fol. 4r (cont.)I
Passus primus de Visione .
alleM.1.6: The addition of brings M into agreement with WHmCRG. alle abouten þe mase
How bisi þai ben # off them þt will non other heven but this
e vp þe tofte quod she truthe is þere-innne iM.1.12: Originally the scribe wrote , corrected by erasing the first two minims. See Introduction III.1. innne .
Þe tourM.1.17: In place of all other herfore manuscripts read B. þerfore he hiȝte þe erthe to helpe ȝow echone y
And herfore# iij thing in Comon
+ ȝe
hem by resoun reherce e.e yM.1.22: M's original reading without a pronoun here agreed with GY. M's altered reading of agrees with HmCrOC yeF. Other 2 manuscripts read B. The correction was first written in the margin as þow, and this insertion was presumably so spelled, and later revised in line with the spelling corrector's usual form. ȝe hem aftur .
And rekkena iiij
fol. 4vI
. M.1.37: The punctus elevatus, placed at the wrong point in the line, is inserted over an erasure. þou muche ȝerne y
Mesure is medycyne þouȝ...?... þat lief is to þe souleM.1.39: M originally shared the omission (through eyeskip on ) of this b-verse and the following a-verse with WHmCL. likam
Ne liflode to þi likam M.1.40KD.1.38
for a lier m hy e tec m heþ Leue not þi likaM.1.40: The line is inserted with a red cross and line in the right margin. The end of the last word has been lost in the binding.
This same line, in smaller script and marked with a black cross, is erased immediately following in the margin. The omission
of the line was apparently noted in one effort and formally addressed in another.
... eeþM.1.43: This alteration occurs at a point where manuscripts are especially diverse in their readings. B, Seeth, sees, seiþ, seest, sueth, and sewe are all attested. sleth þeM.1.43: All other manuscripts read B. Kane and Donaldson record the <e> as written over an erasure, but this does not seem to be the case. þi soule and saithM.1.43: M's reading of is unique among saith manuscripts, which attest a wide variety of readings. B it in þin herte
This and þat sM.1.44KD.1.42
e ben war I wisse .. the theM.1.44: The correction is written over the line and then erased and inserted within the line. the þe .este b
And for þou shuldest þerwith worshipe kyng eeM.1.50: M shares the reading with F; all other kyng manuscripts have B. þe kyng ..sar Ce
Wheþer þei shuldM.1.52KD.1.50
isM.1.52: M's reading of is not shared by other is manuscripts, though among B manuscripts ChLE include A. The other is manuscripts which have a form of B here, W and F, read be. was ylike þat þere- inne stondeþ .
And þimage M.1.54: The scribe initially began this line immediately following M.1.53, but realized he wished to leave a blank line before he
completed the first graph. The partially completed <R> is still visible in the space separating strophes. Cesari Reddite qd god þat uo bifalleth . Cesari
M.1.61: M's reading of is unique among in manuscripts, most of which read B. of siȝte
Þat dongoun in þe dale þat dredful is in fol. 5rI
pm ri pa us ssus
...?...M.1.80: The added and erased material is illegible under ultra-violet light. Most likely it indicated the alteration . leally
...?...M.1.81: The added and erased material is illegible under ultra-violet light. Most likely it indicated the alteration . &
...?...M.1.83: The added and erased material is illegible. Most likely it indicated the alteration . kenne me
+M.1.81: The <+> is added in a large drypoint in the right margin.
kenne meM.1.83: M's omission of these two words was not shared by other manuscripts. B kyndely on crist to bileue .
And also # truth is the best
- so passeth dM.1.106: The erased reading is an passeth text reading adopted by Kane and Donaldson against the reading A of all the passed manuscripts. They do not note that M is rewritten. See next note. B þat poyn.... t isM.1.106: The word , written over an illegible erasure, is the reading of YOC is and 2 manuscripts. Other A manuscripts have B. See previous note. was in þordre . Apostata
And whoa ot n
the Fall off luceffer
here eerM.1.132: M's erased reading agreed with G, but this is a spurious agreement since the reviser is correcting M's spelling of as again at M.1.135. See Introduction IV.1.2.7. er saide in truthe þat is beste /
And enden as I #
M.1.136: M shares with Y. All other þanne manuscripts omit. B truþe is þe beste
Whanne alle tresores arne triede þanne.... yeM.1.137: The erasure occurs at a point where most manuscripts read B or this. GF have þise. thys ye lewde men for lettred men it knowe .
Lereth it fol. 6rI
pm ri p us assus
eM.1.138: M shares the reading with G and with tresor manuscripts. Most other A manuscripts have B. tresor þe triedest on erthe
Þat trwthe is tresorM.1.164KD.1.162
cimentz erM.1.164: M's plural is not shared by other manuscripts. B he taxeth .
Vpon man for his mysdedes þe mheuedM.1.166: This erased word is legible with ultraviolet light.
heedM.1.166: This word is perhaps followed by a punctus. and þe heiȝe welle
And in þe herte þere is þe a ot n
fol. 6vI
ȝe be miȝtful to mote . beth me y.e in kȝoure y...... werkesM.1.178: In place of M's revised reading , H has werkes, F has werk and G has herte. seluen
Thouȝ #
M.1.184: M's reading is paralleled only among But manuscripts. F has A; all other & But manuscripts have B. But if ȝe loue lelliche . and lene þe Pou ye . er
Butle tabi no
off Malkyns maydenhedM.1.187: le tabi is in a different hand from the rest of this marginal insertion. No
þeM.1.189: M's original reading without agreed with YF and most þe manuscripts. A e is riȝt no þing faite worthi
Þat faith withouten M.1.192KD.1.188
M.1.192: M shares the reading with G; other For manuscripts have B. forþi chastite with- oute charite . worth cheyned in helle e
Fora de ot Chast chapeleyns
.pleyns arn ae chast . ac eM.1.194: Kane and Donaldson's reading of this word as is an error. ne charitee is a- way e
Many chx
fol. 7rI
I p us assus
Date & dabitur vobisM.1.205: The underlining of the phrase is done in a later ink. for I dele .ow alle y
e of loue . .....M.1.206: M shares its revised reading with CrGFH. Other þat manuscripts have B. and lateth out þate my grace
And þat is þe lok