fol. 18v (cont.)I
Passus quintus de Visione .M.5.0: This passus rubric is centered on its own line. In the left margin, the guide for the rubricator has apparently been erased and the rubricator has noted t uin us. Q
M.5.7: M shares the reading with H. Other doun manuscripts have B. adoun . & saide my bileue .
And sat softely doun# p uiacc em est Causa vindicti atu q
M.5.13: M shares the reading with Y. Other was al manuscripts omit B. al for pure synne .
He preued þat þise pestilences . was ale here tailles . in tok i..... ofM.5.19: M's original reading without agreed with F, which, however, has of in place of knowlechynge. tokenyng drede . enyng
Turned vpward# mo uo p dodicabat Rac reo i q
fol. 19rI
v us
M.5.40: M alone among manuscripts includes the word B at the end of this Latin tag. suum Qui parcit virge odit filium suum .
notate pdicatores
b otan e e NM.5.44: This odd nota bene sign resembles a few instances below.
...?... l If ye.uen yM.5.46: WCCH read 2, "believe." The spelling leuenis usually a correction in M, since the original scribe does not distinguish between lyuen and leuen . lyuen as ȝe leren y.. . we leuen vsM.5.46: The reading is shared with F. Other leuen manuscripts supply B. shul ȝow þe bett re
n. n ota.
# n e dicit e b
.......M.5.53: All other manuscripts read B at this point. Kane and Donaldson's apparatus suggests that only the first letter of the word has been altered, but the erasure
is considerably more extensive. he gyue any grace gouerne furst ye.owre-seluen yM.5.53: M's reading of is not shared by other yowre-seluen manuscripts, most of which read B. hymseluen
And er # omo u lauda do verit tur as q
# the Freris Fore- slevis
M.5.93: M's reading is not attested in other by manuscripts, which read B. ben shriuen quod þis shrewe and I for shame durste
I wolde by fol. 20rI
v p us assus
e me . I haue ...... anoyedM.5.96: In place of the rewritten (as in WG) other anoyed manuscripts have B, noyȝed, and enuyed. envied hym ofte .
I haue a neiȝgbore neiȝAlowen ByM.5.97: The scribe originally wrote as a form of A (see a similar instance at M.9.57). This was erased and And written in. (Compare By variants at K.5.76: A and Bi-lowen.) The erasure has affected the bottom of the <I> in the previous line. Other And belowen manuscripts begin the line with B. And lowen on hym .. m to lord hi.s . to do e.. hym lese his silue on..r r
.. made his frendus to ben ndM.5.98: The reading is shared with B. Other to ben manuscripts read B or omit entirely. be his fon . þourgh my false tonge .
A# pc rio iem invidie n disc
M.5.115: M's plural is unique among manuscripts. B wepe and waille þe tyme I
And for hire wynnynges- so vndurnemeth me þere- ofM.5.117: The reading is shared with F. Most other þere-of manuscripts read B. hereof I hate hym dedly aftur .
fol. 20vI
megre megreM.5.130: The final three letters of the erased are themselves a correction, but so messily written that the scribe has rewritten the word above. megre for I ne may me venge .
And þat makeþ me þus loure on— —M.5.134: The scribe's repetition has been corrected by erasure of the first two words. The reading without loure on to loure on agreed with HmCr to. 23 to loure on my neiȝgbore . and to lakke his chaffare
To lie and Ira
M.5.137: The reading is shared with G. All other þe manuscripts read B. his nekke hangynge
And neuelinge with þe nose . and þeM.5.138-143: This paragraph is bracketed in the left margin. a t#
.... so brode smedM.5.142: M's reading is not attested in other so brode manuscripts, most of which read B. abrood . in boure to here shriftus .
And siþþe þei bloM.5.144KD.5.143
ne — to hire personesM.5.144: M's unmetrical form of the b-verse is shared with GYCot. Most manuscripts read with W . þan shryue hem to hir persons .
Shewen hire shriftus to hem þan# the Cause off grugge betwen Curat & Freris
sons han er pM.5.145: M's original reading without sons han er is not attested in other p manuscripts. B perceiuede . þat Freres parte with hem
And now M.5.164KD.5.162
. made here wortus eM.5.164: M's syntax here is unique among manuscripts, the rest of which place the object before the verb. B
Of wikked wordus I wrath#
fol. 21rI
v p us assus
# the Flix off the Foule mowth
M.5.184: M's reading here is unique. The other manuscripts read B or þow. F reads youu yt o. þ neuere
Now repente þe quod Repentaunce and reherce itM.5.186: M's reading of is not shared by other to manuscripts, most of which read B. ouer depe nowthere
And drinke not to delicatly . ne toM.5.188KD.5.186
Esto sobrius he saide and assoillud ... hymM.5.188: The alteration to here brings M into agreement with Cr. All other hym manuscripts read B. A similar situation is found in the next line. me aftur
Auaricia .
...y eruM.5.191: While it is not possible to read what lies under this erasure, GCLR read here. Henry hym lokud
So hungriliche and holwe . sire h# a desc mpt rio Auaricie i opti
M.5.192: All other manuscripts have the words B and baberlippud in the other order. bitelbrowed also
He was baberlippud . and bitelbrowedM.5.200KD.5.196
ȝ if yat a lous couthe þe bett þer haue lopen reM.5.200: M's b-verse reverses the syntax of the other manuscripts. Compare W's B. han lopen þe bettre
But /
...... quod þat eitousM.5.202: M's reading of is not shared by other þat manuscripts, which read B. It is the reading of some þis manuscripts. A Cay... . I biknowe it here . tif
I haue ben cou fol. 21vI
e vn toM.5.218: M's reading of is not attested in other vnto manuscripts, which read B. to spinnesti ers to spynnnen it oute spynnen
She spake þat she paide M.5.219: M's original reading without agreed with B. by weied a quartrou by more . n
Ac þe pound#
... eyM.5.226: M's reading of is not shared by other grey manuscripts, which have no adjective here. Perhaps the scribe inadvertently wrote B twice and the first was corrected to grote. grey grote . god wot no lasse .
A galoun for a gr ota n
fol. 22rI
v p us assus
beM.5.238: M's original reading without agreed with LR. be bettur worthy . ben hanged þerfore
Þow haddest ... leM.5.254: Before it was altered, this word was probably , the reading of most taile manuscripts. B here . and tolde hem þere lasse
And toke it bi ta#
.... heirsM.5.267: M's altered reading agrees with most heirs manuscripts. L reads B, R reads ysue, and F oddly reads vssue. houswif aftur þe . haue ioie of þat þou wynneste
Ne þin X
fol. 22vI
e bookM.5.273: The final <e> on is squeezed into the line without erasure; beste is inserted in a different, paler, ink. book in oure hous þeiȝe brent gold were þe leues
For þe best# m dia ei isericord sup us o eria op mna er quo
icordiam dei est er quasiM.5.296: M's original reading without is shared by L. quasi sintilla in medio maris Omnis iniquitas quantum ad mis
ȝ if it were with þine tonge or yM.5.299: All other manuscripts here include B. ellis with þine two handus .
But M.5.300KD.5.287
e þat þow hast geten . bigan al with falsenesseM.5.300: The reading is shared with F. All other falsenesse manuscripts read B. falshede
For þe goodȝ if þow wite neuere to ..che . ne whi toM.5.302: The addition of above the line, later erased, would have placed M in agreement with HmCr. to whom to restitue
And fol. 23rI
v passus
y for many mo þat man shal dȝeue rekenynge yM.5.306: The reading is shared with F. All other rekenynge manuscripts read B. a rekenynge
For þe anM.5.307: M's reading of is not shared by other lerede manuscripts, which read B. lerned ȝow in lenten . leue yȝe non othur y
What he lerede Gula
ȝow of yȝ owreM.5.308: This erasure brings M into agreement with all other manuscripts except YOC BCB, which read 2. his lordes to lette good ȝow from synn y.e e
And what he lente M.5.312KD.5.299
...?...t word aM.5.312: M's added reading of is not shared by other word manuscripts. B ward he wolde whider
And axede him with þymme oM.5.322: The name varies widely in the manuscripts. FGC have 2, WLO have Tomme. Tymme þe tynkere and tweine of his prentis
Twe vyM.5.325: M's altered reading agrees with Cr Davy. All other 23 manuscripts read B. Dawe þe dikere and a doseine oþere .
fol. 23vI
er ere arose by sothe þeM.5.341: Most other manuscripts read B. This line is "the locus classicus for the corruption of the southe archetype" (Ralph Hanna, III, B [Stanford, 1996] p. 217. Beta manuscripts read Pursuing History: Middle English Manuscripts and their Texts, and the unique M reading, originally by the southe, with by sothe inserted, is a desperate attempt to make sense of this. þe
Til Robin þe Ropx
.il glotoun hadde y T-...?... globbed M.5.350: The altered reading is shared by many globbed manuscripts, though Cr and B manuscripts have forms of A. gulped a galon and gille a
- so laith lynes for to lacche kM.5.359: M's original reading was shared with HmGF; the altered reading agrees with other manuscripts. B foules .
As who#
...mbled stoM.5.361: M's altered reading agrees with most manuscripts. LR read B. trembled on the thr.ssh e.olde and threw to þe erthe f
He M.5.364KD.5.353
.rl and a grim in e.. —M.5.364: Most manuscripts read B here. M's erasure of the word brings it into agreement with HmCr þeC 3. 2 liftyng.
Ac glotoun was a grete chtake hede good gossip
M.5.367: Kane and Donaldson record the word as . The reading þo is shared by GLR. þe leuynges so vnlouely it smauȝte
Durst lapen of þe fol. 24rI
v pass us us
. fM.5.374: M's altered reading agrees with WCr. Most 1 manuscripts read B. wytte gan edwite hym þo how wikkudliche he liuede
His wiM.5.380KD.5.369
e godsoule and selpe me godM.5.380: While this b-verse has widely varying readings among manuscripts, M is the only beta-family manuscript to share RF's syntax B, in contrast to the other beta manuscripts which read so help me god. so god me help and halydome
Sworn..... — somtymeM.5.386: The syntax of the a-verse is not attested in other manuscripts, which read B. som tyme so longe þere þat I slepe and e.. atte ones et
And sate so longe þereM.5.387: M is the only manuscript to attest the present tense of the verb. B
For loue of tales in tauernes to drinke þe more I dine..M.5.390: M's altered reading agrees with Cr grede. Most 1 manuscripts read B. greete and gret dee doel to make
And þanne gan glotoun gre Accidia
........ nd raskledM.5.402: M's reading is shared with Cr and most raskled manuscripts; most other C manuscripts read B. roxed and rorede and rutte at þe laste
A fol. 24vI
ȝ if I bidde any bed.s but eM.5.411: The reading is shared with F. All other but manuscripts read B. but if it be in wratthe
And .s paine and his passioun ful selde þenke I on e itM.5.415: The addition of brings M into agreement with W. M's omission of the word agreed with OC itC. Most 2 manuscripts read B. theron
GodM.5.418: M's reading is unique among And manuscripts, which read B. Or lesinges to lauȝgwe n at and bilye myn neiȝeburgh
M.5.420: M alone among manuscripts lacks the word B here. Manuscripts of the And text also lack the word. CVigilies and fastinge- daies alle þese late I passe .
o et infelicitas i i vijs eor n & c um etera ContricM.5.426: This line, which occurs only in M among the manuscripts, is the only Latin tag written in red ink. It is in a different hand from the main text and is written in a paragraph
space. The same Latin tag is found at M.4.36. B
# sbit reis venator er ibus de p
.. Ȝif any man doþ me
fol. 25rI
v passus
haueM.5.452: M's original reading without agreed with LR. haue ben beggere for my foule slewthe .
And euere sitth # m uodia sup isericordest o er iniq mnemtat ui em q
e þat his godnesse .. nysM.5.460: The rewritten brings M into agreement with WL. Other nys manuscripts have B. is more .
For is non gulte here so gret# Robert the robber
ota n
e nasM.5.475: M's reading of is not shared by other nas manuscripts, most of which read B. was nauȝte whereof . he we.. swithe ep &M.5.475: Between and swithe there is a faint insertion caret and a mark which is perhaps best interpreted as an ampersand. There is no support for this
among the variants. sore sore .
And for þer fol. 25vI
þat — vponM.5.477: M's reading of is not shared by other vpon manuscripts, which read B. on Caluarie vpon crosse de þe.edest y
Crist þat M.5.480KD.5.467
reddere ne haue. thM.5.480: M's original (followed by an overwritten punctus) agreed with most haue manuscripts. The alteration brings M into agreement with Cr B, while Cr 23OC 1 read 2. hath
So ruwe on þis robbere þat #
the pyer of Repentance
a b otn e e n
p atecc ei at de necessit
a b otn e e n
M.5.508: M's reading is unattested among other herof manuscripts, which read B. þerof les hisM.5.508: This insertion brings M into agreement with CYOCot. 2 ..ȝt lieM.5.508: It seems probable that M originally read , agreeing with BoHmGCBmCotLRF. The alteration brings M into agreement with WCrYOC siȝte. 2 for a ty.. me
Þe sonne for sorwe herof fol. 26rI
v passus
... þe liȝt þat lepe out rgh þ e oM.5.512: M originally read , with out þe then altered to þe and a punctus elevatus inserted between the two words. Most other þo manuscripts read B. out of þee lucifer was blent
And þo# Sinffull Mare
a ot nM.5.515: The ink of a ot differs from that of n. Sinffull Mare
dictu me m opti
M.5.524: M's reading of is unique among so manuscripts, many of which read B. here sore
And haue reuthe on þes Ribaudes . þat repente hem so# hope
- wardeM.5.531: M's syntax here is unique among manuscripts, the rest of which read B. vpward to Crist . and to his clene modur
Criede vp to cristM.5.540KD.5.520
anM.5.540: M's revised reading is shared with F and is the reading of And an manuscripts. Other C manuscripts have B. An hundred of ampulles on his hat seten
And .. many nd aM.5.542: M's original reading without agreed with YCR. a cr.... on his cloke and keies of Rome ouch
A fol. 26vI
moratur as questio vbi verit
e wiss.n vs þe we eie where þat wy ye won.... yethM.5.553: M shares the reading with Cr. It is also the reading of wonyeth manuscripts. Other C manuscripts have B. dwelleþ
Coudestow ouȝta b tn e e no
M.5.556: M shares the reading with F. Other til manuscripts have alliterating B or er. er til now in þis Place .
Axen aftur hym tila t no
# dic uia Pe it trus ploughma q n cognoscere v meit er atem opti
M.5.571: M alone among manuscripts attests the singular. It is the reading of the B text. C knoweth
He is þe presteste paiere þat pore manM.5.572KD.5.552
.... oldeþM.5.572: The altered form is shared with G. Other withholdeþ manuscripts read B. withhalt non h.we his hire þat he nath it at euen e
He ne withh# omo uo docet d viam viam ad veritat viam em q
a t no
fol. 27rI
v pass us us
a t no
mu ri mandatu m m p
ȝe come in to conscience . þat Crist wo y.. otM.5.583: M's altered reading (presumably originally woot) agrees with F. Other wote manuscripts have B. wite þe sothe
Til M.5.584KD.5.563
ȝe louen oure lord ye god . leueste of alle þingeM.5.584: M's original form without <- s> was shared by F. s
Þat M.5.592KD.5.570
e þow seM.5.592: M's original reading without agreed with HmYOC se. 2 swere nouȝt . but .. it be for nede . if
And so shalt.. n ac stonde deM.5.598: M's is not shared by other stonde manuscripts, which read B. stynte ȝe nouȝt ye þere .
Two stokkes þere ston..tten stele nouȝt hae . ne slee nouȝte strike forbyM.5.599: M's reading of is not shared by other forby manuscripts, which read B. forþ by boþe .
Þei +
.M.5.604: M's is unattested in other ne manuscripts. B plukke no plaunte þere for pil of þ erine soule y
Loke þow neȝe se y swereM.5.605: The erased supralinear is legible with ultraviolet light. There are no parallels in other swere manuscripts. B sey soth so it be to done
Þanne shul e is of penaunce . M.5.615: The addition of brings M into agreement with HmF. and of p andiers to seint ra.. es
Eche piler fol. 27vI
# appyll vnrost is ed
ȝ if grace graunte þe to go in : inM.5.628: M shares the reading with L. Other in in manuscripts simply have B. in þis wise .
And .. e erM.5.630: Most manuscripts here read B. The altered reading of M agrees with Cr cheyneBm. 3 of charitee as þow a Childe were .
In a Chei...?...?...esseM.5.635: This erased marginal note was likely a guide for the correction . þe boldnesse
e aftur happiliche erM.5.640: M's reading of is unique among aftur happiliche manuscripts, the rest of which read B. happily eft entre but grace þow haue
And neu sorores que s emuiu ert ad verit n atem Sept
e Porters .. ofM.5.642: For M's altered , F reads of, Cr at read 23, and R reads to. ouer þe posternes . þat to þe place longeþ .
And arn..te abstinence . and humilite þat yȝM.5.643: M's reading is not shared by other þat manuscripts, which read B. an oþur
Þat on h...?...M.5.646: The altered form is shared with most she manuscripts. L has B and R heo. he leteþ in ful manye she
Largenesse þe lady ... SheM.5.647: The altered form is shared with most She manuscripts. WLR have B. Heo haþ holpen a þousan.. out de of þe deueles penfold e
fol. 28rI
# Cutpurse
.. otM.5.655: Other manuscripts read B or Wite for M's Wold, which is probably altered from Woot. Wote god quod a wafrere . wiste I þis for sothe
WoȜus quod Pieres Plowman YuM.5.657: M's agrees with F; other Plowman manuscripts read B. þe Plowman and pokud hem alle to gode
# m uiaia sup isericord om eria n q
e quod a Pardonere . ... anM.5.662: M's addition of brings it into agreement with Cr. Most an manuscripts read B. par auenture I be nouȝte knowen þere
By seinte poul