fol. 83r (cont.)I
PassusB 18
Wollward and whettshode went y forthe after
& as a reccheles renvkere[n]ke / þat off no wo recched
& yede forthe lyke a lorell all my lyfe tyme
tyll y were wery off þe worlde / and wylned efte to slepe
& leyned me to lenten & long tyme y slepte
& off crystes passyon & pennance þe poeple þer off taght
rest me þer and ruvtt fast tyll ramis palmarum
off gerles & off gloria laus greatly me dreymed
and how ozanna by orgonye old songfolkeG.19.9: An attempt has been made to alter the word song instead of crossing it out, but this has been abandoned. songen
on sembleable to þe samarytan / & somedeale pyers plowman
barefoote on an asse backe booteles gan prycke
wyth-oute spuvrres other speyre / spakelyche he loked
as ys þe kynd off a knyght þat comethe to be dowbbed
to gett hym gylt spurres / and galoches y-coweped
then was feythe a in a fenystre / & cryed fili dauid
as doethe an harauvde off armes / when auvnterers comethe to Iuvstes
old Iewes off / Ierusalem /G.19.17: For the G scribe's use of virgules for highlighting, see note to G.6.597. for Ioy they songe
benedictus qui venit in nomine domini & cetera //
þen I frayned att faythe / what all þat fare ment
& who sholde Iuvst In Ierusalem Iesus he sayde
& fecche þat þe fende cleymethe / pyers fruvyte þe plowman
ys pyers In thys place quod I . and he preynte on me
thys Iesu In hys gentryes / wole Iuvst In pyers armes
In hys helme & hys habergynne /humana natura
that cryste be noght y-knowe here for consumatus est
In pyers paltock þe plowman þis prycker shall ryde
for no dynt shall hym dere as yn deitate patris
wo shall Iuvst wyth Iesus Iewes or scrybes
nay quod he þe fouvle feende / & also doome & deathe
deethe seethe he shall fordoo / & downe bryng
all þat lyuvethe or lokethe yn land or yn watre
off lyf &
lyfe sayethe þat he lyethe & leyethe hys lyffe to wedde
that for all þat dethe can doo wythynne thredayesthre dayes / /
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to walke & to fecche fro þe fende pyers fruvyte þe plowman
to legge hym þer hym lykethe / & lucyfer bynd
& for to beyte & downe bryng bale & deathe for euer
o mors ero mors tua & cetera //
then came pilatus wyth poeple sedens pro tribunali //
to se how doghtely dethe shuld doo / & deme þer brothers ryght
the Iewes & the Iuvstece ageynst Iesu were
& all þe couvrte on hym cryed crucyfige sharpe
tho put hym forthe a pylouvr pylate & sayede
thys Iesus off oure Iewes temple Iaped & despysed
to fordoone ytt yn on day & yn thre dayes after
edyfye ytt efte newe / here he standethe þat seyde ytt
& yet maken as moche / yn all maner off poyntes
bothe as long & as large / by lofte & by grouvnde
crucifige quod a cacche-polle / I warrant hym a wycche
tolle tolle quod an-other / and tooke / of kene thornes
& byganne off kene thorne / a garland to make
& sett ytt sore on hys heyde / and seyde yn enuvye
ave raby / quod þat rybauvde & threwe reedes att hym
nayled hym wyth thre nayles / naked on the roode
and poyson on a polle þei putt vp to hys lyppes
& bad hym drynke hys deathe yuvell / hys dayes were dooneG.19.55: The line is too long and doone appears underneath were, boxed in grey to distinguish it from G.19.56.
& yff þat þou subtyle be / help now þi-seluven /
yff þou be cryst & kynges sonne / come downe off þe roode
then shall we leuve þat lyffe þe louvethe / & wole not lett toþe dye
consummatum est quod cryste & comsed for to swowne
pytyouvslyche & pale as a prysoner þat dyethe
þe lorde off lyffe & off lyght / þer leyde hys eyne to-geddres
þe day for drede wythdrewe / & darke bycame þe sonne
þe wall wagged & clauve & all þe worlde quvauved
deade men for þat dymme / came owte off grauves
& told why þat tempest so long tyme duvred
for a bytter battayle þe deade bodye seyed
lyve & dethe yn thys derknes on fordooethe a-noþer
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shall no wyght wytt wytterly who shall haue þe mastrye
er sonday abowte sonne rysyng / and sanke wyth that toyllG.19.69: Cr C2 share G's original reading to. G's corrected reading tyll corresponds to that of most B manuscripts. yerthe
some sayde þat he was goddes sonne þat so fayre dyed
vere filius dei erat iste & cetera
& some sayde he was a wycche / good ys þat we assey
where he be deyd or noght deyde downe or he be take
two theuves also tholyed deathe that tyme
vpon a cros bysyde cryste / so was þe commuvne lawe
a cacche-polle cam forthe & cracked bothe theyre legges
& þer armes after off ether off tho theuves
but was no body so bold goddes body to toche
for he was knyght & kynges sonne / kynd forgave þat tyme
that non herlott were so hardye to ley hand vpon hym
but there came forthe a knyght wyth a kene speare y-grouvnde
hyght longeus as þe letter tellethe / & long had loore hys syght
before pylate & other poeple yn þe place he houved
maugre hys teethe he was made þat tyme
to take þe speyre In hys hand & Iuvsten wyth Iesu
for all þei weren vnhardy / þat houved on hors & stoode
to touvchen hym or tasten hym / or take hym downe off roode
but þis blynd bacheler then / bare hym thruvgh þe herte
the bloode sprange downe by þe speyre / & vnsperred hys eyne
then fell þe knyght vp-on knees / & cryed hym mercye
ageyne my wyll ytt was lorde / to wouvnd you so sore
he seghed & seyde / sore ytt me athynkethe
for þe dede þat I haue doone I do me yn your grace
haue on me reuvthe ryghtfull Iesus / & ryght wyth þat he wepte
then gan feyetheG.19.95: The deletion affecting feyethe is a little careless and it is difficult to be certain exactly which letters are supposed to have been crossed out. felly /& the falsce Iewes despyce
called þem caytyffes y-cuvrsed for euere
for þis fouvle wyllany wengeance to you fall
to do þe blynd beate hym y-bouvnde ytt was a boyes couvnseale
cuvrsed cayteffe knyghthoode was ytt neuver
to myssdoo a deade bodye by day or by nyght
the gree yet hathe he goten / for all hys greate wouvndeG.19.101: The reading here is clear in spite of the damage to the manuscript. Note that the spilled ink appears to be the same colour as that used for the various spelling changes.
for your champyon chyuvalouvr cheffe knyght off you all
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yelt hym recreant rynnyng ryght as Iesus wylle
for be thys derknes I-doo hys deathe worthe auvenged
and þeG.19.105: Kane and Donaldson apparently interpret G's reading as ye rather than þe but superscript <e> is normally only used after a thorn. See note to G.3.118. luvrdeanes haue y-lost / for lyffe shall haue þe mastrye
& your francheys þat free was / fallen ys yn thraldome
& ye chevrlesG.19.107: C Y B read clerkes for Bx cherles but G's original reading appears to have been cheles. The corrector appears to have added a very small <e> to replace that deleted by the addition of <r> before replacing this in turn with a <v>. & your chydrenechy[l]drene cheuve shall ye neuver
ne haue lordshyppe yn land ne no land tylye
but all barreyne be & vsurye to vsen
wych ys lyfe þat our lorde yn all lawes acovrsethe
now your goode dayes are done / as danyell prophesyed
when cryste came þier kyngdome / & crowne sholde ceasse
cum veniat sanctus sanctorum cessabit vnccio vestra ://
what for feere off thys ferlye / and off þe falsce Iewes
I drewe me yn that derknes to discendit ad inferna
& þer I saghe sothely secundum scripturas ://
oute off þe west coste / a wenche as me thoght
come walkyng by the way / to hellward she loked
mercy hyght þat meyde / a meke thyng wyth-all
a full benyng buyrde / and buxome off speche
hyr suster as ytt semed came softlye walkyng
euven owte off þe est / and westwardeG.19.123: The <s>, <t> and part of the second <w> of westwarde have been re-outlined in darker ink. she loked
a full comely creature / treuvthe she hyght
for þe wertue þat hyr folowed / afered was she neuer
when þes meydens mett mercy & trewthe
eyther asked other off thys greate wondre
off þe dynne & þe derknes & how þe day rowed
& wyche a lyght & a leyme / leyeG.19.128: The form lee is not recorded as a preterite of "lie" by either the OED or the MED but it is difficult to imagine what else the corrector intended. before hell
I haue farlye off þis fare y faythe sayed trewthe
& am wendyng to wytt whatt þis wondre meanethe
haue no mervayle quod mercy / myrthe ytt betokenethe
a meyde þat hett marye / and modre wyth-oute felyng
off any kynnes creature / conceyuved thrugh speche
& grace off þe holy gost wexedG.19.134: All other manuscripts share G's original strong preterite wexe. greate wyth chylde
wythoute wemme yn thys worlde she broght hym
& þat my tale be trewe / I take god to wyttnes
sythe þis barne was borne / been xxxti"thritti wynters passed
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wyche dyed & deathe tholed / þis day abovte mydday
and þat ys cauvse off thys clypse / þat closethe now þe sonne
In meanyng þat man shall / froo merkenes be drawe
the whyle thys lyght & þis leame shall lucyfer ablynd
for patryarkes & prophetes haue preyched þeroff often
that man shall man sauve / thrugh a meydens helpe
and þat was tynt thrugh tree / tree shall ytt wynne
& þat dethe downe broght deathe shall releuve
þat þou tellest quod trewthe / ys but a tale off waltrotte
for adam and euve & abrahame & other
patryarkes & prophetes þat yn payne lyggen
leeuve þou neuer þat yonnderG.19.149: Note the alteration of "yonde" to "yonder" at G.19.193. lyght / a-lofte shall bryng
ne haue þem ovte off hell holde þi tong mercye
ytt ys aG.19.151: For G ys a, most manuscripts is but a, Kane and Donaldson adopt the reading is (found in the majority of C manuscripts). tryfull þat þou tellest / I troghet wootteG.19.151: A brown ink descender has been added, crossing the line joining the <t> and the <e> of original woote and thus forming a second <t>. þe sothe
for þat ys onesce yn hell owte comethe ytt neuvere
Iob þe prophete patryarke reprouvethe thy sawes
quia in inferno nulla est redemcio://
then mercy full myldlye mouvthed thes wordes
thrughe experyence quod she / I hoope þei shalbeshal be sauved
for wenyome fordoethe wenyome & þat I prouve by reason
For off all venyomes fouvlest ys þe scorpyon
may no medecyne helpe þe place there he styngethe
tyll be deyde & done therto / þe yuvell he destroyethe
the furste wenomythe thrughe wenyome off hymseluve
so shall þis dethe fordoo I dare my lyffe lygge
all þat dethe dyd furste thrughe þe deuveles entysyng
and ryght as thrughe gyle / man was begyled
so shall grace þat byganne make a good end
ars vt artem falleret & cetera //
nowe suffer me sayde trewthe / I se as me thynkethe
owte off þe nyppe off þe northeG.19.168: There may possibly be a virgule after northe, obscured by the red ink stain. not farre from hence
ryghtyouvsnes come revnnyng / rest we þe wyle
for he woote more þen we / he was er we bothe
that ys sothe quod mercy & y se here by souvthe
where peasse comethe pleyng / yn pacyenche y-clothed
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G.19.173: A line of verse, possibly in blacker ink than the main body of the text, has been written and erased at the top of the page i.e. outside the normal writing space. louve hathe couveytyd hyr long / leuve I noon other
but he sent hyr some lettre / what þis lyght bymeanethe
that ouvere-houvethe hell thuvs / she shall vs tell
when peasse yn pacyence clothed approochethdeG.19.176: The alteration from "approacheth" to "approached," which appears to have been made by hand1.1, brings G's reading into line with that of Bx. negh þem tweyne
ryghtyouvsnes hyr reuverensed for hyr ryche clothyng
and preyed peasse to tell hyr / to p what place sheG.19.178: R and F share G's original reading he. G's corrected reading she corresponds to that of the remaining B manuscripts. For G's treatment of the feminine pronoun, see Introduction III.1.3. wolde
and yn hyre gay garmentes / whom she grete thoght
my wyll ys to wend quod she & welcome þem all
þat many a day myght y noght see / for merkenes off synne
adam & euve & other mo yn hell
moses & many mo mercye shall hauve
I shall dauvnce therto / do so susterG.19.184: G and C2 omit a line at this point ("For ihesus iusted wel · ioye bygynneth dawe").
ad vesperum demorabitur fletus & ad matutinum leticia//
louve þat ys my lemman suoyche lettres me sent
that mercy my suyster & I mankynd sholde sauve
& þat god hathe forgyuven & graunted me peasce & mercy
to be mannes meynpernouvr / for euer-more after
lo here þe patent quod peasce In pace in idipsum
and þat þes dedes shall dure dormiam et requiescam
what rauvestowe quod repentance or þou arte halfe dronke
leuvestowe yonder G.19.193: Note the similar, isolative alteration to "yonder" at G.19.149. lyght vnloucke myght hell
and sauve mannes souvle / suyster wene ytt neuver
att þe gynnyng god gave þe dome hym-seluve
þat adam & euve & all þat þem suvede
sholde dye downe-ryght / & dwell yn pyne after
yff þei touvched a tree / & þe fruvyte eyte
adam afterwarde agenste hys defence
freyte off þat fruvyte & forsooke as ytt were
the louve off your lorde / & hys loore bothe
& folowed þat þe fende tauvght / & hys felowes wyll
agenst reason & ryghtwyssnesce recorde þisG.19.203: For the G scribe's use of "this" for remaining manuscripts "thus," see note to G.4.76. wyth trewthe
þat þer payne be perpetuall / & no preaer þem helpe
forthye lett þem chewe as þei chase / & chyde we nat sustre
for ytt ys bootles bale / þe bytt that þei eyten
& I shall prouve quod peasce / þeir payne movste hauve end
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& wo yn-to weale may wende att þe last
for had þei wyst off no wo well had þei not knowen
for no wyght wootteG.19.210: For the correction to wootte, see note to G.19.151, and compare woote without alteration at G.19.221. what weale ys / þat neuer wo suffered
ne what ys wootteG.19.211: For the correction to wootte, see note to previous line.G.19.211: For the spelling of what appears in other manuscripts as hoot/hot(e (= "hot" or "is called") with initial <w>, see note to G.18.208. In this particular instance, there may also be some influence from the verb in the previous line. G's spelling may have influenced that found in Cr (i.e. whote); see Introduction II.2.1.2. hongre þat neuver had defauvte
yff no nyght ne were no man as I wene leeuve
sholde wytt wytterly / what day ys to meane
shold neuer ryght ryche man þat lyuvethe In rest & ease
wytte where wo ys / ne were þe deathe off kynd
so god þat bygan all off hys good wylle
bycame man off a meyde / mankynd to sauve
& suffered to be solde / to se þe rsorowG.19.218: The initial letter of sorrow was originally a 2-shaped <r>. off dyenge
the wyche vnknyttethe all care / and comsyng ys off rest
for tyll modicum / mett wyth vs I may ytt well awowe
woote no wyght as I wene what ys y-noghe to name
forthy god off hys goodnes þe furste goome adam
sett hym yn solace & yn souereygne muvrthe
& sythe he suffered hym synne / sorowes to fele
& wytt what weyle was / & kyndlyche knowe ytt
& after god grauvnted hym-seluve & tooke adams kynd
to wytt what he hathe / yn þe sondrye places
bothe yn heyuven & yn yerthe / & now tyll hell he thynkethe
to wytte what all woo ys / þat woote what all Ioy ys
so ytt shall fare by þis folke / theyre folye & theyre synne
shall leeren þem what languvore ys / and blysse wythowten end
whattG.19.232: Given G's spelling practice and dialect, the G reading whatt (for remaining manuscripts Wote) may not actually be a substantive variant. For "woot" with medial <a> see G.12.404, and for the use of <wh> for <w>, see the forms of "wash" at G.14.32 and G.15.20. no wyght what warre ys þer þat peasce reygnethe
ne what ys wytterly weale / tyll wellaway hym teyche
then was þer a wyght wyth two broode eyne
booke hyght þat beauvpere / a bolde man off speche
by goddes body quod þis booke I wyll beyre wyttnesce
that þo þis barne was borne / there blased a sterre
that all þe wyse off þis worlde / yn oone wytt acorden
that suoyche a barne was borne / yn beythelem cete
that mannesG.19.240: The <s> of mannes is in browner ink. It seems possible that the corrector erased original <s> with the intention of replacing it with <ce> but that he realised his error and reinstated it. Compare pryncece (for "princes") at G.19.270. soule shold sauve / & synne destroye
& all þe elementes quod þe booke hereoff beyren wyttnesce
tha.t he was god þat all wroght / þe welkene furste shewed
tho þat were yn heyuven / tooken stella cometacom[a]ta
and tenteden hyr as a torche / to reuverence hyr buvrthe
the lyght folowed þe lorde yn-to þe lowe yerthe
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that þe water wyttnessythe þat he was god þat he went on
peter þe apostell perceyuved hys gate
& as he went on þe water well knewe he hym & seyde
Iube me venire ad te super aquas://
and lo howe þe lyght gan louvke / þe lyght yn hym-seluve
when he seyghe hym suffer / þat sonne & see made
the yerthe for heyuvynes þat he wold suffer
quvaked as quvycke thyng / & all byquvassethe þe roche
lo hell myght not hold but opened þer god tholed
and lete owte symondes sonnes / to seene hym hang on roode
& now shall lucyfer leyuve leaue ytt / thogh hynhy[m] lothe thynke
for gygas þe gyauvnte wythe a gynne engyned
to breake & to beate downe that beene ageynst Iesus
and I booke wylbewyl be brent but Iesus ryse to lyuve
In all myghtes off man / and hys modre gladye
and conforte all hys kynne & owte off care bryng
and all þe Iewes Ioy vnloken and vnbynden
and but þeG.19.263: For the G scribe's use of the weak form of the pronoun ("the") for remaining manuscripts "they," see note to G.6.150. reuerence hys roode & hys resurextyon
and leuven on a new lawe beene lost lyffe & souvle
G.19.265: This line is only present in β4 manuscripts. all þis I boke wyttnesce & yett moche more
sufferre we sayed trewthe / I here & se bothe
how a spyryte speykethe to hell / & byd vnsparre þe gates
attollite portas principes vestras et ceteraG.19.268: A number of C manuscripts share the G Hm reading portas principes vestras (most B manuscripts just read portas), but once again, as with the correspondence at G.12.124, these shared readings may simply result from shared recollection of biblical material (in this case, Psalm 23:9). //
a woyce lowde yn þat lyght to lucyfer cryed
pryncesce G.19.270: The spelling change from prynces to pryncece is probably an error on the part of hand1.1, since plurals in <s> are not normally altered to <ce>. See the apparent correction of a similar alteration at G.19.240. off þis place vnpynnethe & vnlockethe
for he comethe wyth crowne þat kyng ys off glorye
then syked sathan & seyde to theym all
suoche a lyght ageynst our leyuve lazare yt fett
care & combrance ys come to vs all
yff thys kyng come ynne mankynd wyll he fecche
& leyde ytt þer hym lykethe / & lyghtlyche vs bynde
patryarkes & prophetes haue parled þeroff long
þat suoyche a lorde & a lyght sholde leyde þem all hence
lystynethe quod lucyfer for I þis lorde knowe
bothe þis lorde & þis lyght / ys longe a-goo I knewe hym
may no dethe hym deere ne no deuvelles quveyntyance
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& where he wyll ys hys way but warre hym off the perelles
yff he reyuve me my ryght / he robbethe me wyth mastrye
by ryght & by reason / tho renvkesre[n]kes þat been here
bodye & souvle been myne / bothe good & yllG.19.285: β4 manuscripts omit a line at this point ("For hym-self seyde þat sire is of heuene").
yff adam eyte þe apple all shold dye
and dwell wyth vs deuvelles / thys thereytyng he made
and he þat sothenes ys / sayed thes wordes
and sythen ys ysayde / seyuven hondrethe wynters
I leeuve þat þat lawe wole nat / letten hym þe leaste
þat ys sothe sayd sathan / but I me sore drede
for þou gett þem wyth gyle / & hys garden brakest
and yn semblant off a serpent / sattest on þe apple tree
and eggest þem to eyte / and euve by hyr-seluve
and toldest hyr a tale / off treason were þe wordes
& so þou haddest þem owte & hyddre att last
ytt ys not greathelye gotten / þer gyle ys þe rote
For god wyll not be bygyled quod gobolyn ne by-Iaped
we haue no trewe tytle to theym / thrugh t.reason were þei dampned
certesce I drede me quod þis deuvell / lest truvgh wyll þem fecche
G.19.301: This line is only present in Cr23 and β4 manuscripts. owte off our pouvste / & leyden þem hensceG.19.301: The ink colour suggests that the alteration from hens to hence was probably made by the original scribe. Forms of "hence" in -s were probably present in his examplar and occur occasionally in the early part of the text (thus hennes at G.4.110 and henns altered to hence by hand1.1 at G.7.285) but by this stage the spelling is regularly hence. According to the OED, forms in -s died out in the sixteenth century.
thys thurty wynter as I wene / hathe he goone & preached
I haue assayled hym wyth synne / & some-tyme asked
where he were god or goddes sonne / he gaue me short answere
& thuvs hathe trolled forthe þis xxxijtithritti-two wynters
& when I seghe ytt was soo / slepyng I went
to warne pylates wyffe / what doonmes man was Ihesus
for þe Iewes hateden hym / & haue done hym to deathe
I wold haue lengthed hys lyfe / for I leuved yff he dyed
that hys soule wold suffer no synne yn hys syght
for þe bodye wyle ytt on bones yede / aboute was euver
to sauve men from synne yff þem-seluve wolde
& nowe I se where a soule comethe hydderwarde seyllyng
wyth glorye & wyth greate lyght / god ytt ys I woote well
I red we fle quod he fast a-way hence
for vs were better not be / then byden hys syght
fol. 87vI
for thy leasynges lucyfer / lost ys all our preaye
fust furste thrugh þe we fellen fro heyuven so heghe
for þat we leuved þi leasynges / yloore we hauve adam
and all our lordshyppe I leuve /a lond & on watre
nunc primcepspri[n]ceps huius mundi eicietur foras :
efte þe lyght bad vnloucke / & lucyfer answeyred
what lorde art þou quod lucyfer quis est iste
G.19.324KD.18.317, 316α
rex glorie / the lyght sone sayede
& lord off myght & off mayne / & all maner wertues
dominus virtutum & cetera//
duvkes off þis dymme place / anon vndo þes gates
þat cryste may come ynne / þe kynges sonne off heyuven
& wyth þat breythe hell brake / wyth belyall barres
for any wysse or warde / wyde open þe gates
patryarkes & profetes / populus in tenebris
songen seynt Iohans songe ecce agnus dei //
lucyfer loke ne myght / so lyght hym ablente
& tho þat our lord louved / yn-to hys lyght he laght
& sayd to sathan / lo here my soule to amend
for all synfull souvles / to sauve tho þat be worthye
myne þei been & off me I may þe better þem cleame
all-thoghe reason recorde / & ryght off my-seluve
that yff þei eyte þe apple all sholde dye
I byhyght þem not here / hell for euver
for þe dede þat þei dyd þi deceate ytt made
wyth gyle þou þem gatteste / agenst all reason
for yn my place paradyse / In lyknesce off an naddre
falsly þou fattest þer / thyng þat I louved
thuvs lyke a lysard wyth a ladyes vysage
theuvelyche þou me robbedest: þe old lawe grauntethe
that gylouvrs be begyled / & þat ys good reason
dentem pro dente et oculum pro occulo ://
ergo soule shall soule quvyte & synne to synne wende
& all þat man hathe myssdo / I man wyll amend
membre for membre / by þe old law was amendes
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& lyffe for lyffe also / & by þat lawe I cleame ytt
adam & all hys ysseuve att my wyll here-after
& þat deathe yn theym fordyd / my deathe shall releeuve
& bothe quvyk & quvyte / þat quveynte was thrugh synne
and þat grace gyle destroye / good faythe ytt askethe
so leeuve þouG.19.357: In G, the letter now read as the initial thorn of þou must originally have been intended as a <y> (for "I," as most B manuscripts). G.19.357: M originally shared the majority reading I, but this has been crossed out and thow added above the line in a different ink, bringing M's reading into line with G's own corrected reading. not lucyfer ageynst þe lawe y facche theyme
but by ryght & reason / ranvnsome myG.19.358: M originally shared the G C2 reading my, but here has been added above the line to give here my, as remaining B manuscripts. lyeges
non veni soluere legem set amdimplereG.19.359: The change to "adimplere" results in an otiose minim before the <i>.://
thowe fettest myne yn my place agenst all reason
falslyche & felonysslyche / good faythe me ytt taght
to recouer þem thrughe þem / rauvnsome & by no reason ellesce
so þat thrughe gyle þou gett / thrughe grace ys wonne
þou lucyfer yn lyknes off a lyther nadder
gettedest by gyle / tho that god louved
and yn lyknes off a leede / þat lorde am In heyuven
gracyouvslyche thy gyle haue quvytte / go gyle ageyn gyle
& as adam & all / thrugh a tre dyeden
adam & all thrugh a tre / shall torne agayne to lyuve
& gyle ys begyled & In hys gyle fallen
et cecidit in foueam quam fecit et cetera //
now begynnethe thy gyle / ageyne / G.19.372: It is difficult to be sure of the reason for the two virgules on either side of ageyne. Possibly they were intended to indicate the necessity for a change in word order, but if so they have not been written in quite the right place (immediately following this, G has to the for remaining manuscripts þe to). to the torne
& my grace to growe / greater & wydder
the bytternes þat þou brewe / brouvke ytt thy-seluve
that art doctouvr off deathe / drynk þat þou madest
for y þat am lord off lyffe / louve ys my drynke
& for þat drynk to-day / I dyed vpon yerthe
I fouvght so me thruvsted / for mannes soule sake
may no drynk me moyste / ne my thruvst slake
tyll þe vendage falle / yn þe wale off Iosaphath
that I drynk ryght rype muvste / resurreccio mortuorum
then shall I come as a kyng crowned wyth angelles
& haue owte off hell / all mennes soules
fendes & fendkynnes / byfore me shall stand
& beene att my byddynges where-so-euer me lykethe
& to be mercyable to man / then my kynd ytt askethe
for we beene brethren off bloode / but not yn baptysme all
but all þat beene my .hole brethren yn bloode & yn baptysme
shall not be dampned to þe deathe / þat ys wythowten hend
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tibi soli peccaui et cetera//
ytt ys not vsed yn yerthe to hongen a fellon
ofter þen oonesceG.19.392: The alteration from oones to oonce has not been made very effectively, and the original is more clearly visible than is usually the case. / thogh he were a treytour
and yff þe kyng off þat kyngdome come yn þat tyme
there þe felon tholed sholde / dethe or other I.ouvnesseG.19.394: According to the OED, the word "juise" (= "judicial punishment") was uncommon after the fifteenth century (the only instances recorded after that are in Cockeram's English Dictionary), and the scribe clearly does not know what to make of it.
law wold he gauve hym lyffe / yff he loked vpon hym
& y þat am kyng off kynges / shall come soche a tyme
where doome to þe dethe dampnethe all wykked
& yff lawe wole I loke on þem / ytt lyethe yn my grace
wether þei dye or dye not / for þat þei dyden ayll
be ytt any thyng þe boldnes off þer synnes
I do mercy thrugh ryghtyouvsnes / & all my wordes trewe
& thoghe woly wrytte wole I be wroke / off þem þat dyd yll
nullum malum impunitum & cetera //
they shalbeshal be wasshen clerelyche / & clensed off þer synnes
In my pryson purgatory / tyll parcyeparce ytt hote
& my mercy shalbeshal be showyd to many off my brethren
for blood may suffer bloode bothe hongre & colde
but blood may not se blood / blede but hym rewe
audiui archana verba que non licent homini loqui & cetera//
but my ryghtyouvsnes & ryght shall ruvle all hell
and mercye all mankynd before me yn heyuven
for I were an vnkynd kyng but I my kynd holpe
& namelyche at suoche a nede / þer nedes helpe behouvethe
non intres in iudicium cum seruo tuo & cetera
thysG.19.415: For the G scribe's use of "this" for remaining manuscripts "thus," see note to G.4.76. by lawe quod our lorde / leyde I wyll hence
tho þat me louved & leuved yn my connmyngG.19.416: Y shares G's original reading connyng. G's corrected reading comyng corresponds to that of all remaining B manuscripts.
& for þi leysyng lucyfer / þat þou leygh to euve
þou shalt abye ytt bytterly / & bouvnd hym fast wyth chenes
astarothe & all þi rouvte / hydden þem yn hernes
þei dorste not loke on our lorde / þe boldest off þem all
but lett hym leyde forthe what hym lyked & lete G.19.421:The last three words of this line appear below on the right hand side of the page, boxed in grey to distinguish them from G.19.422. what hym lyst
many .c.ethe.hundrethe off angelles harpeden & songen
culpat caro purgat caro regnat deus dei caro
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then pyped peasce / off a poyse a note
clarior est solito post maxima nebula phebusG.19.425: The emendation to phebus is in ordinary grey ink.
post inimicitias clarior est et amor :G.19.426: The two rubricated lines are bracketed together in red on the right.
after sharpe showres quod peasce clere ys þe sonne
ys no weddre warmer / þen after watyrye clowdes
ne no louve leuver / ne leuvere frendes
then after warre & wo when louve & peasce be masters
was neuer warre yn þis worlde ne wyckednes so kene
that ne louve & hym lyst / to laghyng ne broght
& peasce thrugh pacyence all perelles stopped
trewesce quod trewght thow tellest vs sothe by Iesus
clyppe we yn conuenauntcouenaunt / & eche off vs kysse other
& lett no poeple quod peasce perceyuve þat we chyde
for ympossyble ys nothyng to hym þat ys almyghty
þou seyest sothe quod ryghtyousnes / & reuerentlyche hyr kyste
peasce & peasce there per omnia secula seculorum/
misericordia & veritas obuiauerunt sibi : Iusticia et pax osculate sunt & cetera//
trewght tromped tho & song te deum laudamus & cetera//
& then luted louve / In a lowde note
ecce quam bonum et quam Iocundum et cetera //
tyll þe day dawed þes damoseles dawnced
þat men rong to þe resurreccyon / & ryght wyth þat I waked
& called kytt my wyfe / & calott my doghter
aryse & reuverence goddes resurreccyon
& crepe to þe crosce on knees / & kysse ytt for a Iuvell
for goddes blessed body / ytt bare for our boote
& ytt afferethe þe fende / for suoche ys þe myght
may no grysslye goste glyde þer ytt shadowethe
extrailer: The deletion of ex- may have been necessary because the ink had run. explicit quartus passus de dobetter