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BPassus 14
YG.15.1: For the interpretation of the first letter in the line as a <Y>, see note to G.7.260. haue but on hoole hater quod haukyn I am þe lasse to blame
thogh ytt be soyled and fowle I slepe þerynne on nyghtes
also I haue a wyffe hewene & chyldren
vxorem duxi & ideo non possum venire et cetera //
that wold be mouvlledG.15.5: Kane and Donaldson record G's reading as bemoulled but there is a clear break after be. many tymes mauvgre my chekes
ytt hathe ben lauved In lent and oute off lent bothe
wyth þe soope off sycknes that sekethe wondre depe
& wyth þe losse off catell lothe for to aguvlte
god or any good man by ought þat I wyste
& was shryuven off þe preste he gauve me for my synnes
to pennacepenna[n]ce pacyence & pouvre men to feede
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& for couvetyse off my crystendome yn cleynnes to kepe ytt
& couvld I neuer by cryste kepe cleane an houvre
that I ne soyled ytt wyth syght or some ydle speche
or thrugh workeoff worde or wyll off myne herte
but y ne slobered ytt fowle fro morowe to euve
& I shall kenne þe k quod conscyence off contrycyon to make
that shall clawe þi cote off alkynnes fylthe
cordis contricio & cetera //
dowell whasshe ytt and wryng ytt thrugh a wyse confessor
oris confessio & cetera //
dobetter shall beyten ytt & bouvke ytt as bryght as any skarlett
& engreynnen ytt wyth good wyll & goddes grace to amende the
& send þe satysfactyon for to sowen ytt after
satisfactio et cetera //
dobest shall neuer myst bymouvllen ne mooght after byten ytt
ne fende ne falsce man defowlen ytt yn þi lyuve
shall no harrouavde ne harper hauve a fayrer garment
then haukyn þe actyuve man & yff þou do by my teychyng
ne no mynstrell be more worthe amonge pore & ryche
then haukyns wyffe waffrere wyth hys / actiua vita://
and I shall puvrwye þe paste quod pacyence þo no plowgh errye
and flower to feede folke wyth as best be for þi souvle
thogh neuer greyne growed ne grape vpon vyne
all þat lyuvethe & lackethe lyuveloode wolde I fynde
and þat ynoghe shall non Fayle thyng þat theym nedethe
we shold not be to buvsye abouvte our lyuveloode
ne soliciti scitissitis & cetera volecresvol[u]cres celi deus pascit & cetera pacientes vincunt
then laghed haukyn a lytle & lyghtlye gan sweyre
wo-so leuvethe you by our lorde & leuve not he be blyssed
no quod pacyence pacyently & oute off hys pooke hente
wytayles off greate vertuves for all maner beastes
& seyde low here lyuveloode ynoghe yff our byleuve be trewe
for lent neuer was lyffe but lyuvelood were shape
wheroff or wherfore or wherbye to lyuve
furstG.15.46: An otiose superscript <2>appears above the <r> of furst. In the scribe's exemplar this may well have been an abbreviation for <ur>, but, though he copies it, the scribe does not appear to grasp its significance (for similar treatment of superscript <a>, see note to G.3.157 and Introduction IV.1.1). Alternatively, it is possible that the scribe originally omitted the <r> and squashed it in later - the letters appear to be crammed together - and, if this is the case, the superscript 2 might simply be present to make sure that the reading is unambiguous. þe wylde worme vndre wheete yetrthe
Fysshe to lyuve In þe floode and In þe fyre þe krykett
þe cuvrlew by kynd off þe eyre most cleane flesshe off byrdes
& beastes by gras & granyneG.15.49: The first four letters of grayne were originally gran but the scribe then added a tail to the minims of the <n> to form the letter <y>. & by greene rootes
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In meanyng þat all men myght do the same
lyue thrughe leall byleuve & louve as god wyttnessythe
quodcumque pecieritis a patre in nomine meo & cetera et alibi:
non in solo pane vivit homo set in omni verbo quod procedit & cetera
but I loked whatt lyuveloode ytt was þat pacyence so preysed
and then was ytt a pece off the pater noster: fiat voluntas tua
haue haukyn quod pacyence & eyte þis when the hongerethe
or when þou clomsest for colde or clyngest for drye
shall neuer gyves þe greuve ne greate lordes wrathe
pryson ne payne for : pacientes vicuntvi[n]cunt ://
so þat þou be sobre off syght & off tonge
yn eytyng & yn handylyng & all thye foyuve wyttes
there the neuer care for corne ne lynnen clothe ne wollen
ne for drynke dreede no dethe but dye as god lykethe
or thrughe hongre or thrughe heyteG.15.63: The loop of the <h> of heyte has been re-outlined in brown ink. att hys wyll be ytt
For yff thow lyuve after hys loore þe shorter lyffe þe better
si quis amat Cristum mundumG.15.65: There were originally too many minims in the first part of the word mundum; the first two have been blocked in by the original scribe to form one. non diligit istum
for hys breythe beastes wexen and abroode yeden
dixit et facta sunt : et cetera //
ergo thrugh hys breythe may men & beastes lyuven
as holy wrytt wyttnessythe G.15.69: A virgule has been added at this point to separate wyttnessythe and yt. yt when men sayen þer graces
aperis tu manum tuam & imples omne animal benedictione:
ytt ys fouvnden þat fouvrty wynters folke lyuved wyth-oute tyllyng
and oute off þe flynt sprang þe floode þat folke & beastes dronke
and In elyes tyme heuven was I-closed
that no reyne ne reyneG.15.74: Kane and Donaldson read G reynd rather than reyne, but the second <e> is exactly the same as those elsewhere in the line. G.15.74: According to the OED, forms such as rone (preterite of rine and the reading found most B manuscripts) were not used after the end of the fourteenth century, hence the G reading (see OED rine v.2). þus rede men In bokes
that manye wynters men lyuvyden & no meyte tyllyden
seyuven slept as sayetheG.15.76: The final <e> on sayethe appears to have been an afterthought and is not continuous with the <h>. Compare hundrethe later in the line. The addition of the <e> has filled the space between words and the following thorn has therefore been deleted and rewritten. þ þe boke seyvyne huvndrethe wynters
& lyuvyden wyth-oute lyvelode & att þe last they woken
and yff men lyuved as measure wolde shold neuer be defauvte
amongest crysten creatures yff crystes wordes be trewe
butG.15.80: Though G and F share the reading but (for most manuscripts Ac), in all other respects F has a completely different a-verse. vnkyndnes caristia makethe amogesamo[n]ges crysten poeple
& ouer pleynte makethe pryde among poere & ryche
but measure ys so moche worthe ytt may notgh be to dere
For þe myscheffe & þe myschance amonges men off sodome
was thrugh plentye off foode & off pure slothe
osiositas et abundantia panis peccatum
turpissinumturpissi[m]um nutriuit
G.15.85: The two rubricated lines are bracketed together on the right in red.
for þei measured noght þem-seluve off þat þei eyte & drynke
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dyden deydly synne þat the deuvell lyked
so wengeance fell vpon theym for þeir fowle synnes
they sonken In-to hell the cytees echonne
forthy measure vs well & make our feaythe our shyltren
& thrugh faythe commythe contrycyon conscyence woote well
wyche dryuvethe a-way dedlye synne & doethe ytt to be weynyall
and thogh a man myght not speke contrycyon myght hym sauve
and bryng hys soule to blysse so þat faythe beyre wytnes
that whyles he lyuved þe loore off holy cherche he beleuved
ergo contrycyon fayhte & coscyenceco[n]scyence be kyndlyche dowell
and surgyens for deydly synnes when shryfte off mouvthe faylethe
but shryfte off mouvthe more worthye ys yff man be verylyche contryte
for shryfte off mouvthe sleyethe synne be ytt neuer so dedlye
per passionem to a preeste peccata occiduntur
there contrycyon dothe but dryuve ytt to a deadlyvenyall synne
and dauyd sayethe yn þe sauvter . et quorum tecta sunt peccata ://
but satysfactyon sekethe oute þe roote & bothe sleyethe & woydethe
and as ytt neuer had y-be to noght bryngethe deydly synne
that ytt ys neuer efte seene ne soore but semethe a wouvnd heyled
where wonnethe charyte quod haukyn I wyst neuer In my lyuve
man þat wyth hym spake as wyde as I haue passed
there perfytte trewthe & pore herte ys & pacyence off tonge
ther ys charyte þe cheffe chambre for god hym-seluve
whether pacyence pouerte quod haukyn be more plesant to our lordeG.15.110: In the case of G, the G R variant lorde (for most manuscripts driȝte) may reflect the manuscript's late date: according to the OED, the word dright(en was no longer used after the end of the fifteenth century.
then rygh ryches ryghtfullyche wonne & resonableG.15.111: The -le ending on G resonable could be a form of -ly, in which case G too would have the adverb (cf. remaining manuscripts resonablelich and see LALME 4, item 278). spente
ye quis est ille quod pacyence quyk et laudabimus eum :
thogh men rede off ryches ryght to þe worldes ende
I wyst neuer renvkere[n]ke that ryche was þat when he rekne sholde
when he drewe to hys deyd day þat he ne drad hym sore
and att þe rekenyng yn a-rerage fell rather þen ovte off dette
there þe pore dare pleade & prouve by puvre reason
to haue alowance off hys lorde by lawe he ytt claymethe
Ioy þat neuer Ioy had off ryghtfull Iuvge he askethe
& sayethe low bryddes & beastes þat no blysse ne couvthe
and wylde wormes yn woddes thrugh wynters þou þem greuvestG.15.121: G omits a line at this point ("And makest hem welnyegh meke · and mylde for defaute").
and after þou sendest them somer that ys theyr souveregne Ioy
and blysse to all þat be bothe wylde & tame
then may beggers & beastes after heate weyten
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that all þeir lyffe haue lyuved In languvor &G.15.125: All C manuscripts except Dc and Nc share the G B reading &, and this reading is adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Remaining B mansucripts read and in. defauvte
but god sendG.15.126: G's send (for most B manuscripts sent) could be read as a present subjunctive (cf. F's periphrastic reading wold sende), but G does in fact have forms of "send" in -d for the preterite (see note to G.14.251). The majority of C manuscripts have forms with <d>. them some-tyme some maner IoyG.15.126: G omits a line at this point ("Other here or elles-where · kynde wolde it neuere").
for to ouer moche wo was he wroght þat neuer was Ioy shapen
angelles þat In hell nowe beene had Ioy some-tyme
and diues yn dentyes lyuved & yn (dovce vie)
ryght so reason she shoythe þat þo men þat were ryche
and theyr makes also lyuved In moche myrthe
but god ys off a wondre but þat kynd wytt shewythe
to gyve many man hys mercymoney or he ytt haue deseruved
ryght so farethe god by suoyche ryche reuvthe me yt thynkethe
for þei haue theyre hyre here and heyuven as ytt were
and ys greate lykyng to lyuve wyth-oute lyabour off bodye
and when he dyethe be dyssalowed as dauid sayeth yn þe sauvtre
dormierunt et nichil inuenerunt
and In a-nother stydde also velut sompnum surgentium domine://
In ciuitate tua et ad nichilum rediges://
alas þat ryches shall reuve & robbe mannes soule
fro þe louve off our lorde att hys last end
hewen þei haue theyr hyre before / oere euermore nedy
selden dyeth þeihe ovte off dett þat dynenth or þeihe deseruve ytt
& tyll he haue done hys & deuvoyre & hys dayes Iouvrney
& when a werkman hathe wroght þen may men se þe sothe
what he were worthy for hys worke & what he hathe deseruved
and not to fong before for drede off dyssalowyng
so I say by you ryche ytt semethe noght þat ye shall
haue heyuven here yn your beyryngG.15.150: Scribes had difficulty with this a-verse and there are various versions. The Kane and Donaldson a-verse reads as follows: "Haue heuene in youre her[berw]yng." G's reading of the a-verse is also found in Hm. & heyuven therafter
ryght as a seruvant takethe hys salarye before / & sythen wold cleym moreG.15.151: The line wraps round and the last two words are written below it and boxed in grey.
as he þat had & hathe hyre att the last
ytt may noght be ye ryche men or mathew on god lyethe
de delicijs ad dilicias difficile est transire ://
and yff þe ryche haue ruvthe & rewarde well þe pore
and lyuvethe as lawe teychethe doone laoyalte to þem all
cryste off hys couvrtysye shall conforte you att laste
and rewarde all douvble ryches þat reuvfull hertes haue
and as an hyne þat had hys hyre or he to worche beganne
& when he hathe done hys deuvoyre well men done þem other bouvnte
gyuvethe hym a cote aboue hys counaunt ryght so cryst gyuvethe heyuven
bothe to ryche & to noght ryche þat reuvfullyche lyuven
& all þat done þeir deuvoyr well haue douvble hyre for þeir trauveylle
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forgyvnes off hysG.15.164: Kane and Donaldson do not record G hys as a variant, but the last letter is definitely a sigma <s>. synnes and heyuven blysse after
but ytt ys but selde seene as by holysayntesholy sayntes bokes
that god rewarded douvble rest to any ryche wyght
for moche muvrthe ys amonges þe ryche as meyte & clothyng
& moche myrthe yn may ys amongest wylde beastes
and so forthe whyle somer lastedthe þeir solace endurethe
but beggers aboute mydsomer bredles they souvpe
& yett ys wynter for them worsce for wettshodde þei gange
a-thurste soore & a-hongered & fouvlyche rebuked
& arated off ryche men þat reuvthe ytt ys to here
now lorde send them somer and some maner Ioy
heyuven after theyre hence goyng þat here haue suoyche defauvte
for all myghtest þou haue made non meaner then other
and y-lyche wyttye & wyse yff thy wyll had lyked
and haue reuvthe off thes ryche men þat rewarde not thye prysoners
off thy good þat þou theym gyuvest ingrati beene manye
but god off þi goodnes gyuve þem grace to amend
For may no derthe be them dere drought ne wete
nether heate ne heyle haue they theyre heale
off that þei wylne & wolde þem wantethe noght here
but pouvre poeple & prysoners lorde yn þe pytt off myscheffe
comforte þo creatures þat moche woo sufferen
thrughe derthe & druvght all theyr dayes here
wo In wynter tymes for wantyng off clothes
& In somer tyme selde souvpe to the full
comfort thye carefull chryste In thy ryche
for þou comfortest all creatures clerkes beyren wyttnes
conuertimini ad me et salui eritis ..//
thuvs In genere off gentryse Iesu cryste sayed
to robbers & to reyuvers to ryche & to poere
thow taghtest þem yn þe trynyte to take baptesme
and be cleane thrugh þat crystynyng off alkynnes thynges synnes
and fell thrughe folye to fall In synne after
confessyon & knolegyng & crauvyng thy marcye
shold amend vs as many sythes as man wold desyre
but yff þe pope wolde pleyde there-ageyn & punnysshe vs In conscyence
he shuold take þe quvyttance as quvyke / & to þe quvede shewed ytt
pateat & cetera per passionem domini et cetera //
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and puvtten of þe pouvke & pynnen vs vndre borowe
but þe perchemyn off thys patent off pouverte be movste
and off pure pacyence & perfytt byleuve
off pompe & off pryde þe perchemyn decowrethe
& prynsypallyche off all poeple but they be pouvre In herte
elles ys all In Idle all þat euver we wryten
pater noster and pennance & pylgrymages to rome
but our spenses & spendyng spryng off a trew wyell
elles ys all. yn Idle our labouvr lost loo howe men wryten
In fenestres att freres yff falsce be þe fouvndment
for þe crystyen shuolde be en comen ryche / non couveyte for hym-seluve
for seyuven synnes þer be þat assaylen man euver
the fende folowethe theyme all & fouvndethe þem to helpe
but wyth ryches þat rybalde l rathest theym begylethe
for þer þat ryches reygnethe reuverence folowethe
& þat ys pleasant to pryde In pouvre & yn ryche
& þe ryche ys reuerensed by þe reason off hys ryches
there þe poere ys putt byynde & perauventure can more
off wytt & off wyssdome þat farre a-wasyG.15.220: There is evidence of improvement of the left side of the head of the <y> in a different ink. ys better
then ryches or ryalte þat and rather herde In heyuven
for þe ryche haueG.15.222: As far as G haue for remaining manuscripts hath is concerned, it is often the case that G has an -e(n verb ending for other manuscripts -eth where this is simply a matter of accidentals, i.e. where both verbs are plural. However, the expected plural form for "have" in L etc. would be habbeth or han and it seems to be the case here that, while G treats the subject ryche as a plural, the remaining manuscripts treat it as singular. moche to rekne off and ryght softe walken
the ryght way to heyuven-warde ofte ryches lettethe
Ita possibile diuiti et cetera //
there the pore pressythe before þe ryche wyth a packe at hys rygge
opera enim illorum sequntur eos//
bantalychebata[n]tlyche as beggers doone & baldelyche he g.crauvethe G.15.227: Probably the original G reading was grauethe and the corrector altered the <g> to <c> and then simply re-outlined the <r>. G.15.227:The alteration brings G's reading into line with the remaining B manuscripts.
for hys pouverte & pacyence a perpetuall blysse
beati pauperes spiritu quoniam ipsorum est regnum celorum ://
& pryde yn ryches reygnethe rather þen In pouverte
arste In þe master then In þe man some mansyon he hathe
but yn pouerte þer pacyence ys pryde hathe no myght
ne non off þe seyuven synnes sytt mow þer long
ne haue power In pouerte yff pacyence ytt folowe
For þe pore ys ay prest to pleasse þe ryche
& buxome att hys byddyng for hys broken louves
and buxomnesse & booste are euer-more att warre
and either hatethe other In all maner workes
yff wrathe wrestelethe wyth þe pouvre he hathe þe worsce end
for yff þei bothe pleyne the pouvre ys but feble
& yff he chyde or chattre hym cheuvethe þe woarsceG.15.241: This and the following line (where erroneous and lined-through "worse" also has <o> altered to <a>) are the only places where G has a form of "worse" with this spelling. As this is also one of only two places where the B manuscript C has "worse" with medial <a>, it seems possible that there may be some connection.
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& yff couvetyse cacche þe pouvre he hathe þe woars end þei may noght come togeddres
& by ne neck namlye non may hent other
for men knowe well þat couvetyse ys off a kene wyll
and hathe handes & armes off a long lenghte
and pouverte ys but a petyt thyng / ytt perethe not to hys nauvell
and louvely layke was neuer betwene þe long and shorte
and thogh auvaryse wold angre þe pouvre he hath but lytle myght
for pouverte hathe but pookes to putten yn hys goodes
ther auvaryze hathe almbyryes and yren bond coffres
& whether be lyghter to breyke lasse bost ytt makethe
a beggers bagge þen an yren bouvnden coffer
leycherye louvethe hym not he gyuvethe but lytle syluver
ne donitheG.15.254: The <i> of doithe is formed by dotting the first minim of the original <n> of done. The <t> is added above the line with a caret mark and the <h> is written over the remainder of the <n>. hym noght dyne dylycately ne drynke wyne offte
a strawe for þe stewes ytt stoode noght I trowe
had þei noght but off pouvre men / theyre houvses stoode vntyled
thogh slouvght sewe pouerte & seruve not god to pay
mescheyffe ys hys master & makethe hym to thynke
that god ys hys greatest helpe & no gome elles
and hys seruvant as he sayethe and off h.ys seutes bothe
and wheydre he be or noght be / he beyrethe þe sygne off pouerte
and In that secte our sauvyouvre sauved all man-kynd
forthy all pouerte þat pacyent ys may cleymen & asken
after theyr endyng here heyuven-ryche blysse
moche hardyer may he asken þat here myght haue hys wyll
In lond & In lordshyppe and lykyng off bodye
& for goddes louve leyuvethe all & lyuvethe as a begger
and as a meyde for mannes louve hyr modre forsakethe
hyr fadre & all hyr freendes & folowethe hyrG.15.269: The third example of the word hyr has been re-outlined in black ink. make
moche ys a meyde to louve off hym þat suoche on takethe
more þen a meyden ys þat ys maryed thrugh brogage
and by assent off sondrye partyes & syluver to boote
more for couvetyse off good þen kynd louve off bothe
so ytt farethe by a persone þat possessyon forsakethe
& puvttethe hym to be pacyent & pouerte weddethe
the wyche ys sybbe to god hym-seluve & so to hys seyntes
haue god my trought quod haukyn ye preyse fast pouerte
whatt ys pouerte wyth pacyence quod he properlye to meane
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paupertas quod pacience est odibile bonum : remocio curarum : possessio sine
calumpnia : donum dei: sanitatis mater :absque solicitudine semita :
sapiencie temperatrix : negotium sine dampno inctainc[er]ta : fortuna absque solicitudine
felicitas :G.15.279: The final word appears on the right hand side of the page beneath solicitudine and is boxed in red to separate it from G.15.280. These rubricated lines are bracketed in red on the right.
I can not constrewe þis quod haukyn ye moste sayG.15.280: B manuscripts have a wide variety of readings for G say: kenne þis (L M Cr), kenne me þis (W R), telle þis (Hm), seye it (O C2 B), kenne it (F), and say (G C Y). en englysshe
In englysshe quod pacyence ytt ys well harde to expouvnd
but somedeale I shall say ytt so þou vndrestande
pouerte ys þe furst poynt þat pryde most hatethe
then ys yttG.15.284: C shares G's original reading (ys for most manuscripts is it). good by good skyll all þat agastethe pryde
ryght as contrycyon ys comfortable conscyence woote well
and a sorowe to hym-seluve / and solas to þe souvle
so pouerte properlyche pennance & Ioy
ys to the bodye pure spyrytuall healthe
ergo paupertas est odibile bonum
& contrycyon conforte and cura animarum þe second
selde syttethe pouerte þe sothe to declare
or as Iuvstece to Iuvgge men enIoyned ys no pouerrepoureG.15.292: There is an otiose abbreviation mark over the <u> of poure; presumably the scribe anticipated pouerte. See G.15.298 and G.16.158 and compare with other B manuscripts.
ne to be meyre aboue men ne mynystre vndre kynges
seld ys any pore put to punnysshe the poeple
remocio curarum :
ergo pouverte & pouvre men perfourmen þe commandementes
nolite Iudicare quemquam : the thyrde
seld ys any pouerteG.15.298: For the G reading pouerte for remaining manuscripts pore, see also G.15.292 and G.16.158. ryche off any ryghtfull herytage
wynnethe he noght wyth falsce weyghtes ne vnsealed measuvres
ne borowethe off hys neghbouvrs but þat he may well pay
possessio sine calumpnia
the forthe ys a fortuvne þat flouvresshethe þe souvle
wyth sobreyete from all synne & also yet more
ytt affaytethe þe flesshe from folyes full manye
a colaterall conforte crstescr[y]stes owen gyfte
donum dei :
the fyfte ys mother off helthe a frende In all fondynges
& for þe lewde euer a leche a lemman off cleannes
sanitatis mater :
þe syxt ys a pathe off peasce þe G.15.310: The use of superscript rather than inline <e> indicates that the scribe has misread ye as þe, as at G.14.229. For the G scribe's treatment of thorn and <y> and the letters which follow, see note to G.3.118. thrughe paasse to aulton
pouerte myght pas wyth-oute perylle off robbyng
for þer þat pouverte passethe peas folowethe after
and euer þe lasse þat he beyrethe þe harderG.15.313: C2 originally shared the G Cr1 C reading harder but in C2 this has been corrected to the majority reading hardyer. he ys off herte
forthy seyethe / seneca pauperteasG.15.314: In order to make his correction to paupertas clear, the scribe has used a double lobed <a>. est absque solicitudine semita :
& an hardye man off herte amonge an heape off theuves
cantabit paupertas coram latrone viator :
þe seyuventhe ys well off wyssdome & fewe wordes shewethe
For lordes alowen hym lytle or lystenethe to hys reason
fol. 65rI
he temperythe þe tong to trewthwarde & no treasure couvetythe
sapientie temperatrix
the eghte a leele laboure and loothe to take more
then she may well deseruve In somer or In wynter
and yff he chaffere he chargethe / no losse mey he charite wynne
negotium sine dampno:
þe y neynthe ys swete to þe souvle & no suger swetter
for pacyence ys payn for pouerte hym-seluve
and sobryete sweete drynke and good leche In sycknes
thysG.15.328: For the G scribe's use of "this" for remaining manuscripts "thus," see note to G.4.76. lered me a lettered man for our lordys louve
seynt augustyne had had a blyssed lyuve wyth-oute buvsynes
for body & soule / absque sollicitudine felicitas ://
now god þat all good gyuvethe grauvnt hys souvle rest
that þus furst wroote to wysse men what pouerte was to meane
alas quod haukyn þe actyuve man þen / þat after my crystendome
I ne had be dede & doluven for dowell sake
so hard ytt ys quod haukyn to lyuve & to doo synne well
synne sewethe vs euver quod he and sory gan wexe
& wepte water wyth hys eyene & wayled the tyme
that euer he dyd dede þat he deere god dyspleased
swowned & sobbedde & sykedde full offte
that euer he had land or lordshyppe lasse or more
or mastrye ouer any man mo þen off hym-seluve
I were not worthye goquod haukyn to weyre anye clothes
ne neyther shurte ne shoone sauve for shame oon
to couer my carryon quod he & cryed fast mercye
& wepte & wayled & therewyth I waked
explicit septimus et vltimus passus de dowell