<div1><div1>fol. 6r (cont.)
<milestone>PassusB 2
G.3.1KD.2.1<l> <hi>I</hi>et <app><lem>co<del>u</del><add>v</add>rbed I</lem></app> on my knes & cryed hyr off grace</l>
G.3.2KD.2.2<l> and sayd marcy madame for <app><lem>mercy</lem></app> lo<del>u</del><add>v</add>e off hey<del>u</del><add>v</add>en</l>
G.3.3KD.2.3<l> that bare that blysfull barne that boght vs <app><lem>on</lem></app> rode</l>
G.3.4KD.2.4<l> kenne me by some craft <app><lem>for to</lem></app> <app><lem>kenne</lem></app> the false</l>
G.3.5KD.2.5<l> loke vpon thy left hal<del>u</del><add>v</add>e <app><lem>lo</lem></app> where he stondyth</l>
G.3.6KD.2.6<l> both false &
<app><lem>fauinell</lem></app><note>G.3.6: The number of minims in the middle of "favel" varies considerably in G and it is not always clear what was intended. See
<ref>G.3.43</ref>, <ref>G.3.66</ref>, <ref>G.3.81</ref>, <ref>G.3.146</ref>, <ref>G.3.152</ref>, <ref>G.3.160</ref>, <ref>G.3.165</ref>, <ref>G.3.168</ref>, <ref>G.3.186</ref>, and <ref>G.3.195</ref>. Possibly the word was unfamiliar to the scribe (according to the <title>OED</title>, it died out in the sixteenth century).</note> and theyr fers many
G.3.7KD.2.7<l> I loked on my left hal<del>u</del><add>v</add>e as the ladye me tavght</l>
G.3.8KD.2.8<l> and was warre off a voman <app><lem>wonderslyche</lem></app> <app><lem>clothed</lem></app></l>
G.3.9KD.2.9<l> p
<del>u</del><add>v</add>rfelyd wyth pelo
<del>u</del><add>v</add>re the fynest vpon yerthe
<note>G.3.9: The cross in the bottom right hand margin is in modern pencil.</note></l>
<milestone>fol. 6v
G.3.10KD.2.10<l> <app><lem>coroned</lem></app> wyth a crovne the kyng hath no better</l>
G.3.11KD.2.11<l> <app><lem><sic>Feytlyche</sic><corr>Feyt[is]lyche</corr></lem></app> hyr fyngers were fretted wyth <app><lem>ryng<expan>es</expan></lem></app></l>
G.3.12KD.2.12<l> & ther<seg>-</seg>on red r<del>u</del><add>v</add>byes as red as any glede</l>
G.3.13KD.2.13<l> and dyamont<expan>es</expan> off derrest pryce & dowble man<expan>er</expan> saphyres</l>
G.3.14KD.2.14<l> oryental<expan>es</expan> and ewages enue<del><unclear>.</unclear></del><add>n</add>ymes to dystroye</l>
G.3.15KD.2.15<l> hyr robe was full ryche off red skarlett Ingreyned </l>
G.3.16KD.2.16<l> wyth ryband<expan>es</expan> off red gold & off rych stonys</l>
G.3.17KD.2.17<l> hyr arrey me ra
<del>u</del><add>v</add>yshed s
<del>u</del><add>v</add>ch ryches saght
<note>G.3.17: The form <hi>saght</hi> is recorded by <title>LALME</title> as the main form of "saw" in LP497 (i.e. in the West Riding of Yorkshire) and as a minor form in other Northern locations.
It therefore seems likely that this was one of a number of Northern forms present in the G scribe's exemplar (see Introduction
<xref>III.4.1</xref>).</note> I neu
G.3.18KD.2.18<l> I had wondre watt she was & woos wyfe she were</l>
G.3.19KD.2.19<l> watt ys thys woman q<expan>uo</expan>d I so worthyly attyred </l>
G.3.20KD.2.20<l> that ys mede the <app><lem>mayden</lem></app> <app><lem>hath</lem></app> noyed me f<del>u</del><add>v</add>ll offt</l>
G.3.21KD.2.21<l> and <app><lem>lakked</lem></app> my lemman that loyalte ys hoten</l>
G.3.22KD.2.22<l> and <app><lem><del>b</del><del>e</del><add>a</add>lyed</lem></app> hyr <app><lem><del>to</del><add>w<expan>y</expan>t<expan>h</expan></add></lem></app> lord<expan>es</expan> that lawys have to kepe</l>
G.3.23KD.2.23<l> In the pop<expan>es</expan> <del><unclear>....</unclear></del> palys she ys pry<del>u</del><add>v</add>e as my<seg>-</seg>sel<del>u</del><add>v</add>e</l>
G.3.24KD.2.24<l> butt sothnes wold not so <add>/</add> for she ys a bastard </l>
G.3.25KD.2.25<l> for false
<add>e</add><note>G.3.25: The original <e> at the end of <hi>false</hi> is small and the added <e> may simply be an attempt to clarify.</note> was hyr father that hath a fykle to
G.3.26KD.2.26<l> and neu<expan>er</expan> soth sayd sythen he cam to yerthe</l>
G.3.27KD.2.27<l> and mede ys manerryd after hym ryght as kynd asketh</l>
G.3.28KD.2.27α<l> <foreign><hi>qualis pater talis filius bona<note>G.3.28: There appears originally to have been some sort of tail on the <a>, partly erased.</note> arbor bonu<expan>m</expan> fructu<expan>m</expan> facit</hi></foreign></l>
G.3.29KD.2.28<l> I owght ben hyer then she I cam off <app><lem>the</lem></app> better</l>
G.3.30KD.2.29<l> my father the greyte god ys & <app><lem>gro<del>u</del><add>v</add>ndre</lem></app> off all graces</l>
G.3.31KD.2.30<l> on god wyth<seg>-</seg>ovt <app><lem>begynnyng</lem></app> & I hys <app><lem>owne</lem></app> doghter</l>
G.3.32KD.2.31<l> and hath gy
<app><lem>m<expan>er</expan>cy</lem></app><note>G.3.32: Though M's initial reading is the same as that of G (i.e. "mercy" rather than "me mercy," which is the reading of the remaining
<hi>B</hi> manuscripts), the missing word <hi>me</hi> is later supplied by the M corrector (hand2).</note> to mary wyth my
G.3.33KD.2.32<l> and watt man be marsyfull and leally me lo<del>u</del><add>v</add>e</l>
G.3.34KD.2.33<l> <orig>shalbe</orig><reg>shal be</reg> my lord and I hys leefe In the <del>hey</del> he hey<del>u</del><add>v</add>en</l>
G.3.35KD.2.34<l> & watt man taketh mede my heyd dare I ley</l>
G.3.36KD.2.35<l> that he shall lese for hyr lo<del>u</del><add>v</add>e a <app><lem>lomp</lem></app> <app><lem>off leall</lem></app> <app><lem>charyte</lem></app></l>
G.3.37KD.2.36<l> how <app><lem>constr<del>u</del><add>v</add>ed</lem></app> dauid the kyng off men that take mede</l>
G.3.38KD.2.37<l> & men off thys mold that mey<expan>n</expan>teyne tr<del>u</del><add>v</add>ght</l>
G.3.39KD.2.38<l> & how ye <app><lem>sh<del>u</del><add>o</add>ld</lem></app> sa<del>u</del><add>v</add>e yo<del>u</del><add>v</add>r<seg>-</seg>selffe þe sa<del>u</del><add>v</add>ter beyryth wyttnes</l>
G.3.40KD.2.39<l> <foreign><hi>domine quis habitabit In tabernaculo tuo & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign></l>
G.3.41KD.2.40<l> and now worth thys mede
<app><lem>maryed</lem></app> <app><lem>to</lem></app><note>G.3.41: All <hi>C</hi> manuscripts share the G M F H reading <hi>to</hi>, which is adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Remaining <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>vnto</hi> or <hi>al to</hi>.</note> <app><lem>a</lem></app> s
G.3.42KD.2.41<l> to on fals fykell to<del>u</del><add>v</add>nge a feend<expan>es</expan> <app><lem>feere</lem></app></l>
G.3.43KD.2.42<l> Fa
<note>G.3.43: For "favel," see note to <ref>G.3.6</ref> above. The number of minims used in this particular example is (unusually) correct.</note> thr
<del>u</del><add>v</add>gh hys fayre spech hath þis folke Inchanted
G.3.44KD.2.43<l> and all ys lyers ledyng that she ys th<del>u</del><add>v</add>s <app><lem>wedded</lem></app> </l>
G.3.45KD.2.44<l> to<seg>-</seg>morow worth I<seg>-</seg>made the <app><lem>meyden</lem></app> brydall</l>
G.3.46KD.2.45<l> <app><lem>ther</lem></app><note>G.3.46: All <hi>A</hi> manuscripts share the G H reading <hi>ther</hi>, which is adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Remaining <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>And þere</hi>.</note> <app><lem>myghtest þ<expan>o</expan>u</lem></app> wytt yff þ
<expan>o</expan>u wylt wyche þei bynne all
<milestone>fol. 7r
G.3.47KD.2.46<l> that longen to that lordshyp the lasse & the more</l>
G.3.48KD.2.47<l> know theym ther yff þ<expan>o</expan>u kannest & kepe thow thy ton<del>h</del><add>g</add>e</l>
G.3.49KD.2.48<l> & lack theym noght but lett theym worth tyll loyalte be I<del>u</del><add>v</add>stece</l>
G.3.50KD.2.49<l> and ha<del>u</del><add>v</add>e poyer to p<del>u</del><add>v</add>nnyche theym <app><lem>þ<expan>a</expan>t</lem></app> put forth thy reason</l>
G.3.51KD.2.50<l> now I bekenne the cryst q<expan>uo</expan>d she & hys cleyne modre</l>
G.3.52KD.2.51<l> & lett no co<expan>n</expan>scyence <app><lem>combre</lem></app> þe for co<del>u</del><add>v</add>etyse off mede</l>
G.3.53KD.2.52<l> <hi>T</hi>h<del>u</del><add>v</add>s leyft me þ<expan>a</expan>t ladye lyggyng on slepe</l>
G.3.54KD.2.53<l> and how mede was <app><lem><add>maryed</add></lem></app> In meytayl<expan>es</expan> me thoght</l>
G.3.55KD.2.54<l> that all the rych reyte
<note>G.3.55: The corrector appears to have mistaken the first <n> of original <hi>reytenaunce</hi> for a <u> and therefore overwritten it with a <v>, realised his error, attempted to correct his correction and then finally
added a bar to indicate the <n>.</note> þ
<expan>a</expan>t reynyth w
<expan>h</expan> the fals
G.3.56KD.2.55<l> were
<app><lem>byden</lem></app><note>G.3.56: The G form of the past participle (i.e. <hi>byden</hi>) is unique; most manuscripts have forms in medial <o>. However, there is no change in meaning, and, given the confusion
surrounding the verbs which descended from OE <hi>beodan</hi> and <hi>biddan</hi>, it would be reasonable to argue that this is not a substantive variant.</note> to the brydeale on both
<note>G.3.56: The loops of the <b>s of both <hi>brydeale</hi> and <hi>both</hi> have been enlarged in brown ink.</note> to sydys
G.3.57KD.2.56<l> off all man<expan>er</expan> off men þe meyne & the ryche</l>
G.3.58KD.2.57<l> to marye thys meyden was many ma<expan>n</expan> assembled </l>
G.3.59KD.2.58<l> as off knygt<expan>es</expan> and off clerkes & other co<expan>m</expan>en poeple</l>
G.3.60KD.2.59<l> as syso<del>u</del><add>v</add>rs & somonors shrey<del>u</del><add>v</add>ys & theyr clarkys</l>
G.3.61KD.2.60<l> bydyl<expan>es</expan> & belyffs and brodIors off chaffeyre</l>
G.3.62KD.2.61<l> Forgoers & <app><lem>vyte<del>k</del><add>l</add>ers</lem></app> / <app><lem>ad<del>u</del><add>v</add>ocat<expan>es</expan></lem></app> off þe arches</l>
G.3.63KD.2.62<l> I can not rekne þe ro<del>u</del><add>v</add>te that ranne a<seg>-</seg>bovte mede</l>
G.3.64KD.2.63<l> <app><lem>but</lem></app> symonye and cy
<del>u</del><add>v</add>yll & syso
<del>u</del><add>v</add>rs off
<del>corn</del> co
<note>G.3.64:The original G reading here (<hi>corn-</hi> or possibly <hi>coru-</hi>) corresponds neither to <hi>B</hi> "courts" nor to <hi>C</hi> "countries" and seems likely to be simply an error.</note></l>
G.3.65KD.2.64<l> were most pry<del>u</del><add>v</add>ye wyth mede off any men me thoght</l>
G.3.66KD.2.65<l> <app><lem>butt</lem></app> <app><lem>fa<del>u</del><add>v</add>uell</lem></app> <note>G.3.66: For "favel," see note to <ref>G.3.6</ref> above.</note> was þe f
<del>u</del><add>v</add>rst þ
<app><lem>sett</lem></app> hyr ovte off bowre
G.3.67KD.2.66<l> and as a brodger broght hyr
<add>/</add> to be wyth
<note>G.3.67: The scribe originally wrote superscript <t> above the <w> (for <hi>w<expan>y</expan>t<expan>h</expan></hi>) but then decided that this was not clear enough and added <yth>. The superscript letter <t> has not been deleted.</note> fals enIoyned
G.3.68KD.2.67<l> when symonye &
<note>G.3.68: For the alteration of the <s> of original <hi>syuyll</hi> to a <c>, see also <ref>G.3.144</ref>.</note> <app><lem><del>sey</del><add>seyd to</add></lem></app><note>G.3.68: The alteration resulting in <hi>seyd to</hi> does not appear to be in the hand of the original scribe. There is a backward <s> and the script is altogether more angular.
For hand2, see marginalia on ff.69<hi>v</hi>,<figure></figure> 70,<figure></figure> 71,<figure></figure> 72<hi>v</hi><figure></figure> and 103,<figure></figure> as well as the note on f.106<hi>v</hi>.<figure></figure> According to the <title>OED</title>, forms of "saw" with weak ending date from the eighteenth century onwards, but the corrector may, of course, have intended
"said." It seems possible that an attempt was made to alter the original word before the correction was written above.</note> <del><unclear>th</unclear></del><add>h</add>ere
<note>G.3.68: The erasure here has resulted in a hole in the paper.</note> <app><lem>both <add>t</add><del>yo<del>u</del><add>v</add>r</del><add>h..r<expan>e</expan></add></lem></app> <note>G.3.68: The original G reading was <hi>both your</hi>. The corrector has made the usual change of <u> to <v> but the word <hi>your</hi> has then been altered again. The added initial <t> is clear and the <y> has been altered to an <h> but it is difficult to
be certain what exactly the second corrector intended after that. The <o> does not appear to have been altered, but may have
been intended to be read as an <e>. Kane and Donaldson read the corrected form as <hi>their</hi>e.</note> <app><lem>wyll<expan>es</expan></lem></app></l>
G.3.69KD.2.68<l> they assented for syl<del>u</del><add>v</add>er to say as both wold </l>
G.3.70KD.2.69<l> then lepe lyer forth & sayd low here a charter</l>
G.3.71KD.2.70<l> that gyle wyth hys greyte othys gave them to<seg>-</seg>gedder</l>
G.3.72KD.2.71<l> & preyd <app><lem>symonye</lem></app> to se & <app><lem>cy<del>u</del><add>v</add>yll</lem></app> to reede ytt</l>
G.3.73KD.2.72<l> then symonye & cy<del>u</del><add>v</add>yll standen forth both</l>
G.3.74KD.2.73<l> & vnfoldyth the feoffam
<expan>en</expan>t that fals
<app><lem>had</lem></app><note>G.3.74: A few <hi>A</hi> manuscripts as well as <hi>C</hi>p share the G Hm H reading <hi>had</hi> (for remaining <hi>B</hi> manuscripts <hi>hath</hi>).</note> <app><lem>made</lem></app></l>
G.3.75KD.2.74<l> & th
<del>u</del><add>v</add>s begynnen thes gomes to
<app><lem><del>g</del>reden</lem></app><note>G.3.75: It is not really possible to be certain who carried out the alteration from <hi>greden</hi> to <hi>reden</hi>, but the ink colour suggests hand1.1.</note> full hye
G.3.76KD.2.74α<l> <foreign><hi><app><lem><sic>Siant</sic><corr>S[c]iant</corr></lem></app> presentes et futuri et c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign></l>
G.3.77KD.2.75<l> wytteth & wyttnessyth that wonien <app><lem>vpon</lem></app> yerth</l>
G.3.78KD.2.76<l> that mede ys maryed more for hyr good<expan>es</expan></l>
G.3.79KD.2.77<l> then for any vert<del>u</del><add>v</add>e off fayrnes or any fre kynd </l>
G.3.80KD.2.78<l> falsnes ys feyne off hyr for he woott hyr ryche</l>
G.3.81KD.2.79<l> &
<app><lem>fa<del>u</del><add>v</add>inell</lem></app><note>G.3.81: For "favel," see note to <ref>G.3.6</ref>.</note> w
<expan>h</expan> hys
<app><lem><sic>Fylke</sic><corr>Fy[k]le</corr></lem></app> speche Feyffyth by
<app><lem>hys</lem></app> charter
G.3.82KD.2.80<l> to be pryncys In pryde and po<del>u</del><add>v</add>erte to dyspysse</l>
G.3.83KD.2.81<l> to <app><lem>backbyto<del>u</del><add>v</add>rs</lem></app> & to bosten & beyre fals wyttnes</l>
<milestone>fol. 7v
G.3.84KD.2.82<l> to scorne & to skold and sclandre to make</l>
G.3.85KD.2.83<l> vnbuxome & bold to breke the tenne hestys</l>
G.3.86KD.2.84<l> and the erldome off en<del>u</del><add>v</add>ye & wrath to<seg>-</seg>gedders</l>
G.3.87KD.2.85<l> w<expan>y</expan>t<expan>h</expan> þe chastylett off chest & chateryng ovt off reason</l>
G.3.88KD.2.86<l> the co
<note>G.3.88: The original word was <hi>counte</hi>, though the minims of the <n> in particular were somewhat indistinct. Presumably this is why the corrector felt the need
to add a macron. </note> off
<app><lem>co<del>u</del><add>v</add>etous</lem></app> & all the costes a
G.3.89KD.2.87<l> that ys vsure & a<del>u</del><add>v</add>aryce all I theym gra<del>u</del><add>v</add>nte</l>
G.3.90KD.2.88<l> In bargayn
<expan>es</expan> <app><lem>&</lem></app><note>G.3.90: Approximately half the <hi>C</hi> manuscripts share the G Cr<hi>23</hi> Hm F H reading <hi>&</hi>, which is adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Remaining <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>and in</hi>.</note> brokag
<expan>es</expan> w
<expan>h</expan> all þe burgh off theyft
G.3.91KD.2.89<l> & all the lordshyp off leychery In lenght & In breyde</l>
G.3.92KD.2.90<l> as In work
<expan>es</expan> and In word
<expan>es</expan> &
<app><lem>weytyng</lem></app><note>G.3.92: All <hi>C</hi> manuscripts except X P Dc Ec share the G Hm F reading <hi>weytyng</hi>, which is adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have the plural.</note> <app><lem>off</lem></app><note>G.3.92: All <hi>C</hi> manuscripts share the G Hm reading <hi>off</hi>, which is adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Remaining <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>with</hi>.</note> eyene
G.3.93KD.2.91<l> and In wed<expan>es</expan> & In wysshyng<expan>es</expan> & w<expan>y</expan>t<expan>h</expan> Idle th<unclear>o</unclear>ghtys</l>
G.3.94KD.2.92<l> ther as wyll wold & workmanshyp faylyth</l>
G.3.95KD.2.93<l> glotonye he gaffe them yke & greyte othes to<seg>-</seg>geddre</l>
G.3.96KD.2.94<l> and all day to drynke att dyu<expan>er</expan>s tau<expan>er</expan>ens</l>
G.3.97KD.2.95<l> and ther to Iangell <app><lem>&</lem></app> Iape & I<del>u</del><add>v</add>ge theyr e<del>u</del><add>v</add>en<seg>-</seg>crystyen</l>
G.3.98KD.2.96<l> and
<app><lem>on</lem></app> fastyng
<note>G.3.98:There appears to have been an otiose abbreviation mark over the <n> of <hi>fastyng</hi> which has been smeared out.</note> days to freet er full tyme were
G.3.99KD.2.97<l> and then to sytten & sowpen tyll slepe theym assayle</l>
G.3.100KD.2.98<l> and breden as b<del>u</del><add>v</add>rgh swyne & bedden theym eassely</l>
G.3.101KD.2.99<l> tyll sloghte and slepe sleken hys syd<expan>es</expan></l>
G.3.102KD.2.100<l> and then wanhope to awake <app><lem>theym</lem></app> <app><lem>w<expan>y</expan>t<expan>h</expan></lem></app> no wyll to amend </l>
G.3.103KD.2.101<l> for he le<del>u</del><add>v</add>eth <app><lem>to be</lem></app> lost þis ys theyre last end </l>
G.3.104KD.2.102<l> <app><lem>and</lem></app> to ha
<del>u</del><add>v</add>e & to hol
<del><unclear>...</unclear></del><add>d</add><note>G.3.104: Something strange has happened to the last letter of <hi>hold</hi>, which has clearly been re-outlined. This may have been because the paper at this point is very thin (because of the erasure
at <ref>G.3.68</ref>).</note> & theyr heyrs after
G.3.105KD.2.103<l> a dwellyng w<expan>y</expan>t<expan>h</expan> þe de<del>u</del><add>v</add>ell and damned <app><lem>for</lem></app> eu<expan>er</expan></l>
G.3.106KD.2.104<l> <app><lem>w<expan>y</expan>t<expan>h</expan></lem></app> þe <app><lem>app<del>u</del><add>v</add>rtenanc<expan>es</expan></lem></app> off p<del>u</del><add>v</add>rgatory <app><lem>to</lem></app> the <app><lem>payn</lem></app> off hell</l>
G.3.107KD.2.105<l> yeldyng for thys thyng
<note>G.3.107: Kane and Donaldson read <hi>thyg</hi> but the word should probably be read as <hi>thyng</hi>. There is plenty of space for an <n>, it just that, as is often the case in this manuscript, the minims are poorly defined.</note> att on yers end
G.3.108KD.2.106<l> theyre soul<expan>es</expan> <app><lem>vn<seg>-</seg>to</lem></app> sathan to suffer w<expan>y</expan>t<expan>h</expan> hym peyn<expan>es</expan></l>
G.3.109KD.2.107<l> <del>or</del><add>&</add> w<expan>y</expan>t<expan>h</expan> hym to wonne <app><lem>w<expan>y</expan>t<expan>h</expan></lem></app> wo <add>/</add> wyle god ys yn hey<del>u</del><add>v</add>en</l>
G.3.110KD.2.108<l> In wyttnes off w<expan>y</expan>ch <add>thyng</add> wrong was the f<del>u</del><add>v</add>rst</l>
G.3.111KD.2.109<l> & pers þe p<expan>er</expan>doner off pa<del>u</del><add>v</add>lyns doctryne</l>
G.3.112KD.2.110<l> bett þe byddell off
<note>G.3.112: The first letter of what seems to be <hi>Bvkyngam-shyre</hi> is such a mess that it is difficult to be certain about ink colour or hand. It would be unusual, however, for the original
scribe or the <u> to <v> corrector (who are probably one and the same) to use a capital in this position.</note></l>
G.3.113KD.2.111<l> reynold the re<del>u</del><add>v</add>e off r<del>u</del><add>v</add>ttland sokne</l>
G.3.114KD.2.112<l> m
<del>u</del><add>v</add><expan>n</expan>d þe mylner
<del>&</del><note>G.3.114: It is possible that the deleted ampersand was originally written as <hi>or</hi> and then partly corrected. Note the problem with the ampersand five lines above at the beginning of the line.</note> & many mo other
G.3.115KD.2.113<l> In þe date off þe de<del>u</del><add>v</add>ell thys dede I <app><lem>Inseale</lem></app> </l>
G.3.116KD.2.114<l> by syght off s<expan>yr</expan> simonye & cy<del>u</del><add>v</add>yles ley<del>u</del><add>v</add>e</l>
G.3.117KD.2.115<l> then tened hym theologie when he þis tale herd </l>
G.3.118KD.2.116<l> and sayd to cy
<del>u</del><add>v</add>yle now sorow mote
<app><lem>you</lem></app><note>G.3.118:Kane and Donaldson interpret G's reading here as <hi>þou</hi> but for that the scribe would normally have written thorn plus superscript <u>. The use of inline <ou> makes it clear that
the scribe intended "you." For the scribe's usual practice as far as the written forms of these two words are concerned,
see <xref>G.1.199</xref>, <xref>G.2.2</xref>, <xref>G.2.14</xref>, <xref>G.2.15</xref>, <xref>G.2.17</xref>, <xref>G.2.19</xref> etc. (for "you"), and <xref>G.2.5</xref>, <xref>G.2.36</xref>, <xref>G.2.43</xref>, <ref>G.3.46</ref>, <ref>G.3.48</ref> etc. (for "thou"). The rule, in the case of these as well as other words (such as "the" and "ye") is that <þ> is always
followed by superscript letters, and <y> by inline letters. That the scribe did sometimes confuse <y> and <þ> when they appeared
in his exemplar is clear, for example, from the reading at <ref>G.3.204</ref> where he writes <the> for <ye>. At <xref>G.4.351</xref> the scribe himself corrects an error of this type, crossing out superscript <e> and replacing it with inline <e> (the correct
reading is <hi>ye</hi>).</note> ha
G.3.119KD.2.117<l> s
<app><lem>weddyng</lem></app><note>G.3.119: All <hi>A</hi> manuscripts except E N Ma share the G C<hi>2</hi> reading <hi>weddyng</hi>, which is adopted by Kane and Donaldson. Most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have the plural. <hi>C</hi> too has the singular but preceded by the indefinite article.</note> to worche to wrath w
<expan>h</expan> tr
<milestone>fol. 8r
G.3.120KD.2.118<l> and er thys weddyng be wroght wo the betyde</l>
G.3.121KD.2.119<l> For mede <app><lem><add>not</add> a</lem></app> mulyer <app><lem>& off</lem></app> amendes engendred </l>
G.3.122KD.2.120<l> and god gra<del>u</del><add>v</add>ntyth to gyue mede <app><lem>vn<seg>-</seg>to</lem></app> trught</l>
G.3.123KD.2.121<l> and thow hast gy<del>u</del><add>v</add>en hyr to a <app><lem>gylo<del>u</del><add>v</add>r</lem></app> <app><lem>lord</lem></app> gy<del>u</del><add>v</add>e þe sorowe</l>
G.3.124KD.2.122<l> <app><lem>the</lem></app> texte tellyth þe natt so tr<del>u</del><add>v</add>ght wott þe sothe</l>
G.3.125KD.2.123<l> for <foreign><hi>dignus est operarius </hi></foreign> hys hyre <app><lem>for to</lem></app> ha<del>u</del><add>v</add>e</l>
G.3.126KD.2.124<l> & thow hast fast hyr
<app><lem>wyth</lem></app><note>G.3.126: All <hi>C</hi> manuscripts except Nc and all <hi>A</hi> manuscripts except for K Wa Ma share the G F reading <hi>wyth</hi> (for remaining <hi>B</hi> manuscripts <hi>to</hi>), and this is adopted by Kane and Donaldson. In <hi>C</hi>, however, the half-line differs in other ways.</note> false fye on thy lawe
G.3.127KD.2.125<l> for all by leysyng<expan>es</expan> þ<expan>o</expan>u ly<del>u</del><add>v</add>est & leychero<del>u</del><add>v</add>s workes</l>
G.3.128KD.2.126<l> simony & thy<seg>-</seg>sel<del>u</del><add>v</add>e<del>n</del> shenden holye churche</l>
G.3.129KD.2.127<l> <app><lem>thees</lem></app> notaryes & ye <app><lem>noyen offt </lem></app> the poeple</l>
G.3.130KD.2.128<l> ye shall <app><lem>byggen</lem></app> yt both by god þ<expan>a</expan>t me made</l>
G.3.131KD.2.129<l> well ye wytten wernerdes butt yff your wytt fayle</l>
G.3.132KD.2.130<l> þ<expan>a</expan>t fals ys Faythles & fykell In hys workes</l>
G.3.133KD.2.131<l> and was a bastard <app><lem>borne</lem></app> off belsab<del>u</del><add>v</add>b<expan>es</expan> kynne</l>
G.3.134KD.2.132<l> and mede <app><lem>ys a</lem></app> m<del>u</del><add>v</add>lyer a meyden off good </l>
G.3.135KD.2.133<l> and myght kysse þe kyng for cosyn & she <app><lem>sh<del>u</del><add>v</add>ld</lem></app> </l>
G.3.136KD.2.134<l> forthy worchyth by wyssdome & <del>wytt</del> by wytt also</l>
G.3.137KD.2.135<l> and leyde hyr to london there <app><lem>ys ytt</lem></app> y<seg>-</seg>shoyde</l>
G.3.138KD.2.136<l> yff any law wyll loke they lyggen to<seg>-</seg>gedder</l>
G.3.139KD.2.137<l> and <app><lem>yff</lem></app> I<del>u</del><add>v</add>styces I<del>u</del><add>v</add>ggen hyr to be Ioyned <app><lem>to</lem></app> Fals</l>
G.3.140KD.2.138<l> yet be ware <app><lem>off the</lem></app> weddyng for wytty ys trught</l>
G.3.141KD.2.139<l> and <app><lem><sic>coscyence</sic><corr>co[n]scyence</corr></lem></app> ys <app><lem>a</lem></app> co<del>u</del><add>v</add>ncell & knowyth you echonne </l>
G.3.142KD.2.140<l> and yff he Fynd you In defa<del>u</del><add>v</add>te & wyth þe Fals hold </l>
G.3.143KD.2.141<l> ytt
<orig>shalbe sytt</orig> <reg> shal besytt</reg> your so
<expan>es</expan> full
<app><lem>sore</lem></app><note>G.3.143: The <hi>C</hi> manuscripts X I P<hi>2</hi> Uc Dc Rc Nc and all <hi>A</hi> manuscripts except J La K Wa N Ma share the G Cr reading <hi>sore</hi> (for remaining <hi>B</hi> manuscripts <hi>soure</hi>).</note> <orig>atthe</orig><reg>at the</reg> last
G.3.144KD.2.142<l> hyr
<seg>-</seg>to assentyth
<note>G.3.144: See the similar alteration of <hi>syuyll</hi> to <hi>cyuyll</hi> at <ref>G.3.68</ref>.</note> <app><lem>butt</lem></app> simonye ne wold
G.3.145KD.2.143<l> tyll he had syl<del>u</del><add>v</add>er for hys servyce & also þe notaryes</l>
G.3.146KD.2.144<l> then fett
<app><lem>Fa<del>ui</del><add>vv</add>nell</lem></app><note>G.3.145: For "favel," see note to <ref>G.3.6</ref> above.</note> forth
<app><lem>floreyns<expan>es</expan></lem></app> ynowe
G.3.147KD.2.145<l> & <add>bad</add> gyle go gy<del>u</del><add>v</add>e gold all a<seg>-</seg>bovte</l>
G.3.148KD.2.146<l> & namelych to <app><lem>þes</lem></app> notaryes þ<expan>a</expan>t theym no<expan>n</expan> fayle</l>
G.3.149KD.2.147<l> and feoffe fals wyttnes w<expan>y</expan>t<expan>h</expan> <app><lem>florens<expan>es</expan></lem></app> Inowe</l>
G.3.150KD.2.148<l> for þei
<add>may</add><note>G.3.150: This addition (<hi>may</hi>, in black ink) could conceivably have been made by the original scribe, but note the clear definition of the minims. Resemblences
to the italic hand on, e.g. f.96<hi>v</hi>,<figure></figure> and in particular the hairline tail on the <y>, suggest hand3.</note><note>G.3.150: The addition of <hi>may</hi> brings G into line with <hi>B</hi>x.</note> mede
<app><lem>master</lem></app> & maken att my wyll
G.3.151KD.2.149<l> tho thys gold was ge<del>u</del><add>v</add>e greyte was þe thankyng</l>
G.3.152KD.2.150<l> to fals & to
<app><lem>Fa<del>uu</del><add>vv</add>nell</lem></app><note>G.3.152: For "favel," see note to <ref>G.3.6</ref> above.</note> For þer fayre gyftes
G.3.153KD.2.151<l> & came to comforten from care the Fals</l>
G.3.154KD.2.152<l> and seyden certes s<expan>yr</expan> ceasse shall we neu<expan>er</expan></l>
G.3.155KD.2.153<l> tyll mede be thy weddyd wyffe thrught
<app><lem>wytt </lem></app><note>G.3.155: All <hi>A</hi> manuscripts except Wa (which lacks this b-verse) share the G F H reading ("wit" in the singular), which is adopted by Kane
and Donaldson. Most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have the plural.</note> off vs all
G.3.156KD.2.154<l> for we ha
<add>mede</add><note>G.3.156: Once again, this alteration (the addition of <hi>mede</hi>) seems likely to have been made by the italic hand (hand3). See note to <ref>G.3.150</ref> above.</note><note>G.3.156: Added <hi>mede</hi> brings G into line with <hi>B</hi>x.</note> <app><lem>mastred</lem></app> wyth o
<del>u</del><add>v</add>r mery speche
<milestone>fol. 8v
G.3.157KD.2.155<l> that she gra
<note>G.3.157: The G scribe often provides an otiose superscript <a> in addition to the letters <ra>, perhaps because of confusion as to
the significance of the former. See further Introduction <xref>IV.1.1</xref>.</note> to goon w
<expan>h</expan> a good wyll
G.3.158KD.2.156<l> to london to <del><unclear>k</unclear></del> loke <app><lem>yff</lem></app> the lawe wold </l>
G.3.159KD.2.157<l> Iugge you Ioyntly In Ioy for eu<expan>er</expan></l>
G.3.160KD.2.158<l> then was falsnes Fayne &
<app><lem>Fa<del>uu</del><add>vv</add>nell</lem></app><note>G.3.160: For "favel," see note to <ref>G.3.6</ref>.</note> as blythe
G.3.161KD.2.159<l> <app><lem>to</lem></app> lett somone
<app><lem>all the</lem></app><note>G.3.161: Most <hi>A</hi> manuscripts share the G R reading <hi>all the</hi> (for remaining <hi>B</hi> manuscripts <hi>alle</hi>).</note> seggys In
<app><lem>þe shyre</lem></app> abovte
G.3.162KD.2.160<l> and bad theym all <app><lem>to be</lem></app> bowne beggers & other</l>
G.3.163KD.2.161<l> to wend w
<expan>h</expan> theym to westmy
<note>G.3.163: The <title>MED</title> records spellings of "Westminster" without <n> so G's original spelling may not actually be an error. The original G spelling
also appears in Hm and Cr<hi>1</hi>. </note> to wyttnes þis dede
G.3.164KD.2.162<l> <app><lem>but</lem></app> then cared they for caples to caryen theym thydder</l>
G.3.165KD.2.163<l> and
<app><lem>Fa<del>ui</del><add>vv</add>nell</lem></app><note>G.3.165: For "favel," see note to <ref>G.3.6</ref>.</note> fatt
<app><lem>forth</lem></app> fool
<expan>es</expan> Inowe
G.3.166KD.2.164<l> and sett me
<add>de</add> <app><lem>on</lem></app><note>G.3.166: All <hi>A</hi> manuscripts share the G F reading <hi>on</hi> (for most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts <hi>vpon</hi>).</note> a shre
<del>u</del><add>v</add>e shod all
G.3.167KD.2.165<l> and fals sat on a sysour þ<expan>a</expan>t softlye trottyd </l>
G.3.168KD.2.166<l> and
<app><lem>fa<del>ui</del><add>vv</add>nell</lem></app><note>G.3.168: For "favel," see note to <ref>G.3.6</ref>.</note> on a flatterer
<app><lem>feytlyche</lem></app> attyred
G.3.169KD.2.167<l> tho had notaryes non / anoyyd <app><lem>therewyth</lem></app></l>
G.3.170KD.2.168<l> for
<del><add>then</add></del> <note>G.3.170: The scribe intended to add the word <hi>then</hi> to the line below, q.v., but made a mistake which he then partially erased.</note> simony & cy
<del>u</del><add>v</add>yll sh
<del>u</del><add>o</add>ld on theyre feette gang
G.3.171KD.2.169<l> <app><lem>and</lem></app> <add>then</add> <note>G.3.171: For added <hi>then</hi>, see note to <ref>G.3.170</ref>.</note> sware symonye & cy
<del>u</del><add>v</add>yll both
G.3.172KD.2.170<l> that somoners sh<del>u</del><add>v</add>ld be sadeled & s<expan>er</expan><del>u</del><add>v</add>e þem echonne</l>
G.3.173KD.2.171<l> and lett
<app><lem>apparell</lem></app><note>G.3.173: In the case of Hm, the shared G Hm F H reading <hi>apparell</hi> (for most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts <hi>apparaille þis</hi>) is the result of correction (original <hi>thes</hi> has been deleted). </note> pro
<del>u</del><add>v</add>ysours In palfreys wyse
G.3.174KD.2.172<l> s<expan>yr</expan> symonye hym<seg>-</seg>sel<del>u</del><add>v</add>e shall sytt <app><lem>on</lem></app> theyr back<expan>es</expan></l>
G.3.175KD.2.173<l> deyn<expan>es</expan> & subdeanes draw you to<seg>-</seg>gedders</l>
G.3.176KD.2.174<l> archdeykens & offycyall<expan>es</expan> & all your <del>w<unclear>o</unclear>lle</del> regesters</l>
G.3.177KD.2.175<l> lett sadle theym w<expan>y</expan>t<expan>h</expan> syl<del>u</del><add>v</add>er our <app><lem>synnys</lem></app> to suffer</l>
G.3.178KD.2.176<l> as avovtrye & de<del>u</del><add>v</add>orses and derne vsurye</l>
G.3.179KD.2.177<l> to beyre bysshop<expan>es</expan> a<seg>-</seg>bovte a<seg>-</seg>brode In wysytyng</l>
G.3.180KD.2.178<l> paulynes
<app><lem>poeple</lem></app><note>G.3.180: All <hi>A</hi> manuscripts share the G F reading <hi>poeple</hi> (for most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts <hi>pryues</hi>).</note> <del><unclear>.</unclear></del><add>F</add>or pleynt
<expan>es</expan> In
<app><lem>constorye</lem></app><note>G.3.180: Most <hi>A</hi> manuscripts share the G F H spelling <hi>constorye</hi> (for remaining <hi>B</hi> manuscripts <hi>consistorie</hi>). See also note to <xref>G.4.143</xref>.</note></l>
G.3.181KD.2.179<l> <app><lem>sh<del>u</del><add>v</add>ld</lem></app> s<expan>er</expan><del>u</del><add>v</add>e my<seg>-</seg>selue that cy<del>u</del><add>v</add>yll ys <app><lem><sic>neue<del>n</del><add>v</add>ed</sic><corr>neue[n]ed</corr></lem></app> </l>
G.3.182KD.2.180<l> and cartsadle our com<del>o</del><add>y</add><del><unclear>.</unclear></del><add>ss</add>ary our cart shall he leyde</l>
G.3.183KD.2.181<l> and facchen vs wytayl
<expan>es</expan> att
<app><lem>fornycato<del>u</del><add>v</add>rs</lem></app><note>G.3.183: Most <hi>A</hi> manuscripts share the G spelling of "fornicators" (i.e. with <hi>-our</hi>). However, the majority <hi>B</hi> spelling <hi>fornicatores</hi> does not necessarily imply that the word was thought of as Latin; the <title>OED</title> lists this particular usage by Langland (with this particular spelling) as the first instance of this word in English.</note></l>
G.3.184KD.2.182<l> and make off <app><lem>lyers</lem></app> a long carte to leyden all þes other</l>
G.3.185KD.2.183<l> as freres and feyto<del>u</del><add>v</add>rs þ<expan>a</expan>t on theyr fete rennen</l>
G.3.186KD.2.184<l> and th
<del>u</del><add>v</add>s fals &
<app><lem>fa<del>ui</del><add>vv</add>nell</lem></app><note>G.3.186: For "favel," see note to <ref>G.3.6</ref>.</note> faren forth to
G.3.187KD.2.185<l> and mede
<note>G.3.187: There is a line over the <m> of <hi>mede</hi> but this does not seem to be deliberate; possibly it is a mirror image of the crossing out on the opposite page (at <ref>G.3.228</ref>).</note> In the mydyst & all
<app><lem>thys meyny</lem></app> after
G.3.188KD.2.186<l> I ha
<del>u</del><add>v</add>e no tome to
<app><lem>tell you</lem></app> the ta
<del>l</del><add>y</add>lle that
<app><lem>hyr</lem></app> folowythe
<note>G.3.188: G Cr<hi>1</hi> W Hm omit a line here ("Of many maner man þat on þis molde libbeth").</note></l>
G.3.189KD.2.188<l> <app><lem>butt</lem></app> gyle was forgoer &
<app><lem>gyded</lem></app><note>G.3.189: Some <hi>A</hi> manuscripts share the G Cr reading <hi>gyded</hi> (for most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts <hi>gyed</hi>), but the variation could well to be due not to the influence of these but to date; <hi>guy</hi> became less frequent than <hi>guide</hi> after the fifteenth century (see <title>OED</title> <hi>guy, <hi>v.</hi></hi><hi>1</hi> and <hi>guide, <hi>v.</hi></hi>).</note> theym all
G.3.190KD.2.189<l> sothnes <app><lem>seethe</lem></app> þem well and seyd butt lytell</l>
G.3.191KD.2.190<l> and pryked hys palfrey & passed theym all</l>
G.3.192KD.2.191<l> and came to þe kyng<expan>es</expan> co<del>u</del><add>v</add>rt & conscyence <app><lem>told</lem></app></l>
G.3.193KD.2.192<l> and conscyence to the kyng karped ytt after</l>
G.3.194KD.2.193<l> now by cryst q<expan>uo</expan>d the kyng <app><lem>yff</lem></app> I cache myght</l>
G.3.195KD.2.194<l> Fals
<app><lem>&</lem></app> <app><lem>fa<del>ui</del><add>vv</add>nell</lem></app><note>G.3.195: For "favel," see note to <ref>G.3.6</ref>.</note> or any off
<app><lem>theyre</lem></app> feres
G.3.196KD.2.195<l> I wold be wroken <app><lem>on</lem></app> tho wrecchys þ<expan>a</expan>t worchen so yll</l>
<milestone>fol. 9r
G.3.197KD.2.196<l> & done theym hang by þe hals & all that theym mey
<note>G.3.197: The final letters of ?<hi>mey<expan>n</expan>teynthe</hi> are unclear because they are written over the pricking in the top right hand corner of the writing space.</note></l>
G.3.198KD.2.197<l> shall neu
<expan>er</expan> man on thys mold meympryce
<note>G.3.198: Given the G scribe's carelessness with minims, the second <m> of <hi>meympryce</hi> may be an error. However, the <title>OED</title> records forms with <m> from the Middle English period to the fifteenth century. </note> the lest
G.3.199KD.2.198<l> butt ryght as the lawe wyll looke lett fall on theym all</l>
G.3.200KD.2.199<l> and
<app><lem>commaunde</lem></app><note>G.3.200: The difference between <hi>commaunde</hi> (as G Cr<hi>1</hi>) and <hi>comanded</hi> (as remaining <hi>B</hi> manuscripts) may not originally have been substantive, since <hi>command</hi> was a possible form of the preterite in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries (see <title>OED</title> <hi>command <hi>v.</hi></hi>).</note> a conestable
<app><lem>þ<expan>a</expan>t he</lem></app> come att the fyrst
G.3.201KD.2.200<l> to attache tho tyrant<expan>es</expan> for any thyng I hoote</l>
G.3.202KD.2.201<l> & fetter fast falsnes For <orig>anykyns</orig><reg>any kyns</reg> gyftes</l>
G.3.203KD.2.202<l> and gyrd off gyl<expan>es</expan> heyd & let hym go no f<del>u</del><add>v</add>rther</l>
G.3.204KD.2.206<l> and yff
<app><lem>the<add>y</add></lem></app><note>G.3.204:The original scribe has misread the letter <y> of <hi>ye</hi> as a thorn, giving <hi>the</hi>. See note to <ref>G.3.118</ref>. </note> lache lyer
<add>/</add> let hym not eskapen
G.3.205KD.2.207<l> er he be putt on the pyllorye for any <app><lem>preaer</lem></app></l>
G.3.206KD.2.203<l> and bryng mede <app><lem>vn<seg>-</seg>to</lem></app> me mavgre theym all</l>
G.3.207KD.2.208<l> drede at the dore stoode and the dome herd </l>
G.3.208KD.2.209<l> <app><lem>how</lem></app> the kyng co<expan>m</expan>manded constables & sergeantes</l>
G.3.209KD.2.210<l> falsnes & hys felawshyp to fettren <app><lem>&</lem></app> bynden</l>
G.3.210KD.2.211<l> then drede went wythlyche & warned the fals</l>
G.3.211KD.2.212<l> and bad hym flee for fere and hys felowys all</l>
G.3.212KD.2.213<l> falsnes for
<app><lem>fere</lem></app><note>G.3.212: M originally shared the G Hm Hm<hi>2</hi> F reading <hi>fere</hi> (for remaining <hi>B</hi> manuscripts <hi>fere þanne</hi>), but <hi>þanne</hi> has been added above the line by M's hand2. Most <hi>A</hi> manuscripts have <hi>Þanne</hi> at the beginning of the line. The <hi>C</hi> manuscripts P Ec Rc Mc Vc Ac Q Sc Kc Gc Nc share the G Hm Hm<hi>2</hi> F reading.</note> fleydd to the freres
G.3.213KD.2.214<l> and gyle doyth hym to go agast for to dye</l>
G.3.214KD.2.215<l> <app><lem>but</lem></app> marcheant<expan>es</expan> mett w<expan>y</expan>t<expan>h</expan> hym & made hym abyde</l>
G.3.215KD.2.216<l> & <app><lem>sett</lem></app> hym In theyre shopp<expan>es</expan> to shoeue<expan>n</expan> theyr ware</l>
G.3.216KD.2.217<l> appareled hym as a prentys the poeple to s<expan>er</expan><del>u</del><add>v</add>e</l>
G.3.217KD.2.218<l> lyghtlyche lyer lept a
<del><unclear>s</unclear></del><add>y</add> <app><lem>thence</lem></app><note>G.3.217: All <hi>A</hi> manuscripts except E A Wa Ma share the G H reading <hi>thence</hi> as do a number of <hi>C</hi> manuscripts. Most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>þanne</hi>.</note></l>
G.3.218KD.2.219<l> l<del>u</del><add>v</add>rkyng thr<del>u</del><add>v</add>gh lanys . to<seg>-</seg>l<del>u</del><add>v</add>gged off many</l>
G.3.219KD.2.220<l> he was <app><lem>more</lem></app> wellcome for hys many <app><lem>mery tales</lem></app></l>
G.3.220KD.2.221<l> o
<del>u</del><add>v</add>er all
<app><lem>I omyted</lem></app><note>G.3.220: <hi>B</hi> manuscripts vary between forms of "hunten" and "houten" and it is not always possible to tell which is intended. A form
in —<hi>ow</hi>- seems most likely to have given rise to the G reading <hi>I omyted</hi>.</note> &
<app><lem>hoted</lem></app> <app><lem>to c<del>u</del><add>v</add>rse</lem></app></l>
G.3.221KD.2.222<l> tyll p<expan>er</expan>doners had pyte & p<del>u</del><add>v</add>lled hym In<seg>-</seg>to ho<del>u</del><add>v</add>se</l>
G.3.222KD.2.223<l> they
<note>G.3.222: The final <y> here is not in the scribe's usual form and may be an addition. See, e.g., the form of <y> used by WH on f.72<hi>v</hi><figure></figure>.</note> wysshen hym &
<app><lem>wypen</lem></app> hym & wond hym In clo
G.3.223KD.2.224<l> and
<app><lem>sen<del>tt</del><add>dd</add>en</lem></app> <note>G.3.223: The alteration of <hi>sentten</hi> to <hi>sendden</hi> is difficult to see at first because of the tails of the letters above. The change brings G into line with the <hi>A</hi> manuscripts D V Ha La K. Remaining <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>sente</hi>.</note> hym wyth seal
<expan>es</expan> on sondays to ch
G.3.224KD.2.225<l> and gaffe perdon for pence po
<note>G.3.224: The <y> added by hand1.1 (giving <hi>-mayle</hi>) has been squeezed in between the <a> and the <l>, making use of the <v> shape formed by the downward stroke of the former
and the beginning of the upward stroke of the latter.</note> abovte
G.3.225KD.2.226<l> then lo<del>u</del><add>v</add>red leches & letters they sent</l>
G.3.226KD.2.227<l> that he sh<del>u</del><add>v</add>ld wone w<expan>y</expan>t<expan>h</expan> theym waters to looke</l>
G.3.227KD.2.228<l> spycers speken w<expan>y</expan>t<expan>h</expan> hym to spyen theyr ware</l>
G.3.228KD.2.229<l> For he co
<del>u</del><add>v</add>the off theyr crafte &
<del>kew</del> <note>G.3.228: The final stroke of the <w> of deleted <hi>kew</hi> is missing.</note> knewe many goomes
<note>G.3.228: The reading <hi>goomes</hi> may be an error ("men" for "gums") but the <title>OED</title> records <hi>goome</hi> as a post-medieval (6-7) spelling of "gum" (see <title>OED</title> <hi>s.v.</hi> <hi>gum, <hi>n.</hi><hi>2</hi></hi>).</note></l>
G.3.229KD.2.230<l> <app><lem>but</lem></app> my<expan>n</expan>strell<expan>es</expan> & messyngers mett wyth hym onnes</l>
G.3.230KD.2.231<l> & <app><lem>helden</lem></app> a halfe yere & a<seg>-</seg>ley<del>u</del><add>v</add>en days</l>
G.3.231KD.2.232<l> freres w<expan>y</expan>t<expan>h</expan> fayre speche fett hym thence </l>
G.3.232KD.2.233<l> & for knoyng off commers coped hym as a frere</l>
G.3.233KD.2.234<l> <app><lem>but</lem></app> he hath ley<del>u</del><add>v</add>e to lepe ovt as oft as hym lykyth</l>
G.3.234KD.2.235<l> and ys welcoem when he wole & wonnyth wyth theym oft</l>
G.3.235KD.2.236<l> <app><lem>all they <add>rest</add></lem></app><note>G.3.235: The script of added <hi>rest</hi> appears slightly more angular than that normally used by the original scribe, but this is probably simply because the word
has had to be squashed in.</note> fledden for fere &
<app><lem>flyen</lem></app> <del>to</del> In
<seg>-</seg>to hernes
G.3.236KD.2.237<l> sa<del>u</del><add>v</add>e mede the meyde <app><lem>d<del>u</del><add>v</add>rst no mo</lem></app> abyde</l>
G.3.237KD.2.238<l> <app><lem>butt</lem></app> tr<del>u</del><add>v</add>lye to tell she tremled for drede</l>
G.3.238KD.2.239<l> & eke wept & wrong when she was attached</l>
<milestone>fol. 9v
<trailer><foreign><hi><hi>explicit tercius passus de visione</hi></hi></foreign></trailer>