G.7.1KD.6.1 Thys were a wycked way
boteG.7.1: The first stroke of the <w> of "whoso" is written here and crossed out. but wo
-so had a gyde
G.7.2KD.6.2 that wold folowen vs
echeG.7.2: The majority of A and C manuscripts share the G Cot reading eche, and this is the reading adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Most B manuscripts read eche a. foote þus þis folke
he menved
G.7.3KD.6.3 quod perkyn þe plouvman by seynt petre off rome
G.7.4KD.6.4 I hauve an haluve acre to erye by the hygh way
G.7.5KD.6.5 had I eryede thys halfe acre and sowen ytt after
G.7.6KD.6.6 I wold wend wyth you & you the way teyche
G.7.7KD.6.7 thys were a long lettyng quod a ladye In a sklayere
G.7.8KD.6.8 when shold we wymmen .....worche to whyles
G.7.9KD.6.9 some shold sowe þe sacke quod he / for shedyng off þe weyte
G.7.10KD.6.10 &
youG.7.10: For the G scribe's use of you for remaining manuscripts ȝe, see note to G.2.180. lo
uvely ladyes wythe your
b longe fyngers
G.7.11KD.6.11 that ye hauve sylke & sendell s to sowe when tyme ys
G.7.12KD.6.12 chesybleys for chapleynes cherchers to honouvre
G.7.13KD.6.13 wy
uves & wydowes wol
eleG.7.13: The scribe has added an extra <l> to indicate that the vowel in wolle="wool," is short; see Dobson, English Pronunciation, p.509, note 2. The correction leaves little space before the following ampersand and the overwriting of original <e> results
in a second <l> which resembles a <b>. For the G scribe's spelling practices, see Introduction III.2. & flax spynnethe
G.7.14KD.6.14 makethe clothe I couvnsell you & kyennyth so youvr doghters
G.7.15KD.6.15 the nedye & þe naked take heede howe they lyggen
G.7.16KD.6.16 & castethe theym clothes for so commauvnded trewthe
G.7.17KD.6.17 for I shall
leynven þemn G.7.17: The final minim of the superscript <m> of original G þem has been crossed out in brown ink (the same ink as that used for the alterations from <u> to <v>). ly
uveloode / but yff þe land fayle
G.7.18KD.6.17.1 Flesshe & breed bothe to ryche and to poere
G.7.19KD.6.18 as long as I lyuve for the lordes louve off heyuven
G.7.20KD.6.19 and all maner men that thruvgh meyte & drynke lyuven
G.7.21KD.6.20 helpe theym to worke wyghtlyche þat wynnen your foode
G.7.22KD.6.21 by cryst quod a knyght tho he kennyth vs the best
G.7.23KD.6.22 but on þe teme trewly tawght was I neuver
G.7.24KD.6.23 but kenne me quod the knyght & but kenne me quod the knyght & I wyll assayG.7.24: It is impossible to be certain of the reading of the second half of the line but the tails of two consectutive long <s>s
appear to be present.
G.7.25KD.6.24 by seynt powle quod perkyn ye profre you so fayre
G.7.26KD.6.25 that I shall sweyte & swynke & sowe for vs bothe
G.7.27KD.6.26 and other laborosur do for þi louve all my lyfe tyme
G.7.28KD.6.27 In co
G.7.28: For the use of superscript <a> as an abbreviation mark in G, see Introduction IV.1.1. þ
at þ
ou kepe holychurche & my
G.7.29KD.6.28 from wasters & from wykked men þat þis world stroyen
G.7.30KD.6.29 and go hyvnte hardelyche att hares & att foxes
G.7.31KD.6.30 to borres & to brockes þat breken downe mennes heggys
G.7.32KD.6.31 and go assey þe fawkenes wyld fouvle to kyll
G.7.33KD.6.32 for suoyche comen to my crofte & coroppen my weyte
G.7.34KD.6.33 couvrtyslyche þe knyght þen comsed thes wordes
G.7.35KD.6.34 by my power pyers quod he I plyght þe my troght
G.7.36KD.6.35 to fuvssllfyll thys forward thogh I fyght shuolde
G.7.37KD.6.36 as longe as I lyuve I shall the menteygne
G.7.38KD.6.37 he & yet a poynte quod pyers I prey you off more
G.7.39KD.6.38 loke ye tene no tenant but tr
G.7.39: The first vowel of what is transcribed here as trewthe may perhaps be an <o>, but see yeld at G.7.44. wyll assente
G.7.40KD.6.39 & thogh ye mowe a-mercy them lett mercy be taxouvre
G.7.41KD.6.40 and mekenes þi master maugre medes chekes
G.7.42KD.6.41 and thogh pore profre you presentes & gyftes
G.7.43KD.6.42 nym ytt noght In auentuvre ye may ytt not deseruve
G.7.44KD.6.43 for
youG.7.44: It is impossible to tell whether the G reading you results from misreading of "thou" as "you" (most B manuscripts read þow) or from the extension of "you" from the accusative to the nominative (Cr Hm read ye). See note to G.2.180. shall yeld ytt a
-gayne att on yeres end
G.7.45KD.6.44 In a full
perylycheG.7.45: Neither the OED nor the MED records the G form perylyche. Remaining manuscripts read perillous. place p
uvrgatorye ytt hett
G.7.46KD.6.45 and myssbyd noght þi bouvndmen þe better mey þou spede
G.7.47KD.6.46 thogh he be þi vndrelyng well mey happe yn heyuven
G.7.48KD.6.47 that he worthyer sytt & wyth more blysse
G.7.49KD.6.47α amice assende superius & cetera
G.7.50KD.6.48 for In chernels at chuvrches cherles been yll to knowe
G.7.51KD.6.49 or a knyght from a knauve knowe þis In þi herte
G.7.52KD.6.50 & be trew off thy tong & tales thowe hate
G.7.53KD.6.51 but þei be wyssdome or wytt thy workemen to chaste
G.7.54KD.6.52 hold wyth non herlottes ne here not theyre tales
G.7.55KD.6.53 & namelyche
atG.7.55: Most A manuscripts share the G O C2 Y reading (at rather than atte= "at the"), and this is the reading adopted by Kane and Donaldson. meyte s
uoche men eschewe
G.7.56KD.6.54 for þei þe deuvelles dysouvrs I do þe to vndre-stond
G.7.57KD.6.55 I assent by seynt Iame quod the knyght then
G.7.58KD.6.56 for to worchen by þi wordes whyle my lyuve duvrethe
G.7.59KD.6.57 and I shall apparell me quod perkyn In pylgrymes wyse
G.7.60KD.6.58 and wende wyth you I wyll tyll we fynd trewthe
G.7.61KD.6.59 & cast on my clothes clouvted & hole
G.7.62KD.6.60 my cokkers & my cuvffes for cold off my nayles
G.7.63KD.6.61 and hang my hopper at my halsce In styd off a scryppe
G.7.64KD.6.62 a buvsshell breeyd corne bryng me therynne
G.7.65KD.6.63 For I wyll sowe ytt my-seluve & sythe wole I wende
G.7.66KD.6.64 to
pylgrymes & palmers done p
toG.7.66: The G O C2 F reading to is adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Remaining B manuscripts read forto. ha
G.7.67KD.6.65 but wo-so helpeth to erye or sowen er I wende
G.7.68KD.6.66 shall hauve leyuve by our lorde to lese theryn heruvest
G.7.69KD.6.67 & make þem merye ther-myd / maugre wo-so gruvggethe
G.7.70KD.6.68 and
askffenorG.7.70: G originally read asken, presumably altered by the corrector to as ffor because it does not make sense. craftyesG.7.70: Note the similar correction from crafty to craftyes at G.4.226. men
/ that can ly
uve In trewthe
G.7.71KD.6.69 I shall fynd them foode þat faythfullyche lyuven
G.7.72KD.6.70 saue Iacke þe Ioygoler & Iohenett off the stewes
G.7.73KD.6.71 and danyell þe dyssepleyer & dyote þe bawde
G.7.74KD.6.72 and frere þe faytouvr & folke off hys ordre
G.7.75KD.6.73 and robyn þe rybauvder for hys rouvstye wordes
G.7.76KD.6.74 trewthe told me onesce & bad me tell ytt after
G.7.77KD.6.75 deleantur de libro viuentium I shuvld not deale wyth þem
G.7.78KD.6.76 For holy churche ys hoote off theym no tythes to take
G.7.79KD.6.76α quia cum Iustis non scribantur //
G.7.80KD.6.77 they been eskaped good auventuvre / god þem amend
G.7.81KD.6.78 dame worche when tyme ys pyers wyffe hyght
G.7.82KD.6.79 hys doghter hyght do ryght so or þi dame shall þe beyte
G.7.83KD.6.80 hys sonne hett / suffer þi suffereyns to hauve theyr wyll
G.7.84KD.6.81 deme þem not for yff þou do þou shalte ytt deere bygge
G.7.85KD.6.82 lett god worche wyth all for so hys worde teychythe
G.7.86KD.6.83 for now am I olde and hoor & hauve myne owen
G.7.87KD.6.84 to pennvancepen[n]ance & pylgrymage I wyll pas wyth other
G.7.88KD.6.85 Forthy I wyll or I wende wryte my bequvest
G.7.89KD.6.86 In died[e]i nomine amen I make ytt my-seluven
G.7.90KD.6.87 he shall hauve my souvle þat best hathe I-seruved ytt
G.7.91KD.6.88 and fro þe fend ytt defend for so I beleuve
G.7.92KD.6.89 tyll I come to hys acomptes as credo me tellythe
G.7.93KD.6.90 to ha
uve a relees
&G.7.93: Most A and C manuscripts share the G O C2 Cot reading &, and this is the reading adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Remaining B manuscripts read and a. remyssyon on þ
at rentall I le
G.7.93: The <y> of original leyue has been written over the pinhole in the corner of the writing space and both it and its replacement are therefore difficult
to read. The erased tail, however, is still clearly visible. For the spelling with <y> see, e.g., G.7.278.
G.7.94KD.6.91 the kyrke shall hauve my caryon & kepe my bonnys
G.7.95KD.6.92 for off my corne & catell he crauved the tythe
G.7.96KD.6.93 I payd ytt hym prestlye for peryll off my souvle
G.7.97KD.6.94 forthy he ys holden I hope to hauve me In hys masse
G.7.98KD.6.95 and mengen In hys memorye among all crystyen
G.7.99KD.6.96 my wyffe shall hauve off þat I wanne wyth trewthe & no more
G.7.100KD.6.97 and deale among my doghters & my deer chyldren
G.7.101KD.6.98 For thogh I dye to-day my dettes are quvyte
G.7.102KD.6.99 I bare whom þat I borowed er I to bed yede
G.7.103KD.6.100 & wyth the resydewe & þe remnauvnte by þe rode off luvkes
G.7.104KD.6.101 I wole worshype ther-wyth trewthe by my lyuve
G.7.105KD.6.102 & been hys pylgrym att plo
uvgh for p
oere men
esG.7.105: C Y R share G's original reading men. Remaining B manuscripts share G's corrected reading menes. sake
G.7.106KD.6.103 my plowe
shalbeshal be my pykestaffe & pyche atwo þe
G.7.106: Parts of atwo and þe (both originally very faint) have been re-outlined in blacker ink. rotes
G.7.107KD.6.104 and helpe my cuvltur to keruve & clence þe forowes
G.7.108KD.6.105 now ys perkyn & hys pylgymespylg[r]ymes to þe plouvgh faren
G.7.109KD.6.106 to erye hys halffe acre holpen hym many
G.7.110KD.6.107 dykers & deluvers dygged vp the balkes
G.7.111KD.6.108 therw
h was p
erkyn apayde & preysed
hymG.7.111: The minims of G hym lack definition. Kane and Donaldson read hyn. fast
G.7.112KD.6.109 other workemen þer were þat wroghten full yerne
G.7.113KD.6.110 eche man In hys maner made hym-seluve to done
G.7.114KD.6.111 & some to pleasse perkyn pyked vp the wedes
G.7.115KD.6.112 att hygh pryme / pyers lett the plowe stand
G.7.116KD.6.113 to ouerseen þem hym-selffe & wo-so best wroghte
G.7.117KD.6.114 he shuold be hyred þerafter when heruvest cam
G.7.118KD.6.115 and þen seten some & songen atte nale
G.7.119KD.6.116 and helpen erye hys halfe acre / wyth howe troly loly
G.7.120KD.6.117 by þe peryll off my souvle quod pyers all In puvre tene
G.7.121KD.6.118 but ye aryse the rather & rape you to worche
G.7.122KD.6.119 shall no greyne þat growethe glade you att nede
G.7.123KD.6.120 and yff ye dye for doole þe deuvell ytt recchethe
G.7.124KD.6.121 tho were faytouvrs afered & feyned theym blynd
G.7.125KD.6.122 some leyde þer legges a-lyrye / as swyche loselles canne
G.7.126KD.6.123 & made þer mone to pers & preyed hym off grace
G.7.127KD.6.124 we hauve no lymmes to labouvre wyth lord graced be ye
G.7.128KD.6.125 & we pray for you pyers & for youvr plowe bothe
G.7.129KD.6.126 that god off hys grace your greyne muvltyplye
G.7.130KD.6.127 & yelde you for your almesse þat ye gyuve vs here
G.7.131KD.6.128 for we may not swynke ne sweyte suoche syknes vs eylythe
G.7.132KD.6.129 yff ytt be
sothe þ
youG.7.132: For the G scribe's use of you for most manuscripts ȝe, see note to G.2.180. seyne I shall ytt sone espye
G.7.133KD.6.130 ye been wastors I wott well & trewthe wottethe þe sothe
G.7.134KD.6.131 and I am hys old hyne & hyght hym to warne
G.7.135KD.6.132 wyche þei were In þis worlde hys workmen
ympeyrenG.7.135: It is not entirely clear whether G's form ympeyren should be considered the same lexical item as that used by R and F (i.e. apayreth). See OED appair, apair, v. and impair, v.. Most B manuscripts have the preterite.
G.7.136KD.6.133 ye wasten þat men wynnen wyth trauvell & wyth tene
G.7.137KD.6.134 but trewthe shall teyche you
G.7.137: The minims of you lack definition; they are basically just a straight line. hys teme to dryue
G.7.137: A horizontal line runs from the end of the <e> of dryue into the margin.
G.7.138KD.6.135 or ye shall eyte barlye bred & off þe brooke drynke
G.7.139KD.6.136 but yff he be blynd or broken-legged or bolted wyth yrens
G.7.140KD.6.137 he shall eyte wheyte bred & drynke wyth my-seluve
G.7.141KD.6.138 tyll god off hys goodnes amendement hym send
G.7.142KD.6.139 but ye myght trauvell as trewthe wold & take meyte & hyre
G.7.143KD.6.140 to kepe kyen In the felde the corne from þe bestes
G.7.144KD.6.141 dyken or deluven &or dyngen vp the sheyuvys
G.7.145KD.6.142 or helpe make morter or beyre m
G.7.145: An additional minim has been added to the beginning of mucke, in the same ink as the original. Without it, there would only be four minims. a
G.7.146KD.6.143 In lecherye & losyngerye ye lyuven & In slothe
G.7.147KD.6.144 and all ys thruvgh suvfferance þat wengeance you ne takethe
G.7.148KD.6.145 but ankers & herymytes that eyten nat but onsce
G.7.149KD.6.146 and no more er morowe myne almes shall they hauve
G.7.150KD.6.147 & off catell to kepe þem wyth þat hanve cloyesters & chuvrches
G.7.151KD.6.148 but / robert renabowte /
G.7.151: For the G scribe's use of virgules for highlighting, see note to G.6.597. shall not ha
uve off myne
G.7.152KD.6.149 ne posteles but þei preyche kan & hauve power off þe bysshoppe
G.7.153KD.6.150 they shall hauve payne & potage to & make theym at easse
G.7.154KD.6.151 ytt ys an vnreasonable relygyon þat hathe noght off certeyne
G.7.155KD.6.152 and then gan a wastouvr to wrathe hym & wold hauve foghte
G.7.156KD.6.153 & to pyers the plowman he profered hys glouve
G.7.157KD.6.154 a brettoner
G.7.157: There is a brown ink stain over the <tt> of brettoner. / a bragger /
G.7.157: For the G scribe's use of virgules for highlighting, see note to G.6.597. he bostedG.7.157:
G's he bosted is not necessarily a variant reading; the reading found in most manuscripts (i.e. abostede) represents the only instance of the verb aboast recorded by the OED and the a- may well be just a form of "he." pyers al
G.7.158KD.6.155 & bad hym go pysse hym wyth hys plowe forpyned shrewe
G.7.159KD.6.156 wylt þou or nylt þou we wyll hauve our wyll
G.7.160KD.6.157 off thye flower & off thye flesshe fecche when vs lykethe
G.7.161KD.6.158 & maken vs merye therwyth mauvgre thy chekes
G.7.162KD.6.159 then pyers þe plouvman pleynyd hym to the knyght
G.7.163KD.6.160 to kepe hym as couvenaunt was from cuvrsed shrewys
G.7.164KD.6.161 & fro þe wastouvrs off woluves kynd þat make þis worlde deere
G.7.165KD.6.162 for þei wasten & wynne noght & that ylke whyle
G.7.166KD.6.163 worthe neu
er plente amonge þe poeple
whyle my plow lyggethe
G.7.166: A virgule has been placed between plow and lyggethe (apparently by the main scribe) in order to separate the words.
G.7.167KD.6.164 co
uvrteyslye þe knyght then as hys kynd wold
G.7.167: The ink has been growing gradually fainter and the first three letters of wold have been overwritten in blacker ink.
G.7.168KD.6.165 warned wastouvr & wyssed hym better
G.7.169KD.6.166 or þou shalt abye by þe lawe by þe ordre that I beyre
G.7.170KD.6.167 I wroght neuer quod wastouvre & nowe I nyll begynne
G.7.171KD.6.168 & lett lyght off the lawe & lasse off the knyght
G.7.172KD.6.169 & sett pyers att a peyse & hys plowe bothe
G.7.173KD.6.170 and maneced peres & hys men yff they
meteG.7.173: Though the G scribe was clearly aware of the possibility of using single and double consonants to indicate preceding long
and short vowels, his practice in this respect is not consistent and the use of a single <t> in mete does not therefore necessarily indicate a present rather than a preterite. For the G scribe's spelling practices, see Introduction
III.2. eft
G.7.174KD.6.171 by þe peryll off my souvle quod pyers I shall apayre you all
G.7.175KD.6.172 and called affter honger þat herd hym at þe Fuvrste
G.7.176KD.6.173 awreke me off thes wastouvrs that þis worlde shenden
G.7.177KD.6.174 hongre In hast tho hente wastouvre by þe mawe
G.7.178KD.6.175 & wrong hym so by þe wombe þat hys eyne watered
G.7.179KD.6.176 he b
uvffeted the bretoner
a-bowte botheG.7.179: Added bothe is in black ink. It is not impossible that it was written by the original scribe (for the form of the <h>, see, e.g., the
second <h> of trughthes (G.8.57 f.30v, l.7)). However, the form of this letter also resembles that used by WH (see, e.g., Byschoppes in the note in the right hand margin on f.103r) and since the script used for the addition is altogether more angular than that normally used by hand1, it seems probable
that it was in fact made by WH. See also G.7.183. the chekes
G.7.180KD.6.177 that he loked lyke a lanterne all hys lyuve after
G.7.181KD.6.178 he bett þem so bothe he brast nye theyre guvttes
G.7.182KD.6.179 ne had pyers wyth a peyse loofe preyed hongre to ceasse
G.7.183KD.6.180 they had be dol
depeG.7.183: The ink colour of added depe here is the same as that of the addition at G.7.179. Once again, it seems likely that it may have been made by WH: though the script is not dissimilar to that used by the original
scribe, it is more angular and more upright. deme þ
ou non other
G.7.184KD.6.181suffer theym lyue he seyde & lett theym eyte wyth hogges
G.7.185KD.6.182 or elles
beaensbe[a]nsG.7.185: The first <e> of original beens has been altered to an <a> by the addition of a downward stroke on the right hand side of the letter. Presumably the wrong
vowel has been altered. See beanes at G.7.198. & bra
baken to
G.7.186KD.6.182.1 or elles mylke & meane ale thus preyed pyers for theym
G.7.187KD.6.183 Faytouvrs for feere there fledde flowen In-to bernes
G.7.188KD.6.184 & flapten on wyth fleyles from morowe tyll euven
G.7.189KD.6.185 that hongre was
not G.7.189: Added not appears to be in the hand of the original scribe. Compare, however, the additions at G.7.183 and G.7.179. hardyeG.7.189: Almost all C manuscripts and a high proportion of A manuscripts share the G R F reading hardye, and this is the reading adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Remaining B manuscripts read so hardy. on theym for to loke
G.7.190KD.6.186 For a pott fuvll off peyses þat poyers had made
G.7.191KD.6.187 an heype off herymytes hente theym spades
G.7.192KD.6.188 and kuvtten þer copes & couvrtypyes theym made
G.7.193KD.6.189 and went as workemen wyth spades & wyth shouvelles
G.7.194KD.6.190 and doluven & dyggen to dryuve a-way hongre
G.7.195KD.6.191 blynd & bedreden were botened a thowsande
G.7.196KD.6.192 that
syttenG.7.196: For G Cr C2 sytten (remaining manuscripts seten), see note to G.6.347. to begge syl
uver sone were they heyled
G.7.197KD.6.193 for þat was bake for bayarde was bote for manye hongrye
G.7.198KD.6.194 and many a begger for beanes boxome was to swynke
G.7.199KD.6.195 and
eche poere ma
n hauewellG.7.199: The ink of well is blacker than might be expected but this is probably due to the fact that erasure has damaged the surface of the paper. payed to ha
uve peyse for hys hyre
G.7.200KD.6.196 & watt pyers preyed þem do as prest as a sparrhauvke
G.7.201KD.6.197 & theroff was pyers prowde & puvtt theym to worche
G.7.202KD.6.198 gauve þem meyte as he myght a-forthe a meysuvrable hyre
G.7.203KD.6.199 then had pyers pyte & preyed hongre to wende
G.7.204KD.6.200 home to hys owen yerthe & holden hym there
G.7.205KD.6.201 for I am well I-wrooke off wastouvrs thruvgh thye myght
G.7.206KD.6.202 but I prey þe or thowe pas quod pyers vn-to hongre
G.7.207KD.6.203 off beggers & off bydders wat best be to done
G.7.208KD.6.204 for I wote wele be þ
ou weynte þei wole worche
yllG.7.208: Manuscript M originally shared the majority B reading ful ille but M ful has been erased, thus bringing M's reading into line with that of G (i.e. yll). The G M reading is also that of a high proportion of A manuscripts, and is adopted by Kane and Donaldson.
G.7.209KD.6.205 for myscheffe ytt makethe they be so meke
noweG.7.209: For the G Cr C C2 reading nowe for remaining manuscripts nouthe, see note to G.4.295.
G.7.210KD.6.206 & for defauvte off þeir foode / þis folke ys att my wyll
G.7.211KD.6.207 they are
my brethren q
pyers g
G.7.211:The scribe appears to have begun by misreading the initial <g> of "god" as a <q> (and has thus initially misread the whole
word as quod). boght vs all
G.7.212KD.6.208 treuvght taght me onsce to louven theym echone
G.7.213KD.6.209 andG.7.213: All A manuscripts and most C manuscripts share the G Cr reading and, and this is the reading adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Remaining B mansucripts read And to. helpen
off all thyng ay as theym nedethe
G.7.214KD.6.210 and nowe wold I wytten where were the best
G.7.215KD.6.211 & how I myght mastre theym & make þem to worche
G.7.216KD.6.212 here nowe quod hongre & hold ytt for a wyssdome
G.7.217KD.6.213 bold beggers & bygge þat mow þer brede byswynke
G.7.218KD.6.214 wyth hoondes bred & hors brede hold vp theyr hartes
G.7.219KD.6.215 abate wyth beanes for bollyng off theyr wombe
G.7.220KD.6.216 and yff þe gomes gruvge byd theym go swynke
G.7.221KD.6.217 & he shall souvpe swetter when he hathe deseruved ytt
G.7.222KD.6.218 and yff þou fynd any freyke þat fortuvne hath apayred
G.7.223KD.6.219 or any maner falsce men fond þou suoyche to knowe
G.7.224KD.6.220 comfort theym wyth thye catell for crystes louve off heyuven
G.7.225KD.6.221 louve theym & leyne theym so þe lawe off god teychethe
G.7.226KD.6.221α alter alterius onera portate et cetera //
G.7.227KD.6.222 and all maner off men that thow myght aspye
G.7.228KD.6.223 that nedye been &
noght /
G.7.228: This virgule is at an unusual angle and may simply be present to separate words. helpe theym w
h thye goodes
G.7.229KD.6.225 louve þem & lacke theym noght lett god take the wengeance
G.7.230KD.6.226 thogh they done euvell lett god worche
G.7.231KD.6.226α michi vindictam et ego retribuam et cetera //
G.7.232KD.6.227 & yff þou wylt be gracyouvs to god do as the gospell teychythe
G.7.233KD.6.228 belouve þe amongest lewde men so shalt þou lacche grace
G.7.234KD.6.228α facite vobis amicos de mammona Iniquitatis et cetera //
G.7.235KD.6.229 I nolde greuve god / pers seyde / for all þe good on grouvnde
G.7.236KD.6.230 myght I synles do as þou seyest seyd pers then
G.7.237KD.6.231 I þe hooteG.7.237: Kane and Donaldson read ye for G's þe, but in G superscript <e> normally only occurs after a thorn. See note to G.3.118. q
uod hongre or elles the byble lyethe
G.7.238KD.6.232 go to genesis þe geant þe engenderouvr off vs all
G.7.239KD.6.233 In swete & In swynke þou shalt thye mete tylye
G.7.240KD.6.234 & labouvr for thy lyuvelode & so our lord hyght
G.7.241KD.6.235 and sapyence sayethe the same
G.7.241: There is a smudge on the final <e> of same and the letter may have been re-outlined. I sawe ytt In þe byble
G.7.241: The cross in the bottom right hand corner of the page is in modern pencil.
G.7.242KD.6.236 piger pro frigore no felde nold tylye
G.7.243KD.6.237 & þerfore he shall begge & bygge & no man bete hys hongre
G.7.244KD.6.238 mathewe wyth mannes face mouvthed thes wordes
G.7.245KD.6.239 that
seruus nequam had a
beysantG.7.245: Mnam, the majority B reading, is glossed besaunt in L M W Hm, and this may well be the source of the G Cr12 reading beysant. & for he wold not chaffare
G.7.246KD.6.240 he had maugre off hys master euver-more after
G.7.247KD.6.241 & bynam hym hys
beysant for he
noldG.7.247: Almost all A manuscripts share the G M Cot reading nold, and this is the reading adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Most B manuscripts read ne wolde. worche
G.7.248KD.6.242 & gaffe þat besant to hym þat ten besantes hadde
G.7.249KD.6.243 & wyth þat he seyde þat holy chuvrche ytt harde
G.7.250KD.6.244 he þat had shall hauve & helpe þer ytt nedythe
G.7.251KD.6.245 & he þat hathe noght noght shall hauve & no man hym helpe
G.7.252KD.6.246 & þat he weneth well to hauve I wyll ytt hym bereyuve
G.7.253KD.6.247 kynd wytt wolde þ
at eche a wyght wroght
G.7.253: The ink used for wroght was very faint and the word has been re-outlined in black ink.
G.7.254KD.6.248 other In dykyng or In deluvyng or trauvell In preyers
G.7.255KD.6.249 contemplatyuve lyffe or actyuve lyffe cryste wold þei wroght
G.7.256KD.6.250 the sauvter seyethe In þe sauvlme off vbeati omnes //
G.7.257KD.6.251 the freyke þat fedeth hym-selffe wyth feythfull labouvr
G.7.258KD.6.252 he ys blessyd by the boke in bodye & yn souvle
G.7.259KD.6.252α labores manuum tuarum et cetera //
G.7.260KD.6.253 Yet
G.7.260: The form of the decorated capital <Y> is unusual, but since the word "yet" is elsewhere consistently spelled with initial
<y> it seems likely that this, rather than, say, a capital <I> must be the letter here. I prey you q
uod py
G.7.260: The <r> of pyres appears to have been added in the wrong place. See, however, G.14.240. par charyte yff youG.7.260: G's reading you could conceivably be a misreading of þou, as F, but it may also be an alternative form of the nominative plural, ie. equivalent to ȝe, which is the reading of the remaining B manuscripts. See note to G.2.180. can
G.7.261KD.6.254 any leyffe off lechecrafte lere ytt me my dere
G.7.262KD.6.255 For some off my seruvantes & my-seluve bothe
G.7.263KD.6.256 off all a weeke worche not so our wombe akethe
G.7.264KD.6.257 I wote well quod hongre watt syknes you ayelethe
G.7.265KD.6.258 ye hauve yeyten ouver moche & þat makethe your grone
G.7.266KD.6.259 but I hoote þe quod hongre þatas þou ........ thyn heale wylnest
G.7.267KD.6.260 that þou drynke no day or þou dyne somwatt
G.7.268KD.6.261 eyte nat I hoote þe / er honger the take
G.7.269KD.6.262 and send the off hys sauvce to sauvore wyth thye lyppes
G.7.270KD.6.263 & kepe some tyll suoppertyme & sytt not to long
G.7.271KD.6.264 & ryse vp er appetyte hathe eyten hys fyll
G.7.272KD.6.265 lett noght syr suvrfett sytten att thy borde
G.7.273KD.6.266 leuve hym . not he ys leycherouvs & lykorouvs off tong
G.7.274KD.6.267 & after manye maner meytes hys mawe ys a-hongred
G.7.275KD.6.268 & yff þou dyote þe þus I dare legge my eyres
G.7.276KD.6.269 þat fysyke shall hys fuvrred hoodes /for hys foode sell
G.7.277KD.6.270 & hys cloke off calabre wyth all hys knapes off gold
G.7.278KD.6.271 & be fayne by my faythe fysyke to leyuve
G.7.279KD.6.272 & lerne to labouvr wyth lond for lyuvelode ys swete
G.7.280KD.6.273 for mortherers are many leches our lord þem amend
G.7.281KD.6.274 they do men to dye thruvgh þer drynkes er destynye wold
G.7.282KD.6.275 by seynt powle quod pyers thes are profytable wordes
G.7.283KD.6.277 wende now hongre when þou wylt well be þou euver
G.7.284KD.6.276 for þis ys a louvely lesson lord ytt þe foryelde
G.7.285KD.6.278 I hooteG.7.285: Kane and Donaldson adopt the reading I bihote (found in BB and in all C and most A manuscripts) for G F I hoote, most manuscripts By-hote. god q
uod hongre hen
nsce ne
wold I wende
G.7.285: The word wende was originally very faint and has been re-outlined in black ink.
G.7.286KD.6.279 tyll I ha
uve dyned by þis day and
y drynkeG.7.286: G's reading y drynke (for most manuscripts ydronke) is probably at least partly influenced by confusion about the y- past participle prefix, see Introduction III.1.4. bothe
G.7.287KD.6.280 I hauve no pennye quod pyers puvllettes to bygge
G.7.288KD.6.281 ne neyther gees ne gryses but two grene cheses
G.7.289KD.6.282 a fewe cruvddes & creyme & a hauver kake
G.7.290KD.6.283 and two louves off beanes & branne bake for my fauvntes
G.7.291KD.6.284 & yet I sey by my souvle I hauve no salte bakon
G.7.292KD.6.285 ne no kokeney by cryst colopes for to make
G.7.293KD.6.286 but I hauve percyle & porrettes & manye cole plantes
G.7.294KD.6.287 and a cowe & a calffe & a carte mare
G.7.295KD.6.288 to drawe a
-feld my dong
whyleG.7.295: The majority of A manuscripts share the G B F reading whyle, and this is the reading adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Most B manuscripts read þe while. þe dro
uvght lastethe
G.7.296KD.6.289 and by þis ly
uvelode we
movsteG.7.296: Though Cr and F share the G form of the verb ("must" rather than remaining manuscripts "mot"), they both, unlike G, have
a singular subject. ly
uve tyll lammas tyme
G.7.297KD.6.290 & by þat I hope hauve heruvest In my crofte
G.7.298KD.6.291 & then may I dyght þi dynner as my dere lykethe
G.7.299KD.6.292 all the pouvere poeple then peyscoddes fecchen
G.7.300KD.6.293 beynes & baken appuvlles þei broght yn theyr lappes
G.7.301KD.6.294 chybolles & rype cheruelles & rype cheryes manye
G.7.302KD.6.295 & profered pyers þis present to please wyth hongre
G.7.303KD.6.296 all hongre ete In hast & asked after more
G.7.304KD.6.297 then pouvere folke for fere fed hongre ȝerne
G.7.305KD.6.298 w
h grene porrett & peasone to poysone
þem ..hym þei thoght
G.7.305: The added words hym þei have had to be squashed in. Note the virgule inserted after þei in order to separate it from thoght.
G.7.306KD.6.299 by þat hytt neghyd ney heruvest newe corne cam to cheypyng
G.7.307KD.6.300 þen was folke feyne & fed hongre wyth þe best
G.7.308KD.6.301 w
h good ale as gloton taght & garte hongre
toG.7.308: The majority of A manuscripts share the G Cr3 Hm C2 reading to, and this is the reading adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Remaining B manuscripts read go. slepe
G.7.309KD.6.302 tho wold wastouvr not worche but wandre a-bowte
G.7.310KD.6.303 ne no begger eyte bred þat beanes yn were
G.7.311KD.6.304 but off cokett & cleremeyne or elles off cleyne wheyte
G.7.312KD.6.305 ne non halpenye ale In no wyse drynke
G.7.313KD.6.306 but þe best & the brounest þat yn bruvghe ys to sell
G.7.314KD.6.307 laborers þat hauve no land to lyuve on but þer handys
G.7.315KD.6.308 deyned noght to dyne a day / nyht olde wortes
G.7.316KD.6.309 may no penny ale theym pay no pece off bakon
G.7.317KD.6.310 but yff ytt be fresshe flesshe or fysshe fryed or bake
G.7.318KD.6.311 and that clauvdec[h]aude & pluvs chauved for chyllyng off þer mawe
G.7.319KD.6.312 and but yff he be hyghlyche hyred elles wole h
eG.7.319: The letter <h> of he may have been altered, though it is difficult to tell what the original might have been. Certainly the <e> of he appears to be a later addition: the form is that normally used by the scribe in rubricated Latin passages and it uses up
the space between words. chyde
G.7.320KD.6.313 and þat he was workeman wroght waylle þe tyme
G.7.321KD.6.314 ageynst catons couvnseyle comsethe he to Iangell
G.7.322KD.6.315 paupertatis onus pacienter ferre memento //
G.7.323KD.6.316 he greuvethe hym ageynst god & gruvggethe ageynst reason
G.7.324KD.6.317 and cauvsethe he þe kyng all hys couvnseyle after
G.7.325KD.6.318suoyche r lawes to loke laborers to greuve
G.7.326KD.6.319 but whyle hongre was here master / non off þem wold chyde
G.7.327KD.6.320 ne stry
uve ageynst
þeisG.7.327: The <s> of corrected G þis appears over the <e> of original þe, the <i> in front of it.G.7.327: Bo Cot and F share G's original reading þe, and this is the reading adopted by Kane and Donaldson. The majority B reading is his. stat
uvte so sternleche he loked
G.7.328KD.6.321 but I warne you workemen wynne wyle ye meyowe
G.7.329KD.6.322 for hongre hydderward hastethe hym fast
G.7.330KD.6.323 he shall awake wyth watre wastouvrs to chaste
G.7.331KD.6.324 er fyue be fullfylled suoyche fanynefa[m]yne shall aryse
G.7.332KD.6.325 thruvgh fluvddes & fouvle wedders fruvytes shall fayle
G.7.333KD.6.326 and so seyde satuorne þat seynt you to warne
G.7.334: A scribe has added a decorated cross in the margin. This corresponds to a similar cross in the table of contents (on f.102) and is one of a number of signs clearly intended to help the reader find particular items in the text. See Introduction
G.7.334KD.6.327 when ye se þe sonne a-mys & two monkes heydes
G.7.335KD.6.328 and
yaG.7.335: Note the use of what is, for this scribe, an unusual double-lobed <a> for overwriting. The ink is the same as the original. meyde ha
uve þe mastrye & m
uvltyplye by heyght
G.7.336KD.6.329 þen shall dethe wyth-drawe & derthe be Iuvstece
G.7.337KD.6.330 & daw þe dyker dye for hongre
G.7.338KD.6.331 but yff god off hys goodnes graunt vs a trewe
explicit septimus passus de visione //