fol. 10v (cont.)I

Passus iijustertiusM.3.0: The numeral is possibly written over an erasure.
NowM.3.1: Some brown ornamentation seems to have been erased from the center of this decorated capital. Compare with the capital at the beginning of passus 4. is Mede þe mayde . and namo of hem alle
With bedellus and Baillifs . brouȝt bifore þe kynge
Þe kyng called a Clerk . can I nouȝt his name .
To take mede þe mayde . and make hire at ese
I shal assaien hire my-self .  and sotheliche appose .
What man of þis molde  þat hire were leueste
And ȝif she worche by my witte and my wille folwe
I wyl forgyf hire þis gilte so me god helpe .
Curteselich þe Clerk þanne  as þe kynge h..yghte
To.k mede by þe mydul  and bro....ghte hire into a chambre
And þere was murthe and mynstralcie  mede to plese
Þei þat woneth at Westmuynstre  worshepeth hire alle .
Gentliche with ioye  þe Iustices summe
Buskede hem to þe boure . þere þe burde dwelled
To conforte hire kyndlich . by clergise leue .
And saiden mourneþ þow nouȝt mede  ne make þou no sorwe
For we wolM.3.17: M's original reading without wol was shared by YOC2CL. wisse þe kynge  and þi wey shape .
To be wedd.ed þi wille  and where þe le..ef liketh
For al conscience caste  or crafte as I trowe .
Mildeliche mede þanne  merciede hem alle .
Of hire grete goodnesse M.3.21: All other B manuscripts have the word and at this point. gaf hem .echone
Coupes of clene gold . and Cuppus of siluer
Rynges with rubies . and richesses manye
Þe leste man of hire .....mayne  a motoun of golde
Þanne lauȝte þei leue  þise at Mede .
With þat comen clerkes . to conforten hire þe same
And beden hire be blithe . for we ben þine nowne
For to worche thi wille . while þou miȝte laste .
fol. 11rI
iijus passus
Hendeliche heo þanne . bihiȝte hem þe same
To loue ...hemM.3.30: M's revised reading hem puts it into agreement with most B manuscripts. LR read ȝow; Bm reads hym. lelly . and lordes to make .
And in þe consistorie atte courte do calle ȝyowre names
Shal no lewdenesse lette  þe leode þat I louye
That he ne worth furste auauncede for I am biknowen .
Þere connynge clerkus  shul clokke byhynde .
# the Frere & mede in shryft
Þanne come þere a Confessour  copud as a Frere .
To mede þe mayden  he melled þes .
And saide ful softely  in shryfte as it were .
Theiȝ lewde men and lered men  had layne by þe boþe .
And falsnesses had folwede þe  ...?...?...all thise fifty wynterM.3.39: The end of this line was rewritten perhaps to repair the omission of all.
I shal assoille þe my-selue  for a seme . of whete
And also be þi bedman  and bere wel þi message
Amonges knyȝtes . and clerkes  conscience to tourne .
Thanne mede for here mesdedes  to þat man knelede
And shro..of hire of hire shrewdenesse  shameles I trowe
Tolde hym a tale  and toke hym a noble .
For to ben here bedman  and hire brok.rour als
Þanne he assoillede hire sone  and sithen he saide
We han a wyndowe a-worchinge  wol sitten vs ful heiȝe
Woldeste þow glase þat gable  and graue þere-inne þi name .
Siker shulde þi soule be . heuen to haue .
Wiste I þat quod þe womman  I wolde nouȝt spare
For to be .youre freende Frere  and faille ȝyow neuere
Whil ȝye loue  þat leccherie haunteth
And lakkeþ nouȝt ladies  þat loueþ wel þe same .
It is a frelte of Flessh  ȝ.ye fynde it in .
And a cours of kynde . where-of we comen alle .
Who may skape þe sclaundre  þe skaþe is sone amend.ed
It is theM.3.58: This insertion is in a different ink. Other B manuscripts have the word before seuene. synne of seuene  sunneste relessede
Haue mercy quod Mede  on men þat it haunte
And I shal keuere ȝyowre kirke  ȝyowre cloistre do maken
Wowes do whyten  and wyndowes glasen
Do paynten ..and purtreien  and paie for þe makynge
Þat euerey segge shal sayn . I am sustre of ȝyowre
fol. 11vI
Ac god to alle gode folke  suche grauynge deffendeth
To wryten in wyndowes . of hire wel-dedus .
On auenture pruyde be painted þere  and pompe of þe worlde .
For crist knoweth þi conscience  and þi kynde wille
And þi coste and þi couetise  and who þe catel ouȝte .
For-þi .I lere ȝyow  leue suche werkes
To writen in wyndowes  of ȝyoure wel-dedes .
Or to greden aftur godes men  whanne ȝye delen doles
An auenture ȝe haue ȝoure hire here  and ȝoure heuen als
Nesciat sinistra quid faciat dextera .
Late nouȝte þi lefte half  late ne rathe
Wyte what þou worcheste  with þi riȝt syde .
For þus biddeth þe gospell  gode men do here almes .
Meires and macers  þat menes be bitwene
Þe kynge and þe comune . to kepen þe lawes
To punisshen on pilories . and pynynge stoles
Brewsters and baksteres . bochers and cokus
For þise arn men on þis molde  þat moste harme worcheth
To þe pore p.eple  þat parcelmele buggen
For þe.i poysoun þe p.eple  priueliche and ofte
Þei richen þorw regraterie  and rentes hem biggen
Wiȝhtith þat þe pore p.eple  shulde putte in hire wombes
For took þei on truly  þei tymbred nouȝt so heiȝe
Ne bouȝten non burgages  be ȝye ful certein
Ac mede þe mayde  þe mayre hath bisouȝte
Of alle suche sellers  siluer to take
Or presentz with-owten pens  as peces of siluer
Rynges or othere richesse  þe regrateres to mainteigne
For my loue quod þat lady  loue hem .echone
And suffre hem to selle  sumdele aȝeins resoun
Sal.omon þe sage  a sermon he made
For to amende maires  and men þat kepen lawes
And tolde hem þis teme  þat .I telle þenke
Ignis deuorabit tabernaclatabernac[u]la eorum qui libenter accipiunt munera & cetera
Amonge þes lettr...ede ledes  þis latin is to mene .
fol. 12rI
iijus passus

...?...?...That fyre shal falle and berne  al to blo askesM.3.99-101: The extensive rewritings of M.3.99-101 are likely to have been prompted by the desire to re-spell, since there are no significant variants among B manuscripts. Most obviously, the yoghs have been altered to <y> in Yiftes or yeresyeues. The vowel of blo has also evidently been changed.
...?...Þe houses and þe homes  of hem þat desireth
...?...Yiftes or yeresyeues  bi-cause of here offices
The kynge fro conseille cam  and called Mede
And of-sen..te hire alsswytheals swythe  with sergeauntz manye
Þat brouȝten hire to bowre  with blisse and with ioye
Curtesely þe kynge þanne  comsed to telle
To mede þe Mayden  melleth þes wordes
Vnwittely womman  wrouȝt hast þow ofte
Ac worse wrouȝtest þow neuere  þan þo þow fals tooke
But I forgeue þe þat gilte  and graunte þe my grace .
HenusM.3.110: The scribe may have intended Henns. to þi deþ-day  do so namore
# vtrum Mede vult maritare cum conciencie
.I haue a knyȝte conscience  cam late fro biȝounde
ȜiIf he wilneth þe to wyff  wilt þow hym haue .
.Ye lorde quod þat lady  lorde forbede itM.3.113: The addition of it brings M into agreement with WHmB. elles
But I be holely at ȝyowre heste  lat hange me sone
And þanne was conscience calde  to come and appiere
Bifore þe kynge and his conseille  as clerkes and oþ..ere
Knelynge conscience  to þe kynge louted
To wite what ...his wille were  and what he do shulde
Woltow wedde þis womman quod þe kyngeȝif I wol assente
For she is fayne of þi felawship .  for to be þi make
Quod conscience to þe kynge  crist it me forbede
# Consciencie contradicit matrimonium et accusat Mede
Ar I wedde suche a wif  wo me bitide
For she is frele of hire faith  fikel of hire speche
And makeþ men mysdo  many score tymes
Truste of hire tresore  treieth ful manye
Wyues and widowes  wan......townesM.3.126: Readings in B manuscripts vary between wantounnesse and wantounes; WCrGLH have the latter. she techeþ
And lereth hem leccherie  þat loueþ hire ȝ
ȜYowre fadre she fellede . þorw fals bihieste
And haþ apoyson..ed popes . &M.3.129: M's original reading without & is shared by CBL. peirede holichurche
Is nauȝt a betturre baude  by hym þat me made
By-twene heuene and helle  in erthe þowȝ men souȝ..te .
For she is tikil of hire ....tayl . talewys of hire tonge .
fol. 12vI
As comune as a cartewey . to eche knaue þat walketh
To ..Monkes to mynstrales . to meseles in hegges
Sisours and Sompnours . suche men h..ire praiseth
Shireues of shires . were shent ȝif she
For she doþ men lesen hire lond . and hire lif boþe
She letteþ passe prisoneres . and paieþ for hem ofte
...?...& gyuethM.3.139: M alone among B manuscripts omits the word the at this point. gailers gold . and to-gedres
To vnfettre þe fals . flee where hem likeþ
And takeþ þe trwe by þe toppe . and tieþ hem faste
And hangeth hem for hattrede . þat harme d.ide neuere
To be curs...ed in Consistorie . she counteþ nouȝt a risshe
For she copeth þe Comyssarie . and coteth his clerkes
She is assoilled as sone  as hire-seluen liketh
And may neiȝe as moche do . in a monethe one
As .youre secreM.3.147: All other B manuscripts read secret. seel . in sex score daies .
For she is priue with þe pope . prouisours it knoweth
For sire Symonye . and here-seluen  seallen h..ire bulles
She bless.eth þ...ise . þeiȝe þei ben lewde
Prouendreth persones . and mainteineth
To haue lemman..s . and lotebies  al hire
And bringen forth barns . aȝeins forboden lawes .
# quia ...?...
...?...M.3.154: Something, no longer legible, is erased in the right margin.
There she is wel with þe kynge  wo wortheM.3.154: M's original reading of worthe is not shared by other B þe reume
For she is fauorable to þe fals . and fouleth trwþe ofte .
Bi iesus with hire iuweles  ȝyowr.e Iustices she shendeth
And lith aȝein þe lawe  and letteþ hym þe gate .
Þat faiþ may not hauen his forth  here florerins ...go soM.3.158: The only variants for go so are fli in Cr1 and to in Cr23. It looks as though M may have read gon, omitting so. þikke .
She ledeþ þe lawe as hire luste . and loue-days makeþ .
And doþ men lesen þorw here loue . þat lawe miȝte wynnen .
Þe mase for a mene man . þouȝ he mote hire euere .
Lawe is so lordliche  and loth to maken ende
With-outen presentz or pens . she pleseþ wel fewe
Barouns and burgeis  she bringeth in sorwe
And alle þe comune in kare  þat coueyten lyue in truþe .
For clergie and couetise  she coupleþ to-g.ydres .
...?...Þis is þe lif of þat lady  now lord ȝyeue hire sorwe .
And alle þat mainteineth here men  meschaunce hem bityde
For pore men mowe haue non power  to playne þouȝ þei smerte .
fol. 13rI
iijus passus
Suche a maistreer is Mede . amonge men of gode
Thanne mourned Mede  and moeuedM.3.171: The scribe originally wrote moued, which the corrector changed to meued (or mened). Cr has meued, and although Kane and Donaldson record all other B manuscripts as mened, some of them might equally be read as meued. hire to þe kynge
To haue space to speke  spede ȝif she miȝte
The kynge graunted hire grace . with a gode wille
Excuse þee ȝif þow canst  I can namore seggen .
For connscience accuseþ þe  to congeye þe for euere .
# Excusacio medis
Nay lord quod þat lady  leueþ hym þe worse .
Whanne ȝye wyten witt.erly . where þe wronge liggeth .
Þere þat meschief is grete . mede may helpen .
And þow knoweste Conscience  I cam not to chide
Ne depraue þi persone  with a proude herte
Wel þow wost wernard  but ȝif þou wilte gabbe
Þow hast hangede on myn half  elleuen times
And also gripud my gold  g.yue it where þe likethdM.3.183: M's original reading was shared with H, and is also the reading of many A manuscripts. The alteration brings M into agreement with the rest of the B manuscripts.
And whi þow wratthedesteest þe þ  me þinkeþ
ȜYit I may as I miȝte  menske þe with ȝ
And mainteigne þi manhede . more þanne þow knoweste
Ac þow haste famed me foule  bifore þe kynge heere .
For kuyllede I neuere kynge  ne conseilled þ .
Ne dede as þow demeste  I do on þe kynge
In Normandye was he nouȝt  n.oyed for my sakeM.3.190: This paragraph is bracketed on the left and the right with # nota in the right margin.
Ac þou þi-selue soþely  shamedeste hym often .
Crope in-to a kaban for colde of þi nayles .
Wendeste þat . wolde haue last.ede euere .
And dreddest to be ded . for a dym cloude
And hyedest homward . for hungur of þi ......wombeM.3.195: There is an illegible erasure in the right margin. It may be the guide for the correction wombe.
With-oute pite pilour  pouere men þow robbedeste
And bere hire brasses at þi bak . to Calays to selle
Þere I lafte with my lord . his lif for to saue
I made his men meri . and mournynge lette
I baterede hem on þe bak . and bolded hire
And d...ide hem hoppe for hope  to haue me at wille
Hadde I ben marchal of his men . by marie of heuene
I durste haue layde my lif . and no lasse wedde
He shulde haue be lorde of þat londe . in lengthe and .inM.3.204: In place of M's altered in, YOCLR have a. brede .
fol. 13vI
And also kynge of þat ....ekyth . his kynne fortofor to helpe
Þe leeste brolle of his blode . a barouns piere
Cowardliche þow Conscience  conseiledest hym þanne
To leuen his lordshipe . for a litul siluer
Þat is þe richeste rewme . þat Rain ouer-ouethM.3.209: Initial <h> has been dropped from houeth. See Introduction IV.1.2.6.
It bicometh to a kynge . þat kepeþ a rewmeM.3.210: This paragraph is bracketed in the left margin.
To ȝyeue mede to men  þat mekelich him serueth
To aliens and to alle men .M.3.212: Among other B manuscripts, all read to at this point, except for H which reads þat. The word is also omitted by three A manuscripts. honouren hem with
Mede makeþ hym biloued . and for a man holden
Emperours and erles . and alle manere .
For ȝyiftes han ȝyonge men . to rennen and to ride
The pope and alle prelates  presentz vndurfongen
And medeth men hem-selue  to mainteine hire lawes
S.......eriauntzM.3.218: For rewritten seriauntz, YCr23OBLF have seruauntz, as do most A manuscripts. for hire seruice . we seth wel þe sothe
.Taken mede of hire maistres  as þei mowe accorde
Beggers for here byddynge . bidden men mede
Mynstrals for here merthe . mede þei asken
Þe kynge hath mede of his men  to make pees in londe
Men þat techen children . craue of hem mede .
M.3.224KD.3.223 þat precheþ þe p.eple . to gode asken mede
And masse-pens and here mete . atte þe mel-tymes crafti men crauen mede for hire prentys
Marchauntz and mede  moten  go to-gidres
No wi...ght as I wene . with-outen mede may libben
# Rex est ex parte mede
Q...huod þe kynge to Conscience . bi crist as me þ.inketh
Mede is wel worthi  þe maistrie to haue .
# Replicacio consciencie
Nay quod Conscience to þe kynge . and kneled to þerþe .
Þere arn two maneresM.3.232: M's plural with <-s> is unique among B manuscripts. of medes . my lord with ȝyowre leue
Þat on god of his grace . graunteþ in his blisse
To þo þat wel worchen . whil þei ben here .
Þe prophete precheþ þer-of and putte it in þe sautiere
Domine quis habitabit in tabernaculo tuo .
Lord who shal wonye in þi wones . and with þine holy seintes
Or resten on þi holy h.illes  þis askeþ Dauid .
And dauid assoilleth it hym-selue  as þe Sautiere telleþ .
Qui ingreditur sine macula  & operatur iusticiam 
fol. 14rI
iijus passus
Tho þat entren of on colour . and of on wille
And han wrouȝte . with riȝt and with resoun
And he þat vseth nauȝte . þe lif of vsure
And enfourmeth pore men . and pursueth treuthe
Qui pecuniam suam non dedit ad vsuram . & munera super innocentem & cetera
And alle þat helpeth þe innocent . and halt with þe riȝtful
With-oute mede doþ hem godeod . and þe treuthe helpeth .
Suche manere men my lorde . shal haue þis furste mede
Of god hirM.3.249: The alteration hir puts M into agreement with Hm and Cr. Most other B manuscripts read a. grete nede  whanne þei gon .
Þere is an-othere mede mesureles  þat maistres desireth
To mainteigne mysdoers  mede þei take
And þereof saith þe Sauter  in a salmes ende
In quorum manibus iniquitates sunt . dextera eorum repleta est muneribus .
And he þat gripeth h.ire golde . so me god helpe
Shal abien it bitterre  or þe book lieth .
¶ and persones . þat plesinge desireth
Þat taken mede forM.3.257: M's original reading for is not attested in other B manuscripts. The alteration brings M into agreement with Hm. Other B manuscripts read and. monoye . for messes þat þei singeth
Taketh here mede here . as mathew vs techeth
Amen amen recipiebant mercedem suam .
That laborers and meneM.3.260: M's reading of mene is not shared by other B manuscripts, which read either lowe or lewed. folk . taketh of hire maistres
It is no manere mede . but a mesurable hire
In Marchaundise itM.3.262: M's reading of it is not attested by other B manuscripts. is no mede  I may it wel avowe
It is a permutacioun apertly . on penyworth for anoþere .
Ac reddest þow neuere Regum  þow recraide Mede
Whi þe veniaunce fel  on Saul and his Children .
God sente to Saul  by Samuel þe prophete
Þat agag of amalek  and alle his p.eple
Shulden deie for a dede  þat don hadde hire .eldres
For-thi saide Samuel to Saul . god hym-selue hoteth
The / be buxome at his bidding  his wille to fulfille
Wende to Amalec with þin bhosteM.3.271: M's original boste is not attested in other B manuscripts. . and what þow fyndest þereM.3.271: M's erasure of þere places it in agreement with HmF. sle it
Biernes and . brenne hem to d...etheM.3.272: In place of the revision dethe, YOC2CBLR have dede.
Wydoewes and wyues . wymmen and children
Moebles and vnmoebles  and al þat þou miȝte fynde
Brenne it bere it nouȝt away  be it neuere so riche .
For mede ne for monoye . loke þow it
Spille it and spare it nouȝt  þow shalt spede þe be...ttre
fol. 14vI
And for he coueited h.ire catel . and þe kynge sparede
Forbare hym and his boþe  as þe bible witnesseth
.er-wise ....than he was . warned of þe prophete
God saide to Samuel  þat Saul shulde deie .
And alle his seede for þat synne . shenfulliche enden
Suche a meschief Mede . made  Saul þe kynge to haue .
Þat god hated hym for euere  and alle his heirs aftur
# the Culorum
The culorum of þis cas  kepe I nouȝt to shewe
An auenture it noied men  none ende wil I make
For so is þe worlde went . with hem þat han powere
Þat who-so saith hem sothes . is sonneste y-blamed
I Co.nscience knowe þis . for kynde wit me itM.3.289: No other B manuscript omits it in this b-verse, though its placement varies. The word, however, is omitted in most A manuscripts. tauȝte
Þat resoun shal regne . and rewmes gouerne
And riȝte as Agag hadde hapM.3.291: M's addition of hap here is unattested among other B manuscripts. . happe shul somme
Samuel shal sleen hym . and Saul shal be blamede
And dauid shal be diademede . and daunten hem alle .
And on cristen kynge . kepen ...?...hem echoneM.3.294: M's alteration to hem agrees with all B manuscripts except F. The alteration to echone is shared with Bm and agrees with Cr. Other B manuscripts read alle. In L, hem is added by a corrector, and its original reading was possibly the same as M's, where faint traces of alle appear to underlie the revision.
Shal namore Mede be maistreer  as she is nouthe
Ac loue and ...?...lownesseM.3.296: In place of the revision lownesse, CBoCot have lewednese. . and leute to-gidres
Þise shul be maistres . on molde treuthe to saue .
And whoso trespasseth aȝein truthe . or takeþ aȝein his wille
Leute shal do hym lawe . and no lif elles .
Shal no seriaunt for hireisM.3.300: The alteration puts M in agreement with WCrGH. seruisyce . were a silke howue
Ne no pelure in his cloke . for pledynge atte barre .
Mede of mysdoers  maketh many lordes
And ouere lordes lawes  ......ruleth þe rewmes
# quod lex laborabit
Ac kynde loue shal come ȝyet . and conscience to-gidres
And make of law a laborere . suche loue shal arise .
And suche a pees amonge þe p.eple  and a parfite truthe
Þat iewes shal wene in hire wit  and w.exen glade
Þat Moises or Messie  bie comeM.3.308: For the alteration be come, C2 has by comen. in to þis erthe
And haue wondreer in h...ire  þat men ben so trwe
# prophesiam
Alle þat bereth baslarde . brode swerde or launce
Axe oþer hachet . or ...any wepen elles
Shal be demed to þe deth . but ȝif he do it smythie
In-to sik.el or to sithe . to share or to Cultre
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iijus passus
Conflabunt gladios suos in vomeres . & cetera
Eche man to play with a ploȝugh . pikoise or .spade
Spinne or sprede donge . or spille hym-seluef with sleuthe
Prestes and persones . with Placebo to hunte
And dingen vpon dauid . eche a day til eue .
# prestes to lese ther beneffys For huntyng
Huntynge or haukynge . ȝif any of hem vse
His boste of his benefice . worth bynome hym .....after
Shal neiþer kynge ne kniȝte . conestable ne maire
Ouer-lede þe comune  ne to þe courte sompne
Ne putte hem in panel . to don hem pliȝte here truthe
But þe dede þat is don . on dome shal rewarde
Mercy or non mercy . as treuthe wil accorde .
Kynges courte and comune courte  Consistorie and chapitele
Al shul be but on courte . and on baroun be iustice
Þanne worth trwe tonge a tidy man  þat tened me neuere
Batailles shal non be  ne no man bere wepne
And what smyth þat ony ...?...smythethM.3.330: This alteration to M occurs at a place where B manuscripts vary considerably in their readings. W reads smyþeþ, Cr has smithed; some other manuscripts have smyteth.  be smite þere-with to deþe
Non leuabit gens contra gentem gladium & cetera
And er þis fortune falle . fynde men shal þe worste
# propheciam de vj sunnis & a ship
By syx sonnes and a shipp  and half a shef of arwes
And þe mydul of a mone . shal make þe iewes to turne
And saracenes for þat siȝte . shullen synge Gloria in excelsis & cetera
For Mak.omete and  mysshapp shal þat tyme
For melius est bonum nomen quam diuicie multe & cetera
# Responsio mede ad replicacionem
As wroth as þe wynde . wex Mede in a w.l.hile
I can no latyn quod she . clerkes woteot þe sothe
Se what sal.omon ....seith . in sapience bokes
Þat hij þat ȝyeueth ȝyiftes  þe victorie wynneth
And moche worsh...?...ip haddeM.3.342: M's altered reading hadde agrees with WOCBR; CrHmF attest the present tense, but M is apparently just respelling worshipp had. þerewith  as holy writte telleth
Honorem adquiret . qui dat munera & cetera. .
I leue wel lady quod connscience  þat þi latyne be truwe .
Ac þow art like a lady . þat redde a lessoun ones .
Was Omnia probate . and þat ples.ed h.ire herte
For þat line was no lenger . atte þe leues ende
Had ...sheM.4.348: For M's revision she, BL read Ȝe. See the note to the next line." loked þat oþ.er half  and þe lef tournede .
...SheM.3.349: For She, BL read Ȝe; R has Heo. shulde haue founden fele wordes  folwynge þere 
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Quod bonum est tenete . truthe þat texte made .
And so ferde ȝye ma-dame . ȝye couthe namore fynde .
Þo ȝye lo.ked on sapience  sittinge in .....youre studie
Þis tixte þat ȝeM.3.353: M alone among B manuscripts lacks the word han here. tolde . were gode for
Ac ȝyow faillede a connyn..ege clerk . þat couthe þe lef haue tourned
And ....if ye seche sapience efte . fynde shal ȝye þat folweth
A ful teneful tixte . to hem þat takeþ Mede .
And þat is animam autem aufert accipientium . & cetera
And þat is þe ta..eyl of þe texte . of þat þat ..esheM.3.358: M's altered reading she agrees with WHmCr1GH. Other B manuscripts read ye. shewede
Þat þeiȝe we wynne worshippe . and with mede haue victorie
Þe soule þat þ..e soude taketh  by so muche is bounde