G.6.1KD.5.1 The kyng & hys knyghtes to the kyrke went
G.6.2KD.5.2 to here matyns off the day & the masse after
G.6.3KD.5.3 then waked I off wynkyng & wo was wyth-all
G.6.4KD.5.4 that I ne hadde slept sadder & seene more
G.6.5KD.5.5 & or I had faren a forlonge a feyntnes me hente
G.6.6KD.5.6 that I myght no fuorther for defauvte off slepyng
G.6.7KD.5.7 and satt softlye a-downe & seyde my beleuve
G.6.8KD.5.8 and so I babbeled on my beydes they brouvght me a-slepe
G.6.9KD.5.9 and þen saghe I moche more then I before told
G.6.10KD.5.10 I seghe the felde fuvll of for / that I ere off sayde
G.6.11KD.5.11 how reason gan arreyne hym all the realme to preache
G.6.12KD.5.12 an and wyth a cros a-fore the kyng comsed þus to teychen
G.6.13KD.5.13 he prouved þat theyre pestylences were for puvre synne
G.6.14KD.5.14 and þe southewesteren wynd on sayterday att euvene
G.6.15KD.5.15 was pertelyche for puvre pryde & for no poynte elles
G.6.16KD.5.16 pyreys & plomtrees
/ were pvffed
G.6.16: The <v> of pvffed may possibly be a correction; the scribe appears to have started to write a two-shaped <r> and then altered it. to the yerthe
G.6.17KD.5.17 In ensample ye segges ye sholde do the better
G.6.18KD.5.18 beeches & brode ookes were blowen to the grouvnde
G.6.19KD.5.19 tuorned vpward theyre tayles In tokenyng off drede
G.6.20KD.5.20 that dedely att ar domesday / shall fordone theym all
G.6.21KD.5.21 off thys matter I myght mamele full long
G.6.22KD.5.22 but I shall say as I saghe so me god helpe
G.6.23KD.5.23 how pertly afore the poeple reason beganne to preyche
G.6.24KD.5.24 he bad waster go worche watt he best couvlde
G.6.25KD.5.25 and wynnen hys wastyng wyth some maner crafte
G.6.26KD.5.26 he preyyd pernell hyr puvrfell to lete
G.6.27KD.5.27 and kepe ytt In hyr cofre for catell att
nedeG.6.27: The G F H reading nede (for remaining B manuscripts hire nede) is also the reading of Ax, and this is the reading adopted by Kane and Donaldson.
G.6.28KD.5.28 thome stowue he taght to take two stauves
G.6.29KD.5.29 and fecche Felyce hoome fro the wyuen pyne
G.6.30KD.5.30 he warned watt hys
wyffe þatG.6.30: It seems possible that added þat is in the wrong place and that the G corrector meant to place it before hys, which would give a reading corresponding to that of B (the majority B reading is his). was to blame
G.6.31KD.5.31 hyr heyd was worth halffe a mare / hys hoode not a grote
G.6.32KD.5.32 and bad bette kuvtte a bowe other tweyne
G.6.33KD.5.33 & bett kytone therwyth but yff she wold worche
G.6.34KD.5.34 & then he charged chapmen to chasten theyre chyldre
G.6.35KD.5.35 lett no wynnyng theym wanye wyle they be yonge
G.6.36KD.5.36 ne for no
postG.6.36: G and Cr23 are alike in that they lack the final syllable (the e) of most manuscripts pouste (presumably the transcriber thought of the <e> as representing schwa rather than [i:]). off pestylence pleasse they
m ovte off reason
G.6.37KD.5.37 my syre seyd so to me & so dyd my dame
G.6.38KD.5.38 that the leuvere chylde the more lore behouvethe
G.6.39KD.5.39 and salamon seyde the same that sapyence made
G.6.40KD.5.39α qui percit virge odit filium et cetera
G.6.41KD.5.39α.1 the englysshe off thys laten ys wo-so wyll ytt knowe
G.6.42KD.5.40 wo-so sparethe the spryng spylleth hys chydlldren
G.6.43KD.5.41 & sythen he preyyde
plG.6.43: Presumably the deleted <pl> is the result of failure to notice the abbreviation for re in prelates. Part of the <a> following the <l> also appears to be present. See following note. prelates & prestes
G.6.43: The <r> of prestes is odd and may have started life as an <s>, once again, presumably, because of failure to notice the abbreviation mark. to
G.6.44KD.5.42 that they ye preychen to the poeple prouve on yourseluven
G.6.45KD.5.43 and dothe ytt In dede ytt shall drawe you to g
The G scribe normally distinguishes between god="god" and good="good." See Introduction III.2.
G.6.46KD.5.44 yff e ye wole lyuven as ye leyren vs we wyll leuve you þe better
G.6.47KD.5.45 and sythen he radde relygyone theyr rewle to holde
G.6.48KD.5.46 lest þe kyng & hys
G.6.48: The <y> of hys is partly obscured by a brown ink stain caused by the alteration of brought to brovght on the previous page (at G.6.8). co
the commuvne apeyre
G.6.49KD.5.47 and be stuerdes off your steedes to ye be rewled better
G.6.50KD.5.48 and sythen he counseylyd the kyng the commuvne to louve
G.6.51KD.5.49 ytt ys thy tresouvr yff treyson ne were and tryakell att þi nede
G.6.52KD.5.50 and sythen he prayyd the pope to hauve pyte off the holye churche
G.6.53KD.5.51 and are he gyffe any grace goueren fuvrst hym-seluve
G.6.54KD.5.52 and ye þat haue lawes to kepe lett trewthe be your couvytyse
G.6.55KD.5.53 more then gold other gyftes yff ye wold god pleasse
G.6.56KD.5.54 For wo-so contraryethe trewthe he telleth In the gospell
G.6.57KD.5.54.1 that god knoweth hym noght ne no seynte In heyuven
G.6.58KD.5.55 amen dico vobis quia nescio vos.
G.6.59KD.5.56 & ye that seke seynt Iames & seyntes at rome
G.6.60KD.5.57 seketh seynt trewth for he may sauve you all
G.6.61KD.5.58 qui cum patre et filio that fayre theym befall
G.6.62KD.5.59 that shewen
G.6.62: Remaining B manuscripts read suweth for G shewen. For the use of <sh> for <s> in G, see Introduction III.4.1. my s
ermon & th
uvs sayd reyson
G.6.63KD.5.60 then ranne repentance & rehersed hys teeme
G.6.64KD.5.61 and gerte wyll to wepe water wyth hys eyene
G.6.65KD.5.62 Peronelle
G.6.65: Note the combination of barred <l> and final <e> in Peronelle. pro
uvde herte platte hyr to the yerthe
G.6.66KD.5.63 and leye long or she loked &
G.6.66: The top half of the ampersand is not visible and has to be inferred. lord mercy cryed
G.6.67KD.5.64 and byhyght to hym that vs all made
G.6.68KD.5.65 she sh
uolde vnsowen hyr serke and sett there
aG.6.68: There seems to be no particular reason for the deletion of <a>; the letter is not blotted. an heyre
G.6.69KD.5.66 to affayten hyr flesshe that freyle was to synne
G.6.70KD.5.67 shall neuer heghe herte me hente but holde me lowe
G.6.71KD.5.68 and suoffer to be myssayde and so dyd I neuer
G.6.72KD.5.69 but now wyll I meke me & mercy byseche
G.6.73KD.5.70 for all thys I hauve hated In my herte
G.6.74KD.5.71 then lycho
uvre seyd alas & on our ladye
cryedG.6.74: Kane and Donaldson adopt the G Hm O C2 H reading cryed (for remaining B manuscripts he cryed). No A or C version manuscripts have he.
G.6.75KD.5.72 to make mercy for hys myssdedes betwene god & hys souvle
G.6.76KD.5.73 wyth þat he sholde þe saterday seyuven yere þer-after
G.6.77KD.5.74 drynke but myd the doke & dyne but onesce
G.6.78KD.5.75 enuvye wyth heyuvy herte asked after shryffte
G.6.79KD.5.76 and carefullyche mea culpa he comsed to shewe
G.6.80KD.5.77 he was pale as a pelet In þe palsye hym semed
G.6.81KD.5.78 & clothed In a kauvrymauvrye I couvld ytt not dyscryuve
G.6.82KD.5.79 In kyrtell & couvrtyby and a knyffe by hys syde
G.6.83KD.5.80 off a freres frocke were þe forsleues
G.6.84KD.5.81 and as a leeke
. hadde
i lye lG.6.84: The scribe first decided to emend to i-lye by supralinear addition, but then crossed the whole thing out and re-wrote. I
-lye long yn þe sonne
G.6.85KD.5.82 so loked he wyth leyne chekes lowryng fouvle
G.6.86KD.5.83 hys ladye was bolle for wrathe that he boote hys lyppes
G.6.87KD.5.84 wryngyng he went wyth þe Fyst wreyke hym-selfe he thoght
G.6.88KD.5.85 wyth workes & wordes when he seghe hys tyme
G.6.89KD.5.86 eche word þat he werped was off a neddres tong
G.6.90KD.5.87 off chydyng & off chalengyng was hys cheffe lyuvelode
G.6.91KD.5.88wyth bakbytyng & bysmer & beyryng fals wyttnes
G.6.92KD.5.89 thys was hys couvrtysye where þat he shewed hym
G.6.93KD.5.90 I wold be shryuve quod thys shrewe & I for shame dorste
G.6.94KD.5.91 I wold be gladder by god þat gybbe had myschance
G.6.95KD.5.92 then I had thys weeke wonne a weye off essex chesse
G.6.96KD.5.93 I hauve a neyghbouvr nye me I hauve anoyede hym oft
G.6.97KD.5.96 & lyen on hym to lordes to done hym leese hys syluver
G.6.98KD.5.97 and made hys frendys hys foone / thrugh my fals tong
G.6.99KD.5.98 hys grace & hys good happes greuved me full sore
G.6.100KD.5.99 betwene many & many I make debate oft
G.6.101KD.5.100 that both lyffe and lymme ys lost thruvgh my speche
G.6.102KD.5.101 and when I mete hym In merkett þat I moste hate
G.6.103KD.5.102 I haylsed hym hendelyche as I hys frende were
G.6.104KD.5.103 for he ys dooghtyer then I I dare do non other
G.6.105KD.5.104 but had I maystrye & myght god wott my wyll
G.6.106KD.5.105 and when I come to the kyrke & shold knele to þe rode
G.6.107KD.5.106 and prey for þe pepole as the prest teychyth
G.6.108KD.5.107 for pylgrymes & palmers & all the poeple after
G.6.109KD.5.108 then I crye on my knees that cryst gy
hymG.6.109: G Cr hym, rather than the majority B reading hem, is clearly correct. There is confusion in the A manuscripts too, but a high proportion read "him," and this is the reading adopted by Kane and Donaldson. sorowe
G.6.110KD.5.109 that bare a-wey my bolle & my broken shete
G.6.111KD.5.110 away from þe awter then torne I myn eyne
G.6.112KD.5.111 & behold how hellen hath a new cote
G.6.113KD.5.112 I wysshe þat ytt were myne & all the webbe after
G.6.114KD.5.113 off menes lesyng I lagh that lyketh my herte
G.6.115KD.5.114 & for theyr wynnyng I wepe & weyle the tyme
G.6.116KD.5.115 and deme that þei done yll / where I do well worse
G.6.117KD.5.116 wo-so vndremoiynethe me I hate hym deydly after
G.6.118KD.5.117 I wold that eche a wyght were my knave
G.6.119KD.5.118 for wo-so hath more then I þat angreyth me sore
G.6.120KD.5.119 &
thysG.6.120: For the G scribe's use of "this" for "thus," see note to G.4.76. I ly
uve lo
uveles lyke a lyther dogge
G.6.121KD.5.120 that all my bodye bolneth For bytter off my gall
G.6.122KD.5.121 I myght not eyte many yers as a man oghte
G.6.123KD.5.122 For enuvye & euvell wyll ys euvell to defyen
G.6.124KD.5.123 mey no suvker ne swete thyng swage my swellyng
G.6.125KD.5.124 ne no dyapenidyon dryuve ytt from my herte
G.6.126KD.5.125 ne neyther shryffte ne shame but wo-so sharpe my mawe
G.6.127KD.5.126 yes reydyly quod repentance & d radde hym to the best
G.6.128KD.5.127 sorow off synnes ys saluvatyon off sowles
G.6.129KD.5.128 I am sorye quod þat segge I am seld other
G.6.130KD.5.129 that maketh me
thysG.6.130: For the G scribe's use of "this" for "thus," see note to G.4.76. meygre for
I may me
not wenge
G.6.131KD.5.130 a-mong buvrgeysys hauve I bynne dwellyng att london
G.6.132KD.5.131 and made backbytyng be a broker to blame mennes ware
G.6.133KD.5.132 when he sold & y noght then was I reydy
G.6.134KD.5.133 to lye on my neghbouvr & to lacke hys chaffeyre
G.6.135KD.5.134 I wyll amend thys yff I mey thruvgh þe myght off god allmyghtye
G.6.136KD.5.135 Now awaketh wrathe wyth too wyte eyne
G.6.137KD.5.136 & sneuvelyng wyth þe nose & the necke hangyng
G.6.138KD.5.137 I am wrathe quod he I was some-tyme a frere
G.6.139KD.5.138 and the co
uventes gardener
for gryftenG.6.139: Forms of "graft" with <t> (as G gryften beside remaining manuscripts graffe) are first recorded by the OED at the end of the fifteenth century (see OED graft, v.1). yp ympes
G.6.139: There is a superscript <u> over the <y> of ympes.
G.6.140KD.5.139 on lymyto
G.6.140: The alteration of lymytours to lymytovrs is in the original grey-black ink rather than the brown ink of most <u> to <v> changes, and it therefore appears to have
been made by the original scribe at the time of writing and not as part of his later corrections. Note that the original <u>
is not well formed - there is only one minim - so this may be the reason behind the change. & lysters leysyng
es I ymped
G.6.141KD.5.140 tyll they bare leyuvys off low speche lordes to pleasse
G.6.142KD.5.141 and sythen they blossomed a-broode In bower to here shryftes
G.6.143KD.5.142 and now ys fall
there a fr
rvyte þ
at folke
handG.6.143: A loop and tail have been added to the <n> of original han in brown ink, probably by hand1.1 (giving had). Compare the resultant <d> with the <d> written by the scribe as part of his original transcription at the end of the first
line on f.17v and with the <d> added by hand1.1 (i.e. the same scribe, making later corrections) at G.6.89. well ley
G.6.144KD.5.143 showe theyr shryftes to them then to theyre persouns
G.6.145KD.5.144 & now p
ersones ha
uve p
uvyd that
freresG.6.145: It is unusual for the G scribe to write <fr> (as in freres) without a long <r>, but the use of a 2-shaped <r> at this point is probably due to the fact that the addition lacks space. parte wyth theyme
G.6.146KD.5.145 thees possessyoners preyche & deprauve the freres
G.6.147KD.5.146 & freres fynden theym In fauvte as folke beyre wyttnes
G.6.148KD.5.147 that when they preyche the poeple In manye places abouvte
G.6.149KD.5.148 I wrath walke wyth theym & wysse them off my bokes
G.6.150KD.5.149 th
uvs the
G.6.150: The form the is the unstressed form of the pronoun "they." See also note to G.2.164 and the readings at G.6.195, G.12.235 etc. speken off my sp
iritualte þ
at eyther dysspyseth other
G.6.151KD.5.150 tyll þei be both beggers & by my sp
lywbbenG.6.151: The scribe clearly did not immediately recognise lybben, which is a predominantly western form, and he appears to have written some other letter, possibly <w> for double <b>. He
then abandons this and writes what is presumably his own form lyven. lyven
G.6.152KD.5.151 or eles all ryche & . ryden a-bowte
G.6.153KD.5.151-152 I wrath rest neuer þat I ne mvste folowe
G.6.154KD.5.152 thys wyked folke for suoyche ys my grace
G.6.155KD.5.153 I haue an auwnte to nonne & an abbesse bothe
G.6.156KD.5.154 hyr
had leyu
er swoneG.6.156: G's reading could conceivably be swoue, which would correspond to the reading of most B manuscripts. However, G uses "swoon" elsewhere, where his reading cannot be in doubt (see G.15.339 and G.19.59). The verb "swow" is unusual and is not recorded by the OED after Langland (see OED swow, v.1). or swelte þen suffer any peyne
G.6.157KD.5.155 I hauve bynne koke In þe kechyne and the couvent seruved
G.6.158KD.5.156 manye monvthes wyth theym & wyth monkes bothe
G.6.159KD.5.157 I was þe pryoresse portagerpotager
& other poere ladyes
G.6.160KD.5.158 and made þem Iowetes off Ianglyng þat dame Iohan was a bastard
G.6.161KD.5.159 and dame claryce a kynges doghter a kockwold was hyr syre
G.6.162KD.5.160 & dame peronell a prestes fyle pryoresse worthes she neuver
G.6.163KD.5.161 For she had chyld In cheryetyme all our chapter ytt wyst
G.6.164KD.5.162 off wykked wordes I wrathe theyre wortes made
G.6.165KD.5.163 tyll þou lyest & þou lyest lopen ovte att onesce
G.6.166KD.5.164 & eyther hytt other vndre-neythe the cheeke
G.6.167KD.5.165 had they had knyuves eyther had kylled other
G.6.168KD.5.166 seynt gregory was a goode pope & had a good forwytt
G.6.169KD.5.167 that no pryoresse were preest for that he ordened
G.6.170KD.5.168 þei had ben euvell losed for þei can heyle no couvnseyle
G.6.171KD.5.169 among monkes I mot be but many tymes I shony
G.6.172KD.5.170 for þer be many fell freykes my feres to aspye
G.6.173KD.5.171 both pryouvr & subpryouvr & ouvr pater abbas
G.6.174KD.5.172 & yff I tell any tales they taken theym to-gedders
G.6.175KD.5.173 and do me fast frydays to breyde & to water
G.6.176KD.5.174 & chalenged In chapterhouvse as I a chylde were
G.6.177KD.5.175 & baleced on þe bare arsce & no breche betwene
G.6.178KD.5.176 Forthy I hauve no lykyng wyth tho leedes to wonne
G.6.179KD.5.177 I eyte þer vnthend fysshe and feble ale drynke
G.6.180KD.5.178 but other whyle when wyne comythe when I drynke wyne at euve
G.6.181KD.5.179 I ha
uve a fl
orG.6.181: The Bm reading "or" (as also G) is over an erasure. Most B manuscripts read of. a fo
uvle mo
uvthe well
.v.fyue days after
G.6.182KD.5.180 all þe wykkednes þat I woott by any off your brethren
G.6.183KD.5.181 I cowthe yn your cloyster þat all your couvent woote ytt
G.6.184KD.5.182 now repent quod repentance & reherce thow neuer
G.6.185KD.5.183 couvnseyle þat þou knowest by couvnteynance ne by nyght
G.6.186KD.5.184 & drynk not ouer dylycately ne to deepe nother
G.6.187KD.5.185 that thy wyll be ca
uvse thereoff to wrathe myghe
G.6.187: The spelling myghe is not necessarily an error; the OED records migh as a sixteenth century form of the past indicative and subjunctive of the verb "may" (OED may v.1, Spellings.4). torne
G.6.188KD.5.186 esto sobrius he seyde and assoyled me after
G.6.189KD.5.187 & bad me welne to wepe my wykednes to amend
G.6.190KD.5.188 And then cam couvetyse can I hym noght dyscryuve
G.6.191KD.5.189 so hongerly & holowe syr henry hym loked
G.6.192KD.5.190 he was bettell
-browed &
G.6.192: According to the OED, the combination "blabber-lipped" occurs first in 1483 (OED blabber, a.). also
G.6.193KD.5.190 wyth too bleyred eyne as a blynd hagge
G.6.194KD.5.191 and as a leythren puvrsce lolled hys chekes
G.6.195KD.5.192 well sydder þen hys chyn the
G.6.195: The form the is a weak form of the pronoun "they;" see also G.6.150, G.12.235. che
uveled for elde
G.6.196KD.5.193 as a boundman off hys bacon hys berd was bedrauveled
G.6.197KD.5.194 wyth a hoode on hys heyde a losye hatt abouve
G.6.198KD.5.195 and In a tawny tabberd off tweluve wynter age
G.6.199KD.5.195.1 all to-torne & bawdye & full off lyes crepyng
G.6.200KD.5.196 but yff a lowse couvlde hauve lopen the better
G.6.201KD.5.197 she shold noght ha
uve walked theron
G.6.201: The Bx reading for G theron is "on þat welche" ("welche"= "Welsh flannel"), but this causes trouble for the scribes and is found only in L and R. M,
Cr1 and W have "welthe" for "welche;" Cr23 has "welte;" and most of the remaining manuscripts have either "there" or, as in G, "thereon." so was ytt threde
G.6.202KD.5.198 I hauve byn couvetyng quod thys keytyffe I beknowe ytt here
G.6.203KD.5.199 for some-tyme I seruved symme att h the style
G.6.204KD.5.200 and was hys prentys plyght hys profytt to weyte
G.6.205KD.5.201 Fuvrste I lerned to lye a leeffe other tweyne
G.6.206KD.5.202 wyckedlyche to wey was my fuvrste lessone
G.6.207KD.5.203 to wye & to wynchester I went to the feyre
G.6.208KD.5.204 wyth many maner merchandyse as my master me hyght
G.6.209KD.5.205 ne had þe grace off gyle gonne among my chaffer
G.6.210KD.5.206 ytt had byn vnsolde þis seyuven yere / so me god helpe
G.6.211KD.5.207 then drew I to drapers my donett to lerne
G.6.212KD.5.208 to drawe þe
lystG.6.212: A high proportion of A manuscripts share the G F reading lyst, and this is the reading adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Remaining B manuscripts read lyser. a
-long the lenger ytt semed
G.6.213KD.5.209 among þe ryche reyes I rendered a lesson
G.6.214KD.5.210 to broche theym wyth a packnelde & plett þem to-geddres
G.6.215KD.5.211 and puvt theym In a presse & pynned theym therynne
G.6.216KD.5.212 tyll .xen.ten yerdes or .xijffe.twelffe had told owte thyrtene
G.6.217KD.5.213 my wyffe was a webbster & wollen clothe made
G.6.218KD.5.214 she spake to spynsters to spynnen ytt owte
G.6.219KD.5.215 but the pownd that she payyde by paysed a quvartren more
G.6.220KD.5.216 then myne owne auvncer / wo-so weyyd trewthe
G.6.221KD.5.217 I boght hyr berly malte she
brewedG.6.221: According to the OED, the strong forms of the past tense of "brew" did not survive into the sixteenth century, hence G Cr brewed for remaining manuscripts brewe. to sell
G.6.222KD.5.218 pennye ale & puvddyng ale she pouvred to-gedders
G.6.223KD.5.219 For laborers & for low folke þat ley by them-seluve
G.6.224KD.5.220 þe best ale lye
G.6.224: The OED records lye as a possible fifteenth century form of the preterite of the verb "to lie." Remaining manuscripts have lay. See also G.14.21, G.17.266. In my bo
uvre or yn my bed
G.6.225KD.5.221 and wo-so buvmmed theroff boght ytt there-after
G.6.226KD.5.222 a galon for a grote god wote no lesse
G.6.227KD.5.223 and yet ytt cam yn cvpmele þis craft my wyfe vsed
G.6.228KD.5.224 rose þe regrater was hyr ryght name
G.6.229KD.5.225 she hathe holden huvccekkerye all hyr lyuve tyme
G.6.230KD.5.226 but I shrewe now so þe yk / þat synne vo wole I lete
G.6.231KD.5.227 and neuer wykedlyche way wey ne falsce chaffere vse
G.6.232KD.5.228 and wenden to walsyngam & my wyfe als
G.6.233KD.5.229 and byd the rode off bromholem bryng me ovte off dett
G.6.234KD.5.230 repentest thow euver quod repentance or restytuvcyon made
G.6.235KD.5.231 onesce I was herbored
quod heeG.6.235: F shares G's original reading (herbored for most manuscripts herberwed quod he). wythe a heype off chapmen
G.6.236KD.5.232 I ros when they were att rest & ryfeled theyr males
G.6.237KD.5.233 that was no restytuvtyon quod he buvt a robbers thefte
G.6.238KD.5.234 thow haddest bynne better worthy ben hanged therfore
G.6.239KD.5.234.1 then for all þ
at þ
ouat þ
G.6.239: Cr23 Hm C C2 Y B share G's original reading (þat þou). Most remaining manuscripts share G's corrected reading (þat þat þou). hast here
shewed afore /
G.6.240KD.5.235 I wend ryfuvllyng had byn restytuvtyon I lerned neuer on boke
G.6.241KD.5.236 and can no frenche butt off þe farrest end off norfolke
G.6.242KD.5.237 vsedest thowe euer vsuvrye quod he In all thye lyuve tyme
G.6.243KD.5.238 nay sothely he seyde sauve In my youvthe
G.6.244KD.5.239 I lerned among lomberdes & Iwes a lessone
G.6.245KD.5.240 to wey pence wyth a peyse and pare the heyuvyest
G.6.246KD.5.241 & leyne ytt for lo
uve off the crosse to lygge a wed & lesse
G.6.246: The form lesse is probably just a spelling variant (remaining B manuscripts read lese="lose"). The G scribe does often use <ss> to represent /z/. See Introduction III.2. ytt
G.6.247KD.5.242 suoyche dedes I dyd wryte yff he hys day breyke
G.6.248KD.5.243 I hauve no maners thruvgh reragys þen thruvgh / miseretur et comodat
G.6.249KD.5.244 I hauve lent lordes & ladyes my chaffer
G.6.250KD.5.245 and ben þer broger after & boght ytt my-selfe
G.6.251KD.5.246 eschanges & cheuvysances wyth suche chaffer I deyle
G.6.252KD.5.247 and leyne folke that leese wole a lyppe att euery noble
G.6.253KD.5.248 and wyth lomberdes letters I ledde gold to rome
G.6.254KD.5.249-250 and toke ytt by teyle here for louve off hyr meyntenance
G.6.255KD.5.251 yet hauve I lent lordes louved me neuer after
G.6.256KD.5.252 and ha
uve made many a
knyght m
ercer & draper
G.6.256: G omits a line at this point ("Þat payed neuere for his prentishode · nouȝte a peire gloues").
G.6.257KD.5.254 hastowe pyte on pore men that most nedes borowe
G.6.258KD.5.255 I hauve as moche pyte on powre men as pedder hath on cattes
G.6.259KD.5.256 that wold kyll theym yff he myght for couvetyse off þer skynnes
G.6.260KD.5.257 art thow manlyche among þi neghbouvrs off meyte & drynke
G.6.261KD.5.258 I am holden as hende as homydeho[un]de In the kechynne
G.6.262KD.5.259 among my neghbouvrs namely suoyche a name I hauve
G.6.263KD.5.260 god lenve neuere quod repentance but þou repent the rather
G.6.264KD.5.261 the grace off thys grouvnd thy good welle to besette
G.6.265KD.5.262 ne thy heyrs after þe hauve Ioy off þat þou wynnest
G.6.266KD.5.263 and thyne exec
G.6.266: There may be hyphen after the <ex> of execvtors but it is difficult to be certain that this is not just the result of continuous writing. Hyphens are unusual in G. wyll besett
þi sylu
er þ
þou ley
G.6.267KD.5.264 and þat was wonne wyth wrong wyth wycked men dyspende ytt
G.6.268KD.5.265 for were I frere off that houvse þer goode faythe & charyte ys
G.6.269KD.5.266 I nold cope vs w
h thyereG.6.269: It is possible that the <r> plus flourish which completes the word thyere in G may be a later addition: it appears to have been squashed in, leaving no room between words. catell ne o
uvr kyrke amend
G.6.270KD.5.267 ne hauve a pennye to my pyttance so god my souvle helpe
G.6.271KD.5.268 For þe best boke yn ouvr houvse thoghe gold were the leyuvys
G.6.272KD.5.269 and wyst wytterly þou were swyche as thowe tellest
G.6.273KD.5.269α seruus es alterius cum sercula[f]ercula pinqua queris
G.6.274KD.5.269β pane tuo pocius vescere liber eris
G.6.275KD.5.270 thow art vnkynd creatuvre & kan the noght assoyle
G.6.276KD.5.271 tyll þou make restytuvtyon & rekne wyth theym all
G.6.277KD.5.272 and sythen þat reason rolle ytt In þe regestre off heyuven
G.6.278KD.5.273 tyll þou hast made eche man goode I may þe noght assoyle
G.6.279KD.5.273α non dimittitur peccatum donec restitueatur ablatum
G.6.280KD.5.274 for all that hauve off thy goode hauve god my troghe
G.6.281KD.5.275 be holden att the heye dome to helpe þe to restytuvte
G.6.282KD.5.276 and wo-so leuveth not thys be sothe loke In the sawter boke
G.6.283KD.5.277 In miserere mei deus where I meane trewthe
G.6.284KD.5.277α ecce enim veritatem dilexisti et cetera.
G.6.285KD.5.277α.1 shall neuer workeman thryuve wyth þat thowe wynnest
G.6.286KD.5.278 cum sancto santussan[c]tus eris constrewe me þat yn englysshe
G.6.287KD.5.279 then waxt þat sre shrew In wanhope & wold hang hym-selfe
G.6.288KD.5.280 ne had repentance rather comforted hym In thys manere
G.6.289KD.5.281 hauve mercy In þi mynd & wyth thy mouvthe beseche ytt
G.6.290KD.5.281.1 for goddes mercye ys more þen all hys other werkes
G.6.291KD.5.282 and all the wykkednes In þis world þat man myght thenche
G.6.292KD.5.283 ys no more to þe mercy off god then In þe see a gleede
G.6.293KD.5.283α onniso[m]nis Iniquitas quantum ad misericordiamG.6.293: For the G scribe's use of superscript <a> (which appears as the abbreviation mark in misericordiam), see note to G.4.156 and Introduction IV.1.1. dei.
G.6.294KD.5.283α.1 est quasi sintilla In medio maris
G.6.295KD.5.284 forthy hauve mercy In þi mynd & marchandyse louve ytt
G.6.296KD.5.285 for thow hast no good grownde go geyte þe wyth a wasteyle
G.6.297KD.5.286 but yff ytt were wyth thy tonge or eles wyth thy handes
G.6.298KD.5.287 for þe good þat þou hast goten began all wyth falshed
G.6.299KD.5.288 and as long as þou lyuvest thow yeldest noght but borowest
G.6.300KD.5.289 and yff thow wytt not neuer to which ne whom to restytuvte
G.6.301KD.5.290 beyre ytt to þe bysshope & byd hym off hys grace
G.6.302KD.5.291 bysett ytt hym-selfe as best ys for thye souvle
G.6.303KD.5.292 For he shall answere for þe att
þeiG.6.303: The form þei for "the" is recorded by LALME in Warwickshire (LALME 4, item 1), so this may simply be a spelling variant. However, it seems more likely that it is a back spelling resulting
from the frequent use in G of "the" for "they" (see note to G.6.150). heye dome
G.6.304KD.5.293 For the & for many mo þ
at man shall gy
uve a reykeny
G.6.304: Part of the <g> of reykenyng is missing because of cropping.
G.6.305KD.5.294 watt he lerned you In lent leuve þou non other
G.6.306KD.5.295 and lent you off ouvr lordes goode to lett you fro synne
G.6.306: The letter <C> has also been written in the bottom right hand corner in modern pencil.
G.6.307KD.5.296 Nowe bygynnyth gloton for to go to shryft
G.6.308KD.5.297 and kayryth hym to the kyrke-ward hys synnes to shewe
G.6.309KD.5.298 but beton the brewster bad hym good morowe
G.6.310KD.5.299 and asked off hym wydderward he wolde
G.6.311KD.5.300 to holye churche quod he for to here masse
G.6.312KD.5.301 and sythen I wylbewyl be srhryuven & synne no more
G.6.313KD.5.302 I hauve good ale gossep glottone wylt þou assey
G.6.314KD.5.303 hast þou oght In thy puvrsce anye hoote spyces
G.6.315KD.5.304 I hauve peppuvr and pyones quod he a pouvnd off garlycke
G.6.316KD.5.305 a farthyng-worthe off feynell seede for fastyng-dayes
G.6.317KD.5.306 then goyth glotone Inne & greyte othes after
G.6.318KD.5.307 Cysse þe souvrseresse sat on þe benche
G.6.319KD.5.308 watt þe werner & hys wyffe bothe
G.6.320KD.5.309 thome þe tynker & tweyne off hys prenteces
G.6.321KD.5.310 hycke þe hakneyman and huvgh the nedeler
G.6.322KD.5.311 claryce off cokeslane & þe clerek off þe chuvrche
G.6.323KD.5.313 daw þe dyker & a dozynne other
G.6.324KD.5.312 syr pyers off pryde and puvelle off flanders
G.6.325KD.5.314 a rybybouvr a ratoner a raker off þe cheype
G.6.326KD.5.315 a roper a redyngkyng & rose þe dysshers
G.6.327KD.5.316 godfrey off garlykhethe / & gryffen þe welche
G.6.328KD.5.317 and vpholdres a heype / yerly by þe morowe
G.6.329KD.5.318 gyuven gloton wyth glad chere good ale to hansell
G.6.330KD.5.319 clement þe cobler cast off hys cloke
G.6.331KD.5.320 & att þe newfayrenew fayre he neuenvedneue[n]ed ytt to sell
G.6.332KD.5.321 hycke þe hackneyman cast hys hood after
G.6.333KD.5.322 & bad bett þe bocher bene on hys syde
G.6.334KD.5.323 þer were chapmen chose þis chaffre to pryce
G.6.335KD.5.324 wo-so hauveth þe hoode shall hauve a-mendes off þe cloke
G.6.336KD.5.325 too rysen vp In þis rape & romed to-gedders
G.6.337KD.5.326 and preysed þes penyworthes a-parte by theym-selffe
G.6.338KD.5.328 þei co
G.6.338: The <l> of "could" is blotted. not by þer co
nscyence acorden In trewthe
G.6.339KD.5.329 tyll robyn þe roper aroose by the souvthe
G.6.340KD.5.330 and nyuenvednyue[n]ed hym for an nouvmpere þat no debate were
G.6.341KD.5.331 hycke þe hosteler had þe cloke
G.6.342KD.5.332 In co
G.6.342: An otiose superscript <a> has been added above the second <n> of "covenant" in brown ink. For treatment and use of superscript
<a> in G, see Introduction IV.1.1. þ
at clement
shall þe co
G.6.342: The colour of the ink suggests that this particular correction of coope to covpe has been made by hand1 as part of his original transcription. fyll
G.6.343KD.5.333 & hauve hyckes h..oode hosteler & holden hym seruved
G.6.344KD.5.334 & wo repented rathest shuvld aryse after
G.6.345KD.5.335 and grett s
yr ..G.6.345: As far as the deletion after syr is concerned, it seems possible that the scribe began to write <pyers> as at G.6.324. gloton wyth a galon
off ale
G.6.346KD.5.336 there was laghyng & lowryng & lett go þe cuppe
G.6.347KD.5.338 &
sytten G.6.347:The G Cr R form sytten has been recorded as a variant reading (most B manuscripts read seten) because it may be in the present tense. However, preterites with medial i/y are possible. See MED sitten (v.). Though Cr23 share the G R spelling, their reading differs in other ways (they read so sytten they, cf. C Y so setyn þey). See also G.6.538. so tyll e
uvensong & songen
G.6.348KD.5.339 tyll gloton had I-globbed a galon & a gyll
G.6.349KD.5.340 hys guvttes began to gowle as toogredyetoo gredye sowes
G.6.350KD.5.341 he pyssed a potell In a pater noster whyle
G.6.351KD.5.342 & blew hys rownd rowett att þe ryggbones end
G.6.352KD.5.343 that all þ
at herd þ
at horne held theyre
nosesG.6.352:In the case of M, the -es inflexion on "noses" (which brings M's reading into line with that of G W Hm Cot) has been written over an erasure. Remaining
B manuscripts read nose. after
G.6.353KD.5.344 and wysshend had ytt had be wexed wyth a wysspe off frysesf[yr]ses
G.6.354KD.5.345 he myght nether steppe ne stand
tyllG.6.354: The shared G Bm reading tyll is by correction in Bm. Remaining manuscripts read er. he
yhys staffe had
G.6.355KD.5.346 then gan he to go lyke
.G.6.355: As far as the deletion after lyke is concerned, Kane and Donaldson read this as <a> without deletion, but the original letter appears to have had a long tail. glewman
es byche
G.6.356KD.5.347 and sometyme a-syde & some-tyme arere
G.6.357KD.5.348 as wo-so leyethe lynes for to kacche fowles
G.6.358KD.5.349 & when he drew to þe dore þen dymneddym[m]ed hys eyne
G.6.359KD.5.350 he stomeled on þe thressfold & threwe to þe yerthe
G.6.360KD.5.351 clement þe cobler kaght hym by þe mydle
G.6.361KD.5.352 for to lyft hym a-loft & leyde hym-selfe on hys knees
G.6.362KD.5.353 but gloton was a greyte
karleG.6.362:Since "karl" is of Scandinavian origin, its use may well be linked to the fact that one of G's ancestors clearly had Northern
connections. See Introduction III.4.1. & grym In þe lyfftyng
G.6.363KD.5.354 & coghed vp a kaudell In clementes lappe
G.6.364KD.5.355 ys non so hongrye houvnde In herdfordshyre
G.6.365KD.5.356 dorste lape off
þe ley
es so vnlo
uvely they
wereG.6.365: The past tense of "smatch" (see most manuscripts smauȝte for G were) is not recorded by the OED after the fifteenth century, although the present tense continues in use for some time.
G.6.366KD.5.357 wyth all þe wo off thys worlde hys wyffe & hys wence
G.6.367KD.5.358 bare hym hoome to hys bed & broght hym therynne
G.6.368KD.5.359 and after all þis exses he had a acxces
G.6.369KD.5.360 that he slepte
G.6.369: The majority of B manuscripts have the strong form of the preterite, i.e. slepe. The weak form (as G slepte) is, however, found in a high proportion of A manuscripts and note also Bm shleppet. sat
erday & sonday tyll so
went to rest
G.6.370KD.5.361 then waked he off hys wynkyng & wyped hys eyne
G.6.371KD.5.362 þe fuvrst worde þat he warped / was where ys þe bolle
G.6.372KD.5.363 hys wytt gan edwyte hym tho how wyckedlyche
G.6.372: The middle of wyckedlyche is difficult to read and there may have been some alteration, probably by the original scribe. he ly
G.6.373KD.5.364 & repentance ryght tho rebuvked hym þat tyme
G.6.374KD.5.365 as þou In wordes & werkes hast wroght euvell In þi lyffe
G.6.375KD.5.366 shryuve þe & be shamed & shew ytt wyth þi mouvthe
G.6.376KD.5.367 I glotone quod he grome gyltye me yelde
G.6.377KD.5.368 that I hauve tresspassed wyth my tong I can not tel how offt
G.6.378KD.5.369 swareG.6.378: The use of medial <a> in G sware probably reflects the influence of bare, the preterite of bear. See OED swear v. godes so
uvle & so god me helpe & halydome
G.6.379KD.5.370 there no nede was neyne huvndrethe tymes
G.6.380KD.5.371 & o
uversaye me at my soper & some
-tyme att
onesG.6.380: There is a brown smudge over G ones and it may have been altered to once as part of the scribe's later programme of spelling corrections. The ascender of the original sigma <s> is not very clear
and may have been partially erased.
G.6.381KD.5.372 that I gloton gyrte ytt vp er I had gone a myle
G.6.382KD.5.373 and I-spylt þat myght besparedbe spared & spendyd on þe hongrye
G.6.383KD.5.374 ouer-dylycately on fastyng-dayes dronken & eyten bothe
G.6.384KD.5.375 & satte some-tyme so long there þat I slept & ete att onesce
G.6.385KD.5.376 For louve off tales In tauerens to drynke þe more I dyned
G.6.386KD.5.377 and hyed to þe meyte or none when fastyng-days were
G.6.387KD.5.378 thys shewyng fuvrst quod repentance shalbe shal be merytt to þe
G.6.388KD.5.379 and gan glotone grete & greyte dole maked
G.6.389KD.5.380 For hys lyther lyuve þat he lyuved had
G.6.390KD.5.381 and awowed
fastG.6.390: Manuscript M originally shared the G L R reading fast, but to has been added above the line, bringing M's reading into agreement with that of the remaining B manuscripts (i.e. "to fast"). for hongre or for thr
G.6.391KD.5.382 Shall neuer Fyche on frydayes dyfyne In my wombe
G.6.392KD.5.383 tyll abstynence myne a
G.6.392: Examination of the minims suggests that the original (altered by hand1.1. to the correct reading avnte) may well have been amyte, i.e. the original scribe misread the four minims of his exemplar as an <m> and an <i>. ha
uve gy
uven me ley
G.6.393KD.5.384 and yet hauve I hyr hated all my lyuve tyme
G.6.394KD.5.385 Than came slewthe
albeal be-slauered wyth two slymye eyne
G.6.395KD.5.386 I muvst sytt sayd þat segge or elles muvst I nappe
G.6.396KD.5.387 I mey not stond ne stowpe ne w
stooleG.6.396: Most C manuscripts share the G Hm R F reading stoole, which is adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Most B manuscripts read a stole. knele
G.6.397KD.5.388 were I broghte a-bedde buvt yff my talent made ytt
G.6.398KD.5.389 shuold no ryngyng do me ryse er I were rype to dyne
G.6.399KD.5.390 he began benedicite wyth a bolke & hys brest knocked
G.6.400KD.5.391 and roxed & rored & ruvtted at the last
G.6.401KD.5.392 awake renvkere[n]ke quod repentance & rape þe to shryfte
G.6.402KD.5.393 yff I shuold dye by þis day me lyst not to loke
G.6.403KD.5.394 I can not perfytlye my pater noster as þe prest yt syngethe
G.6.404KD.5.395 but I can rymes off robyn hood & randolfe erle of chester
G.6.405KD.5.396 but neþer off our lorde ne our ladye þing þat euer was made
G.6.406KD.5.397 I hauve made wowes fouvrtye & forgett þem on þe morowe
G.6.407KD.5.398 I performed neuer pennance þat þe preste me hyghte
G.6.408KD.5.399 ne ryght sorye for my synnes yet was I neuver
G.6.409KD.5.400 and yff I byd my beydes but yff ytt be In wrathe
G.6.410KD.5.401 þat I tell wyth my tonge ys two myle from my herte
G.6.411KD.5.402 I am ocuvpyed eche day halyday & other
G.6.412KD.5.403 wyth ydle tales att þe ale & other-whyle yn chuvrche
G.6.413KD.5.404 godes peyne & hys passyon selde thynke I þeronne
G.6.414KD.5.405 I wysyted neu
er feble men ne fettered
menG.6.414: The majority of C manuscripts read man for G M Hm men; remaining B manuscripts read folke. Kane and Donaldson adopt the G M Hm reading. In pytt
G.6.415KD.5.406 I hauve lyuver here harlotrye or a somer game off sowters
G.6.416KD.5.407 or leysynges to laghe att or belye my neghbouvrs
G.6.417KD.5.408 then all þat euer marye made mathew luvke or Iohn
G.6.418KD.5.409 and vygylles & fastyngdayes all thes lett I passe
G.6.419KD.5.410 and lygge yn bedde In lentuon my lemman In my armes
G.6.420KD.5.411 tyll matyns & masse be done & then go to þe freres
G.6.421KD.5.412 come I to Ite missa est I am well I-seruved
G.6.422KD.5.413 I am not shryuven some-tyme but syknes ytt make
G.6.423KD.5.414 noght twyes In too yeres & then vpon gesse I sryu shryuve me
G.6.424KD.5.415 I hauve bene preste & person xxxtithritti wynters passyng
G.6.425KD.5.416 yet can I nother solfe ne syng ne seyntes lyuve l reede
G.6.426KD.5.417 yet kan I fynd In a felde or a forlong a hare
G.6.427KD.5.418 better then yn beatus vir or yn beati omnes
G.6.428KD.5.419 constrew on clauvse well & kenne ytt to my perochenys
G.6.429KD.5.420 I kan hold lo
uvedayes & here a
rewyuevsrewy[ve]sG.6.429: Presumably the aim was to alter the <u> of original reyues to <v> but the scribe has misplaced his correction.G.6.429: According to the OED, the form reyue (i.e. G's original form) is Southwest Midlands. rekenyng
G.6.430KD.5.421 but In canon ne yn þe decretalles I can not rede a lyne
G.6.431KD.5.422 yff I
beggeG.6.431: G Cr1 R begge could be a variant spelling of "buy" (most manuscripts read bigge), but it may have been intended as "beg." See also G.4.82. or borow owght but yff yt be tayled
G.6.432KD.5.423 I forgett ytt as euvene yff men me ytt aske
G.6.433KD.5.424 syxe sythes or seyuven I forsake ytt wyth othes
G.6.434KD.5.425 and thuvs tene I trew men ten huvndreth tymes
G.6.435KD.5.426 and my seruantys some-tyme þer salarye ys beynde
G.6.436KD.5.427 reuvthe ys to here the rekenyng when we rede accomptes
G.6.437KD.5.428 so wyth wycked wyll & wrathe my workemen I pay
G.6.438KD.5.429 yff any man do me byenfayte & helpe me at my nede
G.6.439KD.5.430 I am vnkynd ageynst hys couvrtysye & can not vndrestand yt
G.6.440KD.5.431 for I hauve & hauve had somedeale hauvkes maners
G.6.441KD.5.432 I am noght leyred wyth louve but oght lygge vndre þe thombe
G.6.442KD.5.433 þe kyndnes that myne euven-crystyen kydde me fernȝere
G.6.443KD.5.434 syxtye sythes I slothe haue forgett ytt sythen
G.6.444KD.5.435 In speche & sparyng off speche I-spylte many a tyme
G.6.445KD.5.436 both flesshe & fysshe & many other wytayles
G.6.446KD.5.437 both bred & ale buvtter mylke & chesse
G.6.447KD.5.438 Forslouvthed In my seruvyce tyll ytt wold seruve no man
G.6.448KD.5.439 I ran a-bouvte In youvgh & gauve me noght to lerne
G.6.449KD.5.440 and euer syth I hauve be begger for my fowle slouvghe
G.6.450KD.5.440α heu mihi quia sterilem duxi vitam Iuuenilem //
G.6.451KD.5.441 repentest þou not quod .......repentance & wyth þat he sowned
G.6.452KD.5.442 tyll
G.6.452: There may have been an erasure here; there is a long gap and a smudge between tyll and vigillate. Possibly the scribe originally failed to change the colour of his ink.vigillate þe weyle fette water at hys eyne
G.6.453KD.5.443 and
fell flattG.6.453: According to the OED, the use of the word "flat" (from OF flatir/flater) to mean "to cast suddenly" or "to dash" had died out by the end of the fourteenth century (see OED flat, v.1), hence G fell flatt for most manuscripts flatte it. on hys face & fast on hym cryed
G.6.454KD.5.444 & sayd war the fro wanhope wold the betrey
G.6.455KD.5.445 I am sory for my synnes say to thy-selfe
G.6.456KD.5.446 & beyte þi-selfe on þe brest & byd hym off grace
G.6.457KD.5.447 for ys no gylt here so greyte but hys goodnes ys more
G.6.458KD.5.448 then satt slouvthe vp & seyned hym swythe
G.6.459KD.5.449 and made a wowe before god for all hys fouvle slouvthe
G.6.460KD.5.450 shall no sonday be þis seyuven yere but syknes ytt lett
G.6.461KD.5.451 that I ne shall do me ar day to þe dere ch
G.6.461: The second half of "church" has been written over a smudge and possibly over an erasure. However, it is difficult to see
what the original could have been.
G.6.462KD.5.452 and here
masse & mattynsceG.6.462: The additional <t> in "matins" is added by placing a downstroke over the line joining the original <t> and the <y>. as I a monke were
G.6.463KD.5.453 shall non ale after meyte holde me thence
G.6.464KD.5.454 tyll I hauve euvensong herd I hoote to þe rode
G.6.465KD.5.455 and yet wyll I yelde a-geyne yff I so moche hauve
G.6.466KD.5.456 all that I wykkedly wanne sythen I wytt had
G.6.467KD.5.457 and tho
uvgh m
iny ly
G.6.467: The ink here is very faint and part of the <d> and the whole of the <e> of -lode have been re-outlined, probably by the original scribe. lakken leten I nyll
G.6.468KD.5.458 that eche man shall hauve hys ar I heythen wende
G.6.469KD.5.459 and wyth the remnaunt by þe rode off chester
G.6.470KD.5.460 I shall seke trewthe erst ar I see rome
G.6.471KD.5.461 robert þe robber on reddite loked
G.6.472KD.5.462 For ther was noght wheroff he wept swythe sore
G.6.473KD.5.463 but yet þe synfull shrew seyde to hym-seluve
G.6.474KD.5.464 cryst þat on caluverye vp-on þe cros dyed
G.6.475KD.5.465 tho dismas my brother by-soght you off grace
G.6.476KD.5.466 and haddest mercy on þat man for memento sake
G.6.477KD.5.467 so rewe on þis robber
eG.6.477: The final <e> of robbere has been written over the ascender of the long <r>. G.6.477:As far as the addition of final <e> to "robber" is concerned, it seems possible that the scribe may have been influenced by
the original omission and later addition of the <e> on reddere later in the line, i.e. the scribe appears to have treated the word "robber" as if it too were a Latin infinitive. that
reddereG.6.477: The final <e> of reddere has been added over the ascender of the long <r>. See previous notes. ne ha
G.6.478KD.5.468 ne neuer wene for to wynne wythe crafte þat I sheewe
G.6.479KD.5.469 but for þi moche mercy mytygatyon I beseche
G.6.480KD.5.470 ne damme me not on domesday for my dedes ylle
G.6.481KD.5.471 what befell on þis fellone I can not fayre shewe
G.6.482KD.5.472 well I wotte he wept fast water wythe hys eyne
G.6.483KD.5.473 and knolegyd hys gylt to cryste eft-sones
G.6.484KD.5.474 that penetencia hys pyke he sholde pullysshe newe
G.6.485KD.5.475 and leype wyth hym ouvere land all hys lyuve tyme
G.6.486KD.5.476 for he had leynve by latro luvcyferes auvnte
G.6.487KD.5.477 then had repentance reuvthe & redde þem all knele
G.6.488KD.5.478 For I shall beseche all for all synfull our sauvyouvre off grace
G.6.489KD.5.479 to amend vs off ouvr myssdedes & .do mercy to vs all
G.6.490KD.5.480 now god þat off þi goodnes gan all the worlde make
G.6.491KD.5.481 and off noght madest oght & man most lyke thy-seluve
G.6.492KD.5.482 and sythen soferdest to synne a syknes to vs all
G.6.493KD.5.483 all for þe best
þe boke as I bele
wattG.6.492:Added watt is in paler ink than the words immediately adjoining it, but seems to be in the script of the original scribe. so the boke tellethe
G.6.494KD.5.483α O felexfel[i]x culpa o nescessarium ade peccatum //G.6.494: All B manuscripts apart from G Cr23 R and F end this line with & cetera.
G.6.495KD.5.484 for thr
uvgh that synne þi sonne
seyntG.6.495: Probably G seynt is just a spelling variant for remaining manuscripts sent (see Introduction III.2). was to
þe yerthe
G.6.496KD.5.485 and became man off a meyde mankynde to sauve
G.6.497KD.5.486 and madest þi-selfe wyth þi sonne & vs synffull I-lyche
G.6.498KD.5.486α faciamus hominem ad Imaginem et similitudinem nostramG.6.498: There is an otiose minim at the end of the word nostram. :
G.6.499KD.5.486β et alibi . qui manet In charitate In deo manet & deus In eo:
G.6.500KD.5.487 and sythen wyth thye seluve sone In ouvr suvyte dyedest
G.6.501KD.5.488 On goodfrydaygood fryday for mannes sake at full tyme off þe day
G.6.502KD.5.489 there thyselfe & thy sone no sorowe In dethe feldest
G.6.503KD.5.490 but In our secte was þe sorowe & þi sone ytt ladde
G.6.504KD.5.490α captiuam duxit captiuitatem //
G.6.505KD.5.491 the sonne for for sorowe þeroff lost syght att þat tyme
G.6.506KD.5.492 att mydday when most lyght ys & meyle tyme off seyntes
G.6.507KD.5.493 Feddest wyth thye flesshe & blouvde our forfaders In derknes
G.6.508KD.5.493α populus qui ambulabat In tenebris vidit Lucem magnam //
G.6.509KD.5.494 & thruvgh þe lyght that cam off the luvcyfer was blente
G.6.510KD.5.495 & Blew all thy blyssed In-to þe blysse off paradyse
G.6.511KD.5.496 the thyrd day after þou wendest In ouvr suvyte
G.6.512KD.5.497 a synnfull mary
eG.6.512: The deletion of final <e> oon marye, both here and later in the line, is in black ink. Compare uncorrected <marye> at G.6.515. þe seghe or seynte mary
e þi
G.6.513KD.5.498 & all to solas synfull þou sufferedest ytt so wele
G.6.514KD.5.498α non veni vocare Iustos sed peccatores ad penetentiam .
G.6.515KD.5.499 & all þ
marye hathe
made mathewe
luvke &
IohanG.6.515: The <a> in G Iohan is superscript and has been treated as an abbreviation mark. For use and treatment of superscript <a> in G, see Introduction
G.6.516KD.5.500 off þi doghtye dedes were done In ouvr armes
G.6.517KD.5.500α verbum caro factum est et habitauit In nobis
G.6.518KD.5.501 &
by moche me semethe þe
sykererwesykerer weG.6.518: The addition of the second <er> of sykerer has left no space between words.G.6.518: Cr1 Y F share G's original reading syker. Most B manuscripts share the corrected reading sykerer. mowe
G.6.519KD.5.502 byd & byseche yff ytt be thy wyll
G.6.520KD.5.503 þat arte our father & our brother be mersyfull to vs
G.6.521KD.5.504 and ha
uve rewthe
off þes ryba
uvdes þ
repent soreG.6.521: Kane and Donaldson adopt the G Cot R F reading sore, which is also the reading of almost all C manuscripts (CQ reads soree). Most B manuscripts read here sore.
G.6.522KD.5.505 þat euer they wrathed the In word thoght or dede
G.6.523KD.5.506 þen hente hope a horne
G.6.523: The heads of the <h>s of hente, hope and horne are similar to those of rubricated letters in this manuscript (see Introduction I.7). off
deus tu conuersus vivificabis nos
G.6.524KD.5.507 and blew ytt wyth beati quorum remisse sunt Iniquitates
G.6.525KD.5.508 then all þe seyntes In heyuven songen att onesce
G.6.526KD.5.509 homines et Iumenta saluabis quemadmodumG.6.526 The scribe has added an supralinear minim in ordinary grey ink to correct original quenadmodum to quemadmodum. //
G.6.527KD.5.509 multiplicasti miserecordiam tuam deus et cetera
G.6.528KD.5.510 a thowsand off men tho thruvnged to-gedders
G.6.529KD.5.511 cryed vpward to cryst to hys cleyne mother
G.6.530KD.5.512 to ha
grace to go w
h theym
thG.6.530: An attempt appears to have been made to alter the <h> of original <th> to a long <r> but this has been abandoned and the
letters have been crossed out. trewthe to seke
G.6.531KD.5.513 and þer was wyght non so wyse þe way thydder co
G.6.531:The added <v> of covlde has faded.
G.6.532KD.5.514 but bluvsteren forthe as bestes ouere bankes & hyllys
G.6.533KD.5.515 tyll late was & long þat they a lede mett
G.6.534KD.5.516 appareled as a peynym In pylgrymes wyse
G.6.535KD.5.517 he bare a bouvrden I-bouvnde wyth a brode lyst
G.6.536KD.5.518 In a wythywyndes wyse I-wyonvnden a-bowte
G.6.537KD.5.519 a bolle & a bagge he bare by hys sydes
G.6.538KD.5.520 an h
uvndrethe off
appuvllesG.6.538: Kane and Donaldson record G's reading here as arpulles, but compare the same word in G.6.623. on hys hatt
sytenG.6.358: The G form syten has been recorded as a variant reading of remaining B manuscripts seten because it could be a present tense form. It may, however, be a variant spelling of the preterite. See note to G.6.347.
G.6.539KD.5.521 sygnes off syney / and shelles of galyce
G.6.540KD.5.522 and many a crouvche on hys cloke & keyes off rome
G.6.541KD.5.523 &G.6.541: Benson and Blanchfield (p.132) see the ampersand here as a "reader's mark; possibly 'nota,'" but comparison with the scribe's usual form of the ampersand and with the reading of other B manuscripts makes it clear that the letter is <&>. The G scribe makes other, similar additions at, e.g., G.4.115, G.6.5. the wernakell before for men shold knowe
G.6.542KD.5.524 and se by hys sygnes whome he soght had
G.6.543KD.5.525 thys folke freynyd hym fuvrst from whence he cam
G.6.544KD.5.526 fro syney he sayde & from our lordes sepuvlker
G.6.545KD.5.527 In bethelem and In babyloyne I hauve bene In bothe
G.6.546KD.5.528 In Iermonye yn alysandre In many other places
G.6.547KD.5.529 ye mey se by my sygnes that sytten on my hatt
G.6.548KD.5.530 that I hauve walked wyde In wete & In drye
G.6.549KD.5.531 & souvght good seyntes for my souvle helthe
G.6.550KD.5.532 knowesthowe oght a corseynt þat men call trewthe
G.6.551KD.5.533 co
wysshenG.6.551: In the case of G at least, the shared G Cr F reading wysshen (for remaining manuscripts wissen) need not necessarily be considered to be a substantive variant. For the use of <sh> for <s> in G, see Introduction III.4.1. vs the wey
G.6.551: For the deletion of <b> and its replacement with <w> in where, compare the confusion over <bb> in lybben at G.6.151. þ
at he dwellythe
G.6.552KD.5.534 nay so me god helpe seyde þe gome then
G.6.553KD.5.535 I seghe neuer palmere wyth pyke n ne wyth skryppe
G.6.554KD.5.536 axen after hym er tyll now In þis place
G.6.555KD.5.537 petre quod plouman & puvtt forthe hys heyd
G.6.556KD.5.538 I know hym as kyndly as clerecler[k]e dothe hys bokes
G.6.557KD.5.539 conscyence and kyndwyttkynd wytt kennede me to hys place
G.6.558KD.5.540 and dyd me suvren hym sykerly to seruven hym for euer
G.6.559KD.5.541 bothe to sowe & to sett
whyleG.6.559: All C manuscripts except P2 share the majority B reading þe while but Ax agrees with G M F whyle and this is the reading adopted by Kane and Donaldson. I swynke myght
G.6.560KD.5.542 I ha
uve bene hys folower all thys fyftye
wyntersG.6.560: The G scribe replaces remainng manuscripts wyntre with an inflected plural. See note to G.2.100.
G.6.561KD.5.543 bothe sowen hys seede & suven hys bestes
G.6.562KD.5.544 wyth-ynne & wyth-ouvte weytyd hys profytt
G.6.563KD.5.545 I dyke & deluve & do þat trewthe hotethe
G.6.564KD.5.546 some-tyme I sowe & some-tyme I thresshe
G.6.565KD.5.547 In teylyers crafte & tynkers what trewthe can deuvyse
G.6.566KD.5.548 I weue & I wynde & do watt trewth hootethe
G.6.567KD.5.549 For thogh I sey ytt my-selfe I seruve hym to pay
G.6.568KD.5.550 I hauve myne hyre well and other-whyles more
G.6.569KD.5.551 he ys þe preystest payer þat poere men fynden
G.6.570KD.5.552 he w
G.6.570: The M corrector alters to the form of the present tense used by G (i.e. M's corrected reading is withholdeþ). Remaining manuscripts have with-halt. non
hyneG.6.570: The Hm reading hyne (shared with G Bo Cot) is a correction over an erasure. The majority manuscript reading is hewe. hys hyre
but he hath yt at e
n G.6.570: The scribe originally wrote euen but, because of the pricking in the manuscript at the corner of the writing space, it was not easy to write legibly and therefore
a bar has been used in addition to make it clear that final <n> is intended.
G.6.571KD.5.553 he ys as lowe as a lambe & louvelyche off speche
G.6.572KD.5.554 and yff ye wylnen to wytt where that he dwellythe
G.6.573KD.5.555 I shall wysshe you wytterly þe wey to hys place
G.6.574KD.5.556 Leuve pyers quod thes pylgrymes & profered hym hyre
G.6.575KD.5.556.1 For to wend wyth theym to trewthes dwellyng place
G.6.576KD.5.557 nay by my sowles helthe quod pyers & gan for to swere
G.6.577KD.5.558 I nold fang a farthyng for seynte thomas shryne
G.6.578KD.5.559 trewthe wold louve me lasse a long wyle after
G.6.579KD.5.560 but yff ye wylneth to wende well / þis ys þe way thydder
G.6.580KD.5.561 youG.6.580: For the G scribe's use of you instead of Ȝe for the nominative form of the pronoun, see note to G.2.180. mote go thr
uvgh mekenes both men & wyues
G.6.581KD.5.562 tyll ye co
G.6.581: Forms of "come" with medial <oe> occur twice in the early part of the G text, at G.3.234 (welcoem) and at G.4.56 (coemmen). Such forms were clearly not the preferred form of the original scribe, who presumably found the <ov> spelling useful for
correction, although his usual form is com-. to co
nscyence þ
at cryst wytt þe sothe
G.6.582KD.5.563 that ye louven our lord god leuvest off all thynges
G.6.583KD.5.564 and þen youvr neghbouvrs next In non wysse apeyre
G.6.584KD.5.565 other-wyse then þou woldest be wroght to thy-seluve
G.6.585KD.5.566 and bowethe forthe by a broke / be boxome off speche
G.6.586KD.5.567 tyll ye fynden a
fortheG.6.586: Spellings of "ford" with <th> rather than <d> are found in L O R F and originally in M where the corrector alters to <d>.
As far as the G scribe was concerned, the <the> spellings were probably outdated (they are not recorded by the OED after the fifteenth century). forde your fadres honerythe
G.6.587KD.5.567α honora patrem et matremG.6.587: A virgule has been added at this point to separate matrem and et. It does not appear to have been intended as a punctuation or metrical mark. et cetera //
G.6.588KD.5.568 wadeth In that water & wasshe
yeG.6.588: G's use of ye here may simply be an example of the extension of "ye" from the nominative to the objective (the opposite of what happens
with "you" at, for example, G.6.580). Remaining manuscripts read ȝow. However, a nominative would be possible in this construction, as at G.6.592 (where the majority of manuscripts read come þow for β4 come). The meaning of the b-verse would then be "and wash well there" rather than "and wash yourselves well there." well there
G.6.589KD.5.569 and ye shall leype the lyghtlyer all your lyuve tyme
G.6.590KD.5.570 so shall thowe se sweyre noght
butG.6.590: The majority of A and C manuscripts share the G B F reading but (for remaining B manuscripts but if), and this is the reading adopted by Kane and Donaldson. ytt be for nede
G.6.591KD.5.571 and namelyche In Idle þe name off god almyghtye
G.6.592KD.5.572 then shalthowe come by a crofte but come not therynne
G.6.593KD.5.573 þeG.6.593: The majority of A and C manuscripts share the G R F reading þe, which is adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Remaining B manuscripts read That. crofte hett co
uvett noght menn
es catell ne theyr wy
G.6.594KD.5.574 ne non off theyr seruvantes þat noyen theym myght
G.6.595KD.5.575 loke ye breke no bowys there but yff þei be your owen
G.6.596KD.5.576 two stockes there stonden but stynt ye not there
G.6.597KD.5.577 they hett / steyle not /
& sley not /
G.6.597: The G scribe often appears to use brackets or virgules as highlighting marks. This is especially the case with names (as
here: / steyle not / etc). See also the similar highlighting of thought in the Table of Contents (at the top of f.102v). stryke forthe by bothe
G.6.598KD.5.578 and leyuve theym on þe left haluve & loke not therafter
G.6.599KD.5.579 and hold well thyne halyday hyghe tyll euvene
G.6.600KD.5.580 then shalthowe blenche att a
brygge / beyre no fals wyttnes /
G.6.600: For the use of virgules and brackets for highlighting, see note to G.6.597.
G.6.601KD.5.581 he hys frytthed In wyth floreyns & other fees manye
G.6.602KD.5.582 loke þou pluvcke no plant þer for perell off þi souvle
G.6.603KD.5.583 then shall
þou se / say sothe /
G.6.603: For the use of use of virgules or brackets for highlighting, see note to G.6.597. so ytt be to done done
G.6.604KD.5.584 In no maner elles noght for no mannes byddyng
G.6.605KD.5.585 then shalthowe come to a couvrte as clere as þe sonne
G.6.606KD.5.586 the mootte ys off mercy the maner all a-bowte
G.6.607KD.5.587 and all þe walles byn off wytt / to holden wyll owte
G.6.608KD.5.588 and kyrnelled wyth crystendome mankynd to sauve
G.6.609.m.1:There seems to be no codicological reason for added <e> here.
G.6.609KD.5.589 botrased wyth byleuve / so or þou best not sauved
G.6.610KD.5.590 and all þe houvses byn hylled halles & chambres
G.6.611KD.5.591 wyth no leyde but / w
h lo
uve /
G.6.611: Once again, the virgules here are probably being used as a means of highlighting rather than punctuation. See note to G.6.597.& low speche as brethrene
G.6.612KD.5.592 the brygge
was off / byd well /
G.6.612: For the G scribe's use of virgules for highlighting, see note to G.6.597. þe better mey þ
ou spede
G.6.613KD.5.593 eche a pyllore
ys off /
pennnvancepen[n]ance /
G.6.613: For the G scribe's use of virgules for highlighting, see note to G.6.597. off preyers
off seyntes
G.6.614KD.5.594 off / almes dedes /
G.6.614: For the G scribe's use of virgules for highlighting, see note to G.6.597. are þe hookes þ
at þe
gate hangyth on
G.6.615KD.5.595 grace hett þe gateward / a good man for sothe
G.6.616KD.5.596 hys man hett / a
-mend you /
G.6.616: For the G scribe's use of virgules for highlighting, see note to G.6.597. for many men
þem knowen
G.6.617KD.5.597 tellyth hym þis tokn
G.6.617: Possibly the corrector reads original tokne as tokue and emends to tokune. þ
at trewthe wyte þe sothe
G.6.618KD.5.598 I perfouvrmed þe pennnvancepen[n]ance þe preste me InIoyned
G.6.619KD.5.599 I am full sorye for my synnes & so shall euver
G.6.620KD.5.600 when I thynke þeron thogh I were a pope
G.6.621KD.5.601 byddyth amend you meke hym to hys master onesce
G.6.622KD.5.602 to weyue vp þe wykett that þe woman shuvtte
G.6.623KD.5.603 tho adam & euve eyten appuvlles vnrosted
G.6.624KD.5.603α per euam cuntiscun[c]tisG.6.624:Forms of cunctis without medial -c- also occur in L W O C2 and F. clausa est: et per mariam virginem patefacta est.
G.6.625KD.5.604 for he hath þe kay off the clykett thogh þe kyng slepe
G.6.626KD.5.605 & yff grace gra
uvnt þe to go
In after G.6.626:Added after does not appear to be in the hand of the original scribe. Note the double-sectioned <a>, and compare the note on f.106v and the marginalia on ff.69v, 70, 71, 72v and 103. thys wyse
G.6.627KD.5.606 thow shalt se In þi-selfe / trewtht In thy hert
G.6.628KD.5.607 In a cheyne off charyte as þou a chyld were
G.6.629KD.5.608 to suvffer hym & to sey noght ageyn þi syres wyll
G.6.630KD.5.609 be ware þen off wrath þe that ys a wycked shrewe
G.6.631KD.5.610 he hath enuvy to hym þat In thy herte syttethe
G.6.632KD.5.611 and prykketh forthe pryde to preyse thy-seluven
G.6.633KD.5.612 þe boldnes off þi byenfaytes make þe blynd then
G.6.634KD.5.613 þen beest þou dryuven out as dewe & the dore closed
G.6.635KD.5.614 keyyd & klyketed to kepe þe wyth-owten
G.6.636KD.5.615 happyly a h
wyntersG.6.636: For the G scribe's treatment of the uninflected plural wyntre (as all other manuscripts), see note to G.2.100. er þ
ou eft enter
G.6.637KD.5.616 þus myghtesthowe lesen hys louve to lete well by þi-seluve
G.6.638KD.5.617 & neuer happylyche eft entre but þou grace hauve
G.6.639KD.5.618 but þer are seyuven systrens þat seruven trewthe euver
G.6.640KD.5.619 and are porters off the posternes þat to þe place longethe
G.6.641KD.5.620 the on hett / abstynece / & h
uvmylyte /
G.6.641: For the G scribe's use of virgules for highlighting, see note to G.6.597. a
G.6.642KD.5.621 /charyte & / chastyte /
G.6.642: For the G scribe's use of virgules for highlighting, see note to G.6.597. bene hys cheffe meydens
G.6.643KD.5.622 /pacyence / & pea
sce /
G.6.643: For the G scribe's use of virgules for highlighting, see note to G.6.597. moche poeple they helpen
G.6.644KD.5.623 /largenes /
G.6.644: For the G scribe's use of virgules for highlighting, see note to G.6.597. þat ladye she lettyth In f
uvll many
eG.6.644: The added <e> on manye is forward-facing and is not the form normally used by the main scribe, even in the rubricated sections. The letter is also
in very black ink, and seems likely to have been added by the annotator responsible for the marginal comments on 42v, 44v and 72v.
G.6.645KD.5.624 she hathe holpen a thowsand out off þe deuvelles pynfold
G.6.646KD.5.625 and wo-so ys sybbe to thes seyuven so me god helpe
G.6.647KD.5.626 he ys wonderlyche welcome & fayre vnderfongen
G.6.648KD.5.627 but yff ye be sybbe to some off þes seyuven
G.6.649KD.5.628 ytt ys full hard by my heyd for any off you all
G.6.650KD.5.629 to gett Ingong att any gate ther but grace be þe more
G.6.651KD.5.630 now by cryst quod cuvttpuvrs / I haue no kynne there
G.6.652KD.5.631 nor I quod an apeward / by oght þat I knowe
G.6.653KD.5.632 wold god q
uod a
waferer wyst I
þusG.6.653: G þus for remaining manuscripts þis is probably a back spelling, cf. frequent G "this" for "thus" and see note to G.4.76. for sothe
G.6.654KD.5.633 shuvld I neuer forther a foote for no freres preychyng
G.6.655KD.5.634 yes q
uod pyers the plo
uvman &
prycked þemG.6.655: A version manuscripts read hym for B hem alle, G F þem. Kane and Donaldson adopt the A reading. to good
G.6.656KD.5.635 mercy ys a meyden there hath myght ouer all
G.6.657KD.5.636 and she ys sybbe to all synfull & hyr sonne also
G.6.658KD.5.637 & thruvgh þe helpe off theym two helpe hope non other
G.6.659KD.5.638 thow myght gett grace there so þou go betyme
G.6.660KD.5.639 by seynt powle quod a perdoner I trowe I be not knowe þer
G.6.661KD.5.640 I wyll go fecche my breyuvettes & a buvll wyth letters
G.6.662KD.5.641 by cryst quod a comen woman thy company wyll I folowe
G.6.663KD.5.642 þou mast meyst say I am þi suvster I not where they become
explicit sextus passus de visione