fol. 37v (cont.)I
PassusB 10
Then had wytt a wyfe wychasG.11.1: Kane and Donaldson read G was altered to wych, but in fact the <a> and the sigma <s> with a long riser have clearly been written over the <y>and the <ch> respectively. hoote dame studye
that leyne was off leyer & off lyche bothe
she was wonderly wrogheG.11.3: Spellings of the adjective "wroth" with <gh> for <th> (as G wroghe) are recorded by the OED for the fourteenth century. LALME records "earth" with the spelling <ergh> in the East Riding of Yorkshire and "north" with the spelling <norgh> in North Yorkshire (LALME 4, items 107 and 194), but since neither item is recorded for the South, it is difficult to be certain of the distribution of these spellings. Brunner suggests that the use of yogh for thorn resulted from errors by Anglo-Norman scribes; see Karl Brunner, An Outline of Middle English Grammar, trans. Grahame Johnston (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1963), 38, note 5. þat wytt me þus taght
& staryng dame studye sternelyche she sayde
fol. 38rI
well art thow wyse quod she any to wytt G.11.5: A virgule has been added at this point to separate wytt and any. any wyssdomeG.11.5:The second half of wyssdome has been written in small letters, presumably because the error earlier in the line has resulted in a lack of space. to tell
to flaterers or to foles that frantyke beene off wyttes
& blamed hym & banned hym & bad hym be stylle
wyth suoyche wyse wordes to wysse any sottes
& seyd noli mittere man mageryema[r]gerye pearles
amongest hogges þat hawes hauve Inowe
they doone but dryuvell theron / draffe were þem leuer
then all þe preycyouvse pyrrye þat In paradyse wexethe
I sey ytt by suoyche quod she þat showen by theyre workes
that them were leuver londe & lordshype on yerthe
or ryches or rentes & rest att theyre wyll
then all þe sothe sawes that salamon seyde euver
wyssdome & wytt nowe ys not worthe a kerse
butG.11.18: Most A manuscripts and all C manuscripts share the G M F reading but (for remaining B manuscripts But if), and this is the reading adopted by Kane and Donaldson. ytt be carded wyth couvetyse as clothyers kemben wole
wo-so can contryuve deceytes / ande conspyre wronges
and leyde forthe a louve-day to lett wyth trewthe
he þat suoyche craftes can to couvnceyle ys cleped
they leyde lordes wyth leysynges & belyethe trewthe
Iob þe gentyle In hys gest greatly wyttnessythe
that wycked men welden þe welthe off þis worlde
and be lordes off eche lande þat owghtt off lawe lyuven
quare impij viuntvi[v]unt bene est hominibus qui preuericantur & Inique agunt //
the sauvter seyethe the same by suoyche þat done yll
ecce e ipsi peccatores habundantes In seculo obtinuerunt diuitiasG.11.28: Most of the final <s> of diuitias has been lost as a result of cropping but the very bottom of the letter is still visible.
lo sayeth holye letteruvre suoyche lordes are thees shrewes
thylke þat god most gyuvethe leyst good they delenynedele[n]
& most vnkynd to þe commuvne þat most catell welden
que perfecisti destruxerunt Iustus autem & cetera //
herlottes for theyre herlotrye may hauve off theyre goodes
and Iapers & Iogelers & Iangelers off gestes
but he þat hathe wholye wrytte aye In hys mouvthe
and can tell off thobye & off the tweluve apostelles
or preychen off pennance þat pylate wroght
to Iessu þe gentyll that Iewes to-drewen
fol. 38vI
Lytuyll ys he louved þat suoyche a lessone shewethe
or dauvnted to drawe forthe I do ytt on god hym-seluve
but tho þat faynen theym fooles & wyth faytyng lyuven
ageyne þe lawe off our lorde & lyen on theym-seluve
spytten & spewen & speyke fouvle wordes
drynken & dryuvylen & do men to gape
kykne[l]ykne men and lyen on theym þat leynethe þem no gyftes
they can no more mynstrallcye ne muvsyke men to gladde
thenG.11.47: Originally the final letter of then appears to have had three minims, the last of which has been crossed out by the original scribe. muvnde þe mylner off / multa fecit deus. //
ne were theyre vyle harlotrye haue god my trewght
shuvld neuer kyng ne knyght ne chanon off seynt pouvles
gyuve theym to theyr rewarde þe walewG.11.50: All A manuscripts except K Wa J share the G O C2 Y reading "value" (for most B manuscripts ȝifte), and this is the reading adopted by Kane and Donaldson. off a groote
but myrthe & mynstrallcye ys among men noweG.11.51: For the G scribe's replacement of most manuscripts nouthe with nowe, see note to G.4.295.
leychery & losengerye & loselles tales
glotony & greyte othes thys myrthe they louven
but yff þei carpyn off cryst clerkes & lewede
at meyte In myrthes when mynstrelles byn stylle
then tell they off þe trynyte a tale other twey
& bryng forthe a bald reason & taken bernard to wyttnes
& putten forthe a presuvmpsyon to prouve the sothe
thuvs þei dryuvell att þer dynnere þe deyyte to knowe
& gnawen god wyth the gorge when þer guvttes er fylledG.11.60: Most B manuscripts have readings with the verb "to be" followed by the adjective "full" (or, in the case of G, the past participle fylled). The readings of A and C, however, suggest an original with "full" as an active verb (as W guttes fullen="bellies grow full").
butt þe carefull may crye & carpen att þe gate
bothe a-hongred & a-thuvrste & for chele quvake
ys noone to nymen them neere hys noye to amend
but heonG.11.64: For heon, see MED heuen (v.3),"to shout" or "to halloo." on hym as an houvnde & hoten þem go thence
lytull louveth he þat lorde þat lent hym all þat blysse
that thus pertethe wyth the pouvre a percell when þem nedythe
ne were mercy In meane men more then In ryche
mendymantes meytles myght go to bedde
god ys moche In þe gorge off the greyte master
butt amongestG.11.70: The bar over the <o> of amongest is only faintly visible. meane men hys mercy & hys workes G.11.70: The last letter of workes is odd, a cross between an <e> and an <s>. It is possible that it was added after the manuscript had been bound, which would explain the awkwardness of the writing (i.e. it is in the gutter).
& þus sayethe the sawter I haue sene ytt offte
ecce audiuimus eam In effrata : Inuenimus eam In campis silue //
fol. 39rI
clerkes & other men carpen off god fast
& haue hym moche yn þer mowthe but meane men In herte
freres & faytouvrs haue fonde suoyche quvestyons
to pleasse wyth prouvde men syth þe pestylence tyme
and preychen att poules for puvre enuvye off clerkes
that folke ys not fyrmed In þe faythe ne fre off þer goodes
ne sory for theyre synnes so ys pryde wexen
In relygyon & all the realme bothe ryche & pouvre
that preyers haue no power þe pesteylence to lett
& yet þes wrecches off thys worlde ys non y-warre by other
ne for drede off dethe wythdrawe noght theyreG.11.83: The <r> in theyre appears to have been re-outlined. The small hook at the end of the word has been interpreted as a residual <e>, but it could be an abbreviation mark. pryde
ne be plenteouvse to þe pore as puvre charyte wolde
but In gaynes & glotonye forglotte theyre goodes theyr-seluve
& breykyth not to the begger as þe boke teychythe
frange esurienti panem tuum et cetera //
& þe more he wynnethe & welte welthes & ryches
and lordethe In landes the lasse goode he dealethe
thobye tellethe you not so take hede the ryche
how þe boke off þe byble off hym beyryth wyttnes
G.11.92: G.11.92 and G.11.93 are bracketed together in red on the tibi copia sit habundanter tribue
si autem exiguum impertire stude libenter //
wo-so hathe moche spende moche meanethe thobye
& wo-so lytle weldythe reuvle hym therafter
for we haue no letter off our lyfe how long yt shall duvre
suoyche lessons lordes shuolde louve to here
& how myght moste meanne manlyche fynde
& nat to fare as a fydeler or a frere toG.11.99: Kane and Donaldson adopt the G Cr Hm R reading to. Remaining B manuscripts read forto. seke feastes
homelyche att other mens houvses & haten theyre owne
elenge ys þe halle eche day In the weeke
there þe lord & the ladye lykethe not to sytte
now hathe eche ryche a reuvle to eyte by hym-seluve
In a pryuvye parlouvr for powerG.11.104: G power is recorded by the OED as a possible spelling of "poor" (which is the reading of Bx) and this is therefore probably not a substantive variant. menes saake
or In a chambre wyth a chymney & leyuve þe cheffe halle
that was made for meales men to eyten ynne
& all to spare to spyll þat spend shall a-nother
I hauve herd hygh men eytyng att the table
fol. 39vI
carpen as þei clerkes were off cryst & off hys myghtes
& leyden fauvtes on þe fadre that fouvrmed vs all
& carpen a.geyneG.11.111:The <g> of ageyne has been written over a deleted letter - possibly the scribe began to write "carpen as," as in G.11.109. clerkes crabbed wordes
why wolde our sauvyouvr suffre soche a worme In hys blysse
that begyled þe woman & þe man after
thruvgh wyche wyles & wordes they wente to hell
& all theyr seede for theyre synne þe same dethe suvffered
here lyethe your loore thees lordys gan dyspuvte
off þat þe clerkes vnv[s] kenne off cryste by þe gospell
filius non portabit Iniquitatem patris & cetera //
why shuold we þat now beene for þe werkes off adam
roten & rende reason wold ytt neuer
vnusquisque portabit onus suum et cetera //
suoyche motyuves þei move þes masters In theyre glorye
& make men In myssbeleuve þat muvse moche on þer wordes
ymagynatyve here-afterwarde shall answere to your puvrposce
auguvstyne to suoyche arguveers tellethe thys teeme
non plus sapere quam oportet et cetera //
wylneth neuer to wytt why that god wolde
suoffer sathan hys seede to begyle
but beleuveth loyally yn þe loore off holychurche
and prey theym off perdone & pennaunce In þi lyuve
& for hys moche marcy to amende you here
for all þat wylnethe to wytt þe /whyes/G.11.132: For the virgules here, see note to G.6.597. off god almyghty
I wold hys eye were In hys arsce & hys fynger after
that euer wylnethe to wytt why þat god wolde
suvffer sathan hys seede to begyle
or Iuvdas to the Iewes Iesu bytraayeG.11.136: The G scribe writes the <ra> of "betray" out in full but he also provides an otiose superscript <a>. See note to G.3.157.
all was þou woldest lorde worshyped be thowe
and all worthe as þou wolt what-so-euer we dyspuvte
and tho þat vsen hauvylounvshavylou[n]s to blynde mennes wyttes
what ys do-well fro do-betterG.11.140: The abbreviation for <er> (giving better) is present though not recorded by Kane and Donaldson. now deefe may he worche
sythe he wylneth to wytt wyche þei beene bothe
but yff he lyuve In þe lyfe þat longethe to dowell
For I dare be hys bolde borowe þat dobetter wyll he neuere
fol. 40rI
thogh dobest drawe on hym day after other
& when þat wytt was warre watt þat dame stuodye tolde
he became so confuvse he cowthe not looke
and as doumbe & deaffe & drewe hym arere
& for no carpyng I couvlde after ne knelyng to þe grouvnde
I myght gett no greyne off hys greate wyttes
but all laghynge he lowted & looked vp-on stuodye
In sygne þat I shuolde beseche hyr off grace
& when I was warre off hys wyll to hys wyffe gan I lowte
& seyd mercy madame your man shall I worthe
as long as I lyuve bothe late & rathe
for to worche your wyll þe whyle my lyffe duvrethe
wyth þat ye kenne me kyndlye to knowe whatt ys dowell
For thy mekenes quod she & for þi mylde speche
I shall kenne þe to my cosyn þat claregy ys y-hooten
he hathe wedded a wyffe wyth-yn þis syx monethes
ys sybbe to þe seyuven artes scryptuvre ys hyr name
they two as I hoope after my teychyng
shall wysshen þe to do-well I adare ytt vndertake
then was I as fayne as fowle off fayre morowe
and gladder þen the gleeman þat gold hathe to gyfte
& axked hyr þe hye way whereG.11.165: All A manuscripts except A and K share the G F reading where, which is adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Remaining B manuscripts read where þat. clargye dwelte
& tell me some tokne quod I for tyme ys þat I wende
axe þe hye way quod stuodye hence to suvffer
bothe well & wo & yff þou wylt lerne
& ryde forthe by rychesce & rest not therynne
for yff þou couvple þe þerwyth to claregye comesthowe G.11.170: A virgule has been added at this point to separate comesthowe and neuere. neuere
& also þe lycorouvs lauvnde þat lechyrye hatte
leyuve ytt on þi lefte halfe a large myle & more
tyll þou come to a couvrte kepe well þi tonge
from leasynges & lyther speche & lycorouvs drynkes
þen shalthowe see / sobryete /G.11.175: For the virgules here, see note to G.6.597. & symplenes off speche
that eche wyght be In wyll hys wytt þe to shewe
fol. 40vI
þus shalthowe come to clargye þat kanne manye thynges
sey hym þis sygne I sett hym to scole
& þat I grete well hys wyffe I wroote hyr many bokes
& sett hyr to sapyence & to the sauvter & glosseG.11.180: The letter which precedes glosse is not entirely clear and, in any case, it appears to have been crossed out. Kane and Donaldson read ?iglosse.
logyke I lerned hyr & manye other lawes
and all þe muvsons In musyke I made hyr to knowe
plato þe poet I puvtt hym fuvrste to booke
arestotell & other mo to arguve I taght
gramere for gerles I garte furste wryte
& bett þem wyth a baleyes but þei wolde lerne
off alkynnes craftes I contryuved tooles
off carpentersG.11.188: All A version manuscripts share the G Cr3 F reading carpenters, which is adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Most C manuscripts share the majority B reading carpentrie. & keuruvers and compassede masons
& lerned þem leyuvell & lyne thogh I looke dymme
theologie hathe tened me ten score tymes
þe more I muvse therynne þe mystyer ytt semethe
& þe depper I dyuvyne þe derker me ytt thynkethe
NotaG.11.193: The reading Nota is that suggested by Benson and Blanchfield. The mark is, as they point out (132.IV.C), different from that on f.23v G.6.541, but see note to that line.
ytt ys no syence forsothe / for to sotyle ynne
a full leythy thyng ytt were / yff þat louve nere
and for yt let best by louve I louve ytt the better
for ther þat louve ys / leydre /G.11.196: For the virgules here, see note to G.6.597. ther lackethe no grace
looke þou louve loyally yff þe lykethe dowell
for dobetter & dobest be off louves kynne
In other sapyence ytt seyethe I segh ytt In caton
qui simulat verbis nec corde est fidus amicus
tu quoque fac simile sic ars deluditur arte
G.11.200: The two rubricated lines are bracketed together in red on the right.
wo-so glosenG.11.201: The G scribe, or more probably an ancestor (see Introduction III.1.4), has mistakenly read B "gloseth" as a plural verb and has replaced it with glosen. as gylouvrs doone do theym þe same
& so shalthowe falsce foolke & faythles begyle
thys ys catons kennyng to clerkes þat he lerned
theololgye teycheth noght so / wo-so taketh ȝeyme
& kennythe vs þe contrarye ageynst catons wordes
for he byd vs beene as brethren & bydde for our enmyes
& louven þem þat lyen on vs & leyne þem when þem nedethe
& do goode agaynst euvell god hym-seluve yt hootethe
dum tempus habemus operemur bonum ad
omnes maxime aivtemG.11.209: At first sight the change resulting in avtem appears to be one of the usual changes of <u> to <v>, but in fact this particular alteration seems to have been prompted by a shortage of minims, i.e. it is instead a change of <i> to <v>. ad domesticos fidei
G.11.209: The two rubricated lines are bracketed together in red on the right.
pauvle preyched the poeple þat perfettnes louved
fol. 41rI
to doG.11.211: The loop on the <d> of do appears to have been added later in brown ink. good for godes Louve & gyuve men þat askene
& namlyche to suvyche as showen our byleuve
and all þat lakken vs or leynd vs god teycheth vs to louve
and not greuve theym þat greuve vs god þat forbyddethe
michi vindictam et ego retribuam & cetera //
forthy loke þou louve as long as þou duvrest
for ys no conscyenceG.11.217: G's original reading conscyence as well as the correction to the majority B reading "science" are also present in Bm. The original, uncorrected reading remains in C O C2 Y. vndre sone so souereygne for þi souvle
but astronamye ys a harde thyng & euvyll for to knowe
geomytrye & geomysye ys gylefull off speche
wo-so thynkethe worche wyth tho two / thryuvethe full late
For sorcerye ys þe souereygesouereyg[n]e boke þat to thatG.11.221: Most A manuscripts share the G B reading that, which is adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Remaining B manuscripts read þe or þo. scyence longethe
yet are ther fybyches yn forcers off felleG.11.222: For G's treatment of fele (the majority B reading, here appearing as G M Cr C felle), see note to G.4.349. In M, the reading fell results from correction. menes makyng
experymentes off alkanamye the poeple to deceyuve
yff þou thynke to do well deale therwyth ner neuere
all þes scyences I my-seluve subtyled & ordyned
& fouvnded þem formost folke to dysceyuve
tell clargye thes tokens & scrypture after
I couvnseale þe kyndlye to knowe what ys dowell
I sayd grauvnt mercy ma-dame & mekelyche hyr grette
and went wyghtlye a-way wyth-oute more lettyng
and tyll I cam to clargye I couvlde neuere stynt
and grette þe goodman well as stodye me taght
and after-warde þe wyffe & worshyphyde þem bothe
and tolde þem þe toknes þat me taght were
was neuer goome vp-on grouvnde sythe god made þe worlde
fayrer vnderfongen ne frendlyker att easse
then my-seluve sothlye soone so he wyste
þat I was off wyttes houvsse & wyth hys wyffe dame stodye
I seyde to hym sothely þat sent was I thydder
dowell & dobetter & dobest to lerne
ytt ys comenlye quodG.11.241: Although both G and F read quod rather than lyf quod (as remaining B manuscripts), the preceding -lye ending on G comenlye (most manuscripts comune) suggests that some form of "life" was in fact present in G's exemplar. clargye on holy chuvrche to beleuve
wyth all þe artycles off þe faythe þat fallethe to be knowe
& þat ys to beleuve loyally bothe lered & lewde
on þe greate god þat gynnyng had neuverG.11.244: The alteration of <u> to <v> in "never" has become a residual brown smudge.
fol. 41vI
and on þe sothfast sonne þat sauved mankynde
from deydly dethe & þe deuvelles power
thruvgh helpe off þe holye gooste wych gooste ys off bothe
thre persones but noght In þe pluvrell nombre
For all ys but on god & eche ys god hym-seluve
deus pater deus filius deus spiritus sanctus .//
god þe fadre god þe sonne god þe holy gost off bothe
maker off mankynd & off bestes bothe
auguvstyne þe olde hereoff made bookes
and hym-seluve ordened to sadde vs In beleuve
waosG.11.255: The scribe began to write was then realised his error and altered it to wo. was hys auwter all þe fouvre euangelystes
& cryste cleped hym-seluve as þe euangelyst beyrythe wyttnesG.11.256: There may be a vowel between the second <t> of wyttnes and the <n>.
ego in patre et pater in me est & qui videt me videt & patrem meum et cetera //
all þe clerkes vndre cryste ne couvlde þis assoyle
but þisG.11.259: For G's use of "this" for "thus," see note to G.4.76. longethe to byleuve to men þat wole dowell
For had neuer freyke fyne wytt þe feythe to dyspuvte
ne man had no meyrett myght ytt beene y-prouved
fides non habet meritum vG.11.262: This letter <v> has been smudged and therefore re-written. vbi humana racio prebet experimentum .//
then ys dobett to suffer for thye souvles sake
& þat þe boke byddethe by holycherche teychyng
& þat ys man by þi myght for mercyes saake
loke þou worche ytt yn worke þat þi worde shewethe
suoyche as þou semest In syght be In assay fouvnde
appare quod es vel esto quod appares ..//
& lett no bodye be by thy beyryng begyled
but suoyche In þi souvle as þou semest wyth-owte
then ys dobest to be bolde to blame the gyltye
sythe þou seeste thy-selffe as In souvle cleane
but blame þou neuer bodye & þou be blame-worthye
G.11.274: G.11.274 and G.11.275 are bracketed together in red on the culpare velis culbabiliscul[p]abilis esse cauebis
dogma tuum sordet cum te tua culpa remordet
god yn þe gospell grymly reprouvethe
all þat lakken any lyffe & lakkes haue þem-seluve
quid consideras festucam In oculo fratris tui trabem & cetera //
why mouveste þou þi mode for a moete ys yn þi brothers eye
sythen a beame yn thyne owne ablyndethe þi-seluve
fol. 42rI
eice primo trabem de oculo tuo et cetera //
wych lettethe þe to looke lesse other more
I rede eche blynd bosarde do boote to hym-seluve
for abbottes & pryouvrs & all maner prelates
as persones & perysshe prestes þat preche sholde & teyche
all maner men to amend by theyre myght
the text was tolde you to bewarre er youG.11.287: For G's use of "you" for remaining manuscripts ȝe, see note to G.2.180. taghte
that ye were suoyche as ye seyde to saluve wyth other
for goddes worde wolde not be lost for þat worchethe euer
yff ytt auveyled not þe comen / ytt myght auveyle your-seluve
but ytt semethe sothely to þe worldes syght
that goddes worde worchethe not on lerede ne lewde
but In suoyche maner as marke menvethe yn þe gospell
dum cecus ducit cecum ambo In foueam cadunt //
lewde men mowe lykne you / þeG.11.295: M's original reading was þat þe (as most B manuscripts), but the word þat has been deleted, bringing M into line with G F reading þe. beame lyethe yn your eyne
and þe festuve ys fallen for your defauvte
In all maner off men thrugh mansed preestes
the byble beyrethe wyttnes that all the folke off ysraell
bytterly boght þe gyltes off two bad preestes
offyne & fynees for theyre couvetyse
archa dei mysshapedG.11.301: Most B manuscripts read myshapped, but use of a single <p> in G mysshaped does not necessarily imply a substantive variant: the G scribe was clearly aware of the possibility of using single and double consonants to indicate preceding long and short vowels, but his practice in this respect was by no means consistent. See further Introduction III.2. & hely brake hys necke
forthy correctouvrs clowethe þeron correcteth fuvrste your-seluve
& þen may youG.11.303: For G's use of "you" for remaining manuscripts ȝe, see note to G.2.180. sauvely say as dauyd made the sauvter
G.11.304: G.11.304 and G.11.305 are bracketed together in red on the right.existimasti inique quod ero tui similis
arguam te et statuam contra faciem tuam
þen sholde borell clerkes be asshamed to blame you or greuve
& carpen noght as þei do nowe & call youdomeyou dome houvndes
canes non valentes latrare : //
& drede to wrathe you In any worde your workmanshyp to lett
& be prestyer att your preyer þen for a pouvnde off nobles
& all for your holynes haue youG.11.311: For G's use of "you" for remaining manuscripts ȝe, see note to G.2.180. þis In herte
In scole there ys a scorne / but yff a clerke wyll learne
& greate louve & lykyng for eche off þem louvethe other
& now ys relygyon a rydre a romer by stretes
G.11.315: Lines G.11.315 and G.11.316 appear in reverse order in the manuscript. Line G.11.316 has a square bracket placed round it in the left hand margin, i.e. it is marked for reversal in the original ink. The numbering of these lines and the order in which they appear in this edition reflects the intention thus indicated.a leyder off . louvedayes & a land buyggerG.11.315: In addition to the alteration from bugger to bygger, there appears to have been some attempt to alter the medial <gg> but the intention here is unclear; possibly the corrector wished to write byer.
G.11.315: See note to G.11.315.a prycker on a palfray from maner to manereG.11.315: The cross in the bottom right hand corner is in modern pencil.
fol. 42vI
A treweG.11.317: The addition A trewe also appears in the top left hand corner, partially erased. It appears to be a comment on the marginal addition below. See G.11.318.m.1.
an heype off houvndes att hys arsce as he a lorde were
profycy off
& but yff hys knauve knele þat shall hym covppe brynge
he louvrethe on hym & askethe wo taght hym couvrtysye
IG.11.320: This capital <I> corresponds to a similar mark in the table of contents, see f.102v, and is intended to help the reader find particular material in the text.
lytell had lordes to done to gyuve land fro þer heyres
to relygyouvse þat haue no reuvthe thogh yt reygne on þer auvters
In many places þer persones be / by theym-seluve att easse
off þe pouver haue þei no pyte & þat ys theyre charyte
& þei letten them as lordes þer lond lyethe so broode
nota bene
but þer shall come a kyng & confesse you relygyouvseG.11.325: It seems likely that, as Benson and Blanchfield suggest (p.132.IV.B), the underlining of this line and of the following lines was carried out by the scribe who added the marginalia (i.e. by hand3). The colour of the ink, however, is not quite the same.
& beyte you as þe byble tellethe for breykyng off your ruvelle
& amend monales monkes & chanons
& put þem to theyr pennance ad pr ad prestinumpr[i]stinum statum//
& lBarons G.11.329: The use of the capital <B> on "Barons" is unusual and it appears that the scribe has written an <l> and then altered it and that the capital is used for the sake of clarity. & elr erles thurugh . beatus vir . teychyng
that theyr barons barnsG.11.330: Note the Cr1 reading barons for G and remaining manuscripts barns. It seems possible that "barons" was the original G reading, either because the scribe was copying from an exemplar with this reading or because his eye was caught by "barons" in the line above (the Cr1 reading may perhaps suggest the former). There seems to have been some attempt to alter original barons by overwriting, which is why the middle letters are particularly unclear. cleymen / & blamen fowle you fowle
hij in curribus & hij in equis ipsi obligati sunt .//
& then freres yn þeir fratour shall fynden a key
þat gregoryes good chyldren off constantynes coffer In G.11.333: The ink has spread in this first half line; the surface of the paper may have been damaged by the erasure process. wyche ys the catell
þat gregoryes goodG.11.334: Though the use of double and single vowels in G is not altogether consistent, the distinction between "god" with a single <o> and "good" with <oo> is normally maintained. See Introduction III.2. Hm F R share G's reading good, but remaining manuscripts read god. chyldren haue euvell dyspendyde
habbott of
then shall þe abbott off abyndon & hys yssuve for euere
haue a knocke wyth a kyng & vncuvrable þe wouvnde
that þis worthe sothe seke ye þat offte ouver-se þe byble
quomodo cessauit exactor / quieuit tributum contriuit dominus.
baculum impiorum & virgam dominancium credencium plaga Insanabili .
but er þat kyng come kayem shall awake
and dowell shall dyng hym downe & dystroye hys myght
then ys dowell & dobett dominus & knygthoode
I nyll not scorne quod scryptuvre but yff scryuvynorsG.11.342: G's use of "scrivener" may well be due to date. According to the OED, this form replaced "scrivein" in the first half of the fifteenth century. lye
kynghoode & knygthoode by noght I can awayte
helpethe not to heyuven-ward not a heyres end
ne ryches ryght nat ne ryallte off lordes
paule preuvethe ytt vnpossyble ryche men haue heyuven
salomon sayethe also þat syluver ys worste to louve
nichil impius quam amare peccuniam . //
& caton kennethe vs to couveyten noght but vs nedithe
dilige denarios sed perce dilige formam .//
fol. 43rI
& patryarkes & profettes & poettes bothe
wryten to wyssen vs to wylne no ryches
& preysed pouerte wyth pacyence þe appostelles wyttnessen
that þei haue heyrytage In heyuven & by trewe ryght
there ryche men no ryght mey cleame but off ruvthe off grace
contra quod I by cryste that kan I reprouve
& prouve ytt by petur & by pouvle bothe
that beene baptysed ben sauved be þei ryche or pouvre
that ys In extremis quod scryptuvre among saresens & Iewes
they mow be sauved so & þat ys our byleuve
then a vncrystyen yn þat case mey crysten a heythen
& for hys loall beleue when he þe lyuve tynethe
haue þe herytage off heyuven as any man crystene
but crystyen men wyth-owte more mey not come to heyuven
for þat cryst for crystyen men dyeede & confyrmed þe lawe
that wo-so wold or wylnethe wyth cryste to aryse
si cum cristo surrexistis & cetera //
he sholde louve & leynde & the lawe fullfyll
that ys louve þi lorde god leuvest abouve all thyng
& after all crystyen creatuvres In comen eche man other
& thuvs belongethe to louve þat leuvethe to be sauved
and butt we do þisG.11.372: For G's use of "this" for "thus," see note to G.4.76. Cr1 shares the G reading. In dede or þe day off dome
ytt shall besytten vs full sore þe syluver þat we kepen
and our backesBaggesG.11.374: Compare the form of the <g>s in Bagges with the <g> found in the marginalia on the previous page.G.11.374: In C2 as in G, the reading baggis (for most manuscripts bakkes) results from a later correction. þat moghteyten beene & se beggers go naked
or delyte vs In wyne or wyllfouvleG.11.375: For a similar spelling of "wildfowl," see the sixteenth century wyelfoyle recorded by the OED s.v. wild-fowl. & wott any In defauvte
for euery crysten creatuvre shuolde be kynd to an-other
& sythen heypenhey[þ]en to helpen In hoope off amendement
god hootethe bothe hyghe & lowe þat no man huvrte other
& seyde sley not þat semblyable ys myne owne lyknes
but yff I send þe some tokne / & seyth non mnechaberisG.11.380: In both G and L, original mechaberis (as most B manuscripts) has been altered to nechaberis by the delition of the first minim. Cr23 Y share this reading.: //
ys sley not but suffer and all for the best
for I shall puvnnysshe þem In puvrgatorye or In þe pytt off hell
eche man for hys myssdedes but mercy ytt lett
thys ys a long lesson quod I & lytle am I the wyser
where dowell ys or dobetter derklyche ye shewen
many tales ye tell that theologye lernethe
fol. 43vI
& þat I man made was & myne name entred
In þe legend off lyffe long ere I were
or wryten for wyckednes as holy wrytt wyttnessythe
nemo ascendit ad celum nisi qui de celo descendit. //
I leuve yt well by our lord quod he I & no letteruvre better
for salomon þe sage that sapyence taght
god gauve hym grace off wytt & all hys goodes after
he demed well & wysely as holye wrytt tellethe
arestotell & he wo wyssed men bettre
masters þat off goddes mercyes preychen men & techen
off theyr wordes they wyssen vs for wysest yn þeir tyme
& all holye churche hold þem bothe y-damned
& yff I shuolde worche by hys workes to wynne me heyuven
þat for þer workes & wytt now wonnethe yn payne
þen wroght I vnwysely what-so-euer youG.11.401: For G's use of "you" for remaining manuscripts ȝe, see note to G.2.180. preyche
and off fellG.11.402: For G's treatment of fele (the reading of all other manuscripts, here appearing as G fell), see note to G.4.349. wytty In faythe lytle farlye I haue
thogh theyr gost be vnhappy god for to pleasse
for many beene on þis molde more sett theyr hertes
In good then In god sythe þem grace faylethe
but þe most myscheffe when they shall lyuve leete
as salomon dyd & suoyche other þat shewed greate wyttes
but hys workes as holye wrytte seyethe was euer þe contrarye
forthy wyse wytted men & well lettered clerkes
as þei seyen theym-seluve seelde do there-after
super cathedram moysi et cetera .//
but I wene yt worthe off many as was In noyes tyme
tho he shoope þat shyppe off shydes & boordes
was neuer wryght sauved that wroght þeron ne other workman ellesG.11.414: The line overruns the space available and elles is boxed in below the line proper.
but bryddes & beastes & theyG.11.415: For G's use of "they" for "the," see note to G.6.303. blyssed noy
& hys wyfe wyth hys sonnes & also theyre wyuvesG.11.416: A line is omitted by β4 manuscripts at this point ("Of wriȝtes þat it wrouȝte was none of hem ysaued").
god lenve ytt fare noght so by folke þat þe faythe teychen
off holy cherche þat harborowe ys / & goddes houvse to sauve
& shyld vs fro shame þerynne / as noyes shyppe dyd bestes
& men þat made ytt / amyd þe floode dreynten
fol. 44rI
the colouvr off þis clauvse curatouvrs ys to meane
that be carpynters holycherche to make for cryst owne bestes
homines et iumenta saluabis domine : //
on good fryday & fynd a fellon was sauved
that had lyuved all hys lyffe wyth leasynges & wyth thefte
& for he beknewe on þe crosse & to cryste shrouve hym
he was sonner sauved then seynt Ihon the baptyst
and er adam or ysay or any /G.11.428: This virgule is smudged and may have been partially erased. off thes profettes
that had leyne wyth lucyfer manye long yeres
a robber was rauvncsaeuneonydeG.11.430: The second half of this word (corresponding to modern English "ransomed") has been so comprehensively fiddled about with that it is hard to tell what is going on. Note that the original has an apparently otiose superscript <a> with a long bar over it, presumably present in the scribe's exemplar as an abbreviation, but reproduced here apparently without understanding. See note to G.3.157. rather þen they all
wyth-oute pennance off puvrgatory to perpetuvall blysse
& mary magdelyne watt woman dyd worsceG.11.432: Note the spelling of "worse" in the following line.
& wo wors þen dauyd þat vryes dethe conspyred
or poule the apostell that no pyte hadde
moche crysten kynd to kyll to the dethe
& nowe be as soueregnes & seyntes In heyuven
tho þat wroght wyckedest In worlde tho they were
and tho þat wysely wordeden & wryten many bookes
off wytt & off wyssdome wyth dampned souvles wonne
that salomon sayeth I trowe be sothe & certen off vs all
siue Iusti atque sapientes & opera eorum In manu dei sunt . //
ther er wytty & well lyuvyng & there workes byn hydde
yn þe handys off allmyghty god & he woote þe sothe
wherforewher fore louve aG.11.444: The <a> here ends with a dot and it appears that a second letter may have been anticipated, but none has been written. man / worthe a-lowed þer / & hys leele workes
or elles for hys euvell wyll & enuvye off herte
& be alowed as he lyuvede / forby lyther men knowe þe good
& were-by wyttyG.11.447: B manuscripts have a wide variety of readings for G wytty, some the result of correction. Most, however, have some form of "witen." men wyche ys wyte yff all thyng blake were
& wo were a good man but yff I were some shrewe
forthy lyuve we forthe wyth lyther men & leuve fewe be good
for quvant oportet comethe In place il nad qui pati
& he þat moeyG.11.451: An additional loop has been placed on top of original <o> to form a backward facing <e> in mey. all amende haue mercy on vs all
þe sothest worde þat euer god seyde was tho he sayde nemo bonus .//
clergye tho off crystes mouvthe commendyd was lytle
for he sayde to seynt petur & to suoyche as he louved
dum steteritis ante reges et presides . //
thogh c ye come before kynges & clerkes off þe lawe
beythe not abasshed for I shalbeshal be In your mouvthes
fol. 44vI
& gyuve you wytt & wyll & connyng to concluvde
them all þat ageynst you off crydendomecry[st]endome dyspuvten
dauid makethe mencyon he spake amongest kynges
& myght no kyng ouercome hym by kennyng off speche
but wytt ne wysdome ne wanne neuer the mastrye
when man was att mysscheffe wythowte þe more grace
þe doghtyest doctor & dyuvynouvr off the trynyte
was auguvstyne þe olde & þe hyest off þe fouvre
sayd þou In a sermon I segh ytt wrytten onesce
ecce Ipsi idiote rapiunt celum vbi nos
sapientes in Inferno mergimur . //
G.11.467: The two rubricated lines are bracketed together in red on the right.
& to meane In englyshe to more & to lasse
ere non rather rauvesshed frfomr þe ryght byleuveG.11.469: G omits two lines at this point ("Þan ar þis cunnynge clerkes · þat conne many bokes | Ne none sonner saued · ne sadder of bileue").
then plowmen & pastouvrs & other comen laborers
sowters & shepperdes & suoche lewde Ideottes
percen wyth a pater nosterG.11.473: What looks as if it may be a punctus after noster is in fact simply the point at which the scribe has lifted his pen from the paper. þe paleyes off heyuven
& passen puvrgatorye pennanceles att þer hence partyng
In-to þe blysse off paradysse for þeir puvre byleuve
that imperfetly here knewe & eke lyuved
ye men knowe clerkes / þat hauve cuvrsed þe tyme
þat euer ye couvlde on þe boke more þen credo in deum
& pryncypallye theyr pater noster many person hath wysshed
I see ensample myselfe & so may many other
þat seruvantes þat seruven lordes seylde fall yn arerage
but tho þat kepen þe lordes katell clerkes & rentes
ryght so lewde men & off lytle knowyng
seld fall þei so fo.wle & so farre In synne
as clarkes off holychurche þat kepe crystes treasore
þe wych ys manes sowle to sauve as god seyeth yn þe gospell
Ite vos In vineam meam et cetera //
explicit tercius passus de dowell