fol. 15v (cont.)I
Passus quartus de visione vt supra
# Rex mandauit Conscientiam adquirere Racionem
#M.4.17: The text from here to the end of the page is marked with a bracket in the left margin.
SetteM.4.19: All other B manuscripts except F begin the line with And. M's omission of the word agrees with the A text. my sadel vpon suffre . tyl I se my tyme
fol. 16rI
iiijus passus
Folwed hem faste for heM.4.27: M's reading of he is not shared by other B manuscripts, most of which read þei. h....eadde to doone
And þanne resoun ....rood faste þe riȝte heiȝe weyeM.4.44: M's reading of weye is not shared by other B manuscripts, which read gate.
# Rex obuiauit cum racione
# conquestus est pax contra Iniuriam
And heM.4.51: The original reading may have omitted how, as F. rauysshede Rose . Re..ignaldes loue
# the borowing off bayerd
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And taketh me but a taille . for ten quartereM.4.60: M shares the reading quarter with Cr. Kane and Donaldson record the erased letter as <s>, which would agree with the form in all other B manuscripts, but the letter seems clearly to be an <e>.
I hnamM.4.62: M's revised reading, motivated by the otiose initial <h>, is shared with CL. nouȝt hardy for hym . vnnethe to loke
Þat wronge was a wikked li..ftM.4.64: This use of lift puzzles the scribes, who write lust GBR, luske Cr, as well as wilder variants. and wrouȝte moche sorwe
...To — make pees with his pens . heM.4.66: M's he agrees with F; other B manuscripts have and. proferede hym manye
And saide hadde IM.4.67: M's original reading without I agreed with F. loue of my lorde þe kynge litul wolde I recche
# wyt & warin wisdom
Þo w....enteM.4.69: The altered word brings M into line with most B manuscripts, though LR read wan, and CBoCot read whan. w..isdome . and sire warin þe witty
I seie it by ..myM.4.73: M's altered reading my agrees with most B manuscripts. YOC2LRF read thy.-self . þou shalt it wel fynde .
To make hisM.4.77: M's original reading without his agreed with WH. pees with his pens handi-dandi payede
Ac wysdom and wittyM.4.83: M's reading witty is not attested in other B manuscripts, which read wit. . weren abouten faste
# notaM.4.93: This paragraph is marked with lines in the right margin.
Wit. accord.ed hereM.4.93: M's reading here is unattested among other B manuscripts, which read þer.-wiþ . and saide þe same
To haue mercy on þat man . þat mysd...?...ide hym ofteM.4.101: It is likely that the original reading was him so ofte as in most B manuscripts. Only G shares M's omission of so, though it is the reading of A manuscripts. Here there are apparently two correctors at work. The first is responsible for ide hi, while a second has altered the second <i> to <y> and added <m> for hym. .
For heM.4.102: M alone among B manuscripts lacks haþ at this point. waged me wel . as wisdome hym tauȝte
For mMede haþ made me amendes . I canM.4.105: M's reading of can is not shared by other B manuscripts, which read may. no more axen .
# Bene Iudicatus est Rex
# optime dicit Racio
And haten al harlotrie . to heren itM.4.117: M's revised reading agrees with WHmCrG. Other B manuscripts have heren it. or to mouthe it
M.4.118-125: These lines are marked with a bracket in the right margin.
Til clerken coueitise be to clothe poreM.4.121: The reading pore is shared with Hm. Other B manuscripts have þe pore. and fede .
As seint Bernard hem bad . BeneteM.4.123: All other B manuscripts have the names Bernard and Benet in the other order. and Fraunceis
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# quod lex laborabit & lede a-Feld dong
I ...?...failleM.4.158: M's altered reading faille agrees with Cr. Hm also alters the word to fayle. Most B manuscripts read falle in, and an erased in is likely here. Flor.ynes quod þat freyke . and faille speche ofte .
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iiijus passus
And witte accord.ed here-withM.4.160: M's reading of her-with is not shared by other B manuscripts, which read þerwith. . and comend.ed his
# þat mede is Callyd a hore
For ofte haue I quod sheM.4.171: M's original he agrees with FH. Hm also alters he to she. holpe .yow at the ba...rre
And gan waxe wroth with lawe . for mede . hadde almoosteM.4.176: All other B manuscripts except Y reverse the order of hadde almoost. shent it .
And I assente .....seithM.4.190: B manuscripts vary considerably at this point between quod and various forms of seith. þe kynge by seinte marie my lady
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So connscience be of ȝyowreM.4.195: M and C2 agree in reading yowre, corrected from ȝowre in M; all other B manuscripts have oure, except for H which has my. The majority of A manuscripts have ȝour. conseille . I kepe no bett.rere