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vij passus
Passus septimus de Visione

TReuthe herde telle hereof . and to piers he sente .
To taken his teme . an tilien þe erthe
And purchacedM.7.3: Other B manuscripts, except Cr, have purchaced hym. a pardoun . a pena & a culpa .
For him and for his heires . for euermore aftur
And bad him halde him at home . and erien his leies .
And alle þat halpe to erien  to setten or sowen .
Or any oþur mister . þat miȝte piers auaillen .
Pardoun with piers plowman . treuthe haþ y-graunt..ed
Kynges and kniȝtus . þat kepun holychurche
And riȝtfulliche in reumes  reulen þe p.eple .
Hath pardoun inM.7.11: M's reading of in is not shared by other B manuscripts, which read þoruȝ. purgatorie . to passen ful liȝtly
With Patriarkus and prophetus . in to be Felawes .
Bisshopus y-blessud . ȝif þei ben as þei shulden .
Legistres of boþe þe lawes . þe lewede þere-with to preche
And in as muche as þei mowe . amende alle synnefull .
Aren pieres with appostolesM.7.16: M shares the reading with F. Other B manuscripts have þe Apostles. . þus pardoun piers sheweþ .
And atte þe day of dome . atM.7.17: M shares the reading with R. Other B manuscripts have at þe. heiȝe dei..ys to sitten .
# quod mercatores non sunt soluti a pena & culpa quia non sanctificant sabatum
Marchauntz in þe margyne  hadden many ȝyeres
Ac no..on a pena & a culpa . þe pope nolde hem graunte .
For þei holden not here halidyhalid[a]y  as holichurch techeþ
And for þei swere by hire soule  and alsM.7.21: M's reading of als is not shared by other B manuscripts, most of which read so. god hem helpe .
A.yein clene Conscience  here Catel . to selle .
Ac vndur his secreet seel . truthe sente hem a lettre
Þat þei shulden bugge boldly  þat hem best likud .
And siþþe sellen it aȝein  and saue þe
And amende mesondeux þere-mid . & mises..ed forlk helpe .
And wikkud weies . wiȝtliche hem . amende .
And toM.7.28: M's reading of to is not shared by other B manuscripts. do bote to brugges . þat tobroken weren
Marien maydoen..s . or maken hem nonnes .
Pore p.eple and prisouns . fynden hem hire fode .
And setten scolers to scole . and somme toM.7.31: M's reading of and somme to is not shared by other B manuscripts, most of which read or to som.ere craftus
Releue religioun . and rente hem ȝyetM.7.32: M's yet is not attested in other B manuscripts. bettr.eM.7.32-35: A bracket in the left margin runs from this line to the bottom of the page.
And I shal sende .yow my-selue  seint Michel myn Archangele
Þat no.. deuel shal derie ȝyowM.7.34: M's syntax, derie yow, is the reverse of the other B manuscripts, which read yow dere. . ne fere ȝyow in ...?...yowre deyyngM.7.34: In place of the rewritten yowre deyyng, YCrOC2CB read your doyinge.
And witen ȝyow from .wanhope  ȝif ȝye will...?...e thus werche
And sende ȝyowre soules in sauftee  to my in Ioye .
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Þanne weren Marchauntz merie . and wept..en for ioie
And praiseden Piers plowmanM.7.38: Other B manuscripts except G have þe Plowman. . þat purchacede þis bulle .
# de legum peritis quia minime de Indulgencia recipiunt
Men of lawe leste pardoun hadde . þatM.7.39: M's original reading without þat, not noted by Kane and Donaldson, agreed with G. pleteden for mede
For þe sauter saueth hem nouȝt . such as takeþ ȝyiftus .
And namelich of Innocentz . þat non .yuele kuonneth .
Super Innocentem munera non accipies .
Pledours shulde painen hem  to plede for suche and helpe .
Princes and  shulde paien for hire trauaille
A Regibus & principibus  erit merces eorum .
Ac many a Iustice and Iurour . wol for Iohan doo moore .
Þanne pro dei pietate . leue þow none oþure
Ac he þat spendeþ his speche . and spekeþ for þe poore .
Þat is Innocent and nedy  and nomanno man appaireth 
oute +M.7.50: The deleted text is legible under ultraviolet light.
Conforteþ him in þat cas  withoute coueitise of ȝyiftus .
And sheweþ lawe for oure lordes loue  as he it haþ lurned
Shal no deuel at his deþday . deren him a m...yte
Þat he noM.7.53: Other B manuscripts read ne. worth sauf and his soule  þe sautier bereth witytnesse
Domine quis habitabit in tabernaculo tuo . & cetera .
Ac to bugge watur ne wynde  ne witte ne ....firefireM.7.55: The correction was first entered supralinearly and then incorporated in-line. þe ferthe.
# quia deus Creauit quatuor in adiutorium Comune
This foure þe fadur of heuene  made to þis folde in comune
Þise ben trwthes tresors  trwe folk to helpe
Þat .. neuere shal waxe ne wanye  withouten god him-seluen
Whanne þei drawen on to deiȝen  and Indulgences wolden hauen
Here pardoun is ful petite  at hire partingesM.7.60: M's original plural is not attested in other B manuscripts. .
Þat any mende of mene men  for hire motinge taketh 
ȜYe legistres and law.yeres  holdeþ þis for truthe
Þat ȝif þat I lie . mathewe is to blame
For he bad me ....seyneM.7.64: For seyn most B manuscripts read make, though OC2 have take and Cr has tel. ȝyow þis  and þis prouerbe me toolde 
Quodcumque vultis vt faciant vobis homines / facite eis. & cetera
Alle libbinge laborers  þat liuen with hire hondus
Þat truliche taken  and trweliche wynn.en
And liuen in loue and in lawe . for hire lowe hertus
Haueth þe same absolucioun  þat sent was to Pieres
Beggers andM.7.70: M shares the reading and with Cr and also with A and C manuscripts. Other B manuscripts have ne. bidders  ne beth nouȝte in þe bulle
But ȝif þe suggestioun be soth  þat shapeþ hem to begge .
fol. 34rI
passus vijus
For he þat beggeth or bit  but ȝif he haue nede .
He is fals with þe feende  and defraudeþ þe nedy
....bibileM.7.74: Whatever has been deleted here is illegible even under ultraviolet light.
And alsM.7.74: For als, other B manuscripts have also. he bigileþ þe gyuer  ageins his wille
For ȝif he wiste he were nouȝt nedy  he w...olde ȝyeue þat anothur
Þat were more nediereM.7.76: M's original nediere agreed with RF. þanne he  so þe nedieste shulde be holpen
Catoun kenneþ men þisM.7.77: M's reading of þis is not shared by other B manuscripts, most of which read þus.  and þe Clerke of þe stories .
opinio # quia remandat elimosina in Manu donec videas Cui des secundum CatounM.7.78: The word opinio is followed by a curly brace connecting the label to all three lines of the Latin that follows.
Cui des videto . is catouns techinge .
And in þe stories he techeþ  to bistowe þin almes
Sit elemosina in manu tua . donec studes cui des .
ResponsioEt tamen vide Gregorius
Ac Gregorie was a gode man  and bade vs gyuen toM.7.81: M's addition, in a later hand, of to is unattested in other B manuscripts. alle
Þat asketh for his loue  þat vs alle leneth
Non eligas cui miserearis . ne forte pretereas illum qui meretur accipere
Quia incertum est pro quo deumoM.7.84: M's original reading deum agreed with YOC2CBmBoLRF. See John Alford, Piers Plowman: A Guide to the Quotations (Binghamton, 1992) p. 54. magis placeas
For wite ye neuere who is worthy  ac god wot who hath nede
SolucioM.7.86: Originally, walke was written in the margin for later correction. After the correction was made, this word was erased and a later annotator added Solucio. See line M.7.81 above.
In him þat takeþ is þe treccherie  ȝif any tresoun ....walkeM.7.86: In place of the rewritten walke, L has the synonym wawe. .
For heM.7.87: M's original reading without he agreed with Cot. þat ȝyeueþ ȝyeldeþ  and ȝyarkeþ him to reste .
And he þat biddeþ borweth  and bringeþ him-self.. in dette
For beggeres borwen euermo  and hire borgh is god almiȝty
To ȝyelden hem þat ȝyeueþ hem  and ȝyete vsuren more
Quare non dedisti p..eccuniam meam ad mensam . vt ego veniens & ceteraM.7.91: All other B manuscripts complete the Latin tag with some version of W's cum vsuris exigere. Kane and Donaldson fail to record M's & cetera.
For-þi biddeþ nouȝte ȝye beggers  but ifM.7.92: M's original reading without if agreed with F. ȝye haue grete nede .
For who-so haþ to buyggen him brede  þe boke bereth wittnesse
He haþ ynow . þat haþ brede y-nowgh  þoȝwgh he haue not elles
Satis diues est qui non indeget pane .
Late vsage be ȝyowre solas . onM.7.96: M's reading of on is not shared by other B manuscripts, which read of. seintus liues r..edinge
Þe bo..ok blameþ begg.eri.e  and bannethM.7.97: Compared with other B manuscripts, M interchanges blameþ and banneth in this line, as does F. F, however, has byddis for banneth. hem in þis manere .
Iunior fui & enim senui . & non vidi iustum derelictum & ceteraM.7.98: The end of this Latin tag is variously attested in B manuscripts. As in M.7.91, M's version is uniquely abbreviated. .
For ȝye liuen in none loue  ne non lawe holde
# quia mendicantes operantur tanquam bestie Cum we he
Many of ȝyow ne wedde nouȝt  þe wymmen þat ȝye delen withM.7.100: M's syntax is the reverse of the other B manuscripts, which read wiþ dele.
But as wilde beestus with whee he . worthen vp and worchen
And bringeþ forth bar...nes  þat bastardus men callen .
Or þe bakke or somme bo..on  he brekuþ in .his ȝyouthe .
And suthe goon fay....ten with ȝyowre fauntes  for eueremore aftur .
Þere is more mysshappenM.7.105: M's original reading mysshapp was shared with CrYC. p.eple  amonges þes beggers
Þanne of alle manere men  þat on þis molde walkeþ
And þe.y þat liuen þus hire lif . mow lothen þe tyme .
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That euere he was man wrouȝt  whanne he shal hennus wendeM.7.108: M's reading of wende is not shared by other B manuscripts, most of which read fare.
Ac olde men and hore  þat helpeles ben of strengþe
And wommen with Childe  þat worchen ne mowe .
Blynde and bedrede  and broken hire membres
Þat takeþ þis meschief mekeliche  as meseles and othur
Han as plain pardoun  as þe Plowman him-seluen .
For loue of hire lowe hertus  oure lord haþ hem grauntede
Here penaunce and hire purgatorie  here on þis erthe
Piers quod a preest þo  þiny pardoun moste I rede
For I wil construwe eche a clause  and kenne it þe on englissh
# Bulla petri ploughman
And Piers at his praiere  his pardoun vnfoldeth .
And I bih.ynde hem bothe  bihulde alle þe bulle .
Al in two lynes it lay  and nouȝt a leef more
. & was writen riȝt þus  in wittnesse of trewthe
Et qui bona egerunt ibunt in vitam eternam
Qui vero mala in ignem eternum 
Petur quod þe preest þo  I can none pardoun fynde .
But dowel and haue well  and god shal haue þiny soule .
And do .yuele and ......haue haueM.7.126: The guide word was entered above the line and then erased, with the correction inserted within the line. yuele  hope þow non othure
Þat aftur þi deþ-day  þe deuel shal haueM.7.127: The guide word was entered above the line and then erased, with the correction inserted within the line. þiny soule
And piers for pure tene  pullude it a-tweyne
.And saide . Si ambulauero in medio vmbre mortis . non timebo mala quoniam tu mecum es .
I shal cesse of my sowynge quod piers  and swynk nouȝt so harde .
Ne ......aboute my beli ioie  so b.isy be nomoreno more .
Of preiers and of penaunce  my plowgh shal ben here-aftur
And ..wepen whanne I shulde slepe  þoȝwgh whete bred me faille
.TheM.7.134: The first two letters are in a hand and ink which differ from the surrounding text. prophete his pain ete  in penaunce and in sorwe
By þat þe sawter  so dede oþur manye
Þat loueth god lelly  his liflode is ful es.y
Fuerunt michi lacrime mee panes die ac nocte
And but ȝif luk lie / he lereth vs by foules
We shulde nouȝt be to bisie  aboute worldusM.7.139: Other B manuscripts except F have þe worldes. blisse .
Ne solliciti sitis . he saieyth in þe gospell 
fol. 35rI
passus vijus
And sheweþM.7.141: Other B manuscripts except Cr23 have sheweþ vs. bi ensamplus  vs-seluen to wisse
Þe foules onM.7.142: M shares the reading on with L. Most other B manuscripts have in. þe fielde  who finte hem mete at ......wynter
Haue þei no garnere to go to  but god finte hem alle
What quod þe preeste to perkin  petur as me þinketh
Þow art lettr..ed a litul  who lurnede þe on boke .
Abstinence þe Abbesse quod piers  myn Abc. me tauȝte
And Connscience come afturM.7.147: M's reading of aftur is not shared by other B manuscripts, which read afterward. Some A manuscripts read after.  and kenn..ed me moche more
Were thow a preest Piers quod he . þow miȝ  preche where þow shuldeste
As dyuynour in diuin...ite  with Dixit incipiensin[s]ipiens to þi teme .
Lewde lorell quod Piers  litul lokest þow on þe bible
On salamones sawes  selden þou bih.oldeste
EcceM.7.152: Kane and Donaldson record this word as Eice. derisores et iurgia . cum eis ne crescant & cetera
Þe preest and perkin  apposeden either othure
.And I þourȝ here wordus awo..ok  and waitud.e aboute
. & se.ygh þe sunonne in þe southe  sitten atM.7.155: Other B manuscripts except B omit at. þat tyme .
Meteles ...... & moneiles  on maluerne hullus
Musinge on þis metles  onM.7.157: M's reading of on is not shared by other B manuscripts, most of which read and. my wai.y ich ȝyede
Many tyme þis metles  haþ makud me to studie .
Of þat I seȝygh slepinge  ȝif it be soM.7.159: M shares the reading be so with G. Other B manuscripts have so be. miȝte
And als for Piers plowȝmanM.7.160: Other B manuscripts except F have þe Plowman.  ful pensif in herte
And w....hich a pardoun piers hadde  alle þe p.eple to conforte
And how þe preest inpugned it  with. two propre wordus
Ac I haue no sauoure in sowngewarie  for I se it ofte faille .
Catoun and Canonistres  conseilleth vs to leue 
# opinionem de sompnis
To setten saddnesse in soungewarie  for Sompnia ne cures .
Ac for þe boke bible ber...eth wittnesse .
How Danyel diuynede  þe dremes of a kynge
Þat was Nabugodonosor  nempned of clerkus
Daniel saide sire kinge  þi dremeles bitokeneth
Þat vnkouthe kniȝtus shullen come  þi kingedome to cleue
Amonges lower lordus  þi lond shal ben departede
And as Daniel diuinede  in dede it felle aftur
Þe kinge his lordeschipe  and lowere men it hadde .
And Ioseph mette merueillously  how þe mone and þeM.7.174: M's original reading without þe agreed with OC2F. suonne .
fol. 35vI
And þe elleuene sterres  heilsude him alle
Þanne Iacob iuggud  Ioseph.s sweuene
Beau fitz quod his fadur  for defaute we shullen
I my-selue and my sonus . sechen þe for nede
It bifelle as his fadur saide . in pharahoes tyme
Þat Ioseph was iustice  Egipte to loken
It bifell as his fadur .tolde  his frendes þere him souȝten
And alle þis makeþ me  on þis met...eles to þinken
And how þe preest proued  no pardunoun to dowell
# quod dowell superest Indulgencias
And demede þat dowel  Indulgences pass...ede
Biennales an triennales  and bisshopus lettres .
And how dowell atte þe day of dome  is digneliche vndurfon...gen
And passuth al þe pardoun . of seint Pietres churche
Now haþ þe Pope powere pardoun  to graunte to þeM.7.188: M shares the reading to þe with G. Other B manuscripts have þe. p.eple
With-owten ...any penaunce  to passen in to heuene
Þis is oure bileue  as lettrede men vs techen
Quodcumque ligaueris super terram . erit ligatum . & in celis & cetera
And so I leue lelly  lordus forbode ellus
Þat pardoun and penaunce  and preiers doon saue
Soules þat haue synn..ed  seuene sithes dedly
Ac to truste to þis triennales  trwly me þinkeþ
Is nouȝt so sikur for þe soule  certus as is dowell .
For-þi I rede ȝyow renkus  þat riche ben on þis erthe
Vppon truste toM.7.198: M's reading of to is not shared by other B manuscripts, most of which read on or of. ȝyowre tresoure  triennales to haue
Be ȝye neuere þere balder  to breken þe ten heestus .
And namelich ȝye maires  maistresM.7.200: M's order—maires, maistres—is reversed in other B manuscripts. and iugeȝs
Þat han þe welthe of þeM.7.201: M's reading of þe is not shared by other B manuscripts, which read þis. world  and for wise men ben holden
To purchace ȝyow pardoun . and þe popus bulles
At þe dredful doome  whanne dede shull arisen
And comen alle bifore Crist  acomptus to ȝyelden .
How þou laddest þi lif  and his lawes keptest
de indulgencijs
And how þow dedest day by day  þe doom. wil reherce
A pokeful of pardoun þere  ne prouinciales lettres
Theigh ȝye ben founden in þe Fraternitee  of alle þe foure ordres
And haue Indulgences double-folde  but ȝif dowell ȝyow helpe
nota       d
I sette ȝyoure patentes . and ȝyowre pardoun  at a pieM.7.210: Other B manuscripts have pies or pese. hele 
fol. 36rI
passus viijus primus de dowell
For-þi I counseille alle Cristen  to crien god mercy
And Marie his modur . be oure mene bitwene
Þat god .yeue vs grace here  er we goon
Suche werkus to worchen  whil we ben heere
Þat aftur oure deþ-day  Dowell reherce .
...?...?...M.7.216: Something, no longer legible, is erased in the right margin. The erasure damaged the passus heading for passus 8, which was subsequently repaired in brown ink.
At þe day of dome  we dide as he hiȝte .