fol. 37v (cont.)I

Passus nonus de Visione

nota bene
SIre Dowell dwelleþ quod witte  nouȝt a day
In a Castell þat kynde made  of foure kynnes þinges
Of erthe and eire is it  medled to-gidres
With wynde and with watur  witturly enioined
fol. 38rI
passus ixus
Kynde hath clos.ed þere-ininne  craftely with-alle
A lemman þat he loueth  like to him-seluen
Anima she hatte  ac enuie h.ire hateþ .
A proude prikere of Fraunce  Princeps huius mundi
And wolde wynnen hire a-weiey  with wilus and he miȝte .
Ac kynde knoweth þis wel  and kepuþ hire þe
And hath doon hire with sire Dowell  is Duc of þis Marches
# secunda discripcio de dowell
Dobet is hire damoisell  sire Dowelles douȝtur
To serue þis lady lelly  bothe late and rathe
Do-beste is a-bouen bothe  a Bisshopus piere
Þat he bit moot be don  he reuleþ hem alle .
Anima þat lady  is ladde by hire ......leringM.9.16: For hire all other B manuscripts read his; for the final word, B manuscripts vary between leryng and lernyng.
Ac þe Constable of þat Castell  þat .kepuþ alle þe wacche
...?...# quia Inwitt habet quinque Filios vt patet
I...s a wys kniȝte with-alle  sire Inwitte ...?...he hiȝte .
And hath fyue faire sones  bi his furste wiff .
Sire sewell and saiwell  and herewell þe heende
Sire worche well with þine hande  a wiȝte man of stren....gthe
And sire Godfrey gowell  grete lordus for soþe .
Þes fiue ben sette  to saue þis lady anima
...?...M.9.24: Something, no longer legible even under the ultraviolet lamp, has been erased from the margin.
Til kynde come or seende .  to saue hire for euere .
What kinnes thinge is kyndeM.9.25: All other B manuscripts, and some C manuscripts, here include quod I, but it is not in A manuscripts.  canst þow me telle .
# quod natura est Creator omnium rerum
Kynde quod witte is aM.9.26: Kane and Donaldson record both M and R as omitting this a, which they reject as unauthorial, but without noting that the a, attested in all other B manuscripts, is clearly legible under an erasure in both manuscripts. creatour  of alle kynnes þinges
Fadur and fourmer of al  þat euere was makude
And þisM.9.28: M's reading of þis is not shared by other B manuscripts, most of which read þat. is þe grete god  þat gynnynge ha.d neuere .
Lord of lif and of liȝte  of blisseM.9.29: With the alteration of lisse to blisse, M joins BCrGRF. and of peine
Angeles and alle þinge  arne at his wille
# quia dixit & facta sunt mandauit & Creata sunt
Ac man is him moost like  of marke and of shafte
For þor..hgh þe worde . þat he spake  wexen forth beestus .
Dixit & facta sunt & ceteraM.9.33: Kane and Donaldson fail to note the & cetera at the end of this tag, which is overlapped by the right end of the box that surrounds this text.
                .id est. adamM.9.34: L shares this gloss on man.
And made man  likkeste to himM.9.34: All other B manuscripts read himself. one .
And Eue of his Ribbe-bon  with-owten .any mene
For he was singuler him-self  and saide faciamus
As who saith more mote herto  þan myn worde one .
My miȝte moote helpe  now with myn speche
Riȝte as a lorde shulde make lettres  and him lakkude parchemyn .
Þo.wgh he couthe write neue.r so well  ȝif he hadde none penne .
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Þe lettre for al.. þe lordshipe  I leue worthM.9.41: M's reading of worth is not shared by other B manuscripts, most of which read were. neuere y-makud .
And so it bisemethM.9.42: For M's bisemeth most other B manuscripts read semeþ. bi him  as þe bible telleth .
# quia non solum verbo sed opere facta sunt
Þere he saide dixit & facta sunt. & ceteraM.9.43: The & cetera has been added in a different hand and ink. This addition brings M into agreement with GY.
He moste w.erche with his wordusM.9.44: M alone among B manuscripts attests the plural.  and his witte shewe
And in þis manere was man  þ mimyȝte of go.d almiȝty
With his word. and werkemanshippe  and with lif to laste .
And þus god gauef him a goost  of þe godhede of heuene .
And of his grete grace  grauntede him blisse
And þat is lif þat ay shal laste  to al linage aftur
And þat is þe Castell þat kynde made  Caro it hatte
# the makyng off man with the sowle
And is as muche to mene  as man with a soule .
And þat he wrouȝte with werke  and with worde boþe
Þourgh miȝte of þe mageste  man was y-makude
Inwit.. and alle wittus  closud ben þere-innnee
For loue of þe .Lady anima  þat lif is y-nempnede
Ouere-al in body  he wawethM.9.56: Most B manuscripts have walkeþ, though F has walweþ. The reading waweth is not shared with other B manuscripts, though it is the majority reading of A manuscripts; others have walweth. See MED s.v. walwen (OE walwian), "to roll over," and wawen (OE wagian) "to go back and forth." See also the variants at M.8.41. an.d wandreth
AyM.9.57: The scribe originally wrote A as a form of And, the reading of W, and another hand has filled the space after the initial letter to read Ay, a reading not elsewhere attested. Other B manuscripts read Ac or But. in þe herte is hire home  and hire mooste reste
Ac inwitte is in þe hed  and to þe herte he loketh
What anima is lief or loth  he lat hire at his wille
For aftur þe grace of god  þe gretteste is inwitte
# ..... de hijsM.9.61: The deleted text replaced by de hiis is illegible under ultraviolet light. quorum deus venter est
Muche wo worth þat man  þat mysruleth his inwitte
globbersM.9.62: The deleted text is legible under ultraviolet light.
And þat ben glotonus ...?...globbers  hire god is hire wombe .
Quorum deus venter est
For þei seruen sathan  here soule shal he haue .
Þat liueth synn.....eful lif heere  here soule is liche þe deuel .
And alle þat liuen good lif  aren lik vn to god almiȝt.y .
Qui manet in caritate in deo manet & cetera
contra potentiam potationis
Allas þat drinke shal for-do  þat god dere bouȝte
And doþ god forsaken hem M.9.69: M alone among B manuscripts here lacks the word þat. he shope to his likknesse
Amen dico vobis nescio vos . & alibi . Et .dimisi eos secundum desideria eorum ibuntM.9.70: M's ibunt is not attested in other B manuscripts. & cetera
nota bene
Folus þat fauten Inwitte  I fynde þat holichurche
# that holy Church shuld help Folis
Shulde fynden hem þat hem fautede  and faderles Childeren
And widowes þat han nouȝte wherwith  to wynnen hem here fode
Madde men and maydenes  þat helpeles were .
Alle þes lakketh inwit .. and lore bihoueth
fol. 39rI
passus ixus
Of þis matere miȝte IM.9.76: M's reading of miȝte I is not shared by other B manuscripts, which read I miȝte.  make a longe tale .
And finde fele wittnesses  amonge þe foure doctours
And þat I lie nouȝte of þat I lere þe  Luk bereth wittnesse
# ad Compatres
Godfadur and god-modur  þat seen hire god-children
At .. mesese and meschief  and mowe hem amende
Shal haue penaunce in purgatorie  but ȝif þei hem helpe
# what belongyth to the litle Barn
For more bilongeth to þe litul barne  ar he þe lawe knowe
Þanne nempnynge of a name  and he neuere þe wisur .
Shulde none Cristen creature  crien at þe ȝyate .
# ad prelatos
Ne faille pain ne potage  and prelatus as þei shulden
A Iewe wold not see a Iuewe  go iangelinge for defaute
For alle þe moebles on þis molde  and he amende it miȝte .
Allas þat a cristen creature shal be so  vnkinde to anothur
# maiorem caritatem in Iudeis quam in cristianis
Siþ Iuwes þat we iugge  Iudas felawes
Aythur of hem helpeþ oþur  of þat þatM.9.90: M's original reading without the second þat agreed with Hm. him nedeth
Why nil we Cristen . of Cristes good  be as kynde. willed .M.9.91: M's addition of this word is unattested in other B manuscripts.
As Iuwes þat ben oure lores-men  shame vntoM.9.92: M's reading of vnto is not shared by other B manuscripts, which read to. vs alle
Þe comune for hire vnkindenesse  I drede me shull abie .
# contra truffatores
Bisshopus shullen be blamede  for beggers sake .
He is wors þanne Iudas  þat ȝyeueth a iaper
And biddeþ þe begger go  for his broken clothes
Proditor est prelatus cum Iuda . qui patrimonium Cristi minus distribuit . & alibi
Perniciosus despensator est . qui res pauperum Cristi . multipliciterM.9.97: M's reading of multipliciter is not shared by other B manuscripts, which read inutiliter. consumit
He doth nouȝt wel þat doþ þus  ne drat nouȝt god almiȝty
Ne loueþ nouȝt salamones sawes  þat sapience telleþ .M.9.99: M's reading of telleþ is not shared by other B manuscripts, most of which read tauȝte.
Inicium sapiencie timor domini .
# Tertia discripcio de dowell
Þat dredeth god he doþ well  þat dred him for loue .
And nouȝte for drede of veniaunce  doþ þerfore þe
He doþ best þat with-draweþ him  by day and bi nyȝte .
To spille any speche  or any space of tyme .
Qui offendit in v..noM.9.105: M's altered reading vno agrees with most B manuscripts. LR read verbo; F reads vno verbo. in omnibus est reus
Lesinge of tyme  truthe wot þe sothe .
Is moost yhatud vponM.9.107: M's original reading of vp was shared by CLR. erthe  of hem þat ben in heuene
M.9.108: As a result of eyeskip on heuene (M.9.107 and M.9.109), the scribe initially omitted M.9.108-109. The missing lines were then written in the right margin next to M.9.110-111. Subsequently, a line of text was erased at the bottom of the folio and the two omitted lines were supplied there, the corrector labeling lines 108-111 with the letters a-d to indicate their proper order, and the marginal correction was erased. No other B manuscript omitted these two lines.a. And sithen to spille speche  þat enspiredM.9.108: M shares with Cr the reading enspired. Other B manuscripts read spire, spicerie or spicere. Kane and Donaldson note that the word is "over erasure another hand." While it is true that the entirety of lines M.9.108-109 is written as an addition at the bottom of the leaf in another ink, and that a line has been erased to make space for line 108, the individual word enspired is consistent in hand and ink with the rest of this addition. is of grace
b And goddes gleman  and a game of heueneM.9.109: The erasures on the right margin of this paragraph are still partly legible. Under ultraviolet light and a game of heuene is clear.
c Wolde neuere þe fait.hful fadur  his fithel were vtempredev[n]temprede
d Ne his gleman a gedlinge  goingeM.9.111: M's reading of goinge is not shared by other B manuscripts, which read a goere. to tauernes .
E vij
fol. 39vI
To alle trwe tidy men  þat trauaille desiren .
Oure lord loueþ hem and lent  loude oþur stille
Grace to go to hem  and agon hire liflode
Inquirentes autem dominum . non minuentur omni bono .
# Quarta discripcio de dowell
Trewe weddud libbinge folk  in þis worlde is dowell
For þei moote w.erchen and wynnen  and þe worlde susteine
For of here kynde þai comen  þat Confessours ben nempnede
Kynges and kniȝtes  kaisers and cherles .
Maydenes and martires  out of on man come
Þe wif was made þe weie  for to helpun worchen
And þus was wedlok y-wrouȝte  with a mene persone
Furst bi þe fadres will  and þe freendus conseille
And sithenes by assent of hem-self  as þei two miȝten accorde
And þus was wedloke y-wrouȝte and god him-self.. it made
In erthe andþe in heuene isM.9.126: M's original reading In erthe þe heuene is agreed with YHmGOCBL. The addition of and and in and the erasure of þe and is brings M into agreement with WCr. him-self was þe wittnesse .
# contra hos qui concipiuntur absque matrimonio
Ac false folke faitheles  theues and liers .
Wastours and wrecches  out of wedlok y trowe .
Conceiued ben in .yuel tyme  as Caym was on Eeue .
Of suche synneful shrewes  þe sautier makeþ mynde
Concepit in dolore & peperit iniquitatem. & cetera .
And alle þat come of þat Caym  come yuele ende .
For god sente to Seem  and saide bi an angel
Þin issue . in þin issue  I wol þat þei be wedd..ed
And nouȝt þiny kynde with Caymes  ycoupled ...neneM.9.135: The ne is written over an erasure, with the erased correction above. WCr read nor; Hm has ner. spoused .
# that Seem and Caymes kynd shuld not Cople
.Yet ....seemM.9.136: M's alteration agrees with Cr's Sem. Other B manuscripts read some. aȝeine þe sonde . of oure  saueoure of heuene
Caymes kynde and his kynM.9.137: M's reading of kyn is not shared by other B manuscripts, which read kynde.  coupled to-gedres .
Til god wratthud with hire werkus  and suche a worde saide .
Þat I makud man  now . me it athinketh
Penitet me fecisse hominem .
And come to Noe a-non  and bad him nouȝte lette
Swithe go shape a shippe  of shides & of bordus .
Þiny-seluen and þine sones þre  and sithen ȝyoure wiues
Buske ȝow to þat bote  and bide ȝe þere-innneinne .
Til fourty daies be fulfulde  andM.9.145: M's reading of and is not shared by other B manuscripts, most of which read þat. flode haue y-wasshen
Clene away þe cursud blod  þat Caim haþ y-makud
Beestus þat now ben  shullen banne þe tyme .
fol. 40rI
passus ixus
Þat euere þat cursud Caym  come on þis erthe .
Al shal deie for his dedus  by dales andM.9.149: M shares the reading and with R; other B manuscripts have and by. hullus
And þe foules þat f..leen  forth with oþur beestus .
E.xcepte onliche of  iche kinde a couple
Þat in þiny shinglede shippe  shullen ben ysaued
Here abouȝte þe barne  þe belsires gultus
And alle for hire forfadres  þei ferden þe worse
Þe gospell is here aȝein  in o degre I fynde .
Filius non portabit iniquitatem patris . & pater non portabit iniquitatem & ceteraM.9.156: Various B manuscripts end this Latin tag at various points. M's ending is unique, though it lacks only filij after iniquitatem in order to agree with the fullest version of the line.
Ac I finde ȝif þe fadur  be falses and a shrewe
Þat sumdel þe sone shal  haue þe sires tacches
Impe on an elleren . and ȝif þine apple be swete
Muche meruaille me thinketh  and more of a shrewe .
Þat bringeþ forth any barne  but ȝif he be þe same .
And haue a sauour after þe sire  seelde seeste þow oþur
Numquam colligitur de spinis vuasM.9.163: The erasure of <s> brings M into agreement with WHmCr. . nec de tribulis ficus .
And þus ...thorgh cursude Caym  came care vpon erthe
And alle for ...?...þei wroȝte wedlokes  aȝeins goddus wille
For-þ.y haue þei maugre . for hire mariages  þat marie so hire children
For somme as I see now  soth for to tellen
For couetise of catel  vnkindliche ben wedded .
As careful ConcepcionusM.9.169: M's plural is unique among B manuscripts.  comeþ of suche mariages .
As bifel of þe folk  þat IM.9.170: M alone among B manuscripts lacks the word bifore at this point. of tolde .
         .id est. boniM.9.171: The two glosses are shared by L.
For goode shulde wedde goode  þo.wgh þei no good hadde
I am via & veritas saith Crist  I may auauncen alle
nota contra matrimonium inordinatum
It is .an vncomelyM.9.173: This insertion in M occurs at a place where B manuscripts attest a variety of readings. M's altered state agrees with most B manuscripts. L has comely with on added above the line. couple  bi Crist as me thinkeþ .
To ȝyeuen a ȝyonge wenche  to an olde fieble
Or wedden any widowe  for welthe of hire godus
Þat neuere shal barne bere  but it be in armes
Many a paire siþþen þe pestilence  han pliȝte hem to-gedres
Þe fruit þat þei bringe forth  arne foule wordus .
In ialousie ioieles  and ianglinge on bedde .
Haue þei none children but cheeste  and ...?...chidyngeM.9.180: M's reading of chidynge is not shared by other B manuscripts, which attest this word variously. It does, however appear as a variant of cheeste in A manuscripts (K.10.193). hem bitwene
# Bacoun off dunmow
And ..þough þei don hem to Duonmowe  but ȝif þe deuel helpe
To folwen aftur þe Fliss.cche  fecche þei it neuere
And but þei boþe be forsworne  þat bacoun ....tyneget they neuyr .M.9.183: M's altered b-verse is unique; the original reading was probably that of all other B manuscripts, which read þat bacoun þei tyne. See the Introduction, II.1.
E viij
fol. 40vI
Passus Xus
For-þi I conseille alle Cristen  coueite nouȝt to be wedded
For couetise of catell  ne of kyndered. riche
Ac maidenes and maydenes  macche ȝyow to-gedres
Widowes and widowers  worche ȝyeM.9.187: M shares the reading ye with F; other B manuscripts omit it. þe same
For no but for loue  loke ȝye be weddud
And. þanne gete .ye þe grace of god  and good ynowgh to liuen with
And euery manere seculer  þat may nouȝt continue
Wysly go wedde  and war him from synne .
For leccherie in likinge  is limȝerde of helle
Whiles þou art ȝyong.  and þiney wepene kene .
Wreke þe with wyuynge ȝif þow wolt ben excused.
Dum sis vir fortis ne des tua robora scortis
Scribitur in portis . meretrix est ianua mortis
nota de puritate Coitus in matrimonio
Whan ȝye haue wyuede be war  and worcheþ in tyme
Nouȝt as Adam and Eue  whanne Caym was engendred
For in vntyme truly  by-twene man and womman
Ne shulde no bourde on bedde be  but ȝif þei bothe were clene
Bothe of l...if and of soule  and in parfite charitee
Þat ilke derne dede do  noman no man ne shulde
And ȝif þei leden þus hire lif  it liketh god almiȝty
For he made wedloke furste  and him-seluen it saide
Bonum est vt vnusquisque vxorem suam habeat propter fornicacionem
And þai þat othurgatus ben geten  for gedlinges arn holden
As fals folke fondelinges  faitours and liers
Vngracious to geten goode  or loue of þe p.eple .
Wandren and wasten  what þei cacche mowe
A.yeins dowell þei doon .yuele  and þe deuel serue .
And aftur here deth-day. shullen  dwellen with þe same
But god ȝyeue hem grace here  hem-self to amende
# Quinta discriptio de dowell
Dowell my freende is  to do as þe lawe techeþ
To loue þiney freende and þiney foo  leue me þat is dobet
To ȝyeuen and to ȝyemen  boþe ȝyonge and olde .
To helen and to helpen  is do-beste of alle .
And dowell is to drede god  and dobet to suffre .
And so cometh dobeste of boþe  and bringeþ a-doun þe mody .
And þat is wikkud wille  þat many werk sheendeth
And driueth a-way dowel  þourgh dedly synnes 
þanne had wit a wif