fol. 9v (cont.)I
PassusB 3
Now ys mede the meyde and no mo off theym all
wyth bedeles and baylyffes broght before the kyng
the kyng called a clerekeG.4.3: The use of clere for clerc is not unusual for this scribe see, e.g., G.6.556, G.8.77, G.9.20, though Kane and Donaldson consistently read clerc, with final <c>. I know not hys name
to take mede þe meyden & make hyr att easse
I shall assey hyr my-selfe & sothlyche apposen
watt man vpon mold that hyr were leuvest
and yff she worche by my wytt & my wyll folowe
I wyll forgyuve hyr thys gylt so me god helpe
couvrtyslyche the clerke then as the kyng hyght
toke mede they meydeG.4.10: Use of "they" for "the" (as in G they meyde) is recorded by LALME in Warwickshire and Wiltshire (LALME 4, item 1 and p.315), but the form here may just be a back formation influenced by the G scribe's occasional use of the for weak they; see Introduction III.1. & broght hyr In-to chambre
and there was myrth & mynsteralcye mede for to pleasse
they that wonnen att westmynster worshypen hyr all
gentyllych wyth Ioy the Iuvsteces came
busked theym to the bowre there the byrd dwellyth
to comforten hyr kyndlych by clergyes leyuve
and sayd morne noght mede ne make þou no sorowe
for we wyll wysse the kyngdlyeG.4.17: Kane and Donaldson argue that the reading here is kyng altered from kyndlye, picked up from two lines above. However, examination of the colours of the ink makes it clear that the <g> is original. Note particularly the way in which the last few letters of kyndlye have had to be squashed in. Thus it is clearly the corrector who has made the mistake here. The uncertainty, if any, concerns the intended replacement, since the <l> and the <y> occupy the same horizontal space, though one is below and one above the line. and thy way shape
to weddenG.4.18: An active rather than a passive infinitive (i.e. "wed," as G, rather than "be wedded," as remaining B manuscripts) is found in all C manuscripts (although a number have "wend" rather than "wed"). att thy wyll & were thy leuve lyketh
For all conscyence cast / or crafte as I trowe
myldlych mede then r.emercyed theym all
off theyr greyte goodnes and gaffe them echonne
couvppesG.4.22: The corrector originally changed the <u> as well as the <o> of coupes to a <v> but the resulting ascender of the second <v> has been semi-erased and a descender added to form a <p>. off cleyne gold and peces off syluver
rynges wyth ruvbyes and rychesses many
the leest man off theyr menye a moton off gold
then laght they leuve / thys lordys at mede
wyth that comen clerkes to comforten hyr the same
& bydden hyr be blyth for we be thye owen
for to worche þi wyll þe wyle we may last
hendelychG.4.29: A superscript <e> has been written above and just to the right of the <d> of hendelych in the same ink as the main body of the text (this has been transcribed as the second <e>). In addition, there appears to have been a later attempt to improve the loop of the <d> in blacker ink. she then byhyght them the same
to louven theym leally and lordes to make
and In constorye at the couvrte do call theyre names
shall no lewdnes let þe lede / that I louve
that he ne worth furst awauvnced for I am well knoen
there konnyng clerkes shall clokken byhynde
then cam there a confessor coped as a frere
to mede the meyden he mouvthed thes wordes
and sayd full softlye In shryft as ytt were
thoght lewde men & lered had lyen by the bothe
and falsnes had folowyd þe þisG.4.39: All A manuscripts share the G F reading þis (for remaining B manuscripts al þis). fyftye wynter
fol. 10rI
G.4.40: A pen change occurs here (newer and sharper). I shall assoyle the my-selffe for a seyme off weyte
and also be thy beydman & beyre well thy message
amongest knyghtes & clerkes conscyence to torne
then mede for hyr myssdedes to that man kneled
and shroove hyr off hyr sr shrodenes shameles I trowe
told hym a tale & toke hym a noble
For to bynbeG.4.46: The script of added be is more angular than that used by the original scribe and it seems probable that it the addition was made by WH (see, e.g., marginalia at ff.69v and 70r. hyr beydman & hyr bauvdG.4.46: The change from <u> to <v> resulting in bavd is in a different ink from that of similar changes and the form of the <v> is more elaborate. after
then he assoyled hyr sone & sythen he seyde
wehe / G.4.48: It is impossible to be certain whether the original here read whe or who. hauve a wyndow In glasyng wolle sytten vs heyein hie costG.4.48: The script used for added in hie cost is more angular than that normally used by the original scribe, and seems to be closest to that of WH. See Introduction I.10 and I.12.
woldest þou glasse that gable & grauve therynne thy name
syker shuvld þi souvle be heyuven to hauve
wyst I that quod that wommanG.4.51: The final stroke on the <n> of womman appears to be a flourish rather than a final -<e>. I wold not spare
For to be your frend frere & Fayle you neuer
wyle ye louve lordes that leychery havnten
and lacke no ladyes that louve well the same
It ys a freylte off flesshe ye Fynd ytt yn bokys
and a couvrs off kynd wheroff we coemmen all
wo may skape the sklandre G.4.57:The scribe originally omitted the <l> of sklandre, added it but then decided to delete and rewrite the whole word. sklandre þe schathe ys sone amendyd
ytt ys synne off the seyuven þe sonest relessed
hauve marcy quod mede off men that ytt havnten
and I shall couereG.4.60: The final <e> of couere may have been re-outlined. your kyrke your cloyster do maken
walles do wythenG.4.61: The spelling wythen may be an error (the Bx reading is "whiten"), but given the large number of possible spellings for "white" (including forms with <th> for <t>) this cannot be assumed. See OED white, a. and wyndowes glasen
do peynten & portrenG.4.62: The form portren may possibly be an error for purtraye (the majority B reading) but the existence of a past participle portred="portrayed" (see MED portred ppl.) suggests that G's may well have been a legitimate form of the infinitive. & pay for the makyng
that euery segge shall sey I am suvster off youvr houvse
but god to all gode men suyche wrytyng defendyth
to wryten In wyndowes off theyreyll dedes well dedys
for pryde ys pentyd there & pompe off the world
and cryst knoyth thy conscyence & thy kynd wyll
and thy coste & thy couvetyse & wo the catell ought
forthy I lere you lordes leuveth suoyche workes
to wryten In wyndowes off your well dedes
or to greden after godesmen when ye deyle doles
In auentuvre ye hauve youvr hyre here & youvr heyuven hals
Nesciat sinistra quid faciat dextra et cetera
let not thy left haluve late ne rathe
wytt wat ye worcheth wyth the ryght syde
For thysG.4.76: G's thys may be simply a variant spelling of "thus" (the reading of remaining B manuscripts). See LALME 4.315, and note similar spellings at G.14.435, G.16.148, G.16.302, G.19.415, G.20.156. byddyth the gospell good men done þer almes
meryres & macesG.4.77: The G form maces may result from the omission of the abbreviation for er (cf. the majority B reading maceres), but note that mace can mean "a mace-bearer," see OED macen.2 2.b., where the earliest recorded example is in 1525. that meynes be betwene
the kyng & the commuvnesG.4.78: All A manuscripts except N Ra K J have the plural "commons" (as G O C2 F). Remaining B manuscripts have the singular. to kepe the lawes
to punvnysshenpu[n]nysshen on pylloryes & pynyng stoles
fol. 10vI
brewsters & baksters bochers & kokes
for thes are men on thys mold þat most huvrte worchen
to the pore people that percellmeyle beggenG.4.82: The G Hm form beggen (for remaining manuscripts buggen) may simply be a variant spelling of "buy," but confusion with "beg" is clearly possible.
for they poysen the poeple pryuyleche & oft
they rysen thruvgh regratrye & rentes them byggen
wyth that þe poere poeple shuvld puvtt In theyre wombes
For tooke they ..notG.4.86: Kane and Donaldson read the word overwritten with not as "on" but this is not at all clear. vn-truely G.4.86: The addition of un- to original truely brings the G reading into correspondence with that of H. Remaining B manuscripts read trewly. A number of A and C manuscripts also include the word "untruly." they the tymbred not so hye
ne boght no buvrgagys by þeG.4.87: Kane and Donaldson take G's reading to be "ye" rather than þe. However, although <y> and <þ> have the same form in G, the scribe does not normally have superscript <e> where a <y> is intended. See the scribal alteration to G.4.351 and note. certeyne
but mede the meyde þe meyre hath besoght
off all suoyche sellers syluver to take
or presentes wyth-oute pence as peces off siluver
rynges or other rycheses regratyers to meynteynge
For my louve quod that ladye louve theym echonne
& suvffer theym to sell somedeale a-geynst reyson
salomon the sage a sermon he made
to amend meyrys & men þat kepe lawes
and told theym thys teeme þat I tell thynke
Ignis deuorabit tabernacula eorum qui libenter accipiunt munera
amongest thes lettered men thys laten ys to meyne
that fyre shall fall & brenne all to blo asshes
the houvses & hoomes off theym that dysyren
gyftes or yers gyftesG.4.101: Kane and Donaldson's reading of G at this point (yersgyues rather than yers gyftes) is incorrect. be cauvse off theyre offyces
The kyng from the covncell cam & called after mede
and dyd seeche hyr swythe wyth sergeantes many
that broghten hyr to bouvre wyth blysse & wyth Ioy
courtyslyche the kyng gynneth to tell then
to mede the meyde mouvthed thes wordes
vnwyttyly woman wroght hast thow oft
but wors wroghtest þou neuer then when þou fals tooke
but I forgyve þe that gylte & grauvnte the my grace
from hennesG.4.110: The script of the added from resembles that found in the note at the top of on f.106v. For other marginal additions by hand2 (i.e. "WH"), see marginalia on ff.69v, 70, 71, 72v, and 103. to thy detheday do thowG.4.110: The majority of A manuscripts share the G H reading do thow (for most manuscripts do). so no more
I hauve a knyght conscyence cam late fro byȝonde
yff he wyll the to wyffe wyll thow hym hauve
G.4.113: The word ye has been crossed out and "that" written in the margin and then partially erased. The word yea has then been inserted in the text. It seems likely that the incorrect marginal that has been written by hand2 (see material of 106v, which appears to have been written by "WH" who initials marginalia on ff.69v, 72v, and 103, and see also ff.70 and 71). yeyea lord quod þat ladye ..G.4.113: The reading in F (oure Lord) suggests that the illegible addition which follows G's ladye may perhaps be intended to represent some form of "our." lord Forbed elles
but I be hoolye att your heste then hangieG.4.114: For the main scribe's treatment of class II weak verbs, see Introduction III.4.3. The corrector has presumably consulted the scribe's exemplar. me sone
& thenG.4.115: G's original reading (without &), which is the reading adopted by Kane and Donaldson, corresponds to that of H and to the reading of all A manuscripts and all C manuscripts except Mc. Remaining B manuscripts share the corrected G reading. was conscyence called to come & appere
before þe kyng & hys covncell clerkesG.4.116: All A manuscripts except J K La share the G H reading (clerkes rather than as clerkes), and this is the reading adopted by Kane and Donaldson. & other
knelyng conscyence to the kyng he louvted
to wytt wat hys wyllG.4.118: The apparent double point (like a colon) following wyll does not appear to be intentional. were & wat he do sholde
wylthowe wedde thys woman yff I wyll assente
she ys Fayne off þi Felawshyppe for to be thy make
quod conscyence to the kyng cryst ytt me forbyd
er I wedde suoyche a wyffe / wo me betyde
fol. 11rI
for she ys Freyle off hyr Faythe fykell off hyr speche
& maketh men mysdo many scoreways tymes
In truvst off hyr treasuore betreaythe full many
wyffys & wydowes wantennes teychyth
& lerneth theym leychyrye that louven hyre gyftes
your father she Falled thruvgh fals beheyste
and hath poysoned popes and peyred holye chuvrche
Is nat a better bavde by hym that the made
betwene heyuven & hell In yerthe thogh men soght
for she ys tykell off hyr tayle talwys off hyr tonge
as comen as þeG.4.133: All A manuscripts except U (which reads a) and D J (which omit) as well as all C manuscripts except Dc share the G H reading þe, which is adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Most B manuscripts read a. carte-way to ych knave that walkethe
to monkes to mynstreles to meyselles In hegges
sysours & somnors suyche men hyr preysen
shreuves were shent yff she ne were
for she doth men lese theyr land & theyr lyuves bothe
she lettyth pas prysoners & paythe for theym offt
& gyuvyth the gaylouvrG.4.139: A number of A manuscripts, together with Cp share the G F H reading gaylour. Remaining B manuscripts have the plural. gold & grotes to-gedder
to vnfetter the fals flee where hym lykyth
& taketh the truve by the toppe & tyethe theym fast
and hangeth theym for hatred that harme dyd neuer
to be cuvrsed In constoryeG.4.134: The G B R F reading constorye is simply a spelling variant of the majority B reading consistorie. Equivalent spellings are found in all A version manuscripts and in all C manuscripts except Rc (where ci has been added in another ink). she covnteth not a beyne
for she copeth þe comyssarye & cotethe hys clerkes
she ys assoyled assone as hyr-selffe lykethe
and mey nygh as moche do In a moneth ones
as your secrete seale In syxscoresyx score days
For she ys pryuvye wyth þe pope prouvysouvrs ytt knowen
For syr symonye & hyr-selfe sellenG.4.149: Although the G scribe was clearly aware that single and double consonants could be used to indicate preceding long and short vowels, his practice in this respect was by no means consistent (see Introduction III.2), and it is therefore possible that, in G's case, the shared G H reading sellen (for most manuscripts seleth="seal") is simply a spelling variant. the buvlles
she blessyth thes bysshopps thoght þei be lewde
prouvendrethe persones & prestes meynteynnyth
to hauve lemmanes & letebyesl[o]tebyes all theyr lyuve dayes
& bryngen forth barnes ageynst forbyden lawes
there she ys wele wyth the kyng wo ys the realme
for she ys fauvorable to fals & fo.vletheG.4.155: The change to <v> which results in fovlethe is clear, but it is difficult to be certain of the original - possibly a <w>? truvethe offt
by IesuG.4.156: The G scribe often appears to use superscript <a> , as here, as a general mark of abbreviation. See Introduction IV.1.1. wyth hyr Iewelles youvr Iuvstecece she shendyth
and lyeth ageynest þe law & letteth hym the gate
þat Fayth may noght hauve hyshereG.4.158: Added here is in black ink. The spelling is not that usually employed by the G scribe for "her" (he normally has hyr), and moreover the G scribe does not normally use long <r> plus flourish to indicate -re- (the only examples are at G.3.68 and G.6.269 where the <r>s appear to be later additions; see notes to these lines). It therefore seems probable that this addition has not been made by the original scribe and the more formal and upright script resembles that of WH (i.e. hand2). See marginal notes by WH on, e.g., ff.69v and 72v. Forthe / flo.renzys go so thyke
she leydyth the lawe as hyr lyst & louvedayes maketh
& doth men lese thruvgh hyr louve that lawe myght wynne
the mase for a meyne man thogh G.4.161: The virgule present at this point is intended to separate the words thogh and he, i.e. it is not a metrical mark. he mooteG.4.161: Nearly all A and C manuscripts share the G F reading moote, which is adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Most B manuscripts read mote hir. euverG.4.161: Something very faint has been written at the bottom of the page: m or iii followed by S, h or 8.
fol. 11vI
law ys so lordlyche and lothe to maken end
wythowten presentes or pence she pleasethe well fewe
barons & bugeysysbu[r]geysysG.4.164: For G's spelling bugeysys, see also also G.16.211. she bryngyth In sorowe
and all þe commuvne In care þat couveyten to lyuve In truvght
For clergye & couvytesse she cowpleth to-gedders
thys ys þe lyfe off that ladye / now lord gyuve hyr sorowe
& all that meynten hyr men mychancemy[s]chance þem bytyde
for poere men may not pleyne þem allthogh they smerte
suoyche a master ys mede amonge men off good
then morned mede & menvedG.4.171: The G corrector regularly replaces both <u> and <n> with <v>, hence G meved, for most manuscripts mened. Cr shares the G reading, which Crowley probably drew from a G-related manuscript. See Introduction II.2.1.2. hyr to the kyng
to hauve space to speke speede yff she myght
the kyng granted hyr grace wyth a good wyll
excuvse the yff þou canst I can no more seggen
For conscyence accuvsethe þe to conguvereG.4.175: G's reading conguere was presumably intended to be a form of "conjure" or conceivably "conquer," with the <y> of remaining B manuscripts congey misread as long <r>. the for euver
nay lord quod that ladye leuveth hym þe worse
when ye wytt wytterly where the wronge lyggeth
ther þat myscheffe ys greyte mede may helpe
& þou knowest conscyence I cam not to chyde
ne deprauve thy persone wyth a prouvde herte
well þou wast warned b..G.4.181: The original here may also have been but, crossed out and rewritten because it was blotted. but yff þou wold gabbe
þou hast hangen on my haluve eleyuven tymes
and also gryped my gold &G.4.183: All A manuscripts except J La E N Ma share the G B F reading gold &, which is adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Remaining B manuscripts lack &. gyuven ytt where þe lyked
& why þou wrathest þe now wondre me thynke
yet I may as I myght menske the wyth gyftes
and meyntenge þi manhood more þen thow knoest
but þou hast famed me Fouvle before þe kyng here
for kylled I neuer no kyng ne conseled ther-after
ne dyd as þou demest I do ytt on the kyng
In normandy was he noght noyed for my sake
but þou þi-selffe sothly shamedest hym offt
crope In-to a cabyne for cold off thye neyles
wendest þou that wynter wold hauve lasted euer
& dredest to be deyde for aG.4.194: This letter (<a>) may have been rewritten because the original was blotted. a dymme clowde
and hyedest homward for honger off þi wombe
wyth-owt pyte pylouvr poere men thow robebdestG.4.197: Though the G scribe's use of double and single consonants is a somewhat unreliable guide to the length of the preceding vowel, he was clearly aware of the practice of using a double consonant to indicate a preceding short vowel (see Introduction III.2) and it seems likely that this alteration was made for this reason.
& bare theyr bras onG.4.197: All A manuscripts except La and K share the G H reading on (for remaining B manuscripts at). thy backe to caleys to sell
there I lafte wyth my lord hys lyuve for to sauve
I made hys men merye & mouvrnyng lett
fol. 12rI
I battred theym on the backe & bolded theyre hertes
and dyd theym hoppe for hoope to hauve me att wyll
had I bynne marcyall off hys men by mary off heyuven
I dorste hauve leyde my lyfe & no lesse wedde
he shuvld hauve bene lord off that land In lenght & yn breyde
& also kyng off þat kyth hys kynne for to helpe
the leest brolle off hys blouode a barouns pere
cowardlyche þou conscyence couvnceyldest hym thence
to leyuven hys lordshyp for a lytuvll syluver
that ys the rychest realme that reyne ouer-houvethe
ytt becommyth a kyng that kepeth a realme
to geuve mede to men þat mekelych hym seruven
to alyens & to all men to honore þem wyth gyftes
mede makyth hym belouved & for a man holden
emperouvrs & el erles and all maner lordes
for gyftes hauve yong men to renne & to ryde
the pope & all the plrelates presentes vndrefongen
and medethe men hym-seluvenG.4.217: The majority of A manuscripts have some form of "himself," as G Bm, and this is the reading adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Most B manuscripts have some form of hem-seluen. to meyntegne hys lawes
sergeantesG.4.128: The B manuscripts are divided between "servants" and "sergeants," as are the C manuscripts. The majority reading in A is "servants." for theyre seruvyce we see well þe sothe
take mede off theyr masters as þei mowe accorde
beggers for þer beddyngG.4.220: The G reading beddyng may just be a spelling variant of remaining manuscripts biddynge. See note to G.3.56. bydden men mede
mynstrelles for þer myrthe mede they aske
the kyng hath mede off hys men to make peas In land
men that teychen chyldre crauve off theym mede
prestes þat preychen chyldre the poeple G.4.224: Examination of ascenders and descenders and the direction of loops suggests that the scribe picked up "chyldre" from the previous line. ttoG.4.224: The corrector adds a virgule after poeple in order to separate words. It runs through the original <t> of "to" and an extra <t> has therefore been added. good asken mede
& masspence and theyre meyte att the meyle tymes
all craftyesG.4.226: Note the similar correction of craftye to craftys at G.7.70. men crauven mede for theyr prentyces
marcheantes & mede mote nede go to-gedders
no wyght as I wene wyth-ouvte mede may lyuve
quod þe kyng to conscyence by cryst as me thynketh
mede ys well worthy the mastry to hauve
nay quod conscyence G.4.231: The <c> in the middle of conscyence merges with the <s> and can only just be discerned as a separate letter. to the kyng & kneled to þe yerthe
there are too maner medes my lord wyth your leyuve
that on god g off hys grace grauvnteth In hysbr blysse
to tho that well worchen / wyle þei bene here
the profette preychyth theroff & puvtt ytt In the sawter
fol. 12vI
domine quis habitabit In tabernaculo tuo & cetera
lord wo-so dwelleth In thy blysse & wyth thyn holye seyntes
or resten In thy holye hylles thys asketh dauvid
& dauid assoyleth ytt hym-selffe as the sawter tellethe
qui Ingreditur sine macula et operatur Iusticiam
tho that entren off on colouvr & off on wyll
and hath wroght workes wyth ryght & wyth reason
and he þat vseth noght þe lyffe off vsuvrye
and enfouvrmethe poere men & pouvrsueth truvght
qui peccuvniam suam non dedit ad vsuriamvsuram/
et munera super Innocentem non accepit /
& all that helpen the Innocent & holden wyth þe ryghtfull
wyth-owte mede dothe theym goode & the truvght helpyth
suoch maner off men shall hauve þis fuvrste mede
off god att greyte nede when they gonne hence
there ys a-nother mede meysuvrles þat maystres desyren
to meyntegne myssdoers mede they take
and theroff sayth the sawter In a salmes ennde
In quorum manibus Iniquitates sunt
dextra eorum repleta est muneribus
and he þat grypyth hyr gold so me god helpe
shall abyen ytt bytterlye or the booke lyethe
prestes & persons that pleysyng desyren
that take mede & money for masses þat þei syngen
taken theyre mede here as mathew ws teychythe
amen amen dico vobisG.4.259: The G Hm reading amen amen dico vobis results from correction in Hm (the addition of dico vobis over an erasure). F H read Amen dico vobis. Remaining B manuscripts read Amen amen. recipiebant mercedem suam .
that laboren as low folke taken off theyre masters
ytt ys no maner mede butt a meysuvrable hyre
In marchandyse ys no mede I may ytt well awowe
ytt ys a permuvtacyon a peny for a-nother
but reddest þou neuer regum thow recrayed mede
sauvle Initial <s> of original saul is cropped.
why þe wenIance fell on sauvlle and hys chyldren
god sent to sauvl by samuvell the proffette
that agag &G.4.267: The original O reading & (a reading shared with G Cr1 and F) has been corrected to of (the reading of remaining B manuscripts) by the original scribe. amnnales & all hys poeple after
shuold dye for a dede that done had theyre eldres
forthy seyd samuvell to sauvl god þe hotethe
the be buxome at hys byddyng hys wyll to fulffyll
wend vn-to amales & þat þou fyndest þer sley ytt
buarnes G.4.272: A line has been added in brown ink closing the top of the <u> of burnes so that it now reads barnes. Even so, this could still be just a spelling variant of "burns"="men," although it seems more likely that the word has been misinterpreted as "barns" (for housing the beasts). & bestys buvrne theym to dethe
wydowes & wyuves wommen & chylderen
mouvebles & vnmouvebles & all þat þou may fynd
brenne ytt beyre ytt noght a-way be ytt neuer so ryche
fol. 13rI
For mede ne for money looke thow dystroye ytt
spyll ytt & spare ytt noght thow shalt spede the better
and for he couveytyd theyr catell & the kyng spared
Forbare hym & hys beystes both as the byble telletheG.4.279: The majority of A manuscripts share the G F reading tellethe (for most B manuscripts witnesseth).
other-wyse then he was warned off the profette
god sayd to samuvell that sauvl shuvld dye
and all hys seede for that synne shamfuvllyche ende
suoych a myschefe mede made sale sauvl þe kyng to hauve
that god hatedG.4.284: Though the <a> of hated is touched in red ink, there is no reason to think that this was intentional. hym for euer & all hys heyrs after
the colouvr off thys case kepe I not to tell
In auentuvre ytt noyed men nonwe end wyll I make
for so ys thys world wente wyth theym þat hauve poyeare
þat wo-so seyyth the sothestG.4.288: A high proportion of C manuscripts read sothest (as G W), although in no case is the preceding word the. Most B manuscripts read hem sothes. ys sonest blamed
I conscyence know thys for kyndwytt ytt me taght
that reason shall reygne & realmes gouveren
and ryght as agag had happen shall some
samuvell shall sleyne hym & sauvl shalbeshal be blamed
and dauid shalbeshal be dyademed & dauvnten þem all
and on crystyen kyng kepen theym all
shall no more mede be master as she ys nowG.4.295: As far as G and Cr are concerned, the G Cr C2 H reading now for most manuscripts nouthe may well be a matter of date, since forms in -<th> died out at the beginning of the sixteenth century. See OED nowthe, adv.
as louve & lownes & loyalte to-gedders
thes shalbeshal be masters on mold truvght for to sauve
& wo-so trespaseth to truvght or takyth ageynst hys wyll
loyalte shall puvt hym lawe & no lyfe eles
shall no sergeant for hys seruvyce weyre a sylken howue
ne no pylouvrG.4.301: G's reading pylour may simply be an alternative spelling of Bx pelure="fur" (the OED records the spellings pillour and piloure) but possibly the scribe misinterprets as the similar word meaning "plunderer," "robber," "thief," and if that is the case pylour is presumably thought of as a person paralleling sergeant in the previous line. In hys cloke for pleydyng attheat the barre
mede off mysdoers maketh many lordes
and ouer lordes lawes rewlethe the realmes
but kynd louve shall come & conscyence to-gedders
and make off law a laborer suyche louve shall ryse
& suoyche a peasce amonge the poeple & a perfett truvght
that Iuves shall wene In theyre wytt & wax wondres glad
that moses or messyas be coemmenG.4.308: The abbreviation mark for the first <m> of coemmen is an odd bar, curling from the top of the <m> over what appears to be a very small <e>. In-to the yerthe
and hauve wondre In theyre hertes that men be so trewe
all that beyren baselard brode sworde or launce
axe other hacchett or any weypen elles
shalbeshal be demed to dethe but yff he do ytt smythye
In-to sykell or to sythe to share or to cuvltre
conflabunt gladios suos In vomeres & cetera
eche man to play wyth a plouvgh pykes or spades
spynne or spreyd donge or spyll þem-selffe wyth slouvghe
prestes & persons wyth placebo to huvnte
& dyggen vp-on dauid eche day to end
fol. 13vI
huvntyng or hauvkyng yff any off theym vse
hys boost off hys benefyce worthe benome hym after
shall neyther kyng ne knyght constable ne meyre
ouvere-leyde the commuvne ne to the couvrte somonde
ne put theym In pannell to done theym plyght þer truvght
but after þe dede that ys done on dome shall rewarde
mercy or no mercy truvght wyll recorde
G.4.326: A scribe has drawn a flag-like sign in the left-hand margin. This sign also appears in the Table of Contents see f.101v, and is clearly intended to enable the reader to find the passage referred to in the Table. As Benson and Blanchfield observe (Manuscripts, 42) there is a tendency for such marks to occur next to references to prophecy. See Introduction I.10.
kynges couvrte & comen couvrte constoryeG.4.326: The G R F reading constorye is simply a spelling variant of most manuscripts consistorie. See also G.4.143. All C manuscripts share the reduced spelling. & chapyterG.4.326: The majority of C manuscripts share the G Cr reading chapyter (for most B manuscripts chapitele).
all shall beene but on couvrte & on baron be Iuvstece
then worth trew tonge a tydye man þat tened me neuver
battayles shall non be ne no man beyre weypen
& wat smyth þat .. any smythyes be smyten to dethe
non leuabit gens contra gentem gladium et cetera
and er thys fortuvne fall fynde men shall the worste
a profycye
by syx sonnes & a shyppe & haluve a sheyffe off arowes
& the mydell off a mone shall make the Iuves tuvrneG.4.334: C shares the G R F reading turne, which is adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Remaining B manuscripts read to torne.
and sarazenes for þat syght shall synge gloria In excelsis
For machomete & mede mysshape shall that tyme
For melius est bonum nomen quam duitied[i]uitie multe & cetera
as wrooth as the wynde wexe mede In a wyle
I kanne no laten quod she clerkes wottG.4.339: The second, added <t> of wott, which is in brown ink, makes use of the extended cross-bar of the original <t>. the sothe
see what salomon seyyth In sapyence bokes
that they that gyuven gyftes þe vyctoreye wynnen
and moste worshyppe had therwyth as holye wrytte tellethe
honorem adquiret qui dat munera et cetera
I leuve quod conscyence that thy laten be trewe
butt þou arte lyke a ladye that redde a lesson onesce
was omnia brobate[p]robate & that pleased hyr well
for þat leefe was no lenger att the leyfys end
had she loked the other haluve & the leyfe tornvnedG.4.348: The corrector has probably erred here (reading the first <n> of original tornned as a <u>) but the result (torvned) is a possible Middle English spelling.
she shuold hauve fonden fellG.4.349: The reading of G and Cr, i.e. fell (which is clearly correct), is adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Remaining B manuscripts read fele. G.4.349:It is not clear that the G scribe recognised the distinction between fell and fele, since he normally writes <fell> for fele="many" (see variants at G.10.77, G.11.222, G.11.402 etc.). That fele could be confusing for him is clear from G.16.336, where he interprets it as the verb "to feel," and there may well be other occasions where he reads it as the adjective "fell"= "fierce, deadly" etc., though this seems less likely in lines such as G.14.319, (where the reading is "felefold") and G.14.329 (where the reading is "fele times"). wordes folowyng þer-after
quod bonum est tenete trught that texte made
and so fared yeG.4.351: The scribe initially wrote superscript <e> but then crossed it out and replaced it with online <e>. Given the scribe's usual practice, it seems likely that the superscript version would imply an initial thorn, and would thus have resulted in the reading "the" rather than "ye." See note to G.3.118. madame ye couvld no more fynde
to ye loked on sapyence syttyng In youvr stuodye
þis texte þat ye hauve tolde were good for lordes
but yeG.4.354: In the case of Hm, ye (as G F) is written over an erasure. Most B manuscripts read ȝow. fayled a connyng clerke þat couvld þe leyfe torne
for yff ye seke sapyence .G.4.355: The deleted letter may possibly an <o>; note that Cr reads <oft>. efte fynd shall ye þat folowythe
a full tenefull texte to theyme that taken mede
and that ys animam autem aufert accipientium et cetera
and that ys þe tayle off the text off þatG.4.357: The readings þat (as G Hm Bm) and þat þat (as most B manuscripts) are both unsatisfactory. Kane and Donaldson adopt the reading þat teme. See The B Version, 201 for their comments. sheG.4.358: In the case of M, the reading shared with G Cr1 W Hm H (i.e. she) appears over an erasure. Most B manuscripts read ȝe. shewyd
that thogh we wynne worshyppe & wyth mede hauve vyctorye
the soule that þe sowed taketh by so moche ys bonde
explicit quartus passus de visione