G.12.1KD.11.1 Then scryptuvre scorned me & a skylle tolde
G.12.2KD.11.2 & lakked me In latyn & lyght
G.12.2: The loop on the <l> of lyght has been added in brown ink. by me sett
G.12.3KD.11.3 and sayde multi multa sciunt & se ipsos nesciunt : //
G.12.4KD.11.4 tho wept I for whoo & wrathe off hyr speche
G.12.5KD.11.5 & In a vyndyng wrathe wexe I a-slepe
G.12.6KD.11.6 a merueliouvse sweuvene mett me then
G.12.7KD.11.7 that I was rauvysshed ryght there & fortuvne me fette
G.12.8KD.11.8 & In-to þe londe off longyng alone she me broght
G.12.9KD.11.9 & In a myrrouvr þat hyght mydleyerthe she made me beholde
G.12.10KD.11.10 sythen she sayde to me here meysthowe þou meysthowe see wondres
G.12.11KD.11.11 & knowe þat þou couveytyst & come þerto perauventuvre
G.12.12KD.11.12 then had fortuvne folowyng too fayre doghters
G.12.13KD.11.13 concupiscencia carnis men called the elder meyde
G.12.14KD.11.14 & co
uvetyse off
heyghtesG.12.14: The form resulting from this alteration (i.e. heyghtes for earlier heyghes) is the form regularly employed by the original scribe when "eyes" occurs in this particular phrase ("covetise of eyes" translating
"concupiscentia oculorum;" 1.John 2:16). See G.12.32, G.12.40 etc. However, the G scribe's usual form for "eyes" is ey(e)ne and it seems likely that the spelling found here and elsewhere in this passus results from a misunderstanding. The form
found in the scribe's exemplar was probably heyghes (or possibly, given the spelling at G.12.32 and the correction at G.12.52, heghes). Elsewhere in the text the scribe has, presumably, recognised this as a form of "eyes" and replaced it with his own usual
spelling. There is, after all, no possibility of confusion at, for instance, G.1.74 where heyghes appearing after "bleared their" could scarcely mean anything else. However, the expression "covetise of eyes," though common
in medieval pastoralia, may not have been so familiar by the sixteenth century, and there would then be nothing in the words
"covetise of" to suggest that "eyes" must follow. The scribe, both in his original transcription and here as the brown ink
corrector, appears to have interpreted the phrase as meaning something like "covetousness of rank or position"(see OED height, n., 7). called was
the other
G.12.15KD.11.15 pryde off perfytt lyuvyng puvrsued theym bothe
G.12.16KD.11.16 & bad me for my couvntenance acoumpte clergy lyght
G.12.17KD.11.17 conpuciscentiacon[c]u[p]iscentia carnis colled me abowte þe necke
G.12.18KD.11.18 & seyde þou arte yong & hast yeres I-nowe
G.12.19KD.11.19 for to lyuve long & ladyes to louve
G.12.20KD.11.20 & yn þe myrrouvr þou myghtest se myrthes fuvlmanyfuvl many
G.12.21KD.11.21 that leyde þe w
G.12.21: The alteration of wole to wyle is in slightly blacker ink than the surrounding letters but no blacker than that of other sections of the original on the
same page. The scribe has also re-outlined the original <l>. to lykyng all þi lyffe
G.12.22KD.11.22 þe second sayde þe same
leueI shall
shewG.12.22: Given the frequent appearance in G of <s> for <sh> and vice versa G's reading shew for remaining B manuscripts suwe="follow" is not necessarily a substantive variation. See Introduction III.4.1. þi wyll
G.12.23KD.11.23 tyll þou be a bordelorde & hauve lande lett þe I nyll
G.12.24KD.11.24 but I shall folowe þi felowshyppe yff fortuene fortuvne ytt lyke
G.12.25KD.11.25 he shall fynd me hys frende quod fortuvne here-after
G.12.26KD.11.26 the freyke þat folowed my wyll fayled neuer blysse
G.12.27KD.11.27 then was þer on heghte elde / þat heuvy was off chere
G.12.28KD.11.28 man quod he Iff y mete wyth þe by mary off heyuven
G.12.29KD.11.29 & þou shalt fynd fortuvne þe fayle att thye most nede
G.12.30KD.11.30 and concupiscentia carnis cleyne þe forsake
G.12.31KD.11.31 beytterly shalthowe blame bothe dayes & nyghtes
G.12.32KD.11.32 co
uvetyse off
heghtG.12.32: For G heght for most manuscripts eyghe, see note to G.12.14. þ
at eu
er þ
ou ytt knewe
G.12.33KD.11.33 & pryde off perfytt lyuvyng to moche peryll þe bryng
G.12.34KD.11.34 ye recche þe neuer quod recchles & stoode In ragged clothes
G.12.35KD.11.35 folowe forthe þat fortuvne wyll þou hast farre to elde
G.12.36KD.11.36 a man may stowpe tyme ynoghe when he shall lose hys crowne
G.12.37KD.11.37 homo proponit quod a poett and plato he hyght
G.12.38KD.11.38 & deus disponit quod he lett god done hys wyll
G.12.39KD.11.39 yff trewthe wyll wyttnes ytt be well do fortuvne to folowe
G.12.40KD.11.40 concupiscencia carnis ne co
uvetyse off
heghtesG.12.40: For G heghtes for most manuscripts eyes, see note to G.12.14.
G.12.41KD.11.41 shall not greuve þe greatly ne begyle þe wyth-owte þou wolte
G.12.42KD.11.42 ye fare well phyppe quod fauvntelte & forthe gan me drawe
G.12.43KD.11.43 tyll concupiscencia carnis acorded all my workes
G.12.44KD.11.44 allas heyghe quod elde & holynes bothe
G.12.45KD.11.45 that wytt shall torne to wrecchednes for wyll to haue hys lykynge
G.12.46KD.11.46 co
uvetyse off
heyghtesG.12.46: For G heyghtes for remaining manuscripts eyghes, see note to G.12.14. conforted me sone after
G.12.47KD.11.47 & fowlowed me fortye wynters or fyftye or more
G.12.48KD.11.48 þat off dowell ne do-better no deynte me thoght
G.12.49KD.11.49 I had no likyng ne no lust off þem ought to knowe
G.12.50KD.11.50 co
uvetyse off
heyghtesG.12.50: For G heyghtes for most manuscripts eyes, see note to G.12.14. came offter
In my mynde
G.12.51KD.11.51 then dowell or dobetter amonge my dedes all
G.12.52KD.11.52 co
uvetyse off
heyghtesG.12.52: For G heyghtes for most manuscripts eyes, see note to G.12.14. G.12.52: Immediately after the first <e> of heyghtes, the scribe began to write <g> and then changed it to <y>. Compare the spelling at G.12.32. comforted me offte
G.12.53KD.11.53 and seyde hauve no conscyence how þou come to goode
G.12.54KD.11.54 go confesse þe to some frere & shewe hym þi synnes
G.12.55KD.11.55 for wyles fortuvne ys þi frende / freres wyll þe louve
G.12.56KD.11.56 and fecche to þer fraternyte & for þe byseke
G.12.57KD.11.57 to theyre pryouvr prouvyncyall a pardon to hauve
G.12.58KD.11.58 & prey for the pole by pole yff þou be . peccuniosus .//
G.12.59KD.11.58α sed pecia peccuniaria non sufficit pro spiritualibus delictis.//
G.12.60KD.11.59 by wysshyng off þis wenche I wroght theyr wordes were sweete
G.12.61KD.11.60 tyll I forgate yought & then In-to elde
G.12.62KD.11.61 & then was fortuvne my foo for all hyr bybheste
G.12.63KD.11.62 & pouerte puvrsuved me and puvtt me lowe
G.12.64KD.11.63 and I fouvnde þe frere a-fearde & flytyng bothe
G.12.65KD.11.64 agayn our fyrste forwarde for I seyde I nolde
G.12.66KD.11.65 be buvryed att theyre houvse but att my peryche churche
G.12.67KD.11.66 for I herde onesce how conscyence ytt tolde
G.12.68KD.11.67 þ
at þer a man
was crystened by kynd he shold
G.12.68: The word shold has been re-outlined in black ink. be b
G.12.69KD.11.67.1 or where he were p
þer he sh
G.12.69: The <d> of "should" has been re-outlined by hand1.1. be gra
G.12.70KD.11.68 and for I seyde þus to freres / a fole þei me helden
G.12.71KD.11.69 & louved me þe lesse for my loyall speche
G.12.72KD.11.70 & yet I cryed on my co
þat he held hym
uve so con
G.12.72: The scribe has run out of space and writes the last word (connyng) above the line, partly boxed in grey ink.
G.12.73KD.11.71 by my faythe frere quod I / ye fare lyke thes wowers
G.12.74KD.11.72 that wedde no wydowes but to welde theyr goodes
G.12.75KD.11.73 ryght so by þe roode roght ye neuer
G.12.76KD.11.74 where my body were b
soG.12.76: The G M F reading so (for most manuscripts bi so), results in a b-verse without an alliterating syllable. ye hadde þe syl
G.12.77KD.11.75 I hauve moche merueyle off you & so hathe manye other
G.12.78KD.11.76 wye your couvent couvetythe not to confesse & to buvrye
G.12.79KD.11.77 rather þen to baptyze barnes / that beene katykuvmynes
G.12.80KD.11.78 ba
G.12.80: The colour of the ink here suggests that the spelling of the word "baptizing" has been corrected by the original scribe.
Note the spelling at G.12.82. & b
uvryeng bothe bene full nedefull
G.12.81KD.11.79 but moche more merytoryouvse me thynkethe to baptyze
G.12.82KD.11.80 for a baptyzed man may as masters tellen
G.12.83KD.11.81 thruvgh contrycyon come to hyghe heyuven
G.12.84KD.11.81α sola contricio delet peccatum & cetera. //
G.12.85KD.11.82 but a barne wyth-oute baptyme may not be sauved
G.12.86KD.11.82α nisi quis renatus fuerit ex aqua & cetera . //
G.12.87KD.11.83 loke ye lettered men wether I lye or noght
G.12.88KD.11.84 and lealte loked on me & I louvred after
G.12.89KD.11.85 wherfore louvresthowe quod lealte & loked on me herde
G.12.90KD.11.86 yff I dorste a-monge men þes metteles a-wowe
G.12.91KD.11.87 ye by petur & by poule quod he & take bothe to wyttnes
G.12.92KD.11.88 non oderis fratres secrete in corde tuo sed publice argue illos . //
G.12.93KD.11.89 they wyll alegge also quod I & by þe gosspell prouve
G.12.94KD.11.90 nolite Iudicare quemquam & cetera //
G.12.95KD.11.91 & wheroff seruvethe lawe quod lealte yff no lyfe vndertooke ytt
G.12.96KD.11.92 falsheyde & faytouvrye for somewhatt þe apostell seyde
G.12.97KD.11.93-94 non oderis fratrem & yn þe sauvter seyde dauyd þe prophete
G.12.98KD.11.95 existimasti inique quod ero tui similis et cetera //
G.12.99KD.11.96 ytt ys locutuml[i]c[i]tum to lewde meme[n] to segge the sothe
G.12.100KD.11.97 yff þem lykethe & lyst
eche lawe ytt
guvntetheg[ra]untetheG.12.100: G's erroneous form of Bx graunteth is probably yet another indication of the G scribe's failure fully to understand the significance of superscript <a>. See
notes to G.3.157 and G.4.156 and Introduction IV.1.1.
G.12.101KD.11.98 except persones and prestes & prelates off holyechurche
G.12.102KD.11.99 ytt fallyth not to þis folke tales to tell
G.12.103KD.11.100 thogh the tale were trew / & ytt towchyd synne
G.12.104KD.11.101 thyng þat all þis worlde woote arate deydly synne wherfore shuvldesthowe spare
G.12.105KD.11.102 and redyn
yttG.12.105: C2 shares G's original omission of ytt. The addition brings G's reading into line with that of remaining B manuscripts. In retoryke to arate deydly synne
G.12.106KD.11.103 but be neuer-more þe fuvrste þe defauvte to blame
G.12.107KD.11.104 thoghe
þou se e
sey noght be sorye / ytt
e ....nere amend
G.12.107: G alone uses the contracted form of the past participle (amend).
G.12.108KD.11.105 a thyng þat ys pryuvye puvblyce ytt neuer
G.12.109KD.11.106 nether for louve looue ytt not no lakke yt not for enuvye
G.12.110KD.11.106α parum lauda vitupera parcius & cetera //
G.12.111KD.11.107 he sayethe quod scryptuvre tho & starte an heygh & preyched
G.12.112KD.11.108 but þe matter þat he meuved yff lewde men ytt knewe
G.12.113KD.11.109 the lesse as I leuve louve ytt þei wolde
G.12.114KD.11.111 thys was theyre teyme & theyre texte I toke full good hede
G.12.115KD.11.112 multi to a mangerye / & to þe meyte were sompnede
G.12.116KD.11.113 and when þe poeple was
come þe porter
vpynnedv[n]pynnedG.12.116: No abbreviation mark is visible over the initial <v> of G vpynned. þe gate
G.12.117KD.11.114 and puvlled ynne pauci priuvyleche & leete þe remnant rome
G.12.118KD.11.115 all for tene off þat texte trembled myne herte
G.12.119KD.11.116 and yn a weyrye gan I wexe & wyth my-selfe dyspuvte
G.12.120KD.11.117 whether þei were chosen or noght on holy churche I thoghte
G.12.121KD.11.118 that vndrefonge me atttheatt the fouvnte for on off goddes chosen
G.12.122KD.11.119 For cryste cleped vs all come yff we wolde
G.12.123KD.11.120 sarazenes & sysmatykes & so he dyd þe Iewes
G.12.124KD.11.120α O vos omnes scientes venite ad aquas et cetera //G.12.124: The phrase ad aquas, found in G and Hm, is absent from most B manuscripts but present in all C manuscripts. However, the correspondence beween the C and G Hm readings may well, like the shared readings at G.19.268, simply be due to shared recollection of the biblical passage (Isaiah 55:1).
G.12.125KD.11.121 and bad theym sowke for synne sauvely att hys brest
G.12.126KD.11.122 and drynke for bale brouvke ytt wo-so myght
G.12.127KD.11.123 then may all crystyen men quod I cleame þer entre
G.12.128KD.11.124 by þe bloode he boght vs wyth / & thruvgh baptyme after
G.12.129KD.11.124α qui credederit et baptisatus fuerit et cetera//
G.12.130KD.11.125 for thogh a crysten man couveyte hys crystedome to renye
G.12.131KD.11.126 ryghfullyche to renye
nG.12.131: This letter <n> has been abandoned because it was blotted. no reason ytt wolde
G.12.132KD.11.127 for may no chuvrle chartare make / ne hys catell sell
G.12.133KD.11.128 w
h-owte ley
uve off hys lord
/ n.oG.12.133: A single letter appears to have been erased here and replaced by no. It is impossible to tell what the original letter was, but a tail is faintly visible. The virgule was probably added at
the time of the correction and it acts as a word separator, but its position in the line suggests that it may also have metrical
significance. lawe wyll ytt gra
G.12.134KD.11.129 but he may renne In
areragys & rome
froG.12.134: The G R F reading fro (for remaining manuscripts so fro) is adopted by Kane and Donaldson, and is also shared by almost all C manuscripts. hys owne
G.12.135KD.11.130 and as a renyed kayteffe recheleslye a-bowte
G.12.136KD.11.131-132 but reason shall rekne wyth hym & cast hym yn arerage
G.12.137KD.11.133 and put theym after In pryson In puvrgatorye to brenne
G.12.138KD.11.134 for hys arerage rewarde hym there to þe day off dome
G.12.139KD.11.135 but contrycyon wyll come & crye by hys lyuve
G.12.140KD.11.136 mercy for hys myssdedes wyth mouvthe or wyth herte
G.12.141KD.11.137 that ys quod scryptuvre may no synne lette
G.12.142KD.11.138 mercy all to amend and mekenes folowe
G.12.143KD.11.139 for they beene as bookes abouve goddes workes
G.12.144KD.11.139α misericordia domini eius super omnia opera eius // G.12.144: The first example of eius is smudged and may possibly have been lined through.
G.12.145KD.11.140 ye bawe for bookes on was broken owte off hell
G.12.146KD.11.141 hyght troianus was a trew knyght toke wyttnes at the pope
G.12.147KD.11.142 how he was deyde & dampned to dwellen In payne
G.12.148KD.11.143 for on vncrystyen creatouvre clerkes woote þe sothe
G.12.149KD.11.144 that all the claregye vndre cryste myght hym cracche fro hell
G.12.150KD.11.145 but only louve & loyalte & hys lauvfull domes
G.12.151KD.11.146 gregorye wyst thys well & wylnethe to my souvle
G.12.152KD.11.147 saluvatyon for sothelesnes þat he syeghe yn my workes
G.12.153KD.11.148 and after þat he wepte & wylned me were grauvnted
G.12.154KD.11.149-150 grace w
beydeG.12.154: Kane and Donaldson adopt the G reading beyde. Most B manuscripts read any bede. byddyng hys bone was vndrefonge
G.12.155KD.11.151 & y sauved as ye may se wyth-owte syngyng off masses
G.12.156KD.11.152 by louve & by lernyng & by lyuvyng In trewthe
G.12.157KD.11.153 broght me fro bytter payne þer no byddyng myght
G.12.158KD.11.154 low ye lordys watt loyalte dyd by an emperouvr off rome
G.12.159KD.11.155 þat was a vncrysten creatuvre as clerkes fynd In bokes
G.12.160KD.11.156 noght thrugh preyer off þe pope but for hys puvre trewthe
G.12.161KD.11.157 was that sarzene sauved as gregory beyrythe wyttnes
G.12.162KD.11.158 well ought lordes þat lawes kepe thys lesson haue In mynde
G.12.163KD.11.159 and on
troianus trewthe to thynke
& to do
thG.12.163: Kane and Donaldson record cancelled <th> as the, later cancelled, but the word seems to have been abandoned before any <e> could be written. trew to þe poeple
G.12.164KD.11.171 lawe wyth-owte louve quod troianus ley ther a beane
G.12.165KD.11.172 or any scyence vndre sonne þe seyuven artes & all
G.12.166KD.11.173 but þei be lerned for our lordes louve lost ys all the tyme
G.12.167KD.11.174 for no cauvse to cacche syluver ne to be called a master
G.12.168KD.11.175 but all for louve off our lorde & better to louve the poeple
G.12.169KD.11.176 for seynt Ihon sayde ytt & sothe are hys wordes
G.12.170KD.11.176α qui non diligit manet In morte et cetera . //
G.12.171KD.11.177 wo-so louvethe noght leuve me he lyuvethe In dede dyenge
G.12.172KD.11.178 and þat all maner off men enmyes & frendes
G.12.173KD.11.179 leuven there ether other and leynd hym att hys nede
G.12.174KD.11.180 wo-so leynethe noght he louveth noght god woote þe sothe
G.12.175KD.11.181 & commauvndethe eche creatuvre to confyrme hym to louve
G.12.176KD.11.182 and souereygnlyche poere poeple & theyre enmyes after
G.12.177KD.11.183 for theym that haten vs / ys our merytt to louve
G.12.178KD.11.184 & poere poeple to pleasse þeir preyers may vs helpe
G.12.179KD.11.185 for our Ioy & our heale Iesu cryst off heyuven
G.12.180KD.11.186 In a pouvere manes apparell puvrsuede vs euver
G.12.181KD.11.187 & lokethe
v on vs
wyth ynG.12.181: A virgule has been added between vs and yn to separate these words after the correction. theyr
kyknes[l]yknes & þ
at w
h lo
uvely chere
G.12.182KD.11.188 to knowe vs by our kynde herte & castyng off eyghe
G.12.183KD.11.189 wedre we lo
uve þe lordes here before þe lorde off
heyuvenG.12.183: The <u> to <v> alteration made to the word heyuen has faded until it just looks like a faint brown smudge.
G.12.184KD.11.190 & excytethe by the euvangylye when we make feastes
G.12.185KD.11.191 we sholde not clepe our kynne þerto ne no kynne ryche
G.12.186KD.11.191α cum facitis conuiuia nolite inuitare amicos .//
G.12.187KD.11.192 but call þe carefull therto the croked & the o poere
G.12.188KD.11.193 for your frendes wyll feden you & fond you to quvyte
G.12.189KD.11.194 your feastyng & your fayre gyftes ech frend q
otherG.12.189: In the case of M, the reading other (as G, cf. remaining manuscripts so other) results from the erasure of original so.
G.12.190KD.11.195 but for þe pore I shall pay & puvre well quvyte theyr trauvell
G.12.191KD.11.196 that gyuvethe þem meyte or money & louvethe þem for my sake
G.12.192KD.11.198 for þe best been some ryche & some beggers & pouere
G.12.193KD.11.199 for all we er crystes creatuvres & off hys cofers ryche
G.12.194KD.11.200 & bretheren as off bloode as well beggers as erles
G.12.195KD.11.201 for on caluvere off crystes blode crystendome gan sprynge
G.12.196KD.11.202 and blodye bretheren we bycome
G.12.196: The second and third letters of bycome are partly obscured by a blot, but there is no doubt about the reading. off on bodye
G.12.197KD.11.203 as quasi modo geneiti . & gentyll men echoone
G.12.198KD.11.204 no begger ne boy amonge vs but yff synne ytt made
G.12.199KD.11.204α qui facit peccatum seruus est peccati & cetera
G.12.200KD.11.205 In þe old lawe as holy letter tellethe
G.12.201KD.11.205 mennes sonnes men called vs echone
G.12.202KD.11.206 off adam
esG.12.202: It is possible that something (a minim?) has been deleted between the second <a> and the <m> of adames. yssue & e
uve ay
to god
-man dyede
G.12.203KD.11.207 & after hys resurreccyon / redemptor / was hys name
G.12.204KD.11.208 & we hys brethren thruvgh hym boght bothe ryche & poere
G.12.205KD.11.209 forthy lo
uve we
as bretheren shall & eche man laghe
onerG.12.205: The scribe originally wrote ouer. After the deletion of the abbreviation for -er the two <u> minims function as the <n> of on. other
G.12.206KD.11.210 & yff eche man mey forbeyre amende þer ytt nedythe
G.12.207KD.11.211 & euery man helpe other for hence shall we all
G.12.208KD.11.211α alter alterius onera portate & cetera //
G.12.209KD.11.212 & be we noght vnkynd off our catell ne our connyng nether
G.12.210KD.11.213 for woote no man how ytt ys to be ynome fro bothe
G.12.211KD.11.214 forthy lak no lyfe other thoghe he more laten knowe
G.12.212KD.11.215 ne vndremyne noght fo
uvle for
ytt G.12.212: The deletion of ytt is made with a thin line in black ink. ys no
tn w
uvte fa
G.12.213KD.11.216 For what-euer clerkes carpe off crystendome or elles
G.12.214KD.11.217 cryste to a comen woman seyd In come at þe feaste
G.12.215KD.11.218 that
fides sua sh
uvlde sa
uven hyr & sal
G.12.215: The letters of original saluen have been re-outlined in black ink. of hyr synnes
G.12.216KD.11.219 then ys byleuve a leall helpe abouve logyke & lawe
G.12.217KD.11.220 off logyk ne off lawe yn legenda sanctorum .//
G.12.218KD.11.221 ys lytle alowance made but byleuve them helpe
G.12.219KD.11.222 for ytt ys ou
erlong er logyk
G.12.219:There is possibly a second very tiny <o> here (giving loogyk). any leyssone assoyle
G.12.220KD.11.223 and lawe ys lothe to louve but yff he lacche syluver
G.12.221KD.11.224 bothe logyk & lawe that louvethe noght to lye
G.12.222KD.11.225 I couvnseyle all crysten men cleuve noght þeron to sore
G.12.223KD.11.226 for some wordes I fynd wryten þat were off faythes teychyng
G.12.224KD.11.227 þat sauved synfull men as seynt Ihon beyrythe wyttnes
G.12.225KD.11.228 eadem mensura qua mensi fueretis remecietur vobis . //
G.12.226KD.11.229 forthy lere we þe lawe off louve as our lorde taght
G.12.227KD.11.230 and as seynt gregory sayethe for manes souvle helpe
G.12.228KD.11.231 melius est scrutari scelera nostra quam naturas rerum . //
G.12.229KD.11.232 why I meeue thys matter ys most for the pouvere
G.12.230KD.11.233 for In hys lycknes our lorde offt hathe beene knowe
G.12.231KD.11.234 wyttnes In þe pasque weeke when he yede to emaus
G.12.232KD.11.235 cleophas knewe hym noght þat he cryste were
G.12.233KD.11.236 for hys pouvre aparell as pylgrymes wedes
G.12.234KD.11.237 tyll he blysshed & brake þe breyd þat they eyten
G.12.235KD.11.238 so by
thes wordes theG.12.235: For the G scribe's use of the for remaining manuscripts þei, see also note to G.2.164 and readings at G.6.150, G.6.195. wyst
he was
I. Iesus .
G.12.236KD.11.239 but by clothyng they knewe hym nothe
G.12.236: The spelling <nothe> for "not" probably results from the use of superscript <t> to represent both t and th, see, e.g., abbreviations for "with." by carpyng off tong
G.12.237KD.11.240 & all was In ensample to vs synfull here
G.12.238KD.11.241 that we sholde be lowe & louvelyche off speche
G.12.239KD.11.242 & apperell vs noght prowdly for pylgrymes are we all
G.12.240KD.11.243 and In apperell off a poere man & pylgrymes lycknes
G.12.241KD.11.244 many tayme god hathe beene mett among nedy poeple
G.12.242KD.11.245 they neuer segh hym segge In þe secte off the ryche
G.12.243KD.11.246 seynte Ihon & other seyntes were seene In pouvere clothyng
G.12.244KD.11.247 & as poere pylgrymes preyed menes goodes
G.12.245KD.11.248 Iesus In a Iewes doghter a-lyght gentyll woman thogh she were
G.12.246KD.11.249 was a puvre pouvere meyde & to a poere man wedded
G.12.247KD.11.250 martha on mary magdelyne
G.12.247: The <a> of magdelyne is written above the line. an h
uvge pleynte she made
G.12.248KD.11.251 and to our sauvyouvr hym-seluve sayd thes wordes
G.12.249KD.11.252 domine non est tibi cure quod soror mea reliquit me solamG.12.249: The reading solam basically corresponds to that of β4 manuscripts, though the remainder add & cetera. The majority B reading is solam ministrare. . //
G.12.250KD.11.253 and hastylyche god answered & ethers wyll folowed
G.12.251KD.11.254 bothe in mathama[r]tha & In marye as mathew beyrethe wyttnes
G.12.252KD.11.255 but pouerte god puvtt before & preysed ytt þe bettre
G.12.253KD.11.255α maria optimam partem elegit que non auferetur ab ea //
G.12.254KD.11.256 &
G.12.254: The line initial ampersand, which overlaps the margin, may be an addition by the original scribe. All other B manuscripts have some form of "And." all þe wyse þ
at eu
er were by ought I can aspye
G.12.255KD.11.257 preysen pouerte for best lyffe yff pacyence folowe
G.12.256KD.11.258 & bothe better & blysseder by manyfolde þen ryches
G.12.257KD.11.259 & thogh ytt be souvre to suffer there commethe swete after
G.12.258KD.11.260 as an walnote wythoute ys a bytter barke
G.12.259KD.11.261 and after þat bytter barke be þe shell a-way
G.12.260KD.11.262 ys a kernell off conforte kynd to restore
G.12.261KD.11.263 so ys after pouerte or pennance pacyentlyche taken
G.12.262KD.11.264 for ytt makethe man to haue mynd In god a greate whyle
G.12.263KD.11.265 to wepe
& toG.12.263:Possibly the ampersand was originally something else (or?) and the scribe has attempted to alter it, then given up and deleted. and to well bydde wheroff wexethe m
G.12.264KD.11.266 off wyche cryste ys a kernell to conforte þe souvle
G.12.265KD.11.267 & well sykerer he slepethe þe man þat ys poere
G.12.266KD.11.268 & lesse he dredethe dethe and yn derke to be robbed
G.12.267KD.11.269 then he þat ys ryght ryche reason beyrethe wyttnes
G.12.268KD.11.269α pauper ego ludo dum tu diues meditaris .//
G.12.269KD.11.270 all-thogh salomon sayde as folke seyne In þe byble
G.12.270KD.11.271 diuitias nec paupertates & cetera //
G.12.271KD.11.272 wyser þen salomon was beyren wyttnes & taght
G.12.272KD.11.273 that perfytt pouerte was no possessyon to haue
G.12.273KD.11.274 & lyffe most lykyng to god as ly luvke beyrethe wyttnes
G.12.274KD.11.274α si vis perfectus esse vade et vende & cetera //
G.12.275KD.11.275 and ys to meane to men þat on thys mold lyuven
G.12.276KD.11.276 wo-so wyll be puvre parfett moote possessyon forsake
G.12.277KD.11.277 or sell ytt as seyethe þe boke and the syluver deale
G.12.278KD.11.278 to beggers þat goone & begge & bydde for godes louve
G.12.279KD.11.279 for fayled neuer man meyte þat myghtfull god seruved
G.12.280KD.11.280 as dauyd sayethe In þe sauvter to suoyche as been In wyll
G.12.281KD.11.281 to seruve god godelyche ne greuvethe hym no pennance
G.12.282KD.11.281α nichil impossibile volenti et cetera
G.12.283KD.11.282 ne lakkethe neuer lyuvelode lynnen ne wollen
G.12.284KD.11.282α Inquirentes autem dominum non minuenturG.12.284: There is an otiose bar over the first letter of minuentur. omni bono .//
G.12.285KD.11.283 yff prestes were perfytt they wold no syleuer take
G.12.286KD.11.284 for masses ne for matyns noght þe mete off vsuvrers
G.12.287KD.11.285 ne neyther kyrtell ne cote thoghe þei for colde shold dye
G.12.288KD.11.286 and þei þer deuvoyer dyd as dauyd sayeth yn þe sauvter
G.12.289KD.11.286α Iudica me deus et discerne causam meam & cetera spera in deo et ceteraG.12.289:The et cetera is in the gutter and may not be visible in the image.
G.12.290KD.11.287 spekethe off prestes þat haue no spendyng syluver
G.12.291KD.11.288 that yff þei trauveyle treuvlyche & truvst In god almyghtye
G.12.292KD.11.289 them shall lacke no lyuvelode neyther wollen ne lynnen
G.12.293KD.11.290 & þe tytle þei take ordre by tellethe ye been auvauncede
G.12.294KD.11.291 then nedethe not you take syluver for masses þat ye syng
G.12.295KD.11.292 for he þat toke you your tytle shall take you your wages
G.12.296KD.11.293 off þe bysshope þat blysshethe you yff that ye be worthye
G.12.297KD.11.294 for made neuer kyng no knyght but he had cattell to spend
G.12.298KD.11.295 as byfell for a knyght or fond hym for hys strenght
G.12.299KD.11.296 ytt ys a carefull knyght & off kaytyffe kynges makyng
G.12.300KD.11.297 þat hathe no land ne lynage ryche ne good loos off hys handes
G.12.301KD.11.298 the same I sey forsothe by all suoyche prestes
G.12.302KD.11.299 that haue nether connyng ne kynne but a crowne onne
G.12.303KD.11.300 and a tytle a tale off noght to hys lyuvelode at mysscheffe
G.12.304KD.11.301 he hathe more byleue as I leuve to lacche thruvgh hys crouvne
G.12.305KD.11.302 cuvre þen for connyng or knowyng or cleane off beyryng
G.12.306KD.11.302.1 I haue wondre þat whye & wherfore þe bysshope
G.12.307KD.11.302.2 makethe suoyche prestes þat lewde men betreyen
G.12.308KD.11.303 a chartre ys chalengeable afore a cheffe Iuvstece
G.12.309KD.11.304 yff fal
sceG.12.309: The alteration of fals to falce uses up the space between this word and latyn. latyn be In þ
at lettre þe lawe ytt ymp
G.12.310KD.11.305 or peynted parentrelynarye percelles ouer-skypped
G.12.311KD.11.306 the gome þat glosethe so charters for a gokye hys holden
G.12.312KD.11.307 so ys ytt a goky by god / þat In þe gospell faylethe
G.12.313KD.11.308 or In masse or matyns makethe any defauvte
G.12.314KD.11.309 qui offendit In vno In omnibus est reus . et cetera . //
G.12.315KD.11.310 and also In þe sawter sayethe dauyd to ouerskyppers
G.12.316KD.11.311 psallite deo nostro psallite quoniam rex terre deus israel psallite sapienter
G.12.317KD.11.312 the bysshoppe shalbeshal be blamed a-fore god as I leuve
G.12.318KD.11.313 that
crouned s
uoyche goddes knyghtes
G.12.318: The word knyghtes has been re-outlined in much blacker ink, but there does not appear to be any alteration. that kannethe nat
G.12.319KD.11.314 syng ne psalmes rede ne segge a mas off þe day
G.12.320KD.11.315 but neuer nether ys blameles þe bysshoppe nethene the chapeleyne
G.12.321KD.11.316 for euere eyther ys Indyted & þat off /ignorantia .//
G.12.322KD.11.317 non episcopos excusat nec ydyotes prestes
G.12.323KD.11.318 thys lokyng off lewde prestes hathe done me leype fro pouerte
G.12.324KD.11.319 wyche I preysse theyre pacyence ys more perfytt þen ryches
G.12.325KD.11.320 & butG.12.325: Despite the addition of but, there appears to have been no attempt to cross out the ampersand at the beginning of the line. Most manuscripts read Ac. moche more In metyng þus w
h me gan on dyssp
G.12.326KD.11.321 & slepyng I seghe all þis & sythen came kynde
G.12.327KD.11.322 and neuenvedneue[n]ed me by name & bad me nymen heede
G.12.328KD.11.323 and thruvghe þe wouvnders off thys worlde wytt for to take
G.12.329KD.11.324 & on a montagne þat mydleyerthe hyghe as me tho thoght
G.12.330KD.11.325 I was fet forthe by ensamples to knowe
G.12.331KD.11.326 thruvghe eche a creatuvre & kynde my creatouvr to louvye
G.12.332KD.11.327 I sehe þe sonne & þe see and þe sond after
G.12.333KD.11.328 & where þat bryddes & bestes by þer makes yedene
G.12.334KD.11.329 wylde wormes in woddes wonderfowle fowles
G.12.335KD.11.330 w
h flecked fethers and off
fellG.12.335: For G's treatment of B fele (here appearing as G Cr fell), see note to G.4.349. colo
G.12.336KD.11.331 man & hys make I myght bothe beholde
G.12.337KD.11.332 pouerte & plente bothe peasse & warre
G.12.338KD.11.333 blysse & bale bothe I seghe att onesce
G.12.339KD.11.334 and how men toke mede & mercy refuvsed
G.12.340KD.11.335 reason I seghe sothely sewen all bestes
G.12.341KD.11.336 In eytyng & drynkyng In engenderyng off kynd
G.12.342KD.11.337 and after couvrsce off conceptyon non toke kepe off other
G.12.343KD.11.338 and when þei had rydyen In rotye-tyme anon ryght þer-after
G.12.344KD.11.339 males drewen þem to males oIn mouvrnes by þem-seluve
G.12.345KD.11.340 and In euvenynges also / þe males fro females
G.12.346KD.11.341 þer was kow þ ne kow-kynd þat conceyuved had
G.12.347KD.11.342 þat wold belwe after buvlles ne boore after sowe
G.12.348KD.11.343 bothe hors & houvndes & all other bestes
G.12.349KD.11.344 medeled not wyth þer makes þat wyth foole were
G.12.350KD.11.345 bryddes I behelde þat In buvskes made nestes
G.12.351KD.11.346 had neuer wye wytt to worche the leaste
G.12.352KD.11.347 I had wondre att whome & where þe pye lerned
G.12.353KD.11.348 to legge þe stykkes In wyche he lyethe & bredethe
G.12.354KD.11.349 þer nys wryght as I wene sholde worche hyr nest to paye
G.12.355KD.11.350 yff any mason made a mold þerto moche wondre ytt were
G.12.356KD.11.351 & yet me merveled more off many other bryddes
G.12.357KD.11.352 hydden & hylleden theyr egges full derne
G.12.358KD.11.354a, 353a In marres & moores þat men shold þem not fynde
G.12.359KD.11.354b, 353b & hydden þer egges when þei þer-fro wente
G.12.360KD.11.355 for fere off other fowles & for wylde beestes
G.12.361KD.11.356 & some tradden þ
er makes & on trees
bredenG.12.361: In the case of G, the spelling shared with Cr23 F (i.e. breden rather than the majority B reading bredden) does not necessarily indicate a substantive variant. Although the G scribe was clearly aware of the possibility of using
single and double consonants to indicate preceding long and short vowels, his practice in this respect was by no means consistent
(see Introduction III.2).
& broght
G.12.362KD.11.357 & broght forthe þer bryddes so all abouve þe grouvnde
G.12.363KD.11.358 & some bryddes at the byll thruvghe breythyng conceyuved
G.12.364KD.11.359 & some kakeled I toke kepe howe peykok
es bredenG.12.364: For the use by G in particular of the form breden (as also Cr R) for most manuscripts bredden, see note to G.12.361.
G.12.365KD.11.360 moche merueled me what mastre they had
G.12.366KD.11.361 & wo taght þem on trees to tymbre so heyghe
G.12.367KD.11.362 þat nether barne ne beast myght þer bryddes reyche
G.12.368KD.11.363 and sythen I loked on þe see & so on þe sterres
G.12.369KD.11.364 many selko
uvthes I segh be noght to seye
noweG.12.369: For G Cr C nowe for remaining manuscripts nouthe, see note to G.4.295.
G.12.370KD.11.365 I segh flo
G.12.370: It is probably too early for the change of flouers to flowers to indicate a spelling distinction between the homophones "flour" and "flower," since this only appears to have taken place
in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries; see Manfred Görlach, Introduction to Early Modern English (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991), 56. The alteration is in black ink rather than the brown normally used by
hand1.1, and appears to have been made at the time of writing rather than as part of the scribe's later programme of spelling
corrections. In þe frytthe & þ
er fayre colo
G.12.371KD.11.366 & how among þe grene gresse grewe so manye hewes
G.12.372KD.11.367 & some souvre & some swete selcouvthe me thoght
G.12.373KD.11.368 off hyr kynd & hyr colouvre to carpe yt were to long
G.12.374KD.11.369 but that most meved me & my mode changed
G.12.375KD.11.370 þat reason rewarded & reuvled all beastes
G.12.376KD.11.371 sauve man & hys make many tyme & offte
G.12.377KD.11.372-373 no reason them folowed & þat I rebuvked
G.12.378KD.11.373 reason & ryght to hym-seluve seyde
G.12.379KD.11.374 I haue wondre off þe quod I þat wytty arte holden
G.12.380KD.11.375 whye þou ne sueste man & hys make þat þem no myssfayte folowe
G.12.381KD.11.376 & reason arated me & seyde reche þou neuere
G.12.382KD.11.377 why I suffer or noght suffer þi-seluve hast noght a doone
G.12.383KD.11.378 amend þou yff þou myght my tyme ys to abyde
G.12.384KD.11.379 sufferance ys souvereygne wertuve & a swyffte wengeance
G.12.385KD.11.380 wo sufferythe more þen god quod he no goome as I leuve
G.12.386KD.11.381 he myght amend In a mynuvte wyle all þat mysstandethe
G.12.387KD.11.382 but he sufferythe for some mannes good & so ys our better
G.12.388KD.11.394 the wyse & þe wyttye wroote
þisG.12.388: For the G scribe's use of "this" for most manuscripts "thus," see note to G.4.76. In the byble
G.12.389KD.11.395 de re que te non molestat noli certare & cetera //
G.12.390KD.11.396 for be a man fayre or fo
uvle ytt fallethe not
toG.12.390: The majority B reading (i.e. forto rather than to) results in a very long b-verse dip and Kane and Donaldson adopt the G O C2 reading to. See, however, Duggan, "Notes on the Metre." lacke
G.12.391KD.11.397 the shappe ne þe shafte þat god shoope hym-seluve
G.12.392KD.11.398 for all þat he dyd was weldoowel doo as holy wrytt weyttnessythe
G.12.393KD.11.398α et vidit deus cuntacun[c]ta que fecerat & erant valde bona : //
G.12.394KD.11.399 & bad euery creatuvre In hys kynd Increasse
G.12.395KD.11.400 all to muvrthe wythe man that most woo tholye
G.12.396KD.11.401 In fouvndyng off þe flesshe & the feende bothe
G.12.397KD.11.402 for man was made off suoyche amattera matter he mey not well astarte
G.12.398KD.11.403 that ne some-tyme hym betyd to folowen hys kynde
G.12.399KD.11.404 caton acordethe þerwyth nemo sine crimine viuit.//
G.12.400KD.11.405 tho caght I colouvr a-non & compsed to be shamed
G.12.401KD.11.406 and awaked þer-wyth woo was me thene
G.12.402KD.11.407 that I yn meytelles ne myght more haue y-knowen
G.12.403KD.11.408 then seyd I to my-selffe and chydde þat tyme
G.12.404KD.11.409 now I watt what dowell ys by dere god as me thynkethe
G.12.405KD.11.410 & as I cast vp myne eyne oone loked on me & asked
G.12.406KD.11.411 off me what thyng yt were Iwys syr I seyde
G.12.407KD.11.412 to se moche & suffer more certes
quod he ItG.12.407: Kane and Donaldson state that original I is altered to he It by the main hand. Given that the original scribe and the later brown ink corrector appear to have been the same person,
this may well be the case but it is clear that any such alteration must have been carried out in two stages, since the <t>
of It is in pale grey ink whereas he has been added in brown ink. ys dowell
G.12.408KD.11.413 haddesthowe suffered slepyng tho thowe were
G.12.409KD.11.414 þ
ou sholdest haue knowe
nG.12.409: The added bar over the final <e> of knowe is in brown ink. þ
at clargye can & concey
uved more
by reason
G.12.410KD.11.415 for reason wold haue rehersed þe ryght as clargye seyde
G.12.411KD.11.416 and for theryne entremetyng there / arthowe forsake
G.12.412KD.11.416α philosophus esses si tacuisses et cetera . //
G.12.413KD.11.417 adam wyles he spake not he had paradysse att wyll
G.12.414KD.11.418 but when he mameled aboute meyte & entremete hym to knowe
G.12.415KD.11.419 the wyssdome off þe wytt off god he was put fro blysse
G.12.416KD.11.420 and ryght so fared reason by the þou wyth rewde speche
G.12.417KD.11.421 lackedest & losest thyng that longethe noght to be done
G.12.418KD.11.422 tho had he no lykyng for to lere the more
G.12.419KD.11.423 pryde nowe & presuvmpsyon peraventuvre wyll þe appeyle
G.12.420KD.11.424 þat clarge thye companye ne kepethe not to sawe
G.12.421KD.11.425 shall neuer chalyngyng ne chydyng chastye man so sone
G.12.422KD.11.426 as shall shame & shenden hym & shape hym to amend
G.12.423KD.11.427 for lett a dronken daffe In a dyche fall
G.12.424KD.11.428 lett hym lygge looke not on hym tyll hym lyst ryse
G.12.425KD.11.429, 431 for thogh reason rebuked hym þen ytt were but puvre synne
G.12.426KD.11.432 & when nede nymmethe vp for douvte lest he steruve
G.12.427KD.11.433 and shame
sha G.12.427: The scribe has tried to emend <sha> to <shra> by overwriting and then abandoned the attempt. shrapethe hys clothes & hys shynnes wasshethe
G.12.428KD.11.434 þen woote þe drouvnken daffe werefore he ys to blame
G.12.429KD.11.435 ye seggen sothe quod I yche haue sene ytt offte
G.12.430KD.11.436 þer smytt no thyng so smerte ne swellethe so sore
G.12.431KD.11.437 as shame þer he shoythe hym for euery man hym shendethe
G.12.432KD.11.438 whye ye wysse me þus quod I was for I rebuvked reason
G.12.433KD.11.439 certes quod he þat ys sothe & shope hym for to walke
G.12.434KD.11.440 & I aroos vpryght wyth þat & folowed after
G.12.435KD.11.441 & preyed hym off hys couvrtesye to tell me hys name
explicit quartus passus de dowell· //