fol. 65r (cont.)I
Incipit primus passus de dobetter
BPassus 15
But after my wakyng ytt was wondre long
er I couvlde kyndly knowe whatt was dowell
and so my wytt vexe & vanyed tyll I a foole were
and some lacked my louyve & alowed ytt fewe
and leten for a lorell to serue lordes & ladyes & lothe to reuerensen
lordes or ladyes or any lyffe elles
as psounsp[er]souns In pelouvr wythe pendantz off syluver
to sergeantes ne to suoyche seyde noght oonesce
fol. 65vI
god looke you lordes & louvted fayre
that folke helde me a foole & In that folye I rauved
tyll reason had reuvthe on me and rocked me a-slepe
tyll I seygheG.16.12: There is a faint otiose bar over seyghe. as ytt sorcerye were a subtyle thyng wyth-all
oon wythoute tong & teethe tolde me whydre I sholde
& wheroff I came & what kynd I coniuIvred hym at þe last
yff he were crystes creature for crystes louve me to tell
G.16.16KD.15.16, 17
I am crystes creature quod he & crysten In many places
In crystes couvrte I-knowe well & off hys kynne apartea parteG.16.17: For G parte for "party," see note to G.2.7.
ys nether petur þe porter ne poule wyth hys fawchoune
that wole defend me þe doore dyng I neuer so late
att mydnyght att mydday my voyce ys well I-knowe
that eche creature off hys couvrte welcomethe me fayre
what are ye called In þat couvrte quod I amogestamo[n]gest crystes poeple
wyle I quycke was In þe corps quod he called am I anima
and when I wylne & wold animus I hatte
for I can & knowe called am I mens
& when I make moone to god memoria ys my name
& when I deme domes & doo as trewthe teychethe
then ys ratio my ryght name and reason In englysshe
& when I feele þat folke tellethe me my name ys :sensus:
& þat ys wytt & wyssdome þe well off all craftes
and when I chalenge or chaleng noght cheape or refuvse
then am I conscyence called goddes clerke & hys notarye
and when I louve leally our lord & all other
then ys leall louve my name and In latyn amor
& when I flee fro þe Flesshe and forsake þe caroygne
then am I spyryte specheles /spiritus/ þen I hatte
augustyne & Isodorus & eyther off theym bothe
neuenvedneue[n]ed me þus to name now thowe may chosse
how þou couvetyst to call me nowe knowesthowe my names
anima pro diuersis accionibus diuersa nomina sortitur /: dum
vivificat corpus anima est : dum vult animus est : dum
scit mens est: dum recolit memoria: dum Iudicat ra
tio est: dum sentit sensus est: dum amat amor est:
dum negat vel conscentit conscientia est: dum spirat spiritus est:
ye been asG.16.41: Bo Cot share G's original omission of as. a bysshoppe quod I all bouvrdyng that tyme
for bysshops y-blessedd beyre many names
fol. 66rI
G.16.43: A scribe has added an arabic <5> with a line through it, followed by ten medieval forms of this number as pen trials. See Benson and Blanchfield p.43.
presul and pontifex and metropolitanus
and other names an heape as episcopus and pastor
that ys sothe seyde he nowe I see þi wyll
thow woldest knowe & konne theyre names þe cauvse off all þeir names
& off myne yff þou myghtest me thynke by thye speeche
ye syr he sayde so þat no man were greuved
all þe scyences vndre sonne & all þe subtyle craftes
I wold knowe & konne perfytelyche In my herte
then arte thow vnperfytt quod he & on off prydes knyghtes
for suoche a luvst & lykyng bucyG.16.52: There appears to have been an attempt to add an upright stroke altering the <b> of bucy to an <l> but this attempt has been abandoned. lycyfer fell from heyuven
ponam pedem meum in aquilone et similis ero altissimo :
ytt were ageynst kynd quod he & alkynnes reason
that any creature shuolde konne all except cryste a-lone
ageynst suoche salamon speykethe & dyspysethe theyre wyttes
and seyethe / sicut qui mel comedit multum non est ei bonum :
sic qui scrutator est magestatis opprimitur a gloriaG.16.58: The two rubricated lines are bracketed together in red on the right.
to englysshe men thys ys to meane þat may speake & here
the man þat moche hony eytethe hys mawe ytt englaymethe
and þe more þat a man off good matter heyrethe
but he do therafter ytt dothe hym douvble skathe
beatus vir sayethe senynteG.16.63: The first three letters of seynte were originally sen- but the scribe has added a tail to the <n> and a bar above. bernarde qui scripturas legit
et verba vertit in opera fullyche to hys power
couvetyse to konne & to knowe scyence
put oute off paradyse adam & euve
scientie appetitus hominem immortalitatis gloriam spoliauit
but ryght as hony e ys yuvell to defye & engleymethe þe mawe
ryght so þat thrughe reason wolde þe roote knowe
off god & off hys myghtes hys grace ytt lettethe
for yn þe lykyng lyethe a pryde & In a lykehames couvetyse
ageynst crystes couvnseyle & all clerkes teychyng
that ys non plus sapiresap[e]re quam oportet sapere :
freres & other masters that to þe lewed men preychen
mouven matters vnmeysurables to tellen off þe trynyte
that offte tymes þe lewde poeple off þeir byleuve dowten
bettre to leyuve were many doctouvrs suoyche teychyng
& tell men þe tenne commandementz & touvche þe seyuven synnesG.16.78: G, C and B omit a line at this point ("And of þe braunches þat burgeouneth of hem · and bryngeth men to helle").
& how þat folk In folyes myspenden theyr fyuve wyttes G.16.79: The cross in the bottom right hand margin is in modern pencil.
fol. 66vI
as well freres as other folke folysshlyche spenden
In howsyng yn hatteryng yn hygh claregye shewyng
more for pompeG.16.82: The final <e> of pompe, though in the original ink and in the hand of the original scribe, has been squashed in as an afterthought; a virgule has then been added to separate pompe from the following word. thern for pure charyte þe poeple woote þe sothe
that I lye noght loo / for lordesG.16.83: The word lordes has been re-outlined, apparently in the original ink and by the original scribe. ye pleysen
and reuverensen þe ryche the rather for theyr syluver
confundantur omnes qui adorant sculptilia & cetera
et alibi: vt quid diligisdilig[it]is vanitatem & queritis mendatiumG.16.86: The two rubricated lines have been bracketed together in red on the right.
go ye to the glose off the werse ye greate clerkes
&G.16.88: The ampersand is clearly in the hand of the original scribe, but it may be an addition as it appears in the margin. yff I lye on you to my lewde wytt leydethe me to brynnyng
for as ytt semethe ye forsake no mannes almes
off vserers off hoores off auvarouse chapmen
& louvten to thes lordes þat may lenve you nobles
ageyne your ruvle & relygyon I take recorde off Iesus
that seyde to hys descyples ne sitis personarum acceptores:
off thys mattyer I myght make a long byble
but off curatouvrs off crystyen poeple as clerkes beyren wytnes
I shall tell ytt for trewthe sake take hede wo-so lokethe
as holynes and honeste owte off holy churche spreydethe
thrugh leall lyuvyng men / that goddes lawe teychen
ryght so owte off holy churcehe all euvellG.16.99: In Bm, the shared G Y B reading "evil" (for remaining manuscripts yueles) may result from a correction, since the word is followed by an erasure. spreydethe
there ymperfytt preesthoode ys preychouvrs & teychouvrs
and se ytt by ensample In somer tyme on trees
there some bowes beene leyuved and some beyre non
there ys a myscheffe In the more off suoyche maner bowes
ryght so persones & prestes and preychouvrs off holycherche holy cherche
that are rootes off the faythe to reule reuvle þe poeple
but there þe roote ys roten reason woote þe sothe
shall neuer flower ne fruvyte ne fayre leyffe be grene
for-thy wold ye lettered leyuve / þe leccherye off clothyng
and be kynd as fell for clarkes & couvrteyse of crystes gooddes
trewe off your tonges & off your tales bothe
& hate to here harlottrye & not to vndrefong
the tythes off trewe thyng tylyed & chaffered
loothe were lewde men but they your ruvle folowed
and amende þem þat myssdoone more thrugh your ensamples
then for to preyche & prouve ytt noght ypocrasy ytt semethe
for ypocrysy yn latyn / ys lykened to a duvnghyll
fol. 67rI
that were bysnowed wyth snowe & snakes wythynne G.16.117: G Hm C B omit a line at this point ("Or to a wal þat were whitlymed · and were foule wyth-inne").
ryght so many preestes preychers & preelates
ere enblauvnchede wyth ( beale paroles)G.16.119: For the G scribe's use of brackets for highlighting, see note to G.6.597. & wyth clothes also
but your werkes & wordes thervndre be vnlycheG.16.120: Most manuscripts read ful vnlouelich for G vnlyche. Y Bo Cot share G's omission of ful but no manuscripts apart from G read vnlyche.
Iohannes crisostomus off clerkes speykethe & preestes
sicut de templo omne bonum egreditur / sic de templo omne malum procedit
si sacerdotium integrum fuerit tota floret ecclesia : si autem corruptum
fuerit omnisG.16.122: Kane and Donaldson do not record G "omnis" (for remaining manuscripts omnium) as a variant. fides martida est : si sacerdotium fuerit In peccatis totus
populus couertiturco[n]uertitur ad peccandum : si cum videris arborem martidam et
pallidam intelligis quod vicium habet I
n radice: Ita cum videris populum
indisciplinatum & irreligiosum sine dubio sacerdotium eius non est sanum://
yff lewde men wyst what þis laten meanethe
and wo was myne auvtore moche wondre me thyngkethe
but yff manye a preeste beyre for hys baselard & hys brooches
a payre beydes In hys hand & a boke vndre hys arme
syr Ihon & syr geffrey hauve a gyrdell off syluver
a baselarde & a ballock knyffe wyth botons ouer-gylte
but a portuvos sholde be hys plowe placebo to sygge
had he neuer seruvyce to sauve syluver þerto / seyethe ytt wyth ydle wyll
alas ye lewde men moche leese they on preestes
but þing þat wyckedlyche ys wonne & wyth falsce sleyghtes
wold neuer off wytty god þe wyt / but wyked men ytt hadde
wyche are preestes ymperfytt and preychouvrs after syluver
sectouvrs & souvthdeanes somonouvrs & theyre lemmanes
thys that wyth gyle was gotten vngracyouvslye ys spended
so harlotes and hoores ere helpen wyth suoyche gooddes
& goddes folke for defauvte theroff forfaren and spyllen
cuvratouvrs off holychurcheholy churche as clerkes þat beene auvarous
lyghtlyche þat they leyuven loselles ytt hauvethe
or dyethe Intestate & þen the bysshoppe enterethe
and makethe myrthe therwythe & hys men bothe
and say he was a nygarde that no goode myght spare
to frend ne to frembde the fende haue hys souvle
for a wrecched hoouvse he helde all hys lyffe tyme
and þat he spared & byspared spend we yn myrthe
by lered & by lewde þat lothe are to spende
thysG.16.148: For the G scribe's use of "this" for remaining manuscripts "thus," see note to G.4.76. goon theyre gooddes / by e the goost faren
but for goode men god woote greate doole ..ymenG.16.149: The word replaced by men is barely visible, but it seems possible that a small mark beneath the <n> may represent the remains of a <y>, in which case it may have been "they." maken
fol. 67vI
& by-meannen good meyte-gyuvers & In mynd hauven
ye prears & pennance and yn perfytt charyte
whatt ys charyte quod I tho / a chyldysshe thyng he sayde
nisi efficiamini sicut paruuli non intrabitis in regnovm celorum
wythoute fauvntelte or folye a fre lyberall wyll
where sholde men suoche a frende wyth so fre an harte
I haue lyuved In londe quod I my name ys long wyll
and fouvnde I neuer full charyte byfore ne beynde
men beene mercyable to mendynantz & to pouerrepoure botheG.16.158: There is an otiose expansion mark over the <u> of poure as if the scribe anticipated "pouerte." See note to G.15.292 and the reading at G.15.298.
& wyll leane there þei leuve leally to be payde
but charyte þat paule preysethe best & most pleasethe our sauvyour
nonG.16.161: C shares the G C B reading non, which is adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Remaining B manuscripts read As non or Is non. inflatur non est ambiciosa non querit que sua sunt
I seygh neuer suoche a man so me god helpe
that he ne wolde aske after hys & other-whyle couveyte
thyng þat nedythe hym noght & nyme yt yff he myght
clerkes kenne me that cryste ys In all places
but I segheG.16.166: The words I seghe have been re-outlined in darker ink. hym neuer sothely but as my-selfe yn a myrrouvr
Ita in enigmate tunc facie ad faciem:
& so I trowe trewly by þat men tell off charyte
ytt ys noG.16.169: Hm's reading no, shared with G F, is over an erasure. Remaining manuscripts read nouȝt. champyons fyght / ne chaffayre as I trowe
charyte quod he ne chafferethe noght ne chalegethechale[n]gethe ne crauvethe
as prouvde off a peny as off a pouvnd off golde
& ys as glade off a gowne off a grey ruvssett
as off a tuvnycle off tarce or off tryed skarlett
he ys gladde to all gladde & goode to all wycked
& lenvythe & louvethe all þat our lorde made
cuvrsethe he no creature ne he can beyre no wrathe
ne no lykyng hathe to lye ne lauvghe men to scorne
& all þat men seyne he letethe sothe & yn solace takethe
& all maner myscheffes In myldenes he sufferethe
couvetethe he non yerlyG.16.180: Since in G an initial letter <y> is often added to words beginning with <e> (see Introduction III.4.4), it seems likely that G's reading yerly (for most manuscripts erthly) is effectively the same as the reading in F (i.e. erly). goode but heyuven-ryche blysse
hathe he any rentes or ryches or any frendes
off rentes ne off ryches recchethe he neuver
for a frende þat fyndethe hym fayled hym neuer at nede
fiat voluntas tua : fynt hym euver-more
& yff he souvpe he eytethe but a soppe off spera in deo
he can pourtrye well þe pater-noster & paynte yt wyth auvees
& other-wyle he wont to wend pylgyrymages
fol. 68rI
there pore men & prysoners lyggen ther perdone to haue
thogh he beyre theyme noG.16.189: The G reading here could possibly be ne rather than no. bred he beyrethe swetter lyuveloode
louvethe as our lorde byddythe & lokethe how they fare
& when he ys wery off that worke þen wole he some-tyme
laboren yn lauvendrye well þe lenght off a myle
and yerne In-to trouvght & ȝepelyche speke
pryde wyth all þer appuvrtenancys & packen þem to-gydders
& bouvken theym att hys brest & bowken theym cleyne
& lyggen on long wyth laboraui in gemitu meo :
& wyth warme water att hys eyen wasshen theym after
& þen he syngethe when he doethe so & some-tyme sayethe wepyng
cor contritum et humiliatum deus non dispicies :
but cryst I wolde I knewe hym no creature leuvere
wyth-oute helpe off pyers plowman quod he hys person seeste þou neuer
where clerkes knowe hym quod I þat kepen holy cherche
clerkes haue no knowyng quod he but by workes & wordes
but pyers þe plowman perceyuvethe more depper
where ys þe wyll & wherfore þat many aG.16.205: C2 originally shared the majority B reading many, but a superlinear a has been added, bringing C2's reading into line with that of G O (i.e. many a). wyght sufferythe
et vidit deus cogitationes eorum ://
for þer are full prouvde herted men pacyent off tong
and buxome as off beyryng to burgesys & to lordes
& to pouvre poeple haue peppur In þe nose
and as a lyon he lokethe ther men lakken hys workes
for þer are bugeysysbu[r]geysysG.16.211: For the G spelling bugeysys, see also G.4.164. & bydders beydemen as ytt were
loken as lambren & semyn lyffe-holy
but ytt ys more to haue þer meyte In suoyche maner
then for pennance or perfyttnes the pouverte þat suoche takethe
therfore by colouvr ne by clargy knowe shalt þou hym neuer
nether thrugh wordes ne workes but thrugh wyll alone
& þat knoethe no clerke ne creature yn yerthe
but pyers þe plowman : :petrus id est cristus :
for he ys noght yn lollers ne yn lewde lepers hermytes
ne at ankers there a box hangethe all suoyche þei fayten
Fye vp-on Faytouvrs and on fautores suos
for charyte to goddes champyon & as a goode chylde hende
& þe meryest off mouvthe att meyte wher he syttethe
fol. 68vI
the louve þat leyethe yn hys herte makethe hym hym lyght of speche
& ys compaygnable & confortyve as cryst bytt hym-seluve
nolite fieri sicut ipocrite tristes ://
for I haue seene hym in sylke & some-tyme InG.16.227: Capital <I> plus abbreviation mark is unusual as a spelling of "in" in this manuscript, and it seems likely that the scribe anticipated a clause with I as subject. ruvssett
bothe yn grey & yn grys and yn gylte harnes
and as gladlyche he ytt gaffe to goomes þat ytt neded
edmuvnd & edward ether were kynges
and seyntes y-sett tyll charyte theym folowed
I haue seene charyte also syngen & reden
bydden & rennen yn ragged weedes
for byddyng as beggers doone byheld I hym neuer
but In ryche roobes rathest he walkethe
y-called & crymaylled & hys crowne shauve
& clenlyche y-clothed In cypres & In tartaryne
and In a freres frocke he was fouvnde oonesce
but ytt ys fare a-goo In seynte franceyes tyme
and In þat secte sylde sythe to selde hathe he be knowen
ryche men he recommendythe & theyre robes takethe
that wythowten wyles leyden theyre lyuves
beatus est diues qui et cetera//
yn þe kynges couvrte he comethe oft þer þe counseyll ys trewe
but yff couvetyse be off couvnseyle wehe wyll not comme þerynne
In couvrt among Iapers he comethe butG.16.246: Kane and Donaldson emend to the G L M R reading but, which is also the reading of Cx, though the latter has a different a-verse. Most B manuscripts read not but. selde
For brauvlyng & backbytyng & beyryng off falsce wyttnes
In consystorye before þe commyssorye he comethe not full ofte
for þer lawe duvrethe ouer long but yff þei lacche syluver
& matrymoygne for off money maken & vnmaken
and þat coscyenceco[n]scyence & cryste hathe knytt faste
they vndone yt vnworthylye þes doctouvrs off lawe
but I ne lack no lyffe but lord amend vs all
& gyve yvs grace good god charyte to folowe
for wo myght mete wyth hym suoche maners hym aylethe
nether he bannethe ne blamethe ne bostethe ne preysethe
G.16.257: This and the following line appear in reverse order in Bx. All β4 manuscripts share G's order.crauvethe ne couvetythe ne cryethe after more
lackethe ne losethe ne lookethe vp sterne
In pace inidipsumin idipsum dormiam et requiescam ://
þe most loyuveloode he lyuvethe by ys louve yn goddes passyon
fol. 69rI
nether he byddethe ne beggethe ne borowethe to yelde
myssdoethe he no man ne wyth hys mouvthe greuvethe
amongest crystyen men thys mylednes shuolde laste
In all maner angres haue þis In herte
that thogh þei suffered all thys godG.16.265: The form of the <d> in god resembles that used in the rubricated sections of the text. fsufferedG.16.265: Possibly the initial letter of suffered was originally <ff>. In any case, this letter has been blocked in so that the cross-bar is no longer visible. for vs more
In ensample we shuolde do soo and take no wengeance
off our foos þat doone vs falssnes that .ys our fadres wyll
for well may euery man wytte yff god wolde hym-seluve
shulde neuer Iudas ne Iewe haue Iesu doone on roode
ne haue martered petur ne poule InG.16.270: M originally shared G's reading In, but supralinear ne has been added by M's hand2, giving ne in, which corresponds to the reading of remaining B manuscripts. pryson holden
but he suffered yn ensample þat we suffre also
and seyde to suoyche þat suffer wolde þat pacientes vincunt :
verbi gracia quod he & verrey ensamples manye
In ligenda sanctormsanctor[u]m the lyffe off holy seyntes
what pennance & pouverte & passyon theG.16.275:The G scribe regualarly uses the weak form of the pronoun, "the," for remaining B manuscripts "they." See note to G.6.195. suffered
yn hongre & yn heate yn all maner angres
antony & egydy & other holy fadres
woneden In wyldernes amongest wylde beastes
monkes & mondynantzm[e]ndynantz men by theym-seluve
In spekes & speklonvkesspelo[n]kesG.16.280:The original shared G C Y B misreading (speklonkes for spelonkes) has been corrected in Cot. seelde speke to-gyddres
but neuer antonye ne egydy ne herymytes þat tyme
off lyons ne leopardes no lyuveloode ne tooke
but off fouvles þat flyghen þus fynd men In bookes
except þat egyde after an hynde cryed
and thrughe þe mylke off þat mylde beaste þe man was susteyned
and day by day had he hyr noght hys hongre for to slake
but selde & sondrye tymes as sayethe þe boke & teychethe
antonye a dayes abouvte noone tyme
had a bryd þat broght hym breyd þat he by lyuved
& thoghe þe goome had a gest : god fond theym bothe
poul primus heremita had parrokked hym-seluve
that no man myght hym see for mosse & for leyuves
Fouvhles hym fedde fellG.16.293: For G's treatment of B fele (appearing here as G Cr fell), see note to G.4.349. wynters wythe all
tyll he fownded freres off auvguvstynes ordre
poule after hys preychyng panȝers he made
and wanne wyth hyns G.16.296: A curved stroke has been added to the bottom of the <n> of original hyn, forming a loop, and this then continues upwards to form the riser of a sigma <s>. handys þat hys wombe nedethe
fol. 69vI
petur fysshed for hys foode & hys felowe andrewe
some þei solde & some they soothe / & so they lyuved bothe
& also marye magdalyne by moores lyuved & dewes
but most thrughe deuvotyon and mynd off god almyghtye
I shold not thys seyuven dayes seggen theym all
that lyuvyden thysG.16.302: For the G scribe's use of "this" for remaining manuscripts "thus," see note to G.4.76. for oure lordys louve many long yeres
but there ne was lyon ne leoparde that on landesG.16.303: The G Cr B reading landes may simply be a variant spelling of the majority reading laundes. See OED laund. wenten
nether ne borre ne other beaste wylde
that ne fell to theyre feete and fauvned wyth þer tayles
and yff þei couvlde haue carped by cryste as I trowe
they wold haue feedde þat folke byfore wylde fowles
but god send þem foode by foughles & by no wylde beastes
In meanyng þat meke thyng / mylde thyng sholde feede
as wo seyethe relygyouvse ryghtfull men sholde fynde
and lawfull men to lyffholy men lyuveloode bryng
& þen wolde lordes & ladyes be lothe to agylte
& to take off theyre tenantes more then trowgh wolde
Fond þei þat freres wold forsake theyre almes
& bydden them beyre ytt þer ytt was y-borowed
for we be goddes fowheles & abyden allway
tyll bryddes bryng vs meate þat we shuolde lyuve by
For had ye potage & payne & penny ale y-noghe
and a meyse þer-mydde off any maner kynd
ye had ryght ynowghe ye rylygoyouvse so your reuvle me tolde
numquam dicit Iob rugit onager cum herbam habuerit : aut :
mugiet bos cum ante se plenum presepe steterit: brutorum
animalium natura te condemnat: quia cum eis pabulum
comune sufficiat ex adipe prodijt iniquitas tua://
G.16.322: The following nine lines have been bracketed by WH, who has added a note in the margin. See G.16.325. yff lewde men knewe thys laten: þei wolde loocke to gyuve
and auyse þem a-fore fyuve dayes off or syxe
er they amortysed to monkes & chanons þer rentes
nota hic
alas lordes & ladyes lewde couvnceyle haue ye
de Religione
to gyuve fro your heyres þat your ayeles had
and gyuvethe to bydde for you to suoche þat beene ryche
and beene fouvnded & feasted eke to bydde for other
who perfouvrnethe þis profecye off þe poeple þat nowe lyuvethe
dispersit dedit pauperibus://
fol. 70rI
nota de fratribus This marginal comment is in the same hand as the addition by WH at the bottom of the previous page. A vertical line in the same ink runs from G.16.333 to G.16.347.
yff any poeple perfomeperfo[r]me þis texte ytt are þe pore freres
For þat þei beggen aboute In beeldyng they spendeG.16.332: Kane and Donaldson emend to the G C2 B R reading "spend." Remaining B manuscripts read spene, spend it or it spende.
on theyre-seluve some & on suoche as beene þeir laborouvrs
& off þat haue þei taken and gyve theym þat ne hauvethe
but clerkes & knyghtes & comuvners þat beene ryche
feele howG.16.336: For G's treatment of B fele (appearing here as feele), see note to G.4.349. you faren / & yff I a forest hadde
that were full off fayre trees & y fouvnded & caste G.16.337: Parts of the last two words of this line appear to have been re-outlined in black ink.
how I myght moo therynne amonges þem sett
ryght so ryche ye robbe þem þat be ryche
& helpen þem þat helpen you & gyuvethe there no nede ys
as wo-so fyllede a tonne off a fresshe ryuver
& went forthe wyth þat water / to awoke wyth tensmsse
ryght so ye ryche robbetheG.16.343: The majority of manuscripts share G's reading "robbeth," but the correct reading is clearly "robeth," i.e. "clothe." The G scribe himself was clearly aware of the possibility of indicating long and short vowels by means of single and double consonants, but his practice in this respect was by no means consistent and it is therefore unclear which word he intended (see Introduction III.2). & fedethe
them þat haue as ye haue ye make att ease
butt relygyouvse þat ryche beene shuolde rather feaste beggers
then burgesys þat ryche beene as þe booke teychethe
quia sacralegium est res pauperum non pauperibus dare:
Item peccatoribus est dare est demonibus immolare : Item:
monache si indiges & accipis pocius das quam accipis:
si autem non eges et accipis rapis : porro non indiget:
monacus si habeat quod nature sufficit ://G.16.347: The rubricated section is bracketed in red on the right. Although some of the line breaks coincide with the end of a quotation, this is not true of all and the arrangement therefore does not seem to be deliberate.
forthye I couvnseyle all crystyen to confouvrme them to charyte
For charyte wythoute chalyngyng vnchargethe þe souvle
& many a prysoner fro puvrgatorye thrugh hys preyers delyuerythe
but þer ys a defauvte yn þe folke þat the lawe kepe
wherfore folke ys the febylyer & not fyrme off byleuve
and In luvsburwes a lyther a-lay / a yete lokethe he lyke a sterlyng
the merke off þat money ys good / but þe meytell ys feble
& so ytt farethe by some folke nowe þei haue a fayre speche
crowne & crystendome the kynges merke off heyuven
but þe mettell þat ys mannes souvle wyth synne ys fowle alayedG.16.358: G C B F omit a line at this point ("Bothe lettred and lewede · beth allayed now with synne").
that no lyfe ne louvethe other ne our lorde as ytt semethe
for thrugh warre & wycked workes & wedders vnreasonable
wyther wysse shyppmen & wytty clerkes also
haue no byleuve to þe . lyst / ne to þe loore off phylossophers
astronomyens all day In theyre artes fayllen
fol. 70vI
that wyllhome warned byfore what shuolde fall after
shypmen & sheppardes that wyth shypp & shepe wenten
wysten by þe welkne what sholde betyde
as off wedders wyndes they warned men ofte
tylyers þat tylyed þe yerthe toolden theyre masters
by þe seede þat þei sheweG.16.368: Given the variation beween <s> and <sh> spellings in G (see Introduction III.4.1), G shewe for remaining manuscripts sewe may be a spelling variant rather than a separate lexical item. / what they sell myght
& what to leyuve & what to lyuve by þe lande was so trewe
now faylethe þe folke off the floode & off the land bothe
shepperdes & shypmen & so do thes tylyers
nether konne ne knowenG.16.372: The last two words of this half line are in a slightly more formal script: the riser of the <k> in particular resembles those of letters used in the rubricated sections. oon couvrse a-fore a-nother
astromonyens also are att theyr wyttes ende
off þat was calclede off þe elymentes þe contrary þei fynde
gramere þe grounde off all bygylethe now chyldren
For ys non off þes newe clerkes who-so nymmethe hede
that canne versyfye fayre or fouvrmelyche endyte
ne not on amonge an huvndrethe an auvtour can constrewe
ne rede a l.etter In any langage but latyn & enghlysshe
go now to any degre but yff gyle be mastre
& flatterer hys felowe vndre hym to fouvrme
moche wondre me thynkethe among vs all
doctouvrs off decrees / & off dyuynyte masters
that sholde konne & knowe alkynnes clargye
and answere to arguvmentes and also to a quodlibet
I dare not segge ytt for shame yf suoche were apposed
they sholde fayle yn þeir phylosophy & yn þeir physyck bothe
wherfore I am a-ferde off folke off holy churche
lest þei ouerhyppen as other done yn offyce & yn houvrs
but yff þei ouerhyppe as I hope noght our byleuve suffysethe
as clerkes yn corpus cristi feaste syngen & reden
that sola fides sufficit to sauve suoche lewde poeple
and so may sarazenes be sauved scrybes & Iewes
alas þen but our loorsmen lyuven as þei teyche vs
þat for þeir lyuvyng lewdmenlewd men be lother god to agylte
For sarazenes haue somewhat semyng to our byleuve
For þei louve & byleuve In on person almyghty
fol. 71rI
and we lered & lewde In on god byleuve
and on (macomethe)G.16.399: For the G scribe's use of brackets, see note to G.6.597. a man yn myssbyleuve
broght sarazenes off surre and see In whatt maner
theys macomethe was crystyen & for he myght not be p.apeG.16.401: The scribe uses an unusual double-lobed <a> for the alteration to pape.
In-to surre he soght & thrugh hys subtyle wyttes
he davn.ted a dove and day & nyght hyr fedde
the corne þat she cropped / he cast ytt yn heys eyre
and yff he among þe poeple preyched / or yn place came
then wolde þe cuvluver come In-to the clerkes eyre
menyng as after meyte (þus macomethe) hyr enchanted
and dyd folkeG.16.408: Manuscript O originally shared the G Cr Y F reading folke (for remaining manuscripts folke þanne), but supralinear þanne has been added in O. fall on knees / for he sware In hys preychyng
that þe cuvluver þat came so came from god off heyuven
as mesenger to macomethe men for to teyche
& þus thrugh wyles off hys wytt and a whyte dowe
macchomett yn myssbyleuve men & wemen broght
þat lered & lewde yett leeuen on hys lawes
& sythe our sauvyour suffered þe sarazenes so begyled
thrugh a cuvrsed clerke acuvrsed In hys soule
nota bene Marginal nota bene has clearly been written by WH. For an initialled marginal addition in this hand, see G.16.325.m.1.
& for drede off dethe I dare nott tell þe trewthe
how englysshe clerkes a coluver feden þat couvetouvse hatte
& bynne manered after macomethe þat no man vsethe trewthe
ancres & heremytes moonkes & freres
peren to appostels thrugh þeir perfytt lyuvyng
wold neuer þe feythfull father þat hys mynysters sholde
off tyrantes þat teene trew men taken any almesse
but doone as antony dyd domynycke & fraunceys
benett & bernard wyche theym furst taght
to lyuve by ly.ttulleG.16.425: The first <t> of "little" apparently started out as another letter; the upright stroke rises above the usual level and the top has been lined through in brown ink. & yn lowe howses / by leelle menes almesse
grace shold growe & be greene thrugh þeir good lyuvyng
& folkes sholde fynde þat been In greate sycknes
the better for theyr byddyng In bodyes & yn souvles
theyr preyers & theyre pennances to peasce sholde brynge
fol. 71vI
all þat bynne att debate and redemen been trewe
petite et accipietis & cetera//
salt sauvethe catell seggen thes wyuves
vos esteis sal terre et cetera
the beydes off holy churche and þei holye were
cryste callethe þem salt for crysten soules
et si sal euanerit in quo salietur :
but fresshe flessehe other fysshe when ytt salt faylethe
ytt ys vnsauery for-sothe y-soothe or bake
so ys mannes soule sothely þat seethe no good ensample
off theym off holycherche þat þe hyghe way sholde teyche
and be gyde & go before as a goode baner
& hardye þem þat be beynde / & gyuve þem goode euvydence
elleuene holye men all þe worlde tuvrned
In-to leele byleuve þe lyghtlyer me thynkethe
shold all maner men / we haue so many masters
prestes & preychouvrs & a pope above
that goddes salte sholdbeshold be / to sauve mannes soule
all was hethenes some-tyme england & wales
tyll gregory made clerkes to go & to preyche
auguvstyne att cantuvrbury crystyned þe kyng
& thrugh myracles as men mowe rede all þat marche touvrned
to cryste & to crystendome þe cros to honore
and fulled folke fast    and þe faythe taghte
more thrugh myracles þen thrugh moche preychyng
as well thrughe hys werkes as wyth hys woly wordes
& seyde þem what fullyng & faythe was to meane
clothe þat commethe fro wetyng ys not comelye to weyreG.16.457: What may appear to be an extra character at the end of the line is red ink transferred from the opposite page.
tyll ytt be fulled vndre foote or yn fullyng stockes
whassen well wyth water & wyth taseles cracched
y-touvked & y-teynted & vndre teylyouvrs hande
& soo ytt farethe by a barne þat borne ys off wombe
tyll yt be crystyned In crystes name & consermedcon[f]ermed of bysshope
ytt ys heythen as to heyuvenwarde & helples to þe soule
fol. 72rI
heythen ys to meane after hethe & vntyled yerthe
as In wylde wyldernes wexen wylde beastes
ryvde & vnreysonable rennyng wyth-owte crepres
ye nymmethe well what mathew sayethe how a man made a feaste
he fedde þem wyth no weneson ne pheysandes y-bake
but wyth fouheles þat from hym nolde but folowed hys wystylyng
ecce altilia mea et omnia parata sunt et cetera :
& wythe caluves flesshe he fedde þe folke þat he louved
the calffe betokenethe cleynnes In theym þat kepe þe lawes
for as þe kowe thrughe ..kynd mylke þe calffe norysshethe to an oxe
so louve & lealte lewde men susteyane
and meydens & mylde men marcy desyren
ryght as þe kowe kalffe coueytythe sweete mylke
so doone ryghfull men mercy & trewthe G.16.477: Fourteen lines which appear at this point in Kane and Donaldson's edition (KD.15.472-85) are found only in R.
but who beene þat excuvsen þem / þat are persones & preestes
that hedes off holye churche beene / þat haue þeir wyll here
wythoute trauvell þe tythe dole / þat trewe men byswynken
they wylbewyl be wrothe þat I wroote þisG.16.481: Once again, in the case of G at least, it is possible that "this" (for remaining manuscripts "thus") is simply a spelling variant. See note to G.4.76. / but to wyttnes I take
bothe mathewe & marke & memento domine dauid://
what pope or prelate nowe perfouvrmethe þat cryste hyght
Ite in vniuersum mundum et predicate et cetera ://
alas þat men so longe on machomethe shoolde byleuve
so many preelates to preche as þe pope makethe
off nazarethe off nynyuve off neptalyn off damaske
that þei ne went as cryst wyssethe sythe þei wyll hauve name
to be pastouvrs & preyche þe passyon off :Iesus :
& as hym-selffe sayde to lyuve & dye
bonus pastor animam suam ponit & cetera //
and seyde ytt yn saluvatyon off sarazenes & Iewes
for crystene & vncrystene cryst sayde to preychers
Ite vos in vineam meam et cetera
& sythe þat þes sarazenes scrybes and Iewes
haue a lyppe off our byleuve / þe lyghtlyer me thynkethe
þei sholde torne wo trauveyle wolde to teyche þem off þe trynyte
querite et inuenietis et cetera //
fol. 72vI
ytt ys reuvthe to rede howe ryght-wysmenwys men lyuvyden
how þei defouvlled þeir flesshe forsooke theyr owen wyll
farre fro kythe & from kynne yuvell clothed yeden
badly clade no booke but conscyence
ne no ryches but þe roode to reiIoyce theym ynne
absit nobis gloriari nisi in cruce domini nostri et cetera //
and þo was pleynte & peasce among pouvre & ryche
and now ys reuvthe to rede how þe redde noble
ys reuerensed are þe roode receyued for þe worthyer
then crystes cros þat ouercame dethe & deadly synnes
prophycie WH also adds the bracket around the following six lines.
& nowe ys warre & wo & who-so whye askethe
For couvetyse after cros þe crowne stand In golde
bothe ryche & relygyouvse that roode they honoren
that yn þe grote ys I-grauaeG.16.512: For the G scribe's treatment of superscript <a>, see note to G.3.157. / & yn þe gold nobles
For couvetyse off þat cros men off holye kyrke
shall torne as templers dyd þe tyme approchethe fast
wote ye nat ye wysse men howe þo men honored
more treasure þen trewthe I dare not tell þe sothe
reason & ryghtfull dome þo relygyouvse demed
ryght so ye clerkes for your couvetyse er long
shall þei deemen / dos ecclesie / & your pryde depoosseG.15.519: The original <o> of deposse is blotted so the supralinear <o> may simply be there to replace it. There is no caret mark.
deposuit potentes de sede & cetera //
yff kynghthoodek[ny]ghthoode & kynd wytt & comuvne conscyence
to-geddres louve leely leuvethe ytt well ye bysshopes
the lordshyppe off lande for euver ye shall lese
and lyuven as leuvytes as our lorde you teychethe
per primitias et diuitiasdecemasG.16.525: G's original reading diuitias is also the reading of C Y B. Remaining B manuscripts share G's corrected reading decemas. & cetera
when constantyne off couvrtesye holy cherche dowed
wyth landes & leedes lordshyppes & rentes
an angell men herd an hyghe att rome crye
dos ecclesie thys day hathe dronke wenome
and þo þat haue peturs power are empoysoned all
nota bene
a medycyne movste þerto þat may amend preelates
pro episcopis
that shold pray for þe peas possessyon þem lettethe
take theyre landes ye lordes & lett þem lyuve by þeir dymes
yff possessyon be poysone & ymperfytt þem make
good were to dyscharedyschar[g]e þem for holy cherches sake
fol. 73rI
& puvrgen þem off poyson er more peryll fall
yff preesthoode were perfytt þe poeple wold amend
that contraryen crystes lawe & crystendome despyse
for all paynemes preyen & perfyttlye byleuven
In þe holy greate god and hys grace þei asken
& make þeir moone to macomethe þeir message to shewe
thus In a faythe lyue leeuve þat folke / & yn a falsce meane
& þat ys reuvthe for ryghtfull men þat yn þe realme wonynenG.16.543:The tail of the <y> of original wonyen (altered to wonnen) is faintly visible. For other class II weak verbs in G, see Introduction III.4.3.
& yn perell for þe pope & preelates þat he makethe
that beyre bysshoppes names off bethelem & off babylon
that hyppe a-bowte en englande to halowe mennes awtres
& crepe amonge curatouvrs confessyon / g ageynst þe lawe
nolite mittere falcem in messem alienam ://
many man for crystes louve was martered yn romaygne
er any creystendome was knowe þ.er / or any cros honouvred
euery bysshoppe þat beyrythe cros by that he ys holden
thrugh hys prouvynce to passe & to hys poeple shewe hym
tellen þem & teychen þem on þe trynyte to byleuve
& feden þem wyth gostlye foode & gyuve there ytt nedethe
In domo mea non est panis neque vestimentum
et ideo nolite constituere me in regemG.16.556: These two rubricated lines have been bracketed together in red on the right.
ozias sayethe þat for suoyche as seeke bene & feble
Inferte omnes decimas in orreum meum vt cibus in domo & cetera//
but we crysten creatures þat on þe cros byleuven
are fyrme en þe feythe godG.16.560: M originally shared the majority B reading goddes, but the genitive inflexion -us has been deleted, giving god, as also G Cr23 Hm. forbyde elles
& haue clerkes to kepe vs therynne / & þem þat comethe after
and Iewes leyuvenG.16.562: For original G leuen, compare C2 leuen, F beleven. Most B manuscripts have lyuen. See also note to G.14.102. In leele lawe / our lorde wrote hym-seluve
In stonne for ytt stydfaste ys & stand shall for euer
dilige deum et proximum : ys perfytt Iewes lawe
heG.16.565: Kane and Donaldson do not record G's variant he; presumably they read it as <&>. In fact it is a careless <h> followed by a backwards facing <e>. Contrast with the two ampersands immediately below. toke ytt moyses to teyche men tyll messye came
& on þat lawe þei leeuven yett & letten ytt þe best
& yett knowe þei cryste þat crystendome taghte
for a perfytt prophete þat moche poeple sauved
off selcouvthe soores þei seyen ytt offte
bothe myracles & merweles & howe he men feasted
wyth two fysshes & fyuve looves fyuve thowsand poeple
fol. 73vI
& by þat mangerye men myght see þat messye he semed
& when he lyffte vp lazar that leyde was yn grauve
and vndre stonne deyde & stanke wyth styffe woyce & called
lazare veni foras :
dyde hym ryse & roomvnerov[m]eG.16.576: The corrector has written <v> over the second <o> of original roome and the first minim of the <m>, but the intention was probably to end up with rovme. ryght before þe Iewes
but þei seyden & sware wyth sorcyrye he wroght
and stuvdyeden hym to stroye and stroiden þemseluve
and thrugh pacyence þeir powere to puvre noght he broght
pacientes vincunt :
danyell off þeir vndoyng dyuvyned & seyde
cum sanctus sanctorum veniat cessabit vnccio vestra :
& yett wenen þo wrecches þat he were pheudop[s]eudo-propheta :
and þat ys loore be leysynges & lakken ytt all
& hoope þat he be to come þat shall þem releuve
mosyes efte or messye theyr masters þei dyuvynen
but sarazenes pharaseyes scrybes & greekes
ere folke off on faythe þe fadre god they honouvren
& sythe þat þe sarazenes & also þe Iewes
cane þe furste clauvse off our byleuve credo In deum patrem
prelates and crysten prouvyncez sholde prouve yff þei myght
lere þem by lytle & lytle et in Iesum cristum filium eius & cetera:
tyll þei couvlde speeke & spell et in spiritum sanctum & cetera
& d reden & recorden ytt wyth remissionem peccatorum
carnis resurrexionem et vitam eternam amen
explicit primus passus de doobetter