden inM.14.89: M's added reading of in is not shared by other B manuscripts. dedly synne . þat þe deuel liked .
# quia contricio delit peccatum a Mortale in veniale
W....hich dryueþ a-way dedly synne . and makethM.14.94: M's maketh is unique among B manuscripts, the rest of which read dooþ. it to be venial
# quia per conffescionem occiduntur peccata sed per contricionem delentur in veniale
Ther contricioun doth but dryueth dounM.14.103: Only M and Cr omit it before doun. . in-to a venial synne
There is charitee of —M.14.111: M's original reading of is not attested in other B manuscripts. þe chief chambre . for god him-selue .
Whether paciencetM.14.112: M's original reading agreed with HmGYC2CBRF. pouerte quod haukyn . be more plesaunt to oure driȝte .
# terribile hoc
Thouȝ men dredeM.14.115: M's original drede was not attested in other B manuscripts. of richesse . riȝt to þe worldes ende
MordounM.20.163: See also M.20.163 and Introduction I.11 "Provenance."
Than may beggers ...asM.14.127: M's revised reading agrees with WCrL. M's original reading was perhaps and, the reading of the other B manuscripts. bestes . aftur bote wayten .
But god sente hem suomtyme . some manere ofM.14.129: M shares the reading of with F; other B manuscripts omit it. Ioie
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passus xiiijus
# notabile bonum pro eo qui pacienter suffert paupertatem
# periculum in diuicijs
Haue heuene in ȝyowre here b.eyngeM.14.153: Scribes had difficulty with the phrase and there are many variations on it. M shares its revised reading with OCr23LR. . and heuene here-aftur .
# bene
And rewarde yowM.14.161: The addition of yow brings M into agreement with Cr. alle double richesse . þat reweful hertes habbeth
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# a Cote above his Couenaunt
# ...?...
# quia orat pro diuitibus
Of þe good þat þow hem ȝyauestM.14.182: M alone among B manuscripts has the verb in the past tense. . ingrati ben manye
Conforte þi careful . crist in þi rich...esseM.14.192: This alteration occurs at a place where WHmCr also attest richesse and YGOC2CBLRF attest riche.
And ..M.14.199: Apparently an insertion has been subsequently erased between and and vs. WCrFR attest if at this point. vs fel þoruȝ folye . to falle in synne .aftur .
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passus xiiijus
nota bene
# quia per diuicias cicius Fallimur
# Audaciam paupertatis with a pak at his rugge
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# Buxom & bost be euer at werre
And either hateth other . in alle manere ofM.14.241: M shares the reading of with F; other B manuscripts omit it. werkes
# layke bytwen long & short
And whether be liȝter to breke . & lasse & boost it makethM.14.254: The corrector brings the line into agreement with WCr, adding an <&>, first misplaced after lasse and then moved, and erasing it before maketh.
# stewes syde
Mischif is his maistreer and maketh hemM.14.261: M shares the reading hem with Cr1; other B manuscripts read hym. to thenke
And heM.14.263: The addition of he brings M into agreement with WCrRF. his seruaunt as he saith . and of his suyte bothe
# quia puella dimittit patrem & matrem pro viro suo
Hire fadreer andM.14.272: M alone among B manuscripts here omits alle. hire frendes . and folweth hire make
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passus xiiijus
# discripcionem paupertatis
Paupertas quod pacience est odibile bonum
Remocio curarum . possessio sine calumpnia . donum dei . sanitastisM.14.282: M's original reading agreed with WCr1YCB. The alteration brings it into agreement with HmCr23GOC2LF. mater
Absque solicitudine semita . sapiencie temperatrix . negocium sine dampno .
Incerta fortuna . absque solicitudine felicitas .
Remocio curarum . possessio sine calumpnia . donum dei . sanitastisM.14.282: M's original reading agreed with WCr1YCB. The alteration brings it into agreement with HmCr23GOC2LF. mater
Absque solicitudine semita . sapiencie temperatrix . negocium sine dampno .
Incerta fortuna . absque solicitudine felicitas .
And ContricioM.14.293: For M's Latin Contricio, other B manuscripts have Contricion, except F, which reads Contricio is. confort . and Cura animarum
..ForM.14.295: Most B manuscripts read Or. M's alteration brings it into agreement with WCr1. as Iustice to iugge men . enioigned is no pouere
The sixte is a paath of pees . ȝye þoruȝ þe paassM.14.313: Apparently a long <s>has been replaced with an 8-shaped <s>. The main scribe usually writes sigma-<s> finally. of aultoun
For þereM.14.315: M alone among B manuscripts here omits þat. pouerte passeth . pees folweth after .
Thus lerede me a lettred man . for oure lordus loueM.14.331-333: These lines are variously divided by the manuscripts and M's revised version is unique. Most manuscripts divide after loue and bisinesse as M did originally. WCr divide after loue of heuene and ladde; F divides after heuene and bisinesse.
Seint austyn a blessud lif . with-owten bisinesse laddeM.14.332: The addition of ladde brings M into agreement with WCr.