<div1>fol. 18v (cont.)I</div1>
<hi><foreign>Passus quintus de Visione .</foreign></hi><note>M.5.0: This passus rubric is centered on its own line. In the left margin, the guide for the rubricator has apparently been erased and the rubricator has noted <hi>Q<expan>uin</expan>t<expan>us</expan></hi>.</note></head>
<l><hi><hi>T</hi></hi>he kyng<del>e</del> and his knyȝtes . to þe kirke wente</l>
<l>To here matines of þe day . and þe messe aft<del>.</del><add>e</add>r</l>
<l>Þanne wakede I of myn wynkynge  and wo was w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan>alle</l>
<l>Þat I nadde slept<del>e</del> saddere . and yseiȝen more</l>
<l>Ac er I hadde faren a fourlonge . faintise me hente</l>
<l>Þat I ne miȝte ferther<expan>e</expan> a fo<del>..</del><add>ot .</add> for defaute of slepinge</l>
<l>And sat softely doun<note>M.5.7: M shares the reading <hi>doun </hi>with H. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>adoun</hi>.</note> . & saide my bileue . </l>
<l>And so I bablede on my bed<del>.</del><add>e</add>s  þei brouȝte me a<seg>-</seg>slepe</l>
<l>And þanne sawe I moche more . þan<del>ne</del><add><seg></seg></add> I bifore <add>of</add><note>M.5.9: The insertion of <hi>of</hi> brings M into line with WCr.</note> tolde</l>
<l>For I sawȝgh þe field<del>e</del> ful of folk . þat I bifore of seide</l>
<l>And how resoun gan araien<del>e</del> hym . alle þe reume to preche</l>
<l>And with a crosse a<seg>-</seg>fore þe kyng<del>e</del><add> .</add> coms<del>.</del><add>e</add>d þus to techen</l>
# <foreign>q<expan>uia</expan> p<expan>e</expan>cc<expan>atu</expan>m est Causa vindicti</foreign>
<l>He preued þat þise pestilences . was al<note>M.5.13: M shares the reading <hi>was al</hi> with Y. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts omit <hi>al</hi>.</note> for pure synne . </l>
<l>And þe southwest wynd<del>e</del> . on a Saturday atte euen<del>e</del></l>
<l>Was pertliche for pure pride . and for no point elles</l>
<l>Piries and plumptrees . were puffud to þe erþe . </l>
<l>In ensample <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e segges  <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e shulden do þe bett<del>..</del><add>re</add></l>
<l>Beches and brode ok<del>.</del><add>e</add>s . weren <del>.</del><add>b</add>lowen to þe grounde . </l>
<l>Turned vpward<del>e</del> h<del>e</del><add>i</add>re tailles . in tok<del>.....</del><add>enyng <add>of</add><note>M.5.19: M's original reading without <hi>of</hi> agreed with F, which, however, has <hi>knowlechynge</hi> in place of <hi>tokenyng</hi>.</note></add> drede . </l>
<l>Þat dedly <sic>synnne</sic><corr>synne</corr> er Domusday . shal fordo<del>.</del><add>o</add>n hem alle</l>
<l>Of þis matere I miȝte . mamely ful longe</l>
# <foreign>q<expan>uo</expan>mo<expan>do</expan> p<expan>re</expan>dicabat Rac<expan>i</expan>o</foreign>
<l>Ac I shal saie as I saw<del>e</del><add> .</add> so me god helpe</l>
<l>How pertly afore <del>.</del><add>þ</add>e p<del>.</del><add>e</add>ple . resoun gan <del>...?...</del><add>to p<expan>re</expan>che</add></l>
<l>He bad wastour go worche . what he best<del>e</del> couthe . </l>
<l>And wynnyn his wastynge . w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> s<del>..me</del><add>om<seg></seg></add> manere crafte . </l>
<l>And praide pernelle . hire purfil<del>e</del> to lete . </l>
<l>And kepe it in hire cofre . for catel at hire nede . </l>
<milestone>fol. 19rI</milestone>
<l>Thomme stowue he tauȝte . to take two staues</l>
<l>And fecchen felice hom . from þe wyuen pyne</l>
# þ<expan>a</expan>t watt<expan>is</expan> wyff was to blame
<l>He warned watt<add>e</add> <add></add> his wif was to blame</l>
<l>Þat hire hed was worth half <add>a</add><note>M.5.31: M's original reading without <hi>a</hi> agrees with WHmOBRF.</note> mark<del>e</del><del><add>and</add></del><note>M.5.31: The <hi>and</hi> which was added was later deleted. Its absence here agrees with GYOC<hi>2</hi>CLR.</note> his ho<del>..</del><add>od</add> nouȝt worth a grote . </l>
<l>And <del>...?...</del><add>bad Bette</add> kutte  a bowe oþ<expan>er</expan> tweyne</l>
<l>And bete <del>.</del><add>B</add>etun þer<del>e</del><seg>-</seg>with  but <del>ȝ</del>if she wolde worche</l>
<l>And þanne he charged chap<del>....</del><add>men</add>  to chastisen hire children</l>
<l>Late no wynnynge hem for<seg>-</seg>weny . w<del>...</del><add>hil</add> þei ben <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>onge</l>
<l>Ne for no pouste of pestilence . plese hem nouȝt out of resoun</l>
<l>My sire saide so to me . and so dud my dame</l>
<l>Þat þe leuere child<del>e</del> . þe more lore byhoueth</l>
<l>And sal<del>.</del><add>o</add>mon saide þe same . þat sapience made</l>
<l><hi><foreign>Qui parcit virge odit filium suum<note>M.5.40: M alone among <hi>B</hi> manuscripts includes the word <hi>suum</hi> at the end of this Latin tag.</note></foreign></hi> .</l>
<l>Þ<add>e</add> englissh of þis latin is . who<seg>-</seg>so wol it knowe</l>
<l>Who<seg>-</seg>so spareth þe spring<del>e</del> . spilleþ his children</l>
<l>And sitthen he praide Prelates . & preest<del>.</del><add>e</add>s to<seg>-</seg>gedres</l>
notate p<expan>re</expan>dicatores
<foreign>N<expan>ota</expan> b<expan>e</expan>n<expan>e</expan></foreign><note>M.5.44: This odd nota bene sign resembles a few instances below.</note>
<l>Þat <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e prechen to þe <del>..</del><add>pe</add>ple  proue it on <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>owre<seg>-</seg>seluen</l>
<l>And doth<del>e</del> it in dede  it shal drawe <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow to goode . </l>
<l><del>...?...</del><add>If ye</add> l<del>.</del><add>y</add>uen<note>M.5.46: WC<hi>2</hi>CH read <hi>leuen</hi>, "believe." The spelling <hi>lyuen </hi>is usually a correction in M, since the original scribe does not distinguish between <hi>leuen </hi>and <hi>lyuen</hi>.</note> as <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e leren <del>..</del><add>vs</add> . we leuen<note>M.5.46: The reading <hi>leuen </hi>is shared with F. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts supply <hi>shul</hi>.</note> <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow þe bett<del>.re</del><add>re</add></l>
<l>And sithen he radde Religioun  <del>...</del><add>hir<expan>e</expan></add> rule to holde</l>
n<expan>ota</expan>.      n<expan>ota</expan>.
<l>Lest<del>e</del> þe kyng<del>e</del> and his conseil  <del>.</del><add>y</add>owre comunes appaire</l>
<l>And be styward<del>.</del><add>e</add>s of <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>owre stedes . til <del>.</del><add>y</add>e be ruled<del>e</del> bett<del>..</del><add>re</add></l>
<l>And sithe<expan>n</expan> he conseilled þe kyng<del>e</del> . þe comune to louye</l>
# <foreign>b<expan>e</expan>n<expan>e</expan> dicit</foreign>
<l>It is þi tresour <del>ȝ</del>if tresoun ne were . and triacle at þi nede</l>
<l>And sithen he praiede þe pope . haue pite on holychurche</l>
<l>And er <del>.......</del><add>ye<note>M.5.53: All other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>he</hi> at this point. Kane and Donaldson's apparatus suggests that only the first letter of the word has been altered, but the erasure is considerably more extensive.</note> gyue a</add>ny grace  gouerne furst <del>.</del><add>y</add>owre-seluen<note>M.5.53: M's reading of <hi>yowre-seluen</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, most of which read <hi>hymseluen</hi>.</note></l>
# <foreign>q<expan>u</expan>omo<expan>do</expan> lauda<expan>tur</expan> verit<expan>as</expan></foreign>
<l>And <del>.</del><add>y</add>e þat han lawes to kepe  lat<del>e</del> truthe be <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>owre coue<del>....</del><add>itise</add></l>
<l>More þan<del>ne</del><add><seg></seg></add> gold or gift<del>.</del><add>e</add>s . <del>...</del><add>if y</add>e wil god plese . </l>
<l>For whoso contrarieþ treuthe . he telleþ in þe gospell</l>
<l>Þat god knoweþ him nouȝt<del>e</del> . ne no<del>ne</del><add><seg></seg></add> saint<del>e</del> of heuene</l>
<l><foreign><hi>Amen dico vobis nescio vos.</hi> & c<expan>etera</expan></foreign></l>
<l>And <del>.</del><add>y</add>e þat seke seint Iames . and seintes of Rome</l>
<l>Sekeþ seint truthe  for he may saue <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow alle ~</l>
<milestone>fol. 19vI</milestone>
# <foreign>Finem s<expan>er</expan>mo<expan>n</expan>is</foreign>
<l><hi><foreign>Qui cum p<expan>at</expan>re & filio</foreign></hi> . þat faire hem bifalle</l>
<l>Þat suweth my sermon . and þus saide resoun</l>
<l>Þanne ran<del>ne</del> repentaunce . & rehercede his teme</l>
<l>And garte wille to wepe . water w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> his eyen</l>
<l><del>.....</del><add>Pern</add>elle proude<seg>-</seg>herte . platte here to þe erthe</l>
<l>And lay longe er she lok<del>.</del><add>e</add>d . and lord mercy cried</l>
<l>And bihiȝte vn<seg>-</seg>to hym . þat vs alle made</l>
<l>She shulde vnsowen hire serke . and sette þere an heire</l>
<l>To affaiten hire flessh . þat fiers was to synne</l>
<l>Shal neuere heiȝe herte me hente . but holde me lowe</l>
<l>And suffre to <add>be</add><note>M.5.71: M's original reading without <hi>be</hi> agreed with F.</note> myssaid<del>e</del>  and so did I neuere . </l>
<l>But now wille <add>I</add> meke me . and mercy biseche</l>
<l>For all<del>e</del> þis I haue . hated<del>e</del> in myn herte . </l>
<l>Þanne lecchour<del>e</del> saide allas . and on owre lady he criede</l>
<l>To make mercy for his my<del>.</del><add>s</add>dedes . by<seg>-</seg>twene god and his soule</l>
<l>With þat he shulde þe saturday . seuene <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ere þer<del>e</del><seg>-</seg>aft<del>.r</del><add>er</add></l>
<l>Drinke but myd þe doke . and dyne but ones . </l>
<l>Enuie with heuy herte . axede aftur shrifte . </l>
<l>And carefuliche <foreign>mea culpa</foreign>  he comsed to shewe</l>
<l>He was as pale as a pelete  in þe pals<del>..</del><add>ye</add> he semed</l>
<l>And clothed in a <del>.</del><add>k</add>aurimaury . I couthe it nouȝt<del>e</del> discreue</l>
<l>In kurtul and courte<del>.</del><add>p</add>y  and <add>a</add> knyf by his side</l>
# the Freris Fore<seg>-</seg>slevis
<l>Of a freres frokke . were þe forsleues</l>
<l>And as a leke hadde yleye . longe in þe sonne</l>
<l>So lok<del>.</del><add>e</add>d he w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> lene chek<del>.</del><add>e</add>s . lourynge foule . </l>
<l>His body was to<seg>-</seg>bolle for wrathe . þat he bo<del>..</del><add>ot</add> his lippus</l>
<l>And wryngynge he <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ede with þe fist<del>e</del> . to wreke hym<seg>-</seg>self he þouȝte</l>
<l>With werkus or with wordus . whanne he seighe his tyme . </l>
<l>Ecche a word<del>e</del> þat he warp<del>e</del><add></add> was of an addres tonge</l>
<l>Of chidinge and chalaungynge . was his chief liflode . </l>
<l>With bakbytynge and bismer  and berynge of false wittnesse</l>
<l>Þis was al his curtesie . where þat euere he shewede hym . </l>
<l>I wolde by<note>M.5.93: M's reading <hi>by</hi> is not attested in other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>ben</hi>.</note> shriuen quod þis shrewe  and I for shame durste</l>
<l>I wolde be gladd<del>..</del><add>er</add> by god . þat gibbe hadde meschaunce</l>
<l>Þan<del>ne</del><add><seg></seg></add> þouȝ<del>e</del> I hadde þis woke y<seg>-</seg>wonne . a weye of essex chese</l>
<milestone>fol. 20rI</milestone>
v<expan>us</expan> p<expan>assus</expan>
<l>I haue a neiȝgbore neiȝ<del>e</del> me . I haue <del>......</del><add>anoyed</add><note>M.5.96: In place of the rewritten <hi>anoyed</hi> (as in WG) other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>noyȝed</hi>, <hi>enuyed</hi>, and <hi>envied</hi>.</note> hym ofte . </l>
<l><del>A</del><add>By</add>lowen<note>M.5.97: The scribe originally wrote <hi>A</hi> as a form of <hi>And</hi> (see a similar instance at M.9.57). This was erased and <hi>By</hi> written in. (Compare <hi>A</hi> variants at K.5.76: <hi>Bi-lowen</hi> and <hi>And belowen</hi>.) The erasure has affected the bottom of the <I> in the previous line. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts begin the line with <hi>And lowen on hym</hi>.</note> <del>..</del><add>hi<expan>m</expan></add> to lord<del>.</del><add>e</add>s . to do<del>..</del><add>on</add> hym lese his silue<del>..r</del><add>r</add></l>
<l>A<del>..</del><add>nd</add> made his frendus to ben<note>M.5.98: The reading <hi>to ben</hi> is shared with B. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>be</hi> or omit entirely.</note> his fon . þourgh my false tonge . </l>
<l>His grace and his gode happus . greueth me ful sore . </l>
<l>Bytwene many and many . I make debate ofte . </l>
<l>Þat bothe lif and lyme . is lost þour<del>..</del><add>gh</add> my speche</l>
# <foreign>disc<expan>ri</expan>pc<expan>i</expan>o<expan>n</expan>em invidie</foreign>
<l>And whanne I mete hym in markete  þat I moste hate</l>
<l>I hailse hym <del>..</del><add>he</add>ndliche . as I his frend<del>e</del> were . </l>
<l>For he his douȝtier þan I  I dar do non othur</l>
<l>Ac hadde I maistrie and miȝt<del>e</del> . god wot my wille . </l>
<l>And whanne I come to þe kirke  and shulde knele to þe Rode</l>
<l>And praie for þe p<del>.</del><add>e</add>ple  as þe preest techeth . </l>
<l>For pilgrymes and palmeres  for alle þe <del>...</del><add>pep</add>le aftur . </l>
<l>Þanne I crie on my knees  þat crist<del>e</del> <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>eue hem sorwe . </l>
<l>Þat bar away<del>e</del> my bolle  and my broke shete . </l>
<l>Away from þautier<expan>e</expan> <sic>þannne</sic><corr>þanne</corr>  turne I myn eiȝen</l>
<l>And bih<del>.</del><add>o</add>lde<note>M.5.112: M's altered reading agrees with most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts. C<hi>2</hi>F here read <hi>bihelde</hi>.</note> how Eleyne  ha<del>...</del><add>th</add><note>M.5.112: R reads <hi>hath on</hi>; F reads <hi>hadde on</hi>. The erasure here may conceal such a reading.</note> a newe cote . </l>
<l>I wisshe þanne it were myn  and alle þe webbe aftur</l>
<l>And of m<del>.</del><add>a</add>n<del>..</del><add>y a</add><note>M.5.114: M's reading of <hi>many a</hi> is perhaps altered from <hi>mennes</hi>, the reading of all other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> lesinge I lauȝgh<add>e</add>  þat akeþ<note>M.5.114: The reading <hi>akeþ</hi> is shared with B. Most other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>likeþ</hi>.</note> myn herte . </l>
<l>And for hire wynnynges<note>M.5.115: M's plural is unique among <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> <add>I</add> wepe  and waille þe tyme</l>
<l>And deme þat hij don ille  þere I do wel worse</l>
<l>Who<seg>-</seg>so vndurnemeth me þere<seg>-</seg>of<note>M.5.117: The reading <hi>þere-of</hi> is shared with F. Most other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>hereof</hi>.</note>  I hate hym dedly aftur . </l>
<l>I wolde þat <del>.</del><add>e</add>che a wiȝt . were my<del>n</del> knaue . </l>
<l>For who<seg>-</seg>so haþ more þan<del>ne</del><add><seg></seg></add> I  þat angreth me sore . </l>
<l>And þus I lyue loueles . lik<del>e</del> a luther dogge . </l>
<l>Þat all<del>e</del> my body bolneþ . for bitter of my galle</l>
<l>I miȝte nouȝt<del>e</del> ete many <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>eres . as a man ouȝte</l>
<l>For enuye and <del>.</del><add>y</add>uel wille  is <del>.</del><add>y</add>uel to diffien</l>
<l>May no sugre ne swete þin<del>ke</del><add>g</add> . asswage my<del>n</del> swellynge</l>
<l>Ne no Diapenidion  dryue it from myn herte</l>
<l>Ne nowther shrifte ne shame . but ho<seg>-</seg>so shrape my mawe</l>
<l><del>Ȝ</del><add>Y</add>us redily quod repentaunce  and radde hym to þe beste</l>
<l>Sorwe of synnes  is sauaciou<expan>n</expan> of soules</l>
<l>I am sory quod þat segge  I am but selde oth<del>.</del><add>e</add>r . </l>
<milestone>fol. 20vI</milestone>
<l>And þat makeþ me þus <add>megre </add> <del>megre</del><note>M.5.130: The final three letters of the erased <hi>megre</hi> are themselves a correction, but so messily written that the scribe has rewritten the word above.</note> for I ne may me venge . </l>
<l>Amonges Burgeises haue I be . dwellinge at londou<expan>n</expan></l>
<l>And garte bakbytinge be a brocour<expan>e</expan> . to blame me<add><expan>n</expan></add>nus ware</l>
<l>Whanne he solde and I nouȝt  þan was I redy</l>
<l>To lie and <del>loure on</del><add><seg></seg><seg></seg></add><note>M.5.134: The scribe's repetition <hi>loure on to loure on</hi> has been corrected by erasure of the first two words. The reading without <hi>to</hi> agreed with HmCr<hi>23</hi>.</note> to loure on my neiȝgbore . and to lakke his chaffare</l>
<l>I wil amende þis <del>ȝ</del>if I may  þorw miȝt<del>e</del> of god almiȝty</l>
<l>Now awaketh wratthe . w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> <del>...?...?...</del><add>two white eyen</add></l>
<l>And neuelinge with þe nose . and þe<note>M.5.137: The reading <hi>þe</hi> is shared with G. All other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>his</hi>.</note> nekke hangynge</l>
<note>M.5.138-143: This paragraph is bracketed in the left margin.</note> <foreign>no<expan>t</expan>a</foreign>#
<l>I am wratthe quod he  I was sumtyme a Frere . </l>
<l>A<del>.</del><add>nd</add> þe Couentus gardiner . for to graffe ympus</l>
<l>O<add>n</add> limitours and list<del>...</del><add>res</add> . lesinges I ympud</l>
<l>Til þei bare leues of lowe speche  lordus to plese</l>
<l>And siþþe þei blo<del>....</del><add>smed</add> so brode<note>M.5.142: M's reading <hi>so brode</hi> is not attested in other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, most of which read <hi>abrood</hi>.</note> . in boure to here shriftus . </l>
<l>And now is fallen þereof a fruite . þat folk<del>e</del> han wel leuere</l>
<l>Shewen hire shriftus to hem  þan<del>ne</del><add><seg></seg></add> to hire persones<note>M.5.144: M's unmetrical form of the b-verse is shared with GYCot. Most manuscripts read with W <hi>þan shryue hem to hir persons</hi>.</note> .</l>
# the Cause off grugge betwen Curat<expan>is</expan> & Freris
<l>And now <add>p<expan>er</expan>sons han</add><note>M.5.145: M's original reading without <hi>p<expan>er</expan>sons han</hi> is not attested in other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> perceiued<del>e</del> . þat Freres parte with hem</l>
<l>Þis possessioneres preche . and depraue Freres . </l>
<l>And Freres findeþ hem in defaute . as folke bereth wittnesse</l>
<l>That whanne <del>whanne</del><add><seg></seg><seg></seg></add> þei preche þe p<del>.</del><add>e</add>ple . in many place aboute</l>
<l>I wratthe walke with hem . and wisse hem of my bokus</l>
<l>Þus þei speken of <add>my</add><note>M.5.150: M's original reading without <hi>my</hi> agreed with YOC<hi>2</hi>CBLF.</note> sp<expan>irit</expan>ualte . til<note>M.5.150: The reading <hi>til</hi> is shared with F; most other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>þat</hi>.</note> <del>..</del><add>ei</add>th<del>..</del><add>er</add> despiseth othur . </l>
<l>Til þei be bothe beggers . and by my sp<expan>irit</expan>ualte libben</l>
<l>Or ellus alle riche . and riden aboute</l>
<l>I wrathe reste neuere  þat I ne moste folwe</l>
<l>This wikkud folk . for such<del>e</del> is my grace . </l>
<l>I haue a<add>n</add> <del>n</del>aunte to Nonne . and <add>an</add><note>M.5.155: M's original reading without <hi>an</hi> agreed with OCot.</note> abbesse bothe</l>
<l>Hire were leuere swowe or swelte . þan suffre any peyne</l>
<l>I haue ben cook in here <del>..</del><add>ky</add>chen . and þe couent serued</l>
<l>Many monthes with hem . and with monkes bothe</l>
<l>I was þe priouresses potagier<del>e</del> . and oþur pore ladyes</l>
<l>And made hem ioutes of iangelinge . þat dame Ione was a bastard</l>
<l>And dame Clarice a kniȝtus douȝtur  ac a kokewald<del>e</del> was hire sire</l>
<del>...?...</del><note>M.5.162: Something, no longer legible, is erased in left margin.</note>
<l>And dame Pernelle a prestus file  priouresse worth she neuere</l>
<l>For she hadde child<del>e</del> in chirityme . al owre chapitre it wiste</l>
<l>Of wikked wordus I wrath<add>e</add> . made here wortus<note>M.5.164: M's syntax here is unique among <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, the rest of which place the object before the verb.</note></l>
<l>Til þow lixt<del>e</del> . and þow lixt<del>e</del> . lopen oute at ones</l>
<l>And either h<del>.</del><add>y</add>tte oþur . vndur þe cheke</l>
<milestone>fol. 21rI</milestone>
v<expan>us</expan> p<expan>assus</expan>
<l>Hadde þai hadde knyues by crist . here eithur hadde kullud oþur</l>
<l>Seint Gregorie was a gode Pope . and hadde a gode forwit<del>te</del></l>
<l>Þat no priouresse were preest . for þat he ordeinede</l>
<l>Þay hadde þanne ben <foreign>infamis</foreign> . þai can so euele hele conseille</l>
<l>Amonge <del>monk.</del><add><seg> ——</seg></add> monkes I miȝte be  ac many tyme y shonye</l>
<l>For þere ben many fel<del>..</del><add>le</add> Frekes . my feres to aspien</l>
<l>Bothe priour and <del>...</del><add>sub</add>priour  and oure <hi>Pater Abbas</hi></l>
<l>And <del>ȝ</del>if I telle any tales . þei taken hem to<seg>-</seg>g<del>.</del><add>i</add>dres</l>
<l>And don me fasten Frydais . to bred and to watur</l>
<l>And am chalanged in þe Chapitelhous . as I <add>a</add> Child<del>e</del> were . </l>
<l>And baleised on þe bare ers . & no breche bitwene . </l>
<l>For<del> I </del><add><seg>-</seg>þi</add> haue I no lykynge . with þo leodes to wonye</l>
<l>I ete þere vnthende Fissh . and fieble ale drinke . </l>
<l>Ac othurwhile whanne wyn cometh . whanne I drinke wyn at eue</l>
# the Flix off the Foule mowth
<l>I haue a flux<del>e</del> of a foul<del>e</del> mouth<del>e</del><add></add> wel fyue daies aftur . </l>
<l>Alle þe wikkudnesse þat I wot<del>e</del>  by any of oure breþeren</l>
<l>I couthe it in oure cloistre  þat alle oure Couent wote it . </l>
<l>Now repente þe quod Repentaunce  and reherce it<note>M.5.184: M's reading here is unique. The other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>þow</hi> or <hi>you</hi>. F reads <hi>þ<expan>o</expan>u yt</hi>.</note> neuere</l>
<l>Conseill<del>e</del> þat þou <del>........</del><add>knowest </add> by conte<del>.</del><add>n</add>aunce ne bi riȝt</l>
<l>And drinke not to delicatly . ne to<note>M.5.186: M's reading of <hi>to</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, most of which read <hi>ouer</hi>.</note> depe nowther<del>e</del></l>
<l>Þat þi wille b<del>.</del><add>y</add> cause þereof  to wratthe miȝte tourne</l>
<l><hi><foreign>Esto sobrius</foreign></hi> he saide  and assoillud <del>...</del><add>hym</add><note>M.5.188: The alteration to <hi>hym</hi> here brings M into agreement with Cr. All other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>me</hi>. A similar situation is found in the next line.</note> aftur</l>
<hi><foreign>Auaricia .</foreign></hi>
<l>And bad <del>...</del><add>hym</add><note>M.5.189: The alteration to <hi>hym</hi> brings M into agreement with Cr. All other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>me</hi>. A similar situation exists in the previous line.</note> wilne to wepe <del>....</del><add>  his</add><note>M.5.189: The alteration to <hi>his</hi> brings M into agreement with Cr. All other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>my</hi>.</note> wikkudnesse to amende . </l>
<l>And þanne com<del>e</del> Cou<del>...?...</del><add>eitise .</add> can I him nouȝt discriue</l>
<l>So hungriliche and holwe . sire h<del>...</del><add>eru</add>y<note>M.5.191: While it is not possible to read what lies under this erasure, GCLR read <hi>Henry</hi> here.</note> hym lokud</l>
# <foreign>opti<expan>m</expan>a desc<expan>ri</expan>pt<expan>i</expan>o Auaricie</foreign>
<l>He was baberlippud . and bitelbrowed<note>M.5.192: All other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have the words <hi>baberlippud</hi> and <hi>bitelbrowed</hi> in the other order.</note> also</l>
<l>With to blerede eien  as a blynd<del>e</del> hagge</l>
<l>And as a letheren Purs . lollud his chekus</l>
<l>Wel sidder<expan>e</expan> þan<del>ne</del> his chin . <add>they</add> cheueled for elde</l>
<l>And as a bondman of his bacon  his berde was bidraueled<del>e</del></l>
<l>With an hode on his hed<del>e</del> . a lousie hatte abouen</l>
<l>And in a tawny tabard . of twelue <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ere<note>M.5.198: The reading <hi>yere </hi>is shared with F. All other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>wynter</hi>.</note> age</l>
<l>Al to<seg>-</seg>torn<del>e</del> and baudy  and ful of lis crepynge</l>
<l>But <del>ȝ</del>if <del>y</del><add>þ</add>at a lous couthe  þe bett<del>er</del><add>re</add> haue lopen<note>M.5.200: M's b-verse reverses the syntax of the other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts. Compare W's <hi>han lopen þe bettre</hi>.</note></l>
<l>She shulde nouȝt haue walkud on þat welthe  so was it thredbare . </l>
<l>I haue ben cou<del>......</del><add>eitous</add> quod þat<note>M.5.202: M's reading of <hi>þat</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>þis</hi>. It is the reading of some <hi>A</hi> manuscripts.</note> Cay<del>...</del><add>tif</add> . I biknowe it here . </l>
<milestone>fol. 21vI</milestone>
<l>For so<del>..</del><add>m</add><seg>-</seg>tyme I serued  symme at þe stile</l>
<l>And was his prentys y<seg>-</seg>pliȝt<del>e</del> . his profit<del>.</del> to waite</l>
<l>Furst I lerned to lie . a lief or tweyne</l>
<l>Wikkudliche to weie . was my furst lessoun</l>
<l>To wy and to wynchestre . I went to þe faire</l>
<l>With many manere Marchyndise . as my maistre me hiȝte</l>
<l>Nad þe grace of gil<del>.</del><add>e  gon</add> among<del>e</del> my ware</l>
<l>I<del>..</del><add>t</add> hadde ben vnsold<del>e</del> þis seuen <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>er  so me god helpe</l>
<l>Þanne drowe I me among<del>e</del> drapers  my donet to lurne</l>
<l>To drawe þe lisor along<del>e</del>  þe lengere it semede</l>
<l>Among<del>e</del> þe riche Rays . I rendrede a lessoun</l>
<l>To broche hem with a <del>...?...</del><add>paknedle</add><note>M.5.214: M's altered reading <hi>paknedle</hi> agrees with most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts. LRF read <hi>batnedle</hi>.</note>  and plait<del>..</del><add>e</add><note>M.5.214: The altered reading is shared with W. YC<hi>2</hi>OLR have the past tense, as M may have had; other manuscripts have other verbs.</note> hem to<seg>-</seg>g<del>.</del><add>e</add>dre<del>s</del></l>
<l>And putte hem in a presse  and pynned hem þereinne</l>
<l>Til ten <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>erdus or twelue  tollud out threttene</l>
<l>My wif was a webbe  and wollen cloþ<del>e</del> made</l>
<l>She spak<del>e</del> vn<add>to</add><note>M.5.218: M's reading of <hi>vnto</hi> is not attested in other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>to</hi>.</note> spinnest<del>i</del>ers  to <sic>spynnnen</sic><corr>spynnen</corr> it oute</l>
<l>Ac þe pound<del>e</del> þat she paide <add>by<note>M.5.219: M's original reading without <hi>by</hi> agreed with B.</note></add> weied a quartrou<expan>n</expan> more . </l>
<l>Þan<del>ne</del> myn owne auncer<del>e</del>  who<seg>-</seg>so weied truthe</l>
<l>I bouȝte hire barly malt<del>e</del>  she b<del>...?...?...</del><add>rew it to selle</add></l>
<l><orig>Penyale</orig><reg>Peny ale</reg> and poding Ale  she pourede to<seg>-</seg>g<del>.</del><add>i</add>dres</l>
<l>For laborers and <orig>lowefolk</orig><reg>lowe folk</reg>  þat lay by hem<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
<l>The beste ale lay in my boure . or in my bed chambre</l>
<l>And whoso bummud þereof . bouȝte it þere<seg>-</seg>aftur</l>
<l>A galoun for a gr<del>...</del><add>ey</add><note>M.5.226: M's reading of <hi>grey</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which have no adjective here. Perhaps the scribe inadvertently wrote <hi>grote</hi> twice and the first was corrected to <hi>grey</hi>.</note> grote . god wot no lasse . </l>
<l>And <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>it it cam in <del>.........</del><add>cuppemele</add>  þis craft<del>e</del> my <del>.......</del><add>wif vsed</add></l>
<l>Rose þe regratere . was hire riȝte name . </l>
<l>She haþ holden hukrie  al hire lyf<seg>-</seg>tyme . </l>
<l>Ac I swere now so theik . þat synne wil I lete . </l>
<l>And neuere wikkudlich weie  ne wikke chaffare vse</l>
<l>But wenden to walsingh<expan>a</expan>m . and my wif also . </l>
<l>And bidde þe Rode of Bromholme . bringe me out of dette . </l>
# <foreign>questiones Repent<expan>encie</expan></foreign>
<l>Repentestow þe euere q<expan>uo</expan>d Repentaunce  ne restitucioun madest<del>e</del> . </l>
<l><del>Ȝ</del><add>Y</add>us ones I was herberwed quod he . w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> an hepe of chapmen</l>
<l>I roos whanne þei were areste  and rifled hire males .</l>
<milestone>fol. 22rI</milestone>
v<expan>us</expan> p<expan>assus</expan>
<l>That was no restitucioun quod repentaunce . but a robers thefte</l>
<l>Þow haddest <add>be</add><note>M.5.238: M's original reading without <hi>be</hi> agreed with LR.</note> bettur worthy . ben hanged þerfore</l>
<l>Þan for alle þat / þat þow  hast here y<seg>-</seg>shewed<del>e</del></l>
<l>I wende riflinge were restitucioun . for<note>M.5.240: The reading <hi>for </hi>is shared with Hm. Most other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>quod he</hi> or <hi>quod he for</hi>.</note> I lerned neu<expan>er</expan>e <del>...</del><add>to</add><note>M.5.240: The corrected <hi>to</hi> is unique. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts omit it, and many other also omit <hi>rede</hi>.</note> rede on boke</l>
<l>And I can no<del>ne</del><add><seg></seg></add> Frensh in feith<del>e</del> . but of þe furthest ende of Northfolke . </l>
<l>Vsudestow euere vsurie quod Repentaunce . in alle þi lif<seg>-</seg>tyme</l>
<l>Nay sothly he saide . saue in my <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>owthe</l>
<l>I lerned amonges lombardus . and iewes a lessoun</l>
<l>To weie pens with a peis . and pare awe<del>ie</del><add>y</add><note>M.5.245: M's reading of <hi>awey</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> þe heuie<del>.</del><add>s</add>te</l>
<l>And lene it for loue of þe crosse . to legge a wed<del>e</del> and lese it . </l>
<l>Suche dedus I d<del>.</del><add>i</add>de do<note>M.5.247: M's reading of <hi>do</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> write  <del>ȝ</del>if he is<note>M.5.247: <hi>is</hi>, "his."</note> day <sic>brreke</sic><corr>breke</corr></l>
<l>I haue mo maneres þorw rerages . þan <del>......</del><add>thurgh</add> <hi><foreign>mis<expan>er</expan>etur & comodat</foreign></hi></l>
<l>I haue lent<del>e</del> lordus  and ladies my chaffare</l>
<l>And ben hire brocour aftur . and bouȝte it my<seg>-</seg>seluen</l>
<l>Eschaunges and cheuisaunces . w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> such<del>e</del> chaffare I dele . </l>
<l>And lene folk þat lese wol . a lippe at euery noble . </l>
<l>And w<del>..</del><add><expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan></add> . lombardus l<expan>ett</expan>res . I ladde gold to Rome</l>
<l>And toke it bi ta<del>...</del><add>le</add><note>M.5.254: Before it was altered, this word was probably <hi>taile</hi>, the reading of most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> here . and tolde hem þere lasse</l>
<l>L<del>........</del><add>entestow</add> euere lordus  for loue of hire mainteinaunce</l>
<l><del>Ȝ</del><add>Y</add>e I haue lent lordus  loued me neuere aftur</l>
<l>And haue <del>y</del>made<note>M.5.257: M's original <hi>ymade</hi> is shared with LWR.</note> many a kniȝt . boþe mercer<del>e</del> and draper<del>e</del></l>
<l>Þat paiede neuere for his prentishode . nouȝt<del>e</del> a paire gloues . </l>
<l>Hastow pite on <orig>poremen</orig><reg>pore men</reg> . þat moten <del>..</del><add>ne</add>des borwe . </l>
<l>I haue as moche pite on pore men . as pedlere haþ of cattus</l>
<l>Þat wolde kylle hem ȝif he cacche hem miȝte  for coue<add>i</add>tise of hire skynn<del>..</del><add>es</add></l>
<l>Artow manlich among<del>e</del> þi neiȝborwes  of þi mete <del>.</del><add>&</add> drinke . </l>
<l>I am holden quod he as hende  as hound<del>e</del> is in k<del>u</del><add>y</add>ch<del>...</del><add>ene</add></l>
<l>Among<del>e</del> my neiȝbores nameliche  such<del>e</del> a name I haue</l>
<l>Now god leue neure quod repentaunce  but þou repente <del>..</del><add><seg></seg></add><note>M.5.265: Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>þe</hi> before rather.</note> rather</l>
<l>Þe grace <del>..</del><add>on</add><note>M.5.266: For <hi>on</hi> BoGCot have <hi>of</hi>.</note> þis grounde . þi good wel<note>M.5.266: M here omits <hi>to</hi>, found in most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> bisette</l>
<l>Ne þin <del>....</del><add>heirs</add><note>M.5.267: M's altered reading <hi>heirs</hi> agrees with most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts. L reads <hi>ysue</hi>, R reads <hi>vssue</hi>, and F oddly reads <hi>houswif</hi>.</note> aftur þe . haue ioie of þat þou wynnest<del>e</del></l>
<l>Ne þin executours wel bisette . þe siluer þat þou hem leuest</l>
<l>And þat was wonnen with wrong<del>e</del> . w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> wikkud men be despendud .</l>
<milestone>fol. 22vI</milestone>
<l>For were I Frere of þat hous  þere go<del>..</del><add>od</add> faith and charite is</l>
<l>I nolde cope vs with þi catel . ne oure kirke amende</l>
<l>Ne haue a peny to my pitaunce of þin  by my soule hele</l>
<l>For þe best<add>e</add> <add>book</add><note>M.5.273: The final <e> on <hi>beste</hi> is squeezed into the line without erasure; <hi>book</hi> is inserted in a different, paler, ink.</note> in oure hous  þeiȝ<del>e</del> brent gold were þe leues</l>
<l>And I wiste witturly þou were . such<del>e</del> as þou tellest</l>
<l><foreign><hi>Seruus es alterius cum fercula pinguia queris</hi></foreign></l>
<l><foreign><hi>Pane tuo pocius vescere liber eris</hi></foreign></l>
<l>Thou art an vnkynde creature  I can þe nouȝt assoille</l>
<l>Til þow make restitucioun  and rekene with hem alle</l>
<l>And s<del>it</del><add>y</add>then þat resoun rolle it  in þe Registre of heuene</l>
<l>Þat þou <del>..</del><add><seg></seg></add> hast made eche man gode  I may þe nouȝt<del>e</del> assoille</l>
<l><hi><foreign>Non <sic>dimittur</sic><corr>dimitt[it]ur</corr> peccatum . donec restituatur ablatum. & c<expan>etera</expan></foreign></hi></l>
<l>For alle þat hath of þi good<del>e</del> . haue god my trouthe</l>
<foreign>mirabile di<expan>ctu</expan>m</foreign>
<l>Is holden at þe heiȝe dome . to helpe þe to restitue</l>
<l>And who<note>M.5.284: M's reading of <hi>who</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, most of which read <hi>whoso</hi>.</note> leueth nouȝt þis be soth . loke in þe saut<del>..</del><add>er</add> boke<note>M.5.284: M's <hi>boke</hi> is shared only by G. Most other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>glose</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>In <foreign>miserere mei deus</foreign></hi> . where I mene truthe</l>
<l><hi><foreign>Ecce <del>v...?...</del><add>enim</add> veritatem dilexisti & c<expan>etera</expan></foreign></hi></l>
<l>Shal neuere werkeman in þis world . þryue w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> þat þow wynnest</l>
<l><hi><foreign>Cum sauncto saunctus eris</foreign></hi> . construe me þis on <del>y</del><add>e</add>nglissh<del>e</del></l>
<l>Þanne wex þat shrewe in wanhope . and wolde haue hanged<del>e</del> hi<expan>m</expan>self</l>
<l>N<del>....</del><add>adde</add> repentaunce þe rather recounforted  hym in þis manere</l>
<l>Haue mercy in þi mynde . and with þi mouth<del>e</del> biseche it . </l>
<l>For godes mercy is more . þan<del>ne</del><add><seg></seg></add> alle hise othere werkes</l>
# <foreign>quo<expan>d</expan> m<expan>isericord</expan>ia ei<expan>us</expan> sup<expan>er</expan> o<expan>mn</expan>ia op<expan>er</expan>a</foreign>
<l><hi><foreign>Misericordia eius sup<expan>er</expan> omnia op<expan>er</expan>a eius & c<expan>etera</expan> .</foreign></hi></l>
<l>And all<del>e</del> þe wikkednesse in þis wor<del>...</del><add>ld . </add> þat <add>man</add> miȝte worche or thinke</l>
<l>Ne is no more to þe mercie of god  þan<del>ne</del><add><seg></seg></add> in þe see a glede . </l>
<l><hi><foreign>Omnis iniquitas quantum ad mis<expan>er</expan>icordiam dei est <add>quasi</add><note>M.5.296: M's original reading without <hi>quasi</hi> is shared by L.</note> sintilla in medio maris</foreign></hi></l>
<l>For<seg>-</seg>þi haue mercy in þ<del>ine</del><add>y</add> mynde . and marchaundise leue it</l>
<l>For þow hast no good<del>e</del> ground<del>e</del><add> .</add> to gete þe with a wastell . </l>
<l>But <del>ȝ</del>if it were with þ<del>ine</del><add>y</add> tonge  or<note>M.5.299: All other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts here include <hi>ellis</hi>.</note> with þine two handus . </l>
<l>For þe good<del>e</del> þat þow hast geten . bigan al with falsenesse<note>M.5.300: The reading <hi>falsenesse </hi>is shared with F. All other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>falshede</hi>.</note></l>
<l>And as longe as þow lyuest<del>e</del> þere<seg>-</seg>with . þow <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>eldest not but borwest</l>
<l>And <del>ȝ</del>if þow wite neuere to <del>..</del><add>whi</add>che . ne <del><add>to</add></del><note>M.5.302: The addition of <hi>to</hi> above the line, later erased, would have placed M in agreement with HmCr.</note> whom to restitue</l>
<l>Bere it to þe bisshop<del>pe</del> . and bidde hym of his grace . </l>
<milestone>fol. 23rI</milestone>
v<expan>us</expan> passus
<l>Bysette <add>it</add> hym<seg>-</seg>selue . as best is for þi soule</l>
<l>For he shal answere for þe  at þe heiȝe dome</l>
<l>For þe an<del>y</del><add>d</add> for many mo  þat man shal <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>eue rekenynge<note>M.5.306: The reading <hi>rekenynge </hi>is shared with F. All other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>a rekenynge</hi>.</note></l>
<l>What he lerede<note>M.5.307: M's reading of <hi>lerede</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>lerned</hi>.</note> <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow in lenten . leue <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e non othur</l>
<l>And what he lente <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow of <del>ȝ</del>owre<note>M.5.308: This erasure brings M into agreement with all other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts except YOC<hi>2</hi>CB, which read <hi>his</hi>.</note> lordes <add>good </add> to lette <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow from synn<del>.e</del><add>e</add></l>
<l>N<del>..</del><add>ow</add> biginneth glotoun  for to go to shrifte</l>
<l>And kaires him to kirkewarde  his coupe to shewe</l>
<l>Ac betoun þe brewestere . bad him gode morwe</l>
<l>And axede him with þ<del>...?...</del><add><expan>a</expan>t word<note>M.5.312: M's added reading of <hi>word</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note></add> <add>whider</add>ward he wolde</l>
<l>To holichurche quod he  for to here messe</l>
<l>And siþþe I wil be shriuen  and synn<del>..n</del><add>en</add> <orig>nomore</orig><reg>no more</reg> . </l>
<l>I haue gode ale gossib quod she  glotoun wiltow assaie</l>
<l>Hastow ouȝt<del>þ</del> in þ<del>in</del><add>y</add> Purs  any <del>....</del><add>hote</add> spices</l>
<l>I haue pepur and piones quod <add>s</add>he<note>M.5.317: M's original reading of <hi>he</hi> agreed with GCrYCBL.</note> . and a pound<del>.</del> of garlik</l>
<l>A ferthing<del>e</del> worth<del>e</del> of fenel sied<del>e</del> . for fastinge<seg>-</seg>daies . </l>
<l>Þan goth glotoun <del>...</del><add>yn .</add> and grete othes aftur<note>M.5.319-331: This paragraph is bracketed in the right margin.</note></l>
<l>Cisse þe sowsteresse<note>M.5.320: The form of the word varies (<hi>souteresse</hi>, <hi>sowestere</hi>, <hi>sowter</hi>). M's form is unique.</note> . sat <del>..</del><add><seg></seg></add><note>M.5.320: Although it is not possible to read what has been erased, BmBoCot here read <hi>upon</hi>.</note> on þe benche</l>
<l>Watte þe warner<del>e</del> . and his wif boþe . </l>
<l>T<del>y</del><add>o</add>mme<note>M.5.322: The name varies widely in the manuscripts. FGC<hi>2</hi> have <hi>Tomme</hi>, WLO have <hi>Tymme</hi>.</note> þe tynkere  and tweine of his prentis</l>
<l>H<del>...e</del><add>ikke</add> þe hakene<del>i....</del><add>yman</add> . and hugh þe neldere</l>
<l>Clarice of cokkeslane  and þe Clerk<del>e</del> of þe churche . </l>
<l>Da<del>we</del><add>vy</add><note>M.5.325: M's altered reading <hi>Davy</hi> agrees with Cr<hi>23</hi>. All other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>Dawe</hi>.</note> þe dikere  and a doseine oþere . </l>
<l>Sire pieres of pridie  and pernelle of Flaundres</l>
<l>A Ribebour a Ratoner<del>e</del>  a Rakere of Chepe . </l>
<l>A Ropere a reding<del>..</del><add>ky</add>ng<del>e</del>  and Rose þe disshers</l>
<l>Godfray of garlekhide  and grifin þe walssh</l>
<l>And vpholders an hep<del>e</del> . erly by þe morwe</l>
<l>Geuen glotoun with glad<del>e</del> chiere  go<del>..</del><add>od</add> ale to hanselle</l>
<l>Clement þe Cobelere  caste of his cloke</l>
<l>And at þe newe faire  he nempned it to selle</l>
<l>H<del>.</del><add>y</add>kke þe hakene<del>im..</del><add>yma<expan>n</expan></add> h<del>..</del><add>y</add>t his ho<del>de</del><add>od</add> after</l>
<l>And bad bette þe bochere . ben on his side . </l>
<l>Þere were chappemen y<seg>-</seg>chosen . þis chaffare to praise </l>
<milestone>fol. 23vI</milestone>
<l>Whoso haueþ þe ho<del>..</del><add>od</add> <add>shal</add> haue  amendes of <add>the</add> cloke</l>
<l>Two risen vp in rape  and rounen<note>M.5.338: All other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have the verb in the past tense.</note> tog<del>.</del><add>i</add>dres</l>
<l>And praiseden þes peniworthes  apart <add>by</add> <del>.y.</del><add>hem</add><seg>-</seg>seluen<note>M.5.339: In place of the altered reading <hi>hem</hi>, HmRF have <hi>hym</hi>.</note></l>
<l>Þei couthen nouȝt by here conscience  accorden in truthe</l>
<l>Til Robin þe Rop<del><expan>er</expan></del>ere  arose by <add>þe</add> sothe<note>M.5.341: Most other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>southe</hi>. This line is "the locus classicus for the corruption of the <hi>B</hi> archetype" (Ralph Hanna, III, <title>Pursuing History: Middle English Manuscripts and their Texts</title> [Stanford, 1996] p. 217. Beta manuscripts read <hi>by the southe</hi>, and the unique M reading, originally <hi>by sothe</hi>, with <hi>þe</hi> inserted, is a desperate attempt to make sense of this.</note></l>
<l>And nempnede hym for a nounpere  þat no<del>n</del> debate nere</l>
<l>Hikke þostelere  hadde þe cloke</l>
<l>In couenant þat Clement  shulde þe cuppe <del>....</del><add>fille</add></l>
<l>And haue hikkes hood<del>e</del> þe hostiler<del>e</del> <add></add> and holde him yseru<del>.</del><add>e</add>d</l>
<l>And whoso repentud raþe<del>...</del><add>st </add> shulde a<seg>-</seg>rise aft<del>.</del><add>e</add>r</l>
<l>And grete sire glotoun . with a galoun ale</l>
<l>Þere was lawynge and louringe  and let<del>e</del> go þe cuppe</l>
<l>And seten so til euensong<del>e</del><add></add> and songen vmwhile . </l>
<l><del>.</del><add>T</add>il glotoun hadde y<seg>-</seg><del>...?...</del><add>globbed </add><note>M.5.350: The altered reading <hi>globbed </hi>is shared by many <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, though Cr and <hi>A</hi> manuscripts have forms of <hi>gulped</hi>.</note> a galon and <add>a</add> gille </l>
<l>His guttes g<del>u</del><add>o</add>nne to godly  as two gredy sowes</l>
<l>He pissud a potel  in a pat<del>.</del><add>e</add>rnost<del>..</del><add>er</add><seg>-</seg>while</l>
<l>And blewe his rounde ruwet  at his rugge bon<del>.....</del><add>es ende</add></l>
<l>Þat alle þat herde þat horn  helde here nos<del>..</del><add>es</add><note>M.5.354: M's altered reading <hi>noses</hi> agrees with WHmGCot. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>nose</hi>.</note> aft<del>.</del><add>e</add>r</l>
<l>And wissheden it hadde ben wexud  w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> a wispe of Furses</l>
<l>He miȝte neither stepp<add>e</add> ne ston<del>...</del><add>de </add> er he his staff hadde</l>
<l>And þanne gan he go lich<del>e</del>  a gle<del>w</del><add>e</add><seg>-</seg>mann<del>..</del><add>es</add> bicche</l>
<l>Som<del>me</del><add><seg></seg></add><seg>-</seg>tyme aside  and s<del>....</del><add>om<seg></seg></add><seg>-</seg>tyme ariere</l>
<l>As who<seg>-</seg>so laith lynes  for to <del>l</del><add>k</add>acche<note>M.5.359: M's original reading was shared with HmGF; the altered reading agrees with other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> foules . </l>
<l>And whanne he drow to þe dore  þanne dymmeden his eiȝen</l>
<l>He <del>...</del><add>sto</add>mbled<note>M.5.361: M's altered reading agrees with most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts. LR read <hi>trembled</hi>.</note> on the thr<del>.</del><add>e</add>ssh<del>.</del><add>f</add>olde  and threw to þe erthe</l>
<l>Clement þe <sic>cobeleri</sic><corr>cobeler</corr>  cauȝte him by þe myd<del>...</del><add>del</add></l>
<l>For to l<del>u</del><add>y</add>fte hym a<seg>-</seg>lofte  and laide him on his knowes</l>
<l>Ac glotoun was a grete ch<del>.</del><add>e</add>rl  and a grim in <del>..</del><add><seg></seg></add><note>M.5.364: Most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>þe</hi> here. M's erasure of the word brings it into agreement with HmCr<hi>3</hi>C<hi>2</hi>.</note> liftyng<del>.</del></l>
<l>And <del>.....</del><add>coghed</add> vp a caudel . in Clementus lappe</l>
take hede good gossip
<l>Is non so hungry hound<del>e</del>  in herteforde shire</l>
<l>Durst lapen of þe<note>M.5.367: Kane and Donaldson record the word as <hi>þo</hi>. The reading <hi>þe</hi> is shared by GLR.</note> leuynges  so vnlouely it smauȝte</l>
<l>With alle þe wo of þe wo<del>...</del><add>rld</add>  his wif and his wenche</l>
<l>Baren hym hom to his bed  and brouȝten hym þere<seg>-</seg>inne</l>
<milestone>fol. 24rI</milestone>
v<expan>us</expan> pass<expan>us</expan>
<l>And aftur al þis excesse  he hadde an accidie</l>
<l>Þat he slep<del>e</del> saturday and <del>..</del><add>so</add>nday  til s<del>.</del><add>o</add>nne <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ede to reste</l>
<l>Þanne wakenede he of his wyn<del>.</del><add>k</add>kynge  and wipud his eiȝen</l>
<l>Þe furste word<del>e</del> þat he warp<del>e</del>  was . where is þe bolle</l>
<l>His wi<del>.</del><add>f</add><note>M.5.374: M's altered reading agrees with WCr<hi>1</hi>. Most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>wytte</hi>.</note> gan edwite hym þo  how wikkudliche he liuede</l>
<l>And repentaunce riȝt<del>e</del> so  rebukede hym þat tyme</l>
<l>As þow with wordus and werkes hast wrouȝte  euel in þ<del>in</del><add>y</add> liue</l>
<l>Shriue þe and be shamed þereof  & shewe it w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> þ<del>ine</del><add>y</add> mouthe</l>
<l>I glotoun quod <add>t</add>he<note>M.5.378: M's original reading <hi>he</hi> was shared with G.</note> gomme  gulti me <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>elde</l>
<l>Þat I haue trespassud with my tonge  I can nouȝt telle how ofte</l>
<l>Sworn<del>e</del> godsoule  and selpe me god<note>M.5.380: While this b-verse has widely varying readings among <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, M is the only beta-family manuscript to share RF's syntax <hi>so help me god</hi>, in contrast to the other beta manuscripts which read <hi>so god me help</hi>.</note> and halydome</l>
<l>Þere no<del>ne</del><add><seg></seg></add> nede ne was  nyne hundr<del>..</del><add>ed</add> tymes</l>
<l>And ouer<del>e</del><seg>-</seg>seien me at my soper<del>e</del>  and som<del>me</del><add><seg></seg></add>tyme at nones . </l>
<l>Þat I glotoun gurte vp  er I hadde goon<del>e</del> a myle</l>
<l>And spilte þat miȝte han ben spared  and spendud on s<del>u</del><add>o</add>mme hon<del>....</del><add>grie</add></l>
<l>Ouerdelicately on fastinge<seg>-</seg>daies  drunken and eten bothe</l>
<l>And sate so longe þere<del>.....</del><add><seg></seg> som</add>tyme<note>M.5.386: The syntax of the a-verse is not attested in other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>som tyme so longe þere</hi>.</note>  þat I slep<del>e</del> and e<del>..</del><add>et</add> atte ones</l>
<l>For loue of tales in tauernes  to drinke þe more I dine<note>M.5.387: M is the only <hi>B</hi> manuscript to attest the present tense of the verb.</note></l>
<l>And h<del>...</del><add>yed</add> to þe mete e<del>.....</del><add>r noon </add> whanne fastinge<seg>-</seg>daies were</l>
<l>This shewinge shrifte quod repentaunce  shal be merite to þe</l>
<l>And þanne gan glotoun gre<del>..</del><add>de<note>M.5.390: M's altered reading <hi>grede</hi> agrees with Cr<hi>1</hi>. Most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>greete</hi>.</note></add> and gret<del>e</del> doel to make</l>
<l>For his l<del>.....</del><add>uther</add> lif  þat he liued<del>e</del> hadde . </l>
<l>And avowed <add>to</add><note>M.5.392: M's original reading without <hi>to</hi> agreed with GLR.</note> fast<add>e </add> for hungre or <add>for</add><note>M.5.392: M's original reading without <hi>for</hi> is not attested in other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, except F, which has <hi>and</hi> in place of <hi>or</hi>.</note> thurst<add>e</add></l>
<l>Shal neuere fi<del>..</del><add>ss</add>h on Friday  defien in my wombe</l>
<l>Til abstinen<del>..</del><add>ce</add> myn aunte  haue <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ouen me leue</l>
<l>And <del>...</del><add>yet</add> haue I hatud hire  al my liftyme</l>
<l>Þanne com<del>e</del> slewthe al bislabred<del>e</del><add></add> with two slym<del>.</del><add>y</add> eiȝen</l>
<l>I mo<del>..</del><add>ste</add> sitte saide þe segge  or ell<del>.</del><add>e</add>s shuld<add>e</add> I nappe</l>
<l>I may not stonde ne stoupe  ne w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan><seg>-</seg>oute a sto<del>le</del><add>ol</add> knele . </l>
<l>Were I brouȝt<del>e</del> on bedde  but <del>ȝ</del>if my tail<del>..</del><add><seg></seg></add>ende it made</l>
<l>Shulde no <del>...?...</del><add>thyng</add><note>M.5.400: M's altered reading <hi>thyng</hi> agrees with B and two <hi>C</hi> manuscripts. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>ryngynge</hi>.</note> do me rise  til<note>M.5.400: M's reading of <hi>til</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>er</hi>. It is the reading of the <hi>C</hi> text.</note> I were ripe to dine</l>
<l>He bigan <foreign>benedicite</foreign> w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> a bolk  and his brest<del>e</del> knockede</l>
<l>A<del>........</del><add>nd raskled</add><note>M.5.402: M's reading <hi>raskled</hi> is shared with Cr and most <hi>C</hi> manuscripts; most other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>roxed</hi>.</note> and rored<del>e</del>  and rutte at þe laste</l>
<l>What awake renc quod Repentaunce  and rape þe to shrifte . </l>
<milestone>fol. 24vI</milestone>
<l>If I shulde deie by þis day  me lust<del>e</del> nouȝt to loke</l>
<l>I can nouȝt parfitely my Pat<del>.</del><add>e</add>r<seg>-</seg>nost<del>..</del><add>er</add>  as þe preest it singeþ</l>
<l>But I can rimes of Robin hode  & Randolf <del>þ</del><add><seg></seg></add> erl<del>e</del> of chestre</l>
<l>Ac nowther of oure lord<del>e</del> ne oure lady  þe leeste þat euere was ma<del>de</del><add>ked</add></l>
<l>I<note>M.5.408: M alone among <hi>B</hi> manuscripts omits the word <hi>haue</hi> here.</note> made vowes fourty . and fo<del>....</del><add>rgat</add> hem on <del>..</del><add><seg></seg></add><note>M.5.408: Most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>þe</hi> here. M's erasure of the word brings it into agreement with OCBRF.</note> morwe</l>
<l>I parfourmede neuere penaunce  as þe preest me hiȝte</l>
<l>Ne riȝt<del>e</del> sor<del>ie</del><add>y</add> for my s<del>u</del><add>y</add>nn<del>..</del><add>es </add> <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>et was I neuere . </l>
<l>And <del>ȝ</del>if I bidde any bed<del>.</del><add>e</add>s  but<note>M.5.411: The reading <hi>but</hi> is shared with F. All other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>but if</hi>.</note> it be in wratthe</l>
<l>Þat I telle with my tonge  is two myle from myn herte</l>
<l>I am ocupied<del>e</del> eche day  halyday and othur</l>
<l>With ydel tales atte ale  and otherw<del>...</del><add>hile</add> in churches . </l>
<l>God<del>.</del><add>e</add>s paine and his passioun  ful selde þenke I on <add>it</add><note>M.5.415: The addition of <hi>it</hi> brings M into agreement with W. M's omission of the word agreed with OC<hi>2</hi>C. Most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>theron</hi>.</note></l>
<l>I visitede neuere fieble men  ne fettrud men in puttus</l>
<l>I haue leuere here herlotrie  or a somer<del>e</del> gamen of souteres</l>
<l>And<note>M.5.418: M's reading <hi>And</hi> is unique among <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>Or</hi>.</note> lesinges to lauȝgwe<add><expan>n</expan></add> at  and bilye myn neiȝeburgh</l>
<l>Þan all<del>e</del> þat euere mark<del>e</del> made  Mathew<del>e</del> Ion and lucas</l>
<l><note>M.5.420: M alone among <hi>B</hi> manuscripts lacks the word <hi>And</hi> here. Manuscripts of the <hi>C</hi> text also lack the word.</note>Vigilies and fastinge<seg>-</seg>daies  alle þese late I passe . </l>
<l>And ligge abedde in lent<del>o</del><add>e</add>n  and my lemman in myn <del>h</del>armes</l>
<l>Til matynes and Masse be do  & þan go I to þe freres . </l>
<l>Come I to <foreign>Ite missa est</foreign>  I holde me y<seg>-</seg>serued<del>e</del> . </l>
<l>I nam nouȝt shryuen s<del>u</del><add>o</add>m<del>e</del><seg>-</seg>tyme  but sekenesse it make</l>
<l>Nouȝt twies in two <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e<del>..</del><add>er </add> and þanne vp gesse I shriue me . </l>
<l><add><hi><foreign>Contric<expan>i</expan>o et infelicitas i<expan>n</expan> vijs eor<expan>um</expan> & c<expan>etera</expan></foreign></hi></add><note>M.5.426: This line, which occurs only in M among the <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, is the only Latin tag written in red ink. It is in a different hand from the main text and is written in a paragraph space. The same Latin tag is found at M.4.36.</note></l>
<l>I haue be prest and p<expan>er</expan>son<del>..</del><add><seg></seg></add> passinge þretty wynt<del>..</del><add>er</add></l>
# <foreign>de p<expan>re</expan>sbit<expan>er</expan>is venator<expan>ibus</expan></foreign>
<l><del>Ȝ</del><add>Y</add>et can I neither solfe ne synge  ne saintus liu<del>..</del><add>es</add> reden . </l>
<l>But I can fynde in a field<del>e</del>  or in a fourlong<del>e</del> an hare</l>
<l>Bett<del>..</del><add>re</add> þan<del>ne</del><add><seg></seg></add> in <hi><foreign>Beatus vir</foreign> or in <foreign>Beati omnes .</foreign></hi></l>
<l>Construe oon clause wel  and kenn<del>..</del><add>e</add> it to my paris<del>.....</del><add>shens</add></l>
<l>I can holde louedaies  and h<del>.</del><add>e</add>re a Reues Rekenynge</l>
<l>Ac in Canoun ne in þe Decretales  I can nouȝt rede a lyne . </l>
<l><del>...</del>If I bigge and borwe it  but <del>ȝi</del><add>i</add>f it be tailled</l>
<l>I forȝete it as <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>erne  and<note>M.5.435: M alone among <hi>B</hi> manuscripts omits the word <hi>if</hi> here.</note> men me it axe</l>
<l>Six sithes or seuene  I forsake it with othes</l>
<l>And þus tene I trwe men  ten hundred tymes . </l>
<l>And my s<expan>er</expan>uauntz som<del>e</del><seg>-</seg>tyme <del>.</del><add></add> <add>hir</add> salarie is bih<del>i.</del><add>y</add>nde</l>
<l>Reuthe is to here rekenynge  whanne we shal rede acompt<del>..</del><add>es</add><note>M.5.439: The revised reading is that of most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts. Cr<hi>23</hi> read <hi>account</hi>.</note></l>
<l>So w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> wikk<del>u</del><add>e</add>de wille & wrath  my werkemen I paie . </l>
.. Ȝif any man doþ me
<milestone>fol. 25rI</milestone>
v<expan>us</expan> passus
<l><del>...</del><add>If</add> any man doþ me a <foreign>b<expan>ie</expan>nfaite</foreign>  or helpeþ me at nede</l>
<l>I am vnkynde aȝeinz his curteisie  and can nouȝt vndurstonde it</l>
<l>For I haue and haue had<del>de</del> <del>...?...</del><add> somdeel<seg></seg></add> haukes maners</l>
<l>I nam nouȝt<del>e</del> lured w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> loue  but þer<del>e</del> ligge auȝt  vndur þe thombe</l>
<l>Þe kyndnesse þat my euene<seg>-</seg>cristene  kydde me f<del>...?...</del><add>ernyere</add></l>
<l>Sixty sithes I slewthe  haue forȝete it siþþe</l>
<l>In speche and in sparinge of speche  y<seg>-</seg>spilt<del>e</del> many a tyme</l>
<l>Bothe Flessh and Fissh<del>e</del><add></add> and many othur vitailles</l>
<l>Bothe bred<del>e</del> and ale  mylk<del>e</del> butt<del>..</del><add>re</add><note>M.5.449: M alone among <hi>B</hi> manuscripts lists <hi>mylk</hi> before <hi>buttre</hi>.</note> and chese</l>
<l>For<seg>-</seg>sle<del>.....</del><add>uthed</add> in my seruice  til it miȝte s<expan>er</expan>uen no man</l>
<l>I ran a<seg>-</seg>boute in <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>owthe  and <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>af me nouȝt to l<del>.</del><add>e</add>rne</l>
<l>And euere sitth <add>haue</add><note>M.5.452: M's original reading without <hi>haue</hi> agreed with LR.</note> ben beggere  for my foule slewthe . </l>
<l><hi><foreign>Heu michi quia sterilem duxi vitam iuuenilem .</foreign></hi></l>
<l>Repentestow þe nauȝte  quod repentaunce . and riȝt with þat he swonede</l>
<l>Til <hi><foreign>vigilate</foreign></hi> þe veille  fette watur at his eiȝen . </l>
<l>And flatte it vpon<note>M.5.456: M's reading of <hi>vpon</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>on</hi>.</note> his face  and faste vpon<note>M.5.456: M's reading of <hi>vpon</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>on</hi>.</note> hym criede</l>
# <foreign>q<expan>uod</expan> m<expan>isericord</expan>ia sup<expan>er</expan>est o<expan>mnem</expan> iniq<expan>ui</expan>tat<expan>em</expan></foreign>
<l>And saide war þe from wanhope  wolde þe bitraie</l>
<l>I am sor<del>.</del><add>y</add> for my<del>n</del> synn<del>.</del><add>e</add>s  saie so to þ<del>e</del><add>i</add><seg>-</seg>selue</l>
<l>And bete þi<seg>-</seg>selue on þi breste  and bidde hym of grace</l>
<l>For is non gulte here so gret<del>e</del><add></add> þat his godnesse <del>..</del><add>nys</add><note>M.5.460: The rewritten <hi>nys</hi> brings M into agreement with WL. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>is</hi>.</note> more . </l>
<l>Þann<del>.e</del><add>e</add> sat sleuthe vp  and sainede him swythe</l>
<l>And made avowe to<seg>-</seg>fore god  for his foule sleuthe</l>
<l>Shal no s<del>u</del><add>o</add>nday be þis seuene <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ere  but <del>ȝ</del>if sekenesse it lette</l>
<l>Þat <add>I</add> ne shal do me er day  to þe dere churche</l>
<l>And heren matines and messe  as I a monke were</l>
<l>Shal no<del>..</del><add>on</add> ale aftur metes<note>M.5.466: M alone among <hi>B</hi> manuscripts attests the plural.</note>  holden me þennes</l>
<l>Til I haue euensonge herd<del>e</del> . I bihote to þe Rode . </l>
<l>And <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>et<del>e</del> wol I <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>elde aȝein  <del>ȝ</del>if I so muche haue</l>
<l>All<del>e</del> þat I wikkudly wan  syth I wit<del>te</del> hadde . </l>
<l>And þouȝ my liflode lakke  l<del>.</del><add>e</add>ten I nelle . </l>
<l>Þat eche man ne shal haue his  <del>..</del><add>er</add> I henn<del>.</del><add>e</add>s wende</l>
<l>And with þe Re<del>..</del><add>sy</add>due and þe rem<del>.</del><add>e</add>naunt  by þe rode of Chestre</l>
<l>I shal seke truthe <del>...</del><add>erst</add>  ar <del>..</del><add>I</add> se Rome</l>
# <foreign>de</foreign> Robert the robber
<l>Robert<del>e</del> þe Robbe<del>..</del><add>re</add>  on <hi><foreign>reddite</foreign></hi> loked</l>
<l>And for þer<del>e</del> nas<note>M.5.475: M's reading of <hi>nas</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, most of which read <hi>was</hi>.</note> nauȝt<del>e</del> whereof .  he we<del>..</del><add>ep</add> swithe <add>&</add><note>M.5.475: Between <hi>swithe</hi> and <hi>sore</hi> there is a faint insertion caret and a mark which is perhaps best interpreted as an ampersand. There is no support for this among the variants.</note> sore . </l>
<milestone>fol. 25vI</milestone>
<l>Ac <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>et þe <del>.u</del><add>sy</add>nneful shrewe  saide to him<seg>-</seg>seluen</l>
<l>Crist þat <del>þat</del><add><seg></seg></add> vpon<note>M.5.477: M's reading of <hi>vpon</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>on</hi>.</note> Caluarie  vpon <add>þe</add> crosse de<del>.</del><add>y</add>edest</l>
<l>Þo dismas my broþur  bisouȝte <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow of grace . </l>
<l>And haddest merci<del>e</del> on þat man  for <hi><foreign>memento</foreign></hi> sake</l>
<l>So ruwe on þis robbere  þat <hi><foreign>reddere</foreign></hi> ne haue<del>.</del><add>th</add><note>M.5.480: M's original <hi>haue</hi> (followed by an overwritten punctus) agreed with most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts. The alteration brings M into agreement with Cr<hi>23</hi>, while Cr<hi>1</hi>OC<hi>2</hi> read <hi>hath</hi>.</note></l>
<l>Ne neuere wene to wynne  with craft<del>e</del> þat I owe</l>
<l>But for þi mikel mercy  mitigacioun I biseche</l>
<l>Ne dampne me nouȝt<del>e</del> at domesday  for þat I d<del>.</del><add>i</add>de so ille . </l>
<l>What bifel of þis feloun  I can nouȝt<del>e</del> faire shewe</l>
<l>Wel I wo<del>..</del><add>ot</add> he wepte faste  watur with boþe his eiȝen</l>
<l>And knowlechede his gult<del>e</del> to Crist . <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>et eftesones . </l>
<l>Þat <hi><foreign>penitencia</foreign></hi> his pik<del>e</del>  he shulde Polisshe newe</l>
<l>And lepe with him ouerland<del>e</del>  all<del>e</del> his liftyme</l>
<l>For he hadde l<del>..</del><add>ey</add>n<del>e</del> bi <hi><foreign>latro</foreign></hi>  luciferes aunte</l>
the p<expan>ra</expan>yer of Repentance
<l>And þanne hadde repentaunce reuthe  and redde hem alle to knele</l>
<l>For I shal biseche for alle sinneful  oure saueoure of grace</l>
<l>To amende vs of oure misdedes  and do mercie to vs alle . </l>
<foreign>n<expan>ot</expan>a b<expan>e</expan>n<expan>e</expan></foreign>
<l>Now god quod he þat of þ<del>ine</del><add>y</add> goodnesse  gunne þe world<del>e</del> make</l>
<l>And of nauȝt<del>e</del> madest ou<del>...</del><add>ght</add> . and man mooste liche þi<seg>-</seg>selu<del>..</del><add>en</add></l>
<l>And siþþe suffredest for to synne . a sekenesse to vs alle . </l>
<l>And all<del>e</del> for þe beste as I bileue . what euere þe boke telleþ</l>
<foreign>de necessit<expan>ate</expan> p<expan>e</expan>cc<expan>at</expan>i</foreign>
<l><hi><foreign>O felix culpa . o necessarium . ade peccatum . & c<expan>etera</expan> .</foreign></hi></l>
<l>For þor<del>..</del><add>gh</add> þat synn<del>..</del><add>e</add> þi sone <add></add><add>sent</add> was to þe erthe</l>
<l>And bicam man of a maide . mankynde to saue</l>
<l>And madest þiself w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> þ<del>..</del><add>y<seg></seg></add> sone . and vs synneful y<seg>-</seg>liche</l>
<l><hi><foreign>Faciamus hominem ad ymaginem & <sic>simlitudinem</sic><corr>sim[i]litudinem</corr> n<expan>ost</expan>ram</foreign></hi></l>
<l><hi><foreign>Et alibi qui manet in caritate . in deo manet & deus in eo .</foreign></hi></l>
<foreign>n<expan>ot</expan>a b<expan>e</expan>n<expan>e</expan></foreign>
<l>And suth with þ<del>in</del><add>y<seg></seg></add> selue sone . in oure sute deiedest<del>e</del></l>
<l>On godefriday for ma<add><expan>n</expan></add>n<del>.</del><add>e</add>s sake . at ful tyme of þe day</l>
<l>Þere þi<seg>-</seg>selue ne þ<del>ine</del><add>y<seg></seg></add> sone  no<del>n</del> sorwe in deth feledest</l>
<l>But in oure secte was þe sorwe  and þ<del>ine</del><add>y</add> sone it ladde</l>
<l><hi><foreign>Captiuam duxit captiuitatem</foreign></hi></l>
<l>Þe sonne for sorwe herof<note>M.5.508: M's reading <hi>herof</hi> is unattested among other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>þerof</hi>.</note>  les <add>his</add><note>M.5.508: This insertion brings M into agreement with C<hi>2</hi>YOCot.</note> <del>..</del><add>li</add>ȝt<del>e</del><note>M.5.508: It seems probable that M originally read <hi>siȝte</hi>, agreeing with BoHmGCBmCotLRF. The alteration brings M into agreement with WCrYOC<hi>2</hi>.</note> for a ty<del>..</del><add>me</add></l>
<l>Aboute midday whanne moost<del>e</del> liȝt<del>e</del> is  and mele<seg>-</seg>tyme of seint<del>..</del><add>es</add></l>
<l>Feddest<del>e</del> with þi Fressh blod<del>e</del>  owre forfadres in derkenesse . </l>
<l><hi><foreign>Populus qui ambulabat in tenebris vidit lucem magnam & c<expan>etera</expan></foreign></hi></l>
<milestone>fol. 26rI</milestone>
v<expan>us</expan> passus
<l>And þo<del>...</del><add>rgh</add> þe liȝt þat lepe out <add></add> þ<del>e</del><add>o</add><note>M.5.512: M originally read <hi>out þe</hi>, with <hi>þe</hi> then altered to <hi>þo</hi> and a punctus elevatus inserted between the two words. Most other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>out of þee</hi>.</note> lucifer was blent</l>
<l>And blewe alle þine blessud  in<seg>-</seg>to þe blisse of Paradys</l>
<l>Þe þridde da<del>ie</del><add>y</add> aftur  þow <del>.</del><add>y</add>edest in oure sute</l>
# Sinffull Mare
<foreign>n<expan>ot</expan>a</foreign><note>M.5.515: The ink of <hi>n<expan>ot</expan>a</hi> differs from that of <hi>Sinffull Mare</hi>.</note>
<l>And <del>...?...?...</del><add>synful Marie þe seiȝ . er s</add>einte Marie þi dame</l>
<l>And al to solace sinneful . þou suffredest it so were</l>
<l><hi><foreign>Non veni vocare iustos . set peccatores ad penitenciam</foreign></hi></l>
<foreign>opti<expan>me</expan> dictu<expan>m</expan></foreign>
<l>And al þat mar<del>.</del><add>k</add> haþ y<seg>-</seg>made  Mathew Ion and lucas . </l>
<l>Of þine douȝtieste dedes . weren don in oure armes</l>
<l><hi><foreign>Verbum caro factum est & habitauit in nobis</foreign></hi></l>
<l>And by so muche me semeþ . þe sekerer we mowe</l>
<l>Bidde and biseche . <del>ȝ</del>if it b<del>i</del><add>e</add><note>M.5.522: M's original <hi>bi</hi> was unattested in other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> þ<del>in</del><add>y</add> wille . </l>
<l>Þat art oure fadur and oure brothur . be merciable to vs . </l>
<l>And haue reuthe on þes Ribaudes . þat repente hem so<note>M.5.524: M's reading of <hi>so</hi> is unique among <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, many of which read <hi>here</hi>.</note> sore</l>
<l>Þat euere þei wratthed þe in þis world . in word<del>e</del> . þouȝt<del>e</del> . or dede</l>
# <foreign>de</foreign> hope
<l>Þanne hent<add>e</add> hope an<del>d</del> horn<del>e</del>  of <hi><foreign>deus tu conuersus viuificabis</foreign></hi></l>
<l>And blewe it with <hi><foreign>Beati quor<expan>um</expan> remisse sunt iniquitates</foreign></hi></l>
<l>Þat alle seint<del>.</del><add>e</add>s in heuen<add>e</add>  songen at ones . </l>
<l><hi><foreign>Homines & iumenta saluabis . quemadmodum multiplicasti m<expan>isericord</expan>iam tuam deus & c<expan>etera</expan></foreign></hi></l>
<l>A thousand of men þo  throngen to<seg>-</seg><del>......</del><add>gydres</add></l>
<l>Criede vp to crist<seg>-</seg>warde<note>M.5.531: M's syntax here is unique among <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, the rest of which read <hi>vpward to Crist</hi>.</note> . and to his clene modur</l>
<l>To haue grace to go with hem  treuthe to seke</l>
<l>Ac þere was wiȝt<del>e</del> non so wis  þe<del>i</del> we<del>.</del><add>y</add> þ<del>u</del><add>y</add>dur couthe</l>
<l>But blustrede <del>...</del><add>forþ</add> as best<del>.</del><add>e</add>s  ouer bankes and hull<del>.</del><add>e</add>s . </l>
<l>Til late was and longe  þat þei a l<del>....</del><add>eede</add> mette</l>
<l>Apparailled as a payni<del>n</del><add>m</add>  in pilgrimes wise</l>
<l>He bar a burdoun y<seg>-</seg>bo<del>n</del><add>u<expan>n</expan></add>den  w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> a brode liste</l>
<l>In a withwyndes wise  y<seg>-</seg>wo<del>n</del><add>u<expan>n</expan></add>den aboute</l>
<l>A Bolle and a bagge  he bare <add>bi</add> his side</l>
<l>And <add>an</add><note>M.5.540: M's revised reading <hi>And an</hi> is shared with F and is the reading of <hi>C</hi> manuscripts. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>An</hi>.</note> hundred of ampulles  on his hat seten</l>
<l>Signes of sinay  and shelles of galice</l>
<l>A<del>..</del><add>nd</add> many <add>a</add><note>M.5.542: M's original reading without <hi>a</hi> agreed with YCR.</note> cr<del>....</del><add>ouch</add> on his cloke  and keies of Rome</l>
<l>And þe vernicle bifore  for men shulde <del>.....</del><add>knowe</add></l>
<l>And se bi his sign<del>.</del><add>e</add>s  whom he souȝt<del>e</del> had<del>..</del><add>de</add></l>
<l>Þis folk frainede him furst  from w<del>...?...?...</del><add>hennes he coome</add></l>
<l>From sinay he saide  and from oure lordes sepulcre . </l>
<milestone>fol. 26vI</milestone>
<l>In Bedlem and in Babiloine  I haue ben in boþe</l>
<l>In Ermonie in alisaundre  in many othur places</l>
<l><del>Ȝ</del><add>Y</add>e may se by my signes  þat sitt<del>.</del><add>e</add>n on myn hatte </l>
<l>Þat I haue walkud<del>e</del> ful wide  in wete and in drie . </l>
<l>And souȝt<del>e</del> gode seintus  for my soule helþe . </l>
<foreign>questio vbi verit<expan>as</expan> moratur</foreign>
<l>Knowestow ouȝt<del>e</del> a corseint<del>e</del>  þat men callen treuthe</l>
<l>Coudestow ouȝt<del>e</del> wiss<del>.</del><add>e</add>n vs þe we<del>ie</del><add>y</add>  where þat wy<del>e</del> won<del>....</del><add>yeth</add><note>M.5.553: M shares the reading <hi>wonyeth</hi> with Cr. It is also the reading of <hi>C</hi> manuscripts. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>dwelleþ</hi>.</note></l>
<foreign>no<expan>t</expan>a b<expan>e</expan>n<expan>e</expan></foreign>
<l>Nay so me god helpe  saide þe gome þanne</l>
<l>I se<del>.</del><add>y</add>gh neuere Palmere  with pik<del>e</del> ne with skrippe</l>
<l>Axen aftur hym  til<note>M.5.556: M shares the reading <hi>til</hi> with F. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have alliterating <hi>er</hi> or <hi>er til</hi>.</note> now in þis Place . </l>
<l>Petur quod a plowman  and putte forth his hede</l>
<l>I knowe him as kyndeliche  as clerk<del>e</del> doþ his bokus</l>
# <foreign>q<expan>uia</expan> dic<expan>it</expan> Pe<expan>trus</expan></foreign> ploughma<expan>n</expan> <foreign>opti<expan>me</expan> cognoscere v<expan>er</expan>it<expan>atem</expan></foreign>
<l>Conscience and kende wit<del>te</del>  kende me to his place</l>
<l>And deden me seuren hym sikerly  to seruen him for eu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l>Bothe to sowe and to sette  whil I swyn<del>.</del><add>k</add>e miȝte . </l>
<l>I haue ben his folware  al þis fourty wyntur<del><expan>e</expan></del></l>
<l>Bothe sowen his sede  and suede his bestus . </l>
<l>With<seg>-</seg><del>in</del><add>I</add>nne and with<seg>-</seg>outen  waited his profit</l>
<l>I dike and I delue . I do þat treuthe hoteth</l>
<l>Somme<seg>-</seg>time I sowe  and s<del>....</del><add>om<seg></seg></add><seg>-</seg>tyme I thresshe</l>
<l>In taillours craft<del>e</del> and tynkers  what treuthe can diuise</l>
<l>I weue and I w<del>.</del><add>i</add>nde  and do what treuthe hoteth</l>
<l>For <del>..</del><add>þoȝ</add> I seie it my<seg>-</seg>selue  I serue him to paie</l>
<l>I haue myn hire wel  and othurwhiles more</l>
<l>He is þe presteste paiere  þat pore man<note>M.5.571: M alone among <hi>B</hi> manuscripts attests the singular. It is the reading of the <hi>C</hi> text.</note> knoweth</l>
<l>He ne withh<del>....</del><add>oldeþ</add><note>M.5.572: The altered form <hi>withholdeþ</hi> is shared with G. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>withhalt</hi>.</note> non h<del>.</del><add>e</add>we his hire  þat he nath it at euen</l>
<l>He is <add>as lowe</add> as a lomb<del>e</del>  and loueliche of speche . </l>
# <foreign>q<expan>u</expan>omo<expan>d</expan>o docet <sic>viam viam</sic><corr>viam</corr> ad veritat<expan>em</expan></foreign>
<l>And if <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e wilneth to witen  where þat he dwelleþ</l>
<l>I shal wisse <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow witturly  þe we<del>ie</del><add>y</add> to his place</l>
<l><del>Ȝ</del><add>Y</add>e leue piers quod þis pilgrimes . and proferede hym h<del>....</del><add>yre</add></l>
<l>For to wenden with him  to truthes dwelling<del>e</del><seg>-</seg>place</l>
<l>Nay by my soules helthe quod piers  and gan for to sweren</l>
<l>I nolde fange a ferthing<del>e</del>  for seinte Thomas shrine</l>
<l>Treuthe wolde loue me þe lasse  a longe tyme aftur . </l>
<l>Ac <del>ȝ</del>if <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e wilneth to <add>wende</add> wel  þis is þe we<del>ie</del><add>y</add> þ<del>u</del><add>y</add>der . </l>
<milestone>fol. 27rI</milestone>
v<expan>us</expan> pass<expan>us</expan>
<foreign>p<expan>ri</expan>mu<expan>m</expan> mandatu<expan>m</expan></foreign>
<l><del>Ȝ</del><add>Y</add>e moten go þor<del>...h</del><add>gh</add> me<del>.</del><add>k</add>enesse . bothe men and wyues</l>
<l>Til <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e come in to conscience . þat Crist wo<del>..</del><add>ot</add><note>M.5.583: M's altered reading <hi>woot</hi> (presumably originally <hi>wote</hi>) agrees with F. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>wite</hi>.</note> þe sothe</l>
<l>Þat <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e louen oure lord<del>e</del> god . leuest<del>e</del> of alle þinge<add>s<note>M.5.584: M's original form without <<seg>-</seg>s> was shared by F.</note></add></l>
<l>And þanne <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>oure neiȝgbores next<del>e</del> . in <orig>nonwise</orig><reg>non wise</reg> appairen</l>
<l>Othere<seg>-</seg>wise þan<del>ne</del><add><seg></seg></add> þow woldest . he wrouȝte to þ<del>ine</del><add>y<seg></seg></add><seg>-</seg>seluen</l>
<l>And so boweþ <del>...</del><add>forþ</add> by <orig>abroke</orig><reg>a broke</reg> . beth bux<del>u</del><add>o</add>m of speche</l>
<l>Til <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e fynde a for<del>th</del><add>d</add> <add></add> <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>oure fadres honoureth</l>
<l><foreign><hi>Honora patrem & matrem</hi> & c<expan>etera</expan></foreign> . </l>
<l>Wadeth in þat watur  and wassh <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow wel þer<del>e</del><add>Inne</add><note>M.5.590: The addition of <hi>Inne</hi> brings M into agreement with WF.</note></l>
<l><del>.....</del><add>And ye</add> shullen lepe þe liȝtloker . al <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>owre lif<seg>-</seg>tyme</l>
<l>And so shalt<del>e</del> þow <add>se</add><note>M.5.592: M's original reading without <hi>se</hi> agreed with HmYOC<hi>2</hi>.</note> swere nouȝt . but <del>..</del><add>if</add> it be for nede . </l>
<l>An nameliche an ydel . þe name of god almiȝty</l>
<l>Þanne shalt þou come by a croft<del>e</del> . but come þow nouȝt þ<expan>er</expan><del>e</del>inne</l>
<l>Þat Croft<del>e</del> hat coueite nouȝt<del>e</del> . me<add><expan>n</expan></add>n<del>.</del><add>e</add>s catel ne hire wyues</l>
<l>Ne none of here seruauntz . þat noien hem miȝte</l>
<l>Loke <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e breke none bowes þere  but <del>ȝ</del>if it be <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>oure owne</l>
<l>Two stokkes þere ston<del>..</del><add>de<expan>n</expan></add>  ac stonde<note>M.5.598: M's <hi>stonde</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>stynte</hi>.</note> <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e nouȝt<del>e</del> þere . </l>
<l>Þei <del>..</del><add>ha</add>tten stele nouȝt<del>e</del> . ne slee nouȝt<del>e</del>  strik<del>e</del> forby<note>M.5.599: M's reading of <hi>forby</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>forþ by</hi>.</note> boþe . </l>
<l>And leue hem vpon<note>M.5.600: M's reading of <hi>vpon</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>on</hi>.</note> þ<del>.</del><add>y</add><note>M.5.600: For M's altered <hi>þy</hi> CrG read <hi>þe</hi>.</note> luft<del>e</del> half . and loke nouȝt<del>e</del> þere<seg>-</seg>aftur . </l>
<l>And holde wel þin<del>e</del> halyday<del>e</del>  heiȝe til euene . </l>
<l>Þanne shaltow blenche at a burgh . bere no false w<del>it</del><add>y</add>tnesse</l>
<l>He is <del>is</del><add><seg></seg></add> frithed in<del>ne</del> <add><seg></seg></add> with Flo<del>..</del><add>ry</add>nes . and oþere foes many</l>
<l>Loke þow ne<del>.</del><note>M.5.604: M's <hi>ne</hi> is unattested in other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> plukke no plaunte þere  for p<expan>er</expan>il of þ<del>ine</del><add>y</add> soule</l>
<l>Þanne shul <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e se <del><add>swere</add></del><note>M.5.605: The erased supralinear <hi>swere</hi> is legible with ultraviolet light. There are no parallels in other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> sey soth  so it be to done</l>
<l>In no manere elles nouȝt . for no ma<add><expan>n</expan></add>n<del>.</del><add>e</add>s bidding<del>e</del></l>
<l>Þanne shaltow come to a court . as clier<del>e</del> as þe s<del>u</del><add>o</add>nne</l>
<l>Þe mote is of mercy  þe manere aboute . </l>
<l>And alle þe walles ben of wit<del>..</del> . to holde wil<del>le</del> oute</l>
<l>And kernelled with Cristendome  m<del>.</del><add>a</add>nkynde to saue</l>
<l>Boterasud with bileue so  or þow beest nouȝt y<seg>-</seg>saued<del>e</del></l>
<l>And alle þe houses ben heled . halles and chambres</l>
<l>With no led . but with loue  and lowe speche as Breþeren</l>
<l>Þe brugge is of bidde wel . þe bet may þou spede </l>
<l>Eche piler<del>e</del> is of penaunce . <add>and<note>M.5.615: The addition of <hi>and</hi> brings M into agreement with HmF.</note></add> of p<expan>ra</expan>iers to seint<del>..</del><add>es</add></l>
<milestone>fol. 27vI</milestone>
<l>Of alme<add>s</add>dedus arn<del>e</del> þe hokes . þat þe gatus hangen on . </l>
<l>Grace hat þe gatewarde . a gode man for sothe</l>
<l>His man <del>....</del><add>hatte</add> amende <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow  for many man him knoweth</l>
<l>Telleþ him þis tok<del>...</del><add>ene</add> . þat truthe wite þe sothe</l>
<l>I parfournede þe penaunce  þe prest me enioinede</l>
<l>And am ful sori for my synus  and so I shal euere</l>
<l>Whanne I thenke þere<seg>-</seg>on  thei<del>..</del><add>gh</add> I were a pope . </l>
<l>Biddeth amende <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow meke him  to his maist<del>..</del><add>er</add> ones</l>
# appyll<expan>is</expan> vnrost<expan>ed</expan>
<l>To wayue vp þe wikat  þat þe wo<add><expan>m</expan></add>man shette</l>
<l>Tho Adam and Eue et<del>.</del><add>e</add>n  ap<del>...?...e</del><add>ples vnrostud</add> . </l>
<l><hi><foreign>P<expan>er</expan> evam cunctis clausa est . & p<expan>er</expan> mariam virginem patefacta est .</foreign></hi></l>
<l>For he hath þe keie and þe klikat . þouȝ þe kyng<del>e</del> slepe</l>
<l>And <del>ȝ</del>if grace graunte þe to go <del></del> in : in<note>M.5.628: M shares the reading <hi>in in</hi> with L. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts simply have <hi>in</hi>.</note> þis wise . </l>
<l>Þow shalt<del>e</del> seen in þ<del>ine</del><add>y<seg></seg></add><seg>-</seg>seluen  treuthe sitte in þin<del>e</del> herte . </l>
<l>In a Chei<del>..</del><add>er<expan>e</expan></add><note>M.5.630: Most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts here read <hi>cheyne</hi>. The altered reading of M agrees with Cr<hi>3</hi>Bm.</note> of charitee  as þow a Childe were . </l>
<l>To suffren him and segge nouȝt<del>e</del>  aȝein þi sires wille</l>
<l>Ac be war þanne of wratthe  þat is a wikk<del>.</del><add>e</add>d<del>e</del> shrewe</l>
<l>He hath enuye to him  þat in þine herte sitteth</l>
<l>And pokeþ forth pr<del>u</del><add>y</add>de  to praisen þi<seg>-</seg>seluen</l>
<del>...?...?...esse</del><note>M.5.635: This erased marginal note was likely a guide for the correction <hi>þe boldnesse</hi>.</note>
<l><del>...?...</del><add>Þe boldnesse</add> of <del>...</del><add>thy</add> bienfaitz . makeþ þe blynd<del>e</del> þanne . </l>
<l>And þanne worthestow driuen out as dew<del>e</del>  and þe dore closud<del>e</del></l>
<l>Kaied and kli<del>.....</del><add>ketted </add> to kepe þe with<seg>-</seg>oute</l>
<l>Happ<del>u</del><add>y</add>ly an hu<del>....</del><add><expan>n</expan>dred</add> wynt<del>....</del><add>er  e</add>r þou eft<del>e</del> entre</l>
<l><del>.</del><add>T</add>hus miȝt<del>e</del> þou lesen his loue  to late wel by þi<seg>-</seg>seluen</l>
<l>And neu<expan>er</expan>e aftur happiliche<note>M.5.640: M's reading of <hi>aftur happiliche</hi> is unique among <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, the rest of which read <hi>happily eft</hi>.</note> entre  but grace þow haue</l>
<foreign>Sept<expan>em</expan> sorores que s<expan>er</expan>uiu<expan>n</expan>t ad verit<expan>atem</expan></foreign>
<l>Ac þere arn<del>e</del> seuene sustren  þat seruen truthe euere</l>
<l>And arn<del>e</del> Porters <del>..</del><add>of</add><note>M.5.642: For M's altered <hi>of</hi>, F reads <hi>at</hi>, Cr<hi>23</hi> read <hi>to</hi>, and R reads <hi>ouer</hi>.</note> þe posternes . þat to þe place longeþ . </l>
<l>Þat on h<del>..</del><add></add>te abstinence . and humilite þat<note>M.5.643: M's reading <hi>þat</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>an</hi>.</note> oþur</l>
<l>Charite an chastite  ben his chief mayden<del>..</del><add>es</add></l>
<l>Pacience <del>.</del><add> & </add> pees  moche p<del>.</del><add>e</add>ple þei helpuþ . </l>
<l>Largenesse þe lady  <del>...?...</del><add>she<note>M.5.646: The altered form <hi>she</hi> is shared with most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts. L has <hi>heo</hi> and R <hi>he</hi>.</note> leteþ</add> in ful manye</l>
<l><del>...</del><add>She</add><note>M.5.647: The altered form <hi>She</hi> is shared with most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts. WLR have <hi>Heo</hi>.</note> haþ holpen a þousan<del>..</del><add>d</add> out<del>e</del><add></add> of þe deueles penfold<del>e</del></l>
<l>And who is sib<del>be</del><add><seg></seg></add> to þis seuene  so me god helpe</l>
<l>He is wondurliche welcome  and faire vndurfongen . </l>
<l>And but <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e be sibbe  to somme of þes seuene</l>
<l>It is ful hard<del>e</del> by myn<del>e</del> he<del>..</del><add>ed</add> . q<expan>uo</expan>d Piers  for any of <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow alle</l>
<milestone>fol. 28rI</milestone>
vj<expan>us</expan> p<expan>assus</expan><note>M.5.652a: The numeral and the word <hi>passus</hi> are in different inks.</note>
<l>To geten ingonge at any gate þere . but grace be þe more</l>
# Cutpurse
<l>Now by Crist quod a cuttepurs . I haue no kyn<del>ne</del><add><seg></seg></add> þere</l>
<l>Ne I quod <del>....</del><add>an</add> apeward<del>e</del>  by auȝt<del>e</del> þat I knowe . </l>
<l>Wo<del>..</del><add>ot</add><note>M.5.655: Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>Wite</hi> or <hi>Wold</hi> for M's <hi>Woot</hi>, which is probably altered from <hi>Wote</hi>.</note> god quod a wafrer<del>e</del> . wiste I þis for sothe</l>
<l>Shulde I neuere ferther<del>e</del> a fote  for no Frerus prechinge . </l>
<l><del>Ȝu</del><add>Yu</add>s quod Pieres Plowman<note>M.5.657: M's <hi>Plowman</hi> agrees with F; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>þe Plowman</hi>.</note>  and pokud hem alle to gode</l>
# <foreign>q<expan>uia</expan> m<expan>isericord</expan>ia sup<expan>er</expan> om<expan>n</expan>ia</foreign>
<l>Mercy is a mayden þere  hath miȝt<del>e</del> ouere hem alle</l>
<l>And she is sibbe to alle synneful  and here sone also</l>
<l>And <del>...?...</del><add>thurgh the</add> help<del>e</del> of hem two  hope þow non<del>e</del> other<del>e</del></l>
<l>Þow miȝt<del>e</del> gete grace þere  so þow go bytyme</l>
<l>By seinte poul<del>e</del> quod a Pardoner<del>e</del> . <del>...</del><add>an</add><note>M.5.662: M's addition of <hi>an</hi> brings it into agreement with Cr. Most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>par</hi>.</note> auenture  I be nouȝt<del>e</del> knowen þere</l>
<l>I wil go fecche my box with my breuetes  and a bulle with bisshopus l<expan>ett</expan>res</l>
<l>By Crist quod a comune womman  þi companie wil I folwe . </l>
<l>Þow shalt<del>e</del> seie I am þi sust<del>..</del><add>er</add>  I not <del>...</del><add>wh</add>ere þei b<del>.</del><add>y</add>come . </l>